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  Mala Lengua
5/28/99 Fernando Ortiz Exhibition Opening with
Master Folklore Artists
Lázaro Galarraga, Francisco Aguabella, and Felipe Garcia

PAWS Web Site

Percussion Artists Workshop (PAWS)

PAWS  was founded by Puerto Rican performance artist angel luís Figueroa and is based in Los Angeles.  PAWS "is a non profit international organization dedicated to providing EDUCATION, CULTURE, and ENTERTAINMENT to the public in general and youth in particular, through the teaching and performance of percussion, dance, and song in the Afro-Caribbean and South American traditions."

It has various events - classes, youth programs, & performances - with well known artists such as Lázaro Galarraga, Francisco Aguabella, Felipe Garcia, Pedro "Muńeco" Aguilar, José DeLeon, Caribbean Crew, and many others.

Their classes and events are on a weekly basis so check them out at

Selected Events

FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1999     5:30 pm
Fernando Ortiz Exhibition Opening with
Master Folklore Artists
Lázaro Galarraga, Francisco Aguabella, and Felipe Garcia
Craft & Folk Art Museum
5800 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles
Information contact Scottie at (323) 937-4230

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