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Cuba in the News
Archive: 7/1/2016 - 12/31/2015

Japan to forgive ¥120 billion in claims against Cuba  12/28/2015 Japan Times: "Cuba’s debt repayments to Japan are expected to begin in fiscal 2016, which starts in April. While monitoring the progress, the government will decide when to restart soft loans to the resource-rich nation, whose economy is forecast to grow."

Ministro Comunicacion ratifica acceso a Internet  12/28/2015 TV Santiago 

Cuban migrant crisis in C.America may 'spin out of control': Red Cross  12/24/2015 AFP: "If Costa Rica doesn't give visas to the Cubans stranded in (the border town of) Paso Canoas, we should be prepared," Victor Hall, of the Panamanian Red Cross, told AFP in a telephone interview. He said the number of Cubans stuck in the isolated town, prevented from traveling on to Costa Rica, had swollen to 602 by Thursday."

Who Will Speak for Black Cubans on the Lack of Economic Opportunity?  12/23/2015 The Root:  by DeWayne Wickham - "In 2010 Morales was kicked out of the Communist Party after writing an article in which he said Cuba was threatened more by corrupt government officials than by the country’s relatively small number of dissidents. A year later, he was reinstated. Now he leads a national commission that pushes the highest levels of Cuba’s government to address this nation’s race problems."

Trinidad-Tobago Receives Cuban Doctors Services  12/22/2015 Periodico 26: "We 'usually find patients from other regions, who come looking for the Cuban doctor. Sometimes we see them in the registration area, ask first by the presence of a doctor of Cuba before entering the hospital. That makes us proud. "

Nuevo espacio público para el acceso al servicio de conexión wifi  12/22/2015 TV Santiago: "La velocidad de conexión en los espacios públicos es de un megabyte por usuario y pueden permanecer conectados entre cincuenta y cien clientes, simultáneamente, según las capacidades de las áreas."

Septeto Nacional & Orquesta Broadway Honoring "Chocolate"  12/20/2015 Jazz Corner News: "Lehman Center for the Performing Arts is proud to present the legendary champion of Cuban son SEPTETO NACIONAL DE CUBA IGNACIO PIÑEIRO and the longest running charanga band outside of Cuba ORQUESTA BROADWAY on Saturday, January 16th, 2016 at 8pm for a special concert to honor the legacy of the great Cuban trumpeter Alfredo "Chocolate" Armenteros."

Cuba, One Year Later: What Has Changed?  12/18/2015 Counterpunch: "When he inaugurated the US embassy in Havana, Secretary of State Kerry noted “Having normal relations makes it easier for us to talk…” The trouble is that “normal” relations are a long way in the future—particularly from Havana’s perspective, since there are still several difficult challenges remaining."

¡INDIGNANTE! Policía golpea a vendedora ambulante cubana  12/18/2015 Yusnaby Post: "La cuentapropista y miembro de la opositora Unión Patriótica de Cuba (UNPACU) explicó que “la agente de la PNR me ordenó que tenía que retirarme de mi lugar de venta porque yo estaba vendiendo productos no autorizados. Le demostré que mi licencia respaldaba la venta de todos los artículos que yo ofertaba; pero ella me dijo que no discutiera y que cumpliera la orden”. Fernández Guzmán refiere que “apenas Rebeca comenzó su protesta, la agente de la PNR arremetió contra ella con una violencia absolutamente injustificada, donde se apreciaba un odio inconcebible contra una mujer respetuosa y pacífica, que escasamente pesa 39 kilogramos y tiene casi 50 años de edad. ¡Es una vergüenza!”."

Prevention better than cure in Cuban healthcare system  12/13/2015 BBC: "Despite spending a fraction of what the United States spends on healthcare (the World Bank reports Cuba spends $431 per head per year compared with $8,553 in the US) Cuba has a lower infant mortality rate than the US and a similar life expectancy."

Family of late U.S. gangster wants compensation for Cuba hotel  12/13/2015 Florida Politics: "The family of the late gangster Meyer Lansky is hoping to be compensated for a Havana casino hotel seized after Cuba’s 1959 revolution, now that the countries have begun trying to resolve billions in dollars in claims for the confiscation of American properties by the island’s socialist government."

Budget for Cuba programs: As clear as mud  12/12/2015 Along the Malecon: "The short version of the story is that it doesn't appear that lawmakers have decided how much to spend on democracy promotion programs in fiscal 2016, which began on Oct. 1. At least I couldn't find any public documents spelling it out. Senate and House appropriations bills have proposed spending from $15 million to $30 million on Cuba programs in fiscal 2016, but none of the proposals have been put into law. In June, the House Appropriations Committee approved a bill that would had the National Endowment for Democracy, or NED, the State Department and the Agency for International Development sharing $30 million in Cuba democracy funds."

Cuba reaches debt deal with its creditors: French finance minister  12/12/2015 Reuters: "One diplomat said that Cuba had agreed to pay the principal of around $5 billion owed since its 1986 default in exchange for forgiving $11 billion in service charges, interest and penalties, with talks focused on how long Cuba would take to repay and how much of the money would be reinvested in Cuba."

