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The Discourse on Racism in Anti-Castro Publications, 2008-2010

Here we track issues of race and identity among the anti-Castro groups based primarily out of Miami and dissidents in Cuba as well as responses from Cuba and abroad. The term dissident is used to denote those who seek to overthrow the Cuban government, as opposed to the emerging critical voices in Cuba today who work within the system.

NED Funded

NED (National Endowment for Democracy) is a controversial US program which grew out of CIA efforts to fund dissidents around the world, at least in places whose government they wanted to modify or overthrow. After many revelations concerning covert funding, Ronald Reagan and Congress implemented NED where funding is transparent and known to all, at least for the initial recipients.  Congressional Black Caucus member Gregory Meeks sits on the NED Board. (He was no longer on when we checked in 2013.)

* Afro-Cuban Alliance, Miami, NED funded, 2001-2008 (>$60,000/year), publishes Islas: "To promote discussion about the conditions of Afro-Cubans and Afro-Cuban issues. The Afro-Cuban Alliance will establish a quarterly journal, Islas, which will be distributed inside and outside the island. The journal will seek to inform Cubans of African descent on the island and in exile about civil rights, the hidden history of slavery and racial discrimination in Cuba, the experience of civil rights movements, and how to organize to bring about change." Juan A. Alvarado Ramos is Editor in Chief.

* Asociación Encuentro de la Cultura Cubana, Madrid, Spain,  NED funded, 2001-2008 (>$200,000/year), publishes web site Cuba Encuentro

* Proyecto de Relaciones Raciales, Mississipi: Ramón Colás, Founder and Director of Independent Libraries for Cuba, NED funded, 2005-2007 (>$130,000/year).  Colas then came to the US and worked for the CANF, where he was let go for embezzlement. He then worked on the Afro Cuban Research Insititute, another USAID boondoggle that was shot down by independent expert when they tried to present at Howard University.

* Juan Benemelis

* Enrique Patterson

* Victoria Ruiz-Labrit, a federal contractor who has worked for Congresswoman Ileana Ros Lehtinen and also has the support of the Diaz-Balarts, a former slave owning family and now leaders of the exiled Plantocracy. Ruiz-Labrit is spokeswoman for the Citizens Committee for Racial Integration (CIR)

South America

* Carlos Moore, Brazil

Dissidents in Cuba


Citizens Committee for Racial Integration (CIR)

Havana, Cuba and Miami, US. 

Movimiento de Integración Racial Juan Gualberto Gómez (MIR)

Partido Arco Progresista (PARP)
Havana Cuba and Miami. Their website, Desde Cuba, is registered by Yoani Sanchez, a dissident manufactured via a new media paradigm.


Dr. Oscar Elías Biscet

Leonardo Calvo Cárdenas, Deputy Chairperson, PARP

Dimas Castellanos: Licenciado in Biblical Studies, former professor of Marxist Philosophy, member of the editorial board of Yoani Sanchez' DesdeCuba site, member of the board of the Instituto de Estudios Cubanos in Florida

Manuel Cuesta Morúa, a descendant of Martín Morúa Delgado, an Afrocuban leader after whom was named the Ley Morúa, which outlawed the Independents of Color.  Chairman, PARP, Member, CIR

Laritza Diversent: attorney specializing in civil rights cases, profiling

Pedro Dupre

Dr. Darsi Ferrer

Iván García

Juan Antonio Madrazo Luna, National Coordinator, Citizens Committee for Racial Integration

Jorge Luis García Pérez "Antúnez"

José Vélez Hernández, Coordinator, Movimiento de Integración Racial Juan Gualberto Gómez (MIR)

Orlando Zapata Tamayo: died from a hunger strike, February, 2010

  Some of the above are listed in a Briefing that accompanied the Acting on Our Conscience letter signed by 60 African Americans.


Nueva condena al racismo en la isla  12/29/2010 El Nuevo Herald: "Emitida el 22 de diciembre, la declaración es la primera acción conjunta de miembros de diferentes grupos antirracistas denunciando la opresión racial en Cuba, según Victoria Ruiz Labrit, una activista en Miami que apoya a los grupos en Cuba. Entre los firmantes están el activista Jorge Luis García Pérez ``Antúnez'' y José Idelfonso Vélez, Coordinador Nacional del Movimiento de Integración Racial Juan Gualberto Gómez." 

