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Cuba in the News
Archive 7/1/13 - 6/30/14

Google's Eric Schmidt: U.S.-Cuba Policies "Defy Reason"  6/30/2014 #CubaNow: "Schmidt goes on to note that poor infrastructure on the island, where only a small minority have access to cell phones or Internet, is counterproductive to U.S. interests: "The 'blockade' makes absolutely no sense to US interests: if you wish the country to modernize the best way to do this is to empower the citizens with smart phones (there are almost none today) and encourage freedom of expression and put information tools into the hands of Cubans directly. The result of the 'blockade' is that Asian infrastructure will become much harder to displace."

Aseguran que secretario de Alarcón era agente de la CIA  6/29/2014 Marti Noticias: "Hay que recordar que el jefe de despacho del presidente de la Asamblea Nacional Ricardo Alarcón era agente CIA”, afirmó Roberto González Peralo, Licenciado en Contabilidad y Finanzas y uno de los admnistradores del blog."

US-Cuba policies are wasted on the old  6/26/2014 Al Jazeera: "A slight majority of the United States as a whole considers the embargo a failed policy: 56 percent, according to a February Atlantic Council poll, favors dropping it entirely. For the first time Cuban-Americans agree, as a new FIU Cuba Poll, the longest-running survey of South Florida’s Cuban-American population, shows. Fifty-two percent of respondents, in contrast with 44 percent in 2011, said the U.S. should end the embargo. The only group that disagrees, the numbers reveal, is the oldest age group polled. Where 68 percent of total Cuban-Americans favor re-establishment of diplomatic relations with Cuba, numbers drop to 41 percent among respondents 65 and up. In contrast, the two youngest segments, 18–29 and 30–45, support engagement at 88 and 78 percent, respectively. The same trend follows for economic liberalization and freedom of travel: overwhelming support among the young, a slight majority among the 45–65 demographic, skepticism among the over-65."

Lift embargo to protect our shores  6/26/2014 Sun Sentinel: "Imagine Fort Lauderdale's beach awash with tar balls from an oil slick. Picture our coral reefs damaged by chemicals used to disperse oil. Consider the damage caused by the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf, and what would have happened afterward without American ingenuity. If a major spill were to occur near the Florida Straits, the embargo would hamstring our nation's ability to work with the Cuban government in capping the well and preventing an ecological disaster. The embargo bars items made with more than 10 percent of American content from being sold to Cuba, and that includes oil drilling rigs, blowout preventers and other devices that could help prevent a spill."

Cuba authorizes Internet access for emerging private companies  6/23/2014 Cuba Si: "The Cuban government has authorized the state telecom company to provide Internet access to the country’s budding private cooperatives, the Cuban News Agency reported Friday. Communications Minister Maimir Mesa Ramos instructed Etecsa to start the service on June 29, according to the news agency. Internet access will be provided via modems and only to the cooperative’s location, to avoid service being transferred to third parties."

Cuba Strongly Rejects Groundless and Unilateral US Accusation  6/23/2014 Cuba Si: "The United States has no moral to certify Cuba or to suggest any kind of plans when, according to estimates, nearly 200 thousand US citizens are victims of trafficking inside the US territory, where labor exploitation is the most expanded modality of trafficking in persons with 85 percent of legal processes on the issue are related to sexual exploitation and with over 300 thousand children, out of one million who leave their homes, are subject to some kind of exploitation, the statements notes."

Entrepreneurs at World Oil Congress Interested in Cuban Opportunities  6/23/2014 Cuba Si: "Cuban deputy minister of Energy and Mining, Ruben Cid, said in Moscow that many Russian companies, which attended the 21st World Oil Congress, are interested in doing business with Cuba."

Crece interés de inversionistas extranjeros por sector turístico de Cuba  6/22/2014 Caribbean News Digital: "Tras la aprobación de la nueva Ley de Inversión Extranjera en Cuba se ha registrado un gran interés del empresariado internacional en las posibilidades de negociar con la Isla, y se han reportado numerosas solicitudes desde casi todas las geografías del mundo, informó el director de Negocios del Ministerio de Turismo (Mintur), José Reinaldo Daniel."

“Ave Fénix”: apoyar el emprendimiento en Cuba  6/22/2014 On Cuba: "La situación actual de una parte importante de las personas negras y mestizas en Cuba, precisa concebir e implementar medidas económicas capaces de empoderar a las familias, como vía para la satisfacción de sus necesidades básicas. El apoyo a la creación de fuentes de empleo podría ser una medida efectiva para estimular tales procesos. En el contexto de la consolidación del trabajo por cuenta propia en Cuba, y teniendo en cuenta la reciente aprobación de la nueva Ley de Inversión Extranjera, la creación de proyectos de financiación figura como una vía concreta de ayuda al emprendimiento."

Joe Garcia: Cubans want to live in Cuba  6/20/2014 On Cuba: "Before Obama came to power 80 thousand Cubans traveled to the island, this year we will reach 630,000. There are 11 flights from Miami International Airport, plus 7 from Tampa. It has been loosened, it has opened, and opportunities have been given. Before there were restrictions on remittances, now you can send any amount. From pizzerias, paladares, restaurants, sandwich places that exist in Cuba, most of the money invested in these facilities comes from Hialiah, Doral, Coral Gables, Little Havana. That is being flexible and fulfills what has been my goal: helping the people of Cuba and its civil society. The last five years of this administration and its policy towards Cuba, more has been achieved than in the previous fifty, and it’s because we promote an open and flexible policy, dedicated to promoting civil society, to promote the values ??we have in common but the same time we must understand that there are limits to this policy” Limits as the inability of Americans to travel and invest in Cuba, or that it does not exist, as with the case of travel, a license for Cuban Americans to invest in Cuba… Practically we have a travel policy open to Cubans. That space has been won, and I´m telling that today, if flights are canceled here or in Cuba, there will be revolt in Cuba, and in Miami."

Cuba building seven more solar parks  6/19/2014 Cuba Standard 

“Ave Fénix”: apoyar el emprendimiento en Cuba  6/18/2014 On Cuba: "La situación actual de una parte importante de las personas negras y mestizas en Cuba, precisa concebir e implementar medidas económicas capaces de empoderar a las familias, como vía para la satisfacción de sus necesidades básicas. El apoyo a la creación de fuentes de empleo podría ser una medida efectiva para estimular tales procesos."

Cuba’s Largest Overseas Diaspora is the Least Known  6/17/2014 Havana Times: "According to the census, 1,444 Cubans residing on the island were born in Spain. This does not exactly constitute a diaspora. Cuba, quite naturally, has historical migratory links to what people here sometimes refer to as the “motherland” and Spaniards emigrated to Cuba in a sustained fashion from the early 16th century until 1961. There are a significant number of Spanish associations in Cuba, organized on the basis of ethnic or regional criteria, or as autonomous communities, which gather immigrants and their descendants. My Cuban grandfather, for instance, was from Leon, Spain and acquired Cuban citizenship years after moving to the island. He never returned to his country of origin. Many of his former compatriots did the same thing. The second largest group of people who live in Cuba but were born overseas (some 794 individuals) came to the island from the Russian Federation."

Bacardi chairman: Family split about embargo  6/16/2014 Cuba Standard: "Hinting that yet another Cuban American business dynasty may be softening its approach to Cuba, Bacardi Ltd. leader Facundo Bacardi told Cigar Aficionado magazine in an interview that his family has differences over U.S. embargo policies."

11 were involved in deadly plot, ministry says  6/14/2014 Progresso Weekly: "On the afternoon of Tuesday, June 10, the bodies of four persons killed in a violent manner were found in the Niña Bonita estate of Playa Baracoa [Baracoa Beach], city of Bauta, province of Artemisa. According to the preliminary results of the investigative process being carried out by a multidisciplinal team, the crime is associated with a presumptive plan to leave the country illegally with support from abroad."