First Charter Flight From LAX to Cuba Departs  12/11/2015 NBC: "The inaugural charter flight between Los Angeles International Airport and Havana, Cuba, departed Saturday, creating the first West Coast link between the cities in light of improved U.S.-Cuban political relations."

U.S., Cuba to re-establish direct mail service in latest sign of normalizing relations  12/11/2015 WaPo: "The United States and Cuba said Friday that they will re-establish direct mail service between the two countries for the first time in more than a half century, the latest sign of thawing relations between the long-time adversaries. In separate statements, the State Department and the Cuban embassy in Washington said the agreement was reached Thursday during discussions in Miami. It calls for a pilot program to provide mail flights between the United States and Cuba, rather than routing mail through a third country as has been done for decades."

Clandestina: A way of creating “99% Cuban design”  12/1/2015 On Cuba: "In February of 2015, when the store and design studio Clandestina opened its doors a few blocks from the Capitolio, Idania del Río and Leire Fernández had set out to create a design boutique right in the middle of Old Havana, with San Sebastian, New York and Paris as references."

Alan Gross’s Improbable Tales on 60 Minutes  11/30/2015 Counterpunch: "On Dec. 17, 2014, the negotiated solution that freed Gross was the exact same deal the Cuban government had proposed three years earlier. It bears repeating that this offer was on the table all along and could have been agreed to by the Obama administration at any time."

Danny Glover back in Cuba  11/28/2015 Periodico 26: "The U.S. actor met with Gerardo Hernández, who he visited on many occasions while the decorated Hero of the Republic of Cuba was unjustly imprisoned in a California penitentiary."

Olga Tañón cumple su promesa y se presenta en Santiago de Cuba la próxima semana  11/28/2015 Progreso Semanal: "Expectantes, los santiagueros esperan la presentación el sábado 5 de diciembre en la Plaza de la Revolución Antonio Maceo de la cantante puertorriqueña Olga Tañón, quien cumplirá así la promesa hecha a los cubanos."

Russian Activists Reiterate Commitment vs. Blockade to Cuba  11/27/2015 Periodico 26: "Moscow, The Russian social movement Venceremos ratified today here the commitment to redouble the fight against the U.S economic, commercial and financial blockade, during a meeting with Antonio Guerrero, Hero of the Republic of Cuba. Gathered with the Cuban fighter against terrorism who served more than 15 years in prison in the northern country, for trying to prevent violent actions against the island, the activists said they will also demand the closure of the U.S. naval base in Guantanamo."

At Gates of Guantanamo, Activists Counter Unjust Detention With 'Powerful Act of Compassion'  11/26/2015 Common Dreams: "Hours after President Barack Obama signed into law a defense bill that continues to thwart closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, a group of human rights activists is staging a vigil and fast at its gates to say "the whole prison must shut down." Under the banner "Forced-Feeding, Not Feasting at Guantanamo," the Thanksgiving Day action outside of the base in Cuba by 14 members of Witness Against Torture aims to put a spotlight on the men who continue to suffer unjust detention and the continued practice of force-feedings of hunger striking prisoners at "the site of one of our country’s greatest shames.""

Video: Cinco minutos con Darsi Ferret y Andres Alburquerque sobre la crisis migratoria.  11/26/2015 Cuba Democracia: "Charla sobre crisis humanitaria de los emigrantes cubanos varados en Centroamérica."

Músicos cubanos que no debes dejar de oir  11/23/2015 Vistar: "La nuestra es una tierra musical. Eso no es un secreto. De esta Isla del Caribe han salido exitosos músicos. Chucho Valdés, Juan Formell y Los Van Van, la popular Celia Cruz y el Septeto Santiaguero son quizás, algunos de los de mayor renombre internacional. En esta ocasión, la revista digital PAPER destacó en su artículo “10 Cuban Musicians You Need to Hear” la obra de jóvenes exponentes de esta manifestación en el país. Contrario a lo que muchos pueden pensar, entre los nombres resalta Michael Sierra Miranda, más conocido como El Micha. Un reggaetonero al que califican como figura prominente en la escena del “Cubatón”, cosecha propia de La Habana, y uno de los pocos exponentes que ha logrado trascender más allá de su barrio."

EL MAGNICIDIO DE DALLAS.  11/22/2015 Entre Tinajones: “A principios de noviembre el servicio secreto fue informado de dos señales de atentado contra Kennedy, una en Chicago y otra en Tampa, donde participarían exilados cubanos. Nada fue investigado."

Cuban Migrants Stuck in Central America  11/18/2015 On Cuba: "The images of the events are dramatic. The level of violence used by the Nicaraguan troops has shocked the relatives of the immigrants in Cuba, who fear for the fate of the loved ones."

Best Day Travel Group llega a Cuba  11/16/2015 Cuba a Contraluz: "Best Day Travel Group, la compañía turística más importante de México y una de las líderes en América Latina, ha establecido un acuerdo con el Ministerio de Turismo de Cuba (Mintur) y la agencia receptiva Viajes Cubanacán para operar en la Isla."