ACTING ON OUR CONSCIENCE - A DECLARATION OF AFRICAN AMERICAN SUPPORT FOR THE CIVIL RIGHTS STRUGGLE IN CUBA  12/1/2009 Carlos Moore: A letter organized by Carlos Moore, signed by a number of prominent African Americans who for the first time are allying themselves with the plantocracy in Miami.

Carlos Moore letter to Raúl Castro
  12/31/2008 Miami Herald 

El 'apoliticismo' de los negros cubanos por Enrique Patterson  12/12/2008 Analitica: "La posición de Sarduy --que por extraña coincidencia aparece en Miami en el momento de la presentación del libro del Dr. Moore-- pareciera congruente con los rumores que, según fuentes del movimiento negro interno en Cuba, lo relacionan con la destrucción de Walterio Carbonell." This can be seen in the context of Pedro Pérez-Sarduy's own account in Convergencia y Elegia para Tomás y Walterio, 1/09, which was not written in response to Patterson's piece but covers the ground well.

'Premio Tolerancia Plus 2008' para la actriz Elvira 'Tita' Cervera  12/21/2008 Encuentro: "Reconoció, asimismo, el modo en que Elvira Cervera ha conducido el debate, "evitando la politización de la lucha por la igualdad racial, sin sucumbir a las tentaciones y el manejo estrechamente político de este tema". Tita Cervera nació en Sagua la Grande, el 4 de enero de 1923. Es doctora en Pedagogía, profesora de Arte Dramático y actriz de larga trayectoria en cine, radio y televisión. Actuó en las películas Tres veces dos (2004), Santa Camila de La Habana Vieja (2002), Miel para Oshún (2001), Raíces de mi corazón (2001), Un Paraíso bajo las estrellas (2000) Operación Fangio (1999), En tres y dos (1985) y Cumbite (1964)."

Why Cuba's white leaders feel threatened by Obama  12/18/2008 Carlos Moore 

Barack Obama y la última barrera  11/6/2008 Miami Herald Enrique Patterson

Spy vs. Spy - Cuban Dissidents March to Orders of U.S. 8/5/2008 Machetera


Response from Cuba and elsewhere to the US/Miami campaign on racism in Cuba

Comisión de lucha Contra el Racismo y la Discriminación, de la UNEAC

A Worldwide Battle of Life and Death. Part I, 12/25/09 Alberto Jones: "In the late 80’s Blacks were being blamed openly in Miami for keeping Fidel Castro in power because of their disproportionate presence in the Cuban Army and as his bodyguards. Armando Perez-Roura, director of Radio Mambi 710 AM and the late Agustin Tamargo, director of La Mesa Revuelta, openly requested a three days License upon the collapse of the Cuban Government to dole out retribution to Afro-Cubans for their past deeds."

Cuba Briefing Sheet: roadmap for Diaspora support of Miami-backed dissidents Claude Betancourt, 1/6/2010: "The fourth and fifth sections, "Prominent Civil Rights leaders" and "Designated US-based representatives of the two chief Cuban civil rights movements," list a series of persons and organizations.  Overall, they show a number of disturbing signs of long standing links with the Miami hard right, sponsor of so much terrorism against Cuba."

Cornel West and James Early: Cuban Racism
, Tavis Smiley Radio Show, 12/09 James Early recommends AfroCubaWeb for information on AfroCuban approaches to race, identity, and racism.

Laying the groundwork for another 1912, 12/8/09, Alberto Jones comments on the Carlos Moore letter, "Acting on Our Conscience."

We stand with Cuba! Declaration of African American activists, intellectuals and artists in continued solidarity with the Cuban revolution. 12/09 Petition Online

A critical view of "Acting on Our Conscience," Melina Pappademos, 12/8/09

Message from Cuba to African American Intellectuals and Artists, 12/2/090

Mensaje desde Cuba a los Intelectuales y Artistas Afronorteamericanos, 2/12/09

Subject: Prominent black Americans condemn Cuba on racism  12/1/2009 James Early

Norman Girvan reprints the 1990 "Open Letter to Carlos Moore from Pedro Perez Sarduy" and gets some beautiful comments. 3/09 This letter was an early indication that Carlos Moore had problems telling the truth. We published it on AfroCubaWeb

