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Archive: 6/05-10/05

Fidel: Nadie podrá mercenarizar el arte en Cuba  10/30/2005 AIN 

Wind of change blows through Cuba's relations with America  10/29/2005 Independent, UK: "Fidel Castro has agreed to allow three United States aid officials to visit Cuba in the aftermath of destruction caused in Havana and the westcoast by Hurricane Wilma, but denied on state television that he had gone so far as to accept direct help from Washington. Nonetheless, the mere fact of an aid delegation being welcomed into the country is an unprecedented step by the Castro regime. Until now, the question of assistance from the US in times of natural calamity has never been put under consideration."

The school of life - Cedric Edwards’ path to becoming a doctor took a few unexpected turns  10/29/2005 Sacrameto News & Review: "In September, Edwards, 34, became the first U.S. citizen to graduate from the Latin American School of Medicine, or ELAM, in Cuba. But on the Monday after graduation, Hurricane Katrina tore through Edwards’ hometown of Slidell, La., leaving his house under water and his family homeless. Today he’s living out of a suitcase in Sacramento, struggling to get by."

U.S. officials to visit Cuba for the first time  10/28/2005 AP 

CALEB MCCARRY - Bush’s man for Cuba author of the Haitian disaster  10/28/2005 Granma 

Strict travel policies are hurting families  10/28/2005 Miami Herald 

Top Ten Things You Never Knew about Jack Abramoff  10/27/2005 Mad Cow 

Post-Wilma Recovery in Full Swing in Western Cuba  10/26/2005 AIN 

Chabot Cuba conference faces a challenged Afro-Cuba  10/19/2005 SF Bay View: "The panelists reported that the income gap between Black and white Cubans widened during the "special period" (1990s) after the fall of the Soviet Union and the tightening of the U.S. economic blockade. Remittances - money sent by Cubans in the United States to their families in Cuba - go mostly to white Cubans, 30 to 40 percent. Only 5 to 10 percent goes to Black Cubans. White families received 58.3 percent of total income in 1999, while Black families received only 4.3 percent. This income gap reproduces the race and economic stratification system of the past and is a predictor of the position of Afro-Cubans in the future. Twenty percent of the audience was African North Americans, who met with other African North Americans and Alberto Jones on Sunday to explore a remittance program for Afro-Cubans and to educate and organize African North Americans to put an end to the U.S. blockade and travel embargo against Cuba."

Fox defends policy towards Cuba  10/16/2005 El Universal: ""Mexico has long held this position, a position that it will not change but maintain out of what we deem to be respect and justice," said Fox during his final press conference of the summit. He stated that to try to solve the Cuban situation by means of a commercial and economic embargo or blockade "is out of touch with reality." Fox also said that while he respects the U.S. position against Cuba, he is not concerned with Washington's opinion of Mexico's stance on the issue."

The Caribbean American Children Foundation Newsletter #10  10/15/2005 AfroCubaWeb 

U.S. "blockade" to Cuba prime focus of the Spanish summit  10/15/2005 EITB 24 

Latin American summit backs Cuba despite U.S. concern  10/15/2005 Reuters: "Leaders from Spain, Portugal and Latin America, ignoring U.S. concern, backed a strong call on Saturday for an end to the U.S. blockade of Cuba and for the suspected bomber of a Cuban airliner to be tried."

Probers Want U.S. To Block Assets Of Cuba at UBS  10/14/2005 NY Sun: "The efforts are part of an ongoing probe into alleged money laundering by the Swiss bank that gained steam this week after Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Republican of Florida, announced that the House International Relations Committee will launch an investigation this session." [never mind any investigation of Ross-Lehtinen family interests in narcotrafficking]

Foreign ministers urge end to Cuba embargo  10/13/2005 AP: "Foreign ministers from Latin America, Spain and Portugal backed Cuba on Thursday in two of its battles against the United States, calling for an end to the U.S. embargo and the expulsion from the U.S. of a Cuban militant wanted for a 1976 plane bombing. The foreign ministers, meeting in the Spanish city of Salamanca a day before 20 heads of state gather for the 15th Iberoamerican Summit, urged the United States "to put an end to the financial, commercial and economic blockade which it maintains against Cuba.""