Cuba’s Operation Carlota 40 Years Later  11/5/2015 Counterpunch: "MPLA leader Agostinho Neto would appeal to Fidel Castro on Nov. 3 for reinforcements to ward off the racists. The answer came less than 48 hours later on Nov. 5. Yes. “The Communist Party of Cuba reached its decision without wavering,” García Marquez wrote. He noted the date had historical significance for Cubans: “On another such November 5, in 1843, a slave called Black Carlota, working on the Triunvirato plantation in the Matanzas region, had taken up her machete at the head of a slave rebellion in which she lost her life. It was in homage to her that the solidarity action in Angola bore her name: Operation Carlota.”"

Cuban Boxer Guillermo Rigondeaux Stripped of His Belt  11/3/2015 On Cuba: "According to ESPN columnist and editor Damian Lorenzo Delgado, the “WBO didn’t act with transparency. It’s true Rigo has only fought three times in 31 months, but the WBO knows he is willing to fight anyone willing to challenge him. It’s public knowledge that all boxers avoid him and the organization could have ordered a mandatory fight to deal with the problem. Other interests came into play there. The worst part of this story is that his future is looking bleaker and bleaker.”

Obama’s Half-Hearted Cuba Détente  11/1/2015 Consortium News: "President Obama’s “normalization” of relations with Cuba have been more tell than show, with much of the half-century U.S. embargo left in place and some “relaxations” designed to coerce Cuba into “privatizing” its economy, as Art Heitzer and Marjorie Cohn describe."

Cuban foreign investment portfolio: more than 200 projects and nearly nine billion dollars  10/28/2015 Cuba Contemporanea: "It includes projects linked with the fields of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, agricultural food, construction and renewable energy, among others, which are found in all provinces and in the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud, said the Vice-President of the Council of Ministers, Marino Murillo Jorge, in the meeting, in which President Raúl Castro participated."

Varios grupos opositores reciben el Premio Libertad Pedro Luis Boitel 2015  10/23/2015 Damas de Blanco: "Uno de los premios fue concedido al Foro por los Derechos y Libertades y recibieron el galardón tres de sus líderes, la líder de las Damas de Blanco, Berta Soler por las Damas de Blanco; Jorge Luís García Pérez, “Antúnez”, del Frente de Resistencia Cívica Orlando Zapata Tamayo, y Antonio Rodiles, director de Estado de Sats."

Minrex se pronuncia sobre cubanos emigrantes en frontera de Nicaragua y Costa Rica  10/17/2015 La Esquina de Lilith: "En los últimos días, se ha creado una compleja situación, a raíz de que más de mil ciudadanos cubanos han estado arribando a Costa Rica desde otros países de la región con la intención de viajar hacia los Estados Unidos."

Mis cubanos: mi opinión sobre los migrantes varados en centroamérica.  10/17/2015 La Esquina de Lilith: "En Cuba no se les persigue. En Cuba no hay una crisis humanitaria, como en Siria. En Cuba no hay guerra. No son desplazados. Son, sencillamente, emigrantes, gente que quiere vivir mejor y hacerlo en otra parte. Los que conozco y han hecho ese viaje, incluso, son personas que, por lo general, “vivía bastante bien” en la isla y pudo pagarse los más de 2 mil dólares necesarios -50 mil pesos cubanos- para hacer el viaje hasta Ecuador, y tenía otros más en los bolsillos para emprender el viaje a Los Estados Unidos."

Periodismo de Barrio #yasalió #yeshermoso  10/17/2015 Negra Cubana: "Periodismo de Barrio me devuelve las vivencias que acumulé durante las visitas a casa de mi abuela Niña en Santa Cruz del Norte. Recuerdo con piel de gallina que, cuando llegaba la temporada ciclónica al país, le pedía a nosequién que mi abuela quedara a salvo y un huracán no desapareciera su casa, situada en el Harlem santacruceño y donde pasé todas las vacaciones de infancia."

N.J. cop killer Chesimard living as a ‘ghost’ in Havana  10/4/2015 Cubaverdad: "Soandry Del Rio, a popular Cuban hip-hop artist who was featured in the documentary “East of Havana,” said he met Chesimard three times, usually in small groups of other hip-hop artists and Afro-Cuban activists. But he quickly noticed that she often seemed skittish and fearful of coming to any meeting in which she was not familiar with everyone who attended."

'Lejos de mejorar, la situación de bloqueo a Cuba ha empeorado'  9/30/2015 El Mundo: entrevista con Esteban Morales - "Lo que necesitamos es que Estados Unidos libere el dólar y las inversiones. Que dispongamos de créditos de los bancos norteamericanos, y potenciar la actividad del turismo. No podemos echar a andar sólo con nuestro capital. Y que se elimine la ley Helms Burton. Si echas abajo esa ley, echas abajo el bloqueo.- "Lo que necesitamos es que Estados Unidos libere el dólar y las inversiones. Que dispongamos de créditos de los bancos norteamericanos, y potenciar la actividad del turismo. No podemos echar a andar sólo con nuestro capital. Y que se elimine la ley Helms Burton. Si echas abajo esa ley, echas abajo el bloqueo."

