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Archive: 9/2010 - 5/2011

Felabration! The Third Edition of the BN Book Review Delves deep into the Life of an African Icon  5/31/2011 Bella Naija: "The introduction to the book, given by Dr Carlos Moore, is a bit too subservient for my taste and in my view doesn’t engage with the negative side effects of some of Fela’s excesses. We all know that Fela’s life is worth celebrating but we do injustice if we do not speak candidly of the ‘other’ publicized aspects of his life, the repercussions of which may have contributed to his untimely demise."

From Cuba, progress that U.S. refuses to see  5/30/2011 USA Today: by DeWayne Wickham, head of the Trotter Group of African American columnists

Witch Hunting Revisited in Cuba  5/25/2011 Havana Times: "An example of this is the unfortunate occurrence experienced by one of our most prominent figures in the visual arts: the painter, national arts award-winner and teacher Pedro Pablo Oliva. He has just published an excellent essay on the web site El Diario de Cuba, where he clearly describes what happened and expresses his firm and commendable position of being no more than another Cuban with the right to free expression. The artist, who was also a member of the Provincial Legislative Assembly of Popular Power (what made him part of the politocracy of the island), has been expelled from those ranks accused of dissidence and high treason for the simple act of having agreed to an interview with Edumundo Garcia, on his program “La noche se mueve” and a letter published in the blog Generation Y, the site of Yoani Sanchez, the blogger classified by the inquisitors as the most infamous witch=dissident in the country."

Expanding Study in Cuba  5/20/2011 Tulane University: "With interest in Cuban studies on the rise at Tulane, provost Michael Bernstein is leading a delegation to Havana this week in hopes of reinstating a summer program that will add to a semester-long study opportunity in Cuba already available to Tulane students."

Jon Stewart and Bill O'Reilly faceoff over White House's poetry invitation to rapper Common  5/17/2011 NY Daily News: "Stewart argued that the Grammy-winning artist wasn't "celebrating" Assata Shakur, who was involved in a deadly New Jersey shootout, but simply believed she was convicted unjustly and expressed that in the song. Further, the Comedy Central host argued, O'Reilly's standard of outlawing White House performances by any musical defender of convicted killers would mean that Bob Dylan, Bono and Bruce Springsteen couldn't perform at the White House either."

Common gets a bad rap on Assata Shakur  5/14/2011 Guardian: "So, cue conservative outrage over Michelle Obama's inviting rapper Common to a White House poetry reading, because Common wrote an adulatory song about Black Panther Assata Shakur. The New Jersey state police protested. Is it possible that the vile New Jersey police – just this week it was announced that Newark's police department is being investigated by the justice department for multiple civil rights violations – and their rightwing puppetmasters do not know about COINTELPRO? That while Soviet tanks crushed Prague's spring, in America, police assassins, provocateurs and slanderers felled our saints as they slept?"

NJ Cops Protest Common's White House Visit Over Assata Shakur Track  5/11/2011 All Hip Hop: "The head of the union that represents the New Jersey State Police has spoken out against Common's visit to the White House tonight (May 11th). Common is among the guests to attend the White House's celebration of American poetry, which is being hosted by President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama... During an interview with NBC New York, David Jones, President of the State Troopers Fraternal Association Union, took offense to the lyrics in Common's track "A Song for Assata."

White House Defends Invite of Political Rapper to Poetry Event  5/11/2011 Fox News 

The Agency's Terrorist Dispersal Problem - The CIA's Human Hurricanes  4/29/2011 Counterpunch 

Video Captures Iraqi Forces Killing Iranian Dissidents  4/15/2011 FOX: [The 'dissidents' are the MEK, much beloved of Ileana Ros Lehtinen.]

Cumbre en Panamá para ciberguerra contra Cuba: hacia nuevos fracasos  4/9/2011 La pupila insomne 

Cuba planning to drill deep-water oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico  4/7/2011 Global Research 

The Sound and Fury of Otto Reich  4/5/2011 Counterpunch: "According to the International Institute of Strategic Studies in London - hardly a lefty think tank - Cuba's troop strength is believed to be somewhere between 50,000 to 60,000. To posit that 50,000 of those troops are in prison, as Reich maintains, means that hardly anyone in the Cuban armed forces has escaped incarceration to defend the country from invasion. Moreover, neither the CIA, the State Department or human rights groups remotely suggest a thing. Only Otto Reich is out on a limb on this issue."

De Tomás Fernández Robaina, siempre cimarrón  4/5/2011 Negra Cubana: "Ayer concluyó Cuba Futures past and present: International Cuba Symposium. Fue un evento que me recordó a LASA, pero más concentrado en todos los aspectos, que también serán analizados en el próximo congreso del Partido."

Destituyeron a funcionarios de cargos provinciales por violaciones e indisciplinas  4/2/2011 Aporrea 

José María Aznar pide a Occidente que invada a Cuba  4/2/2011 Aporrea: "El expresidente del Gobierno español José María Aznar aseguró este viernes que “no vale jugar a una cosa en Libia y a la contraria en Cuba” porque el “valor de la libertad es universal” y, por lo tanto, no se puede ejercer “a beneficio de inventario” o por “conveniencia”. Es decir... Sin sonrojarse, le pidió a Occidente que invada a Cuba, en nombre de la “libertad” y la defensa de los civiles inocentes (¡!)."

Mentiras bien pagadas  4/2/2011 Cuba Debate: EE-UU fabricando disidentes.

