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African Americans & Cuba
Archive: 2016

“Skin color alone is not enough to bind a people together. We need to find cultural ties. We have to find ways to make that happen,” said Dr. Marvin Dunn, who authored “Black Miami in the Twentieth Century.” Understanding Afro-Cubans  2/4/2015 Miami Times


African-American Artists and Abstraction
exhibit in Havana, 2014

African Americans & Cuba in the News

Africa in the Americas: Tour Group Explores Cuba's African Roots  12/30/2016 NBC: "Since its founding about a year and a half ago, DiasporaES has focused mainly on Cuba— successfully taking several groups to the island under several of 12 permitted categories that have made it easier for more Americans to travel there."

Reflections from Cubans on Castro (2/2)  12/29/2016 Real News: "James Early and Paul Jay discuss the potential role of independent trade unions in Cuban politics and the future of relations with the US under President Trump"

Reflections from Cubans on Castro (1/2)  12/28/2016 Real News: "Street interviews with Cubans and a conversation with the Smithsonian's James Early about the future of the Caribbean island after the passing of Fidel Castro and a growing US presence "

Danny Glover dialoga con jóvenes cubanos  12/28/2016 Cuba Si 

Danny Glover, James Early, la racialidad y la Casa  12/27/2016 La Ventana: "Danny Glover y James Early desembarcaron en la Casa de las Américas este martes para dialogar sobre las luchas de los afrodescendientes en los nuevos escenarios en Estados Unidos. No obstante, el intercambio, que duró poco más de hora y media, versó también sobre otras temáticas relacionadas con la racialidad, los movimientos sociales en el continente, la solidaridad Cuba- Estados Unidos, el progreso, los derechos civiles y la lucha contra la discriminación y la pobreza en la región. “Conocí sobre la Revolución Cubana a través de los sindicatos donde militaban mis padres, un grupo de afrodescendientes que desde 1959 creían en la posibilidad de conectar sus luchas con las luchas de Cuba y constituir la solidaridad entre mi país y el de ustedes”, refirió el actor norteamericano, quien es uno de los más reconocidos activistas por los derechos de los afrodescendientes en los Estados Unidos y de las minorías en esta nación anglosajona."

Ballet dancer Misty Copeland visits Cuba and talks diversity  12/27/2016 Voice, UK: “There’s this stigma in classical ballet that brown people don’t belong” said Copeland. “And that the rich culture comes from Europe. Americans have created a long history now in classical ballet, and I think … we are not really appreciated or acknowledged, for as long as we’ve been a part of it — including African-Americans.”

Misty Copeland Goes To Cuba And Speaks Ballet With Other Black And Brown Dancers  12/26/2016 Vibe: "In the end, the thing that resonates most with Copeland is partaking in a space filled with black and brown bodies that contort just like hers, if only for the pure love of it. “They’re doing classical ballet here, and they’re doing it really well,” she said."

Cuba-Whats Propaganda, What's True? Racial Histories and Complex Pasts  12/21/2016 Kimberly Miller - Academia: "Much to my dismay, as a black Marxist and strong supporter of the Cuban revolution, I was met by liberals with a fusillade of anti-communist criticism, dismissive anecdotes, accusatory rhetoric toward Castro, as an apparent autocratic despot, a violent, anti black charlatan, a homophobic dictator, and a clear oppressor. Being from south Florida, I am quite aware of the vociferously reactionary mouthpiece of the Cuban exile "gusanos" (pejorative for bourgeois Cubans who opposed the revolution), community that has made a great effort to fund and back initiatives of right-wing political agendas for several decades."

Misty Copeland Visits Cuba, Where Brown Ballerinas Are The Norm  12/20/2016 Huff Post: "“There’s this stigma in classical ballet that brown people don’t belong,” Copeland said in a video interview with The Undefeated. “But coming here to Cuba, it’s such a beautiful thing to know the long history of classical dance here, and to see the diversity. And it’s kind of like proving all of those people wrong."

Twin sisters make cigars to celebrate different shades of the AfroCuban diaspora  12/20/2016 Miami Herald: "According to the sisters, most of their business comes from black Americans. Tres Lindas Cubanas, which was named after a Cuban song and translates to three pretty Cuban girls, also serves as homage to the variety of shades of black women across the world and the complexion of the three blends of cigars available through their brand."

Cubans arrest U.S. human rights lawyer in Havana, activists say  12/17/2016 ABC 10 News: "When Motley was arrested, police officers also arrested punk rock artist Gorki Aguila and Luis Alberto Mariño, a political activist from the group Cuba Decides, according to the Human Rights Foundation."

Misty Copeland  12/16/2016 The Undefeated: " The art and dance and culture is so rich and deeply rooted in the Cuban people that’s it’s hard to just pick one. I wasn’t really expecting to have such an emotional connection and experience, but being at Lizt Alfonso Dance Cuba and seeing part of the company and a lot of the children, it kind of just brought the trip full circle … to connect with the youth, to give them an example, show them the experiences I’ve had through my life’s journey as an African-American, and being a part of classical ballet."

Guavas, plantains, rum  12/16/2016 The Undefeated: "In truth, we’ve romanticized — and Americanized — what Cuban food is and what it ought to be. If your expectation is to come here and eat roast pork, ham, and cheese-filled sandwiches daily, you’re doing Cuba all wrong. Because in Havana, Cuba’s capital city, there’s amazing ice cream, private home restaurants—aka paladares—with salad bars and robust charcuterie, and there’s great stuff to munch on in Barrio Chino de la Habana."

The streets and scenes of Misty Copeland’s trip to Havana  12/16/2016 The Undefeated: "I didn’t know what to expect when I stepped on that plane in Miami and walked off when it landed in Cuba, but I do know that it was a lot more than rum and cigars. It was the understanding that sometimes you just have to slow down and cherish the moments. I hope you begin to do just that with these behind-the-scenes images of Misty Copeland’s trip to Cuba."

Misty Copeland En Pointe  12/16/2016 The Undefeated: "The thing Copeland is most vocal about is the lack of diversity in ballet. But being in Cuba was a moment to not stand out. Copeland was surrounded in brown diversity, a far cry from the stridently white world of classical ballet."

Castro paradoxes can’t be reduced to black, white  12/8/2016 Florida Courier: By Rev Jesse Jackson Jr - "Castro was no saint; the Cuban regime was repressive and wrong-headed about many things. But we shouldn’t view Castro solely from the perspective of those who fled the revolution or of the Cold Warriors and covert operators who spent decades who spent decades trying to bring him down. We won’t understand the perversity of our own policies if we don’t understand why Castro’s leadership is celebrated across much of the world."

Fidel and African Americans  12/7/2016 Amandala, Belize: "This notion that Third World revolutionaries and American civil rights activists were allies in the same essential conflict—that racism and global capitalism were part and parcel of a single oppressive system, presided over by the United States—was a source of tremendous fear in Washington. And the last thing anyone needed was for radical blacks to start getting ideas directly from the Cuban guerrillas”."

Africa in the Americas: Tour Group Explores Cuba’s African Roots  12/4/2016 NBC: "When the United States and Cuba first announced plans to restore diplomatic relations two years ago, Kasara E. Davidson says she and her business partner "hit the ground running" and used their combined 20 years of experience with the island to start Diaspora Enterprise Solutions (DiasporaES)."