Executive of French Bank Forced to Retirement due to US's Anti-Cuba Policy  6/13/2014 ACN: "A top executive of France's BNP Paribas Bank has seen himself forced into retirement amidst a dispute involving a 10 billion dollar fine that Washington intends to impose on the financial institution in an extraterritorial action for having violated US sanctions against Cuba, Sudan and Iran. The French bank announced that Operations Chief Georges Chodron de Courcel will retire in September. "

US Geologists Visit Eastern Santiago de Cuba  6/12/2014 ACN 

Cuba Food Industry Cooperatives Feel Betrayed  6/6/2014 Havana Times 

In loving memory of Elombe Brath, our ambassador to the African world  6/5/2014 New York Amsterdam News: "Reggie Mabry, Pan-African strategist and Sons of Africa associate, said, “Of all the transitions that occurred recently, Elombe’s is the biggest and most significant because he was our direct connection to the revolutionary movements that were happening around the world. He stood alone as our ambassador to Africa, especially in understanding and engaging the worldwide Pan-African revolutionary movement. Thus, his understanding and involvement must be duplicated by every African at home and abroad.” Accordingly, letters of tributes and reflections were shared by representatives of Cuban revolutionary great Fidel Castro, President Hifikepunye Lucas Pohamba of Namibia, former President of South Africa Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki and Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam."

We wish to support this vital and growing private sector in Cuba  5/30/2014 On Cuba: "Mr. Thomas J. Donohue, President and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, is visiting Cuba for the second time. The organization that runs entirely autonomous and independent of the U.S. government represents 3 million businesses of the most diverse sectors."

And the Camagüeyan Indo-Cubans, how was their language?  5/29/2014 Adelante 

What is the U.S. plotting in Bolivia?  5/29/2014 Granma: "Brennan has served as second in command at U.S. embassies in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, playing a hard-line interventionist role, as revealed in cables publicized by Wikileaks and other news sources. In 2007, Brennan pressured the Costa Rican government of Oscar Arias to send the country’s police to train "discreetly" at the U.S. Southern Command Academy – given the absence of military forces there."

Rusia en la búsqueda de petróleo cubano  5/28/2014 On Cuba 

Declaration in support of Manuel Cuesta Morúa, spokesperson of Arco Progresista in Cuba  5/28/2014 Puente Democratico: "In a clear set-back in its migrations policy and demonstrating the closed features of its one party political regime, the government of Cuba is blocking the progressive referent Manuel Cuesta Morúa from attending to the Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) taking place between May 21 and 24 in Chicago, United States. This is a retaliation of the Cuban regime to the attempt of Cuesta Morúa to organize an Alternative Forum to the II Summit of CELAC, for which he was detained last January 26th for four days in a cell where he was interrogated and then released with a precautionary measure that forces him to attend every Tuesday to a police station to certify his presence until the day of his trial. Cuesta Morúa is being accused of the Orwellian crime of “Spreading false news against international peace”, according to Article 115 of the Cuban Criminal Code."

Celebran en Cuba Día de África  5/27/2014 Granma: "Seguiremos honrando la memoria de los cientos de miles de combatientes internacionalistas que desinteresadamente pelearon por la dignidad y la libertad del hombre africano, afirmó este martes en La Habana el embajador de la República del Congo y decano del cuerpo diplomático del continente en Cuba, Pascal Onguemby."

Cuba plans tentatively for life after a socialist Venezuela  5/27/2014 Guardian 

South Africa, Cuba to Strengthen Ties  5/27/2014 Periodico 26: "Cuba and South Africa are looking today toward a new stage of strengthening political-economic relations, as shown in the conclusions of the visit to this country of Cuban Vice President Salvador Valdés Mesa. The top government leader arrived in Johannesburg on May 23 to participate in the inauguration of the second government of President Jacob Zuma, who was elected by the National Assembly, for the 2014-2019 period."

Elombe Brath dead  5/26/2014 Black Agenda Report: "Rodolfo Reyes, the Cuban Ambassador to the United Nations, also honored Brath in 2013. “Cuba remembers with high esteem his tireless struggle for the freedom of the Cuban 5, unjustly imprisoned in United States jails,” said Reyes. “By following the example of Elombe Brath, we can turn into reality the goal of our leader, Fidel Castro, that a better world is possible, where justice, human dignity and solidarity prevail."

Festival deportivo promueve respeto a la diversidad  5/26/2014 IPS Cuba: "Activistas contra la homofobia y la transfobia defienden el deporte como espacio para la equidad y la lucha contra la discriminación."

Cuba to Repel All US Subversion Plans  5/24/2014 Periodico 26: "Cuba will repel all US subversive plans, including those using communication technologies, noted Granma newspaper. The official organ of the Communist Party of Cuba stated in an article that Washington justifies its programs against the island under the pretext of providing "free flow of information to the Cuban people." In this respect recalled that the policy of economic, commercial and financial embargo prohibits exports of technology and telecommunications equipment to Havana."

Cuba’s Cooperatives “Without Papers”  5/20/2014 Havana Times 

Cuba hardliners suppress free exchange of ideas  5/19/2014 #CubaNow: also published in the Miami Herald where it was deleted - "In Washington, you have a small group of hardliners almost entirely dedicated to smearing and intimidating anyone who expresses an opinion different from their own on U.S. policy. To date they’ve been far more efficient in turning off well-meaning Americans from participating in the Cuba conversation than in actually helping to bring democracy to Cuba. Today there’s an alternative."

Hundreds of Cooperative Make their Way in Cuban Economy  5/19/2014 CAN 

Prejuicios limitan acceso de mujeres lesbianas y bisexuales a la salud  5/19/2014 SEMlac 

Aclaración: No es necesario pagar 200 CUC por entrar a Cuba  5/17/2014 On Cuba 

Intelectuales irrespetan la libertad de expresión, pensamiento y creación  5/13/2014 Cuba Encuentro: "El poeta y profesor de literatura, Guillermo Rodríguez Rivera, dice: “En una entrevista concedida a La Nación , de Buenos Aires, Leonardo Padura discurre ahora sobre lo que llama “jugar a hacer política desde el arte” lo que, a su juicio no se debe hacer, porque “los artistas comprometidos de una manera militante con un partido, estado, filosofía o poder, terminan siendo siempre –o casi– marionetas de ese poder”. El profesor Rivera se está refiriendo a una entrevista de Hinde Pomeraniec al escritor Leonardo Padura del 14 de julio del 2012, en el periódico La Nación. No sé por qué el profesor Rodríguez Rivera se refiere a esta entrevista como “ahora” y por qué no le ha hecho la crítica antes y la hace casi dos años después."

U.S. academics say Cuban reforms not going well  5/10/2014 Miami Herald: "But while up to 485,000 Cubans are reported to be licensed to work in low value-added jobs such as tailors and seamstresses, there are many constraints, Gonzalez-Corzo told the University of Miami’s Institute for Cuban and Cuban American Studies (ICCAS). An “onerous tax system” piles “taxes upon taxes upon taxes” that make it difficult for the new micro-enterprises and “confiscate the limited prosperity that people are generating,” he said. There’s a shortage of appropriate retail space needed for the new businesses, property rights remain largely unclear and government inspectors often look for bribes, the professor added. The cooperative sector is not doing as well as projected by the government, Gonzalez-Corzo said. And the average bank loan approved under a micro-credit program designed to help the private sector stands at about $55."

Mientras Washington lo piensa, Bruselas negocia con Cuba  5/5/2014 IPS Cuba: "España encabeza el intercambio comercial europeo con La Habana, con más de 1.156 millones de dólares en 2012. Sin embargo, fue justamente un gobierno conservador español, el de José María Aznar (1996-2004), el artífice de la llamada Posición Común que la UE adoptó en 1996 y que constituye para Cuba una injerencia en sus asuntos internos. Este tema no estuvo sobre la mesa en esta primera ronda de pláticas. A una pregunta de IPS, Leffler, de nacionalidad sueca, también aclaró que la UE no trajo condicionamientos políticos. “Si queremos negociar un acuerdo, no es muy constructivo venir con un punto inicial de condiciones e imposiciones”, afirmó."

Mi cuerpo me pertenece. Reflexiones en torno al tratamiento mediático de la baja natalidad en Cuba  5/5/2014 SEMlac: "Estoy harta de escuchar por los medios cubanos, en boca de periodistas, especialistas y hasta de altos dirigentes de la nación, que las mujeres somos responsables por la baja fecundidad del país."

