African Americans & Cuba
African-American Artists and Abstraction exhibit in Havana, 2014 |
Obama’s Cuban Revolution: What it Means for Afro-Cubans 12/31/2014 New
York Amsterdam News: "Afro-Cuban author Pedro Perez- Sarduy is hopeful
about the coming changes. He believes they will help his community. “Cuba
was a socially stratified society before 1959, which is what I tried to
show in my novel, ‘The Maids of Havana’,” he said. “The revolutionary
process neutralized that, but the inherited racist prejudices of our
recent pseudo-republican past (from 1902 to 1958) were not eradicated
completely.” Perez-Sarduy is co-editor of “AfroCuba: An Anthology of Cuban
Writing on Race, Politics and Culture” (2002). He notes, “We are very far
from having a perfect society and aspire to get to that point. But racism
is a disease that is very difficult to eradicate, because it is in the
mind and in people’s attitudes… Each country has its own mechanisms for
dealing with the scourge of racism, which was a result of the Middle
Blacks Should Support Normalizing Relations with Cuba 12/29/2014 The
Skanner: Written by Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., NNPA Columnist
The Forgotten History of U.S.-Cuba Friendship 12/29/2014 Huff
Post: "Black Americans have demonstrated a special interest, extending all
the way back to Harlem Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., forcing the
Eisenhower Administration to embargo arms shipments to Batista in 1958.
Throughout the 1960s, many leaders in the civil rights and Black Power
movements visited Cuba, to see for themselves how it overcame widespread
poverty and discrimination, followed later by leading black Members of
Congress. Even in the 1990s, Fidel Castro packed out Harlem's most famous
church, Abyssinian Baptist. African Americans knew well what Mandela had
said: that the 1988 defeat of white South Africa's vaunted army by Cuban
troops backing the revolutionary Angolan government was a decisive blow
against apartheid."
How Barbara Lee’s 30-year Cuba campaign paid off 12/21/2014 SF
Chronicle: "Lee and her delegation met that day for five hours with
President Raul Castro in the first face-to-face session between U.S.
lawmakers and Cuban leaders in at least five years. Both brothers, Lee
recalled, expressed hope that the newly elected President Obama would
change history and restore ties between the two countries. Last week, as
she touched down on U.S. soil from another trip to Cuba — her 21st — the
Oakland Democrat got the call: Obama was announcing a thawing of
relations, an exchange of prisoners and the freeing of American Alan
Gross, whom Lee had visited several times during his five-year Cuban
What Does Ending The Cold War With Cuba Mean For Afro-Cubans And African
Americans 12/18/2014 News One: "Listen to Martin and the “NewsOne
Now” panel featuring Rep. Charles Rangel, Roland Roebuck, Kim Brown, Lenny
McAllister and Avis Jones-DeWeever discuss the political and economic
impact the normalizing of relations with Cuba will mean for African
Americans and Afro Cubans below. Let us know if you think ending the Cold
War with Cuba was a good move."
Drapetomanía, una expo sobre el cimarronaje en el MoAD 12/13/2014 Negra
Cubana: "La expo “Drapetomanía: Grupo Antillano and the Art of Afro-Cuba”
se encuentra en estos momentos siendo exhibida en el Museo de la Diáspora
Africana (MoAD) en San Francisco. La noticia nos la hace llegar el
intelectual cubano y curador de la misma Alejandro de la Fuente. Con
anterioridad, en el mes de mayo, dicha exposición estuvo en la galería The
8th Floor, en Nueva York y fue expuesta originalmente en el Centro
Provincial de Artes Plásticas y Diseño en Santiago de Cuba (abril-mayo,
2013). La exposición, que celebra un grupo de artistas de la década de
1970, viajará a continuación a la galería de Ethelbert Cooper en el
Hutchins Center for African and African American Research, Universidad de
Harvard (primavera 2015)."
MoAD cuts the ribbon and welcomes art lovers to reimagined space 12/4/2014 SF
Chronicle: "Executive Director Linda Harrison welcomed the crowd and
introduced board chair Wade Rose, director of the Institute for Afro-Latin
American Studies at Harvard; Alejandro de la Fuente (who curated the
“Drapetomania: Grupo Antillano and the Art of Afro-Cuba” show); and artist
Lava Thomas (whose sculptures and drawings are featured in “Lava Thomas:
Beyond”). Then — blessed are the brief, and they were — short remarks were
made by San Francisco City Administrator Naomi Kelly and by Willie Brown,
who as mayor had hammered out the deal that created MoAD as part of a
redevelopment project and who sits on the board of the Smithsonian
National Museum of African American History and Culture."
A New Destination for African Art 11/20/2014 NYT: "Sponsored by the
Hutchins Center for African & African American Research and its founder
Henry Louis Gates Jr., the Cooper Gallery holds a lot of promise, and has
a stimulating program planned. Next up, an historical show of work by the
now largely forgotten Afro-Cuban art and political movement called Grupo
Antillano (1978-83), organized by Alejandro de la Fuente, a professor of
Latin American history and African-American studies at Harvard."
Historia de las Ligas Negras de Estados Unidos - (VI) 10/27/2014 Marti
Noticias: "Como hemos reseñado muchas veces, en estos artículos y otros
espacios de Radio Martí, tres cubanos fueron elegidos al Salón de la Fama
en la elección especial que se celebró en Tampa, el 27 de febrero del
2006. Los tres fueron elegidos entre jugadores dueños y ejecutivos de
equipos que formaban las Ligas Negras de Estados Unidos y de equipos que
funcionaron antes de que las Ligas Negras fueran debidamente organizadas
en 1920."
A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement by Alicia Garza 10/7/2014 The
Feminist Wire
Steve Coleman, a made-in-Chicago jazz master, wins a MacArthur 9/16/2014 Chicago
Tribune: "The Sign and the Seal" marked a notable collaboration in
Havana for Coleman and the Mystic Rhythm Society with AfroCuba de
Caribbean roots of black church explored 9/11/2014 Miami
Times: "Erskine said that the massive Afro-Caribbean population
established a form of Christianity that not only preserved African gods
and practices but fused them with Christian teachings, resulting in
religions such as Cuba’s Santería. He said that the black religious
experience in the United States was markedly different because
African-Americans were a political and cultural minority."
African American Abstract Artists Exhibit in Cuba 8/31/2014 Radio
Havana: "A group of 85 US museum directors, curators, intellectuals and
artists, who were on hand at the opening, are scheduled to hold panels,
visit Cuban cultural institutions and exchange views and ideas with Cuban
colleagues. The exhibition will also travel to different museums in the
United States, Europe and Africa. In related news, Havana’s Fine Art
Biennial, scheduled for next year, will include an exhibit of the Bronx
Museum for the first time on the island."
Cuba in talks for cultural exchange with US museum 8/7/2014 The Art
Newspaper: "Cuba is in talks with the Bronx Museum to organise the first
major exhibition by a US museum in the country, according to local
reports. The show would be part of the 12th edition of the Havana Biennial
next year, and could be followed by an exhibition in New York in 2016 that
would feature work by Cuban artists. The Bronx Museum was not available
for comment. The director of the National Fine Arts Museum in Havana, Ana
Cristina Perera, announced the cultural exchange during the 1 August
opening of “African American Artists and Abstraction”, an exhibition in
Cuba that includes work by nine American artists."
of Dali & African American Abstraction in Cuba 8/2/2014 Havana
Times: "Within the growing cultural exchanges taking place between artists
and personalities of Cuba and the United States, the Museum of Fine Arts
in Havana recently opened two exhibitions “Memories of Surrealism” and
“Abstraction and African American artists.”"