Many Blacks applaud Castro legacy of racial equality  12/4/2016 Pittsburgh Courier: "Some of those who fled to Miami “had looted Cuba … and exploited the poor and the working class,” said Riddle, 70, who also teaches media at a Detroit community college. “Now those are the same individuals who have twisted the story to demonize Fidel Castro in death.”

Fidel Castro's Legacy On Race Relations In Cuba And Abroad  12/3/2016 NPR: Interview with Mark Sawyer, UCLA - "I think we need to look at Castro's mistakes of not allowing black pressure groups, not pursuing more rigid anti-discrimination policies as failures, but that he came as close as anybody has ever come to eliminating racial inequality in a place that had had plantation slavery."

African-Americans should stop lionizing Castro as champion of black liberation  12/2/2016 Fusion: by Kimberly R. Lyle. - "My uncles passed down their stories too. One uncle, once a successful chemist, was left homeless and starving after the government punished him for seeking permission to leave the country. Another uncle refused to work sugarcane fields for free. Instead, he hid in the mountains until he could flee the island. A cousin who left Cuba almost a decade ago expressed how angry he was that he had to leave his own country to be a free man."

Revolutionary Road: Navigating Fidel Castro’s Polarizing Legacy  12/2/2016 The Root: An extensive article featuring an interview with AfroCubaWeb columnist, Alberto Jones. Touches on Cuban and Black Cuban relations with Black Americans, as well as the justified execution of Batista torturers and murderers.

Reviewing "African-Americans should stop lionizing Castro as champion of black liberation" by Kimberly R Lyle  12/2/2016 AfroCubaWeb: by Alberto Jones - "Jose Marti, the father of the Cuban nation warned his people with these prophetic words: Ignorance Kills the People. One hundred and fifty years later, I read a hearsay laden article from another born-again Cubanologist, Kimberly Lyle, who has received her information from ultra-right wing Cuban Americans in Miami* and may have read an article or two on Afro Cuba here and there. In addition, she pretends ironically enough to write without basis about my home town Guantanamo!"

To so many Africans, Fidel Castro is a hero. Here’s why  11/30/2016 The Guardian: "A great irony about the reaction to Castro is that many of the same people demanding acknowledgement of his wrongs have never acknowledged that their governments were on the wrong side of history, or sponsored dictatorships in many developing countries."

Lessons from Fidel: Black Lives Matter and the Transition of El Comandante  11/27/2016 Black Lives Matter: "As a Black network committed to transformation, we are particularly grateful to Fidel for holding Mama Assata Shakur, who continues to inspire us. We are thankful that he provided a home for Brother Michael Finney Ralph Goodwin, and Charles Hill, asylum to Brother Huey P. Newton, and sanctuary for so many other Black revolutionaries who were being persecuted by the American government during the Black Power era. We are indebted to Fidel for sending resources to Haiti following the 2010 earthquake and attempting to support Black people in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina when our government left us to die on rooftops and in floodwaters. We are thankful that he provided a space where the traditional spiritual work of African people could flourish, regardless of his belief system."

Colin Kaepernick clarifies remarks on Fidel Castro  11/27/2016 USA Today: "In the postgame press conference following the 49ers’ 31-24 loss to the Miami Dolphins, Kaepernick was asked about his remarks, which were interpreted by some as a sign of support for the longtime leader of Cuba. "What I said was I agree with the investment in education," Kaepernick said. "I also agree with the investment in free universal health care, as well as the involvement in helping end apartheid in South Africa."

Black Radicals Owe a Great Deal to Fidel Castro  11/26/2016 The Root: "Don Rojas, a longtime activist who was a former press secretary for Grenadian Prime Minister Maurice Bishop, a Marxist revolutionary politically inspired by Castro, remembers this era well in an email comment this afternoon: “His concrete support to the liberation struggles in Southern Africa will go down in the annals of history as one of the most amazing demonstrations of solidarity in modern history.”

Black America and the Passing of Fidel Castro  11/26/2016 Alternet: by Bill Fletcher, Jr. - "For any Black American who knows anything about the history of the Western Hemisphere, both Cuba and Haiti have a special significance. Haiti, of course, for successfully ousting the French in 1803 and forming the second republic in the Americas; a Black republic. Cuba, in 1959, kicked out the USA, the Mafia, and a corrupt ruling class that had enforced racist oppression against most of the Cuban population."

Fidel Castro was an unwavering champion of racial equality  11/26/2016 NY Daily News: "Okay, the media failed supremely in not realizing Americans could elect an empty-headed, knee-jerk liar as President. But, still, I say the greatest media shortcoming of the past half century was not recognizing that Fidel Castro was the most dedicated and powerful proponent of racial justice the world has ever known."

Ohio State students will travel to Cuba  10/28/2016 Johnstown Independent: "As part of a four-week course next May called "Cuba: Race, Revolution and Culture," 15 to 25 students will reside with Cuban families in the capital city of Havana and study Cuban culture firsthand. A group of Ohio State theater students is making a trip to Cuba this December. "This trip will be transformative for our students," said Tiyi Morris, associate professor of African American studies and one of the trip's advisers."

Power of the Black Pen: Afro-Latin Activism in a Digital Age  10/14/2016 Afromodernidades: by Emmanuel Harris II, Ph.D., University of North Carolina Wilmington - "While a few of the Afromodernidades entries are re-posts, such as articles by others that speak to issues relevant to Cuba, many of the entries or profound investigations up to 2000 words in length with references, quotations and a solid theoretical foundation. Without question Alberto Abreu Arcia’s writings merits reading, analysis and inclusion in Afro-Hispanic debate. As we await the publication of his forthcoming book, ¿Puede ser negra la nación? Literatura, raza y modernidad en la Cuba del XIX, we are privy to insight and uplift from Cuba by a Cuban in this digital age."

Film explores Afro-Cuban history  10/5/2016 Golden Gate Express: "At the end of her exchange with the audience, Rolando recommended people engage in real conversations like she had with her grandmother. “In the present, there is too much technology separating people. I don’t know how people fall in love,” Rolando said, eliciting laughter from the audience. “Get close to your elders. It is the biggest treasure you have in life.”"

Miami-Set ‘Moonlight’ is a Heartwrenching Exploration of Gay Black Masculinity With Echoes of Cuba  9/30/2016 Remezcla: "As he teaches Little about life, we learn that Juan is of Cuban descent – an Afro-Cuban character at the heart of a film concerned with what it means to a black man.'

Tulane hosts ‘Dialogo con mi Abuela’ filmmaker  9/26/2016 Student Printz, Tulane: "One particular comment about the grandmother of an audience member and her family’s history led to Rolando answering that this “tribute to her memory in Santa Clara” can be felt universally. She described the memories of her grandmother, the smells of the kitchen and how everyone can be reminded of his or her own grandmother. It is for this specific reason that this is an incredible documentary. Not only does it bring some of Cuba into the lives of its audience, but it also brings the sentiments of the audience’s attention with the relative universality of the positive memories of a grandmother."

Cuba Through a Lens That's Black by Trevon Facey Cuba Through a Lens That's Black by Trevon Facey Cuba Through a Lens That's Black by Trevon Facey  9/19/2016 YouTube 

4 Days in Cuba With Usher  9/17/2016 YouTube / Complex News: "Complex News' Nadeska Alexis spends 4 days with Usher in Havana, Cuba ahead of the release of his 8th album 'Hard II Love.'"

