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Archive: 4/04

VALLEY'S OLD COMPUTERS FIND NEW USES IN CUBA GROUP COLLECTS MACHINES FOR MEDICAL WORKERS  4/30/04 San Jose Mercury News: "However, as the Infomed network grows in Cuba, the demand grows for newer and more powerful computers. That has become a problem because the Bay Area group's license limits the power of the computers it can donate, Wald said. Many of the computers it receives are too advanced to comply with the government requirements, he said. As USA-Cuba InfoMed lobbies Congress to adjust the limits, it's also working on a different mission: connecting Cuban doctors with educational resources in the Bay Area. Infomed Director Pedro Urra González traveled to Silicon Valley several years ago to make contacts. He met Russ Altman, a doctor who directs the Center for Biomedical Computation at Stanford University. Altman has invited González to give a presentation at a workshop at Stanford in September called ``The Cubans are Connecting.'' ``I found him to be well-informed and interested in using medical informatics technology to improve the health of the Cuban people, and so I was impressed,'' Altman said in an e-mail from Florence, where he is on sabbatical. ``I am very sorry that political considerations have led to restrictions on the types of personal computers that can be donated to Cuba, because I think that without much risk to our national security we could bring lots of goodwill and good health to our neighbor, Cuba.'' "


More Agents Track Castro Than Bin Laden  4/29/04 AP: "The Treasury Department agency entrusted with blocking the financial resources of terrorists has assigned five times as many agents to investigate Cuban embargo violations as it has to track Osama bin Laden's and Saddam Hussein's money, documents show. In addition, the Office of Foreign Assets Control said that between 1990 and 2003 it opened just 93 enforcement investigations related to terrorism. Since 1994 it has collected just $9,425 in fines for terrorism financing violations. In contrast, OFAC opened 10,683 enforcement investigations since 1990 for possible violations of the long-standing economic embargo against Fidel Castro's regime, and collected more than $8 million in fines since 1994, mostly from people who sent money to, did business with or traveled to Cuba without permission. Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., threatened Thursday to start an effort in Congress to eliminate some funding for OFAC if more resources weren't put toward the bin Laden and Saddam efforts. "This is really astounding," Dorgan said. "I hope somebody in the administration will soon come to his or her senses and start directing our resources where they are needed. Politics is clearly diverting precious time, money and manpower away from the war on terrorism here." "


US Designates Cuba State Sponsor of Terrorism  4/29/04 VOA 

Bush and Kerry court Cuban swing vote  4/28/04 BBC 

Cuban warning over U.S. resolution on weapons of mass destruction  4/27/04 Granma 

Danzón in Havana  4/26/04 Granma: "Danzón began in Matanzas with the opening on January 1, 1879 of Las alturas de Simpson (Simpson’s Heights), a work by Miguel Failde. The rhythm reached Havana as a musical gaffe, with a poor reputation, scorned by the aristocracy who only accepted European waltzes, schottisches and then the Charleston and jazz. But the danzón was supported by young people. The Black and mixed-race public took it up as a wall of contention against foreign sounds. Suffice it to say that danzones were played in the reputable salons of the Louvre de La Habana in tribute to one of the country’s great leaders, Juan Gualberto Gómez."

Bush Goes from Illogical to Ridiculous on Cuban Drug Issue  4/26/04 Prensa Latina: "Cuba is well aware of its dangerous geographic position, and for that reason is evaluating a Caribbean Regional Maritime Cooperation Agreement for international cooperation against drug traffic and has repeatedly offered to sign a bilateral cooperation agreement with the US to combat such drug traffic. Although the US has refused to consider these offers, even with the courtesy of a negative, the Cuban Coastguard has systematically informed the US Coastguard 7th district of pertinent information that has allowed them to frustrate 16 drug operations and capture 35 drug traffickers, 13 speedboats and two airboats since July 2000."

US, Do You Know Who Is Setting Your Foreign Policy?  4/26/04 Prensa Latina: "Former Iran-Contra conspirator and ex Ambassador to Honduras John Negroponte is now in the United Nations in New York, Rogelio Pardo Maurer, ex high official of the Nicaraguan Contras is a top-level Pentagon official in charge of Latin America and Elliot Abrams, the former State Department assistant secretary for Latin America who lied to Congress, is now a member of the White House National Security Council. In addition, John Poindexter, former national security adviser and ex con (5 years for lying to Congress about the illegal use of forces to help the Contras) is now in charge of "counterterrorism" in the Pentagon. And at least seven Cuban-American ultra-conservatives are directly involved in US foreign policy toward Latin America, among them CIA front Adolfo A. Franco, top man in the USAID program, and Col. Emilio Gonzalez, high official on the White House National Security Council to "evaluate" US policy toward Cuba, the column points out. "What we have is total domination of the process of designing policy toward Latin America by the extreme rightwing Cuban-American community," the Carmona article quoted Mexican reporter Larry Birns as saying."