E-Book on Radiology, Made in Las Tunas, Cuba  10/13/2005 Periodico 26 

Journalists' protest in Paris: "CUBA, WHERE JOURNALISTS HAVE NO RIGHTS"  10/10/2005 Doug Ireland 

Freed Cuban Journalist To Speak, At Last, At IAPA  10/7/2005 Editor & Publisher 

Assata Shakur: The government's terrorist is our community's heroine  10/2/2005 Socialism and Liberation: by Mos Def - "For those of us who either remember the state of the union in the 1960s and 1970s or have studied it, when we consider Assata Shakur living under political asylum in Cuba, we believe that nation is exercising its political sovereignty, and in no way harboring a terrorist. Cubans sees Assata as I, and many others in my community do: as a woman who was and is persecuted for her political beliefs. When the federal government raised the bounty on her head this May 2, one official declared that Assata was merely "120 pounds of money." For many of us in the Black community she could never be so reduced. For many of us in the Black community, she was and remains, to use her own words, an "escaped slave," a heroine, not unlike Harriet Tubman."

Longtime GOP Fundraiser and NPR Critic Elected to Head CPB  9/30/2005 Pacifica: "Longtime Republican fundraiser Cheryl Halpern was elected the new chair of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting earlier this week. Halpern has overseen such government-funded media projects as Voice of America, Radio Marti in Cuba and Radio Free Iraq. She has also accused National Public Radio of anti-Israel bias."

Judge prevents deportation of Cuban militant Luis Posada Carriles  9/28/2005 Sun Sentinel 

Lies And Distortions Does Not Save Lives  9/24/2005 AfroCubaWeb: " If Mr. Cuevas-Vega lived in any of those euphemistically described as "under served" communities, was one of the victims of hurricane Katrina or was homeless, he probably would have a different assessment of this offer."

Bush was right to reject Cuba's offer  9/22/2005 Florida Sun Sentinel 

US Lawyer Accused Luis Posada Carriles at Miami Rally  9/21/2005 AIN: "The lawyer said that most of the so-called Miami exiles prefer to protect Posada instead of condemn him for his actions."

Katrina's Window Into Slavery's Past — and Present  9/21/2005 Village Voice: "Rebecca J. Scott's Degrees of Freedom is a fascinating and well-written piece of comparative history, but it's not exactly written for a mass audience. Its subtitle, however, says that it should be: "Louisiana and Cuba After Slavery." Scott (see photo) is a University of Michigan law and history professor who spent years trying to understand what happened after the Civil War — and after the Spanish-American War — to the hundreds of thousands of slaves working in the huge sugar-cane industries of Louisiana and Cuba. Those who are rebuilding New Orleans would do well to capitalize on what's inside Scott's suddenly extremely timely book. With the Bush regime in power, that's unlikely to happen. But here's a question posed and analyzed by Scott: After slavery, how did the African Americans fare, compared with the African Cubans? I'll be more simplistic than Scott: Since slavery officially ended, the African Americans have been treated worse, and this was apparent long before Fidel Castro was even born."

Cuban State Disaster Management Praised by UN  9/20/2005 AIN, Cuba 

Assata Shakur: Woman, Exile, Artist, Mother  9/18/2005 HOA 

What Is The Hands Off Assata Campaign?  9/18/2005 HOA 

Hands Off Assata Chicago Petition to City Council, 8/05  9/17/2005 AfroCubaWeb 

U.S. government denies theater group permit to travel to Cuba  9/15/2005 Granma 

Aid for Katrina Victims Spurned  9/14/2005 Washington Post: ""I hope people don't play politics," said President Bush in the hurricane's aftermath. But that message didn't get through at the State Department, which is playing politics by continuing to ignore Cuba's offer to send 34 tons of aid and the services of 1,586 doctors. On the face of it, the State Department’s inaction is puzzling. Cuban doctors have much experience in helping the victims of tropical storms. In 1998, Cuba sent 2,000 doctors to Central America to help the victims of Hurricane Mitch, a storm far more devastating than Katrina… The problem isn’t that Cuba’s poor human rights record has been condemned by the international community. Israel's human rights practices are also controversial, but the United States has sensibly welcomed aid offered by the Israel Defense Forces. The problem isn’t that Cuba has an authoritarian government. So does Russia. But the United States isn't so petty as to turn away the 17 tons of medication sent by Moscow on Wednesday."