Leonardo Padura: "La realidad cubana es demasiado peculiar para explicarla con prejuicios a favor o en contra"  5/4/2014 La Nacion, Argentina: "En vísperas de su llegada al país, el escritor y periodista cubano matiza las miradas elogiosas y críticas sobre su país, y afirma que la apertura está cambiando la vida social en la isla"

Invertir en Cuba  5/1/2014 On Cuba: por Hugo Cancio

More Heberprot-P, less amputations  4/27/2014 Adelante: "Under the criterion of that the perfect thing would be to reach an ideal promotion and education for the health and that the diabetics do not go so far as to use the anti-diabetic drug Heberprot-P, the need does not always escape from applying the product of Cuban manufacture, only one of its type in the world to treat with effectiveness the diabetic foot ulcers. There are 20 countries that have assumed it."

Cuba will Host 7th Campaign against Homophobia  4/24/2014 Adelante: "The 7th Cuban Campaign against homophobia will include a regional conference with the participation of the International Association of Gays, Lesbian, Bisexuals, Trans and Intersexual people from Latin America and the Caribbean. This event takes place in Cuba for the first time."

Habanos S.A. Marketing Director Leaves  4/23/2014 Cigar Aficionado: "[Afrodescendent] Ana López Garcia, the director of marketing operations for Cuba's tobacco monopoly, Habanos S.A., has left the company. In a short message, she told Cigar Aficionado she was leaving for "personal reasons." Her departure was confirmed by sources at Habanos. Lopez had spent nearly 40 years working in the Cuban cigar industry. She reported that she remembered dealing with Alejandro Robaina, the famous Cuban tobacco grower, and was the person who introduced him to the cigar that bore his name."

Why USAID’s Cuban Twitter Program was Secret  4/14/2014 NACLA: "NACLA has been covering the overt and covert programs of USAID since March 1968. NACLA stories were instrumental in bringing down another secretive branch of USAID, the Office of Public Safety (OPS). OPS—like the modern-day OTI—was a secretive operation. It trained right-wing police and paramilitaries and involved itself with death squads, torture, and other unethical activities throughout the world. In 1974, after some eight years of NACLA’s exposing OPS, Congress was able to close it down. The momentum for ridding ourselves of OTI does not yet exist in Congress, but if we can keep it on the agenda long enough, this blight on our collective reputation worldwide can be expunged."

Especialistas investigan cómo empoderar a mujeres cuentapropistas  4/14/2014 SEMlac Cuba: "La división sexual del trabajo por cuenta propia en Cuba motiva una investigación en curso para caracterizar el emprendimiento de las mujeres en el municipio capitalino Habana Vieja, uno de los más hacinados y con mayor índice de desigualdad económica de la capital cubana."

Expertas crean red sobre gestión, conocimiento e innovación con equidad de género  4/14/2014 SEMlac Cuba: "La Red cubana sobre gestión, conocimiento e innovación con equidad de género fue presentada el 10 de abril en la capital cubana, durante la celebración del taller "Construyendo equidad: estrategias para el cambio", convocado por la Empresa Gestión del Conocimiento y la Tecnología (Gecyt)."

On Social Media, Cubans Speak Up for Feminism and Racial Justice  4/8/2014 Bitch Media 

Revelan que programador de ZunZuneo es empleado de la Embajada de EEUU en Nicaragua  4/6/2014 Cubadebate 

ZunZuneo  4/6/2014 Cubadebate: Los articulos en Cubadebate sobre ZunZuneo, el red de comunicación social creado por la USAID

Nicaragüense creó “Twitter cubano” anticastrista  4/5/2014 La Prensa, Nicaragua 

Experto comenta las revelaciones de AP sobre el “Twitter cubano”  4/5/2014 RIA Novosti: "Se mostró convencido de que se trata de una serie de programas clandestinos, poco transparentes, acciones encubiertas, con un objetivo claro que es crear una situación en la cual en un determinado momento se pueda usar las redes sociales para crear un estado de rebelión, un estado de desorganización y caos."

Is USAID the New CIA? Agency Secretly Built Cuban Twitter Program To Fuel Anti-Castro Protests  4/4/2014 Havana Times: Democracy Now - "We speak to Peter Kornbluh, director of the Cuba Documentation Project at the National Security Archive. He recently wrote an article in Foreign Policy called, “Our Man in Havana: Was USAID planning to overthrow Castro?”"

Struggling to Film in America’s Chokehold - Cuban Moviemakers Feeling Burden of U.S. Embargo  4/4/2014 NYT: "What hasn’t changed, however, are the financial and legal restrictions that make transferring money to Cuba illegal without a special license from the United States Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control." [Absolutely false, as all information products can be sold by Cubans to the US market without any license or government oversight whatsoever. See our Berman Amendment page.]

US secretly created 'Cuban Twitter' to stir unrest and undermine government  4/3/2014 Guardian/AP: "At its peak, the project drew in more than 40,000 Cubans to share news and exchange opinions. But its subscribers were never aware it was created by the US government, or that American contractors were gathering their private data in the hope that it might be used for political purposes."

Primavera en Miami con una esquina rota  3/30/2014 En 2310 y 8225: "Se sabe, o se supone, que Miami es la base de operaciones de la parte más conservadora y rica de la comunidad cubana en Estados Unidos. Está documentado que aquí cocinó la CIA muchas operaciones encubiertas contra Cuba. También que hay gente que vive, literalmente, del Bloqueo y la Ley de Ajuste Cubano –gracias al contrabando de productos o personas–, y de los fondos del gobierno federal para “promover la democracia” en Cuba. Sobre todo, Miami es un lugar cuya intolerancia política muchas personas comparan con La Habana, con el Miami Herald en lugar del Granma, Ileana Ros por Fidel y Vigilia Martiana como los CDR."

Lesbofobia en Cuba: Denuncian caso de acoso laboral  3/28/2014 Negra Cubana Tenia que Ser 

Lesbofobia en Cuba: Denuncian caso de acoso laboral  3/28/2014 Proyecto Arco Iris: "El trabajo en cuestión hace referencia a la situación de Liana, mujer negra de 43 de años de edad, quien se desempeñaba como Subdirectora Comercial de dicha empresa desde hacia 7 años y quien fuera sancionada, en proceso sospechosamente expedito, a democión definitiva del cargo a otro de inferior categoría, por llamarle la atención a un trabajador que estaba consintiendo el maltrato de la propiedad social al permitir que un cliente permaneciera sentado sobre una de las mesas del Cibecorreo. Ahora la dirección de la Empresa reclama “considerando que esto carece de fundamentos” en una carta otra vez plagada de mentiras con las que intentan justificar su proceder, sus argumentos."

Cuba plans big tax breaks to lure foreign investors: official media  3/26/2014 Reuters 

In Cuba,U.S.embargo elicits a shrug  3/24/2014 Al Jazeera: "An economy in which the state was once the sole employer now includes a growing gray zone of private enterprises operating with the consent of the authorities. That reflects an effort by the communist leadership to stimulate an economy stunted by low growth, despite its relatively high human development index and bountiful government benefits. Only a small number of citizens have seen their living standards improve over the past two decades."

Cubans with money revel in booming social circuit  3/24/2014 AP 

President Jimmy Carter visits Drapetomania at The 8th Floor  3/23/2014 The 8th Floor: "The 8th Floor was proud to host a social event On Sunday, March 23rd, attended by President Jimmy Carter and by his grandson, Georgia State Senator Jason Carter. President Jimmy Carter visited The 8th Floor, the art gallery supported by philanthropists and art collectors Shelley and Donald Rubin in New York City, where the art exhibit Drapetomanía: Grupo Antillano and the Art of Afro-Cuba, curated by Harvard professor Alejandro de la Fuente, is currently on display. Organized by Rachel Weingeist, Director of The 8th Floor, the event allowed a group of supporters and friends of President Carter to mingle with the President and to experience a sample of Cuban contemporary art."

Uruguay President Conditions Gitmo Transfers on Releasing Cubans  3/21/2014 AntiWar: "Mujica said the talk on the Gitmo detainees was “far from over,” and added that the detentions of the Cuban prisoners was also “shameful” and should be resolved at the same time. The White House responded with a statement saying they consider Mujica a “valuable partner,” and insisted they are “not aware” of the request for the Cubans, even though it was made very publicly."