La Inteligencia Cubana Versus La CIA  4/1/2011 Aporrea 

Senador Kerry admite que EEUU ha dilapidado 150 millones destinados a la subversión en Cuba  4/1/2011 Aporrea: "Kerry reconoció que este tipo de programas ha costado 150 millones de dólares al contribuyente norteamericano y solicitó que la Oficina de Supervisión del Congreso (GAO, en inglés), que ha investigado fraude y abuso de esos programas en el pasado, realice otra investigación “sobre la base legal y la eficacia de estas operaciones”."

Según documentos desclasificados, la CIA financiaba el narcotráfico mundial  3/31/2011 Cuba Debate: "La historia de las relaciones entre la Agencia Central de Inteligencia estadounidense y el narcotráfico comenzó en los años 70 y tuvo su punto culminante en los 90." [En realidad, empezo cuando se formo la CIA en la cinquenta.]

Fotos del encuentro entre Fidel y Carter en La Habana  3/30/2011 Cuba Debate: “Hoy tuve el gusto de saludar a Jimmy Carter, quien fue Presidente de Estados Unidos entre 1977 y 1981 y el único, a mi juicio, con suficiente serenidad y valor para abordar el tema de las relaciones de su país con Cuba…”, escribió Fidel en su Reflexión de hoy. Carter, en conferencia de prensa y luego en la entrevista que le concediera a Arleen Rodríguez, en La Habana, confesó que Fidel “es mi amigo”.

Pequeños propietarios cubanos podrán vender al Estado  3/30/2011 Cuba Debate 

Carter in Spanish  3/30/2011 Progreso Weekly: "We have talked (with) some officials about Mr. Gross' case. I am not here to remove him from the country."

Radio Marti versus NPR  3/25/2011 Ethnocuba: "While NPR’s federal funding is in jeopardy, support for Radio Marti and the Voice of America seems guaranteed. The bill proposing to eliminate the 64 million dollars that the government would have devoted to NPR’s operations passed in Congress and is waiting for the Senate. While newscasters and bloggers seem divided across Party lines concerning public broadcasting, with Republicans generally advocating its elimination, nobody seems to remember the U.S. international broadcasts, which receive over 700 million dollars annually."

Obama amenaza a Cuba con que habrá consecuencias si no realiza "cambios"  3/21/2011 Aporrea 

Cuban intelligence vs. the CIA  3/21/2011 Strategic Culture: "Several days ago the Cuban TV showed “The Empire´s Pawns”, a documentary about the CIA’s subversive activities on the island of Freedom. This film contains revelatory stories from the agents of Cuban counterintelligence Carlos Serpa Maceira (cover name Emilio), Dalexi González Madruga (Raul) and Moisés Rodríguez (Vladimir). They all were in good books in the US representative office on Cuba. As “useful pawns” they carried out the CIA’s tasks which concern certain areas of the “oppositional activities”."

U. S. paid billions to company that hired Alan Gross  3/19/2011 Progreso Weekly: "The Maryland company that hired American development worker Alan Gross won more than $2.7 billion in USAID contracts from 2000 to the third quarter of 2009, statistics show. Development Alternatives Inc., or DAI, sent Gross to Cuba as part of a USAID-financed democracy program. Cuban authorities accused Gross of setting up an illegal satellite communications network and sentenced him on Friday to a 15-year prison term."

CUBA’S REASONS - Agents for change?  3/18/2011 Granma 

A Tale of Two Terrorists  3/16/2011 COHA 

Las razones de Cuba: ¿Agentes para el cambio?  3/15/2011 Prensa Latina 

REFLECTIONS OF FIDEL - NATO’s plan is to occupy Libya  2/21/2011 Granma 

An Undying Obsession - Cuba in the Wikileaks Mirror  2/14/2011 Counterpunch: "Everywhere, from Dushanbe in the mountains of Tajikistan to Paris, from Kiev in the Ukraine to Sydney in Australia, American diplomats are busy watching over a small island in the Caribbean Sea with an obsessive malice. Like a professional womanizer who was once rebuffed by a small-town beauty, Uncle Sam can’t seem to get over it. The diplomats monitor all Cuban activities, make note of every Cuban utterance, and report every sighting of a migratory Cuban with the enthusiasm of a birdwatcher. It seems that the US has lost none of its Cold War passion for Cuba."

BROTHER OF POSADA VICTIM TO ROS-LEHTINEN: "You don’t even see the terrorist within!"  2/10/2011 Granma: "The names of Posada Carriles and his associates are always appearing in available declassified documents, he notes. "I learned that in the U.S., members of Congress are among those who have lobbied on behalf of these terrorist criminals. In fact, your name, Ms. Lehtinen, appears time and time again." "In this open letter, I wish to express the extreme indignation and revulsion that I feel knowing that there are people like you in the U.S. Congress who are so blinded by hatred for the legitimate leaders of Cuba that your twisted minds consider Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch as heroic patriots."

El Paso Diary: Day 14 in the Trial of Posada Carriles - The Battle for the Passport  2/8/2011 Counterpunch 

El Paso Diary: Day 14 in the Trial of Luis Posada Carriles - Posada Carriles Sleeps Like a Baby  2/7/2011 Counterpunch 

Guilty until Proven Innocence  2/5/2011 Havana Times: "“Bring me six letters from your school, from your Committee for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), and from other places explaining that you’re not a putica (“a little whore”),” an officer told her."

El Paso: Day 13 in the Posada Carriles Trial - The Soap Opera Matters More Than the Truth  2/4/2011 Counterpunch 

El Paso Diary: Day 12 of the Posada Carriles Trial - Questions Are Not Evidence, But They Sway  2/3/2011 Counterpunch 

El Paso Diary: Day 11 at the Posada Carriles Trial - Judge Cardone at the Center of the Drama  2/2/2011 Counterpunch 

Focus on Cuba: The Cuban Government and Multi-Million Dollar Medicare Fraud in South Florida  1/24/2011 Cubanology: An entertaining effort to place gusano medicare/medicaid fraud at the door of Fidel Castro.

