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Cuba in the News
9/1/06 - 10/30/06

Fidel Castro appears on Cuban television, calls death rumors ridiculous  10/28/2006 AP 

Lawsuit claims Cuba forced citizens to work at Curacao shipyard  10/28/2006 AP: "Rodriguez and the others have filed a federal lawsuit in Miami seeking unspecified damages from the Curacao Drydock Co. for what they claim was a conspiracy in which Cuba provided low-cost, forced labor in return for hard currency desperately sought by the communist Havana government. ``Curacao Drydock Co. knew that the Cuban laborers that the Cuban government provided to it were not free individuals but subjects of the Cuban totalitarian regime, who were compelled to perform the will of the Cuban state,'' said their lawsuit, filed by Miami attorney John Andres Thornton."

"About That Trip to Cuba ... " - When the FBI Came Calling  10/24/2006 Counterpunch: "The agent said she'd rather not go into it over the phone, but that basically, she wanted to help me. She informed me that the Cuban government had been known to target "certain types" of academics, and she'd like to warn me about things to watch out for, and find out from me if I had experienced any of the "targeting activities" while working in and on Cuba. She told me the meeting was "preventative" so I'd know what to look out for. She assured me, the meeting would be of more use to me, than her or the FBI. She said the FBI did this with all students traveling to Cuba. Again, this was news to me, and all the other people I know who travel frequently to Cuba."

Many hope to strike it rich with Cuba's oil  10/23/2006 Philadelphia Inquirer 

JFK's Biggest Secret Revealed -- But Will Congress Keep History from Repeating Itself?  10/19/2006 Common Dreams: "The JFK-Almeida coup failed because it was infiltrated by three Mafia bosses targeted for prosecution by Attorney General Robert Kennedy (who played the leading role in managing the coup plan for his brother). The Mafia chiefs -- banned by the Kennedys from the coup plan, and from reopening their casinos in Cuba -- infiltrated the CIA's portion of the coup plan, and used parts of it to kill JFK in Dallas. This forced key US officials -- RFK, LBJ, and J. Edgar Hoover -- into a cover-up to protect Almeida and prevent a possible nuclear confrontation with the Soviets, a cover-up which continued for decades." [LBJ used this to pressure Warren into the "lone gunman" theory.]

Cuba’s youth newspaper reveals more irregularities  10/19/2006 Progresso Weekly: "Juventud Rebelde, the official organ of Cuba’s Young Communist Union, continues to run a series of investigative reports that reveal troublesome aspects of Cuba’s day to day reality. For several weeks the daily has been publishing, in its Sunday edition, articles on problems that range from the lack of appropriate places where young couples can make love to constant ripping-off of customers in service centers."

Lieberman's mob connections  10/19/2006 Wayne Madsen Report: scroll to last entry for October 19, 2006 - "Independent (pro-GOP) senate candidate Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut has been financed by mob money ever since his first run for his US Senate seat in 1988. That was the year Lieberman, who was broke, became awash in campaign money from the late Miami-based Cuban right-wing leader Jorge Mas Canosa. The funding for Lieberman was arranged by his primary GOP backer, William F. Buckley, Jr. Buckley was so incensed that the Republican incumbent Lowell Weicker had opposed the nomination of Buckley's brother, James Buckley, for a federal judgeship, he pulled out all his markers with the Cuban exile community to fund Lieberman's campaign. With the Cuban money flow turned on, Lieberman soon began attracting mob money tied to the Cuban gambling interests of mob financier Meyer Lansky and the Genovese crime family. Much of that money was laundered through dubious Wall Street hedge funds."

