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Archive: 3/07-6/07

Cuba in Africa - Internationalists tell their stories  6/29/2007 Granma 

New attitudes on once-taboo race questions emerge in Cuba  6/26/2007 McClatchy Newspapers: "But listen to some blacks, particularly those born after 1959, and the failures of the revolution also become clear. “Everyone is not equal here,” said Ernesto, 37, as he dodged traffic on a Havana street. Tall and athletically built, he once hoped to be a star soccer player. He now gets by selling used clothing and said he’s continually hassled by police just because he’s black. In recent years, a new attitude has been emerging quietly, almost secretly, among Afro-Cubans on what it means to be black in a communist system that maintains “No hay racismo aqui”—there’s no racism here—and tends to brand those who raise the issue of race as enemies of the revolution. “The absence of the debate on the racial problem already threatens ... the revolution’s social project,” Esteban Morales Dominguez, a University of Havana professor who is black, wrote in one of his several little-known papers on race since 2005. Black filmmaker Rigoberto Lopez also broached the sensitive topic in a TV appearance in December, saying that while the revolution had brought about structural changes toward racial equality, “its results do not allow us to affirm that its goals have been achieved in all their dimensions.” Afro-Cubans familiar with the situation say black and white Cubans also have been establishing a small but growing number of civil rights-type groups. The government has not cracked down on such usually illegal activities, but neither has it officially recognized them."

Cuba says no talks with EU until sanctions dropped  6/22/2007 Reuters 

US Lawmakers Seek to Open Cuba Trade  6/21/2007 AP 

House approves increase in aid to Cuban dissidents  6/21/2007 McClatchy: "In the first vote on Cuba legislation under a Democrat-controlled Congress, the House on Thursday easily approved a big increase in money for U.S. programs that support dissidents on the island. The House also approved a proposal that would provide Voice of America with $10 million to bolster its broadcasts to Venezuela, where news media freedoms have been seen as under attack by leftwing President Hugo Chavez. And the House was expected to pass late Thursday a proposal to make big cuts in military aid to Colombia - in the most significant change to the $5 billion U.S. anti-drug trafficking program known as Plan Colombia since its inception in 2000. However, Republicans critical of the proposal agreed to let the bill pass while planning to challenge it later during House-Senate negotiations."


A barrier for Cuba's blacks  6/20/2007 Miami Herald: "New attitudes on once-taboo race questions emerge with a fledgling black movement"

Moore's 'Sicko' gets nod from Cuba - Cuba health minister says documentary shows Cuba's 'human values'  6/16/2007 AP 

Cultural diversity against colonizing models  6/12/2007 Granma: "“THE empire is looking to impose a blinding and alienating colonizing model disguised as global culture that seeks to convert us into a docile and uncritical planetary flock,” highlighted Deputy Culture Minister Rafael Bernal at the inauguration of the 5th International Congress on Culture and Development, in which more than 700 intellectuals, culture ministers and celebrities from 65 countries are taking part. During the initial session of the forum, presided over by Esteban Lazo, vice president of the Council of State, and Culture Minister Abel Prieto, both members of the Political Bureau, Bernal called on participants to reflect “profoundly on what corresponds to us to do today in favor of culture that, as part of our heritage, we must bequeath to future generations; that cannot be sustained in the messages loaded with frivolity and mediocrity that are broadcast by mainstream television stations around the world.”"

Hypocrisy Continued - America's Cuba Policy  6/5/2007 Counterpunch 

Rice chides Spain for overtures to Cuba  6/1/2007 AP: "Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Cuba was on the verge of a "major transition," and chided Spain on Friday for doing business with Fidel Castro while not working more to support dissidents in the communist island nation. Rice's one-day visit here was meant to smooth over a three-year downturn in relations between Washington and the government Madrid, but the disagreement over Cuba has threatened to wash away any growing good will."

Cuba's Cure  6/1/2007 Yes Magazine: "Cubans say they offer health care to the world’s poor because they have big hearts. But what do they get in return? They live longer than almost anyone in Latin America. Far fewer babies die. Almost everyone has been vaccinated, and such scourges of the poor as parasites, TB, malaria, even HIV/AIDS are rare or non-existent. Anyone can see a doctor, at low cost, right in the neighborhood. The Cuban health care system is producing a population that is as healthy as those of the world’s wealthiest countries at a fraction of the cost. And now Cuba has begun exporting its system to under-served communities around the world—including the United States. The story of Cuba’s health care ambitions is largely hidden from the people of the United States, where politics left over from the Cold War maintain an embargo on information and understanding. But it is increasingly well-known in the poorest communities of Latin America, the Caribbean, and parts of Africa where Cuban and Cuban-trained doctors are practicing."