Usher Wants to Do Something He's Only Played at Before: Confess  9/17/2016 Complex News: "Trailed by flashing camera bulbs and the crowd’s screams, he maneuvers through the ragged streets of Regla, a poor community a short ferry ride from Havana, with his entourage. His own songs play faintly from a blue portable JBL speaker carried by a member of the team. Grace Miguel, Usher’s wife and former manager, says it’s just a thing they like to do: blast music from a portable speaker, even when going out to a restaurant. It’s famous person behavior—a little like marrying your manager. The time is 7:00 p.m. on this warm April day, and Usher’s making a surprise appearance at a block party in the neighborhood."

Discovering the African Heartbeat in Cuba  9/2/2016 Essence: "Cuba is a land of contradictions. It's a nation that is largely defined by the descendants of enslaved Africans, yet also a place where those influences are often denied and racism is rarely confronted. Writer Johnica Reed Hawkins traveled to the island to explore the African history, traditions and customs that are integral to Cuba's identity, bringing to light the undeniable impact of black culture on one of the world's most beautiful and fascinating countries."

Seminario de Emancipación Emocional  9/1/2016 Afromodernidades: "Con el apoyo de representación de estas organizaciones fue posible que la Sección de Identidades y Diversidad (SERES) de la Sociedad Cubana de Psicología realizara durante dos días 18 y 19 de agosto de 2016 un seminario con la dirección de la Dra. En Psicología Cheryl Grills ex presidenta de la Asociación Internacional de Psicólogos Negros de Estados Unidos que muestra toda su experiencia en la metodología de trabajo sobre sanación mental y su puesta en práctica para ser aplicada en Cuba en la población afrocubana."

Cuban-Americans blast 49ers' Kaepernick for wearing Fidel Castro T-shirt  8/31/2016 Fox News Latino: "In Miami, Jose “Pepe” Hernandez, co-founder of the anti-Castro lobby group Cuban American National Foundation, said to Fox News Latino: “His actions were, at best, tremendously ignorant and irresponsible.”

The History Behind Colin Kaepernick's Shirt of Malcolm X and Fidel Castro  8/31/2016 Latina: "While the two never met again, there's no doubt that this was an extremely powerful meeting of the minds. The fact that Kapernick decided to wear a shirt of these two seemingly different leaders coming together and admiring each other's work toward racial equality is super symbolic and inspiring."

When Malcolm X Met Fidel Castro  8/30/2016 Slate: "San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who has recently decided not to stand during the national anthem, wore a Malcolm X hat and a T-shirt featuring images of the leader meeting with Fidel Castro at a press conference where he explained his protest."

Celebrado en Cuba seminario de emancipación emocional de afrodescendientes  8/28/2016 Negra Cubana: "La Sección de Identidades y Diversidad (SERES) de la Sociedad Cubana de Psicología realizó el 18 y 19 de agosto de 2016, Fe del Valle” de la Federación de Mujeres Cuba, un seminario para 42 personas afrodescendientes cubanas. El mismo conducido por la Dra. en Psicología Cheryl Grills, ex presidenta de la Asociación Internacional de de Psicólogos Negros de Estados Unidos, tuvo como objetivo la sanación mental de las personas asistentes al mismo. En el nutrido grupo de activistas estuvieron representadas diferentes organizaciones como la Cofradía de la Negritud, el Grupo Afrocubanas, la Alianza Unidad Racial, el Capítulo Cubano de la Articulación Regional Afrodescendiente, la Red Barrial Afrodescendiente, entre otras, debatieron materiales e hicieron prácticas con herramientas de sanación buscando soluciones al impacto psicológico sufrido por la discriminación racial de tantos años."

Emotional Emanipation Circles in Cuba  8/28/2016 Community Healing Network, Inc.: August 2016 Training of Emotional Emancipation Circle Facilitators in Cuba led by Dr. Cheryl Grills.

Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know: The National Anthem Is a Celebration of Slavery  8/28/2016 The Intercept: "Almost no one seems to be aware that even if the U.S. were a perfect country today, it would be bizarre to expect African-American players to stand for “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Why? Because it literally celebrates the murder of African-Americans."

Activistas antirracistas de Cuba y EE.UU unen esfuerzos  8/22/2016 Genesis Cuba: "La huella del racismo no puede ser borrada, pero se aprende a vivir de manera más plena si se adquieren herramientas para lidiar con la discriminación, afirmaron especialistas en el seminario Emancipación Mental, desarrollado en esta capital. Casi un centenar de activistas antirracistas de Cuba y profesoras y profesores estadounidenses, participaron en las dos jornadas de taller, organizadas por la sección Seres, de la Sociedad Cubana de Psicología y el capítulo cubano de la Articulación Regional Afrodescendiente de América Latina y el Caribe (Araac)."

Reportaje Cultural, Manuel Rivero Glean  8/20/2016 AfroCubaWeb: "Seminario Emancipación Mental, por la Dra. Cheryl Grills, presidenta de Black Psychology Association (BPA), La Habana."

Activistas antirracistas de Cuba y EE.UU unen esfuerzos  8/20/2016 IPS: "“Entregamos la información necesaria para que las personas que lideren los círculos de emancipación mental puedan comenzar su trabajo, pero necesitamos contextualizar las actividades para lograr que sean familiares y parecidas a la vida en Cuba”, precisó la ex-presidenta de Asociación Americana de Psicólogos Negros. “En lugar de utilizar frases, video clips, películas, música y ejemplos de la prensa de otras naciones, todo versará sobre la realidad de este país”, dijo en referencia al texto entregado, que aún no está totalmente traducido al español. Detalló a la Redacción IPS Cuba que han realizado “experiencias similares en Inglaterra, Sudáfrica, Estados Unidos y otros lugares, donde se recupera la historia del racismo y, a su vez, se rescatan las contribuciones de la población negra a la sociedad”."

Valoran en La Habana el decenio afrodescendiente  8/12/2016 Radio Habana: "Asistieron representantes de organizaciones sociales, quiénes valoraron el curso de este decenio afradescendiente, donde participó Cheryl Grills, profesora de sicología en la universidad de Los Angeles en Estados Unidos e integrante de asociaciones negras estadounidenses. Cheryl expresó satisfacciones por su presencia en el encuentro que calificó de fundamental sobre la valoración racial en Cuba, aspecto que tiene sus específicas situaciones en el mundo actual."

Discovering the African Heartbeat in Cuba  8/2/2016 Essence: "As Cuba's doors open up, I know many Americans will want to come for the cars. But I hope they come for the culture—the Afro-Cuban culture."

Talkin’ with author Devyn Benson about ‘Antiracism in Cuba: The Unfinished Revolution’  8/2/2016 SF Bay View: “Antiracism in Cuba: The Unfinished Revolution” by author and professor Devyn Benson is an impressive study on the history of racism and Black organizing in Cuba prior to the 1959 revolution and right after it. This book is very important because there are very few that I have come across in the U.S. that document Black history on the island as well as exchanges between the Afro-Cuban and U.S. Black communities."

Cuban poet Nancy Marejon speaks on Black culture on the island  8/2/2016 SF Bay View: "She talks about Cubanismo and African pride, she talks about contemporary Cuban painters, musicians of the past, Jazz, and more."