Former CIA Asset Luis Posada Goes to Trial  1/24/2011 The Nation: by Peter Kornbluh, head of National Security Archive

Broadband cable on its way to unplugged Cuba  1/23/2011 Guardian 

The Context of Cuba's Crisis  1/21/2011 Counterpunch 

Posada: A Voice From the Past  1/20/2011 Counterpunch: "Looking at Posada, I realized something very curious. The section for the audience is located in the back of the courtroom, behind the desks and seats where the trial lawyers are seated. Observing from the back, Posada and his three attorneys are on the left-hand side, while the attorneys for the prosecution and the FBI agents supporting them are seated on the right. The back of the courtroom where the audience sits has three rows on each side. The section behind Posada was empty except for one seat that was occupied by a solitary woman, while the three rows behind the prosecutors were filled to capacity. It was as though no one wanted to approach the man the world recognizes as a terrorist, while the United States accuses him of only of lying."

The Trial of Luis Posada Carriles  1/19/2011 Counterpunch: "Hernández affirmed that the government of Cuba has a longtime prejudice against Posada Carriles. He spoke of "50 years of dictatorship and tyranny against the Cuban people" and threatened to present historical examples of "Castro's tyranny." Reardon responded forcefully, "This is not the History Channel." He stated that the prosecution is thinking of bringing two Cuban police officers and a doctor to the court. At that very moment, Reardon turned to face Posada Carriles. He fixed his gaze on him and told him: ". . . so that they might testify about the death of that poor Italian. Remember?" he told him with his voice raised. Posada Carriles didn't look back. He didn't even blink, his blue eyes cold as ice."

Who Killed the Iranian Physics Professors?  1/18/2011 Counterpunch: [Ileana Ros Lehtinen favors MEK] - "There were also rumors in some Iranian news media, as well as some foreign news sources, that the US designated terrorist organization Mujahedeen Khalq-e Iran or MEK [MKO, National Council of Resistance, and various other names used by the organization] was also behind the assassinations. For example, Iranian Students News Agency stated on December 1, 2010, that the “monafeghin,” a code name for MEK, had admitted that they had “played a role” in the attack. In this report they referred to some MEK documents that appeared on the website of “Habilian Center,” a group that claims to be a non-governmental organization fighting terrorism in Iran. On December 1, 2010, AP also reported that according to Iran’s defense minister, Israel had enlisted members of MEK to carry out such attacks. Indeed, on November 30, 2010, Fars News Agency quoted Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi as saying: “This inauspicious act was sponsored by the Zionist regime and in coordination with the western intelligence agencies, the US and Britain in particular, and was carried out by MKO [MEK] hirelings."

En 6 meses, Cuba dispondrá de cable submarino que multiplicará por 3 mil su acceso a Internet  1/17/2011 Contrainjerencia: "El despliegue de la conectividad no se resuelve de un día para otro porque cuesta mucho dinero y se necesitan otras inversiones, expresó a reporteros recientemente el viceministro primero de la Informática y las Comunicaciones (MIC), Ramón Linares. Ante esa situación, añadió, nuestra prioridad es continuar la creación de centros colectivos de acceso a Internet, además de potenciar las conexiones en centros de investigación científica, educacionales y sanitarios del país de 11 millones de habitantes."

Obama to ease travel restrictions to Cuba, allow more U.S. cash to island  1/14/2011 Miami Herald 

Censura de Youtube a Cubadebate desató movimiento solidario  1/13/2011 Cuba Debate 

Fabian Escalante: “Los que protegen hoy a Posada son los mismos que conspiraron contra Kennedy”  1/12/2011 Cuba Debate: de Jean Guy Allard - "Para Fabián, que investiga desde años cada aspecto del asesinato del mandatario estadounidense, varios de los personajes que hoy siguen vinculados al mecanismo terrorista que da apoyo a Posada, se encontraban ya entre los miembros de la Operación 40, montada por la CIA paralelamente a la fracasada invasión de Playa Giron para liquidar a los dirigentes de la Revolución cubana y reprimir a sus partidarios. Y es entre estos agentes y colaboradores criminales de la CIA que aparecieron varios individuos vinculados al asesinato, en Dallas, de John Fitzerald Kennedy. “Esto es la mata de todos los terroristas,” señala Escalante acerca de esta organización fundada por la CIA que sigue activa, con locales en el centro de Miami, beneficiándose de la complacencia e incluso la protección del FBI y de los Fiscales federales… Además de Posada, siguen exhibiéndose hoy en Miami, Félix Rodríguez Mendigutía, el asesino del Che; Antonio Veciana, fundador de Alpha 66; Orlando Bosch, cómplice de Posada en la destrucción de un avión civil cubano; Guillermo Novo Sampoll, asociado al asesinato del ex ministro chileno Letelier; Virgilio Paz Romero y Jose Dionisio Suarez, los ejecutores del crimen; Gaspar ‘Gasparito’ Jimenez Escobedo, asesino de Artagnan Díaz Díaz; Pedro Remón Rodriguez, asesino de Felix García Rodriguez y Eulalio Negrín, en Nueva York; Jose Basulto y otros más."

THE CIA FILE ON LUIS POSADA CARRILES  1/11/2011 National Security Archive: "As the unprecedented trial of Cuban exile Luis Posada Carriles begins this week in El Paso, Texas, the National Security Archive today posted a series of CIA records covering his association with the agency in the 1960s and 1970s."

