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Black and Cuba, 2016

Black and Cuba, Full Film, 1:21, 2016

"A must see for people of all colors!" Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Author, Racism without Racists, banned in Florida.

"However, racism persists. ALEX confides that he “gets pissed off” by the police and White Cubans who don’t respect his professional achievements because he’s Black. Political and cultural elites in Cuba are mostly White, although AfroCubans comprise approximately 60% of the population. Castro’s government prohibited open discussions about racial difference and racism until 2000. The TRAVELERS see how not talking about race negatively impacts a society’s ability to fully address the issue."

By the end of their travels, the students realize that Cuba is neither a red menace nor a revolutionary utopia. Their experiences illuminate how a continuing dialogue between AfroCubans and Black Americans about their struggles and triumphs can enhance all of our understanding about the best ways to overcome racism and class. By collaborating on this film in order to share knowledge, the TRAVELERS also discover friendship and self-empowerment break down economic and racial divides." -- Raising Funds: Disadvantaged Black Students at Yale Visit Cuba in Doc "Black and Cuba"


'Black and Cuba': Nine Students Who Fought Racism with Books  2/3/2016 NBC: "The new documentary "Black and Cuba" follows a group of nine Yale graduate students who felt more like outcasts than a part of their elite Ivy League community. Bonding over feelings of alienation, they formed a black resistance reading group to discuss books on the movement against racism throughout the African diaspora and were further inspired to take a field trip to Cuba in 2002 to see firsthand "how revolution lives" on the island."

Black and Cuba Director's Cut Trailer  4/3/2015 Progressive Pupil, YouTube: "This award-winning documentary follows street smart students are outcast at their elite Ivy League university, band together, and adventure to the enigmatic Caribbean island of Cuba-whose population is 60% Black. After playing to sold out audiences at prestigious film festivals and museums throughout the US and in Berlin, "Black and Cuba" is now available at Vimeo on Demand."

Shadow and Act (A cinema of the African Diaspora): Raising funds: Disadvantaged Black students at Yale visit Cuba in documentary "Black and Cuba"  2/18/2015 Insight News: "Raising funds via Indiegogo, the documentary "Black and Cuba," directed by Robin J. Hayes, professor at The New School, follows a group of disadvantaged African American students at the prestigious Yale University, who take a field trip to Cuba to see "how revolution lives," and to get inspiration in order to pursue their own black resistance reading group."

Q&A: In “Black and Cuba”, A New Approach to Discussing Race  12/18/2012 IPS:  “Black and Cuba” follows a diverse group of Yale students who feel like outcasts at their elite institution, band together and adventure to Cuba to see if revolution is truly possible. It is based on a short documentary I directed, entitled “Beautiful Me(s): Finding our Revolutionary Selves in Black Cuba”. I was one of the students who made that journey to Cuba. Many of the students were from neighbourhoods like mine. The idea for the film came out of our desire to take what we learned from this trip and share it with our family members and neighbours who had done so much to support our educational success but were still grappling with the challenges of racial inequality and economic hardship. A documentary made information accessible in a way that our academic work could not."

Milano’s Robin J. Hayes Teams with Occupy the Hood to Screen Her Documentary Black and Cuba  11/10/2012 Public Engagement: "“Black and Cuba aims to directly address everyday people’s growing concerns about the combined international consequences of racial and economic inequality,” said Hayes, who in addition to directing, writing and producing the documentary is one of the students featured in the film. “That’s why we want to hear input from the people who are most directly impacted by these issues.” The screening and community talkback featuring Prof. Hayes is part of HoodWeekNYC, an educational symposia featuring Cornel West and hip hop artist Jasiri X."

Raising Funds: Disadvantaged Black Students at Yale Visit Cuba in Doc "Black and Cuba"  4/30/2012 IndieWire: "Raising funds via Indiegogo, the documentary Black and Cuba, directed by Robin J. Hayes, professor at The New School, follows a group of disadvantaged African American students at the prestigious Yale University, who take a field trip to Cuba to see "how revolution lives," and to get inspiration in order to pursue their own black resistance reading group."

Black and Cuban-American: Bias in 2 Worlds  9/13/2009 NYT: published 9/13/1997, 12 years ago.

Links/Enlaces top

Black and Cuba Trailer from Progressive Pupil

Pan African Film Festival hosts premiere

IMDb listing

Two minutes from the director of Black and Cuba, Robin J. Hayes, PhD, about why she's made the film and how she hopes Good Pitch will help.

Beautiful Me(s) - Finding our Revolutionary Selves in Black Cuba
Beautiful Me(s) is the intimate travel diary of underdog students who travel from the Ivy League to the rebel state of Cuba

Robin J. Hayes, director

Fridays @ One: Robin J Hayes | The New School for Public Engagement


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