Government denies private repairmen access to faulty appliances  9/12/2005 CubaNet: "The Commerce Department has destroyed dozens of faulty refrigerators, televisions sets, washing machines and air conditioners rather than permit them to be sold, repaired and marketed by private sector entrepreneurs, according to an eye witness. Because of defects, the appliances, all imported, were removed from stores which sell merchandise for foreign currency and taken to an area in Wajay, on the outskirts of Havana, and impacted by heavy equipment for their value as recycled metal."

Martínez breaks rank on snubbing Cuban aid  9/11/2005 St Petersburg Times: "When Fidel Castro offered to send 1,100 Cuban doctors and 26 tons of medical supplies to help out in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, South Florida's Cuban-American members of Congress rudely rejected it. Martinez, who is also Cuban-American, was more graceful. "If we need doctors and Cuba offers them and they provide a good service, then of course we should accept them and we're grateful for that offer," he told reporters. What might seem like ordinary words of common sense to most people came like an astonishing breath of fresh air to longtime Cuba observers. Sadly, it's rare that anyone as highly placed as Martinez is willing to respond to Cuba in such a civilized manner. The State Department snubbed the Cuban offer without directly rejecting it, instead suggesting foreign medical help was not needed."

Cuba and the United States: Two Countries, Two Responses  9/11/2005 UrukNet 

Cuba’s hurricane response far superior to America’s  9/9/2005 La Prensa, San Diego 

US changes position on Cuba's weapons  9/8/2005 CS Monitor 

International offers of support: What about Cuba?  9/8/2005 Final Call 

SOON TO BE LAUNCHED IN PARIS • A book revealing the FBI’s terrorist Miami connection  9/7/2005 Granma: ""The hopes of the agents and police officers were quickly extinguished. Pesquera, they said, began to fraternize with key members of the exile leadership, such as Alberto Hernández (formerly of the CANF); Ileana Ros-Lehtinen; Domingo Otero (another former CANF hardliner) and Roberto Martín Pérez (...) Pesquera, according to an agent in his office, quickly made a brusque turn toward the right, and all investigations related to terrorism were abandoned.""

What Would Castro Do?  9/6/2005 Alternet: "In September 2004, Hurricane Ivan, a Category 5 hurricane, battered Cuba with 160-mile-per-hour winds. More than 1.5 million Cubans were evacuated, with their pets and prized possessions, to higher ground ahead of the storm. Although the hurricane destroyed 20,000 houses, no one was killed. According to Marjorie Cohn, the United Nations International Secretariat for Disaster Reduction cited Cuba as a model for hurricane preparation. ISDR director Salvano Briceno said, "The Cuban way could easily be applied to other countries with similar economic conditions and even in countries with greater resources that do not manage to protect their population as well as Cuba does." "

Castro and Chavez's Offers of Help  9/6/2005 Znet: "Below we republish a CNN report and a report on offers of aid from Cuba and Venezuela to the US. In both cases, the callousness of the US government response is displayed."

In Jail for Fighting Terrorism The Fate of the Cuban 5  9/3/2005 Counterpunch 

The Two Americas  9/3/2005 Truth Out: "What is Cuban President Fidel Castro's secret? According to Dr. Nelson Valdes, a sociology professor at the University of New Mexico, and specialist in Latin America, "the whole civil defense is embedded in the community to begin with. People know ahead of time where they are to go." "Cuba's leaders go on TV and take charge," said Valdes. Contrast this with George W. Bush's reaction to Hurricane Katrina. The day after Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, Bush was playing golf. He waited three days to make a TV appearance and five days before visiting the disaster site. In a scathing editorial on Thursday, the New York Times said, "nothing about the president's demeanor yesterday - which seemed casual to the point of carelessness - suggested that he understood the depth of the current crisis." "Merely sticking people in a stadium is unthinkable" in Cuba, Valdes said. "Shelters all have medical personnel, from the neighborhood. They have family doctors in Cuba, who evacuate together with the neighborhood, and already know, for example, who needs insulin." They also evacuate animals and veterinarians, TV sets and refrigerators, "so that people aren't reluctant to leave because people might steal their stuff," Valdes observed."