Cuban infrastructure investment -- China won the first round  9/28/2015 The Internet in Cuba: "China played a major role in the financing and construction of the ALBA-1 undersea cable, which connects Cuba to Venezuela and Jamaica. It was reported that China lent Venezuela $70 million to finance the cable, which was installed by a joint venture made up of Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell and Telecomunicaciones Gran Caribe (TGC) -- TGC is a joint venture between Telecom Venezuela (60%) and Cuban Transbit SA (40%), both state-owned companies. "

Viajeros de Estados Unidos impulsan turismo en Cuba  9/13/2015 El Economista de Cuba: "Ni los cálculos más optimistas luego del restablecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas entre Washington y La Habana, anunciado el 17 de diciembre pasado por los presidentes Barack Obama y Raúl Castro, permitían pensar en tan voraz apetito de viajeros norteamericanos por la Isla. Sorprendente es poco. Según cifras confiables facilitadas a Excelencias News Cuba por el profesor de la Facultad de Turismo de la Universidad de La Habana, José Luis Perelló-Cabrera, del 1 de enero al 2 de septiembre llegaron a Cuba 100 703 ciudadanos de Estados Unidos."

Cuba pardons thousands ahead of Pope´s visit  9/11/2015 Cuba Si: "The article on Granma newspaper explains that with very few exceptions, those punished for murder, homicide, rape, corruption of minors, theft and sacrifice of herd, drug traffic, robbery on violence and intimidation were not included nor those imprisoned for crimes against the security of the state."

Prospects for the Cuban Internet After the Normalization of U.S.-Cuba Relations  9/10/2015 Council on Foreign Relations: "Disagreements about whether U.S. engagement with Cuba will foster Internet freedom mirror the larger debate pitting those who want to keep Cuba under political and economic pressure and those who believe this strategy has failed."

The 0.0012 Grams of Marihuana Found at Odalis’ Home in Santiago de Cuba  9/9/2015 Havana Times: "That is to say, the amount of marihuana found was so insignificant that it was “used up” during the laboratory weighing and analysis."

“Pink to Pink”, tendiendo un puente a la vida  9/9/2015 Negra Cubana: "La pareja Jones se propone además explorar y fomentar la creación de micro- empresas para las sobrevivientes y sus familiares, teniendo en cuenta que en muchos casos las mujeres están enfrentan la enfermedad sin los recursos económicos necesarios."

El 31% de los jóvenes en Cuba trabaja en el sector no estatal  9/8/2015 El Economista de Cuba: "El 31 por ciento de los jóvenes empleados en Cuba, más de 1.5 millones, trabajaba en el sector no estatal y el resto, un 76 por ciento, desempeñaba ocupaciones laborales estatales al cierre de 2014, según datos oficiales."

Browsing the Web from Cuba's Public Hotspots  9/7/2015 Global Voices: "And the lack of full Internet access is only part of the problem. Prices are high. The locations of hotspots give people little choice but to sit on steps, curbs, and sidewalks while using the Web, making an unfavorable atmosphere for browsing. And there is no coherent strategy for teaching everyone how to use the Internet, beyond what is offered for university students and those working in key sectors of scientific development in the country. These factors have left most Cuban Internet users logging on for little more than utilitarian purposes."

Cuba: Avalancha de turistas no se detiene  9/6/2015 El Economista de Cuba: "La avalancha de turistas no para. Al cierre del pasado mes, el crecimiento en la llegada de visitantes internacionales registraba un 17 por ciento por encima de enero-julio de 2014. Dicho de otra manera, en los pasados siete meses estuvieron por aquí 318 423 personas más que en iguales días del año anterior."

Otorgarán créditos a trabajadores por cuenta propia sin pedir garantías  9/6/2015 El Economista de Cuba: "Sin necesidad de presentar garantía, los cuentapropistas podrán solicitar hasta 10 000 pesos en crédito, nuevo producto aprobado por el Banco Popular de Aho­rro (BPA) para incentivar el uso del financiamiento externo en el creciente sector económico."

Influyente compañía de lobby estadounidense pone los ojos en Cuba  9/4/2015 Cuba Contemporanea: "Akin Gump, la mayor firma de lobby en Washington en términos de ingresos, está lanzando un nuevo servicio dedicado a asesorar a sus clientes en torno a las nuevas políticas y regulaciones relacionadas con el reciente mejoramiento de las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y Cuba."

Looking for where to advertise or buy something in Cuba?  9/4/2015 Havana Times: "Over the last decade, classified ads have been the pioneers in the rebirth of publicity in Cuba. The increasing number of websites dedicated to classifieds or “Lists” of offers and demands in dozens of service and product categories is advertising’s most popular appearance. For now we’re going to have a look at the most popular sites, describing each one of them and their establishment, in the cases where dates are given, objectives and other details."

