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Archive: 10/08-2/09

Analyzing pre-Castro Cuban racism through Cuban music  2/27/2009 Nelson Guirado: "Pre-revolutionary Cuban music is more reliable for this purpose because it wasn't a government propaganda tool. The songs I've assembled for this post are representative of the general themes in Cuban music in pre-Castro Cuba- not exceptions. I will use no other sources except the music, a story, and my own brain."

Grenada FM Ends Cuba Visit  2/25/2009 PL 

Presentan comisión por el bicentenario de Plácido  2/23/2009 Boletin Cubarte: "La Comisión para conmemorar el bicentenario del gran poeta cubano Gabriel de la Concepción Valdés (Plácido) fue presentada, durante el Foro Literario que se realizó en la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (UNEAC) con motivo de la Feria del Libro. Zaida Capote, vicepresidenta de la Asociación de Escritores de la UNEAC, informó que está presidida por la doctora Graziella Pogolotti y su Comité de Honor lo integran Esteban Lazo, Armando Hart, Abel Prieto, Eusebio Leal, Roberto Fernández Retamar, Eduardo Torres Cuevas, Iroel Sánchez, Cintio Vitier, Fina García Marruz y Carilda Oliver Labra. El programa por el bicentenario incluye, entre otras acciones la celebración de un coloquio internacional y un concurso de ensayos entre los días 14 y 23 de octubre de este año. Los intelectuales Salvador Arias, Fernando Martínez Heredia, Gerardo Fullera León y Daisy Cué disertaron acerca de esta polémica personalidad, cuya vida es un mito y sobre su obra se han emitido opiniones muy injustas."

Chavez makes brief surprise visit to Cuba  2/22/2009 Breitbart: "Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has made a brief surprise visit to Cuba to meet with Raul and Fidel Castro and celebrate with them his victory in last Sunday's constitutional referendum. It was the Venezuelan leader's first trip abroad since winning a referendum on February 15 that removed term limits on his presidency and allowed him to seek reelection."

El quinteto de Buenos Aires: Una sociedad al servicio de EE.UU.  2/20/2009 Argenpress: published 2/04 - "Gutiérrez Boronat es un ex integrante de la Organización para la Liberación de Cuba, acusada de múltiples actividades terroristas dentro y fuera de la isla. En la actualidad encabeza una campaña destinada a demostrar los vínculos de Fidel Castro con el terrorismo internacional. Casualmente, es el argumento esgrimido por los halcones norteamericanos que propician una agresión a Cuba. Junto a su socio Javier de Céspedes recorre América Latina difundiendo sus campañas anticastristas y apoyando a los dirigentes y movimientos de extrema derecha de la región. El año pasado el frente Farabundo Martí de Liberación Nacional (FMLN) de El Salvador pidió su expulsión del país por entrometerse ambos en la campana electoral en apoyo de la fascista ARENA."

Cuba on Obama’s agenda  2/19/2009 Progreso 

Cuba embraces open-source software  2/19/2009 USA Today 

Guatemala tells Cuba it regrets Bay of Pigs role  2/18/2009 AP 

Spanish priest found murdered in Cuba  2/17/2009 Christian Today: "Hoyos said, ''There has been no information on the TV, newspaper or even the radio. The information is on the streets, because the priests commented on it during Mass Sunday. We know his body was found dead, and that's it. Nobody knows anything.''"

Cell phone ring losing its bling in Cuba  2/17/2009 Sun Sentinel 

Time to scrap TV Marti, critics say  2/16/2009 St Petersburg Times: "For the past 18 years that has been the daily dilemma at TV Marti, the world's least-watched news station. The United States has spent an estimated half billion dollars over the past two decades broadcasting TV and radio programming into Cuba. But the U.S. government has yet to find a way to stop Cuba from jamming the signal of TV Marti, according to a report issued this month by the Government Accountability Office, the research arm of Congress. Even though the radio signal has better reception, both TV and Radio Marti had audiences of less than 1 percent of Cuba's 11 million residents, it said."

Internet, una paradoja en la isla  2/15/2009 AFP: "Internet es una paradoja en Cuba, donde el gobierno responsabiliza a EEUU de ser el principal freno a sus planes de extender el acceso a la red, mientras que Washington lo acusa de limitar la libertad de información."

Africa en America: las secuelas de la esclavitud  2/15/2009 publicado en 2005, de Jesús Guanche, antropólogo cubano

Secuelas de la esclavitud  2/15/2009 Caribnet: publicado en febrero, 2006, de Jesús Guanche, antropólogo cubano, profesor de la Universidad de La Habana y miembro de la Junta Directiva de la Fundación Fernando Ortiz y del Comité Cubano de la Ruta del Esclavo.