A Sincere and Painful Apology to the U.S. Congressional Black Caucus  5/20/2009 Black Agenda Report: "None of the Afro-Cubans who are attempting to earn world prominence by opposing the Cuban government have ever offered an aspirin to our group or others engaged in similar humanitarian endeavors, which makes their purported platform questionable at best… These are the real battles for justice, equality and the future of our nation, that all Cubans and Afro-Cubans especially should be waging, not siding with those who castrated our independence in 1898 or those who enabled this [1912] massacre and kept us segregated, impoverished, ignorant until 1959 and today, are shamefully relying on the dark skin of some, willing to sell their intellect and soul to the highest bidder, by attempting to intimidate, blackmail or create a negative political scene against members of the CBC [Congressional Black Caucus], who have courageously stood by their brothers in Cuba for the past 25 years. " -- Alberto Jones, also posted on Norman Girvan and on AfroCubaWeb's Alberto Jones Column

Invoking MLK and Rosa Parks in Cuban Exile Politics, Claude Betancourt, 5/30/09: Cuban Exiles Invoke US Civil Rights Struggle:
Brothers to the Rescue, Florida's MLK Institute for Nonviolence, and manipulating Cuban dissidents

Some Quick Comments on Carlos Moore's PICHÓN by Walterio Lord Garnés and David González López  2/15/2009 Walter Lipmann: ""Walterio Lord Garnés and David González López are collaborators attached to the Centro de Estudios de África y Medio Oriente in Havana and to the University of Havana’s Cátedra “Amílcar Cabral” de Estudios Africanos. They have written dissertations at home and abroad and published works about African and Afro-Cuban cultures in Cuban and foreign publications."

topThe Race Card: their last bastion in a lost war, 1/31/09 by Alberto Jones, a member of the West Indian Welfare Society in Guantanamo, Cuba, now living in Florida.

James Early: Carlos Moore's Outcast Vision and Dangerous Deceit
  12/28/2008 CubaNews: "As I've previously mencioned, Moore and others are part of a recent trend to claim that Obama's election is some kind of threat to Cuba because Obama is Black and because, supposedly, this means that Cuban government can no longer say that the United States is racist. As I've mentioned more than once before, Cuba DOES continue to have racial problems, but they are both nothing compared to the racial problem which are widespread in the United States. Their origins and nature are quite different and it's extraordinarly disingenuous to try to conflate them as the group of people such as Carlos Moore, the Miami Herald, and others, all of whom have a long history of hostility toward the revolutionary government in Cuba, have been trying to do."  James Early is on the Board of Directors of TransAfrica Forum.  This response quotes a letter in full from Esteban Morales Dominguez, a prominent Afro-Cuban scholar.  See also Early's seminal 1999 article, Reflections on Cuba, Race, and Politics, Soul Magazine, 1999, Manning Marable, editor

Challenges of the racial question in Cuba, 10/2008, Dr. C. Esteban Morales Domínguez, Member of the Academia de Ciencias de Cuba

El tema racial y la subversión anticubana  9/8/2007 Jiribilla: by Esteban Morales Dominguez - "Los negros de Cuba luchan todos los días en los espacios abiertos, que ya son muchos, sin dejarse engañar por aquellos, que lo primero que tendrían que hacer sería superar la republiqueta racista, modelada a imagen y semejanza de los años cincuenta en Cuba, que le han construido a los negros cubanos de Miami, la extrema derecha cubano-americana. Dejando prácticamente a la inmensa mayoría de los negros que allá viven, en el mismo lugar que ocuparon en la Cuba neorrepublicana, solo que casi 50 años después. Y ni siquiera hablar de que puedan los negros prosperar en cuanto al acceso al poder. El poder allá, es sólo para los blancos ricos, como lo fue en Cuba antes del triunfo de la revolución."

Lisa Brock and Otis Cunningham's "Race and the Cuban Revolution: A Critique of Carlos Moore's "Castro, the Blacks, and Africa" (1991) is well worth another read.

Race & Identity in Cuba

AfroCuban  organizations and researchers not controlled by the Miami Plantocracy

Gisela Arandia

Cofradia de la Negritud

Alberto Jones

Tomas Fernández Robaina

Rogelio Martínez Furé

Esteban Morales

Tato Quiñones


The Obama Factor

The election of President Obama has lead to some interesting developments in the discourse on race in Cuba and Miami.