I really think this conference in Miami, without threats or police deployment, is a sign of change  3/20/2014 En 2310 y 8225: By Sandra Abd'Allah-Alvarez Ramírez, interviewing Yasmin Silvia

“Realmente creo que esta conferencia en Miami, sin amenazas ni despliegue policial, es una señal de cambio”  3/19/2014 Negra Cubana: Por Sandra Abd'Allah-Alvarez Ramírez, entrevisando a Yasmin Silvia

Dos de cada tres (Los Fanjul)  3/16/2014 Desde La Ceiba 

Cuban Americans hold rare meeting to discuss normalizing Cuba relations  3/15/2014 Reuters: "The one-day event was organized by four groups led by Cuban Americans for Engagement (CAFE), founded two years ago to counteract the influence of traditional Cuban exile organizations that support the embargo. Held at a hotel conference room it attracted about 125 attendees, including several invited speakers from Cuba. "This is a historic event that unites different organizations that are willing to sit down and discuss ways to stimulate the normalization of relations," said Hugo Cancio, publisher of OnCuba, a Miami-based magazine which opened an office in Cuba last year."

DISIDENCIAS: El socialismo no es suficiente  3/8/2014 Negra Cubana: "Y cuando Fidel nos dio una olla de presión, en pleno congreso de mujeres, ninguna de nosotras se paró a explicarle que la rapidez del artefacto, y por tanto la eficiencia en las labores domésticas, nada tiene que ver con una visión progresista de nuestra incorporación social. No necesitábamos cazuelas, necesitábamos menos patriarcado y más tiempo para nosotras mismas."

Tour bookers hopeful U.S. may ease rules on travel to Cuba  3/3/2014 CNBC: "I think there will be general licenses before the spring is over," said John McAuliff, the executive director of the U.S. not-for-profit Fund for Reconciliation and Development. "It means you can stay in bed and breakfasts, eat in private restaurants, take the public buses, rent a car and pick up Cuban hitchhikers. It becomes a totally different process of engagement." "

Prominent art dealer: Paintings stolen from Cuba’s National Museum of Fine Arts now in Miami  3/2/2014 Cuba Headlines 

President Dilma Rousseff Praises Work of Cuban Doctors in Brazil  2/28/2014 Radio Havana 

Socialist Cuba Exports Health Care, Gains Important Recognition  2/25/2014 CounterPunch: "Operation Miracle reportedly has improved or restored vision for 3.4 million individuals. That measure of the project’s reach takes on additional meaning through World Health Organization data showing that 39 million people in the world are blind. These figures are within reach of one another, especially because most visual impairment – 80 percent – is preventable or curable."

Cojeando... ¿hasta el éxito?  2/13/2014 Diario de Cuba: "Alfredo me muestra emails impresos de hoteles (Melia Cayo Santa María, Sandals Royal Hicacos, Sol Cayo Largo) que han solicitado su producto para comercializarlo. Ha logrado formulaciones para champú color y acondicionador color. Además, puede impartir clases de peluquería para la aplicación del producto. La representante de Alfredo ha enviado cartas a Marino Murillo y otros funcionarios para que se agilice el otorgamiento de la personalidad jurídica. Ha recibido respuestas y hay todo un cartapacio de cartas, según él, pero todo sigue igual. Muchas personas están a la espera de que empiece a producirse la línea de productos Núñez Elías, y sobre todo él, que ve en ello la posibilidad de prosperar."

Griffey Jr. y Barry Larkin en La Habana  2/8/2014 Cubadebate: "La muchedumbre de la Peña del Parque Central habanero no se lo podía creer, y algunos incluso llegaron a enjugarse los ojos, como en las películas: inesperadamente, delante de ellos se aparecieron Ken Griffey Jr. y Barry Larkin, dos monstruos sagrados de la historia reciente de las Grandes Ligas estadounidenses."

Jóvenes sudafricanos viajarán a Cuba para estudiar medicina  2/7/2014 Cubadebate 

The Fanjul flak: Typical Miami schizophrenia  2/7/2014 Progreso 

Directo al bolsillo de Fanjul  2/6/2014 Cartas desde Cuba: "El conocido anticastrista Mauricio Claver-Carone amenazó al magnate azucarero Alfonso Fanjul con hacer campaña para que le retiren las subvenciones."

Ros-Lehtinen intercedió en favor de banqueros fugitivos de Ecuador  2/6/2014 Cubadebate: "La congresista republicana Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, representante por Florida, también intercedió en favor de dos banqueros ecuatorianos que están fugitivos de su país por malversación de fondos, reportó hoy la prensa de Estados Unidos."

Diaz-Balart to sugar baron: Hey, Alfy, try crying for democracy in Cuba instead of lost mansion  2/6/2014 Naked Politics: "Outraged by a Washington Post report about Florida Crystals' Alfonso Fanjul appearing to sidle up to Cuba's regime, Republican Representatives Mario Diaz-Balart, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Sen. Marco Rubio are hammering away at him. Meantime, Democratic Rep. Joe Garcia has held his fire."

Embajador de Haití reconoce solidaridad de Cuba  2/5/2014 Cubadebate 

Florida Rep Helped Fugitive Embezzlers  2/4/2014 Daily Beast: "Sen. Robert Menendez is under federal investigation for his advocacy on behalf of two Ecuadorian bankers convicted of embezzlement. Turns out he wasn’t the only prominent lawmaker accepting donations and doing favors for the brothers. Florida Republican Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, while she was Chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, sent a letter to federal agencies on behalf of two Ecuadorian bankers convicted of embezzlement who were seeking U.S. residency. She also advocated for their family members, who donated over $20,000 to her campaign."

Magnate azucarero Alfonso Fanjul dispuesto ahora a invertir en Cuba bajo “circunstancias adecuadas”  2/2/2014 Progreso Semanal: "Pero el cambio de Fanjul es mucho más significativo. No solo él y su familia controlan una de las mayores operaciones de azúcar en el mundo, sino que también han estado entre los mayores donantes a grupos de activistas como la Fundación Nacional Cubano-Americana y el U.S.-Cuba Democracy PAC, que han sido defensores activos de las sanciones comerciales."

Sugar tycoon Fanjul open to investing in Cuba under ‘right circumstances’  2/2/2014 WaPo: "But the shift by Fanjul is far more significant. Not only do he and his family control one of the largest sugar operations in the world, but they also have been major donors to activist groups, such as the Cuban American National Foundation and the U.S.-Cuba Democracy PAC, that have been vocal advocates for trade sanctions."

Asesinan a Tony Díaz  2/1/2014 Proyecto Arco Iris: "El asesinato de Tony Díaz sucedió en circunstancias que aún están por esclarecer por parte de la policía. Todo parece indicar que será un nuevo crimen de odio hacia la comunidad LGTB en Cuba, la cual ha visto un aumento de este tipo de flagelo en los últimos tres años. El homicidio es uno más en una lista de crímenes de odio hacia la comunidad LGTB en Cuba que en el 2013 reportó más de cuarenta asesinatos a homosexuales en iguales circunstancias. Figuras públicas como el bailarín y coreógrafo guantanamero Alfredo Velázquez y el economista Eduardo Pérez de Corcho, fueron parte de una amplia lista de muertes, algunas aún no aclaradas."

Richmond’s people to people delegation: How beautiful is Cuba!  1/29/2014 SF Bay View: "“Cuba is neither the hell that our enemies like to pretend it is nor the paradise that our friends wish it to be, but a country which struggles just like many others.” This is the assessment of our Cuban tour guide during the last day of our 10-day, 10-person people to people visit to Cuba in December 2013, led by the mayor of Richmond, California, Gayle McLaughlin."

Operación Peter Pan, cerrando el círculo en Cuba  1/25/2014 Jiribilla: "¿Estaba la CIA detrás de toda la Operación, financiando las acciones?" [Si, asi lo reconocio el proprio hijo del agente responsible.]

Detenido en Cuba Maxim Martsinkevich líder del grupo antigay extremista  1/20/2014 Proyecto Arco Iris: "Maxim Martsinkevich, el líder neonazi ruso que durante mucho tiempo ha torturado a gays de Rusia y otros países de Europa del Este, ha sido detenido en Cuba acusado de un cargo de extremismo. Los días en libertad del conocido como ‘Tesak’, ‘Machete’, han llegado a su fin gracias a una orden dictaminada por un tribunal ruso en el mes de diciembre de 2013 y a la colaboración de la policía cubana. En RAGAP llevamos mucho tiempo siguiendo los pasos de este peligroso delincuente, denunciando sus crímenes con la esperanza de verle entre rejas. Y por fin, parece que ese día ha llegado."