Spain offers 200,000 a get-out-of-Cuba card  2/15/2009 Miami Herald: "Officially known as the Law of Historic Memory, it grants citizenship to the children and grandchildren of Spaniards who fled the country during the Spanish Civil War or were exiled during the regime of Gen. Francisco Franco. The Spanish government estimates that more than a million people worldwide will become citizens, including as many as 210,000 Cubans, or 1.9 percent of the population of the island. The Spanish Consulate in Miami is also expecting several thousand applications, mostly from South Floridians of Cuban and Venezuelan descent."

Mozambique MPs in Cuba  2/15/2009 Prensa Latina 

Some Quick Comments on Carlos Moore's PICHÓN by Walterio Lord Garnés and David González López  2/15/2009 Walter Lipmann: "Walterio Lord Garnés [Havana, 1948] and David González López [Havana, 1947] are collaborators attached to the Centro de Estudios de África y Medio Oriente in Havana and to the University of Havana’s Cátedra “Amílcar Cabral” de Estudios Africanos. They have written dissertations at home and abroad and published works about African and Afro-Cuban cultures in Cuban and foreign publications."

Cooperation between Cuba and the United States Enables Drug Seizure  2/13/2009 Cuba Now 

Namibian President arrives in Cuba  2/13/2009 Granma 

Software libre! Cuba develops own free Linux called 'Nova'  2/12/2009 ComputerWorld 

Cuban Color  2/12/2009 Progreso Weekly: By Elíades Acosta Matos, former head of the Committee on Culture of the Cuban Communist Party’s Central Committee, unfortunately repeats the falsehoods of the last census - "Nationwide, 65.2 percent of the population is white, but the number of mestizos increased by 4 points since the previous census."

Congress members seek end to Cuba travel ban  2/9/2009 Sun Sentinel: "The Freedom to Travel to Cuba Act introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on Feb. 4 would allow American citizens unrestricted travel to Cuba for the first time since 1963. The bill by Rep. William Delahunt, D-Mass., and eight co-sponsors would also lift limits on travel by Cuban exiles living in the United States. The president would not be able to regulate travel to the island unless an armed conflict or armed danger arises."

Riding to the rhythm in Havana  2/3/2009 Sun Sentinel: "Aside from their on-time performance, the flashy new buses in the capital are popular for their old-fashioned cassette players and speakers, which are giving public transportation a uniquely Cuban flavor."

The Race Card: their last bastion in a lost war  1/31/2009 AfroCubaWeb: "After the strident failure of ten United States presidents to decapitate and overthrow the Cuban government through invasions, bio-terrorism, assassinations, isolation, economical warfare etc., they identified in the mid 1990’s what they labeled as their secret weapon, which consisted of a substantial demographic shift in favor of blacks in Cuba. A comprehensive destabilization project was conceived and enacted by the US State Department in which most leaders of counterrevolutionary groups in the United States should be replaced by blacks or mixed race Cubans, in order to contrast them with the Cuban government preferential treatment for those of Hispanic ancestry. Simultaneously, US-AID and front foundations who had supported salaried dissidents of Hispanic ancestry in Cuba, were suddenly sidetracked, made irrelevant or ignored, in favor of unknown blacks pulled out of nowhere, recruited and speedily turned into leaders of bogus Free Democratic institutions."

Cuba-Russia deal aims to revive partnership  1/31/2009 NYT 

Lo que Obama "debe" hacer con Cuba  1/31/2009 NYT 

Raúl and Medvedev meet  1/29/2009 Granma 

An Opening to Cuba Can Give Obama Momentum Internationally by Dr. Wayne Smith  1/24/2009 Global Research 

Islas: Vol 4, #11: January 2009  1/15/2009 Islas: "Silence and its Accomplices, Leonardo Calvo Cárdenas. Cuban Color: Untrustworthy Discourse, Juan Antonio Madrazo. Why are the Police Racist? Manuel Cuesta Morúa. Black is the Color of a Judge’s Robe, Camilo Loret de Mola. The Race Issue in Cuba: A Perspective, Cubabarómetro. An Epic Tragedy, José Hugo Fernández. Internalized Racism, Lourdes Chacón Núñez. Nappy Hair Searches for its Identity, Mara Michelle."