Secrets From One Woman's Round-The-World Search For Good Hair  7/26/2016 Forbes: "Begley Bloom: Tell me about Maritza Lopez, whom you met in Cuba. She sounded so inspiring. Do you seek out women like her whenever you travel? Walton: When I’m planning these international excursions, the first thing I do is search for and reach out to non-profit organizations (with a focus on women and children) in the area, as well as natural-haired women in the area. Other than a strong desire to turn up and party with other curly girls, it’s just damn smart to roll with folks that know how to navigate whatever new and strange city you might find yourself in. I found Maritza after connecting with a group of Afro-Cubans on Facebook."

Sometimes, the Diaspora Needs to Have a Seat and Listen  7/11/2016 Ebony: "If we are not careful, our voice can be used to legitimatize what is essentially imperialism in countries we claim to care about. Rather than demand to lead, we have to take our marching orders from the people on the ground themselves and use our access and privilege to help them shape their country and their future."

Compañía neoyorquina de danza actuará en Cuba  7/6/2016 PL: "La compañía Oyu Oro Afro Cuban Experimental Dance Ensemble, radicada en Nueva York pero de origen cubano, se presentará en esta capital y en el oriente del país, anunciaron hoy aquí. Como parte de su temporada de verano, realizará un programa completo con artistas de la danza folclórica en Santiago de Cuba, localidad de donde proviene su directora Danys "la Mora" Pérez."

What does the Fourth of July means to Black America?  7/3/2016 AfroCubaWeb: by Alberto Jones

Arte, de Cuba a Nueva York  7/1/2016 Vistar: "Harlem-Havana Music and Cultural Festival es la nueva puerta que— a través de la música, las artes visuales, la danza, el cine y la comida criolla— muestra a Cuba y su cultura en Estados Unidos. Previsto del 15 al 21 de agosto, el evento, en su primera edición, llevará a artistas cubanos hasta Nueva York, y los hará protagonistas de varios espectáculos."

La nación cubana y el racismo  6/30/2016 AfroCubaWeb: "Consternada, luego de leer un artículo acerca del racismo en Cuba, en cual un grupo de estudiantes y profesores de la Universidad de Morgan State, en Baltimore que recién visitaron la Isla, constaron la dolorosa realidad que investigadores, académicos, activistas y otros; hemos estado planteando fundamentalmente desde el inicio de los años 1990 y es la existencia precisamente de ese racismo, informado ahora por voces foráneas."

Harlem and Havana Connect in Culture Festival  6/26/2016 Cuba Journal: "The Harlem/Havana Music & Cultural Festival will bring Cuban artists to New York in August for a week of performances and other events – followed by a similar cultural exchange in Havana in February. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and U.S. Representative Charles Rangel, a longtime Cuban Embargo opponent, have been working for years on developing cultural exchange ideas between the US and Cuba. A contingent of American artists with Harlem connections, including Smokey Robinson, are slated to travel to Havana for a similar showcase of cultural exchange in February 2017."

First Annual Harlem-Havana Cultural Exchange Is Coming To NYC This August  6/25/2016 Gothamist: "The movement to normalize relations between the U.S. and Cuba is coming to Harlem this summer: from August 15-21, the first annual Harlem/Havana Music & Cultural Festival will bring Cuban musicians, artists, dancers, chefs, educators, and more to New York as part of Harlem Week 2016."

Shaq Shoots for Diplomacy in New Role as Sports Envoy to Cuba  6/25/2016 Cuba Journal 

Harlem Havana Music Festival - Press Conference June 24 2016  6/24/2016 YouTube 

New York Gov. Cuomo Announces Harlem/Havana Music & Cultural Festival  6/24/2016 Billboard: "Cuban musicians, visual artists, dancers, filmmakers, chefs and educators will be highlighted during this years Harlem Week from Aug. 15-21. They include saxophonist César López and his Habana Ensemble, and pianist Jorge Luis Pacheco, a young lion who was selected by Wynton Marsalis to perform with the Jazz at Lincoln Center orchestra during the New York big band’s trip to Havana in 2010."

Is anyone surprised?: Baltimore Tourist Says Racism Exists in Cuba  6/19/2016 The Real Cuba: reprint of the Afro article in this right wing publication - "Myra Queen, who knows what discrimination looks like having grown up in a segregated section of Baltimore during the 1950s and ‘60s, said she saw subtle patterns of racism play out during a recent trip to Cuba. Queen, 66, said she noticed during her weeklong trip that most of the staff waiting on her in restaurants were White. So were the people behind the counter at her hotel, despite the island’s large Black population."

Afro-Americans encounter racism in Castro Kingdom  6/17/2016 Babalu: Babalu Blog belongs to extreme right terrorists.

Baltimore Tourist Says Racism Exists in Cuba  6/16/2016 Afro: “It’s important to take Black journalists to Cuba because the stories we find are the stories that too often seem to be ignored [and] overlooked by White journalists when they get there,” Wickham said. “It’s not mean spirited, it’s that their life experiences don’t drive them toward those stories.”

‘Codigo Color’ at SF Black Film Fest: Cuban doc explores colorism and cultural ignorance on the island  6/16/2016 SF Bay View: "After a discussion, Alberto was disturbed to find out his son and friends knew nothing about the history of racial relationships in Cuba before 1959. They’d heard all the slogans – racial discrimination being abolished – and all the rhetoric about Cuba becoming an equalitarian society and so forth but apparently had never heard real anecdotes told by real people who lived in pre-revolution Cuba."

Tom Joyner Foundation Leads Delegation of HBCU Presidents on Mission to Havana, Cuba to Explore Global Exchange and Research  6/13/2016 Black News: "Tom Joyner, chairman of the Dallas-based nonprofit that helps support historically black colleges and universities, led a historic trip to Havana, Cuba where he led a group of HBCU presidents who explored global exchange and research opportunities for students and faculty in Cuba."

US fugitives say Cuba has reassured them they are safe  6/10/2016 Washington Times: "Charles Hill, a black militant wanted in the 1971 slaying of a New Mexico state policeman, told The Associated Press that Cuban government contacts had recently reassured him he was at no risk of extradition. Nehanda Abiodun, another black militant wanted in a 1981 armored car robbery that left two police offers and a security guard dead, told the AP she had recently received a similar promise."

A deserving homage for Ali  6/7/2016 AfroCubaWeb: "Ali knew that Cuba is the only place on earth, where the intractable, corrosive inner city malady derived from poverty, illiteracy, drugs, violence and deaths can be reversed through education, culture and the perfect environment, which precludes a genetic recessive factor."

Morgan State University Sends Delegation to Cuba  6/1/2016 Afro: "Kendra Hawkins, a journalism student at Morgan State University, is eager to see what awaits her in Cuba. She is set to travel to the country, once forbidden to most Americans, on June 4."

Cuba 2016  5/29/2016 Charisse L'Pree, Ph.D.: "In May, I was honored to accompany a delegation from the Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi) to Hominis 2016, organized by the Cuban Psychological Society in Havana. The trip was an amazing!"

How to CUBA  5/25/2016 CurlyNikki: "I don't usually share how I put these trips together because (1) there's no formula, and (2) I have a flare for the dramatic. But as this epicness comes to a close, I thought I'd do y'all a solid and provide you with a how-to manual of sorts."