African Americans Should Care About Cuba’s Black History 6/21/2014 Atlanta
Black Star: "There is a rich history in Cuba that should interest African
Americans. With the restoration of diplomatic ties between the U.S. and
Cuba, there are more opportunities to visit and learn."
“Estar conectada con personas negras siempre fue vital para el bienestar
de Audre” 5/23/2014 Negra Cubana
“Qué significa ser radical en el siglo XXI”: Entrevista a Angela Davis 5/19/2014 Marxismo
Critico: "¿Son las mujeres participantes plenas de la política de hoy? Tal
vez no del todo, pero hemos hecho muchos progresos. Respecto a cómo
pensamos sobre los movimientos del pasado, animo a la gente a mirar más
allá de las heroicas figuras masculinas. Si bien Martin Luther King es
alguien a quien reverencio, no me gusta dejar que lo que representa borre
las aportaciones de la gente corriente. El boicot de los autobuses de
Montgomery en 1955 tuvo éxito porque hubo mujeres negras, trabajadoras
domésticas, que se negaron a tomar el autobús. ¿Dónde estaríamos hoy si no
hubieran actuado así?"
Audre Lorde y yo 5/10/2014 Negra Cubana: "El pasado jueves 8 de mayo,
se presentó en la ciudad de Hannover el documental Audre Lorde: The Berlin
years, de la realizadora alemana Dagmar Schultz, quien tuvo una especial
relación con la intelectual afroestadounidense y que por más de 30 de años
se dedicase a recopilar información documental sobre ella."
Carta a Raúl Castro de Norman Hill - Instituto A. Philip Randolph 2/27/2014 Plataforma: "Le
escribo como Presidente Emérito del Instituto A. Philip Randolph,
or?ani!aci"n nacional compuesta principalmente por sindicalistas ne?ros
#ue sir$en de puente entre los mo$imientos sindicalista % de derechos
ci$iles para &omentar la alian!a laboral por la i?ualdad racial % la
'usticia econ"mica.(uisiera hacer constar mi &uerte protesta por el
arresto del l)der disidente a&rocubano % porta$o! del mo$imiento social
dem"crata Arco Pro?resista, Manuel Cuesta Mor*a, % por las condiciones
represi$as de su puesta en libertad."
For Black Cubans, That Handshake Was Hope 12/17/2013 The Root: "“I
knew what happened between Raúl and Obama because my assistant called me
on the phone and told me,” said famed Afro-Cuban documentarian Gloria
Rolando. . “He said, ‘Gloria! Gloria! Did you hear what happened?’ “That
was the most important news that day … people were calling me all day
about it. We don’t always make comments about news events, but we did
about that one. “That meeting may be the window for the start of a new
beginning for us.”"
How Miami's Shrewd Black Leadership Turned The Mandela Snub To Local
Advantage 12/5/2013 WLRN: ""South Florida, meanwhile, was getting
some hard facts about its tourism industry. Basically, it was discovering
that while black travelers and conventions were a mainstay of Miami
tourism, the industry had few ownership, management or even employment
opportunities for African-Americans. 'We needed something to get national
support. We were looking for something to ignite a movement.' Twenty
percent of the conventions that had come to Miami the year before Mandela
arrived were black, recalls H. T. Smith, a lawyer with deep Miami roots.
It was a market segment worth hundreds of millions of dollars and local
blacks couldn't even get hired as waiters or bartenders, he said."
Afro Cuban
Relations with Florida 11/16/2013 Havana Times: "Can anyone imagine
Jazz, professional baseball, Latin American and Caribbean literature,
without Afro American and Afro Cuban close collaboration?"
Cuban art currently on show in Los Angeles 6/6/2013 Havana
Cultura: "The California African American Museum of Art—in partnership
with the Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, Florida International
University, and Fundación Amistad— currently hosts a retrospective
exhibition covering over 50 years of Cuban visual artist Manuel Mendive's
career. The show includes visual and performance work displaying Lukumi
and Yoruba influences and tackling religious and political subject matter.
The museum is also the venue of a second Cuban-themed exhibition entitled
Afrodescendientes: photographer Roberto Chile in Guanabacoa. At the
crossroads of photojournalism and artistic photography, the exhibit
features the work that Cuban photographer and documentalist Roberto Chile
carried out in the Island's easternmost province of Guanabacoa, whose
population is largely composed of Afro-Cubans."
More visits by artists like Beyonce, Jay-Z, needed, says Afro-Cuban
filmmaker 5/17/2013 Pittsburgh Courier: by
Not Your Daddy's COINTELPRO: Obama Brands Assata Shakur "Most Wanted
Terrorist" 5/8/2013 Black Agenda Report: "It's been a week now since
the $2 million dollar bounty and “most wanted terrorist” announcement. In
that time, not a single nationally noted African American “leader” has
raised his or her voice. Not Ben Jealous. Not a single black mayor or
member of the Congressional Black Caucus. Not Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, and
certainly not the presidential lap dog Al Sharpton.
Sharpton has worn wires for the
FBI more than once, and is credibly accused of trying to get close to
people who were rumored to be close to Assata Shakur in the 1980s. Those
people wisely avoided Rev. Al. Such is the pressure of subservient
conformity among the black political class that not a single African
American politician, religious leader, or personage of national note has
opened his or her mouth in Assata Shakur's defense, with the solitary
exception of Angela Davis, once a political prisoner and fugitive in the
days before the word “terrorist” had been coined. Lockstep conformity like
this is hard to shake. In their 45 minutes in an otherwise excellent
Democracy Now show mostly devoted to Assata Shakur's case, neither
Shakur's attorney Lennox Hinds nor Angela Davis could bring themselves
even to hint that the president and attorney general were responsible for
branding her as the nation's “most wanted terrorist.”
What’s behind renewed attacks on African American freedom fighter Assata
Shakur? 5/7/2013 Pambazuka News: "This latest provocation against
Shakur, 65, is directed not only against the veteran Black Panther Party
(BPP) and Black Liberation Army (BLA) member, but represents an overhaul
attack on the struggle of African Americans against racism and national
oppression in the United States."
Supporters Say 'Hands Off Assata' Shakur 5/3/2013 The Root: "Many
prominent blacks, from Angela Davis to Roland Martin, are speaking out in
support of Shakur, and many folks on Twitter are expressing displeasure at
the FBI as well. The hashtag #HandsOffAssata is being used to show support
for Shakur online. Some of the tweets from the hashtag are below."
Tonyaa Weathersbee: A goal is reached after two decades 4/11/2013 Jax
Air News: "This week marked two milestones for the African-American
Cultural Society here. For nearly two decades, it had been trying to get
Gloria Rolando, a renowned Afro-Cuban filmmaker whose work primarily deals
with the triumphs and struggles of black people in that island nation, to
visit. Last Sunday, she finally did. Rolando made a stop here after
appearing in Atlanta and en route to other U.S. destinations. She showed
two of her films, “The Jazz in Us” and “Cherished Island Memories.” Her
lifetime mission has been to use film to uncover those portions of black
Cuban life either lost or buried in history. “I am very curious,” Rolando
told me. “I like to explore the history of a people, how they got there,
what happened to them.”"