Subversion Through Trade? Cuba and the Obama Administration  1/13/2009 Counterpunch 

An Opening to Cuba Can Give Obama Momentum Internationally, by Wayne Smith  1/7/2009 CIP: Wayne Smith

La "raza" y los silencios de la cubanidad  1/7/2009 Encuentro: Alejandro de la Fuente

CUBA: Racism - "Taboo, Complicated and Thorny" Issue  1/7/2009 IPS: "The persistence of racism in Cuba is disturbing to some of the island's thinkers, who are calling for a debate on the problem in this country, where equal rights have not guaranteed equal opportunities for all social groups. The first documentary on racial discrimination in this Caribbean island nation was filmed here in 2008, incorporating opinions from well-known artists and intellectuals that go to the heart of the controversy. "Raza" (Race), by young filmmaker Eric Corvalán, could serve as a starting-point to launch the long-delayed debate. "So far, racism has only been talked about in academia, among intellectuals. I think there should be an open, public discussion, even in parliament," the 36-year-old Corvalán told IPS."

SOCIEDAD-CUBA: El silencio negro  1/7/2009 IPS: "La persistencia del racismo en Cuba inquieta a sectores de la intelectualidad, que piden abrir un debate sobre un problema presente en la vida cotidiana del país, donde la igualdad de derechos no ha garantizado la paridad de oportunidades para todos los grupos sociales. Este año se filmó por primera vez en esta isla caribeña un documental sobre la discriminación racial, con criterios de reconocidos artistas e intelectuales que apuntan a las zonas más polémicas del tema. "Raza", dirigido por el joven realizador Eric Corvalán, podría ser un nuevo punto de partida para iniciar la postergada discusión. "Hasta ahora se había hablado sobre el racismo desde la academia, los intelectuales, yo creo que debiera abrirse una discusión pública, incluso en el parlamento", dijo a IPS Corvalán, de 36 años."

"Terroristas" anticubanos hicieron posible la Operación Cóndor  1/7/2009 Trajabadores: published 5/07

Negros Cubanos con Acento  1/5/2009 Blog: Blog from Cuba

Mariela Castro on Cuba and Obama  1/4/2009 The Havana Note: "I expect wonderful changes for the world and for the people of the United States. The people of the United States deserve a President like Obama and a first lady like his spouse. They and all of us need civilization and not barbarity. We need intelligent and honest world leaders. I think with Obama's Presidency, a whole new era will begin. It will be a totally different story in the US and all over the world."

L'élection de M. Obama ravive le débat racial à La Havane  1/2/2009 Le Monde: "Alors que les Etats-Unis ont élu un Noir à la présidence, quarante ans après l'assassinat de Martin Luther King, qu'a fait Cuba en cinquante ans de révolution ?" demande M. Cuesta Morua. "Les Noirs américains sont une minorité, alors qu'à Cuba nous sommes majoritaires", ajoute-t-il. Les Caraïbes et le Brésil ont une population largement marquée par l'esclavage africain. Lors du recensement de 2002, 11 % des Cubains se sont déclarés noirs. Selon l'université de Miami, ils seraient plutôt 62 %."

In Cuba No One Man Could Steal $50 Billion From Other People  1/1/2009 Counterpunch: "“The End of the Revolution” appeared as reports emerged of a single schnorrer (Bernard Madoff) gouging 50 billion dollars from the smartest investors on Wall St. Foreclosures continue to force millions out of their homes, unemployment rates rose each month and the country’s infrastructure rots and cracks. The tell tale signs of the end of “the American Century” appeared throughout the world: two un-winnable wars; getting excluded from a major summit meeting of Latin America and Caribbean leaders in Brazil; an economy sapped by military spending unrelated to even the most remote needs of defense. In this setting, the nation’s most prestigious newspaper sent reporter Roger Cohen to analyze the crumbling physical and moral structure of Cuban society."

Carlos Moore letter to Raúl Castro  12/31/2008 Miami Herald 

Exilio, doloroso legado a 50 años de la revolución cubana  12/31/2008 Notimex 

James Early: Carlos Moore's Outcast Vision and Dangerous Deceit  12/28/2008 CubaNews: "As I've previously mencioned, Moore and others are part of a recent trend to claim that Obama's election is some kind of threat to Cuba because Obama is Black and because, supposedly, this means that Cuban government can no longer say that the United States is racist. As I've mentioned more than once before, Cuba DOES continue to have racial problems, but they are both nothing compared to the racial problem which are widespread in the United States. Their origins and nature are quite different and it's extraordinarly disingenuous to try to conflate them as the group of people such as Carlos Moore, the Miami Herald, and others, all of whom have a long history of hostility toward the revolutionary government in Cuba, have been trying to do."