U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba - U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba  5/29/2007 Global Research: "The mainstream media is now acknowledging "Operation Northwoods", a (declassified) secret plan to kill innocent civilians in the US: The objective was to "create a useful wave of indignation", blame Fidel Castro for the civilian deaths, with a view to building a pretext to invade Cuba."

Cuba’s Cure - Why is Cuba Exporting Its Health Care Miracle To The World’s Poor?  5/25/2007 Common Dreams: "Cubans say they offer health care to the world’s poor because they have big hearts. But what do they get in return? They live longer than almost anyone in Latin America. Far fewer babies die. Almost everyone has been vaccinated, and such scourges of the poor as parasites, TB, malaria, even HIV/AIDS are rare or non-existent. Anyone can see a doctor, at low cost, right in the neighborhood. The Cuban health care system is producing a population that is as healthy as those of the world’s wealthiest countries at a fraction of the cost. And now Cuba has begun exporting its system to under-served communities around the world—including the United States."

The Moon and the Sun Over Miami  5/25/2007 Common Dreams: by "Donna Smith, who appears in Michael Moore’s new movie SiCKO, is currently living and working in Aurora, Colorado, with her husband Larry, who also appears in SiCKO. Ms. Smith was not able to get the treatment she needed in the U.S. for her health issues, even though she was insured, and she traveled to Cuba with Michael Moore where she received the care she needed for free."

U.S. cracks down on smuggling of Cubans  5/18/2007 AP 

First Cuba Population Drop in 25 Years  5/16/2007 AP 

U.S. intelligence office on Cuba, Venezuela reported dwindling  5/16/2007 McClatchy: "A Pentagon request for more military-to-military contacts with Cuba has been denied, and a special intelligence office that monitors Cuba and Venezuela has "practically disappeared" because of staff and budget cuts, the former head of the office said Wednesday. Norman Bailey, who until March was the mission manager for Cuba and Venezuela at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, said the State Department recently blocked Pentagon requests for its overseas military attaches to contact their Cuban counterparts, presumably to try to gather information about events in Havana."

Fred Thompson responds to Michael Moore in online video  5/15/2007 Raw Story: ""Putting aside the fact that you, like the Bush Administration, seem far more concerned about the trip to Cuba than the health care of these 9/11 heroes, I was struck by the fact that your concerns (including comments about Castro's reported financial worth) apparently do not extend to your own conduct," wrote Moore. Moore continued, "In light of your comments regarding Cuba and Castro, do you think the 'box upon box of cigars – Montecristos from Havana' that you have in your office have contributed to Castro's reported wealth?"" [Has video]

A mental asylum for Michael Moore?  5/15/2007 Spero News: "Thompson asked Moore to speak to Castro about the case of Cuban dissident and fellow documentary movie-maker Nicolás Guillen. According to Thompson, Guillen was imprisoned for an unflattering portrayal of Castro and the Cuban regime and then interned in a mental asylum where he was subjected to electro-shock therapy. Thompson says, rhetorically, at the end of the video “A mental asylum, Michael. Maybe that’s something you ought to think about” before turning in a chair and returning to his cigar. Thompson was apparently referring to famed Cuban cineaste Nicolás Guillen Landrián, nephew of the equally famous poet Nicolás Guillen Batista, who suffered for his inclusion of footage of Fidel Castro in one of his films and then substituting the original soundtrack with the song “Fool on the Hill” by the Beatles. Guillen Landrián was incarcerated for nearly a decade by Castro and released after abusive treatment in the Mazmorra mental institution in Cuba. He was briefly imprisoned again in the 1980s and eventually left to live in the US. He died at the age of 65 in 2003. Guillen Landrián made eighteen documentaries and received various prizes and awards in Europe and Latin America. His uncle, the poet Nicolás Guillen Batista, was a Communist and critic of dictator Fulgencio Batista. The elder Guillen is sometimes referred to as the founder of the movement of “Negritude” in Cuban poetry."