Filmmaker to visit Palm Coast 4/3/2013 Daytona Beach
News-Journal: "Acclaimed Afro-Cuban filmmaker
Gloria Rolando will make an appearance Sunday at the African American
Cultural Society in Palm Coast. Alberto Jones, president and founder of
the Caribbean American Children's Foundation, said he has been trying to
get the Cuban filmmaker to visit Palm Coast for many years."
Gallery Guichard Fine Art Gallery: Helping People Collect Art with a
Purpose 1/15/2013 Tom Joyner Foundation: "Guichard is well known
internationally. Last year, he was one of the featured artists at the San
Alejandro University and the Blue Havana Circle gallery in Havana, Cuba, a
bridge of fine art between Havana, Cuba and America."
For Her People 7/4/2012 Jackson Free Press: "In 1968, Walker founded
the Institute for the Study of the History, Life and Culture of Black
People at JSU, now named the Margaret Walker Center. It is housed in Ayer
Hall, the oldest building on Jackson State's campus. Dedicated to the
preservation, interpretation and dissemination of African American
history, the Margaret Walker Center seeks to honor her literary legacy and
commitment to black studies with archival manuscripts and oral-history
collections… The center engages the community through literacy projects
and educational workshops and works with other JSU departments, including
its partners: The Fannie Lou Hamer National Institute on Citizenship and
Democracy, The Afro-Cuban Research Institute and The Veterans of the
Mississippi Civil Rights Movement."
Owning the Revolution: Race, Revolution, and Politics from Havana to
Miami, 1959–1963 6/1/2012 eScholarship
Activating The
Past—event and edited volume 5/31/2012 EthnoCuba: "...many of the
essays prominently place Cuban history and ethnography within an
inter-Atlantic conversation. Thus, for instance, the first chapter, by
Stephan Palmié: “Ekpe/Abakuá in Middle Passage: Time, Space and Units of
Analysis in African American Historical Anthropology.” There are also
Cuba-centered chapters by art historian Judith Bettelheim, “Espiritismo
Altars in Puerto Rico and Cuba: The Indian and the Congo,” and Carrie
Viarnes, “Muñecas and Memoryscapes: Negotiating Identity and History in
Cuban Espiritismo.” Surely, however, the broader value of the volume is in
(re)emplacing Cuba within wider currents, histories, and movements."
On a frank and, sometimes, heated conversation about race, between Henry
Louis Gates Jr. and Ilan Stevens 5/1/2012 Politico beta
Raising Funds: Disadvantaged Black Students at Yale Visit Cuba in Doc
"Black and Cuba" 4/30/2012 IndieWire: "Raising funds via Indiegogo,
the documentary Black and Cuba, directed by Robin J. Hayes, professor at
The New School, follows a group of disadvantaged African American students
at the prestigious Yale University, who take a field trip to Cuba to see
"how revolution lives," and to get inspiration in order to pursue their
own black resistance reading group."
FMP - Mark Wells on Afro-Cubans and protest against the imprisonment of
Darsi Ferrer, part 2 1/15/2012 YouTube: part of the Carlos Moore
campaign - "A group of prominent African Americans, traditionally
sympathetic to the Cuban revolution, have for the first time condemned
Cuba, demanding Havana stop its callous disregard for black Cubans and
declaring that racism in Cuba must be confronted."
Review: Forging Diaspora: Afro-Cubans and African Americans in a World of
Empire and Jim Crow 6/1/2011 Essays in History: "Forging Diaspora is
an impressive effort to unmask the long history of relations between the
peoples of the United States and Cuba, a task begun by Louis A. Pérez, Jr.
in the late 1990s.[4] Guridy approaches this problematic with a fresh
perspective, one that takes people of African descent as its main agents.
From the perspective of Cuban history, this work advances scholarly
understandings of the role of empire in shaping relations between the
United States and Cuba, while also bringing into the discussion a fruitful
analytical tool – Diaspora – which has thus far been relatively absent in
studies of Latin Americans of African descent. This volume challenges
readers to think about the process of constructing Diaspora, as opposed to
the simple existence of it and encourages scholars to search for new
vantage points from which to study community and identity formation."
From Cuba, progress that U.S. refuses to see 5/30/2011 USA Today: by
DeWayne Wickham, head of the Trotter Group of African American columnists
Common gets a bad rap on Assata Shakur 5/14/2011 Guardian: "So, cue
conservative outrage over Michelle Obama's inviting rapper Common to a
White House poetry reading, because Common wrote an adulatory song about
Black Panther Assata Shakur. The New Jersey state police protested. Is it
possible that the vile New Jersey police – just this week it was announced
that Newark's police department is being investigated by the justice
department for multiple civil rights violations – and their rightwing
puppetmasters do not know about COINTELPRO? That while Soviet tanks
crushed Prague's spring, in America, police assassins, provocateurs and
slanderers felled our saints as they slept?"
A review of PBS
“Black in Latin America. Cuba: the Next Revolution” 5/1/2011 EthnoCuba: "Just
this week, PBS has been showing a series on race in Latin America. This is
Prof. Maria Elena Díaz’s very illuminating review of the Cuba episode:"
Full Episode: Cuba: The Next Revolution 4/26/2011 PBS: "In Cuba
Professor Gates finds out how the culture, religion, politics and music of
this island are inextricably linked to the huge amount of slave labor
imported to produce its enormously profitable 19th century sugar industry,
and how race and racism have fared since Fidel Castro’s Communist
revolution in 1959."
Miami's Continuing Color Problem 12/14/2010 The Root: "There were too
many police shootings of unarmed black men in Miami for my taste, and in
the prior decade, one of the most notorious police shootings had led to
violent riots. There was not a visible black middle-class community,
although middle-class blacks were scattered about, but there were plenty
of visibly poor and badly deteriorated black neighborhoods. African
Americans were mostly politically marginalized and had even less economic
power. Cuban Americans -- many of them fair-skinned "white" conservative
Republicans, uninterested in power sharing -- were politically ascendant.
(Afro-Cubans and other Afro-Latinos, for the most part, blended into the
African-American community.) Non-Hispanic white residents were fleeing
Dade County and heading to whiter suburbs in northern counties."
Review: Forging Diaspora: Afro-Cubans and African Americans in a World of
Empire and Jim Crow 12/4/2010 African Diaspora Archaeology
Newsletter: "Frank Andre Guridy has produced a fascinating study of "cross
national exchange between Afro-Cubans and African Americans" (p. 2). While
the focus of this book is on four specific stories, the author's ambitions
extend to commentary on the phenomenon of diaspora, the awareness and
kaleidoscopic expression of a people's migration in multiple national and
temporal contexts. Guridy contends that "Afro-descended peoples in Cuba
and the United States came to identify themselves as being part of a
transcultural African diaspora, an identification that did not contradict
black aspirations for national citizenship" (p. 4)."