In a nation with nearly no Internet access, a little bit gets a lot of hype.  9/4/2015 The Internet in Cuba: "In mid June, Cuba announced a plan to provide public access at 35 WiFi hotspots. As we noted, 35 WiFi hotspots is a drop in the bucket for a nation with over 11 million people, yet they have received a lot of press coverage."

The Many Unsolved Problems of Cuba’s Wi-Fi Hot Zones  9/2/2015 Havana Times: "Around the time Wi-Fi services became available in Cuba, a friend brought several newspapers from Ecuador. One of them had a piece on the free Wi-Fi services offered in school buses. Other friends who live in Venezuela tell me there are places (such as Bolivar Square, Diego Ibarra Square and the Sabana Grande Boulevard) where people can access such services without paying a cent. In nearly all countries, there are places with free Wi-Fi: parks, cafes, bus terminals, hospitals, airports, hotels, libraries, universities and others. We, however, have to pay for it. Ok, we’ll pay for it, but, to set the rates, they should at least bear people’s salaries in mind. Let’s overlook the fact we’re all paid in Cuban pesos and the service is charged in hard currency (Cuban Convertible Pesos, CUC). If the average worker earns 18 CUC a month at the current exchange rate, it is more than a huge sacrifice to destine over 10 % of his/her salary to connect to the Internet for merely one hour."

Connectify Gives Away PRO Features in Cuba as Public Wi-Fi Rolls Out  8/25/2015 Connectify: "Just a few days ago, the Boston Globe and Washington Post reported that Connectify Hotspot was being used by savvy Cubans to help share Wi-Fi with their fellow countrymen, as the government begins to roll out public hotspots around the country. We couldn’t have been more excited to hear about our little software router doing its part to help a country get online for the first time. So, starting today, we’ve decided to unlock Unlimited Hotspot Uptime (PRO feature), free for every resident of Cuba for the next 3 months!"

#BlackLivesMatter and Cuba  8/24/2015 Progressive Pupil: ""In July a group of Black Lives Matter activists visited Cuba with the 46th Contingent of the Venceremos Brigade. Included in this group was Progressive Pupil’s own, Shannon Shird, Outreach Director for Black and Cuba and former Community Outreach Specialist in our New Leaders for Social Change Program, Anita Moore, Chapter Coordinator and Community Organizer with Black Lives Matter, and Amity Paye, the BYP100 NYC Communications Co-chair.""

11 TV Hill: Journalist Dewayne Wickham answers questions on Cuba  8/15/2015 WBAL: "Dewayne Wickham's distinguished journalism career has spanned three decades and leaves an indelible mark on the American press. The recently retired USA Today columnist is dean of the School of Global Journalism and Communication at Morgan State University. He talks about his connection to Cuba."

American harbored by Cuba fears winds of change  8/13/2015 CBS: "New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez recently wrote Secretary of State John Kerry a letter calling Hill a "terrorist" and saying this was a chance to "finally be able to bring a cop killer to justice." A number of members of Congress, including Sen. Tom Udall, D-New Mexico, have joined the call. Hill refuted those charges and said it is proof that he cannot get a fair trial in the United States. "If I felt I could get a fair trial, I would go back to the United States of America because I am not a terrorist nor am I a cop killer.""

Cuba is using WiFi for short run portable connectivity  8/11/2015 The Internet in Cuba: "The fact that sales of VoIP and IMS equipment to "cell phone" operators are growing rapidly foreshadows the increased substitution of "data" for "voice" suggests that Cuba may forget about circuit-switched calling going forward."

La vulnerabilidad de los dispositivos móviles ante los 'hackers'  8/8/2015 Granma 

Algunas observaciones al Informe de Stratfor “Cuba, un potencial de prosperidad"  8/6/2015 Misceláneas de Cuba: "La importancia de Cuba para Estados Unidos es básicamente la que tiene para los dos millones de ciudadanos de Estados Unidos de origen cubano. Poco más."

DeWayne Wickham: Thanks for 30 years to witness, shape history  8/5/2015 Baxter Bulletin: "The long-running embargo against that communist nation was a relic of the Cold War. It had a disparate impact on the Afro Cubans who were the Castro government’s most loyal supporters. As companies from across the world set up shop in Cuba, the U.S. embargo became a blockade against American businesses shut out of a marketplace of 11 million people. For years, I’ve hammered away at the bad judgment that has kept this embargo in place while the United States expanded economic and political ties with communist China and Vietnam. The embargo against Cuba, I argued in my column and in meetings with White House officials, pandered to the rearguard of a Cold War that ended with the Soviet collapse."