Ordenanzas de la ciudad, otro “amarre” para los cuentapropistas?  1/17/2014 La Esquina de Lilith: "Significa, además, que posiblemente cientos de familias que apuntalaban la economía familiar con el alquiler de espacios de sus viviendas podrían quedarse sin esa entrada, sin contar con lo que significa para los propios cuentapropistas que, con la nueva ley para esa actividad, invirtieron en toldos, mesetas… Lo peor, no obstante, es la sensación de inestabilidad que, ahora mismo, ronda a quienes ejercen esa actividad que, cada año hasta ahora, se incrementado sus aportes al presupuesto nacional."


Haitian Official Stresses Cuba's Regional Integration Role  1/3/2014 Periodico 26: "Under Cuba's presidency, the Community established relations with the BRICS group of countries, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Cuba is the door to this region and the bridge between the Caribbean and Latin America, said the Haitian official, who explained that the island has been the chair of the organization as part of a troika that also includes Chile and Costa Rica."

Prison Visits Banned for One of Cuban Five  12/28/2013 Periodico 26 

Cuban TV Industry Takes Another Step towards Digital Switchover  12/26/2013 Havana Reporter: "Cuban specialists recently presented the first working prototype of an integrated digital television set manufactured in Cuba, using liquid crystal display (LCD) and light emitting diodes (LEDs)."

Barack Obama y Raúl Castro: ¿Más que un saludo?  12/10/2013 Huff Post: "El problema es que en el caso cubano, la política estadounidense no promueve el derecho a disentir sino selecciona a opositores favoritos, promoviendo un cambio de régimen impuesto desde Washington que hiere las fuertes sensibilidades nacionalistas en la isla. La política estadounidense no promueve un mayor espacio para una oposición leal en Cuba. Al contrario, es un obstáculo y una distracción al desprestigiar las demandas democráticas con acciones intervencionistas. De hecho, una política de distensión e intercambio tendría más credibilidad en la promoción de los derechos humanos pues enfatizaría en procesos, no en resultados a imponer."

Raul Castro’s Speech at Mandela’s Memorial  12/10/2013 Jamaicans in Solidarity with Cuba 

Obama Reaches Out to Cuba’s Leader, but the Meaning May Elude Grasp  12/10/2013 NYT 

The Need to Speed up Changes in Oriente  12/7/2013 AfroCubaWeb: "No one can accept that a lack of attractions is the culprit for Oriente underdevelopment. The area holds the home site of the Rough Riders landing in Daiquiri and Siboney, San Juan Hills, the Morro Castle and the sunken wreckage of the Spanish fleet. General Antonio Maceo’s home and Square, the Bacardi Museum, Jose Marti Mausoleum, Santa Efigenia cemetery, the Gran Piedra Coffee ruins, the Moncada Garrison, the Basilica of the Virgin of Charity, the site of the Protest of Baragua and Loma del Gato, where General Jose Maceo fell in combat are all close at hand. We also have the English Speaking Caribbean and Haitian community in Goat Hill in Guantanamo, Caimanera overlooking the Guantanamo Naval Base, the Alexander Humbolt Biophere reserve and Baracoa. The sites of the beginning of Cuba’s two Wars of Independence, the city where the national anthem was written, the home of the Father of the Cuban Nation, the site where slaves were freed, the Granma landing and the Sierra Maestra are all there. One of Cuba’s best beaches in Guardalavaca, Christopher Columbus' landing site in Bariay and Cuba’s largest arqueological dig in Banes suffice to attract an additional million tourists to Cuba."

Mandela: Cuba’s Solidarity is Unparalleled in African History  12/7/2013 Jamaicans in Solidarity with Cuba 

Mandela: Cuba had a Place in the Heart of Africa  12/6/2013 Periodico 26: "From the beginning, the Cuban Revolution was a source of inspiration for all freedom-loving peoples. I admired the sacrifice of the Cuban people in preserving their Independence and sovereignty in the face of imperialist campaigns aimed at destroying the impressive achievements of the Cuban Revolution. Madiba, as his people also call him, went on to address the essential difference between the presence of Cuban internationalists in Africa and nationals of other countries, who were there to exploit its natural resources. Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace prize in 1993. South Africa and Cuba have enjoyed stable bilateral cooperation in many fields since Mandela was elected president in 1994, cooperating that is ongoing. The relationship between the South African leader and Fidel Castro was one of the most emotional chapters during the visits by the Cuban leader to South Africa. Fidel is my Friend, Mandela used to say whenever they two men met. Fidel first visited South Africa in May 1994 to attend Mandela's swearing-in ceremony, he went again in 1998 and then in 2001. During his stay in 1998 Fidel gave a speech in which he said that Nelson Mandela would not fade into history because in 27 years in prison he did not renounce his ideas. Fidel said that Mandela he will be remembered in history because what he did renounce was any hard feelings that such unjust punishment could have sown in his heart."

Arcoiris: Un proyecto cubano que lucha contra la discriminación de la comunidad LGBT  12/3/2013 Global Voices: Escrito por Sandra Abd'Allah-Alvarez Ramírez

Ending the Cuba Travel Crisis  12/3/2013 The Nation: "Ricardo Alarcón, former foreign minister and retired president of the National Assembly said, in relation: In terms of changing Cuban society, the most effective ambassadors are the Cubans coming back, somebody living on the corner bringing gadgets from Miami. When they are in their dining rooms they probably are not pretending to mislead. They will say work is harder in the US. They can bring some different element here, maybe in fashion or music. So you will get a mutual influence. I don’t really see a problem with that. They have been coming back for years. So?"

U.S. Promises To Help Cuba Find New Bank For Diplomatic Mission  11/28/2013 Fox 

Cuba suspends consular services in US over lack of banking  11/26/2013 BBC 

La Zona de Desarrollo del Mariel. Potencialidad y Riesgos.  11/25/2013 AfroCubaWeb: "Escépticos, fatalistas y enemigos, presagian el fracaso del ZED debido a la severa falta de vías de comunicación en el país, deficiente abasto de agua, alcantarillado, electricidad, lentitud cibernética, deplorable comercio minorista, transporte, construcción, servicios de apoyo, correos, viviendas y la mentalidad de algunos en el siglo XX. Ignoran o subvaloran los cientos de miles de profesionales, técnicos y científicos que Cuba ha formado, lo que le permite calificarlos y recalificarlos para asumir cualquier responsabilidad, a diferencia de muchos países vecinos que partirían de cero."

El acto final de Kennedy: acercarse a Cuba  11/22/2013 Cubadebate 

Will Cuban Reforms Create More Inequality? - James Early  11/20/2013 Reality Asserts Itself/YouTube: "On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, James Early who has visited Cuba more than thirty times says what's needed is more citizen participation and less centralization but Cuba is not headed towards the Chinese capitalist model."

Princeton University Confronts Meningitis Epidemic Preventable in Cuba  11/18/2013 CounterPunch: "Princeton University students have a problem, one not of their own making. Since March, seven of them have contracted bacterial meningitis due to the type B form of the meningococcal microorganism. Vaccines that work against microbes causing the vast majority of cases of bacterial meningitis are readily available in the United States but not a vaccine capable of preventing type B meningococcal meningitis. As a result, Princeton students are at risk. Yet 55 million doses of a type B vaccine have been administered in 15 other countries, mostly in Latin America. The vaccine’s name is VA-MENGOC-BC, and it comes from Cuba. Under the anti-Cuban U.S. economic blockade, Cuban exports to the United States are forbidden."

Obama habla de Cuba entre gusanos  11/9/2013 CubaDebate: "El “aquí” era la casa del presidente de la Fundación Nacional Cubano Americana, Jorge Mas Santos, donde Obama asistió durante una hora a un evento de recaudación de fondos del Partido Demócrata, durante su estancia de medio día en Miami. “La gente como la que vemos hoy aquí” eran el mercenario Guillermo Fariñas y la jefa de las Damas de Blanco, Bertha Soler."

Cuban Government Agency Investigates Incident of Homophobic Violence First Reported Online  11/7/2013 Global Voices: "The Cuban intellectual Alberto Abreu Arcia reported in his blog Afromodernidades about an incident of physical violence against a group of homosexual men in the city of Cardenas, in the western province of Matanzas, on October 4. The National State Center for Sex Education (CENESEX in Spanish) then started an investigation."