Fidel Castro & Cuba: Thorns In Side of US Imperialism  5/24/2016 Black Agenda Report: "The United States has a long and duplicitous history when it comes to not only attempting to assassinate the character of Fidel Castro, but also his life. The US government’s unsuccessful attempts at both forms of assassination can easily be deemed as an evil obsessive. The United States (via the CIA) has tried to assassinate/murder Fidel Castro over 600 times. This number is startling due to the fact that the CIA has been so utterly unsuccessful in their nefarious attempts to eliminate Castro. However, it should not be surprising that they tried to assassinate this leader, since they have successfully (and extra-judiciously) assassinated countless humans, including government leaders throughout the globe. This diabolical track record goes back many decades."

On Memorial Day Weekend in Miami Beach, Black Tourists Are Second-Class Citizens  5/24/2016 Miami New Times: "The goal seems to be to rob African-Americans blind, lock up as many of them as possible, and occasionally use some for police target practice. (Remember the 2011 killing of Raymond Herisse, in which 12 officers fired more than a hundred rounds, four others were wounded, and no one was charged?) If Memorial Day weekend were treated like a convention coming to town, Miami Beach would get hotels to block off rooms and give visitors discounted rates. The city, the county, the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau, and commercial airlines would kick in money to help support the event. Government officials would work with the event promoters to provide comped rooms to celebrity entertainers and comped ballrooms for panels and events. Meanwhile, in cities like New Orleans and Toronto, government officials are rolling out the red carpet for events that cater to a predominantly black clientele."

Afro Cubans: We Are Many  5/22/2016 CurlyNikki: this site with 5 million monthly views and 660,000 FaceBook followers, interviews Gloria Rolando, filmmaker, and Martitza Lopez, of the Red Barrial Afrodescendiente.

CurlyNikki in Cuba  5/22/2016 CurlyNikki: "So there you have it folks, next time you want in to a closed society...just knock on the door."

Unspoiled: Life Without Limits  5/22/2016 CurlyNikki: "As an African American from Ferguson, MO, I feel like I have a responsibility to empathize with those that are oppressed, excluded or disadvantaged, no matter where they are all over the world. This is why I can recognize the humanity in the Muslim family in India, the Palestinians in the West Bank and the Cubans surviving the harsh reality of embargo."

The Morgan State University Choir to Sing in Cuba  5/21/2016 Cuba Now: "Specializing in U.S. gospels and spirituals, the choir will perform from May 25 to May 30 at the Tomas Terry (Cienfuegos) and La Caridad (Villa Clara) theaters and at the White (Matanzas) and the Lecuona halls of the Alicia Alonso Grand Theater of Havana, Cubasi reported on May 20. During the concerts, the U.S. group will share the stage with Cantores de Cienfuegos and the Villa Clara Provincial Choir and with the Chamber of Matanzas and Entrevoces choirs."

Lawyer: Fugitive loyal to Cuban revolution  5/19/2016 Along the Malecon: "In late March of 2016, Huck Magazine published a lengthy article that contained numerous inaccuracies regarding Mr. Hill, an African-American human rights activist who was forced to flee the United States in 1971 due to political repression. Mr. Hill has since resided in Havana as a guest of the Cuban government. The Huck Magazine article so egregiously mischaracterizes and misstates Mr. Hill’s positions that we are necessarily compelled to immediately enter into litigation against Huck Magazine for fraud, libel and false light. Neither Mr. Hill nor his undersigned attorney were duly notified by Huck Magazine of their intent to publish this article."

What Obama’s Trip to Havana Revealed about Race in Cuba and the U.S.  5/5/2016 AAIHS: "The symbolism of a black U.S. president eating at one of Havana’s few black-owned restaurants and talking about Afro-Cuban access to the new economy should be celebrated. Missed, though, was the opportunity to reestablish coalitions and activism between people of African descent in both countries. Instead, debates about which country had been most successful in battling racism abounded. Similar to previous interactions between Cuba and the United States, this event showed how both countries invoke celebratory histories that reinforce national racial mythologies, rather than the controversial present. During his speech in Havana’s Gran Teatro, President Obama momentarily departed from the rhetoric of U.S. exceptionalism to acknowledge our shared history of racial oppression. “Cuba, like the United States, was built in part by slaves brought here from Africa” and that “we both have more work to do to promote equality in our own countries [and] to reduce discrimination based on race,” Obama said. Because U.S. diplomats rarely publicize aspects of the country’s continued racial inequity, this part of Obama’s speech was refreshing and a humbling gesture to his Cuban hosts."

En La Habana, Emory Douglas, el pintor de los Panteras Negras  4/30/2016 Jiribilla: "Entre las personalidades que prestigian la segunda edición del Festival del Cartel, que se desarrolla durante esta semana en la Capital, se encuentra el diseñador afroamericano Emory Douglas (Michigan, 1943), figura destacada dentro de la lucha por los derechos civiles de los negros en los EE.UU."

Chucho Valdes to play at the White House on International Jazz Day  4/28/2016 Cubarte: "The icon of Cuban Latin jazz, Chucho Valdes, will perform at the White House with prestigious world-class artists as Sting, Aretha Franklin and Herbie Hancock, as part of the celebrations for the International Day of Jazz in the United States. The event, to be hosted by US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle, will take place on April 29 and will be broadcasted the following day on ABC under the name "Jazz at the White House," as well as in the websites of the United Nations, UNESCO, the Department of State and the Casa Blanca in "streaming"."

Colorism and Privilege: An Afro-Cuban American in Havana  4/28/2016 Fem: "In Cuba, the Communist Revolution is often portrayed as the “great equalizer,” not just economically but also in respect to race relations. In many ways, this has been true: people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds have access to education, jobs, transportation, healthcare, and other social services. Regardless, there are traces of racial hierarchy and a colonialist mentality which are deeply entrenched in Cuban society."

En La Habana, Emory Douglas, el pintor de los Panteras Negras  4/27/2016 Cubarte: "Entre las personalidades que prestigian la segunda edición del Festival del Cartel, que se desarrolla durante esta semana en la Capital, se encuentra el diseñador afroamericano Emory Douglas (Michigan, 1943), figura destacada dentro de la lucha por los derechos civiles de los negros en los Estados Unidos. Desde su llegada a La Habana el pasado lunes, ha sostenido encuentros con representantes de la plástica nacional y visitado algunas de las muestras inauguradas como parte del programa del mencionado evento. Asimismo, fue recibido por la presidencia de Casa de las Américas, institución en la que este jueves a las 4:00 pm quedará inaugurada la exposición Emory Douglas, el pintor de los panteras negras, con veinte carteles de tema político realizados por él a partir de los años sesenta del pasado siglo."

Why Beyoncé's Yellow Dress Is So Much More Than A Piece Of Clothing  4/27/2016 Refinery 29: ""[Oshun] has been a victim of abuse, neglect, and loss, which is the reason so many women whom have experienced those actions worship [her]. When she seeks out revenge for those who have hurt her– and her children– she is unpredictable in her methods and temper. She can show herself laughing, dancing and joyous, all while unleashing a wrath on those who cross her. It only makes sense that Beyoncé would allude to Oshun's imagery and personification in an album that is intended to conceptualize a woman's journey of self knowledge and healing, specifically that of a black woman's journey. Oshun symbolizes just that.""

Some Thoughts on Cuban Resistance to US Ideological/Political War  4/26/2016 Black Agenda Report: “The question is, will Obama’s visit to Cuba provide Cubans the opportunity to make headway against the cultural war, or will it allow the US to make inroads? Or are both these scenarios on the horizon?”