The moral bankruptcy of the European Union in its policies towards Cuba  5/14/2007 Global Research 

Cash-strapped Cuba eyes Asian economies  5/12/2007 Express India: ""Asia is the area of the world that has the most recently successful economies, and Cuba needs to diversify its ties," said Marifeli Perez-Stable, a Cuba expert at the Washington-based Inter-American Dialogue think-tank. She also believes Cuba the diplomatic activity could signal an eventual shift toward a more open economy under acting president Raul Castro, who has officially led the country since his older brother Fidel Castro underwent surgery in July."

Michael Moore blasts Bush over federal probe - Filmmaker says he’s targeted because of new health-care documentary  5/11/2007 AP 

Michael Moore Faces US Treasury Probe  5/11/2007 Cuba Now: "In February, Moore took about 10 ailing workers from the Ground Zero rescue effort in Manhattan for treatment in Cuba , said a person working with the filmmaker on the release of "Sicko." The person requested anonymity because Moore's attorneys had not yet determined how to respond."

The secrets that Posada Carriles knows will come to light sooner or later  5/11/2007 Granma: "In fact, Judge Cardone, in her May 8 ruling, said that "the realm of this case is not, as some have suggested, terrorism. It is immigration fraud. Terrorism, and the determination of whether or not to classify an individual as a terrorist, lies within the sound discretion of the executive branch," adding that she was not disposed to provide a solution for what she called a "hot potato" for the U.S. government."

Bush Administration Goes After SiCKO  5/11/2007 OpEd News: "For five and a half years, the Bush administration has ignored and neglected the heroes of the 9/11 community. These heroic first responders have been left to fend for themselves, without coverage and without care. I understand why the Bush administration is coming after me -- I have tried to help the very people they refuse to help, but until George W. Bush outlaws helping your fellow man, I have broken no laws and I have nothing to hide. I demand that the Bush Administration immediately end this investigation and spend its time and resources trying to support some of the real heroes of 9/11. Sincerely, Michael Moore"

Cuba says U.S. broke anti-terrorism treaties  5/11/2007 Reuters 

Feds Probe Moore's Film Trip to Cuba  5/10/2007 AP: "In the past, Moore's adversaries have fanned publicity that helped the filmmaker create a new brand of opinionated blockbuster documentary. ``Sicko'' promises to take the health-care industry to task the way Moore confronted America's passion for guns in ``Bowling for Columbine'' and skewered Bush over his handling of Sept. 11 in ``Fahrenheit 9/11.'' The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control notified Moore in a letter dated May 2 that it was conducting a civil investigation for possible violations of the U.S. trade embargo restricting travel to Cuba. A copy of the letter was obtained Wednesday by the AP."

Cuba anger at US exile decision  5/10/2007 BBC: "Posada Carriles is free and without legal charges against him, it is of the entire responsibility of the White House," Dagoberto Rodriguez Barrera of the Cuban Interests Section in Washington said in a statement. He said that the White House had done everything it could to protect "the Bin Laden of the hemisphere" from revealing US government links with terror activities."

Fighting Terror Selectively: Washington and Posada  5/10/2007 Global Research: "There had been intense pressure to try Posada for his terrorist crimes, as required by Security Council resolution 1373 and three international treaties. Resolution 1373, passed in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks, mandates that all countries deny safe haven to those who commit terrorist acts, and ensure that they are brought to justice. These provisions of resolution 1373 are mandatory, as they were adopted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. The treaties require the United States to extradite Posada to Venezuela for trial or try him in U.S. courts for offenses committed abroad. The Department of Justice elected instead to charge him with perjury for lying about how he entered the United States in 2005. But the government could not take the risk that Posada might sing like a canary. On Tuesday, U.S. District Court Judge Kathleen Cardone dismissed all charges against Posada. In her ruling, Cardone wrote that "the Government engaged in fraud, deceit, and trickery" by using a "routine" immigration interview to investigate possible criminal charges against Posada. But questions about Posada's prior criminal conduct were relevant to the moral character determination at the immigration interview. Posada is not a "routine" guy and his lawyer was present throughout the interview to protect him against self-incrimination. Cardone found the government's tactics "grossly shocking and so outrageous as to violate the universal sense of justice." She then disingenuously claimed, "This Court's concern is not politics; it is the preservation of justice." It is shocking and outrageous that Luis Posada Carriles, whose crimes rival those of al Qaeda, is now walking free in Miami . And Cardone's decision is deeply political. Rep. William Delahunt has called for a congressional hearing to examine the U.S. government's role in promoting impunity in the Posada case. Delahunt sent a letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales requesting an explanation as to why the Justice Department did not invoke the USA Patriot Act to declare Posada a terrorist and detain him, stating, "The release of Mr. Posada puts into question our commitment to fight terrorism.""