Denuncia en la redes de violencia homofóbica en Cuba es investigada por centro estatal  11/5/2013 Global Voices: "Este es otro ejemplo de cómo acontecimientos en la sociedad cubana que primero están presentes en la redes sociales y espacios digitales, a través de denuncias de blogueros, blogueras y activistas, tienen finalmente repercusión en las instituciones oficiales."

Exjueza de EE.UU. pide a Obama liberar a los Cinco  11/4/2013 CubaDebate: "Morcom envió una carta al mandatario y recordó que Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González y Ramón Labañino solo defendieron a su tierra natal contra ataques injustificados, informó el Comité Internacional por la liberación de Los Cinco, como se les conoce a esos hombres a nivel mundial…. Morcom fue la primera mujer afroamericana en trabajar en un bufete integral de abogados y es una destacada defensora de los derechos humanos."

The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: Only One Writer Interviewed the Key Government Investigators. Edward Jay Epstein. He Was a Senior in College.  11/4/2013 Huff Post 

Soft Landing in Cuba? Emerging Entrepreneurs and Middle Classes  11/1/2013 Brookings Institution 

Continúan llegando correos de solidaridad por el texto Cocheros homofóbicos  10/22/2013 Afromodernidades: "La calle es de todos."

Cuba: Beginning of the End of Dual Currency  10/22/2013 Havana Times: 'Many economists believe that the dual currency distorts accounting and hampers economic productivity on the island. Monetary unification “is not a measure that will resolve all the current economic problems, but its implementation is essential to ensure the restoration of the value of the Cuban peso,” noted the official Granma newspaper on Tuesday."

More Americans are traveling to Cuba  10/21/2013 Progreso Weekly: "Some 98,050 Americans visited Cuba in 2012, according to recently released Cuban government statistics (site in Spanish). That’s up from 73,566 in 2011. In fact, the Cuban charts show U.S. arrivals have been rising steadily since 2006,when 36,808 American arrivals were reported. A recent Reuters report noted that the Cuban count excludes visits paid by an estimated 350,000 Cuban Americans, whom Cuban officials view as Cuban nationals."

Díaz-Canel: “Hace falta un pensamiento más fresco y revolucionario en la promoción cultural”  10/20/2013 Cubarte: "Después de estos días de debate, parece que queda poco por decir, comentaba Miguel Díaz-Canel, Primer Vicepresidente cubano, antes de leer las palabras que cerraron el Segundo Congreso de la AHS [Associacion Hermanos Saiz].

¿Por qué está en prisión la disidente cubana Sonia Garro?  10/18/2013 Global Voices 

50 YEARS AFTER THE ASSASSINATION OF KENNEDY The frustrated CIA and Chiefs of Staff coup  10/17/2013 Granma: by Gabriel Molina Franchossi - "It is not by chance that the most public defenders of the group of Cuban gangsters suspected of conspiring in the plot, are supported in eluding justice by Ileana Ros Lehtinen, Mario Díaz-Balart and a group of Congress members financed with resources that the government grants them in the name of freedom. Obama would seem to have forgotten that, right after his election, these ultra-conservatives refused to meet with him. Ileana Ros went so far as to refuse a telephone conversation with him. This group, which has the backing of the pro-Israeli lobby and the military-industrial complex, has hijacked U.S. Cuba policy, despite the fact that both civil and economic actors in U.S. society has stated that the normalization of relations is as important for the United States as it is for Cuba."

Trabajo por cuenta propia revela tensiones de género en Cuba  10/14/2013 Global Voices: por Sandra Abd'Allah-Alvarez Ramírez

Why is Cuban Dissident Sonia Garro in Prison?  10/12/2013 Global Voices 

Cocheros homofóbicos agreden a grupos gays en Cárdenas.  10/4/2013 Afromodernidades: "Y allí pienso estar, al lado de ellos, porque lo cierto es que a pesar del machete, los planazos, los fustazos, el coche, los cocheros y otros atributos de un entorno pre, uno se cansa. Si las leyes y las instituciones llamadas a ampararnos llegan: perfecto, sino ya da igual. Los maricones tan bien tenemos sangre en las venas, y vamos descubriendo otras formas de empoderarnos, quizás no tan civilizadas (contenidas, disciplinadas), pero son las armas, el otro saber: el saber de gente, que vamos encontrando noche a noche, para el vivir, pensar y enfrentar la calle."

En La Habana, la Keiderling enseño su verdadera cara de agente CIA  10/1/2013 Kaos en la red: "Keiderling tenía presupuesto ilimitado; fue hasta sugerir llevarse a su ahijada a Estados Unidos a “estudiar con una beca” y propuso a “Daniel” crear una “agencia literaria”, siempre con el propósito de influir en los círculos artísticos cubanos. "Se crea la pagina web Agencia Literaria Cubana Online, desde la cual se difundían los autores y se vendían obras, pero la idea empieza a convertirse en otra cosa, dicen que quiere que agrupe no solo a escritores sino también a artistas, músicos, que se coordinara con otras embajadas, como la alemana, etc... Para todo ello iba a recibir financiación”, recordó Raúl Capote al describir el trabajo de inteligencia de la Keiderling."

Crean cooperativas en la Oficina del Historiador  9/27/2013 Opus Havana: "Hoy viernes fueron constituidas oficialmente dos cooperativas no agropecuarias de primer grado de la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad: la de vidriería Vidria y la de metales Calflat. En el acto, efectuado en la Casa Pedroso, y en el que intervino Eusebio Leal Spengler para saludar la iniciativa y desear éxitos a los cooperativistas, se conoció que estas se crearon con el objetivo de diversificar el trabajo en la institución en una nueva modalidad, utilizando en este caso específico la experiencia de graduados y profesores de la Escuela Taller Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos."

Cuba expands list of allowed private sector jobs  9/26/2013 AFP: "The Communist Party daily Granma reported that among the 18 newly authorized private sector occupations is that of real estate agent, in keeping with an earlier decision to legalize private real estate transactions. Vendors of agricultural produce and telecommunications salespeople also have been added to the list."

Clay Shaw, Big Sugar and the Everglades  9/18/2013 CounterPunch: Big sugar = Domino Sugar, owned by the Fanjul brothers, central pilars of the exiled plantocracy.

U.S. ordered to disclose payments to reporters covering the Cuban Five case  9/18/2013 Granma 

Abrirá en Cuba oficina de televisora iraní en español  9/14/2013 Jiribilla: "La televisora iraní Hispantv, primera cadena de información y entretenimiento en español de Oriente Medio, abrirá próximamente una oficina en Cuba, anunció este jueves en La Habana, Omar Olazábal, Vicepresidente del Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión."

Obama should return Guantanamo to Cuba, former U.S. envoy says  9/2/2013 Reuters: "Obama, by negotiating a deal with Cuban leader Raul Castro about the base on the communist island, could build a long-term relationship with its people, said Michael Parmly, head of the U.S. interests section in Havana from 2005-2008."

Cuban Cinema at a Crossroads: Independent Productions on the Island  8/30/2013 Havana Times: "Calviño believes that “the first step would be to create a legal platform for independent productions. Today, we can’t even sign a contract or open our own bank account,” she explains, adding that the important thing “is to be allowed to work without the stress of thinking one is doing something illegal.”"

Havana, destination Cuba  8/30/2013 On Cuba: "During the first decade of the century, 15% of the total population living in Cuba lived in a province different from their birth. The figure has risen but Havana was and still is, the most popular migration destination on the Island."

"Black-Budget": Cuba Remains Priority for U.S. Counter-Intelligence  8/29/2013 Capitol Hill Cubans: "One of the things revealed in the "black budget" is the following: U.S. intelligence officials take an active interest in foes as well as friends. Pakistan is described in detail as an “intractable target,” and counterintelligence operations “are strategically focused against [the] priority targets of China, Russia, Iran, Cuba and Israel.” The latter is a U.S. ally but has a history of espionage attempts against the United States."

Eusebio Leal: Everything can be rectified  8/29/2013 Granma: "Perhaps this is the moment when we have more and more complex works," affirmed City Historian Eusebio Leal, leader of the rehabilitation of Old Havana, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO."

A business-friendly Cuba gets a hand from Canada  8/29/2013 Toronto Globe & Mail: “The irony is those that will save the Revolution are the emerging small- and medium-sized private businesses,” he says. “And those that could destroy it are those elements in the bureaucracy that resist these changes.”