Report by Cuba on Resolution 60/12 of the United Nations General Assembly  10/14/2006 Minrex, Cuba: PDF, published in August, 2006 - “Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba”

Fed Task Force to Enforce Cuba Sanctions  10/10/2006 AP: "Miami-based U.S. Attorney R. Alexander Acosta said the task force will focus on prosecuting violators of laws governing such things as commercial business with Cuba, currency reporting requirements, money laundering and travel to the island. The task force's formation comes about a month before U.S. elections in which Cuban-American voters in South Florida — most of them fervently anti-Castro — form an important Republican Party constituency." [They may be anti-Castro, but they do not favor these measures.]

Cuba y las tinieblas del racismo  10/10/2006 BBC Mundo: "La revolución cubana mejoró su situación, según afirmó Nicolás Hernández, presidente de la Fundación Nicolás Guillén, "gracias a las políticas educativas generales y al fin del racismo institucional". Gracias a estas políticas "se gradúan por primera vez en el país de forma masiva profesionales de la raza negra" pero aclaró Hernández que "todo ésto no es suficiente, hace falta la eliminación de las desigualdades sociales". La mayoría de los camareros en el sector turismo que tienen acceso a propinas son blancos. "Hay elementos educacionales y culturales sobre los que nosotros no trabajamos lo suficiente, comenzando por nuestra propia historia, en nuestras escuelas se estudia la mitología griega pero no la africana", aseveró Hernández. Por una u otra razón lo cierto es que los negros cubanos aún se encuentran en una situación de desventaja respecto de sus compatriotas blancos, tanto a nivel social como económico e incluso educativo. Nicolás Hernández reconoce que la proporción racial de los estudiantes universitarios es desventajosa para los negros, y el disidente Manuel Cuesta Morua afirmó que éstos son apenas el 3% de los alumnos de la universidad. Algo similar ocurre en el turismo donde los negros y los mestizos ocupan apenas el 5% de los cargos dirigentes según explican investigaciones del Centro de Antropología y reciben 1,6 veces menos propinas que los blancos... La historiadora y antropóloga María Iliana Foabada cree que "lo primero que hay que hacer es enfrentar que somos una sociedad racista, que reproducimos el racismo y que lo hacemos en todos los niveles". En lo que todos los entrevistados coinciden es en segundo paso "el debate abierto y la educación teniendo claro que todos sin excepción debemos pasar por esa educación" afirmó la historiadora."

Posada: A Double Standard in the War on Terror  10/6/2006 Harper's: "On October 6, 1976 seventy-three people were killed when terrorists blew up Cubana Flight 455, which was on its way from Barbados to Cuba. Thirty years later, on September 11, 2006, Luis Posada Carriles, one of the men who allegedly carried out the attack, was sitting in a Texas prison when a federal judge in El Paso, Texas, ordered him released from detention. If a U.S. district court upholds the ruling, Posada could be on the street within a few weeks."

Report: Castro Has Cancer  10/6/2006 Time: "But U.S. officials tell TIME that many in the U.S. government are now convinced that Castro, 80, has terminal cancer and will never return to power. "Certainly we have heard this, that this guy has terminal cancer," said one U.S. official. Of course, such intelligence reports could be wrong, and one official cautioned that definitive proof is nearly impossible for the U.S. to come by. Yet the fact that the Cuban government removed Castro from the public stage before his death could suggest that Castro and his would-be successors were aware of a terminal condition and wanted to gauge public reaction to his absence. "They got to see how people would react," says one U.S. official. "They have had a chance to see how things might work without out him functioning day-to-day."

An Economic War - The Truth About the "Embargo" on Cuba - By RICARDO ALARCÓN  10/5/2006 Counterpunch: "Dictator Fulgencio Batista and his main accomplices plundered the Republic's Treasury and upon fleeing Cuba in January of that year they took with them more than 424 million dollars which came to rest in the United States and form the economic basis of a mafia often hailed by the US press as ¨successful businessmen¨ of Miami… The Central Bank of Cuba sent a team of experts to Washington to seek a modest loan that would alleviate such a crisis. The issue was analysed by the National Security Council on February 12, 1959. The decision was unequivocal: they would listen to the Cubans but offer them nothing at all. They didn't grant any kind of loan. They didn't even promise to look into the matter. Needless to say, not one cent of the money stolen from the Cuban people was ever returned. The dispossession of Cuban bank reserves, which constitutes a blatant act of economic aggression, took place long before any revolutionary measure was adopted on the Island (the first being the Law of Agrarian reform, passed on May 17 of that year)."