Congresista Connie Mack tiene historial de vinculos con red de Posada Carriles  1/11/2011 Vos el Soberano, Honduras: "En 1989, el propio padre del representante para el distrito 14 de la Florida, el Senador Connie Mack III (McGillicuddy), y la entonces candidata al congreso Ileana Ros-Lehtinen fueron los políticos que llevaron la campaña para la liberación en EE.UU. del terrorista Orlando Bosch, el jefe de la organización terrorista internacional CORU. Bosch y Posada Carriles fueron quienes ordenaron, organizaron y financiaron en Caracas, en 1976 la destrucción en pleno vuelo de un avión civil cubano, provocando la muerte de sus 73 ocupantes."

Former CIA Asset Luis Posada Goes to Trial  1/8/2011 Global Research: "In the annals of modern justice, the Posada trial stands out as one of the most bizarre and disreputable of legal proceedings. The man identified by US intelligence reports as a mastermind of the midair destruction of a Cuban airliner—all seventy-three people on board were killed when the plane plunged into the sea off the coast of Barbados on October 6, 1976—and who publicly bragged about being behind a series of hotel bombings in Havana that killed an Italian businessman, Fabio Di Celmo, is being prosecuted for perjury and fraud, not murder and mayhem. The handling of his case during the Bush years became an international embarrassment and reflected poorly on the willingness and/or abilities of the Justice Department to prosecute crimes of terror when that terrorist was once an agent and ally of America. For the Obama administration, the verdict will carry significant implications for US credibility in the fight against terrorism, as well as for the future of US-Cuban relations."

En la Televisión Cubana nuevas revelaciones sobre Luis Posada Carriles  1/7/2011 Cuba Debate: "En el proceso judicial de dos días que tuvo lugar en la Sala de los Delitos contra la Seguridad del Estado del Tribunal Provincial Popular de Ciudad de La Habana, Chávez Abarca reconoció plenamente su culpabilidad al describir las circunstancias de su reclutamiento y de las operaciones que Posada le encargó. En un momento del interrogatorio de más de 200 preguntas que le hizo la Fiscalía, el acusado cuenta como viajó a Cuba con explosivos escondidos “debajo de la plantilla” de sus zapatos."

Más de 83 000 cubanos solicitaron licencias para Trabajo por Cuenta Propia  1/7/2011 Cuba Debate: "Más de 85 000 personas, la mayoría sin vínculo laboral, han solicitado licencia para el Trabajo por Cuenta Propia desde finales del pasado octubre, reporta hoy el diario Granma. Hasta el cierre del pasado año se habían otorgado 75 061 nuevas licencias para el Trabajo por Cuenta Propia y 8 342 se hallaban en proceso, desde que fuera aprobada la ampliación y flexibilización de esta actividad."

Cuba Announces Cabinet Reshuffle  1/7/2011 Voltaire Net 

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen's intelligence  1/5/2011 Progreso Weekly: "A critic of what she considers the “weaknesses” of Obama's policy toward Latin America, she hosted a meeting of the continental ultraright in the Capitol itself, which was attended by notorious putschists whom she called “our responsible partners… From her new position in Congress, protected by Cuban-American fundamentalists, Zionist Jews and extremist white neocons, Ileana Ros competes for the post of spokeswoman for the ultraright in Latin America, a job that does not seem too demanding, since the Latin American oligarchy apparently is not interested in looking cultured or pleasant.” She also made statements calling for greater OAS willingness to intervene against governments she deems “threats to democracy, human rights and hemispheric security” and even accused Cuban Cardinal Jaime Ortega of being a “collaborator with the Castro regime” for his efforts to gain the release of prisoners who had until then allegedly caused sleepless nights to the Congresswoman and her friends."

The Day Diplomacy Died  1/3/2011 Cuba Now: "El día que murió la diplomacia" (The Day Diplomacy Died) tells the story of four Cuban secret agents who worked to unmask 75 «independent journalists» who, encouraged by alleged diplomats from the U.S. Interest Section in Cuba, carried out offensive actions to overthrow the revolutionary government. Irish producer Bernie Dwyer made exclusive statements on the work to Cubanow."

Yoani Sánchez Asked Undersecretary of State for Online Shopping Access, Reveals Wikileaks  1/3/2011 Cuba Now: “The bloggers, who partly for their self-preservation don’t want to be grouped with the dissident community, were equally optimistic about the course of events. ‘An improvement in relations with the United States is absolutely necessary so that democracy can exist here’, the pioneer of blogs, XXXXXXXXXXXX, who is also listed by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people, said to Williams in her modest apartment. ‘Restrictions only do us harm’, and she added: ‘Do you know how much we could do if we were able to use Pay Pal or buy stuff online with a credit card?”

SWAT Officer Kills Armed Felon in Overtown  1/2/2011 NBC Miami 

A funcionario norteamericano le preocupa que Wikileaks revele sus conversaciones con bloguera  12/31/2010 CubaDebate 

Cuban regime fears bloggers more than “traditional” dissidents  12/29/2010 Reporters without Borders 

Cuba, Finally an Undersea Cable for Internet Connection  12/26/2010 CubaNow: "Cuba will finally have an international link that will multiply its internet connection in the coming year, 2011."

Rafters: The return trip  12/22/2010 Progresso Weekly: "What's paradoxical about this situation is that, once they step on U.S. soil, these people are not considered illegal immigrants by the United States, but refugees. This allows them to benefit from the Cuban Adjustment Act, which was designed exclusively for illegal immigrants, since those who enter the U.S. legally do not require it. So there is a contradiction: while that country denies illegals a visa for considering them ineligible according to U.S. immigration law, it pressures Cuba to keep them from leaving, to the point of threatening war. The U.S. repatriates them when they are caught at sea but gives them special treatment if they arrive, waiving the very obstacles that its own government has created for them."