Lawyer: Posada faces torture in Venezuela  8/31/2005 UPI: extraordinary rendition!

U.S. backs away from claims that Cuba has bioweapons program  8/30/2005 Knight Ridder 

Truth about Cuba's economy lies in middle  8/29/2005 Sun Sentinel 

Primer graduado estadounidense de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina - "Como afroamericano, aquí en Cuba me siento libre"  8/27/2005 Rebelion 

Assata - Rap Icons Godmother Still Gaining Support  8/25/2005 Thug Life Army: "Dear Mayor Palmer: Let me introduce myself by saying that ASSATA SHAKUR is my sister, friend, and comrade in the struggle for human rights of all oppressed people. When three “Freedom Fighters” boldly took action in 1979 and entered the Clinton Correctional Facility and liberated Sister ASSATA from the chains and shackles of her jailers, I rejoiced. I was proud to be apart of a generation of young African Americans that were courageous and committed enough to go up against America and didn’t give a damn about odds."

Assata Shakur coverage in the Black press by JR, Minister of Info of the POCC  8/17/2005 SF Bay View 

Cuba Wants U.S. to Release Five Agents  8/10/2005 AP 

Atlanta Court overturns the Five’s convictions and sentences  8/10/2005 Granma 

Assata Shakur’s appeal attorney explains her case Lies are being manufactured to convert Assata into a terrorist to justify the $1 million bounty on her head by Evelyn A. Williams  8/10/2005 SF Bay View: "New Jersey State Assembly Speaker Albio Sires, a longtime member of CANF (Cuban American National Foundation, representing Cuban exiles), said: “If Cuba’s citizenry could be informed of the $1 million bounty and the real story of Chesimard’s crimes, there is an increased likelihood of her being brought to justice…. We want the Cuban people to know the real story about Joanne Chesimard and not the deceptive representation advanced by the Castro regime. We want people to realize that she is not a hero and she is really a violent criminal who is wanted for killing a state trooper and escaping justice.” By falsely asserting that Assata shot Foerster in the head while he lay helplessly on the ground, killing him “execution style,” the U.S. Justice Department hopes to strip Assata of any of the sympathy and political support she now receives in the United States and from the citizens of Cuba. By labeling her a cold-blooded cop killer, the hope is that the real circumstances of the NJ Turnpike as well as all the years prior to that event, during which time Assata was relentlessly hunted with the stated purpose of killing her on sight for having committed crimes of which the government knew she was innocent, will be forgotten."

Cubans' spying convictions overturned  8/9/2005 CNN 

Court overturns Cubans' spying convictions  8/9/2005 Reuters: "A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday overturned the convictions of five accused Cuban spies and said pervasive prejudice against the government of President Fidel Castro had prevented them from getting a fair trial in Miami. The U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta ordered new trials for the "Cuban five" convicted in 2001 on conspiracy and espionage charges. Three were serving life in prison and the others 15- and 19-year terms, sentences that a United Nations human rights body condemned last month as arbitrary and unduly harsh."

Ag officials prepare for trade mission to Cuba  8/7/2005 Daily Sentinel, Nebraska 

Jim DeFede: A victim of the Miami mafia?  8/5/2005 Granma: "In his article titled “Terror is terror, whether it’s in London or Cuba,” DeFede criticized comments by Cuban-born Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, about what she called the “barbaric” terrorist attack in London. DeFede wrote: “Strong words. What But where was the congresswoman's outrage when she came to the defense of Luis Posada Carriles, a man who bragged about masterminding a series of hotel bombings in Havana that killed an Italian tourist? A man suspected of blowing up a Cuban airliner?"

SECRET CUBAN DOCUMENTS ON HISTORY OF AFRICA INVOLVEMENT  8/4/2005 National Security Archives: originally published in 2002.

America seeks to accelerate end of Castro's regime with new post  8/1/2005 NY Post: "The 46-year stand-off between Cuba and America has taken a turn for the worse after Washington appointed a "transition co-ordinator" to hasten the downfall of President Fidel Castro. Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, chose Caleb McCarry to "accelerate the demise of Castro's tyranny" on the Caribbean island that the Communist dictator has run since a coup in 1959."