U.S. charges against anti-Castro exile dismissed  5/9/2007 Reuters: "Cardone dismissed the immigration charges on grounds that the U.S. government case was based on statements it got from Posada Carriles, 79, under false pretenses. He thought he was in an immigration interview that was actually a criminal interrogation, his lawyers said, and the judge agreed. "The government's tactics in this case are so grossly shocking and so outrageous as to violate the universal sense of justice," Cardone wrote."

Bush Sat on Evidence of Cuban Terror  5/7/2007 Consortium News: "Earlier this year, as accused right-wing terrorist Luis Posada Carilles successfully sought to be freed on bond, the Bush administration possessed secret evidence implicating the 79-year-old Cuban exile in terrorist bombings in Havana a decade ago."

In the middle of the collapse - Crouched in the extreme right Miami Congress  5/7/2007 Cuba Now: "In the middle of this political catastrophe, there is rising to the right the extreme right Cuban-American sector in Congress, certain that the millions of dollars they have on their account will be able to buy enough congressmen and senators during this tumultuous and competitive electoral year in order to prevent the fair and needed reformations to the U.S. policies against the Cuban people. These policies also deny the right to travel to Cuba to all of us Cubans who live here, so that we can visit our relatives and friends. Does anybody still doubts that in an electoral process such as this one when still today, twenty months before the elections, when the political campaign is still going strong, there are still some congressmen and senators who are still "uncertain" if they are to fall for the temptation of the millions of dollars at their disposition coming from this extreme right sector? What we should ask ourselves is, where do all those millions come from? Isn't public treasure the source of all of those millions? Where have many of all of those millions given as budgets for ghost projects against the Cuban government ended up? Haven't they ended up in the accounts of all of those PACs, Foundations and characters from the Miami extreme right who are financing now this new trick against fairness?"

“The Man of Two Havanas": Max Lesnik on His Transition From Cuban Revolutionary to Exile to Target of Terrorist Attacks by Anti-Castro Cuban Militants in Miami  5/7/2007 Democracy Now: "What most people don't know is that terrorism in America did not begin on September 11. In the 1970s and the 1980s there was a reign of terror in Miami. There was as many as seven bombings in one day and hundreds per year. The culprits were not communists, they were Americans, Cuban Americans, and my dad was at the epicenter."

US government moves to gag terrorist on CIA ties  5/6/2007 Global Research: "With his trial on immigration charges set for May 11, the US government has filed a motion in federal court seeking to bar the international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles from testifying on his role as an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency."

Deadly hijacking attempt reflects younger Cubans' discontent  5/5/2007 Sun Sentinel 

FBI, Cuba cooperating on Posada  5/4/2007 Miami Herald: "Three federal law enforcement officers familiar with the case described the trip as ''pretty amazing'' and ''unheard of'' because Cuba had for years blocked FBI access to witnesses, crime scenes, forensic evidence and more information in the bombing. The Miami Herald agreed not to name the officers because of the ongoing grand jury investigation. The sources said the trip was very productive because agents were able to interview witnesses, review Cuba's forensic evidence -- including bombing materials -- and visit crime scenes, though they declined to say exactly what information was gathered."

Cuba makes US terror report  5/1/2007 Heartbeat News 

Targeting Cuba  5/1/2007 Khaleej Times, UAE: "In the process though, Cuba remained underdeveloped and cut off from the rest of the world. Lke all socialistic systems, Cuba’s economy suffered in matters of macro management. That said, there is no reason whatsoever for the US president to take up cudgels on behalf of Cubans, or Cuban exiles for that matter, and challenge the regime there; just as he did in Iraq. More so, in these times, when Bush’s own prominent foreign policy initiatives spanning his two terms in power have not taken him or America anywhere nearer to a pleasant situation. Iraq is burning. Afghanistan is headed for more difficult times; North Korea and Iran remain as hard nuts to crack as ever. The US image has taken a severe beating worldwide; and, Bush is seeking to open new fronts."

Raúl receives foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran  4/24/2007 Granma 

Controversial Michael Moore Flick 'Sicko' Will Compare U.S. Health Care with Cuba's  4/23/2007 Alternet: "Moore's new film, debuting in Cannes this May, tackles the failures of the U.S. health care system and includes a segment where 9/11 rescue workers visit Cuba for treatment they couldn't get in America."