El renacer de las "sociedades de color"  12/28/2008 Nuevo Herald 

Disturbing Report from the Transition Team  12/28/2008 The Havana Note: "Obama's campaign statements and the platform pledge were for unlimited travel and remittances. He also said he would do it "immediately after taking office", which makes sense if a primary motive is humanitarian. It is also not clear whether the transition team source or the reporter obfuscates Obama's ability to just as easily allow other kinds of non-tourist travel. Certainly travel by tens of thousands of mainstream Americans for educational, humanitarian, religious, cultural and sports purposes is at least as great a contribution to mutual understanding."

Media Talk: Viva la Revolucion: Cuba at 50, 1/7/09  12/23/2008 Frontline: Price: £10.00 Chaired by Nick Caistor (broadcaster) Richard Gott (journalist) Pedro Perez Sarduy (poet, journalist) Steve Wilkinson (Institute of Cuba Studies) Emilio San Pedro via skype (BBC) Location: 13 Norfolk Place, London W2 1QJ

Cuba: persistencia de la problemática racial  12/22/2008 El Tiempo, Colombia: "En las instituciones formadoras de profesionales es posible reconocer el tratamiento del tema en trabajos de cursos, tesis de grados y estudios de posgrados. Ha sido precisamente la amplitud temática de la cuestión racial la que ha propiciado que sea encarada desde diferentes áreas de conocimientos, como la psicología y la historia, la sociología y la antropología. La intelectualidad cubana también ha realizado acercamientos reiterados que aportan al debate de este tema, entre los que se destaca el último congreso de la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (UNEAC), celebrado en abril de este año. Las revistas 'Temas', 'Caminos', 'La Gaceta de Cuba', entre otras, han dedicado números enteros a tratar la racialidad en relación con sus temáticas centrales: las ciencias sociales, la religión, el arte y la literatura. Otras, muestran un trabajo consolidado en la promoción y divulgación de estudios, investigaciones y ensayos de intelectuales extranjeros y cubanos, mientras en Internet es posible hallar publicaciones como 'Cubaliteraria' o 'La Jiribilla', que abordan esta problemática de manera recurrente. El proyecto Color Cubano, de la UNEAC, ha hecho múltiples actividades cuya salida fundamental ha estado en una comunidad centrohabanera muy humilde, La California (un "solar") cuyas características (el hacinamiento, la marginación, la escasez de recursos, entre otras) podrían generar procesos de exclusión social determinados por la complejidad de las relaciones sociales y económicas que en ella se suscitan. Color Cubano ha coordinado junto a la Sociedad Cubana de Psicología talleres vivenciales destinados a la población abierta, cuyo punto de reflexión principal ha sido el complejo entramado de relaciones raciales que se suscitan en Cuba. Dicha propuesta ha encontrado una singular acogida dada su novedad metodológica."

Curso de postgrado: Legados del Pensamiento Afro–Americano de la primera mitad del siglo XX  12/22/2008 NegraCubana: FECHA DEL CURSO: del 19 al 23 de enero de 2009 LUGAR: ICIC Juan Marinello DESTINATARIOS: Graduad@s de especialidades afines con las ciencias sociales y humanas TIEMPO DE DURACIÓN: 96 horas a tiempo completo. FECHA DE MATRÍCULA: hasta el 5 de enero de 2009 En el presente curso será analizada la operatividad del Pensamiento Afro–Americano en el contexto histórico de América y el resto del Mundo. Este tipo de pensamiento es promovido generalmente en Sociedades Post–Coloniales y Post–Esclavistas que tienen rasgos comunes y diferentes a la vez. Estados Unidos, Cuba y Brasil son las naciones modélicas para analizar este pensamiento tildado de subalterno. Una de las razones fundamentales es, precisamente, las experiencias de esclavitud vividas en dichos países que tenían varios matices caracterizadores. Y, sobre todo, se diferencian en lo referente a la manera en que tal sistema de explotación fue abolido en cada país durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX.

Negra cubana tenía que ser  12/22/2008 NegraCubana: "NEGRACUBANA, hija de esta tierra, de estas tradiciones y de la insularidad. También de mi bisabuelo chino y mi abuela africana. Soy mujer, mestiza, negra, caribeña... soy el producto de otros seres que me habitan y definen."