This Beyoncé 'Lemonade' Meaning Theory Involving the African Goddess Oshun Is Mind-Blowing  4/25/2016 MIC: ""Y'all think Beyoncé was just breaking windows, twerking and playing in water. No, she was portraying Oshun, a Yoruba Orisha," Facebook user Tasha Robinson wrote in a post Sunday. "Sensual, sexual, beautiful Goddess [and] deity who is a healer, gives life, growth, luxury, change and prosperity. That was the message of Lemonade. Love, change and prosperity." "

Beyoncé's 'Lemonade' featured a slew of amazing cameos — here's a guide  4/24/2016 Mashable: "Twin sisters Lisa-Kaindé Diaz and Naomi Diaz of the music duo Ibeyi."

#Usher en La Casa de la Musica de Galiano #Habana #Cuba #Humildad  4/22/2016 Lolo MC: video

Usher en #Cuba habla de la riqueza cultural y energía de los #cubanos  4/22/2016 Cubanos por el mundo: video

Smokey Robinson Jr: “Crecí escuchando jazz cubano”  4/21/2016 Vistar: "William "Smokey" Robinson Jr., leyenda norteamericana del Rock and Roll y el R&B, aseguró que le encantaría grabar con músicos cubanos al declararse amante y conocedor de la música hecha en la Isla. “Yo crecí escuchando jazz cubano”, confesó el cofundador de la disquera Motown Records y miembro del Salón de la Fama del Rock and Roll en 1987. Smokey se encuentra por primera vez en Cuba, donde advierte muchas posibilidades para las colaboraciones musicales. “Estoy aprendiendo sobre Cuba, es mi primera vez y si depende de mí no será la última”, afirmó."

Usher dice adiós a La Habana luego de cantar y bailar con los cubanos  4/21/2016 "Cuba muestra su amor grandemente! íLa energía fue tremenda ayer! Gente trepando en los árboles, en los techos, e inundando las calles mientras corrían. Las artes y la cultura aquí son tan auténticas y refrescantes! Los amo mucho", subrayó el intérprete de Yeah."

Usher Heads Back to US after Singing and Dancing in Cuba  4/21/2016 Prensa Latina: "According to his Twitter account, he posted that in the Plaza de Regla 'we were all rapping, dancing, and singing. Great to see such Life'."

Harlem in Havana Helped Popularize Afro Cuban Music and Dance in North America  4/21/2016 Harlem in Havana: "Although the best talent from Cuba has long been forgotten in the states, Afro Cuban culture still has a strong hold on American entertainers. Many U.S. troupes today incorporate this rich blend of Latin, African and European cultures into their repertoires. But, there is still much to be discovered about how the Afro Cuban craze landed and took root in American soil. Six years ago, Leslie Cunningham, a Durham-based documentary filmmaker and the granddaughter of Tampa millionaire showmen Leon Claxton, created The Harlem in Havana Project, a transmedia project in honor of her grandfather's epic Black and Cuban traveling revue that braved racism, segregation and immigration laws to become popular in the 1940s through the 1960s."

Galería de fotos: Obsesión y Usher en Regla  4/20/2016 Negra Cubana: "La agrupación cubana de rap Supercrónica Obsesión recibió en su peña en el poblado de Regla al cantante y actor estadounidense Usher, quien por estos días visita La Habana. Integrada por Magia y ..eltipoeste… este grupo, símbolo del movimiento cubano de hip hop, celebra mensualmente este encuentro a nivel comunitario al cual se unen artistas de la zona. Regla es además el cuartel general de Obsesión y donde reside ..eltipoeste.."

USHER en la Lanchita de Regla (+ TODAS LAS FOTOS DE USHER EN CUBA)  4/20/2016 Cubanos por el Mundo: "El popular intérprete Usher, de visita en Cuba, ha subido imágenes y videos en la red social Instagram. En una de estas fotos USHER viaja a Regla, histórico pueblo al otro lado de la Bahia de La Habana, conocido por el santuario de la Virgen de Regla, sincretizada en la religión afrocubana como Yemayá."

Usher Travels To Cuba And Doesn't Invite Us  4/20/2016 Essence: "The singer took off earlier this week after a quick stop in Miami and was greeted by tons of fans when he arrived."

Usher y Dave Matthews recorren La Habana  4/19/2016 On Cuba: "La Habana recibe nuevas celebrities: los habaneros quieren tomarse fotos con Usher y Dave Matthews, pero esta vez, estos músicos norteamericanos dejarán esperando a la multitud pues no los verá actuar en un escenario. Ambos están en Cuba para reconocer el país y retornar a Estados Unidos con información sobre cómo podrían Cuba y su país desarrollar más lazos culturales."

Usher visita peña de hip hop en municipio Regla  4/19/2016 CubaDebate: "El músico Usher Terrence Raymond IV, conocido simplemente como “Usher” se encuentra en Cuba como parte de la delegación del Comité Presidencial para las Artes y las Humanidades de los Estados Unidos. El artista oriundo de Tennesse, visitó junto a otras personalidades de la cultura de su país el Instituto Superior de Arte y en la tarde fue hasta el municipio regla, al este de la Bahía de La Habana, para asistir a una peña de hip hop del grupo cubano Obsesión."

Comenzó en Cuba Conferencia Internacional de Cultura Africana y Afroamericana  4/13/2016 Sierra Maestra: "A la actividad inicial de la reunión asistieron parte del Cuerpo Diplomático africano en Cuba; Gabriel López, jefe del Departamento Ideológico del Comité Provincial del Partido Comunista de Cuba; Manuel Falcón, vicepresidente del Consejo de la Administración Provincial; Tania Fernández Chaveco, directora provincial de Cultura; Rodulfo Vaillant, presidente del Comité Provincial de la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (UNEAC), y otros directivos de instituciones, y artistas de varias manifestaciones."

Cuban documentary screened on campus  4/8/2016 Loyola Maroon: "“We wanted to talk about race, but also about life and color. We wanted to laugh at the irony of racism,” O’Reilly said. O’Reilly said that everyone in Cuba is mixed. No one is completely white, and O’Reilly uses his film to point out how ridiculous it is to discriminate in Cuba."

The Long Read: The story of Charlie Hill, an FBI fugitive in Havana  3/25/2016 Huck Magazine: [Hill contests the accuracy of this story - "It's been over 43 years since Charlie Hill went on the run from U.S. authorities, making his way to Cuba where he's been hiding ever since, and the thawing of relations between the two countries plays on his mind. His little known story is one of revolutionary spirit, of murder, of adventure and of pain. After a series of meetings in Havana, award winning writer Carlos Álvarez Rodríguez tells us Charlie's story."

The Black Lives Matters Founders are among the World's Greatest Leaders  3/24/2016 Fortune: "Modern social movements often fizzle after their moment in the national news (Occupy Wall Street and to a lesser extent the Tea Party come to mind). But Black Lives Matter has steadily gained momentum since its founding in 2013, when activist Alicia Garza coined the phrase and fellow activist Patrisse Cullors made it a hashtag. Alongside Opal Tometi, they created the Black Lives Matter network, which has grown to 28 local chapters, each fighting a range of racial injustices like police brutality and racial profiling."