In Cuba, a Potential for Prosperity  8/5/2015 Stratfor: "Thanks to the diplomatic thaw, the Cuban tourism sector is on the rise. Tourist traffic to the island is up 15 percent compared with the same period last year, with around 1.7 million people visiting in the first five months of 2015. Moreover, each of the first five months has seen a double-digit increase in visitors — many of whom are coming from the United States. For May that number jumped 21 percent. Perhaps not coincidentally, Cuba's economic performance in the first half of 2015 registered a growth of 4.7 percent, which shows a reversal of the downward trend between 2013 and 2014. Now Cuba's economy is projected to grow 4 percent this year, largely driven by the construction and agriculture sectors. That is almost four times its growth rate in 2014, the fastest climb Cuba has seen since 2008."

VIOLENCIA POLICIAL CONTRA JOVEN CUBANO (+VIDEO)  8/2/2015 Cibercuba: "Violencia policial contra joven cubano ¿Te pareció necesaria?" [Esa publicacion en Florida nunca habla de la matanza de los jovenes Afro lo cual ocurre con regularidad allá.]

Hillary Clinton Remarks At Florida International University  8/1/2015 #CubaNow: “Unfortunately, most of the Republican candidates for President would play right into the hard-liners’ hands. They would reverse the progress we have made and cut the Cuban people off from direct contact with the Cuban-American community and the free-market capitalism and democracy that you embody. That would be a strategic error for the United States and a tragedy for the millions of Cubans who yearn for closer ties. “They have it backwards: Engagement is not a gift to the Castros – it’s a threat to the Castros. An American embassy in Havana isn’t a concession – it’s a beacon. Lifting the embargo doesn’t set back the advance of freedom – it advances freedom where it is most desperately needed."

Florida and the end of the embargo  8/1/2015 OnCuba: "In any case, some sectors of Florida’s economy would benefit immediately if the embargo were lifted—the transport industry, for example. Just imagine if Cuba were to enter the dynamic of the international market, based on Florida ports and interaction with the Mariel Development Zone. Three major maritime ports exist in Florida: Miami, the most important point for commerce between Latin America and the United States; Tampa, the Gulf of Mexico port closest to western Cuba; and Jacksonville, one of Europe’s ports of entry to the United States. Most analysts agree that Cuban tobacco and rum could occupy a fundamental place in U.S. consumption; we could also suppose that Florida companies would distribute those products. Recently there was talk of ferries operating between Florida and Cuba, and in conditions of normal relations, they would be a very effective mode of transport between the two coasts."

Relaunching Direct Foreign Investment in Cuba  8/1/2015 OnCuba: One promising initiative has been the Mariel Special Development Zone, for generating exports and replacing imports; transferring cutting-edge technology, know-how, and abilities related to business management; creating jobs and developing infrastructure for contributing to economic progress; creating a logistics system that will facilitate high levels of efficiency in the import, export and production processes; stimulating the formation of national and foreign companies; and, logically, articulating these companies with the rest of the economy."

Muerte de Omar Torrijos aún es un enigma para los panameños  7/31/2015 Cuba Debate: "A 34 años de su desaparición física, persiste el misterio de si fue asesinato o muerte accidental, todavía hoy los panameños no logran develar todas las circunstancias en torno al fallecimiento misterioso y trágico del general Omar Torrijos."

The Rising Wave of GOP Support For Ending the Embargo  7/30/2015 #CubaNow: "In another sign of the rapidly changing landscape of U.S.-Cuba policy this week, House Republican Tom Emmer of Minnesota introduced the Cuba Trade Act of 2015, legislation that would lift the embargo on Cuba. “I understand there's a lot of pain on both sides of this issue that goes back many decades,” Emmer told USA Today. “But I believe this is in the best interests of the Cuban people. This isn't about the Cuban government — it's about people on the street looking for more opportunity and to improve their quality of life.”"

Wi-Fi technology with big acceptance in Camagüey  7/30/2015 Adelante: "The opening of two points for Internet navigation by means of Wi-Fi in this city, and the reduction of the quota per hour of 4.50 cuc to 2.00 cuc, has had big success among the Camagüeyans."

IMO in Cuba: Shortening Distances Between Relatives  7/30/2015 OnCuba: "According to Antonio Aja, researcher at the University of Havana’s Center for Demographic Studies (CEDEM), one out of every three Cubans has a relative living abroad. The installation of Wi-Fi areas across Cuba (35 in total so far) therefore becomes doubly important. Photo: Eric Yanes On the one hand, it broadens Internet access on the island, even though the cost is still too high: two CUC ($2.25 USD) for an hour, charged a population whose average monthly salary is a little over 20 CUC."

Stonegate Bank-Cuba Agreement will reduce transaction costs  7/25/2015 OnCuba: "In the difficult art of coming to an understanding with Cuban institutions, a couple of elements have worked in Stonegate Banks’s favour. The most important is probably the bank’s step forward in responding to a request of the Department of State in early 2015, when they were looking for a bank willing to provide services to the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, at a time when that diplomatic mission was sort of “untouchable”, financially speaking, in U.S. territory."