Top critic of Venezuela, Cuba resigns U.S. post  7/31/2005 NYT: "Roger F. Noriega, an outspoken critic of Cuba and Venezuela who has been assistant secretary of state for Latin American affairs for the past two years, announced his resignation Friday, saying he had served in government long enough."

Cuban regime and dissidents agree in rejecting new US official  7/30/2005 AFP: "Cuban opposition leaders were at least as forceful in their reaction. "Any transition in Cuba is for Cubans to define, lead, organize and coordinate," said Oswaldo Paya, leader of the Christian Liberation Movement and promoter of a petition seeking democracy in Cuba. Other dissident groups that opposed the appointment on the same grounds were the Progressive Arch and the Cuban Human Rights and National Reconciliation Commission. "It will allow the Cuban government to raise the specter of foreign interference in the internal affairs of our country," said Elizardo Sanchez of the commission. "This appointment ... constitutes an attack on our national sovereignty," said Manuel Cuesta Morua, spokesman for the Progressive Arch."

'Friend' named to Cuba post  7/29/2005 Miami Herald: "Caleb McCarry, 43, will serve as the Cuba ''transition coordinator,'' a position mandated by President Bush a year ago to implement measures designed to help bring an end to Fidel Castro's 46-year rule and provide assistance to a subsequent democratic Cuba."

Pro-Cuba group says U.S. seized Canadian computers  7/29/2005 Reuters 

Luis Posada Carriles Denied Bond  7/26/2005 NarcoNews: "But as the hearing wound down, the judge dropped a bombshell in the courtroom. He informed both the attorneys for Posada and for the U.S. Government that he would issue a pretrial order in late July or early August requiring counsel to brief the court as to whether or not Posada’s actions in support of the Bay of Pigs invasion could be construed as terrorist actions under U.S. statutes governing detention and deportability of aliens. Abbot then pointedly noted that he looked especially forward to the government’s brief on that matter. The court was silent. An immigration judge had just ordered a brief as to whether or not an action 43 years ago supported and funded by the U.S. government in accordance with policy taken at the highest levels, including presidential decisions, could be construed as a terrorist act under current U.S. law. As Javier Montaño, Posada’s second-chair counsel, translated the judge’s statement to Posada, a hint of a smile came over the old man’s face."

Judge denies bond for Cuban, seeks Bay of Pigs info  7/26/2005 Reuters: "A U.S. immigration judge denied bail on Monday for an asylum-seeking former CIA operative from Cuba and asked for legal briefs on whether his role in the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion was a terrorist act. Lawyers for Luis Posada Carriles called the request "surprising" because they said if Posada is found to have engaged in terrorism, it would imply the CIA did also."

Posada Carriles deportation case turns into Bay of Pigs sparnfarkel  7/25/2005 NarcoNews: "Of even greater interest, however, is the fact that the Associated Press reports that the federal immigration judge hearing Posada’s case “asked lawyers involved in the deportation case … to provide briefs on whether the Bay of Pigs invasion could be considered an act of terrorism.” That’s right, U.S. prosecutors and Posada’s attorneys will now have to duke it out over whether the U.S. government engaged in an act of terrorism against the Cuban government in the early 1960s. And the irony is that it will be to the benefit of U.S. prosecutors to argue that it was terrorism, since it would seem to bolster the government’s case against granting Posada asylum."

Cuban Activist Reports Dissidents' Release  7/23/2005 AP 

ROBERT F. KENNEDY URGED LIFTING TRAVEL BAN TO CUBA IN '63  7/23/2005 National Security Archives 

Aid group's annual trek to Cuba delayed at U.S.-Mexico border  7/21/2005 Austin Statesman: "Unlike previous years when buses carrying everything from bicycle parts to donated medical equipment were driven through giant X-ray machines and waved into Mexico, the group this year was subject to comprehensive searches by federal agents. Two buses crossed the border after the electronic devices onboard were confiscated, officials said. Group organizers, who oppose the U.S. embargo with Cuba, tried to persuade customs officials to let them keep the electronic equipment. When that failed, they decided to move the remaining buses to a parking lot near the Hidalgo/Pharr International Bridge. Founder Lucius Walker said the group would talk to federal officials again Friday in an attempt to cross the border with all their aid. This is the 16th mission by Pastors for Peace."