LLAMAMIENTO CONTRA EL BLOQUEO De J. ALDAMA Presidente de la Asociación Cultural Yoruba de Cuba en Francia.  12/21/2008 AfroCubaWeb 

Castro offers to exchange dissidents for Cuban spies  12/21/2008 AP 

'Premio Tolerancia Plus 2008' para la actriz Elvira 'Tita' Cervera  12/21/2008 Encuentro: "Reconoció, asimismo, el modo en que Elvira Cervera ha conducido el debate, "evitando la politización de la lucha por la igualdad racial, sin sucumbir a las tentaciones y el manejo estrechamente político de este tema". Tita Cervera nació en Sagua la Grande, el 4 de enero de 1923. Es doctora en Pedagogía, profesora de Arte Dramático y actriz de larga trayectoria en cine, radio y televisión. Actuó en las películas Tres veces dos (2004), Santa Camila de La Habana Vieja (2002), Miel para Oshún (2001), Raíces de mi corazón (2001), Un Paraíso bajo las estrellas (2000) Operación Fangio (1999), En tres y dos (1985) y Cumbite (1964)."

Cuba: No "Turning Point" With US  12/21/2008 Weekly News Update on the Americas 

New Cuba Policy in Sight?  12/20/2008 Havana Times: “As president, I would be willing to lead that diplomacy at a time and place of my choosing, but only when we have an opportunity to advance the interests of the United States, and to advance the cause of freedom for the Cuban people,” he added. Morales finds this approach “rather arrogant.” “He went as far as to say that the groups that represent Cuban emigrés should be included in these talks, and the way he expressed himself was as if he should be the one to determine when the talks would take place, what issues would be on the agenda and who would participate,” he said."

BARACK OBAMA Y LA POLÍTICA HACIA CUBA - A modo de preámbulo  12/20/2008 Jiribilla 

Race-based clubs see revival in Cuba  12/20/2008 Miami Herald: "Known in Spanish as sociedades de color, these and similar clubs fell victim to Fidel Castro's drive, shortly after he seized power, to eliminate any aspect of Cuban society that emphasized racial exclusivity. But their spirit and mission have been enjoying a renaissance over the past decade. And the same revolutionary government that once opposed them now seems to welcome their comeback. In prerevolutionary Cuba, where blacks and poor, uneducated whites were denied access to good jobs and ritzy outings, the clubs served as centers to socialize and promote black racial progress. Many had libraries and offered night classes and sports instruction. Above all, the sociedades sought to dispel any negative stereotypes of blacks."

3 Russian warships visit Cold War ally Cuba  12/19/2008 AP 

The transition in Miami  12/19/2008 Granma: "Another signal, more significant because of its direct political implications, was the outcome of a survey taken after the presidential elections, by the Institute for Public Opinion Research of Florida International University (FIU), financed by the Brookings Institution, an old prestigious center of research and analysis. According to the study, 55% of the 800 Cuban-Americans surveyed in Miami-Dade County are in favor of ending the blockade of Cuba; 65% favor reestablishing diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba, and 66% are also against restricting travel to the island."

The transition in Miami  12/19/2008 Granma: "Miami’s transformation has been underway for a while now, mostly because of demographic changes. But the election of Obama means it now has a new context, a more propitious one that we might even call official. After the elections, several events have confirmed this change. These include cultural presentations, such as the concerts given by Cuban singer Paulito FG, and the whole controversy surrounding them, provoked by right-wingers. Another was the exhibition of a film on Che at a Miami Beach theater. Both those events took place against the will of the Cuban-American extreme rightists, who were reluctantly forced to tolerate what they had never allowed for many long years. Another signal, more significant because of its direct political implications, was the outcome of a survey taken after the presidential elections, by the Institute for Public Opinion Research of Florida International University (FIU), financed by the Brookings Institution, an old prestigious center of research and analysis. According to the study, 55% of the 800 Cuban-Americans surveyed in Miami-Dade County are in favor of ending the blockade of Cuba; 65% favor reestablishing diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba, and 66% are also against restricting travel to the island."

Why Cuba's white leaders feel threatened by Obama  12/18/2008 Carlos Moore 

Standing in the way of change in Cuba  12/18/2008 Progresso: "The poll trends are real. They are backed by data with statistically relevant samples over a period of years during which various organizations, academic institutions and polling firms have arrived at the same conclusion: The exile community is changing. It is not surprising that hard-liners refuse to accept this fact. They say the polls' true purpose is to divide the community. These charges also are favorites of hard-liners on the other side of the straits. They are threatened by challenges to their beliefs and launch character attacks against those who contradict them."

Then and now, Venezuela and Cuba, 1960-2008  12/18/2008 Progresso: “If we don’t do something to reform the labor system here,” said a writer friend, “we’re in deep trouble. Raul [President Raul Castro] himself said so. We can’t afford to continue down this road. On top of the hurricane damage, we now face rising crime and that is obviously linked to the refusal of some young people to work at the jobs that exist.”