The Cuban Embassy’s First Secretary Miguel Fraga in a candid Block Report Radio Q&A  3/22/2016 SF Bay View: "At Merritt College, the birthplace of the Black Panther Party, on the 74th birthday of its co-founder, Huey P. Newton, the African American Studies Program fittingly hosted a talk by the recently opened Cuban Embassy’s First Secretary Miguel Fraga, where he spoke on Cuban-U.S. relations. In an interview following the Fraga led discussion, he and I continued to talk about Cuban-U.S. relations, but we were able to extend the conversation to talk more directly about the embargo, the U.S. government’s relationship with Haiti, Venezuela and Bolivia, the U.S. government’s funding of Radio Marti, and the dissipation of the radical Latin American bloc of nations that are opposed to U.S. aggression and hegemony in the region and in the world."

Obama's Visit to Cuba: Dangers and Benefits to The Cuban Revolution  3/21/2016 Real News: "One of the very first things that Raul Castro said is that if the embargo were moved today, Cuba would still have tremendous internal difficulty through its own fault. So Cuba has been involved in deep reflection and debate of looking at the differentiation between the party, the state, the government, and the people. It has been involved in a lot of self-critical reflection of the irony of having educated one of the world's most educated populations by all of the [inaud.] of the UN and the independent bodies on their children scoring high in math and science, and great cultural production. A major country in the world on biotechnology and cancer vaccines, and all of this."

What Cuba Can Teach America About Race  3/21/2016 Daily Beast: "But I maintain that on race, Fidel Castro has been one of our hemisphere’s great, even historic leaders. He ended many of the blatant discriminatory practices that existed in pre-Revolutionary Cuba and he made a brand out of his rapport with militant black leaders in the United States. Perhaps the most famous manifestation of that is the photo of Fidel having a face-to-face exchange in Harlem with the militant black American leader Malcolm X, who would be assassinated four years later. Castro would go on to send troops to Angola in Africa, where they fought for years against a faction supported by the white racist government of South Africa. Many today say the world, with U.S. complicity, have failed to recognize the positive role played by Communist Cuba in the end of racial apartheid in South Africa."

#Obama fue a una Paladar en Centro Habana #Cuba?  3/21/2016 Lolo MC: video

Will Afro-Cubans & African-Americans Be Able To Benefit From Improved U.S./Cuban Relations?  3/21/2016 News One: "During a special simulcast with the Tom Joyner Morning Show and TV One’s NewsOne Now, Roland Martin spoke with Devyn Spence Benson, author of Antiracism in Cuba, and businessman Troy Nash about the importance of President Barack Obama‘s visit to Cuba and what improved U.S./Cuban relations could mean for people of color."

What Cuba Can Teach America About Race  3/21/2016 Daily Beast: "Where the American blues was mournful and plaintive, són was defiant and menacing. Folks of color in America embraced it and grew. Ask Dizzy Gillespie."

For black Cubans, Obama visit a source of pride  3/20/2016 AP: "“It was only an African-American man who’s been able to loosen things up,” said Orlando Vila, the 50-year-old chief of a self-employed crew of workman repairing a state-run warehouse in Old Havana. “He’s faced the realities of life and now people here are expecting a change, too.”

What President Obama's Visit to Cuba Means for Cubans of African Descent  3/19/2016 Huff Post: by Devyn Spence Benson "U.S. black travelers to Cuba, like many foreigners, typically visit the island for 10 days or less, both in the 1960s and today. A week is not long enough to decode the dynamics of race and racism. Unlike the widely publicized Black Lives Matter movement, Cuban activists and scholars lack regular access to television, print news, and social media that might amplify their voices and political opinions. Therefore, visitors don't always see the ways Afro-Cubans continue to be left behind. During their short vacations, many won't notice how Afro-Cubans are discretely barred entrance into tourist hotels, or have limited access to good-paying, front-of-the-house jobs in major hotel chains."

Harlem in Havana Project - E-News - March 2016  3/15/2016 Harlem in Havana: "I am so excited to share updates for the film project about Harlem in Havana. Six years in the making, the film will be completed by the end of 2016. Our goal is to launch the film in early 2017, exactly 50 years after Harlem in Havana’s last bally! "

5 places black people can move if Donald Trump wins the presidency  3/2/2016 The Grio: "President Obama gave us life when he opened up the doors to Cuba last summer after a 50-year embargo. We’d been dying to get in and get our tour on like Bey & Jay. Although the country is still recovering economically, the culture is rich, and proud black people are plentiful. But word on the island is that blacks aren’t reaping the benefits of all the new money flowing in. Let some black Americans come through and set up shop. We can start a new revolution…"

Ballet Schools of Cuba and the United States Consolidate Exchanges  3/1/2016 Cuba Now: [Where are the exchanges around black culture?] - "The Cuban School of Ballet Fernando Alonso and the Ruth Page School of Dance in Chicago will strengthen this year their educational and cultural exchanges, asserted recently the director of the U.S. center Victor Alexander Ramirez."

ÌFÉ Synthesizes Ancestral Powers with Contemporary Dancehall  2/29/2016 Noisey: "Last year, Otura traveled to Cuba to complete his initiation into Ifá, part of the Yoruban tradition brought to the Caribbean from Africa. Religious practices like Yoruba were nearly wiped out by slavery, colonialism, and good old proselytizing from the West, but in the Caribbean, there’s a growing movement to revive the faith. Otura is a black American who came to the island, learned Spanish, and adopted a tradition on the decline. It’s an effort to reclaim roots that most people of African descent in America have been almost entirely severed from. These elements are all on display in the video we’re premiering today, which is directed by Luis R. Vidal and Otura himself and draws visual inspiration from his faith."

Capital District's 'People To People' Delegation Reports On Cuban Visit  2/19/2016 WAMC: "Amani Olugbala is a Black Lives Matter organizer who came to Albany from Brooklyn 10 years ago. She was impressed with the Cuban people, admires their activism, and feels the U.S. shouldn't punish the nation for deciding to govern itself. "Cuba is an example of international solidarity for young people, who are like learning about Malcolm X, Fidel, kickin' it together, sharing ideas and learning from one another. I feel like all those examples are just - and - people about Cuba knowing about Black Lives Matter, without access to the same kind of internet materials that we have here, I think it's just a strong statement in solidarity, and just keep up the work that is necessary and is continuing.""

Cinnamon Traveler Heritage Trust, por tercera vez en la feria internacional del libro de La Habana  2/19/2016 Claustrofobias: "Unas de las razones que me motivaron a participar en las ferias, fue cuando vine a Cuba por primera vez como turista y visité la feria en la Cabaña. Quedé impresionada con la cantidad de personas que hacían largas colas para comprar libros. En Atlanta, donde vivo, eso no se ve y menos para comprar libros. Las colas son para conciertos de música o algún evento deportivo, no para libros." Declaró Grace Lynis creadora del proyecto Cinnamon Traveler Heritage Trust para Claustrofobias, de Atlanta, EE.UU, mientras las personas se interesaban por las nuevas e interesantes propuestas."

African American Museum traces the influence of Cuban art  2/16/2016 Newsworks, Philadelphia: "A little-known artistic revolution in Cuba almost 40 years ago is now featured at the African American Museum in Philadelphia. A group of Cuban artists banded together in 1978 together as Grupo Antillano, to make work highlighting African ties to Cuba."

'Black and Cuba': Nine Students Who Fought Racism with Books  2/3/2016 NBC: "The new documentary "Black and Cuba" follows a group of nine Yale graduate students who felt more like outcasts than a part of their elite Ivy League community. Bonding over feelings of alienation, they formed a black resistance reading group to discuss books on the movement against racism throughout the African diaspora and were further inspired to take a field trip to Cuba in 2002 to see firsthand "how revolution lives" on the island."