The Posada case is the strongest evidence of the five Cubans’ innocence  7/21/2005 Granma 

Venezuela announces it is to block broadcasts against the country  7/21/2005 Granma 

M1 of dead prez on the case of Assata Shakur  7/20/2005 SF Bay View 

Three Ways Bush Makes Castro Happy By Ann Louise Bardach  7/19/2005 LA Times: "Finally, there is the case of Ibrahim Ferrer, the 78-year-old Afro Cuban Grammy Award-winning sonero from the Buena Vista Social Club.Last year, Ferrer was nominated again and naturally wanted to attend the Grammy ceremony. But he was denied a U.S. visa on the grounds that he was a risk to national security. Yup, a geriatric, crooning security threat. Hundreds of Cuban artists and scholars — many of them critics of Castro — have been barred from visiting the U.S. on the grounds of "national security" since the Bush administration instituted a litmus test demanded by Miami hard-liners."

Venezuela doctors protest against Cuban 'intruders'  7/15/2005 Reuters: "Chavez says most Venezuelan health professionals refuse to work in the poor, crime-ridden slums that surround Caracas and other cities. The government is setting up 600 new diagnosis and treatment centers staffed by Cubans and equipped with modern imported machinery this year. "They're equipping these centers and yet the big public hospitals don't have surgical gloves, gauze or X-ray plates," said another protester, radiologist Maria Falcon."

US says Cuba has declined disaster aid  7/11/2005 AFP 

HURRICANE DENNIS - Thousands of homes and hundreds of electrical posts destroyed  7/11/2005 Granma 

US and Puerto Rican solidarity groups travel to Cuba  7/11/2005 Granma 

Slander - The assassination of Alberto Coll  7/11/2005 Slate: "Handsome and articulate, Coll was a rising star in the defense establishment. In 1987, the late exile leader Jorge Mas Canosa asked him to serve as executive director of the hard-line Cuban American National Foundation in Washington. Then Coll committed the unforgivable by coming to believe in the late '90s that the U.S. embargo of Cuba was a doomed policy. Once he made those views public, marginalizing Coll was not enough; he had to be destroyed."

Terror is terror, whether it's in London or Cuba  7/10/2005 Miami Herald: not in el Nuevo Herald…

House Votes Against Lifting Portions of the Travel Ban  6/30/2005 LAWG 

U.S. won't redeploy plane broadcasting to Cuba, official says  6/25/2005 Knight Ridder 

Hypocrisy Rules in Posada Case  6/25/2005 NarcoNews 

Posada Carriles may well choke on Bush's pickle  6/24/2005 NarcoNews: "Source 1: A former high-ranking DEA official “If he was a CIA operative, and he was, I don’t think the CIA wanted him in custody,” the source says. “But he had the audacity to grant an interview with the Miami Herald, and he was arrested the day after that interview. … He did a stupid thing and rubbed it in the government’s face by coming into the U.S. illegally and then having the balls to grant an interview to the press in the middle of Miami.” The source adds that if the immigration judge in El Paso was really under political pressure to grant Posada Carriles asylum, then he would have granted his motion to have the case moved to Miami, “but he didn’t.” “They’re going to keep him in custody where the government can keep an eye on him,” the former DEA official says. “How many Cubans are incarcerated already (in the United States)? They can hold him indefinitely, until he dies, maybe due to bad prison food.” "

WORLD EVENTS KEEP CUBA OFF U.S. RADAR SCREEN  6/22/2005 Yahoo News: [The slander of Alberto Coll] "Take, for instance, a recent case in the highest levels of the American strategic defense establishment. It has received little media coverage, but it personifies, at the least, dangerous slips of security regarding Cuba. At the most, it points to the possibility of further Cuban attempts at espionage in the heart of the American military, following the outrageous case three years ago of Ana Belen Montes, the Defense Intelligence Agency analyst who got a 25-year sentence without parole when she was caught red-handed spying for Fidel."