L'élection de M. Obama ravive le débat racial à La Havane  1/2/2009 Le Monde: "Alors que les Etats-Unis ont élu un Noir à la présidence, quarante ans après l'assassinat de Martin Luther King, qu'a fait Cuba en cinquante ans de révolution ?" demande M. Cuesta Morua. "Les Noirs américains sont une minorité, alors qu'à Cuba nous sommes majoritaires", ajoute-t-il. Les Caraïbes et le Brésil ont une population largement marquée par l'esclavage africain. Lors du recensement de 2002, 11 % des Cubains se sont déclarés noirs. Selon l'université de Miami, ils seraient plutôt 62 %."

Why Cuba's white leaders feel threatened by Obama  12/18/2008 Carlos Moore 

‘Obama Effect’ Highlights Racism in Cuba  12/15/2008 New America Media: "Cuban authorities offered statistical analysis to bolster their view, which revealed the lengths to which Havana was prepared to deceive others even as it deceived itself. Of Cuba’s population of 11.2 million people in 2002, officials declared, 65 percent were white, 10 percent were black, and 25 percent were mulatto. This racial breakdown matched exactly the breakdown of members of Cuba’s parliament: 65 percent white and 35 percent people of color. The implication was as obvious as it was ridiculous: Cuba had achieved “perfect” racial representation between the people and their representatives. Europeans scoffed at such claims. In fact, most independent census reports of the Cuban nation puts the number of “whites” at anywhere from 20 to 35 percent; everyone else is black or mulatto."

Why Castro regime fears Obama administration  12/1/2008 Miami Herald: "...reports from inside Cuba have reinforced my suspicion that, contrary to the sentiments of the streets, the Cuban regime is experiencing great discomfort with the turn of events in the United States. Anthropologist Maria Ileana Faguagua Iglesias reports a racist outburst toward Obama by a Communist Party official and former military officer: ''He will be the worst ever American president,'' said this apparatchik, ``because he is a Negro, and they are worse than the whites!'' What is eating away at Cuba's leaders? Very little makes sense without knowledge of Cuba's demographic metamorphosis from a white to a black majority in the space of half a century. The black population was 35-45 percent of the total Cuban population when Castro triumphed 50 years ago. Four years later, the panicky flight of some 15-20 percent of the island's white population, fearing the new regime's sweeping socialist reforms, left Castro at the head of a country with a de facto black majority. For the next five decades, the darkening shade of Cubans would increase steadily and create unanticipated problems for the social reformers who launched the Revolution."

Barack Obama y la última barrera  11/6/2008 Miami Herald Enrique Patterson


NED Funding of Dissidents - National Endowment for Democracy, 2005

Afro-Cuban Alliance
To promote discussion about the conditions of Afro-Cubans and Afro-Cuban issues. The Afro-Cuban Alliance will establish a quarterly journal, Islas, which will be distributed inside and outside the island. The journal will seek to inform Cubans of African descent on the island and in exile about civil rights, the hidden history of slavery and racial discrimination in Cuba, the experience of civil rights movements, and how to organize to bring about change.

Asociación Encuentro de la Cultura Cubana (Cuban Culture Encounter Association)
To promote free debate and discussion about Cuban politics and the future of Cuba. Endowment support will enable Encuentro to publish its journal Revista Encuentro and continue to maintain its website and its web-based daily newspaper Encuentro On-Line. Encuentro will publish four editions of its journal, which will be distributed in Cuba and abroad.

[Encuentro published a remarkable blame the victims account of the 1912 massacre]

Bibliotecas Independientes de Cuba (Independent Libraries of Cuba) (BIC)
To promote intellectual freedom and debate inside Cuba. BIC will continue to provide material assistance to independent libraries in Cuba and promote international awareness of the library movement. BIC staff will travel to Latin America and Spain to meet with libraries, universities, think tanks, and other organizations to enlist their support for individual libraries and the libraries movement.

NED was founded in the early 80's to openly continue CIA's covert funding of publications, books, organizations, etc. As CIA funded various entities, they were invariably outed, causing numerous scandals, such as that involving the National Student Association in the US in the 60's. So the model was shifted to overt Congressional funding in order to legitimize the work, forgetting that Congress is perceived even in the US as a corrupt body entitled to little respect or credibility.

NED Funding of Dissidents - National Endowment for Democracy, 2008

Afro-Cuban Alliance, Inc. (ACA)

To promote an open discussion among Afro-Cubans inside Cuba and in the exile community about race in Cuba, the civil rights movement, and the condition of African-descendent populations throughout the world. ACA will continue the publication of its journal “Islas,” dedicated to Afro-Cuban issues, and will work to inform Afro-Cubans about the workings of a democratic system and the importance of community organizing.