Right Tries to Bloc NAACP Criticism of Tea Party Racism 7/21/2010 Black
Voice News: "What surprised me was the opposition of Cynthia Tucker,
African-American editor of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution who wrote that
the NAACP had no business condemning the Tea Party. Her view was: 1) she
did not know what “elements” of racism were; 2) this would confirm that
the NAACP was an arm of the Democratic Party; 3) the NAACP did not purge
its own ranks; and 4) the resolution just draws attention to the Tea
Partiers. This is very weak stuff for the editor of a major American
newspaper, especially coming an African American."
?Encuentro con delegación de Estados Unidos 6/3/2010 Noticias de la
Biblioteca Nacional José Martí: "Un fructífero intercambio sostuvieron el
Dr. Eduardo Torres Cuevas, director de la Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba José
Martí y el investigador de la propia institución Tomás Fernández Robaina,
con una delegación de periodistas norteamericanos."
Why Defame Cuba? A Congregant’s Plea to Rev. Jeremiah Wright 4/13/2010 Black
Agenda Report: "Lots of unexpected names turned up as signatories to a
letter charging the Cuban government with systematic discrimination
against Blacks. Among those who committed the foul injustice against Cuba,
and shamed themselves, was Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama’s former
pastor. A fellow member of the United Church of Christ asks, respectfully,
that the minister explain himself."
The Insanity of the African American Racial ‘Critique’ of Cuba 3/9/2010 Black
Agenda Report: "Late last year, a group of 60 prominent African Americans
circulated a letter denouncing racism in, of all places, Cuba. I say, of
all places, because almost any other country on the planet would be a
better target than Cuba for a scathing and very public racial critique by
African Americans… The signatories cite figures that purport to show that
people of African descent are more likely to be incarcerated than whites.
But those same figures show a much lower rate of Black incarceration in
Cuba than in the United States, and a far lower percentage of Blacks among
Cuban political prisoners. Still, Dr. Walters wants to make the Black
condition in Cuba “part of any negotiations on the normalization of
relations between the U.S. and Cuba.” In that statement, Walters is saying
that the United States – of all nations – should negotiate with Cuba on
the status of Cuba's Black citizens, before the U.S. lifts its illegal
embargo and otherwise starts behaving like a civilized neighbor. I must
assume that means the Cubans will have the same right to negotiate the
treatment of Black Americans: an end to mass Black American incarceration,
freedom for Black American political prisoners, a lowering of Black
unemployment – and all the rest of our problems."
The shamelessness of the United States government 2/26/2010 Granma: "ONE
out of every four prisoners in the world is in a U.S. penitentiary. The
composition of these prisoners is profoundly racist: one out of every 15
black adults is incarcerated; one out of every 9 is aged 20-34 years; and
one out of every 36 Hispanics. Two-thirds of those serving life sentences
are African Americans or Latinos, and in the case of New York state, only
16.3% of prisoners are white. Every year, 7,000 people die in U.S.
prisons, many of them murdered or suicides. For example, U.S. prison
guards routinely use Taser guns on prisoners. According to a recent
report, 230 U.S. citizens have died as a result of the use of these
weapons since 2001. The report refers to the case of a county jail in
Garfield, Colorado, accused of regularly using Taser guns and pepper spray
on prisoners, and then tying them to chairs in extreme positions for hours
at a time."
FMP - Mark Wells on Afro-Cubans and protest against the imprisonment of
Darsi Ferrer, part 1 1/13/2010 YouTube: part of the Carlos Moore
campaign - "A group of prominent African Americans, traditionally
sympathetic to the Cuban revolution, have for the first time condemned
Cuba, demanding Havana stop its callous disregard for black Cubans and
declaring that racism in Cuba must be confronted."
African American activists, including Jeremiah Wright and Cornel West,
blast Cuba on racism 1/4/2010 LA Times
Black activists launch rare attack on Cuba about racism 1/3/2010 LA
Times: "The CIA World Factbook says blacks are 35% of the Cuban
population, but many observers say that figure is probably above 60%. (The
discrepancies arise from the way the Cuban government counts and
classifies race.) The ratio of people of color has grown since the Castros
took power, as wealthier whites fled for Miami and elsewhere. The
remittances whites sent to families on the island have widened the income
gap between Cuba's blacks and whites, said Mark Sawyer, a UCLA political
science professor and Cuba expert who signed the document. So has a
preference for hiring whites in a tourist industry that has become more
important with the collapse of the government-regulated economy, he said.
The Castro government has long treated racism as an issue solved by the
revolution, which promised equality for all. But despite the Castros'
early and overt denunciation of racism, it continues to be a pernicious
presence in Cuban daily life. Sawyer offered one example, noting that
kinky black hair is commonly referred to as pelo malo, or "bad hair.""
WE STAND WITH CUBA! 12/28/2009 Black Educator: "DECLARATION OF
The Phantom
Letter 12/23/2009 Havana Times: "A reply signed by eight Cuban
intellectuals including De la Hoz had been published days earlier in
Granma under the heading: “A message from Cuba to the African-American
intellectuals and artists.” The reply ran without making known the
contents of the declaration from the US that provoked such a response. It
astonishes me that in this 21st century the newspaper should utilize such
a misleading tactic, thus giving Cuban readers free rein to speculate
about the reasons that may or may not have led the African American
intellectuals in the US to dare produce such a declaration. ...What, then,
could the ghostly declaration be talking about? Could it be that it’s
grounded in the everyday life of black Cubans today?"
We Stand With Cuba!: African Americans Express Solidarity With the
Revolution 12/20/2009 PanAfrican Newswire
Racist or Revolutionary: Cuba’s Identity is at Stake 12/18/2009 Defenders
Online: by Ron Walters - "In the meantime, the Cuban government’s
rejection of the concerns expressed by African Diaspora leaders who’ve
long supported their revolution only intensifies the sense that it’s not
interested in reforming racial practices there. Perhaps government
officials believe the push to normalize relations with the U.S. government
trumps its longstanding relationship with black Americans. This would
waste a tremendous opportunity to complete the goals of fundamental social
change envisioned by those who made the revolution, and those who
supported it after its initial success."
Reverse images: The acrimonious debate on race in Cuba 12/15/2009 SF
Bay View: "If Moore were honest, he’d promote dialogue to break the
information blockade that prevents African Americans from knowing what
truly is happening in Cuba. He’d promote a hemispheric Black Consciousness
Movement, a movement that took the form of the Black Power Movement in the
U.S., to energize a movement to help dispel the centuries old fiction of
racial democracy in the former Latin colonies. He’d address a need for a
hemispheric reparations movement. Instead of promoting racial solidarity
and political progressiveness in the West, Carlos Moore has spent the last
50 years fighting communism and spitting on the only country in the
Western Hemisphere to have spilled blood in the last 100 years fighting
for the rights of Africa and Black people."