Amplían en Cuba enseñanza colectiva de computación  10/5/2006 Cubarte: "Las autoridades cubanas están colocando cada vez más énfasis en la enseñanza de informática y técnica de computación bajo un concepto colectivo que beneficie, en primer término, a la economía, y a la sociedad del país. En ese contexto se anunció que se iniciará un nuevo período de instrucción en las alrededor de 600 sedes en todo el país de los Joven Club de Computación y Electrónica, donde reciben clases cerca de 120 mil personas. El programa fue definido por un medio de la prensa local como un "apoyo a la enseñanza, un servicio extendido hasta 24 horas, y navegación en la, iniciativa que se puso en práctica durante las vacaciones" de este verano."

Cuba Embargo's Boomerang Effect  10/5/2006 IPS: "Washington's embargo against Cuba also has an impact on the United States economy and prevents millions of U.S. citizens from benefiting from Cuban medical progress, according to a report released by the Cuban foreign ministry. The text of the report will be presented at the United Nations General Assembly, which on Nov. 8 will be examining for the fifteenth consecutive year the need to end the embargo imposed by Washington on Havana more than four decades ago. The document states that "because of the blockade regulations" it has been impossible to begin clinical trials in the U.S. with TheraCIM, a Cuban pharmaceutical product for treating brain tumours in children."

Bombing of Cuban Jetliner 30 Years Later  10/5/2006 National Security Archives: New Documents on Luis Posada Posted as Texas Court Weighs Release from Custody - Colgate Toothpaste Disguised Plastic Explosives in 1976 Terrorist Attack - Confessions, Kissinger Reports, and Overview of Posada Career Posted

Cuban Radar  10/5/2006 Progresso Weekly: Dengue fever on the decline, influenza cases inching up; Cuba produces new medical equipment; United States government “embargoes” U.S. children - In 2004, in what constituted an exception to the blockade policy towards the island, the U.S. Treasury Department authorized the signing of an agreement between the Cuban Center for Molecular Immunology and the U.S. corporation, CancerVax, to start clinical trials in the U.S. of TheraCIM, a Cuban product for the treatment of head and neck tumors in children. But now, according to the Cuban resolution that will be submitted to the UN, the trials can not begin in the U.S. “due to the blockade’s regulations.”

Increasing Oposition in US Against Blockade on Cuba  10/4/2006 PL: "However, American sectors have been speaking up for normalizing US-Cuba relations, as on July 8, 2005 when the US-Cuba Commercial Association sent a letter to over 20 senators and members of the assignment committee. The letter, which was signed by 62 national associations, organizations, and agricultural companies located in 20 states, called to make more flexible in the restrictions imposed on the sale of agricultural products to Cuba."

Joanne Chesimard Still a Priority  10/3/2006 Police News: published 5/06 - interestingly enough, all the blogged comments on this police site are favorable to Assata…

U.S. embargo cost Cuba $4 billion in 2005  10/1/2006 PL: "The U.S. embargo on Cuba cost the Caribbean nation more than $4 billion last year, double the tally a year earlier, as tougher U.S. rules took a bigger bite out of the island"s recovering economy, Cuban officials said Monday. Cuba saw sharp declines in the number of U.S. visitors and Cuban-Americans coming to see family because of Washington"s tighter rules on travel to the island. Restrictions on money transfers and packages meant less cash and fewer goods arriving in Cuba for friends and family, Cuban authorities said. Despite rising U.S. pressure, Cuba"s economy posted robust growth in 2005: roughly 12 percent, according to Economy and Planning Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez."

