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  Mala Lengua

Contacting Ingathering

The Literary Journal of Arts & Letters
from the Black Diaspora in the Americas

Ingathering: The Literary Journal of Arts & Letters from the Black Diaspora in the Americas invites submissions for its fall 1999 premiere issue.

Ingathering welcomes accomplished creative & critical works by writers of African descent throughout the Americas.

Ingathering seeks: Short stories, poetry, creative personal & critical thesis oriented essays, feature articles (literary journalism), memoirs, travel mediations, one-act plays, novel excerpts, interviews, and book & music reviews.

For writer's guidelines and further information send a self addressed stamped envelope (SASE) to the address below and we will promptly reply. (or send an email to the address below) We look forward to reading your work.

Thank you.


N. Hamer, Senior Manuscripts Editor

Contacting Ingathering

c/o Publishing
601 S. LaSalle Building
6th Floor, Suite H-494
Chicago, Illinois 60605

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