How Authentic Journalists Caught an International Terrorist in Mexicon - The Daily Por Esto! Found Posada Carriles on Isla Mujeres but George W. Bush Is Trying to Set Him Free in Miami  6/21/2005 NarcoNews 

House panel votes to ease Cuba trade rule  6/21/2005 Reuters: "The House of Representatives Appropriations Committee, by voice vote, approved an amendment that would roll back a Treasury Department rule issued in February that requires communist Cuba to pay for food imports from the United States before they leave port. Under the amendment, which must be considered by the full House and Senate, transactions with Cuba would be governed by previous rules allowing ships to be dispatched while awaiting payment." [this would remove the sales from the long arm of the Miami Mafia which would seek to attach the proceeds to pay for terrorist activities.]

Cuban militant's case will remain in El Paso  6/20/2005 Houston Chronicle: "Posada's attorney wanted the trial moved because he said holding it in El Paso would cause hardships for Posada and that his client wants to be closer to his family in Miami. Prosecutors said holding Posada in South Florida would present security risks."

Luis Posada Carriles  6/20/2005 Latin American Studies: clearing house on this topic

Librarians as Spooks - The Scheme to Infiltrate Cuba's Libraries  6/18/2005 Counterpunch: "For those who appreciate the art of propaganda, the reason Kent gives for refusing to meet with Cuban librarians and virulently opposing professional exchanges is that they are working for the "state." It seems to have escaped him that at his job for the New York Public Library he also works for the state, as do most of his colleagues. And given his possession of a fake passport and shady activities and associations, "Agent Emmet" is undoubtedly a lot closer to the "state" than any Havana bibliotecario."

Defenders of Intellectual Freedom  6/18/2005 THE FRIENDS OF CUBAN LIBRARIES 

Rap Icons Godmother Target of Amendment  6/18/2005 Thug Life Army: "Many prominent and influential politicians, hip-hop and rap artists and community groups have stepped forward to show support for Assata and her struggle. There is an attempt to further the kidnapping of Tupac’s godmother and political activist Assata Shakur. We received the following from a member of the Congressional Black Caucus today."

US Congress members support Posada Carriles’ extradition  6/17/2005 Granma 

The CIA and the Bombing of Cubana Flight 455 - Why Bush Wants to Harbor Posada Carriles  6/16/2005 Counterpunch 

Posada sought to stand trial  6/16/2005 Miami Herald: "Venezuela presented a new challenge to the Bush administration on the Posada Carriles case by formally submitting an extradition request."

Posada Carriles: The double acquittal myth  6/16/2005 Progreso Weekly: "On the eve of the pronouncement of his sentence on August 8, 1985, he fled from the San Juan de los Morros penitentiary, located in the State of Guárico, where he had been confined after two previous failed escape attempts. No verdict was entered against Posada Carriles because according to the Venezuelan Penal Code judicial proceedings cannot continue without the presence of the accused. The court issued an arrest warrant against him."

Venezuela’s Deep Throat - An exclusive interview with Venezuelan investigative reporter Alicia Herrera  6/16/2005 Progreso Weekly: "Ernesto Villegas, who anchors “In Confidence” a Venezuelan Channel 8 program, invited me again in late April to be on his show. To my surprise, I saw that he was presenting some documents that were sent to him anonymously, with evidence of the guilt of the Barbados terrorists. They are documents that were hidden by the accomplices of the case and the terrorists at the DISIP (Venezuelan political police) at the time of the trial. Probably, all these years they were waiting for the right moment."

Congress attempts to further Assata Kidnapping, 6/1505  6/15/2005 HOA: "Reps. Vito J. Fossella, R-N.Y., and Peter T. King, R-N.Y. will offer an amendment providing that, of the funds made available for diplomatic and consular affairs for the U.S. Interests Section in Havana, an appropriate amount of such funds would be used to disseminate the names of fugitives, such as Joanne Chesimard (Assata Shakur) and William Morales, who are residing in Cuba, as well as provide any rewards for their capture."

El Festival del Caribe: Fiesta del Fuego para fundir la hermandad  6/15/2005 Sierra Maestra 

The New CIA Revelations About Posada Extradition US-Style By RICARDO ALARCÓN  6/14/2005 Counterpunch 

Posada renews asylum bid at a hearing held in Texas  6/14/2005 Miami Herald: "Cuban militant Luis Posada Carriles refiled a formal request for political asylum, and a judge said he is considering moving him to a facility closer to Miami." [Judging by previous proceedings against anti-Castro paramilitaries, this is a sure sign in Posada's favor.]