Will Obama ease U.S. policy toward Cuba?  12/18/2008 Progresso: "•Obama could take a number of steps, such as easing contacts between Cuban-Americans and their families on the island, by executive action -- thus signaling a shift from Bush policies without dedicating a lot of effort to it. •The November elections and recent polls reveal a Cuban-American community more disposed to opening up channels to the communist island, even though the Castro brothers continue to govern it -- meaning the political capital spent on a shift would be negligible. •Moving on Cuba would give Obama something of a "twofer," signaling to the rest of Latin America the advent of a different policy toward the hemisphere. •Making Cuba a test case of a new willingness to engage with US adversaries could be a relatively easy first step down a generally more controversial path."

Entrevista a Ricardo Alarcón, presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular - Cuba excluye un gran viraje con la llegada de Obama  12/16/2008 La Jornada 

Russian warships head for Cuba  12/15/2008 AFP 

Will Obama ease US policy toward Cuba?  12/15/2008 CSM: "When he assumes office, Mr. Obama will be largely focused on addressing the worst economic dive in generations. But in that context there are several reasons a shift toward Cuba – a thorn in the side of the last nine presidents – could begin early next year."

Afro Cubans and Race  12/15/2008 Democracy Now: published 4/2000

‘Obama Effect’ Highlights Racism in Cuba  12/15/2008 New America Media: "Cuban authorities offered statistical analysis to bolster their view, which revealed the lengths to which Havana was prepared to deceive others even as it deceived itself. Of Cuba’s population of 11.2 million people in 2002, officials declared, 65 percent were white, 10 percent were black, and 25 percent were mulatto. This racial breakdown matched exactly the breakdown of members of Cuba’s parliament: 65 percent white and 35 percent people of color. The implication was as obvious as it was ridiculous: Cuba had achieved “perfect” racial representation between the people and their representatives. Europeans scoffed at such claims. In fact, most independent census reports of the Cuban nation puts the number of “whites” at anywhere from 20 to 35 percent; everyone else is black or mulatto."

Cuba: estadísticas y color de la piel - Esteban Morales  12/13/2008 Jiribilla 

Raul Castro visits "nephew" Chavez on first trip  12/13/2008 Reuters 

El 'apoliticismo' de los negros cubanos por Enrique Patterson  12/12/2008 Analitica: "La posición de Sarduy --que por extraña coincidencia aparece en Miami en el momento de la presentación del libro del Dr. Moore-- pareciera congruente con los rumores que, según fuentes del movimiento negro interno en Cuba, lo relacionan con la destrucción de Walterio Carbonell."

Castillo: the “missing link” in the Cubana airliner sabotage  12/12/2008 Granma: "You have spent a number of years researching the plots of anti-Cuba terrorists who wanted to blow up planes in mid-flight. What did you discover in relation to tolerance of these criminal activities on the part of the CIA and FBI? -- Yes, I’ve been investigating the subject for years and the most surprising thing that I’ve discovered is that U.S. agencies like the CIA and FBI had prior knowledge of their plans and intentions and did nothing to stop them. It is a complicity that goes beyond impunity. From the time that George Bush Sr. was a CIA officer in charge of anti-Cuba plans and then went on to become director of the Agency, then vice president and finally, president – that is, for more than 40 years – the Bush clan has protected the terrorists in Miami. "

Perforan mayor pozo petrolero de Cuba en región occidental  12/12/2008 PL 

Castro atiza un debate inexistente: la raza de Obama  12/10/2008 Encuentro 

La deuda del Caribe, y la humanidad toda, al pueblo cubano es impagable  12/10/2008 Rebelion 

Visiones  12/7/2008 NBC: Video outlines exhibit at the Center for Cuban Studies, NY.

Exponen acervo documental del Partido Independiente de Color  12/1/2008 A C N: "La muestra "Fuentes y Memoria. Partido Independiente de Color", valioso acervo documental que testimonia la historia de esa organización cubana, fue inaugurada hoy en la Biblioteca Nacional José Martí (BNJM), de esta capital. Presidieron la apertura de la exposición, Eduardo Torres Cuevas, director de la BNJM; Fernando Rojas Gutiérrez, viceministro de Cultura, y Fernando Martínez Heredia, presidente de la comisión creada en Cuba para celebrar este año el centenario del Partido Independiente de Color (PIC). El conjunto bibliográfico, perteneciente al Archivo Nacional de la República y a la Red Nacional de Archivos Históricos, ilustra varias de las etapas del Partido, como su fundación, vida legal, protesta armada y masacre."