Asociación Encuentro de la Cultura Cubana (Association for the Disccovery of Cuban Culture)

To promote debate and discussion about Cuban politics and the future of Cuba. Encuentro will continue to publish its quarterly journal and maintain its website, which includes a daily online newspaper and a virtual Cuban community.

Center for a Free Cuba

$54,222 *
To provide humanitarian assistance to political prisoners and their families and victims of repression in Cuba. The Center for a Free Cuba will provide humanitarian assistance to the families of political prisoners and independent activists.

Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)

To expand access to information about democracy and free markets to meet the growing demand in Cuba. CIPE will publish and distribute the winning articles from the essay contest of the previous project. CIPE will continue distributing printed and CD copies of Perspectiva magazine, and will organize reading circles and a second essay contest with expanded participation.

Committee for Free Trade Unionism (CFTU)

To build international support for independent labor activists in Cuba and advocate for policies that promote international labor standards in Cuba. CFTU will implement a series of educational events for international labor activists to break the silence on Cuba’s labor rights violations. CFTU will also promote sectoral cooperation to support the interests of Cuban workers before the International Labor Organization and other relevant bodies.

Cuban Democratic Directorate (Directorio)

To promote access to objective information and news in communities around Cuba. Directorio will continue to offer radio programming devoted to community development and local news. The station will reach out to young people and women as well as moderate elements of Cuban leadership through programs that promote greater awareness of citizen participation and events at the local level.

CubaNet News Inc.

To support independent journalism and promote freedom of expression in Cuba. CubaNet will continue to compensate independent journalists in Cuba who provide news and analysis of the situation in Cuba for publication on the CubaNet website. CubaNet will also continue to work with its colleagues around the world to provide additional support, training, and international solidarity to independent journalists.

Disidente Universal de Puerto Rico (Universal Dissident of Puerto Rico) (Disidente)

To promote a freer flow of information to Cuba and to offer solidarity and moral support to democracy activists in Cuba. Disidente will publish and distribute El Disidente, a monthly news digest containing articles and editorials from activists living on the island, dissidents living in exile, and international news organizations. Disidente will provide humanitarian assistance to Cubans who submit articles or help in the distribution process.

Grupo Internacional para la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en Cuba (International Group for Corporate Social Responsibility in Cuba) (GIRSCC)

To encourage the use of corporate social responsibility among international investors in Cuba as a tool to improve labor practices in Cuba. GIRSCC will educate foreign investors about the labor conditions in Cuba. GIRSCC will also provide direct support and education to labor leaders on the island and inform the international community about labor and other human rights abuses in Cuba.

People in Need (PIN)

To enhance the professionalism of Cuban independent journalists and to promote the inclusion of independently produced reporting on the situation in Cuba in the European media. PIN will continue and expand its long-distance internship program between European mdia outlets and independent Cuban journalists to provide training, support, and access to publishers outside Cuba.

People in Peril Association (PIPA)

To enhance Cubans’ independent critical thinking skills and creativity through the informal education system. PIPA will support groups of independent educators as they use an interactive curriculum developed in collaboration with Slovak and Cuban experts.


NED Funding of Dissidents - National Endowment for Democracy, 2009

Afro-Cuban Alliance, Inc. (ACA)
To promote an open discussion among Afro-Cubans inside Cuba and in the exile community about race in Cuba, the civil rights movement, and the condition of Afro-descendent populations throughout the world and to inform Afro-Cubans about the workings of a democratic system and the importance of organization and civil rights. ACA will continue the publication of its journal Islas, dedicated to Afro-Cuban issues.

Asociación Encuentro de la Cultura Cubana (Encuentro)
To promote a culture of democracy and dialogue among important actors in Cuba and in the diaspora. Encuentro will promote discussion on Cuban politics and will work to diminish the isolation of independent Cuban activists and to protect them against political repression. Encuentro will continue to publish its journal and encourage participation of non-traditional actors in Cuba and internationally in online discussions through its web-based daily newspaper.

