General Statistics 10 most requested pages 10 top entry pages Most active countries |
WebTrend Statistics for the week of 7/4 to 7/10/99Note: hits are not sessions. Each time you view a page, you actually generate many hits. One session is counted each time one user views a number of pages then exits. A page view is one page. A hit is counted each time an individual component on a page is accessed (graphic, banner, menu bar, etc.) when the page is loaded, and you can have over 10 hits per page. So session is the most reliable measure of reader interest. |
General Statistics |
Date & Time This Report was Generated | Saturday July 10, 1999 - 13:45:31 |
Timeframe | 07/04/99 00:00:00 - 07/10/99 23:59:59 |
Number of Hits for Home Page | 0 |
Number of Successful Hits for Entire Site | 58908 |
Number of Page Views (Impressions) | 9253 |
Number of User Sessions | 4631 |
User Sessions from United States | 66.31% |
International User Sessions | 21.57% |
User Sessions of Unknown Origin | 12.11% |
Average Number of Hits per Day | 8415 |
Average Number of Page Views Per Day | 1321 |
Average Number of User Sessions per Day | 661 |
Average User Session Length | 00:11:22 |
Most Requested Pages |
Pages |
Views |
% of Total Views |
User Sessions |
Avg. Time |
1 |
AfroCubaWeb: the African cultures in
Cuba - Yoruba - Congo - Dahomey - Abakwa - http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/index.htm |
1045 | 11.29% | 783 | 00:01:30 |
2 |
http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/ceilidh/ceilidh.html |
528 | 5.7% | 140 | 00:01:47 |
3 |
Buena Vista Social Club http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/BuenaVista.htm |
398 | 4.3% | 375 | 00:02:58 |
4 |
Ibrahim Ferrer http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/IbrahimFerrer.htm |
284 | 3.06% | 265 | 00:02:30 |
5 |
Music http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/Music.htm |
281 | 3.03% | 232 | 00:01:18 |
6 |
Los Hombres Calientes, New Orleans http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/Hombres.htm |
155 | 1.67% | 150 | 00:03:07 |
7 |
Cubanismo! http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/cubanismo.htm |
148 | 1.59% | 136 | 00:02:53 |
8 |
Afro-Cuban All Stars http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/AfroCubanAll.htm |
147 | 1.58% | 125 | 00:01:44 |
9 |
Traveling to Cuba http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/travelcuba.htm |
134 | 1.44% | 121 | 00:03:51 |
10 |
Assata Shakur http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/assata.htm |
122 | 1.31% | 105 | 00:02:31 |
Sub Total For the Page Views Above | 3242 | 35.03% | N/A | N/A | |
Total For the Log File | 9253 | 100% | N/A | N/A |
Top Entry Pages |
Pages |
% of Total |
User Sessions |
1 |
AfroCubaWeb: the African cultures in
Cuba - Yoruba - Congo - Dahomey - Abakwa - http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/index.htm |
17.94% | 601 |
2 |
Buena Vista Social Club http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/BuenaVista.htm |
9.31% | 312 |
3 |
Ibrahim Ferrer http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/IbrahimFerrer.htm |
5.34% | 179 |
4 |
Los Hombres Calientes, New Orleans http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/Hombres.htm |
4.29% | 144 |
5 |
Pablo Milanes http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/milanes.htm |
2.71% | 91 |
6 |
Assata Shakur http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/assata.htm |
2.62% | 88 |
7 |
Cubanismo! http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/cubanismo.htm |
2.35% | 79 |
8 |
Music http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/Music.htm |
2.17% | 73 |
9 |
Compay Segundo http://AFROCUBAWEB.COM/CompaySegundo.htm |
1.46% | 49 |
Total For the Pages Above (only sessions starting on a valid document type are included) | 49.91% | 1672 |
Most Active Countries |
Countries |
User Sessions |
1 |
United States | 3071 |
2 |
Italy | 112 |
3 |
Germany | 101 |
4 |
UK | 98 |
5 |
Canada | 78 |
6 |
Mexico | 74 |
7 |
France | 72 |
8 |
Guatemala | 48 |
9 |
Netherlands | 38 |
10 |
Sweden | 36 |
11 |
Austria | 30 |
12 |
Argentina | 30 |
13 |
Spain | 26 |
14 |
Switzerland | 24 |
15 |
Belgium | 19 |
Total | 3857 |
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