Why Castro regime fears Obama administration  12/1/2008 Miami Herald: "...reports from inside Cuba have reinforced my suspicion that, contrary to the sentiments of the streets, the Cuban regime is experiencing great discomfort with the turn of events in the United States. Anthropologist Maria Ileana Faguagua Iglesias reports a racist outburst toward Obama by a Communist Party official and former military officer: ''He will be the worst ever American president,'' said this apparatchik, ``because he is a Negro, and they are worse than the whites!'' What is eating away at Cuba's leaders? Very little makes sense without knowledge of Cuba's demographic metamorphosis from a white to a black majority in the space of half a century. The black population was 35-45 percent of the total Cuban population when Castro triumphed 50 years ago. Four years later, the panicky flight of some 15-20 percent of the island's white population, fearing the new regime's sweeping socialist reforms, left Castro at the head of a country with a de facto black majority. For the next five decades, the darkening shade of Cubans would increase steadily and create unanticipated problems for the social reformers who launched the Revolution."

Russia, Cuba strengthen ties  11/29/2008 AP 

Haitian Medical Students in Cuba  11/28/2008 MEDICC: "Haitian medical students in Cuba—number some 700—study at the Santiago de Cuba “Caribbean campus” of the Latin American Medical School where their academic record is outstanding."

Many Cubans wary of closer ties to Russia  11/27/2008 Sun Sentinel 

President Obama's Chance to Change Course on Cuba  11/15/2008 Common Dreams: "All Cubans I spoke to on the island are eager for normal relations with the U.S. They feel emotionally closer to the Americans than they were to the Russians at the time they were receiving considerable help from the Russian government. One Cuban told me, half jokingly, "The Cuban regime will be more easily defeated by iPods and jeans than by an American army." Lifting the embargo on Cuba is a much less complex endeavor than ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or solving what is rapidly becoming the Pakistani nightmare. Ending this measure would create an atmosphere of goodwill worldwide of unpredictable, but certainly good consequences for world peace. Persisting in a course of action that has been proven to be wrong for almost half a century is to accept the tyranny of failed ideas."

Racismo, totalitarismo y democracia  11/15/2008 Instituto de Estudios Cubanos: Enrique Patterson

Russian leader Medvedev heading to Cuba, Venezuela  11/14/2008 AP 

President Obama Can Enable All Non-tourist Travel  11/14/2008 Fund for Reconciliation and Development 

Rio Group accepts Cuba; Group demands role in global economic order  11/14/2008 Global Research: "The Rio Group club of Latin American and Caribbean nations agreed to join forces in order to deal with the current economic crisis and to defend their rights in a possible new world financial order, on the same day it approved the inclusion of Cuba as the organization's 23rd member."

Cuba joins Rio Group  11/14/2008 Granma 

Free Cuba -- end the embargo  11/14/2008 Pensacola News Journal 

U.S.-Cuba policy: Time for reform, easing restrictions  11/14/2008 Sun Sentinel: "By regulatory fiat, the Office of Foreign Assets Control in the Treasury Department can restore and expand by general license the kind of journeys that took place before 2004 by world affairs councils, museums, Elderhostel, Semester at Sea, religious and humanitarian groups, sports teams, musicians, artists, professional and business associations, students, alumni, people-to-people exchanges and serious individuals. Most such trips were blocked by the Bush administration, ostensibly because they provided funds to Cuba's government, but the peak of 84,500 opinion leaders and curious Americans hardly counted among two million European, Canadian and Latin American tourists."

Executive Authority to Modify Travel Restrictions  11/14/2008 Travel Industry Committee on Cuba: "Upon taking office, the Obama Administration can use its executive authority to the extent permitted by law to suspend most but not all of the limits on freedom of travel by Americans. As a first step the new Secretary of the Treasury can instruct the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) to establish general licenses for all non-tourist travel to Cuba as codified in 2000 (see below). The registration and costly reporting requirements of Travel Service Providers (TSP) can be abolished, enabling any US travel agent to book flights and accommodations for individuals and organizations entitled to general licenses. Still prohibited, according to the law and regulations, would only be "tourist activities" which simply "means any activity with respect to travel to, from, or within Cuba that is not expressly authorized" by the codified categories. Beach resort packages, conventional cruise line itineraries, and other large scale commercial tourism, the principal potential sources of revenue to Cuba, will remain out of bounds."