Viva WikiLeaks! SiCKO was NOT banned in Cuba  12/22/2010 Progresso Weekly: "So, on January 31, 2008, a State Department official stationed in Havana took a made up story and sent it back to his HQ in Washington. Here's what they came up with: XXXXXXXXXXXX stated that Cuban authorities have banned Michael Moore's documentary, "Sicko," as being subversive. Although the film's intent is to discredit the U.S. healthcare system by highlighting the excellence of the Cuban system, he said the regime knows the film is a myth and does not want to risk a popular backlash by showing to Cubans facilities that are clearly not available to the vast majority of them. Sounds convincing, eh?! There's only one problem -- the entire nation of Cuba was shown the film on national television on April 25, 2008! The Cubans embraced the film so much so it became one of those rare American movies that received a theatrical distribution in Cuba. I personally ensured that a 35mm print got to the Film Institute in Havana. Screenings of Sicko were set up in towns all across the country."

Transforming Anthropology and J. of Iberian & Latin American Research special issues on Cuba  12/21/2010 Ethno Cuba: "For those who missed it, in 2008 Transforming Anthropology: Journal of the Association of Black Anthropologists had a two-part special issue on Cuba, vol. 16 no. 1 (April 2008) and no. 2 (October 2008). There are a total of eight short articles by colleagues like Marc Perry, Kaifa Roland, Andrea Queeley, and Amelia Rosenberg Weinreb (click in the links provided for full table of contents)."

Cuba’s Economic Paradigm Shift: A Work in Progress, Norman Girvan and Alissa Trotz  12/20/2010 Norman Girvan 

Ros-Lehtinen: My mission is to cut the state and foreign aid budgets  12/8/2010 Progreso Weekly 

Wikileaks, Cuba y el autismo mediático  12/4/2010 CubaDebate 

¿Periodismo del siglo XXI o pretexto para el Cibercomando?  12/4/2010 Jiribilla: "Habría que dilucidar finalmente si en efecto Wikileaks no es un pretexto para el refuerzo del Cibercomando —justo en los días en los cuales se deben aprobar los presupuestos para el año próximo—, que justifiquen una escalada en las medidas de censura y control del mundo digital tal como fue el cierre de 80 sitios web vinculados con Cuba, propiedad de un operador turístico extranjero, cuyo dueño vive en España y hace negocios en el Reino Unido, entre los cuales se encontraban algunos literarios, como, otros de temas de historia y cultura de Cuba como, y otros que promovían el turismo hacia la Isla como y"

Operación Peter Pan, cerrando el círculo…  12/4/2010 Jiribilla: "En 1961 más de 14 mil niños cubanos fueron enviados a EE.UU. por sus padres con el temor de perder la patria potestad, campaña perpetrada por la Agencia Central de Inteligencia contra el gobierno revolucionario cubano, que trasciende como la llamada Operación Peter Pan. Cinco de las víctimas regresan a Cuba encontrando quizá el camino de vuelta de la tierra de Nunca Jamás a la que los condenó el desarraigo. Este es el argumento del último documental de Estela Bravo, al que dedicó más de 20 años de investigación."

Special Issue: Cuba Today: 50 Years On  12/1/2010 AILASA: Editors: Carlos Uxó and Par Kumaraswami

Leaked Cuba memo to raise eyebrows  12/1/2010 Progresso Weekly: "A recently retired military intelligence officer submitted this memo [see below] to his former commander (Southcom) -- copies to other appropriate agencies. Obama Administration officials ignored it. “Cuba is not on our agenda,” one said. One official surreptitiously mailed us a copy, which we share. “The Cuban government has announced it will lay off 500,000 “superfluous” state workers. Our sources predict at least another 500,000 will get pink-slipped before the end of 2011. “Such news should ring alarm bells in Florida and Washington. Havana could encourage – without formally acknowledging it to its newly unemployed population – a migration northward rather than face possible unrest on the island. If the Cuban government tried to stop migration, we do not think Cuba’s police or military would fire on the population, even if their commanders ordered it."

A Looming US Foreign Relations Disaster in the making: Ileana Ros-Lehtinen to Chair the House Foreign Affairs Committee  11/28/2010 AfroCubaWeb: by Alberto Jones

CNN ya entregó su sucursal en español a la extrema derecha cubano-americana  11/27/2010 Patria Grande: "Con la llegada a la cabeza de su sucursal en español de la cubano-americana Cynthia Hudson, ex jefa de la “estación cloaca” Mega TV de Miami por los últimos cinco años, CNN completa la entrega del canal de propaganda norteamericana hacia América Latina a la extrema derecha de Miami y apuesta sobre un “estilo de trabajo” que hasta ahora no ha tenido aceptación alguna fuera de la Florida."

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: Así es la congresista yanqui que pretende “enseñar” la democracia a América Latina  11/25/2010 Diario Universal 

Ni un dia de Paz para Cuba  11/22/2010 AfroCubaWeb: "Si todos los Cubanos, dondequiera que estos se encuentren e independientemente de las diferencias políticas que pudieran albergar, no fuéramos capaces de unirnos en este momento crucial de nuestra historia en defensa de nuestro país,  y el gobierno Cubano no diseñara e introduzca nueva políticas y estrategias que reemplacen aquellas que en los pasados cincuenta años no han sido capaces de desmoronar el embargo y hacen el máximo esfuerzo por rechazar esta amenaza de vida o muerte a nuestra soberanía,  estaremos exponiendo nuestro país a la posibilidad real, de que su nombre se sume a los de Guam, Atolón de Palmira, Islas Vírgenes, Isla Wake, Midway, Puerto Rico y otros."