Cuban opposition pleased by African American support 12/10/2009 Radio
Cuban opposition pleased by African American support. By Professor
Emeritus, David Covin. 12/10/2009 Cuba, Democracia y Vida: ""This
letter is a very positive step, said Jorge Soca, because before no one
wanted to talk about this. There has always been the notion that racism in
Cuba did not exist but this is a lie", she added." [And that too is a lie,
since racism in Cuba has been discussed for years, both in and out of
Challenging Cuba as the violator of black people's rights? Really? 12/10/2009 Uhuru
Newws: "The document states, “Racism in Cuba, and anywhere else in the
world, is unacceptable and must be confronted!” African Internationalism,
the theory of Chairman Omali Yeshitela, contends that if we confront and
defeat imperialism (and the U.S. is the leading imperialist power) then
racism — the ideas in the heads of our oppressors — will be a non-issue. I
Importante líder afronorteamericana retira su firma de la carta que acusó
a Cuba de racismo 12/8/2009 CubaDebate: "Makani Themba-Nixon,
directora ejecutiva The Praxis Project que aparece entre los firmantes de
una carta de intelectuales y líderes afronorteamericanos que habían
acusado a Cuba de prácticas de racismo y acoso de los ciudadanos negros,
ha divulgado este lunes una nota en la que pide que su nombre no aparezca
en ese documento."
Cuba’s Role in an African Genocide and Revolutionary Racism on the Island 12/7/2009 Notes
from the Cuban Exile Quarter: "One of the deeds that the dictatorship in
Cuba wants to keep hidden from the world and African Americans in
particular, is its role in the mass killings in Ethiopia in the 1970s and
1980s. Beginning in late 1977, the first 5,000 of what would eventually
number over 17,000 Cuban military personnel arrived in Ethiopia. By 1987
the Cuban presence had dropped to fewer than 2,000 personnel. During
1977-78, a conservative estimate of over 30,000 Africans perished as a
result of the Red Terror unleashed by the Ethiopian Communists and their
Cuban allies. Amnesty International concluded that "this campaign resulted
in several thousand to perhaps tens of thousands of men, women, and
children killed, tortured, and imprisoned." Sweden's Save the Children
Fund lodged a formal protest in early 1978 denouncing the execution of
1,000 children, many below the age of thirteen, whom the communist
government had labeled "liaison agents of the counter revolutionaries."
Mensaje desde Cuba a los intelectuales y artistas afronorteamericanos 12/4/2009 Jiribilla
Envían desde Cuba mensaje a los intelectuales y artistas
afronorteamericanos 12/4/2009 CubaDebate
Nueva declaración de condena al racismo en Cuba, de personalidades
caribeñas 12/4/2009 Cuba Puntos de Vista: from Jamaica's intellectual
High-Profile Group Urges Cuba to Stop Racism 12/2/2009 BET: “This is
historic,” Enrique Patterson, an Afro-Cuban Miami author, told the Web
site. Although predominantly White Cuban exiles “tried to approach these
people before, they lacked credibility. Now [African Americans] are
African-American group challenges Cuba on race 12/2/2009 Miami
Herald: "While the African American signers support Cuba's right to
sovereignty ``and unhesitatingly repudiate any attempt at curtailing such
a right,'' the statement added they ``cannot sit idly by and allow for
peaceful, dedicated civil rights activists in Cuba, and the black
population as a whole, to be treated with callous disregard.'' ``Racism in
Cuba, and anywhere else in the world, is unacceptable and must be
confronted,'' their statement declared."
Obama's ex-pastor doesn't like Cuba, either 12/1/2009 Uncommon
Sense: by Marc Masferrer, the great nephew of that quintessential Cuban
hoodlum, El Tigre Masferrer.
Commentary: Is black America's honeymoon with the Castros over? 12/1/2009 McClatchy: By
Carlos Moore "In a landmark "Statement of Conscience by
African-Americans," 60 prominent black American scholars, artists and
professionals have condemned the Cuban regime's apparent crackdown on the
country's budding civil rights movement. "Racism in Cuba, and anywhere
else in the world, is unacceptable and must be confronted," said the
document, which also called for the "immediate release" of Dr. Darsi
Ferrer, a black civil rights leader imprisoned in July. The U.S. State
Department estimates Afro-Cubans make up 62 percent of the Cuban
population, with many informed observers saying the figure is closer to 70
Prominent black Americans condemn Cuba on racism 12/1/2009 Miami
Herald: "The statement was largely driven by Carlos Moore, a highly
regarded Cuban author and black-rights activist living in Brazil who has
long criticized racial discrimination in Cuba. Moore persuaded Abdias
Nascimiento, a founder of Brazil's black movement and longtime Castro
supporter, to send Raúl Castro a letter earlier this year denouncing
racism in Cuba, then appealed to friends and contacts in the black
community to add their support. "Without this historic figure, no one
would have listened," said Patterson, who predicted that other
high-profile black Americans will soon add their signatures to the
THE CIVIL RIGHTS STRUGGLE IN CUBA 12/1/2009 Carlos Moore: A letter
organized by Carlos Moore
Subject: Prominent black Americans condemn Cuba on racism 12/1/2009 James
Early: [Early responds to the articles about Carlos Moore's letter
campaign among African Americans.]
African-American group challenges Cuba on race 12/1/2009 Miami
Herald: "The growing number of Afro-Cuban activists complaining about
racial discrimination and casting their struggle as an issue of ``civil
rights,'' rather than ``human rights,'' has helped to draw the attention
of African Americans, said Victoria Ruiz-Labrit, Miami spokesperson for
the Cuba-based Citizens' Committee for Racial Integration."
Líderes negros condenan el racismo en Cuba 12/1/2009 El Nuevo Herald
Commentary: Is black America's honeymoon with the Castros over? 12/1/2009 McClatchy: By
Carlos Moore
Lest We Forget:
An open letter to my sisters who are brave 3/27/2008 The Root: Alice
Walker on Obama - "True to my inner Goddess of the Three Directions
however, this does not mean I agree with everything Obama stands for. We
differ on important points probably because I am older than he is, I am a
woman and person of three colors, (African, Native American, European), I
was born and raised in the American South, and when I look at the earth's
people, after sixty-four years of life, there is not one person I wish to
see suffer, no matter what they have done to me or to anyone else; though
I understand quite well the place of suffering, often, in human growth. I
want a grown-up attitude toward Cuba, for instance, a country and a people
I love; I want an end to the embargo that has harmed my friends and their
children, children who, when I visit Cuba, trustingly turn their faces up
for me to kiss."
End failed trade ban with Cuba 12/14/2007 Times Union: by Tonyaa
Weathersbee - ""When I approached this solid waste dump, I couldn't even
smell it," said Alberto Jones, who is a native of Guantanamo and vice
president of the friendship association. "It was like a botanical garden
... the air quality has improved in that area tremendously." "When I met
this lady [Garcia], I said to Soledad: 'She ought to be a CNN hero,' "
Weeks told me. So Weeks nominated Garcia. And she won. The living room
erupted into cheers. Then came the rude interruption. Actress Rosario
Dawson announced that because of travel restrictions between the United
States and Cuba, Garcia couldn't come to New York to pick up her $10,000
prize. Jones had to accept it on her behalf. Such craziness ought to make
more Americans want to step up - and push for an end to the failed embargo
and travel ban."