Centro para la Apertura y el Desarrollo de América Latina (CADAL)
To engage civil society, governments, and public officials in Latin America to support pro-democracy actors and human rights advocates in Cuba. Beginning in Argentina, Chile, Peru and Uruguay, CADAL will establish a network of civil society organizations committed to aiding democratic actors in Cuba. CADAL’s network will engage Latin American civil society and public officials about the need to support and raise awareness of pro-democracy initiatives for Cuba.

Clovek V Tisni, o.p.s. (PIN)
To enhance the professionalism of Cuban independent journalists and increase the free flow of information in Cuba and about Cuba. Building on previous work and training activities with independent journalists in Cuba, PIN will continue its long-distance internship program between 10 major Eastern European media outlets and independent Cuban journalists. PIN will also develop professional associations of independent journalists in Cuba.

Committee for Free Trade Unionism (CFTU)
To strengthen support for independent unions in Cuba among partners in Latin America and Europe, to promote the release of imprisoned union leaders in Cuba through a domestic and international support campaign, and to increase knowledge about the activities of the Confederation of Cuban Workers, Cuba’s official state-run union. CFTU will seek out new opportunities to support independent unions in Cuba.

Cuban Democratic Directorate (Directorio)
To strengthen the organizational capacity of Cuba’s pro-democracy youth movement and its ability to communicate with Cubans and the international community. Directorio will establish links between the youth movement and traditional pro-democracy activists, with the goal of creating a broad-based coalition for democratic change in Cuba. Lastly, Directorio will continue to produce radio programming aimed at breaking the information blockade that Cubans face.

CubaNet News Inc. (CubaNet)
To strengthen independent news and reporting about the situation in Cuba for both Cuban and international audiences. CubaNet will generate independent media content about the situation in Cuba, which it will publish electronically. CubaNet will also provide Cuban independent journalists with humanitarian assistance and technical support. Lastly, CubaNet will conduct an international solidarity campaign to raise awareness about the situation of Cuba’s independent journalists.

Disidente Universal de Puerto Rico (Disidente)
To increase free access to information in Cuba. Disidente will provide a source of independent information. Disidente will publish its journal, Disidente Universal, containing articles and editorials from activists in Cuba, exiled dissidents, international news organizations, and activists living on the island who are unable to publish their work in state-run media.

Grupo Internacional para la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en Cuba (GIRSCC)
To strengthen the organizational capacity and mobility of the independent labor union movement and to support its activists through humanitarian assistance. GIRSCC will promote international solidarity for workers and independent labor leaders in Cuba. GIRSCC will continue an innovative initiative to reach out to businesses that have investments in Cuba in order to promote the adoption of corporate social responsibility in their work in Cuba.

People in Peril Association CVO (PIPA)
To support the emerging informal education sector and the spread of unbiased information. Since 2005, PIPA has supported independent educators to create a curriculum to enhance the critical thinking skills of Cuban youth and young adults. To encourage independent thinking, creativity, and the use of new pedagogical methods in the informal education system in Cuba, PIPA will continue to support the use and improvement of this curriculum.

* Indicates Department of State funding beyond NED's annual appropriation

NED Funding of Dissidents - National Endowment for Democracy, 2010

Afro-Cuban Alliance, Inc.
To continue the publication of the journal “Islas,” which seeks to inform Cubans of African descent on the island and in exile about civil rights, the hidden history of racial discrimination in Cuba, the experience of civil rights movements, and tools to organize and bring about change. ACA will continue providing humanitarian assistance to a committee of individuals in Cuba that work to promote greater public discussion about the racial issues on the island.

Asociación Encuentro de la Cultura Cubana
To promote a culture of democracy and uncensored dialogue among different actors in Cuba and in the Diaspora on culture, history, art, national reconciliation; encourage their participation in online discussions; and to diminish the isolation of independent Cuban activists. Encuentro will publish its journal and strengthen the virtual Cuban community.

Center for a Free Cuba
To provide humanitarian assistance to political prisoners, their families, human rights activists, youth activists, lawyers, teachers, artists and victims of repression in Cuba. In addition to humanitarian assistance, the Center will provide independent, democratic activists with important material support that will permit them to carry out their work in a more effective manner.

Centro para la Apertura y el Desarrollo de América Latina
To engage civil society leaders, governments, and public officials in Latin America to support pro-democracy activists in Cuba; and to promote and consolidate a network of civil society organizations in Latin America that supports Cuba’s pro-democracy movement. Through publications, public forums, and advocacy initiatives, the Network will work to engage Latin American civil society and public officials about the need to support and raise awareness of pro-democracy initiatives for Cuba.