Bacardi: from C-4 to flamethrowers  9/28/2006 Granma: "IT is pretty ironic that the Bacardi company, which for 50 years has financed the Cuban-American National Foundation (CANF) and the C-4 of Posada Carriles, would be victims of a consumer demand, victims of a bottle of the controversial rum converted into a flamethrower. Three women in South Florida suffered burns in 2002, when a client of the adult Secrets club converted a bottle of Bacardi into a flamethrower during a drinks promotion. Drunk, the client set fire to a menu in order to light the rum that he was drinking in a cup. The flames spread to a bottle of 75.5-proof Bacardi rum, which then exploded."

MAFIA SUMMIT IN HAVANA: LUCKY LUCIANO STAYS IN CUBA. (PART VIII)  9/27/2006 Cuba Now: "Everything was very pleasant for the couple [Lucky Luciano & Berverly Paterno], the exquisite menu and the fine drink, and especially the performance by the extraordinary singer Rita Montaner and the interpreter and pianist Bola de Nieve (Ignacio Villa)."

About Cubans in the United States By Andres Gomez  9/25/2006 Cuba Now: "And finally, the survey of the Census Bureau shows, significantly, that in 2004 56% of the Cubans supported a dialogue between the United States and the Cuban government to solve the existent conflicts between both countries. A clear rejection to the intransigent and denaturalised position of the extreme Cuban-American right wing."

Cubans make do as infrastructure crumbles around them  9/24/2006 San Francisco Chronicle 

South Africa: Overt Racism Gives Cuban Ideal a Sinister Hue  9/23/2006 Business Day, South Africa: "I HAVE lived in the US on and off for the past three years and have yet to experience racial profiling, or what people of colour in America know as walking/driving/breathing while black. I spent three weeks in Cuba in 2000, and was subjected to racial profiling five times -- all in one day. I am sure, then, that the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu), the African National Congress (ANC) and the South African Communist Party (SACP) -- who swear by Cuba and all it stands for -- will understand why a leftist like me is not as enthusiastic as they are about that socialist island. I had my love of Cuba mugged out of me by racism."

Cuban VP Council of State Speaks at Church in Harlem  9/21/2006 NYC IndyMedia: "The Church of Intercession in Harlem, which has a history of opposition to the blockade in Cuba, drew a large crowd of ticket-holders to an evening that included key note speaker Esteban Lazo Hernandez, Vice-President of the Council of State, Head of the Department of International Relations and Member of the Delegate Committee to Cuba’s National Assembly of Popular Power."

Analysis: Is Cuban oil fact or fallacy?  9/19/2006 UPI: [UPI is owned by the Moonies]

Castro in uniform, walking, eating well: friends  9/18/2006 Reuters 

THE LAW ABOUT GOING TO CUBA - Any American can go to Cuba as his own reporter without asking anyone's permission  9/16/2006 I Am My Own Reporter 

Cuban VP inaugurates foreign ministers’ gathering at NAM  9/14/2006 Progreso Weekly 

More Than 3,000 Needy Jamaicans Benefit from Corrective Eye Surgeries in Cuba  9/13/2006 Jamaica Info Service: "On its one-year anniversary, the Jamaica-Cuba Eye Care Programme has successfully facilitated corrective eye surgeries for more than 3,000 needy Jamaicans, and has been hailed by healthcare officials from the governments of both countries as a partnership marked by "solidarity"."

U.S. creates five groups to monitor Cuba  9/13/2006 Miami Herald: "U.S. officials say three of the newly created groups are headed by the State Department: diplomatic actions; strategic communications and democratic promotion. Another that coordinated humanitarian aid to Cuba is run by the Commerce Department, and a fifth, on migration issues, is run jointly by the National Security Council and the Department of Homeland Security. Many members of the groups work out of the same State Department office in what one person familiar with the operation described as a ``control room.''"

