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The Discourse on Racism in Anti-Castro Publications, 2011-2013

Here we track issues of race and identity among the anti-Castro groups based primarily out of Miami and dissidents in Cuba as well as responses from Cuba and abroad. The term dissident is used to denote those who seek to overthrow the Cuban government and are generally paid from abroad, as opposed to the many critical voices in Cuba today who work within the system.

NED Funded

NED (National Endowment for Democracy) is a controversial US program which grew out of CIA efforts to fund dissidents around the world, at least in places whose government they wanted to modify or overthrow. After many revelations concerning covert funding, Ronald Reagan and Congress implemented NED where funding is transparent and known to all, at least for the initial recipients. For 2013, the numbers are listed in Democracy Programs in Cuba: the 2013 NED Report  2/14/2015 Havana Times and in We noted the following:

* Afro-Cuban Alliance, Miami,  2011 - $124,466 (2001-2008, >$60,000/year), publishes Islas: "To encourage greater discussion and academic analysis about racial issues in Cuba. Afro-Cuba Alliance will publish a quarterly journal to inform readers on the island and in the international community about racial issues in Cuba, the experience of civil rights movements, and the efforts of civil rights activists towards greater racial equality." Islas publishes dissidents fom the island, such as CIR members.

Afro-Cuba Alliance: 2013 Freedom of Information - $132,701, ISLAS: Quarterly Afro-Cuban Journal. "To encourage greater discussion and analysis about racial issues in Cuba. Afro-Cuba Alliance will publish a quarterly journal to inform readers on the island and in the international community about racial issues in Cuba, the experience of civil rights movements, and the efforts of civil rights activists towards greater racial equality." [Islas' last issue was October, 2013]

Afro-Cuba Alliance: 2013 Freedom of Information - $6,500 (Supplement), Promoting Racial Equality in Cuba. "To promote discussion about racial issues in Cuba and raise international awareness about the situation of Afro-Cubans." [Possilby used to find the travel of CIR to Pittsburgh and Miami, AfricAméricas Week to explore racism in Cuba, Afro-Latin culture, history and arts May 6-11, 2013, Pittsburgh.]

* Asociacion Diario de Cuba, Freedom of Information, $262,480 (Supplement: $2,480) in 2013. Diario de Cuba. "To strengthen the ability of Cuban civil society to articulate its concerns and to promote freedom of expression. Diario de Cuba, a Madrid-based organization, will engage independent journalists, artists, intellectuals and academics in Cuba to promote greater analysis on social, political, economic and cultural developments in Cuba. Diario de Cuba will showcase this information on its digital media platform at" [The Diario, based in Spain, is prolific on the topic of race in Cuba. As for race in Miami, es invisible!]

* Cuban Soul Foundation, Democratic Ideas and Values, $65,000 in 2013."Independent Cuban Artist’s Freedom of Expression. To empower independent artists to produce and perform their work in uncensored community venues and events. Cuban Soul Foundation (CSF) will support independent artistic groups in their efforts to establish community arts centers and studios. CSF will also help coordinate a series of events to showcase the work of artists participating in this program." Dedicated to hip hop. Their web site is, now in poor shape, They also have

* CubaNet News Inc., Miami, 2011 - $252,000, regularly prints articles on racism in Cuba, by CIR members and others. "To support independent Cuban journalists as they produce objective media content about the situation in Cuba. Cubanet will continue to present the work of independent journalists on its digital media platform at CubaNet will also provide independent Cuban journalists with training on the use of new technologies and digital security techniques."

* Cuban Democratic Directorate, Miami, Freedom of Information $700,000 in 2013. "Strengthening Civic Participation in Cuba. To promote greater freedom of information and civic activism in Cuba. Through its Radio Republic broadcasts, this Miami-based organization will provide programming that incorporates the views of democratic activists from Cuba and informs communities about local social, political, economic and cultural developments. Directorio will also provide training and technical assistance to local grassroots activists to carry out civic and community-building initiatives throughout Cuba." [ The Directorio is a principal minder for Jorge Luís García Pérez “Antúnez”, National Secretary of the National Front for Civic Resistance Orlando Zapata Tamayo]

* Plataforma de Integración Cubana, Freedom of Information. $100,400 in 2013. "Promoting Racial Integration. To promote greater discussion on racial issues in Cuba. Working with academics and activists inside and outside the island, Plataforma will publish a journal on various issues affecting the Afro-descendent population in Cuba. In addition, Plataforma will conduct various public events to raise international awareness about the topic."

Dissidents in Cuba


Citizens Committee for Racial Integration (CIR)
Havana, Cuba and Miami, US. 

Movimiento de Integración Racial Juan Gualberto Gómez (MIR)

Partido Arco Progresista (PARP)
Havana Cuba and Miami. Their website, Desde Cuba, is registered by Yoani Sanchez, a dissident manufactured via a new media paradigm.


Dr. Oscar Elías Biscet

Leonardo Calvo Cárdenas, Deputy Chairperson, PARP

Dimas Castellanos: Licenciado in Biblical Studies, former professor of Marxist Philosophy, member of the editorial board of Yoani Sanchez' DesdeCuba site, member of the board of the Instituto de Estudios Cubanos in Florida

Manuel Cuesta Morúa, a descendant of Martín Morúa Delgado, an Afrocuban leader after whom was named the Ley Morúa, which outlawed the Independents of Color.  Chairman, PARP, Member, CIR

Laritza Diversent: attorney specializing in civil rights cases, profiling

Pedro Dupre

Dr. Darsi Ferrer

Iván García

Juan Antonio Madrazo Luna, National Coordinator, Citizens Committee for Racial Integration

Jorge Luis García Pérez "Antúnez", who receives support from the Directorio Democrático Cubano