Attacking Tonyaa Weathersbee 12/2/2007 AfroCubaWeb: "Tonyaa
Weathersbee is a columnist for the Florida Times Union out of
Jacksonville. A member of the prestigious Trotter Group of African
American columnists in the US, she has maintained an interest in Cuba and
issues of race & identity there. In September, 2007, Tonyaa Weathersbee
wrote an article about a recent trip she took to Cuba, One Race, Two
Countries. A group of 4 Cuban Americans attacked her for this article in a
letter to the editor, Cuba is no paradise for blacks, 11/07, citing a few
myths that are common among Cuban Americans. AfroCubaWeb columnist Alberto
Jones comments on this attack in A Failed Revisionist attempt To Mask
Cuba’s Tragic History, 11/07."
Miami Protesters Say: Jail Killer Cops!” 12/1/2007 Socialist
Action: "Rage over the deaths of four unarmed Black men by Miami cops over
a 19-day period has sparked angry protests against police brutality. The
rash of deaths began on Oct. 25 when a young Haitian man, Gracia "BG"
Beaugris, was shot three times while walking home with his father's
laundry. While Miami officials promise an investigation, the state
attorney's office has not convicted a single cop involved in the death of
an African American in 20 years, despite many such cases. No indictments
in the recent deaths have been filed."
Seeing the people, not Cold War politics 11/5/2007 Florida
Times-Union: by Tonyaa Weathersbee, a member of the Trotter Group, an
association of Black US columnists. This article discusses Alberto Jones,
whose columns appear on AfroCubaWeb.
AfroLatinos at TransAfrica Washington 10/19/2007 TransAfrica: "Keepers
of the culture from Colombia and Venezuela were in Washington last
Thursday to talk about the current conditions of African descendants
living in the two South American countries. “Language has separated us,”
said Marino Cordoba of Colombia to the mostly AngloAfrican
(Englishspeaking Black) crowd at the K Street, NW offices of TransAfrica,
the leading African American lobbying group for the African diaspora. “We
need to learn each others language,” he continued. Cordoba also called for
the support of U.S. House Resolution 618, sponsored by Congressional Black
Caucus member Donald Payne (DNJ). The resolution calls for the Colombian
government to do more to end the discrimination, marginalization and
violence against Colombians of African descent. Cordoba, who had to flee
his birth country after being threatened by the paramilitary, now works
for a Latino advocacy group in suburban Washington. Joining Cordoba were
Jesus Garcia, the editor of the journal Africamerica, and Geronimo
SanchezGarcia, a faculty member of the Instituto niversitaro de
Barlovento, one of the few historically Black institutions in Latin
America. The later two are from Venezuela, whose President recently made
an historic announcement that indicated the historic debt Venezuelan
society owes the descendants of enslaved Africans. Unlike the American
constitution that defined Africans as 3/5 of a human being (in ancient
Egyptian logic five represented a whole human), many Latin countries never
legally defined race. Therefore Garcia sees this as an “advance,” and,
ironically, is seeking constitutional recognition of AfricanVenezuelans."
is Sara Gomez? (¿Dónde está Sara Gomez?) 10/1/2007 Scope: A Review by
Kwame Dixon, Syracuse University, USA
Pro-Castro Columnist Compares Black Exiled Dissident to Maid 7/17/2007 Miami
Herald Blogs: published 3/06 - "Andres Gomez, the leader of the pro-Castro
group Antonio Maceo Brigade who lives in Miami, writes in a Cuban
government publication that anti-revolutionary activity is undergoing a
renaissance of sorts in the United States. He singles out for ridicule
Bibliotecas Independientes, or Independent Libraries, a group that
promotes literacy and the development of civil society in Cuba. Writing in
cubadebate.cu, a Cuban government web site, Gomez uses the race of Ramon
Colas, the group's leader, as part of his criticism. "This organization,
whose only visible member includes a little Negro who travels a lot, whose
style and mannerisms remind me of maids in Cuba before 1959, always
dressed in their white uniforms -- seems to ignore, just like his masters,
that in Cuba, for example, during the last 15 years, they celebrate
annually a national book fair." Colas said it's the only time he has felt
any "racism'' since he came to Miami about 5 years ago from Cuba. "He is
using a series of offensive and racists words against me that you would
never get away with using against African Americans," Colas said of Gomez…
"It's not racist, really, it's an estimation of mine of what he is," Gomez
said Wednesday. "It's not racist in the least. He is like that. And I
maintain what I said. In any case, he'd be a shame to his race.""
Three US rap stars denounce the September 11th lie 1/31/2007 Voltaire
After 40 Years, the First National Security Whistleblower Still Seeks
Justice 11/30/2006 Common Dreams: published 2/17/06 - "After an
outstanding career in law enforcement, Abraham Bolden was appointed by
John F. Kennedy to be the first African American presidential Secret
Service agent, where he served with distinction. But you haven't heard
about Abraham Bolden during Black History month, because after helping to
prevent JFK's assassination in the weeks before Dallas, Bolden was
arrested on the very day he went to Washington to tell the Warren
Commission about those attempts. Caught in a maze of National Security
concerns that only became clear after four million pages of JFK files were
released in the 1990s, Bolden was sentenced to six years in prison,
becoming America's first National Security Whistleblower. The files
released after Congress passed the JFK Act unanimously in 1992 show the
massive amount of information that had been withheld from at least five
Congressional investigations. Even worse, the Final Report of the JFK
Board created by Congress shows that crucial files about attempts against
JFK--the cases Bolden worked on--were destroyed by the Secret Service in
1995. And, a report by the government oversight group OMB Watch says that
"well over one million CIA records" related to JFK's era remain
unreleased, perhaps until the mandatory release date of 2017... Unknown to
Bolden until recently, the crux of all this secrecy about the attempts to
assassinate JFK in Chicago, Tampa, and Dallas were John and Robert
Kennedys' "Plan for a Coup in Cuba" to overthrow Fidel Castro on December
1, 1963. The most secret operation of the Kennedy years, the CIA side of
the operation was code-named AMWORLD, a term withheld from five
Congressional investigations (and the Warren Commission) and declassified
only in the 1990s. It appeared in print for the first time just three
months ago. Using declassified files from the National Archives, we found
that in the days, weeks, and months before Dallas, Robert Kennedy had a
secret government committee looking at how the US could deal with the
"assassination of American officials" if Castro found out about the
Kennedys' coup plan, and tried to retaliate."
Negroes with Guns: Robert Williams and Black Power 2/7/2006 Independent
Lens: "NEGROES WITH GUNS: Rob Williams and Black Power tells the dramatic
story of the often-forgotten civil rights leader who urged African
Americans to arm themselves against violent racists. In doing so, Williams
not only challenged the Klan-dominated establishment of his hometown of
Monroe, North Carolina, he alienated the mainstream Civil Rights Movement,
which advocated peaceful resistance. For Williams and other African
Americans who had witnessed countless acts of brutality against their
communities, armed self-defense was a practical matter of survival,
particularly in the violent, racist heart of the Deep South. As the leader
of the Monroe chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP), Williams led protests against the illegal
segregation of Monroe’s public swimming pool. He also drew international
attention to the harsh realities of life in the Jim Crow South. All the
while, Williams and other protestors met the constant threat of violence
and death with their guns close at hand."