Cuba’s “All-Terrain” Doctors Arrive in Brazil  8/28/2013 Havana Times: "This past weekend, Brazil welcomed the first 400 of a contingent of 4,000 Cuban medical doctors, hired to provide health services to populations living in the remotest and poorest areas of the Latin American giant. Brazil’s doctors association opposes the measure, but the administration of Dilma Rouseff considers it a matter of public interest and a social issue of the highest priority."

Fidel Castro labels libellous report Cuba blocked Snowden travel  8/28/2013 Reuters: "Castro, in his column, blasted Kommersant as a well known "counter-revolutionary" and "mercenary" newspaper. "I admire the courageous and just declarations of Snowden," Castro wrote."

The Privatization of Education in Cuba: Kissing the Right Frog  8/27/2013 Havana Times: "In this connection, Zulema’s day care center is one case among many others, which include private schools maintained by international organizations, to which the children of Cuba’s nouveaux riches flock in a mad, happy rush. As such, Cuban society is slowly becoming exposed to two visibly different ways of accessing education. At the top, we have the children of those who have come out victorious in the process of capitalist restoration, comfortable in their private institutions and nurseries. At the very broad base, we have the heirs of poverty, in an educational system that is in shambles, with badly-paid teachers and ramshackle facilities. Some go up while others plunge further down."

Russian media report: How Snowden missed his flight to Cuba  8/26/2013 CS Monitor: "A Kommersant source who is close to the US State Department confirmed that Cuba was one of the countries whose authorities had been warned by the US that any assistance provided to Snowden will lead to 'adverse consequences.' Later Vladimir Putin said that the United States 'in fact, blocked [Snowden's] further flight' to Latin America," leaving him stuck in Russia."

A Glimpse into the Cuban Demographic Sphere  8/24/2013 Periodico 26: "Grisel Rodríguez Gómez, who is a PhD. and professor of the Demographic Studies Center from the University of Havana city, explained that since 1978 the Cuban population is below its level of generation replacement , which means that each woman does not have a daughter who could replace her in the reproductive role and that it is the main cause of the local population aging."

New details on USAID's Cuba programs  8/23/2013 Along the Malecon 

Indiegogo refusing to release funds donated for legal Cuba travel  8/22/2013 Cuba News: "U.S. citizens collecting funds for legal Cuba tours and other legal Cuba projects should be warned not to use online fundraising sites such as Indiegogo. Recently there have been incidents in which legal participants on legal Cuba research tours attempted to raise funds for their Cuba travel on the site In one case, Indiegogo is refusing to release the $1400 raised by a legal Cuba traveler, claiming their bank didn't have approval from OFAC. In the second case, Indiegogo shut down a legal Cuba traveler's Indiegogo webpage when he had raised $400."

Illegal Dental Work on the Rise in Cuba  8/22/2013 Havana Times: "Generally speaking, dentists with private clinics are specialists or technicians from the field who continue to work for the State or quit their day jobs in search of financial improvement. They have clinics with basic conditions at home and no license to operate. In fact, no one is authorized by the government to offer health services privately, as a self-employed professional. Another practice consists of offering dental appointments and diagnostic procedures outside State clinics, in private residences, and conducting the actual surgery in the government institution, using the equipment and supplies there illegally."

Lalita también era bloguera #Cuba  8/19/2013 Cayo Hueso: "Como yo, Lalita también era bloguera, quizás un pasaje algo desconocido de su vida. Y digo como yo, porque sé que sembré en ella el bichito de publicar en internet nuestras ideas sin censores ni cortapisas. Si algo distinguía su proceder era abrirle las puertas de sus libros y sus reflexiones a los y las jóvenes que la buscaban para escuchar una historia no oficial de varios acontecimientos socio-culturales. Pero también aprendía de hip hop, de nuevas tecnologías. Por eso pudo acoger con humildad y entusiasmo la idea de tener un blog."

A Tourist’s Look at the Cuban Tourism Industry  8/17/2013 Havana Times: "Whatever stresses are placed on Cuba now could be multiplied if Americans are allowed to travel to Cuba in greater numbers. A television documentary here quoted a high ranking Cuban official to the effect that Cuba would need many more golf courses to accommodate an expanded tourist industry. Who could have predicted that more than 50 years after the Cuban Revolution, Cuba would be dependent on tourists from wealthy countries? Marx, Engels, Lenin, Marti, etc. did not write anything on how to deal with such a challenge. The Cubans will be obliged to figure it out for themselves."

Celebran Aniversario 26 de los Joven Club de Computación  8/16/2013 CubaDebate 

Cuba’s Journey on the Internet: There’s a Long March Ahead  8/14/2013 Time: "only 25% of the population is online" [This figure comes from official sources.]

Bloqueo de Estados Unidos irrumpe en la vida íntima de los cubanos  8/7/2013 La Polemica Digital 

Internet access now a reality for some Cubans, but not cheap at $4.50 an hour  8/6/2013 CNN 

CUBITA LA BELLA: Claro que si, el bloqueo existe'  8/6/2013 Negra Cubana: "Mire, solo le podemos efectuar el pago si el dinero viene a nombre de una persona que no sea cubana, o sea si Ud. conoce a alguien que pudiera cobrarle el dinero… Western Union es una empresa americana y por el embargo su país no consta aquí, su pasaporte no puede ser usado para extraer ese dinero aunque esté a su nombre."

ONLY IN AMERIKKA, THE LAND OF THE IMPRISONED  8/5/2013 Afrocubalicious: published 2009, still topical - "A group of Japanese lawyers and institutions are among the growing number of people and organizations to sign 12 Amicus Curiae presented on March 6 by the defence lawyers of Gerardo Hernández, René González, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and Ramón Labañino —known as the Cuban Five. Japanese lawyer and former legislator Osamu Yatabe explained to JR how in a short period of time several Japanese legal and human rights organizations got together to sign the Amicus Curiae."

Excerpt: Gangsterismo: The United States, Cuba, and the Mafia, 1933-1966  8/4/2013 CubaNews: "When Masferrer went into exile in the United States, Park Wollam, U.S. consul general in Santiago de Cuba, sounded a warning: Masferrer could become a political embarrassment for the Eisenhower Administration. A CIA memorandum reported that Masferrer was infamous for the use of his private army, known as the “Tigers,” to terrorize Batista’s civilian opponents. “Masferrer is considered here to typify the worst of the former [Batista] regime,” Wollam wrote from Foggy Bottom in January 1959. “The name ‘Masferrista’ connotes assassination, torture, and extortion, and many local people have been subject to shakedowns by alleged members of his private army.” A report for the Special Research Office at the American University in Washington, D. C., called Masferrer “one of the most hated men in Cuba.” Norman LaCharite writes, “In Oriente, Batista’s close friend and ally, Senator Rolando Masferrer, had a personal army of 2,000 men who wore army uniforms and rode in khaki-colored short-wave radio cars. . . . [T]his vigilante force known as the Socialist Revolutionary Movement, worked hand-in-hand with the [Cuban] army in suppressing disorders and eliminating revolutionaries.”

Convertida la UNEAC en un velorio  8/2/2013 CubaNet: "Todos esos espacios de vida sociocultural han sido silenciados, dicen que por las quejas de un vecino. Es conocido que las quejas de este vecino empezaron a manifestarse desde hace tres años. Por la UNEAC pasó la Comisión de Contaminación Ambiental, la cual dictaminó que los 65 decibeles que allí se emiten no dañan la salud auditiva de nadie y que el audio está estructurado en la forma correcta. Sin embargo, El Hurón Azul ha permanecido cerrado durante casi tres meses, desde mayo hasta julio."

Violencia contra las mujeres busca espacio en la prensa  7/29/2013 SEMlac: "Desconocimiento y poca sensibilidad por parte de periodistas y profesionales de la comunicación, junto a dificultades para obtener testimonios y escasez de estadísticas conspiran contra el posicionamiento de la violencia contra las mujeres en las agendas editoriales de la prensa cubana."