Cuba repays some official debt as economy picks up  4/26/04 Reuters 

Kerry's Cuban Problem - How the Democratic nominee is blowing Florida By Ann Louise Bardach  4/26/04 Slate: "Relying on the assumption that Cuban-Americans in Miami are monolithically conservative was part of Gore's mistake. In fact, the Cuban exiles are not, as a rule, conservatives. More often than not, they champion social issues linked to Democrats: support for Social Security, Medicare, prescription drug benefits, and bilingual education. They tend to be pro-choice and concerned about environmental issues. The Cuban connection to the Republican Party has hung mainly on one issue: support for a non-engagement policy with Cuba going back to Eisenhower. But there is also a lingering bitterness at Democrats over President Kennedy's refusal to provide air cover during the Bay of Pigs invasion. But this passion is not shared by younger and newer arrivals from Cuba—who now form a majority. About 60 percent of Cuban-Americans in the United States arrived after the 1980 Mariel Boat exodus. According to two recent polls, one conducted by Florida International University and the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, the other by Bendixen & Associates, this group tends to view themselves primarily as economic, not political refugees."

President Bush may reduce amount of money families can send to Cuba  4/26/04 Sun Sentinel: "The Bush administration is considering making significant cuts in the amount of money Americans are allowed to send to family and others in Cuba, according to sources familiar with the discussions of the president's Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba. One proposal under review would temporarily freeze all remittances -- possibly for six months -- after which the administration would reinstate them at much lower levels than currently allowed."


ACUSAN A CONGRESISTA CUBANOAMERICANO DE VÍNCULOS CON NARCOTRAFICANTES  4/25/04 Jiribilla: "Un congresista cubanoamericano anticastrista que se declaró recientemente de acuerdo con un atentado contra la vida del presidente cubano, Fidel Castro, tuvo vínculos con poderosos narcotraficantes colombianos, según denunció una publicación del país sudamericano. El republicano Lincoln Díaz Balart y su padre, Rafael Díaz Balart estuvieron en contacto en diciembre de 1984 con Miguel Rodríguez Orejuela, uno de los jefes del Cartel de Cali. Rodríguez quería que los influyentes cubanoamericanos intercedieran en favor de su hermano, llamado Gilberto, quien estaba detenido en España con posibilidades de ser extraditado hacia Estados Unidos, reveló el semanario colombiano Voz. La publicación citó fuentes -no identificadas en el artículo- las cuales precisaron que los Díaz Balart "accedieron a la solicitud y apoyándose en las amplias relaciones de Rafael primero dentro de las altas esferas de la extrema derecha española, lograron que el detenido fuera enviado a Colombia". Los Díaz Balart viajaron después a Cali para cobrar sus honorarios, recibiendo de los jefes de ese Cartel la cifra de 100 mil dólares, agregó. Voz explicó que ha publicado esa denuncia a causa de que este mes el Senado y la Cámara de Representantes de Colombia entregaron una condecoración a Lincoln Díaz Balart, quien estuvo en Bogotá por invitación del presidente del órgano legislativo colombiano, Germán Vargas Lleras."

Cuba withdraws effort for Guantánamo inquiry  4/23/04 AP 

Cuba Denies Knowledge of U.S. Fugitive  4/22/04 AP 

An unholy alliance? Venezuela's ties to Cuba become a concern to U.S.  4/22/04 Chicago Tribune: "Chávez has respected private enterprise since taking office in 1999, and he is aggressively courting U.S. and other foreign corporations to invest in Venezuela's oil and natural gas sector. In addition, opposition leaders and local news media openly attack Chávez's policies, something unheard of in Cuba, where anti-government demonstrations are nonexistent and Castro's decisions never are questioned publicly."

Ministro cubano alerta contra la manipulación de la cultura  4/22/04 Prensa Latina 

"Do You Remember When International Law was Something that Existed Years Ago?" - Alarcon Meets the AP Editors  4/21/04 Counterpunch: "According to an expressed US policy, when Fidel Castro dies the US will invade Cuba". "It is as simple as that: the US will intervene militarily. According to the individual who is in charge of the Western hemisphere matters in the Bush administration. Not only him. Mr Otto Reich has said similar things and others have been more discreet but also have emphasized the importance of a transition and working toward that. Speaking precisely about the so-called 'transition commission', he stressed: "I don't know exactly what they are going to do but who cares? Who cares if they are ready to go that far! Suggesting the anticipation of the death of Fidel Castro stating that they will not simply wait to know what is the name of the person who would be the new president no, the say 'we are going to act immediately, swiftly. Otto Reich even spoke of a 'very speedy and violent transition'. He said that in a public statement in Washington".

Cuba challenges America and Europe  4/21/04 Final Call: "Cuban President Fidel Castro has challenged the American and European governments to duplicate its ability to educate and provide health professionals to serve the needs of impoverished people around the world. The small island nation, only 90 miles from Florida, is capable of maintaining more than 16,000 health professionals working in Third World nations."