Bucket-list item for African Americans: Experience Cuba  2/1/2016 USA Today: "Black Cubans are a racial minority, according to the Central Intelligence Agency’s World Fact Book, whose 2012 estimate puts Cuba’s population as 64.1 percent white, 9.3 percent black and 26.6 percent mestizo. The latter is part-European, especially Spanish, and part-Native American. Still, by some accounts, black- and mixed-race people comprise two-thirds of the population. And, elements of the country’s African heritage are many and varied. “Cuba is not African-influenced. Its core root is Africa,” said Dash Harris. The USA-educated Panamanian-American is a co-founder of AfroLatino Travel offering curated tours and local guides at select Latin American and Caribbean destinations."

Bucket-list item for African Americans: Experience Cuba  1/31/2016 USA Today: "Older African-Americans likely remember reading about Cuba in their youth: Fidel Castro’s revolution got a lot of ink in black newspapers in the USA, said Jackie Jones, an associate professor who chairs the multimedia program in the School of Global Journalism at Morgan State University in Baltimore. These journalists “were looking at a country that had a lot of promise of addressing issues of race, which had some resonance with the civil rights movement in the [United] States,” Jones said. And, although a “racial nirvana isn’t there,” Jones calls the island nation “simultaneously troubled and vibrant.”"

CÓDIGO COLOR. MEMORIAS (2015), de William Sabourin O’Reilly  1/28/2016 Cine cubano - la pupila insomne: "Camagüey- El documental Código Color. Memorias, del realizador cubano-norteamericano William Sabourin O’Reilly, tendrá una presentación especial el próximo 30 de enero, en el Salón Platino del Multicine Casablanca de la ciudad de Camagüey. Proyectado en diciembre de 2015 en el 37 Festival del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano y en la ciudad de Santiago de Cuba, el audiovisual propone explorar el complejo tema de los prejuicios raciales, a partir de hechos ocurridos en la década del 50 del pasado siglo."

Tío Tomás’s Cabin: Marco Rubio and White Cubanidad  1/14/2016 Latino Rebels: by Jason Nichols, Lecturer in African American Studies - "Last semester I had a young man turn in an assignment in which students were instructed to write to a current presidential candidate. This particular student had been outspoken and one of the more socially aware and progressive students in the class. He has a leadership position in a Latino fraternity, and often attempted to find commonality between the plight of African Americans and people of Latino (Latinx) origin."

Tipping a Hat to H.T. Smith, a Rebel with a Cause, at the Gay8 Festival  1/13/2016 Miami Herald: "H.T. Smith is no stranger to discrimination. His long career of service has had him chair the Coalition for a Free South Africa — leading the charge to convince local governments and universities not to do business with companies that did business with apartheid South Africa — head a tourism boycott against Miami after local officials snubbed Nelson Mandela during his historic visit; champion the amendment that explicitly gives women and people born outside the U.S. equal legal protection; and co-chair the Miami-Dade Say No to Discrimination referendum, fighting for equal rights for all people regardless of their sexual orientation."

Cuba After the Thaw Worsening Inequality for Afro-Cubans and Women  1/12/2016 Boston Review: by Devyn Spence Benson - "But he [Roberto Zurbano] mentioned one unexpectedly positive effect of U.S. tourism, explaining that the uptick in African American travelers had already changed the dynamics of street-level policing. Havana cops were easing off their notorious harassment of black youths out of fear they might be North American tourists. “It’s a small detail, but for us it’s important. Because the authorities’ perceptions of blackness will keep changing as African American tourism grows.” It is an example of the kind of unanticipated effects that the coming years may bring."

Links on/Enlaces en la AfroCubaWebtop

Diasporic Commonalities: Common History and Future of the Afro-Cuban & Afro-American Communities. Riviera Beach, FL, 4/26/14. Organized by Alberto Jones.

Jay-Z and Beyoncé go to Cuba: the exiled plantocracy reacts & Jay-Z raps, 4/13

Assata Shakur, 11/12

Black and Cuba

Special Report: Cuba in Black and White, Institute for Advanced Journalism Studies, 2011: a non-profit dedicated to developing Black American journalists reports on Cuba with DeWayne Wickham, Tonyaa J. Weathersbee, and many others.

Goodbye Manning Marable, 4/6/2011 (en español), Gisela Arandia

Acting on Our Conscience Briefing Sheet: roadmap for Diaspora support of Miami-backed dissidents, 1/6/2010

Acting on Our Conscience: a Declaration of African American Support for the Civil Rights Struggle in Cuba, 11/30/09

African Americans and Cuba's First Experiment in Tourism: The Joe Louis Commission in Post Revolutionary Havana, 1959-1960  6/1/2009 Black Past

Nine African American columnists visit Cuba: February, 2000

National Black Chamber of Commerce, Travel to Cuba, position  paper, 2000

"Why Black Cuba Is Suffering," a report from TransAfrica, 7/99

Lisa Brock and Digna Castañeda Fuertes: Between Race and Empire : African-Americans and Cubans Before the Cuban Revolution, 1998

The Cuban Revolution in Transition: Black Reflections on Race, Politics, and Culture in Cuba Today, 11/1/97

The Congressional Black Caucus and Cuba

TransAfrica  increases the dialog between AfroCubans and African Americans




Lisa Brock, Kalamazoo College

Leslie Cunningham, Harlem in Havana

Marvin Dunn

James Early, Smithsonian

Soffiyah Elijah, director of the Correctional Association of New York

Ben Jones, artist

Manning Marable

Cornelius Moore

Nurudafina Pili Abena, musician

Margaret Ross Martin, journalist

Assata Shakur, activist

Askia Toure, poet

Kwame Toure, activist

Tonyaa Weathersbee, journalist

Robert F. Williams


Gisela Arandia, scholar

Digna Castañeda Fuertes

Tomas Fernandez Robaina, scholar

Gloria Rolando, film maker


The Trayvon Martin in US: An American Tragedy, by Emmanuel Harris II (Editor), Antonio D. Tillis (Editor). Includes Afro-Latin perspectives.

Between Race and Empire: African-Americans and Cubans Before the Cuban Revolution
Edited by Lisa Brock and Digna Castañeda Fuertes

Organizations top

Black Lives Matter
Caribbean Cultural Center, NY
Ingathering:The Literary Journal of Arts & Letters from the Black Diaspora in the Americas, Chicago
Centro Martin Luther King, la Habana Kwame Touré Work Study Institute and Library
Institute for Advanced Journalism Studies, DeWayne Wickham Percussion Artists Workshop (PAWS), LA
Sociedad Marti-Maceo, Tampa: AfroCubans in Tampa le Ijuba Yoruba, Miami, Inc.
Stage of the Arts, Inc.: Matanzas in LA Organization of Africans in the Americas, Washington, DC
TransAfrica Forum Black Cuba Forum: AfroCubans in Miami, recipient of NED funds
Harlem in Havana Jig Show


Black Florida

The Samaná Americans: African Americans in the Dominican Republic since 1824, 1/13 

Black in Latin America

Forging Diaspora: Afro-Cubans and African Americans in a World of Empire and Jim Crow, Frank Guridy , 2010
To order ==>

Tips for Black Travelers


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