General Statistics 10 most requested pages 10 top entry pages Most active countries |
WebTrend Statistics for February, 2000Note: hits are not sessions. Each time you view a page, you actually generate many hits. One session is counted each time one user views a number of pages then exits. A page view is one page. A hit is counted each time an individual component on a page is accessed (graphic, banner, menu bar, etc.) when the page is loaded, and you can have over 10 hits per page. So session is a more reliable measure of reader interest. |
General Statistics |
Date & Time This Report was Generated | Thursday March 02, 2000 - 23:52:46 |
Timeframe | 02/01/00 00:00:00 - 02/29/00 23:59:59 |
Number of Hits for Home Page | 2217 |
Number of Successful Hits for Entire Site | 556423 |
Number of Page Views (Impressions) | 85996 |
Number of User Sessions | 50245 |
User Sessions from United States | 70.43% |
International User Sessions | 13.18% |
User Sessions of Unknown Origin | 16.38% |
Average Number of Hits per Day | 19187 |
Average Number of Page Views Per Day | 2965 |
Average Number of User Sessions per Day | 1732 |
Average User Session Length | 00:10:09 |
Most Requested Pages |
Pages |
Views |
% of Total Views |
User Sessions |
Avg. Time |
1 |
AfroCubaWeb Discussion Group |
15179 | 17.65% | 3353 | 00:01:54 |
2 |
AfroCubaWeb: the African cultures in
Cuba - Yoruba - Congo - Dahomey - Abakwa - |
9181 | 10.67% | 7627 | 00:01:32 |
3 |
Buena Vista Social Club |
3394 | 3.94% | 3081 | 00:02:29 |
4 |
Music |
2797 | 3.25% | 2401 | 00:01:27 |
5 |
AfroCubaWeb: the African cultures in
Cuba - Yoruba - Congo - Dahomey - Abakwa - |
2217 | 2.57% | 1776 | 00:01:39 |
6 |
Ibrahim Ferrer |
1973 | 2.29% | 1839 | 00:02:12 |
7 |
Traveling to Cuba |
1746 | 2.03% | 1600 | 00:03:51 |
8 |
Assata Shakur |
1742 | 2.02% | 1576 | 00:02:58 |
9 |
Afro-Cuban All Stars |
1325 | 1.54% | 1221 | 00:03:13 |
10 |
Compay Segundo |
1167 | 1.35% | 1066 | 00:02:18 |
Sub Total For the Page Views Above | 40721 | 47.35% | N/A | N/A | |
Total For the Log File | 85996 | 100% | N/A | N/A |
Top Entry Pages |
Pages |
% of Total |
User Sessions |
1 |
AfroCubaWeb: the African cultures in
Cuba - Yoruba - Congo - Dahomey - Abakwa - |
19.92% | 6532 |
2 |
Buena Vista Social Club |
6.32% | 2075 |
3 |
Discussion Group |
5.1% | 1673 |
4 |
AfroCubaWeb: the African cultures in
Cuba - Yoruba - Congo - Dahomey - Abakwa - |
4.83% | 1584 |
5 |
Assata Shakur |
4.15% | 1361 |
6 |
Ibrahim Ferrer |
3.64% | 1194 |
7 |
Traveling to Cuba |
2.8% | 919 |
8 |
Afro-Cuban All Stars |
2.3% | 755 |
9 |
Music |
2.12% | 697 |
10 |
Pablo Milanes |
1.8% | 593 |
Total For the Pages Above (only sessions starting on a valid document type are included) | 53.02% | 17383 |
Most Active Countries |
Countries |
User Sessions |
1 |
United States | 35391 |
2 |
UK | 1190 |
3 |
Canada | 929 |
4 |
France | 547 |
5 |
Germany | 521 |
6 |
Mexico | 336 |
7 |
Spain | 321 |
8 |
Italy | 265 |
9 |
Netherlands | 215 |
10 |
Switzerland | 215 |
11 |
Australia | 187 |
12 |
Belgium | 175 |
13 |
Norway | 135 |
14 |
Sweden | 122 |
15 |
Argentina | 103 |
Total | 40652 |
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