Clovek V Tisni, o.p.s. (People in Need) (PIN)
To increase the free flow of information in Cuba and about Cuba; to improve the capacity of independent Cuban journalists to interact with average Cubans; and to contribute to the establishment of independent civil society and media in Cuba. PIN will help independent journalists develop a stronger relationship with their communities to promote the free flow of information in Cuba. PIN will also train independent journalists on new techniques and the use of technologies.

Committee for Free Trade Unionism (CFTU)
To promote inter-regional cooperation among labor unions in Latin America, Europe and the U.S. CFTU will continue to develop an international campaign to build support for independent unionists in Cuba. It will continue maintaining its website and producing a quarterly newsletter aimed at raising interest in labor and worker’s rights issues in Cuba. Lastly, the Committee will contribute to efforts to forge a unified labor coalition between existing independent unions in Cuba.

Cuban Democratic Directorate (Directorio)
To provide training to Cuba’s emerging pro-democracy youth movement. Directorio will help youth activists develop tools to more effectively communicate between themselves and the international community, and will help to facilitate links between the youth movement and traditional pro-democracy activists. Directorio will continue to produce radio programming aimed at breaking the information blockade faced by the citizens of Cuba.

CubaNet News Inc.
To provide information, coaching, and technical and humanitarian assistance to independent journalists in Cuba. To strengthen independent news and reporting about the situation in Cuba for both Cuban and international audiences. CubaNet will generate independent media content about the situation in Cuba and will conduct an international solidarity campaign to raise support for and awareness about the situation facing independent journalists in Cuba.

Disidente Universal de Puerto Rico
To provide a source of independent information to Cuba. Disidente will publish its monthly news digest, Disidente Universal, containing articles and editorials from activists in Cuba, exiled dissidents and international news organizations. Disidente will send copies of its publication to Cuba and other relevant policy and research centers throughout Latin America, the United States and Europe.

Evangelical Christian Humanitarian Outreach for Cuba (ECHOcuba)
To strengthen women community leaders in four provinces in central and eastern Cuba. ECHOcuba will provide a select group of women leaders with training to coordinate a national network committed to democratic reform and development in their communities. At the end of the program, ECHOcuba will help network leaders organize a meeting between all project participants.

Grupo Internacional para la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en Cuba (GIRSCC)
To promote labor rights and defend Cuba’s independent labor movement. GIRSCC will provide independent labor activists in Cuba with technical and financial assistance in an effort to forge a more coordinated labor movement on the island. GIRSCC will also draw on its international board of directors to conduct a worldwide information dissemination campaign on the situation regarding labor rights in Cuba.

Instituto Político para la Libertad Perú (IPL)
To provide youth in Cuba with training on use of the internet and social networking media. IPL will travel to Cuba to interact with youth contacts and provide them with training on democratic rights, access to information tools and international standards of freedom of expression.

International Republican Institute (IRI)
To support Cuban civic participation by expanding opportunities for individuals to organize and rally support for important local issues and strengthening civil society capacity to respond to the top priorities of concern to Cuban citizens.

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)
To increase the capacity of Cuban independent civil society organizations through skills-building and train-the-trainer workshops and knowledge sharing trips to the island. NDI will also raise awareness about and support for Cuban democratic activists and political prisoners using new technologies, and provide organizational development assistance to a Europe-based nongovernmental organization to increase its capacity to implement projects in support of Cuban civil society.

People in Peril Association CVO (PIPA)
To encourage critical thinking and the free exchange of ideas between youth in Cuba; to enhance knowledge on the functioning of open and democratic societies and free markets; and to strengthen the teaching skills of independent Cuban educators. PIPA will hold training workshops for independent educators, help establish youth debate clubs, and organize a presentation on democratic transitions in Central and Eastern Europe.


The US, the Exiled Plantocracy and Race

AfroCubans: Race & Identity in Cuba top


Red Against Black, Front Page Magazine, 8/07
This is a neocon publication, run by newly conservative former Trotskyite David Horowitz

The Discourse on Racism in Anti-Castro Publications, 2007

November 2006 GAO report on US Democracy Assistance for Cuba -- 

Cuban American business and terrorism, 2005

Funding Dissidents: 2002

Funding Dissidents: 2001

Dissidents and Race, 2001

Funding Dissidents: 2000 and before

Diario de Cuba, a dissident site





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