Open Technology Exchange in Havana, Cuba – Spring, 2016  7/23/2015 Landau Travel: "Landau Travel, in collaboration with the Cuban Ministry of Higher Education, is hosting this first annual Open Technology for Life (OT4Life) summit to cultivate long-term relationships between innovators in the United States and leading Cuban experts. Over the course of one week, “Makers” from both nations will exchange ideas, identify challenges and opportunities, and forge connections for the future. Cuba is a world leader in healthcare, education, and sustainability, despite the lack of global connectivity and access to modern technology. As foreign, tech-centric industries engage with Cuban society for the first time, OT4Life provides a platform to learn from Cuba’s successes and collaboratively explore the thoughtful, people-centered implementation of technology."

Esteban Morales: Cuba under no illusions regarding United States ties  7/22/2015 Indo-Asian News Service: "Esteban Morales, a Cuban writer, political observer and economist, said, “Cuba is under no illusions regarding their relations with the US.”"Reopening embassies will simply make it easier for the two governments to communicate formally after five decades of hostility,” Xinhua reported quoting Morales, founder and director of the University of Havana’s Center for Hemispheric and US Studies."

Cuban activists feel abandoned amid US rapprochement  7/20/2015 Al Jazeera: "Since the early 1980s, the US government has spent more than $1bn to promote democracy and the free flow of information in Cuba, according to the US Government Accountability Office, the US State Department, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). But lately, some Cuban pro-democracy activists say they are feeling abandoned. "We're not seeing the support that we need at such a crucial time," said Berta Soler, leader of an opposition group called Las Damas de Blanco, or Ladies in White."

Cuban Embassy Inaugurated in Washington  7/20/2015 OnCuba: “Most of the people were saying they wanted to see the flag,” reported OnCuba’s special correspondent in Washington, Tahimi Arboleya. “They think that this will mean better living conditions for Cubans who reside on the island, which according to them is the most important.”

United States Reopens Embassy in Havana  7/20/2015 OnCuba: "The Embassy will continue its diplomatic operations from the Embassy building on the Malecón. Jeffrey DeLaurentis, the most senior official at the embassy, will act as Chargé d’Affaires ad interim. According to a press release issued today, Secretary of State John Kerry will travel to Cuba later this summer to celebrate the re-opening of U.S. Embassy Havana and raise the U.S. flag."

La Gloria: An American corner in Cuba  7/19/2015 BBC: "On 4th January 1900, not even two years after Cuba had finally wrested itself from Spain's colonial grip, the steamer Yarmouth came over the horizon off the coast of Nuevitas, on Cuba's northern shore. On board were 200 men and women from the United States intent on building a colony on the Caribbean island. They hoped that if enough of their fellow nationals followed their lead, eventually Cuba would be annexed by the US."

U.S.-Cuba medical partnership may bring lung cancer vaccine to local pharmacies  7/17/2015 Fox News: "Dr. Kelvin Lee, Chairman of Immunology at Roswell Park, says that the really exciting thing about this vaccine is in prevention, "We are not talking about immunizing 5-year-old kids to prevent them from getting lung cancer. We're really talking about immunizing people that don't have lung cancer but are at a very high risk to get it."

Bloqueo entorpece reincorporación de Cuba a instituciones financieras internacionales, asegura exsecretario de comercio  7/16/2015 Cubadebate: "El exsecretario de Comercio de Estados Unidos, Carlos Gutiérrez, reconoció que el bloqueo a Cuba entorpece el apoyo que la Casa Blanca pudiera dar a su reincorporación a organismos crediticios internacionales. En declaraciones citadas hoy por Progreso semanal y otras publicaciones, el exfuncionario señala que la isla deberá iniciar un proceso de reinserción en los principales organismos económicos multilaterales como el Banco Mundial (BM), el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) o el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)."

Compañías turísticas estadounidenses aceleran planes para Cuba  7/16/2015 Cubadebate: "Por ejemplo, Travel Pulse informa: Apple Vacations Cuba Programs Go On Sale (Comienza venta de programas de Apple Vacations) y otro apunta que la propia compañía se propone ofertar “excursiones a Cuba más cortas y asequibles” (Apple Vacations To Offer Shorter, More Affordable Cuba Tours). En la más reciente de las notas de esta empresa se avisaba el pasado 9 de julio que “las ventas comienzan ya” (Apple Vacations new Cuba vacation package product goes on sale today, July 9, at 11 a.m. EST) Según el calificado periódico, “viajar a Cuba ingresa en una nueva era con la entrada en el mercado cubano de Apple Vacations, una de las mayores vendedoras de paquetes de viajes masivos.” Cuba –añade- está más cerca, aunque no de inmediato, debido a que “todavía no es legal para los norteamericanos ir a Cuba a tirarse en la arena de una playa y hacer lo que quieran”."

Why the U.S. should be wary of Cuba  7/14/2015 Stratfor: "Havana will also likely plant listening devices in hotel rooms, taxis and rental cars to monitor on the U.S. diplomatic mission. Operatives will take photographs of the embassy staff as they come and go, locate employees’ homes and even plan honeypots and male raven operations, during which an undercover agent acts like a love interest to collect intelligence. In short, with a reopening embassy, the Cubans will have ample opportunity to undermine U.S. national security."