Europeans Capitulate In Showdown on Cuba  6/14/2005 NY Sun 

Rocky's policy on Cuba earns anger of Eastern mayors  6/14/2005 Salt Lake Tribune: "In seeking to pass a resolution to normalize U.S. relations with Cuba, Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson faced indignation - not from Cuban exiles, but from New Jersey mayors. During the U.S. Conference of Mayors annual meeting last week in Chicago, four mayors from the Garden State attacked the resolution while it was being discussed in the conference's international affairs committee, The Trentonian reports. Trenton Mayor Doug Palmer told the newspaper the resolution was a "slap in the face to law enforcement." The reason: A woman [Assata Shakur] who killed a New Jersey trooper in 1973 escaped from prison and fled to Cuba, where she has been protected from extradition, according to the newspaper. The mayors' committee eventually tabled Anderson's proposal, which says the U.S. economic embargo harms children and the elderly and that the policy has further isolated Cuba. It "urges the normalization of diplomatic and economic relations." "

Voice of America's Prepared Obituaries for Castro and Yeltsin  6/10/2005 Memory Hole: "Responding to a Freedom of Information Act request, the Voice of America - the US government's news outlet to the rest of the world since 1942 - released its audio obituaries for two world leaders who aren't dead: Fidel Castro and Boris Yeltsin. After receiving the cassettes, DC-area researcher Michael Ravnitzky asked for other advance obituaries, but VOA has refused to comply, saying that releasing their Castro and Yeltsin obits was a mistake. In fact, they will no longer send these two obituaries to requesters, a clear violation of FOIA law."

The Asshole in El Paso - Posada Carriles: Why He Matters  6/9/2005 Counterpunch 

The Charmed Life of a Mass Murderer - Posada Carriles and Bush's Anti-Terror Hoax  6/9/2005 Counterpunch 

The Posada File: Part II  6/9/2005 National Security Archives: Posada Boasted of Plans to "Hit" Cuban Plane, CIA Document States - Served as Instructor, Informant for Agency for more than a Decade - Other Documents Highlight Creation of Exile Terrorist Umbrella Group; Subsequent Acts of Terrorism and Violence attributed to Orlando Bosch

Assata Shakur Offers Reward  6/8/2005 Rap News: “If Assata’s the Bandit Queen of the Black Liberation Army, then Donald Rumsfeld is the Bandit Queen of the U.S. Army,” declared Mary Margaret McNurtz, president of the new Hands Off Rummy Brigade, which has also come up with its own attractive t-shirt."

Bush Predicts Democracy In Cuba  6/7/2005 Washington Post 

Posada Carriles nunca fue absuelto en Venezuela  6/6/2005 La Jornada, Mexico: exposes US government lies about Posada's legal history in Venezuela, where he was actually never found innocent of the airplane bombing.

Castro Strikes a Nerve  6/3/2005 Alternet: Assata, Posada, the Cuban 5, and the US criminal justice system, by Soffiyah Elijah, Deputy director of the Criminal Justice Institute at Harvard Law School.

U.S. group wants to save Hemingway's Havana hideout  6/2/2005 AP 

Rumba Diplomacy in the Age of Bushismo  6/2/2005 World Policy Journal: "One Havana morning in June 2001, members of the rumba group Los Muñequitos de Matanzas were filling out U.S. Optional Form 156 BNS, version in Spanish, to get visas for a forthcoming tour of the United States. I saw the old familiar question, “¿Es Ud. Miembro del Partido Comunista de Cuba? [Are you a member of the Communist Party of Cuba?] Sí ___ No ___.” Below that, a new question had been rubber-stamped onto the printed form: “Es Ud. Miembro o Representante de Una Organización Terrorista? [Are you a member or representative of a terrorist organization?] Sí ___ No ___.” I took out a notebook and copied it down, because I didn’t believe my eyes. Was this perhaps a test of the applicant’s basic intelligence?1 Shaking their heads in disbelief, the Muñequitos checked the “No” box. "

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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Last modified: September 25, 2005