Russia Urges Obama to Lift Cuba Embargo, Respect World Opinion  11/12/2008 Global Research: "Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called on U.S. President-elect Barack Obama to rethink the U.S. economic embargo against Cuba, which has been in place for nearly half a century."

Cuban president to visit Russia, alliance grows  11/11/2008 Reuters 

Cuba hails Obama win, hopes US embargo will ease  11/6/2008 ABC 

Obama Awakens Hopes for a Thaw in Cuba Relations  11/6/2008 InterPress Service 

Barack Obama y la última barrera  11/6/2008 Miami Herald: by Enrique Patterson

A barrier for Cuba's blacks  11/5/2008 Miami Herald: published 6/07

Three GOP incumbents survive toughest challenge yet  11/5/2008 Miami Herald: "Miami's trio of Cuban-American Republican congress members survived their toughest challenge yet on Tuesday night. Voters returned hard-line anti-Castro Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Lincoln Diaz-Balart and Mario Diaz-Balart to Washington."

Restrictions on student exchanges to Cuba upheld  11/4/2008 McClatchy 

China's Hu to visit Washington, Cuba  11/4/2008 Reuters 

U.S. election could shift policy on Cuba  11/1/2008 Reuters 

The fate of the U.S. Embargo of Cuba rests on down and dirty campaigns in South Florida  10/30/2008 Ann Louise Bardach: "Dade and Broward counties, which include Miami and its surrounding suburbs, are the most populist in the state, with about a half million Cuban-American voters. The balloting there will likely determine which presidential candidate nails Florida’s 27 coveted electoral votes, along with the fate of the 48 year old U.S. Embargo against Cuba. During this election season, John McCain has morphed into a fierce hardliner on Cuba, aligning himself with the two Republican congressional incumbents. Barack Obama has said that he is open to diplomacy with Cuba, regardless of whether Fidel or Raul Castro are in power, and has vowed to rescind the Bush Administrations’ harsh restrictions on travel and remittances. That is heresy to the Diaz-Balarts, who are also the sons and grandsons of a famous Cuban politicians, which means that there is little sunlight between the personal and the political in Miami. Think of the Castro/Diaz-Balart saga as the House of Atreus, a Hispanic Hatfields and McCoys or simply as a five decade running telenovela. The Cuban-American community has undergone dramatic changes, with the majority now backing dialogue with Cuba. Still, hardliners control many of the major levers of power in Miami, their influence felt in media, law enforcement, even the courts."

Trouble In Florida  10/30/2008 Daily Beast: by Ann Louise Bardach - "They will need every cent as the Diaz-Balarts are using all the weapons in their considerable arsenal. “They will have to be crow-barred out of here,” says Democratic rival Joe Garcia. But the playing field is hardly level. Radio Mambi, which claims to be number one in the Spanish-language radio market in South Florida, is run by a colorful character named Armando Perez-Roura, who has become a kingmaker in exile politics. He is ardently anti-Castro and pro –McCain and Diaz-Balart, as is Mambi celebrity Ninoska Pérez Castellón, who hosts a morning show with Perez-Roura, another in the afternoon solo and another on Miami television. “That’s three shows a day that Ninoska has to campaign against me,” complains Martinez. “Ninoska attacks me 24 hours a day, every single day,” says Garcia, “and I have complained to Univision [Mambi’s parent company] that the station is inciting violence.”

Disparos sin escopeta - Entrevista con Esteban Morales  10/29/2008 Alma Mater 

Vote Fraud Charges Fly In Diaz-Balart Contest For Congress  10/29/2008 MSNBC 

Russia, Cuba to boost military ties  10/28/2008 Press TV, Iran 

Miami-area congressional races getting ugly as vote nears  10/27/2008 Miami Herald 

Russia military offers Cuba air defence aid  10/27/2008 Reuters 

Cuba's Oil Reserves - Perfora Cariño, Perfora!  10/21/2008 Counterpunch 

Cuba opens first Russian church  10/20/2008 BBC 

Etnia, origen y cultura. El que no tiene de Congo…  10/17/2008 Alma Mater: «Y, ¿qué tengo que decirle a la Universidad como artículo primero, como función esencial de su vida en esta Cuba nueva? […] Que se pinte de negro, que se pinte de mulato, no solo entre los alumnos, sino también entre los profesores...» Así exhortó el Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara a las nuevas generaciones, en el discurso que pronunció en la Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas, al ser nombrado Doctor Honoris Causa en Pedagogía, el 28 de diciembre de 1959."

Cuba Confronts Global Warming Now: Drought, Hurricanes and Threat of Rising Oceans  10/11/2008 Haiti Analysis 

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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