U. of Miami Faculty Decries Homage to Orlando Bosch  11/22/2010 Ethno Cuba: "A few days ago, Prof. Lillian Manzor sent an update: the Latinamericanist faculty at UM responded, decrying and rejecting that homage in a letter that is reproduced below. The University administration, however, has said nothing. The Institute of Cuban and Cuban American Studies where the event take places apparently alleges that they merely rented the building space for the homage. I would think that the rental would not include the banners of the University and the Center, which were clearly visible in pictures and videos of the event. Here at the University of California there have been many debates about what privatization means. If universities, private and public, are in such dire straits that they need to rent their facilities to outside groups, should not they, still, exert some judgement as to who and for what? Should a university rent its facilities to, say, the Ku Klux Klan? That begs the question: what is the price for which community principles are abandoned?"

Never had a day of Peace or Happiness  11/15/2010 AfroCubaWeb: "If all Cubans, wherever they are and whatever differences they may harbor, fail to come together at this crucial moment in history in defense of our country and the Cuban government does not introduce new policies and strategies, replacing those that for fifty years have been unable to dislodge the embargo and do its outmost to fend off this life and death threat to our sovereignty, it is a real possibility that our country’s name will be added to those of Guam, Palmyra Atoll, Virgin Islands, Wake Island, Midway Island, Puerto Rico and others."

The inconvenient truth about Guillermo Fariñas  11/11/2010 Machetera: "At no time did the European organization claim that his stints in prison were due to his political activity for the simple reason that his imprisonments were the result of common crimes. The European Parliament’s discretion with respect to Fariñas’ criminal history is understandable, since his illegal acts discredit the assertion of the “non-violent” nature of the 2010 Sakharov Prize.5 In fact, Fariñas has a serious criminal history. In 1995 he was sentenced to a term of three years parole and fined 600 pesos after violently assaulting a woman, a work colleague at the institute of health where he held the position of psychologist, causing her multiple wounds to the face and arms. He then carried out his first hunger strike.6"

Cuban militant's award raises concerns at UM  11/11/2010 Miami Herald: ``I think universities are places to think the unthinkable and speak the unspeakable,'' said University of Denver lecturer Arturo López-Levy, one of 70 academics who signed an Oct. 27 letter of protest to UM President Donna Shalala. The academics asked for an investigation. ``But to pay homage to a convicted terrorist, whoever authorized renting the place for that use has shown a lack of wisdom and a lack of judgment.'' Despite repeated requests, UM's administration refused to discuss the matter except to say it simply provided a venue for a community group."

Presence and significance of Èkpé and Abakuá societies in Cuba and America  11/11/2010 N'dibo Yeve N'go 

Common A SonG for Assata Shakur (2pac's aunt)  11/5/2010 YouTube: "assata shakur (2pacs aunt) had to flee to cuba after being charged of crimes she did not commit, she fled to cuba under political asylum. and the u.s. gov't poasted a 1 million dollar reward for the return of assata, who fled the country in the 80's. a million dollar reward calling her a terrorist. common prety much sums up the truth in this song."

Back With a Vengeance? The Florida Growth Machine  10/26/2010 Counterpunch: "Today, efforts by the EPA to impose enforceable limits on phosphorous pollution in the Everglades are opposed by the state, which has taxing authority through the legislature but is afraid to use it. The sugar barons, exemplified by the Fanjul family interests, are pouring money into political campaigns with the seasoned skill of master puppeteers. And that is just the Everglades. Movement by the EPA to impose enforceable limits on phosphorous pollution in all Florida waters has triggered a political backlash wrapping up Democrats and Republicans, threatening riders in Congress to eviscerate the Clean Water Act, despite scientific evidence of human health threats, threats to tourism, and the economy from poisoned waters."

Orlando Bosch and the Politics of Academia  10/23/2010 Ethno Cuba: "Colleague Isabel Alfonso, a graduate of the University of Miami, sent us this video of the October 12 event, along with her outrage. How is it possible that a bona fide University would sponsor a homage to Orlando Bosch? He is an extremely controversial figure, well known for his involvement in an airplane bombing; who at one point was convicted of terrorism by a U.S. court and who, according to the U.S. Attorney General’s Ofice, “for thirty years has been resolute and unwavering in his advocacy of terrorist violence.” One thing is to invite an individual, in this case a witness of a history worth telling, a man already in his eighties, to tell his story, even to give his opinion and defend his views. But to stage a homage to his terrorist actions and activities that broke laws in several countries?"

Neighbors Wake to Headless Animals Halloween Mystery  10/22/2010 Miami Herald 

Contratista de USAID apadrinó homenaje a Orlando Bosch en Miami  10/21/2010 Cuba Debate: de Jean Guy Allard - "El homenaje a Orlando Bosch, el ex jefe del grupo terrorista CORU, organización responsable de cientos de atentados en en territorio norteamericano como en el exterior, tuvo lugar en un centro subsidiado por la agencia norteamericana de “ayuda al desarrollo internacional”, la USAID."

My Cuba: The Summer of 2010  10/12/2010 Havana Times: by Alberto Jones

Enlace entre Posada Carriles y Chávez Abarca es asesor del Partido ARENA de El Salvador  9/30/2010 Cuba Debate: de Jean Guy Allard - "José Ramón Sanfeliú Rivera, el gerente de Talleres Moldtrok, de San Salvador, que reclutó a Francisco Chávez Abarca como ayudante de Luis Posada Carriles, se desempeña en la actualidad como asesor del partido de extrema derecha ARENA, principal grupo de oposición salvadoreño."