José Vélez Hernández, Coordinator, Movimiento de Integración Racial Juan Gualberto Gómez (MIR)

Dissidents in Miami

* Juan Benemelis

* Enrique Patterson

* Victoria Ruiz-Labrit, a federal contractor who has worked for Congresswoman Ileana Ros Lehtinen and also has the support of the Diaz-Balarts, a former slave owning family and now leaders of the exiled Plantocracy. Ruiz-Labrit is spokeswoman for the Citizens Committee for Racial Integration (CIR)

* Racismo en Cuba

Dissidents in South America

* Carlos Moore, Brazil

CIR Organs

Racismo en Cuba

Revista Isla


Diario de Cuba


Response from Cuba and elsewhere to the US/Miami campaign on racism in Cuba

Race & Identity in Cuba

AfroCuban  organizations and researchers not controlled by the Miami Plantocracy

ARAC - Articulación Regional Afrodescendiente de América Latina y el Caribe, Capítulo Cubano

Gisela Arandia

Cofradia de la Negritud

Comisión José Aponte (Cuban Government)

Tomas Fernández Robaina

Alberto Jones

Rogelio Martínez Furé

Esteban Morales

Tato Quiñones

Roberto Zurbano


Breakdown of the $20 million 5/22/2013 Along the Malecon: "The State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development plan to spend $20 million to promote democracy in Cuba [in fical 2014]. Below is a breakdown of the budget: …TBD: Afro-Cuban Equality and Advocacy:$500,000. Funds will be used to "raise awareness of issues affecting Afro-Cubans and assist in the development of a network of independent Afro-Cuban groups in Cuba."

NED Funding of Dissidents - National Endowment for Democracy, 2011

Afro-Cuban Alliance, Inc.
To encourage greater discussion and academic analysis about racial issues in Cuba. Afro-Cuba Alliance will publish a quarterly journal to inform readers on the island and in the international community about racial issues in Cuba, the experience of civil rights movements, and the efforts of civil rights activists towards greater racial equality

Center for a Free Cuba
To provide additional humanitarian assistance to political prisoners, their families, pro-democracy and human rights activists, and victims of repression in Cuba. In addition to humanitarian assistance, the Center will provide independent, democratic activists with important material support that will permit them to carry out their work in a more effective manner.

Committee for Free Trade Unionism
To promote inter-regional cooperation among labor unions in Latin America, Europe and the U.S. CFTU will continue to develop an international campaign to build support for independent unionists in Cuba. It will continue maintaining its website and producing a quarterly newsletter aimed at raising interest in labor and worker's rights issues in Cuba.

Cuban Democratic Directorate
To increase the Cuban democratic movement's access to uncensored information through Radio República broadcasts. Directorio will produce and broadcast original programming aimed at providing Cubans with an independent source of commentary and analysis about events throughout Cuba and around the world.

CubaNet News Inc.
To support independent Cuban journalists as they produce objective media content about the situation in Cuba. Cubanet will continue to present the work of independent journalists on its digital media platform at CubaNet will also provide independent Cuban journalists with training on the use of new technologies and digital security techniques.

Grupo Internacional para la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en Cuba
To promote labor rights and support Cuba's independent labor movement. GIRSCC will also raise international awareness campaign regarding labor rights in Cuba

Instituto Político para la Libertad Peru
To provide youth in Cuba with training on use of the internet and social networking media. IPL will also provide youth with training on democratic rights, access to information tools and international standards of freedom of expression.

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
To empower Cuban civil society by providing independent civil society organizations with the knowledge, skills and resources necessary to contribute toward a more democratic society through technical assistance and information about other democratic transition experiences. NDI would also raise awareness about and support for Cuban-led projects for change among Cuban citizens and the international community through a weekly radio program and participation in international events.

Observatorio Cubano de Derechos Humanos
To promote greater public awareness about human rights violations in Cuba. The Cuban Observatory on Human Rights, whose members are all former prisoners of conscience from Cuba, will work with counterparts on the island to document ongoing human rights abuses. It will use this information to prepare reports for the United Nations, the Organization of American States, and international media outlets.

People in Need
To increase the free flow of information in Cuba and promote relationships between independent Cuban journalists and European media outlets. PIN will train independent Cuban journalists on new media tools. PIN will also seek to engage more Cuban youth and community journalists in independent journalism by creating grassroots, lifestyle magazines, and training grassroots leaders on how run small media enterprises.

People in Peril Association
To encourage critical thinking and the free exchange of ideas among youth in Cuba; and to strengthen the training and pedagogical capacity of informal educators and independent librarians in Cuba. PIPA will develop an educational toolkit and train independent educators and independent librarians on how to encourage discussion among youth.

Civic Education
To improve the capacity of independent Cuban democratic activists to advocate for greater economic freedom and equality from the government.

Rule of Law
To provide technical assistance to Cuban citizens.

The grant listings posted here are from tthe 2011 Annual Report.



AfroCubans: Race & Identity in Cuba

The US, the Exiled Plantocracy and Race

Breakdown of the $20 million 5/22/2013 Along the Malecon: "The State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development plan to spend $20 million to promote democracy in Cuba. Below is a breakdown of the budget: …TBD: Afro-Cuban Equality and Advocacy:$500,000. Funds will be used to "raise awareness of issues affecting Afro-Cubans and assist in the development of a network of independent Afro-Cuban groups in Cuba." [They will be doing their research on this site and selling the results to the US government, twisted to suit their needs.]

The Discourse on Racism in Anti-Castro Publications, 2007

Cuba's Plantocracy: Cuban American business and terrorism, 2005

Funding Dissidents: 2002

Funding Dissidents: 2001

Dissidents and Race, 2001

Funding Dissidents: 2000 and before

Diario de Cuba, a dissident site


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