Katrina's Window Into Slavery's Past — and Present 9/21/2005 Village
Voice: "Rebecca J. Scott's Degrees of Freedom is a fascinating and
well-written piece of comparative history, but it's not exactly written
for a mass audience. Its subtitle, however, says that it should be:
"Louisiana and Cuba After Slavery." Scott (see photo) is a University of
Michigan law and history professor who spent years trying to understand
what happened after the Civil War — and after the Spanish-American War —
to the hundreds of thousands of slaves working in the huge sugar-cane
industries of Louisiana and Cuba. Those who are rebuilding New Orleans
would do well to capitalize on what's inside Scott's suddenly extremely
timely book. With the Bush regime in power, that's unlikely to happen. But
here's a question posed and analyzed by Scott: After slavery, how did the
African Americans fare, compared with the African Cubans? I'll be more
simplistic than Scott: Since slavery officially ended, the African
Americans have been treated worse, and this was apparent long before Fidel
Castro was even born."
- Rap Icons Godmother Still Gaining Support 8/25/2005 Thug Life
Army: "Dear Mayor Palmer: Let me introduce myself by saying that ASSATA
SHAKUR is my sister, friend, and comrade in the struggle for human rights
of all oppressed people. When three “Freedom Fighters” boldly took action
in 1979 and entered the Clinton Correctional Facility and liberated Sister
ASSATA from the chains and shackles of her jailers, I rejoiced. I was
proud to be apart of a generation of young African Americans that were
courageous and committed enough to go up against America and didn’t give a
damn about odds."
Icons Godmother Target of Amendment 6/18/2005 Thug Life Army: "Many
prominent and influential politicians, hip-hop and rap artists and
community groups have stepped forward to show support for Assata and her
struggle. There is an attempt to further the kidnapping of Tupac’s
godmother and political activist Assata Shakur. We received the following
from a member of the Congressional Black Caucus today."
Speaks on Rap Icon's Godmother 5/11/2005 AP: "On Tuesday, he referred
to Bush as "the little Hitler" and suggested he wanted to dominate the
world. Castro dedicated more than an hour to reading for Cubans a New York
Times story about the Posada case and again listed numerous terrorist
actions that that Cuban officials attribute to Posada or his associates.
He even suggested that Posada and his friend Orlando Bosch might have ties
to the 1963 assassination of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy. "There
are strange things, very strange, mixed up here," Castro said."
Campaign For Rap Icon's Godmother 5/6/2005 Thug Life Army: "The
following information is provided by The Talking Drum Collective of Stone
Mountain, Ga. The Hands Off Assata Campaign is a coming together of
organizations and individuals who are outraged by the heightened attempts
by the federal government, congress of the united states and the State of
New Jersey to illegally force thru kidnapping a return of Assata Shakur
from Cuba to the plantation United States…"
Miami’s Royal Palm Sells For $127.5m 2/1/2005 Black Enterprise: "The
Royal Palm Crowne Plaza Resort, a black-owned luxury Miami hotel, is
changing hands now that developer R. Donahue Peebles has agreed to sell it
to The Falor Co. for $127.5 million. Peebles stands to make a hefty
profit, as he reportedly spent $84 million to acquire the 417-room,
oceanfront resort, which opened in 2002. His company, Peebles Atlantic
Development Corp. (No. 42 on the BE INDUSTRIAL/ SERVICE 100 list with $82
million in sales), was named the BLACK ENTERPRISE Company of the Year in
2004. Peebles’ acquisition of the Royal Palm was a high-profile venture
because its sale to an African American developer was a concession by
Miami Beach to end a three-year tourism boycott." [Sold to a white
religious leader Rev. Lucius Walker has circulated an urgent alert on
government measures against American youths studying medicine in Cuba and
called on supporters of the scholarship program to protest what he
described as “unfair and mean-spirited regulations.” The alert says that,
among the new and even more stringent measures against Cuba, are “certain
changes which, in our view, constitute a direct attack on the scholarship
opportunity which Cuba has extended to 500 US students.” Rev. Walker also
highlights the racist implications of the new regulations: “Almost 80
(soon to be 100) African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, Native
Americans and poor white students are faced with the loss of their medical
careers… they could not afford to pursue their dreams of becoming doctors
in the US. Now their own government is telling them that they cannot
accept a full scholarship from Cuba.” "
U.S. Policy on Cuba Deprives Black Americans 11/18/2003 Black America
Web: "On Pennsylvania Avenue, it's all about the 2004 election. And that
means that traveling to Cuba - a majority-black nation - must remain a
no-no for most of us, otherwise Miami's Cuban exiles, who are more than 90
percent white, will put a chokehold on the Bush administration's
re-election bid. But the larger issue regarding the travel ban to Cuba
isn't the White House's political schemes. It's that you - Mr. and Ms.
BlackAmericaWeb.com - are being deprived of an affirming and even
life-changing experience. Cuba, just 90 miles to the south of Miami, is
defined and dominated by African culture and heritage. And all Cubans,
even the white ones, seem to know this."
You can’t break the ties between us - An interview with Danny Glover 9/16/2003 Cuba
Now: "My first connection with Cuba was when I was about 12 years old,
right at the time of the Cuban revolution. My parents were postal workers
and they were very much involved in the union. And at the time of the
Cuban revolution, African Americans were very supportive of that victory.
There were many African Americans with leadership positions who were very
proud of the victory of the Cuban revolution. So that was the first time
that I heard of it, and heard of the names of Comandante Che, and also
Comandante Fidel."
Fight For Global Justice Is TransAfrica's Immense Task, Says Danny Glover 11/18/2002 Black
World Today
NAACP Explores Trade Links Between Cuba, Black American Farmers 11/14/2002 CNS: "After
meeting with Cuban dictator Fidel Castro for four hours, NAACP Leader
Kweisi Mfume told reporters in Havana Wednesday that Castro seems
interested in creating trade links with thousands of black American
farmers. Mfume, who is on his second trip to Cuba, also said the NAACP is
exploring the possibility of starting a chapter in Cuba. "We hope to build
a bridge between the NAACP and the people of Cuba, many of whom are
descendants of Africa," he said."
"In Defense Of Black Reparations" - Part II 10/29/2002 Black World
Today: by Manning Marable, friend of Cuba.
Black Muslim Reflects on Sniper Suspect 10/29/2002 Pacific
News: "Then I found the Nation of Islam. Here, my anger was channeled.
Contrary to some popular misconceptions about the Nation, I was taught not
to hate white people, but to use that energy to develop myself and help my
people. When I learned that Blacks are just 13 percent of the country but
nearly 60 percent of America's inmate population, when I learned that
Blacks account for 54 percent of all new cases of AIDS in the United
States, when I learned that one-third of Black people live in poverty,
receive substandard education, health care, and other public services --
it made me angry. But I learned to channel that rage to work on the
problem rather than take my anger out on whites." And then there is the
possibility that the sniper suspect suffers from Gulf War Syndrome which
has caused a number of veterans to snap and become homicidal.
Amiri Baraka coming to Oakland 10/23/2002 San Francisco Bay
View: "Baraka will be in Oakland this weekend for three events: on
Saturday, a writer’s workshop at 3:00 and a jazz and poetry explosion at
7:00, and on Sunday, a discussion of Black Reparations at 2:00."
'Boondocks' comic echoes African-American thoughts 10/22/2002 USA
Today: by DeWayne Wickham
Is There a Hip-Hop Vote? 10/21/2002 Pacific News: "When legendary
hip-hop icon LL Cool J recently endorsed New York Republican Governor
George Pataki over the Democratic Party nominee, who is Black, it
surprised many in New York state politics and the civil rights community."