Lucius Walker is in the Hearts of the Cuban People  9/26/2010 CAN, Cuba: "On the occasion of his meeting with the leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro at the Cuban Mission to the UN in New York in 1995, someone asked Lucius what was the secret of his love towards Cuba. Interesting question, he responded, adding that before the tremendous love Cuba has dispersed around the world, “we cannot do anything less than love Cuba”."

South Florida Congressional candidates split over U.S.-Cuba relations  9/26/2010 Naples News 

Israeli leaders praise Fidel Castro  9/25/2010 AP: "Israeli President Shimon Peres' office says Peres sent Castro a personal letter Saturday thanking him for his remarks. And Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent reporters text messages drawing attention to a series of interviews published in the Atlantic magazine early this month. The Israeli praise is highly unusual, as Castro has traditionally supported the Palestinians and has been highly critical of the Jewish state in the past."

Netanyahu: Fidel Castro has a deep understanding of Jewish history  9/25/2010 Haaretz: "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his appreciation on Saturday over remarks by Cuban leader Fidel Castro, who said that Israel has a right to exist in an interview earlier this month. "The remarks attributed to Castro demonstrate his deep understanding of the history of the Jewish people and the State of Israel," Netanyahu said."

The self-employed sector - Much more than an alternative  9/24/2010 Granma: "Increasing the opportunities for self-employment is one of the decisions which the country is making in terms of restructuring its economic policy, in order to increase levels of productivity and efficiency. It is also an attempt to offer workers another way of feeling useful in terms of personal effort, and to distance ourselves from those concepts that almost condemned self-employment to extinction and stigmatized those who decided to legally join that sector in the 1990s. On August 1, the approval of a tax system of taxation for the self-employed sector was also made public, in line with the nation’s new economic scenario. Whoever contributes more, will receive more is the principle of the new tax regime that will help to increase sources of income to the state budget, and achieve an adequate redistribution of that income to society."

Cuba unveils private sector expansion plan  9/24/2010 Reuters: "Many are expected to get start-up money from relatives living abroad, especially in the United States." [US Cubans are largely of Spanish descent.]

Wife of detained US contractor visits him in Cuba  9/23/2010 AP 

The rationalizations: A first look  9/22/2010 Progreso: "Can a private sector capable of assimilating and maintaining a workforce that large be developed in Cuban society? Several factors will determine this, among them the facilities available to secure credits and supplies, the creation of wholesale warehouses, and the official regulations that rule them. The absence of any of these items would undermine the effort to open and energize the economy."

Castro’s Change of Heart: The Implications for Cuba, Venezuela, and The United States  9/21/2010 COHA 

The Fanjul brothers  9/21/2010 Progreso: An interesting look into the Miami plantocracy, where old slave owning habits die hard - "In 1959, bearded men dressed in olive green entered the Fanjul mansion. At the time, Alfonso was 23 and had just graduated from Fordham University in New York City. His brother, Pepe, was 14. Castro's envoys summoned the entire family, put aside their guns and spread on the table maps that showed the family's properties – cane fields, mills, workers' barracks, mansions, a port. And they told them: “From this day on, all this belongs to the people. All of it!”

Adios to Lucius Walker Jr. in Harlem  9/18/2010 Havana Times 

Landau and Valdés ask if former U.S. official lied  9/18/2010 Progreso: "Noriega also fails to acknowledge the point of his Klink-Schultz like scheming with Cason: to break the limited relations the two countries had. His radio conversation reveals that he and Cason maneuvered to provoke the Cuban government to oust Cason so Washington could shut down the Cuban Interest Section in Washington. Last but not least, Noriega and Cason, by their bumbling attempts to circumvent the accepted rules of diplomacy were responsible for the incarceration of 75 Cuban dissidents - to whom they had pledged support."

THE REVEREND LUCIUS WALKER, 80, ANTI-BLOCKADE CRUSADER: August 3, 1930 - September 7, 2010  9/17/2010 Haiti Analysis 

Cuba offers 19 ways Obama can loosen US embargo  9/16/2010 AP: "Cuba is offering a series of small but specific steps the administration of President Barack Obama can take to soften the United States' 48-year-old trade embargo, including expanding flights and establishing ferry service between both countries and dropping bank bans that keep U.S. credit cards from working on the island. The 19 suggestions are a new — and perhaps conciliatory addition — to the communist government's annual report criticizing Washington's trade sanctions. Cuba produces the report every year ahead of an annual United Nations vote in which the world overwhelmingly condemns the embargo."

Is There a Cuban Model? Castro's "Confession"  9/15/2010 Counterpunch: By NELSON P. VALDÉS - "There is no such a thing as a Cuban revolutionary model. The revolutionary regime has been pragmatic and changed over time, whenever circumstance required it, which is why it is possible to speak of different periods since 1959. Only those who are ill acquainted with the Cuban reality could come up with the assertion that there is an all encompassing, never changing Cuban model. Last, but not least: The Cuban process takes inspiration from over a century of self-definition and historical developments. The influence of José Martí in particular is essential for an understanding of contemporary Cuba."

The Cuban Model, Not Working So Much  9/14/2010 Atlantic: "Last week, there was a bit of a kerfuffle on the international Interwebs about Fidel Castro's statement to me that the "Cuban model" doesn't even work for Cuba anymore. Fidel himself said, in speech last Friday, that I had misinterpreted his statement, that it was American-style capitalism, and not Cuban-style socialism, that was failing."