Africa le debe mucho a Cuba, afirmó presidente de Mali  9/13/2006 PL: "Africa le debe mucho a Cuba, afirmó hoy Amadou Toumani Touré, presidente de la República de Mali, durante un intercambio con estudiantes de ese país en esta ciudad oriental de Cuba."

Cuba Won't Mimic China, Official Says  9/13/2006 Reuters 

Cuba oil prospects cloud US horizon  9/12/2006 BBC: "India's ONGC announced its investment in two blocks on Sunday, saying it presented the opportunity of "great finds". In May this year it agreed a 30% stake in a separate six-block venture with Spanish firm Repsol YPF. A further 30% share was taken by Norway's Norsk Hydro. Jorge Pinon, an energy consultant working for the Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies at the University of Miami, said the involvement of Norsk Hydro - a leading offshore oil producer - was significant. "It gives an indication that the geology of the area must be extremely positive and has a high possibility of producing oil in commercial quantities," he told the BBC News website. However, even if good quality reserves are found, he believes it will be at least five years before production really gets going because deep-water rigs are in short supply."

2 anti-Castro activists plead guilty in weapons case  9/12/2006 Miami Herald 

MAFIA SUMMIT IN HAVANA: LUCKY LUCIANO STAYS IN CUBA. (PART VII)  9/10/2006 Cuba Now: "Once the capomafiosi and their retinue left Havana, Luciano held a conversation with his consigliere in the garden of the Miramar residence where they could speak without being heard. Wearing shorts and flowered shirts they sat in comfortable seats at a round table of iron arabesque stand and a glass top, served with bottles of whisky and water, a bucket of ice, and a tray of sandwiches. I’m glad you agreed on joining the drug business... Although you don't want to know anything about Vito, but it seems that he was right when he told you that it would be the business of the future... "

10 Miami journalists take U.S. pay  9/8/2006 Miami Herald: "At least 10 local journalists accepted U.S. government pay for programs on Radio Martí or TV Martí. El Nuevo Herald fired two of them Thursday for conflict of interest."

A Librarian Speaks on the Cuba Controversy  9/6/2006 The Nation: "The "independent librarians," as Mark Rosenzweig correctly states, are neither "librarians" nor "independent, and here's why: Those imprisoned were convicted of taking money, equipment and direction from the US government in violation of Cuban law. Similar laws exist in the US: We too are forbidden from accepting foreign money or direction without registering as an "agent of a foreign power." Our "Trading with the Enemy Act" criminalizes the acceptance of any goods or cash from the Cuban government. And yet, the US carries out a multimillion dollar program of internationally illegal support for the opposition in Cuba. The Bush Administration's Cuba Transition Team 2006 report makes the goal perfectly clear: regime change. Is it any wonder that the Cuban government also has laws to protect its political and economic system against foreign intervention?"

CANF responsible for attack on Por Esto  9/4/2006 Granma: "This Sunday, Mario Menéndez, proprietor of the opposition daily Por Esto, charged the Cuban-American National Foundation (CANF) of Miami and Mexican state officials with responsibility for the grenade attacks on the newspaper offices in the last few days. Por Esto exposed Luis Posada Carriles’ transit via Mexican waters and territory, as well as the person and drug smuggling operations in which the CANF is involved. In an editorial titled “Two grenades that say a lot,” Menéndez noted that the brother of the governor of the state of Yucatan and a commander of the national police special forces were involved in planning the attacks, PL reports."''

Raúl Castro names rival to cabinet  9/1/2006 Miami Herald: "In the first Cuban government change since Raúl Castro began ruling the island a month ago, a well-known hardliner and reputed rival was named minister of communications and information science. The appointment of Ramiro Valdés Thursday was viewed by most Cuba-watchers as significant because of his perceived rivalry with Fidel Castro's brother, and because it gives him control of the flow of information in and out of the island."

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
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