Tavis Smiley's Audience Growing 6/24/2002 NYT: Tavis went on the
TransAfrica trip to Cuba and produced a good documentary on the event on
BET before the new management fired him for not toeing the party line.
See what
African American columnists around the nation are writing about America's
War on Terrorism. 5/29/2002 Trotter Group
DANNY GLOVER IN HAVANA AGAIN - A place in the heart 5/27/2002 Granma: "Danny
was recently elected president of the TransAfrica Forum, an influential
nongovernmental organization promoting decisive and equitable
participation by the African American community, specifically, and all
people in the United States in that country’s decision-making and the
society in general; educational efforts on human rights and social policy;
and recognition and exchange with African peoples and black communities
around the world, especially in the Caribbean, whose ancestors were
slaves. He explained that TransAfrica has made valuable contacts in Cuba,
and hopes to keep increasing that communication and carrying out mutually
beneficial concrete actions. "I’m sure that even in the short run there
will be pleasant surprises."
Lead Story has
show on AfroCubans 5/26/2002 BET News: "The impact of the U.S.
embargo on Afro-Cubans and their relationship with African Americans, the
United States and other Cubans. For more information, visit
Varela Project offers false hope of change in Cuba 5/24/2002 USA
Today: Wickham is a founder of the Trotter Group of African American
columnists who recently visited Cuba again.
History, race must be factored into Cuban equation 5/21/2002 USA
Today: DeWayne Wickham of the Trotter Group led
9 African American
columnists to Cuba in February 2000 and was also recently in Havana
for a symposium with Cuban journalists.
Activists Pull Black Agenda from the Shadow of Sept. 11 Attacks 5/20/2002 Black
Press USA: "Domestic issues that were muted by the September 11 terrorist
attacks are being pushed to the forefront as the fall elections approach,
say activists and political observers who are gearing up voting and public
policy campaigns."
Miami Beach: Black-owned hotel ends boycott, begins hope 5/18/2002 Houston
Chronicle: "The former Washington resident, who built his business
developing commercial office space, swooped into Miami Beach in 1996,
bought a dilapidated hotel and won a municipal bid to build another in an
adjacent oceanfront lot. The venture was at the center of a settlement
between activists, city officials and lodging executives ending a
three-year black tourism boycott of South Florida. It cast Peebles as the
nation's first African-American to develop and own a major
convention-resort hotel… The hotel will be able to draw a good chunk of
the black tourism market, worth $36 billion last year, according to
industry watchers. It is sold out for Memorial Day weekend, booked the
Black Film Festival in June and an NAACP conference next year, marketing
director Velton Showell said."
Should African Americans Wave The Flag? By Donna J. Warren 10/23/2001 Black
Electorate: "Don’t need evidence to find bin Laden guilty. Nothing new to
South Central LA. Most of the 56,775 inmates in California’s prisons under
the 3 Strikes Law were convicted with little or no evidence, often on the
word of a police officer, or worse still, sentenced to 25 years to life
because 5, 10, 15 years or more ago the evidence was a bargained plea. 57%
of these prisoners are African American; this in a state that may be 12%
African American. California Courts don’t need evidence to convict."
Rep. Cynthia McKinney On Dissent And Her Letter To Saudi Prince Alwaleed
Bin Talal 10/18/2001 Black Electorate: "In the FBI's own words, its
counterintelligence program (COINTELPRO) had as a goal, "to expose,
disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of
black organizations and to prevent black "leaders from gaining
respectability." And instead of real leaders, COINTELPRO offers us
hand-picked "court priests" who are more loyal to the plan than to he
people. Court priests who preach peace, peace when there is no peace."As
you can see, the statistics are very grim for Black America. Although your
offer was not accepted by Mayor Giuliani, I would like to ask you to
consider assisting Americans who are in dire need right now. I believe we
can guide your generosity to help improve the state of Black America and
build better lives.
Farrakhan Assails Bush Administration 10/17/2001 The Black World
Cuba spreads medical care as political tool 1/30/2001 USA
Today: Wickham is a founder of the Trotter Group of African American
Diasporic Commonalities: Common History and Future of the Afro-Cuban & Afro-American Communities. Riviera Beach, FL, 4/26/14. Organized by Alberto Jones.
Jay-Z and Beyoncé go to Cuba: the exiled plantocracy reacts & Jay-Z raps, 4/13
Assata Shakur, 11/12
Special Report: Cuba in Black and White, Institute for Advanced
Journalism Studies, 2011: a non-profit dedicated to developing Black
American journalists reports on Cuba with DeWayne Wickham,
Tonyaa J. Weathersbee, and many
Goodbye Manning Marable,
4/6/2011 (en español), Gisela Arandia
Acting on Our Conscience Briefing Sheet: roadmap for Diaspora support of Miami-backed dissidents, 1/6/2010
Nine African American columnists visit Cuba: February, 2000
National Black Chamber of Commerce, Travel to Cuba, position paper, 2000
"Why Black Cuba Is
Suffering," a report from TransAfrica, 7/99
Lisa Brock and
Digna Castañeda Fuertes: Between Race and Empire :
African-Americans and Cubans Before the Cuban Revolution, 1998
The Cuban Revolution in Transition: Black
Reflections on Race, Politics, and Culture in Cuba Today, 11/1/97
The Congressional Black Caucus and Cuba
TransAfrica increases the dialog between AfroCubans and African Americans
Americans Lisa Brock, Kalamazoo College Leslie Cunningham, Harlem in Havana James Early, Smithsonian Soffiyah Elijah, director of the Correctional Association of New York Ben Jones, artist
Nurudafina Pili Abena,
musician Assata Shakur, activist Askia Toure, poet Kwame Toure, activist Tonyaa Weathersbee, journalist |
Cubans Gisela Arandia, scholar Digna Castañeda Fuertes Tomas Fernandez Robaina, scholar Gloria Rolando, film maker Books The Trayvon Martin in US: An American Tragedy, by Emmanuel Harris II (Editor), Antonio D. Tillis (Editor). Includes Afro-Latin perspectives. Between Race and Empire: African-Americans and Cubans Before the Cuban Revolution Edited by Lisa Brock and Digna Castañeda Fuertes |
Institute for Advanced Journalism Studies, DeWayne Wickham | Ingathering:The Literary Journal of Arts & Letters from the Black Diaspora in the Americas, Chicago |
Caribbean Cultural Center, NY | Kwame Touré Work Study Institute and Library |
Centro Martin Luther King, la Habana | Percussion Artists Workshop (PAWS), LA |
Sociedad Marti-Maceo, Tampa: AfroCubans in Tampa | le Ijuba Yoruba, Miami, Inc. |
Stage of the Arts, Inc.: Matanzas in LA | Organization of Africans in the Americas, Washington, DC |
TransAfrica Forum | Black Cuba Forum: AfroCubans in Miami, recipient of NED funds |
Harlem in Havana | Jig Show |
The Samaná Americans: African Americans in the Dominican Republic since 1824, 1/13
Black in Latin America
Forging Diaspora: Afro-Cubans and African
Americans in a World of Empire and Jim Crow, Frank Guridy , 2010
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