Cuba to cut 500,000 from state payroll  9/13/2010 Financial Times: "Better accounting would be demanded of businesses, and the way they were taxed would be changed. As well as taxes on income, the self-employed would pay a sales tax and 25 per cent social security tax for themselves and each employee, the sources said, while co-operatives would pay a tax on profits and social security."

Rev. Lucius Walker Jr. Fought for Civil Rights  9/12/2010 IFCO: "Long before Lucius Walker Jr. made international headlines - including for humanitarian aid to Cuba and when shot by U.S.-backed contra forces in Nicaragua - he was a minister and civil-rights activist in Milwaukee."

Agreed, We Need a Different Model  9/11/2010 Havana Times: "In an interview granted to the US magazine The Atlantic, Fidel Castro was quoted as saying “The Cuban model doesn’t even work for us anymore.” At no moment did he speak of socialism, but of the “model.” The interpretation of this by an academic taking part in the conversation was that Fidel was referring to the high degree of State involvement in the economy. This factor precisely characterizes “State socialism” or “real socialism,” which has failed everywhere as it maintains a concentration of ownership (but in the hands of the State) and the wage-labor form of production – a model that Lenin himself termed “state monopoly capitalism.”

Las Caravanas de la Amistad EEUU - Cuba, un testimonio de la solidaridad  9/11/2010 Jiribilla: "Las caravanas de la amistad, promovidas y dirigidas por la Fundación Interconfesional para la Organización de la Comunidad (IFCO) y Pastores por la Paz (PFP) han sido experiencias que le han otorgado mayor riqueza y sentido a la solidaridad con el pueblo cubano y su Revolución, y proporcionado un espacio de diálogo y reflexión entre el compromiso revolucionario cristiano y el máximo líder de la Revolución."

Llegarás también, Lucius, con la alegría de la mañana  9/11/2010 Jiribilla 

No queremos pensar en un mundo sin Lucius Walker  9/11/2010 Jiribilla: "La ironía del mazazo nos estremeció a todos: cuando la amenaza de guerra nuclear se cierne sobre nuestras cabezas, uno de los hombres de paz imprescindibles se nos ha ido, tras 80 años de verdadero ejemplo. Ha muerto Lucius Walker, el reverendo norteamericano que hace casi dos décadas emprendió una irreversible lucha frente a la obstinada y cruel política del gobierno de su país contra Cuba."

Y la guagua camina…  9/11/2010 Jiribilla: "Pastores por la Paz y su Caravana de la Amistad son protagonistas, desde hace más de veinte años, de una hermosa historia tejida desde el corazón por norteamericanos de las más variadas procedencias, colores y credos. El imaginario popular cubano los identifica por un símbolo: las guaguas escolares amarillas que ruedan por calles y avenidas de nuestras ciudades."

Lucius Walker, Baptist Pastor for Peace, Dies at 80  9/11/2010 NYT: "The Rev. Lucius Walker, a Baptist minister who gained national attention with calls for reparations for the descendants of slaves and with repeated violations of the United States embargo of Cuba through caravans of humanitarian aid, died on Tuesday at his home in Demarest, N.J. He was 80."

Fidel says econ remark 'misinterpreted'  9/11/2010 Press TV 

Reverend Lucius Walker, 1930-2010  9/9/2010 People's World: "In 2007, Walker took a group of New York City high school students to Cuba. As a result, he and IFCO/Pastors for peace were subpoenaed to give evidence against school personnel who had helped organize the trip. As always, Walker refused to cooperate, on principled grounds. The Caravans were expanded to include other places, including Chiapas in Southern Mexico, and El Salvador. Walker was working on the Haiti issue at the time of his death. Walker negotiated with then Cuban President Fidel Castro to make it possible for U.S. youth from poor communities to study at the Latin American School of Medicine in Cuba. Close to his heart was the issue of the Cuba 5, in whose cause Walker was a major actor. Shortly before his death, he had been working to pressure the U.S. government to issue visas to the wives of two of the Cuba 5 to enable them to visit their husbands in prison; visas which have been cruelly denied for 12 years."

Report: Castro says Cuban model doesn't work  9/8/2010 AP: "The fact that things are not working efficiently on this cash-strapped Caribbean island is hardly news. Fidel's brother Raul, the country's president, has said the same thing repeatedly. But the blunt assessment by the father of Cuba's 1959 revolution is sure to raise eyebrows. Jeffrey Goldberg, a national correspondent for The Atlantic magazine, asked if Cuba's economic system was still worth exporting to other countries, and Castro replied: "The Cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore" Goldberg wrote Wednesday in a post on his Atlantic blog. He said Castro made the comment casually over lunch following a long talk about the Middle East, and did not elaborate."

Fidel: 'Cuban Model Doesn't Even Work For Us Anymore'  9/8/2010 Atlantic 

Fidel to Ahmadinejad: 'Stop Slandering the Jews'  9/7/2010 Atlantic: "Over the course of this first, five-hour discussion, Castro repeatedly returned to his excoriation of anti-Semitism. He criticized Ahmadinejad for denying the Holocaust and explained why the Iranian government would better serve the cause of peace by acknowledging the "unique" history of anti-Semitism and trying to understand why Israelis fear for their existence."

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero Pinar del Río
El Habanero La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana Ciudad de La Habana
Girón Matanzas
Vanguardia Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre Cienfuegos
Escambray Sancti Spíritus
Invasor Ciego de Ávila
Adelante Camagüey
26 Las Tunas
La Demajagua Granma
Ahora Holguín
Sierra Maestra Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos Guantánamo
Victoria Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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