General Statistics 10 most requested pages Most active countries |
WebTrend Statistics for the week of 4/28 - 5/03The stats are skewed a little by people who wander in, take one look, decide it's not
for them, and leave, which can be estimated from the 900 'single page only' sessions we
have for the week. Others (over 4000 of you last week) spend more time (therefore
greater than the 12 min average) and visit some of our over 300 pages. |
General Statistics |
Date & Time This Report was Generated | Tuesday May 04, 1999 - 05:56:50 |
Timeframe | 04/28/99 00:00:00 - 05/04/99 23:59:59 |
Number of Successful Hits for Entire Site | 51864 |
Number of Page Views (Impressions) | 7786 |
Number of User Sessions | 4929 |
User Sessions from United States | 77.58% |
International User Sessions | 10.06% |
User Sessions of Unknown Origin | 12.35% |
Average Number of Hits per Day | 7409 |
Average Number of Page Views Per Day | 1112 |
Average Number of User Sessions per Day | 704 |
Average User Session Length | 00:12:05 |
Most Requested Pages |
Pages |
Page |
% of Total Views |
User Sessions |
Avg. Time |
1 |
AfroCubaWeb: AfroCuban culture - Yoruba
- Congo - Dahomey - Abakwa - Bricamo http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/index.htm |
1126 | 14.46% | 916 | 00:01:30 |
2 |
Music http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/Music.htm |
258 | 3.31% | 227 | 00:02:53 |
3 |
Assata Shakur http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/assata.htm |
248 | 3.18% | 222 | 00:02:50 |
4 |
Discussion Group http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/ceilidh/ceilidh.html |
243 | 3.12% | 126 | 00:02:22 |
5 |
Nicolas Guillen, poet http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/Guillen.htm |
133 | 1.7% | 123 | 00:05:16 |
6 |
Race & Identity in Cuba http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/raceident.htm |
127 | 1.63% | 120 | 00:01:46 |
7 |
Traveling to Cuba http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/travelcuba.htm |
116 | 1.48% | 111 | 00:04:00 |
8 |
Cubanismo! http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/cubanismo.htm |
101 | 1.29% | 96 | 00:04:32 |
9 |
Chappottín y sus estrelllas http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/chappotin.htm |
99 | 1.27% | 87 | 00:03:14 |
10 |
AfroCubaWeb Search Page http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/search.htm |
99 | 1.27% | 94 | 00:00:59 |
Sub Total For the Page Views Above | 2550 | 32.75% | N/A | N/A | |
Total For the Log File | 7786 | 100% | N/A | N/A |
Most Active Countries |
Countries |
User Sessions |
1 |
United States | 3824 |
2 |
UK | 61 |
3 |
Canada | 53 |
4 |
PR | 42 |
5 |
Mexico | 38 |
6 |
Germany | 35 |
7 |
Switzerland | 31 |
8 |
Spain | 26 |
9 |
Italy | 22 |
10 |
Guatemala | 18 |
11 |
Australia | 16 |
12 |
France | 15 |
13 |
Sweden | 14 |
14 |
Belgium | 14 |
15 |
Netherlands | 14 |
Total | 4223 |
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