Cuba’s Economic Performance in 2012  7/24/2013 CounterPunch 

El Asesinato de negros a mansalva en los Estados Unidos,  7/19/2013 AfroCubaWeb: "Más de 2 millones de profesionales Afroamericanos en todas las ramas del saber, 110 Universidades negras, 200,000 iglesias negras y el mayor conglomerado de negros en el mundo de las artes y deportes y millones de hombres ordinarios sin tabúes, jubilados o activos, constituyen la fuente donde se podrían atraer a más de un millón de familias preocupados por la seguridad personal de su familia, donde jamas ocurrirá un Emmet Till o Trayvon Martin, para residir en la antigua provincia de Oriente, con lo que Cuba podría duplicar de su producto nacional bruto, abonar salarios justo, abastecer el mercado e iniciar la recuperación de la decrepita infraestructura nacional."

Press Release of CAFE's denouncement of Mario Diaz-Balart's attempt to dismantle advancements in U.S. Cuba policy  7/19/2013 CAFE por Cuba: "Section 124 would effectively dismantle the "people-to-people" licensing program, allowing American citizens to travel to Cuba for educational purposes, by defunding the program. These licenses have allowed U.S. citizens to legally visit Cuba and experience the island first-hand, ending their reliance on the skewed portrayals of Cuban reality by either the U.S. government or the corporate-controlled media."

Cuban-American Group Opposes Bill to Stymie US-Cuba Exchange  7/19/2013 Havana Times: " A group of Cuban Americans supporting engagement between the US and Cuba to improve relations and settle differences is alarmed by a bill attached to a House appropriations bill for the fiscal year 2014 that would turn the clock back to the George W. Bush years. The annexed legislation, submitted by Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fl), was passed by a full house committee on Wednesday."

Cuba Sent “Obsolete Weapons” on North Korean Ship  7/16/2013 Havana Times: "American conservatives demanded that the Obama administration put an “immediate” stop to the meeting with Cuba on immigration policies. This should not take place “until (Havana) gives clear and consistent answers about this incident,” said Republican Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a leading Cuban-born opponent of any rapproachment between the two governments."

El periodismo que necesita Cuba  7/14/2013 CubaDebate: "El IX Congreso de la Unión de Periodistas de Cuba vivió este sábado una jornada de debate franco, cuestionador, autocrítico sobre las exigencias y urgencias del periodismo que requiere el socialismo cubano en el escenario mediático actual."

Cuba: Censorship on Government Websites  7/13/2013 Havana Times: "In short, I don’t see how the technical and financial limitations alluded to by Cuban authorities in connection with the full use of Internet’s potential could have anything to do with this restriction in the use of available technological resources."

Rectores de universidades cubanas visitan centros educacionales en Angola  7/12/2013 CubaDebate 

“Proyecto de ley Jay-Z y Beyoncé”: Otro capítulo oscuro  7/11/2013 CubaDebate: "Un proyecto de ley que acaba de ver la luz en un Subcomité de Apropiaciones limitaría el uso de fondos del Departamento del Tesoro estadounidenses “relacionados con los viajes u otras operaciones de intercambios no académicos” descritos en las restricciones legales estadounidenses de los viajes a Cuba."

Cuba: The Gloves are Off  7/11/2013 Havana Times: "Making Cuba’s official discourse reflect more and more aspects of everyday reality may well be one of the most important political processes undertaken on the island today. President Raul Castro’s pronouncements Sunday to the parliament were a clear expression of this process. He began by saying his criticisms would help the international press disparage Cuba, but went on to suggest that restricting the public debate of economic, political and social problems simply to deprive the enemy of potential weapons is misguided."

Raul Castro, hablando a calzón quitado  7/11/2013 Havana Times: "La aproximación entre el discurso y la realidad es uno de los procesos más importantes que se gestan en la política cubana actual. Y las palabras del Presidente Raúl Castro en la última reunión del parlamento fue una descarnada expresión de este cambio. Empezó afirmando que sus criticas servirían a la prensa internacional para denigrar a Cuba pero a renglón seguido descalificó la mentalidad que limita la difusión de los problemas económicos, políticos y sociales para no dar armas al enemigo."

Speech by President Raul Castro Ruz to the National Assembly of People’s Power, at the Havana Convention Center on July 7, 2013  7/10/2013 Havana Times: "I am abiding by the conviction that the first step in effectively overcoming the problem is to recognize its existence, in all its dimensions, and investigate the causes and conditions which have propitiated this phenomenon over many years."

Gallery owner seeks Cuba-Key West art swap  7/10/2013 Miami Herald 

The loss of ethical values and disrespect for good manners can be reversed by concerted action on the part of all social actors  7/8/2013 Granma: Speech by Raúl Castro Ruz - "This issue is not a pleasant one for anybody, but I am abiding by the conviction that the first step in effectively overcoming the problem is to recognize its existence, in all its dimensions, and investigate the causes and conditions which have propitiated this phenomenon over many years."

Senador socio de terrorista CIA amenaza a “cualquier” país que otorga asilo a Snowden  7/8/2013 Kaos en la Red: "Menéndez es este miembro del Senado quién se reunió el 17 de mayo de 2011 con Luis Posada Carriles, en un restaurante de West New York, para felicitar el viejo asesino para su indulto por un tribunal tejano, una operación dirigida por nada menos que Roger Noriega, el ex alto funcionario del Departamento de Estado. El senador famoso por sus lazos con la mafia, tanto italiana que cubanoamericana, es un aliado fiel de la Representante por Miami Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, la también Presidente del “Fondo de defensa” de Posada."

Disputa por el legado de Alfredo Guevara  7/7/2013 Marti Noticias: "Pero los Guevara reaccionaron con indignación y críticas. "Me encantaría que alguien se comunicara y me dijera qué hemos hecho mi hermano y yo que somos los propietarios y herederos legítimos junto a mis padres, para que saquen todas nuestras pertenencias y nos cambien hasta las cerraduras de las puertas", expresó Guevara."

Revista cultural cubana justifica ‘inventario’ al patrimonio del fallecido cineasta Alfredo Guevara  7/7/2013 Nuevo Herald: "La revista cultural estatal “La Jiribilla” justificó el inventario que realizaron las autoridades cubanas del patrimonio del fallecido cineasta Alfredo Guevara, en ausencia de sus herederos, y señaló la falta de tres importantes cuadros, cuya salida del país se había denegado."

Operación Alfredo Guevara o la "dolce vita" de un viejo comisario  7/5/2013 Café Fuerte: "A la semana del deceso, el Ministerio de Cultura declaraba su papelería patrimonio nacional y a los dos meses irrumpía en la vivienda en busca de documentos, memorias y obras de arte. Medió la denuncia oportuna de un vecino anónimo, realizada el jueves 27 de junio. Y mientras tanto, una funcionaria nos aclara que faltan solo "tres obras de maestros de la vanguardia cubana", sin especificar qué obras y de qué maestros, elementos claves para seguir el rastro de todo bien patrimonial expoliado o robado."

Ricardo Alarcón, expulsado del Buró Político del Partido  7/3/2013 CubaNet: "Pero también por la torpeza de los argumentos que, en enero de 2008, dio al joven estudiante de informática, Eliecer Ávila, para explicar durante un acto público por qué los cubanos tenían prohibido viajar fuera de la isla, por qué no tenían pleno acceso a Internet y por qué las promesas de prosperidad de la revolución no terminaban de cumplirse. “Si todos los cubanos pudieran viajar, el cielo se llenaría de aviones”, fue una de respuestas aquel día. Para algunos, de allí data el comienzo de su fin."

Reciben libros de Alfredo Guevara en la Universidad de Oriente  7/3/2013 Granma 

Che Guevara's 'betrayer' tells his side of the story after 40 years  7/3/2013 Guardian: "A few months later, on the day he and Debray were sentenced to 30 years in prison by a Bolivian military tribunal, Bustos learned that Guevara had been captured and executed. Hearing the news, he felt "as though the bullets that killed him had hit me, too … it was like losing a leader, a brother and a friend all at the same time"."

Hospitales cubanos se caen a pedazos y si los reparan, es con pacientes dentro  7/2/2013 CubaNet: "El doctor me mira sorprendido cuando le pregunto si considera que no se puede transportar a un paciente grave en un ascensor donde van otras personas. Al preguntarle me acuerdo de los ingresos hospitalarios con mi padre y la cantidad de veces que subí con él acostado en una camilla, luchando por protegerlo del hombre que sacaba un contenedor de basura, en presencia de médicos conversando que me obligaban a ver aquella situación como “normal”."

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