Luis Posada Carriles has boasted of bombing Havana hotels, yet American justice lets him go free - A Terrorist Walks  4/23/2007 Venezuela Analysis 

Cuban militant posts bond, remains in jail  4/19/2007 AP: "Anti-Castro Cuban militant Luis Posada Carriles remained in jail early today and his chances of being released from federal custody were uncertain. Posada was set to be freed Wednesday after his attorneys posted $250,000 bond, but he still faced the prospect of being held by immigration authorities."

Militant's release angers Cuba  4/19/2007 AP: [note the use of 'Militant' to characterize Posada, one of the foremost narcoterrorists in history.]

Two top Republican officials call for lifting US travel restrictions on Cuba  4/19/2007 Wayne Madsen Report: - scroll down to Apr 19, 2007 entry - "Flake criticized current Bush administration policies towards Cuba as "too Florida-centric." He said many Arizonans want to visit Cuba and he rejected the notion that "national security" is the reason given by the Bush administration for travel restrictions. Flake also said there is no place for any travel restrictions being placed on Americans. He cited such restrictions as hallmarks of Communist regimes. Flake said one good thing about having a Democratic Congress is not having the Cuba travel freedom bill stripped by conference committees as it has been twice during past Republican sessions of Congress. Flake also said that Cuban-Americans are not in "lock step" with the Bush administration's travel restriction policy. Flake also condemned the State Department's use of an electronic message board at the US Interests Section in Havana as "juvenile." He said one message stated that "In Miami, a school child today will receive a free breakfast of eggs and bacon.""

Time for America to Be Relevant in Cuba  4/14/2007 WaPo: By Charles B. Rangel and Jeff Flake [Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) chairs the House Ways and Means Committee. Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) led a 10-member House delegation to Cuba in December.] - "The administration should begin by ending its insistence that it will respond only to Cuba's complete conversion to democracy and free markets. Cubans surely would welcome incremental reforms that improve living standards, not to mention economic and political freedom. The administration's all-or-nothing posture is divorced from the reality on which our approaches to North Korea, China, Vietnam and other communist countries are based. It is a formula for irrelevance. And Congress should increase American influence by building bridges rather than barriers to Cuba. The administration has all but cut off individual Americans' contacts with Cuba. People-to-people and academic exchanges, family visits, religious and humanitarian programs, and travel by average Americans are nearly impossible -- if not illegal -- today. President Bush's theory is that reduced travel cuts Cuba's hard-currency earnings and helps to "hasten the end of the Castro dictatorship." But his intelligence agencies certify that the dictatorship is unbothered: Cuban economic growth was 7.5 percent last year."

Judge rejects government bid to delay bond order for Posada  4/11/2007 AP: "Posada will be under house arrest in Miami and will have to wear a monitoring bracelet, Hernandez said. Posada will likely be released Thursday, but could be out as soon as Wednesday afternoon."

Cuban exiles differ on Posada  4/8/2007 Sun Sentinel 

Where Have All the Bees Gone? And Other Reflections on the Internationalization of Genocide by Fidel Castro  4/7/2007 Counterpunch 

A Constructive Plot to Return Guantanamo Bay to Cuba in the Near Future  3/15/2007 COHA 

The Descent of the US; the Rise of Latin America - By PHILIP AGEE  3/14/2007 Counterpunch: "Another program under ALBA is Operación Milagro (Operation Miracle) for offering free eye surgery to people unable to afford it for cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes and other vision problems. It began in 2004 as a joint Cuban-Venezuelan effort to bring Venezuelans by air to Cuba cost free for operations. Within two years 28 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean were participating, and operations restoring sight numbered 485,000 of whom 290,000 were Venezuelans. Jet liners loaded with patients come and go from Havana everyday, but by early 2007 thirteen modern eye clinics were being built in Venezuela, and several had already performed thousands of operations there. Other clinics were being established in Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras and Haiti, all with Cuban planning and staffing. The ten-year goal of Operación Milagro is to restore sight to 6 million people of Latin America and the Caribbean, and the program is expanding to Africa."

Cuba, Internet y Reporteros Sin Frontera  3/10/2007 Aporrea: "Decididamente, Reporteros Sin Fronteras (RSF) tiene una obsesión sin límites con Cuba. Desde hace varios años, esta organización lleva a cabo una campaña de ensañamiento desinformativo contra la isla del Caribe y su gobierno. Últimamente manipuló deliberadamente las palabras que pronunció el ministro cubano de Informática y Comunicación, Ramiro Valdés.

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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