Una iniciativa plástica  7/12/2015 Granma: "Llueva, truene o relampaguee, los socios de la cooperativa no agropecuaria La Esperanza necesitan disponer cada mes de ocho toneladas de dese­chos plásticos en sus almacenes, una ecuación muy simple que han venido aquilatando de manera metódica a lo largo de un año de vida como asociación."

Suspendidas las reválidas para médicos cubanos en EEUU  7/10/2015 Café Fuerte: "La Comisión Educacional para Médicos Graduados Extranjeros (ECFMG), el organismo facultado para certificar las licencias de egresados en el exterior, anunció que no podrá continuar procesando solicitudes para profesionales de Cuba, Crimea y Sudan a causa de restricciones del Departamento del Tesoro."

Western Union Breaks U.S. TV Ads Filmed in Cuba  7/9/2015 Ad Age: "Western Union is pushing money transfers to Cuba in a new series of TV spots produced on the island, which was recently opened to U.S. travel and business. The two Spanish-language ads are among the first to be filmed in Cuba by an American-based company since the 1962 U.S. embargo."

¿La última fiesta para el terrorista Posada Carriles en Miami?  7/9/2015 Contrainjerencia: "El texto aborda en detalle los vínculos de la CIA con “individuos supuestamente involucrados” con el sabotaje al avión—y citan directamente a Hernán Ricardo Lozano, Freddy Lugo, Luis Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch, Frank Castro, Orlando García, Ricardo Morales Navarrete y Félix Martínez Suárez—aunque concluyen que la CIA solo había establecido contacto en el pasado con Posada Carriles, Bosch y Martínez Suárez, en distintas circunstancias y roles."

Turismo de cruceros se dispara en Cuba tras deshielo con EEUU  7/9/2015 El Universal: "El turismo de cruceros registró un fuerte repunte en 2015 en Cuba, tras el anuncio del deshielo diplomático con Estados Unidos, llegando a 174 visitas de buques y más de 62.000 pasajeros entre enero y mayo, informó este jueves el Ministerio de Transporte… En todo 2014, un buen año en comparación con los anteriores, se registraron 139 escalas con 37.519 pasajeros, según el Ministerio, que destacó que cruceros de una naviera italiana comenzarán a llegar a Cuba."

Commodity leaders explore Cuba grain market  7/9/2015 Iowa Farmer Today: "Nine farmer leaders and staff members from the U.S. Grains Council (USGC), the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) and the North Dakota Barley Council (NDBC) traveled to Cuba this past month to see opportunities for expanding U.S. coarse grain exports if trade is fully normalized with the island nation."

Community Technology in Cuba Project Report  7/9/2015 Peter Miller: with 2016 updates

Is Repression Really Escalating In Cuba? Let’s Look At The Numbers  7/8/2015 Cuba Now: "So far detentions seem to have peaked last year, since the year-to-date numbers for 2015 are 2,822 detentions, a significant 52% drop from the same period in 2014, and 5% lower than the immediately-preceding, six-month period."

« “Al Che lo mataron con las manos atadas », cuenta descubridor de los restos  7/7/2015 Contrainjerencia: "El rector de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana (Cuba), Jorge González, descubridor de los restos mortales de Ernesto Guevara (Che Guevara) en Bolivia, ha explicado este martes en los Cursos de Verano de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) en San Sebastián, que “lo más difícil” no fue identificarlos sino encontrarlos, debido a que tanto él como sus guerrilleros estaban enterrados en lugares “apartados” a “unos 300 kilómetros” de distancia entre ellos, en “una geografía muy difícil”."

Expertos rusos en política desconfían de las intenciones de EEUU en Cuba  7/7/2015 Contrainjerencia: "Según Shmelev, Cuba se encuentra en una difícil situación económica, “así que podemos suponer que Estados Unidos está considerando la posibilidad de organizar una ‘revolución de colores’ en la Isla a fin de llevar al poder a fuerzas que estén orientadas hacia Estados Unidos –una aparente alusión a disidentes dentro del gobierno."

US Caravan to Cuba Carries on History of Solidarity Across the Black Diaspora  7/5/2015 Truth Out: "IFCO has always been an organization concerned about the plight of Black people in the diaspora, whether that is in the US or globally. People of color are often victims of social inequity/social injustice and that is something that IFCO has been historically concerned about. It’s the first national organization that was led by people of color that organized to fight against social injustice so this has always been a part of IFCO’s mission – its reason for being. It’s very much at the center of much of the work that we do."

"A New Chapter": After Half a Century, U.S. and Cuba Unveil Reopening of Embassies & Restored Ties  7/2/2015 Democracy Now: "Peter Kornbluh, director of the Cuba Documentation Project at the National Security Archive at George Washington University. He is co-author of the book, Back Channel to Cuba: The Hidden History of Negotiations between Washington and Havana."

The Potential of Diplomatic Normalization  7/1/2015 Havana Note: "President Obama has a lot of potential power to bring us closer to the full normalization of relations."

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