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Ron Walters

Ron Walters, a former campaign manager for Jesse Jackson, is a signer of Acting on Our Conscience, the petition organized by Carlos Moore on racism in Cuba. He subsequently wrote an article in support of his position: Racist or Revolutionary: Cuba’s Identity is at Stake  12/18/2009 Defenders Online, where he states

"In the meantime, the Cuban government’s rejection of the concerns expressed by African Diaspora leaders who’ve long supported their revolution only intensifies the sense that it’s not interested in reforming racial practices there. Perhaps government officials believe the push to normalize relations with the U.S. government trumps its longstanding relationship with black Americans. This would waste a tremendous opportunity to complete the goals of fundamental social change envisioned by those who made the revolution, and those who supported it after its initial success."

AfroCubans who have read this article find little to quarrel with overall, except for his insistence on supporting dubious figures allied to the Miami plantocracy, surely done through lack of knowledge.  It would be great if Professor Walters were to study the situation in Cuba more closely, something that is admittedly hard to do from within the US. There has been an increasing effort to tackle the issue of racism, one that foreigners could support with concrete deeds. -- Andy Petit

From Wikipedia:

Walters received his Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Government with Honors from Fisk University 1963 and both his M.A. in African Studies 1966 and Ph.D. in International Studies 1971 from American University. He has served as professor and chair of the political science department at Howard University, assistant professor and chair of Afro-American Studies at Brandeis University, and assistant professor of political science at Syracuse University. He has also served as visiting professor at Princeton University and as a fellow of the Institute of Politics at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. He is a former member of the governing council of the American Political Science Association and a current member of the Board of Directors of the Ralph Bunch Institute of the CUNY Graduate School and University Center. Walters has also served as the senior policy staff member for Congressman Charles Diggs, Jr. and Congressman William Gray.

In 1984, Walters served as campaign manager and consultant for Reverend Jesse Jackson during his two presidential bids. He was also active in politics by being policy adviser for Charles Diggs and William Gray, congressmen.

Ron has published well over 100 academic articles and seven books to date. One book, Black Presidential Politics in America, won the Bunche Prize.
Walters also has appeared on television many times, going on popular shows such as CNN’s Crossfire, The Jesse Jackson Show, CBS News Nightline, and Evening Exchange. He has appeared on radio shows, such as All Things Considered and Living Room. 




Sunday, August 23, 2009
Dr. Ron Walters on race and Obama healthcare

“The thing that the Republicans have had a tradition of doing, is mobilizing poor people against their own interests,” Dr. Walters said. “That's one of the amazing things to me that they have been able to do it. What it appears they're able to sell them, is a subtle version of White supremacy, which allows them to privilege that over any policy gains they might make.”

Ronald Walters discusses Obama's 'race-neutral' campaign, ABC News, 11/7/08 - video

Carter's trip to Cuba reignites embargo debate
Final Call, 5/28/02

“I saw this trip by President Carter as an opportunity to open dialogue with Castro over a multitude of issues,” political analyst Dr. Ron Walters told The Final Call. “America now sees beyond the resentments and views formed during the Cold War. Americans now see hope on the horizon and Pres. Bush should punctuate that hope by abandoning the already failed embargo.

“The U.S. obsession with Cuba stems from the expulsion of mafia and U.S. capitalists during the Cuban Revolution (1959). The mafia and U.S. corporations owned Cuba and (the island) served as an extension of its corruption prior to their expulsion. The Cuba Missile Crisis further intensifies this, and the relationship Cuba enjoyed with the Soviet Union before their fall. Now that the Cold War is over, the only thing left is resentment,” Dr. Walters explained.




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