Making the Law in Cuba  4/20/04 NYT: "The American forces that first occupied Guantánamo in June 1898 were late arrivals in a colonial struggle already three years old. The American victory over Spain was all but assured by then thanks to the skill and determination of the Cuban revolutionaries. But history is written by the victors, and by midsummer 1898 the Cubans' role in the Spanish defeat was already being written off. Cuba's war of independence had become a mere "insurrection," its leaders notorious for their lawlessness and caprice. The Spanish-American diplomacy that concluded the war formalized the disregard: neither the armistice of August 1898 nor the Treaty of Paris signed that December allowed for any Cuban participation. The year 1898 drew to a close with the American flag fluttering over Havana and Guantánamo Bay firmly in the grip of a United States military government." The Cuban Army of Independence is estimated by modern Cuban researchers to have been 80%-90% of African descent.

Moscow studying Cuba's proposal on Guantanamo  4/19/04 Interfax 

Cuba's Desire For Equality Ignores Obvious  4/19/04 Washington Post: "There is no doubt that many black people know they are somehow stuck at the bottom of Cuba's social and economic ladder. Still, they find the concept of cooperation over competition appealing. For many, Castro's quest for a nonracial, egalitarian society is nothing if not noble. Nevertheless, race problems cannot be solved until they are acknowledged. History is replete with examples of what happens when a nation -- in the strong embrace of an iconic, charismatic or even tyrannical leader -- attempts to gloss over ethnic and racial differences among its citizens: When the leader dies, so does the unity."

Surfacing the Empire's Dirty Secrets - Subverting Brazil and Cuba  4/17/04 Counterpunch: "I detect evidence, however, that Cuba may have employed some of its sophisticated biological weapons here in the United States. Observe the strange behavior of Lincoln Diaz Balart, (R-FL) – called “Low IQ Lincoln” by some of his colleagues. In March, Diaz Balart called on the President to assassinate Fidel Castro. Sources in the national security apparatus said they had not carried out any tests on Diaz-Balart’s cerebral cortex to determine whether he might have succumbed to some sophisticated bio-brain vapor that Cuban covert operatives had managed to slip into his breakfast cereal. His colleagues found it otherwise difficult to explain how a Member of Congress could otherwise be so oblivious to the law and to the implications of advocating such actions. That neither the media nor Congress responded in shock to Diaz Balart’s remarks, or Bolton’s unfounded charges, attests to the state of imperial denial under Emperor Bush."

US slams Cuba for assault, intimidation at UN rights meeting  4/16/04 AFP: "In addition to Thursday's attack on Frank Calzon of The Center for a Free Cuba, Williamson said Cuban diplomats had verbally threatened the US delegation and had at one point ripped documents from the hands of an American official. "You know you will pay a high toll for what you are doing, and we will be the ones to do it," he quoted a Cuban delegate as telling a member of the US delegation."

Cuba slams US over Guantanamo  4/16/04 BBC 

Frank Calzon  4/16/04 Cuba Socialista: "Another ex CIA agent and former director of the terrorist groups ABDALA and the National Liberation Front of Cuba. He also was one of the first directors of the CANF. Presently he is one of the directors of Freedom House and Cuban Committee of Human rights. Both of these organizations amply financed by the US government. He also receives substantial amounts of money from the International Development Agency in Washington. He is also the director of Free Cuba Center; a center financed by Washington. Calzon finances the activities of Gustavo Arcos and other counterrevolutionaries in Cuba."

Cuba asks the UN to investigate USA in Guantánamo  4/16/04 Granma 

Miami government paying out $91,000 to Los Van Van promoter  4/16/04 Granma 

THE MIAMI MAFIA IN CANADA - A drug trafficking “right-hand man”  4/16/04 Granma: "THE “right-hand man” of Ismael Sambra, current leader of the Cuban Canadian Foundation, was arrested in December 1990 as chief of a drug trafficking gang, resulting in the most important seizure of cocaine in Montreal’s history. On May 7, 1993, Máximo Morales, aged 57 and of Cuban origin, pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy and importing 115 kilograms of the drug; just a small quantity of the huge volume of drugs that his organization had trafficked. At that time, Morales represented the French-speaking province of Quebec on the executive of a “human rights” faction founded by Sambra, whose was located in Toronto. However, according to various sources, the drug trafficker was aspiring to take over the presidency of the small organization… According to statements by police officers at the time of the arrest, detectives assessed that Morales’ organization – a mafioso group led by César Riviera from Toronto – had imported 1,500 kilograms of cocaine the year before the “businessman’s” arrest and earnings worth $3.4 million during the six weeks prior to that event. In that period, the Rivera-Morales network controlled half the cocaine market for the Canadian province of Ontario, according to information circulated at the time of the police operation… Granma International revealed in 2003 how Sambra’s arrival in Canada was sponsored by a mysterious “anonymous donor” who had urged the head of York University to “provide him with a cover,” and how he went on to create his organization with the support of Miami’s Cuban-American National Foundation (CANF)."

Cuban delegate 'sucker-punches' rights activist  4/16/04 Washington Times 

Cuba: Race Problem Cannot be Solved Until it’s Acknowledged  4/15/04 Black America Web: "EDITOR'S NOTE: When U.S. voters go to the polls in November to pick a president, Florida — and its heavy concentration of Cuban Americans — may again play a central role in determining who wins. Nowhere will this contest be more closely watched than in Cuba, whose fate may be determined by the election's outcome. More than 90 percent of Cubans in South Florida are white; over 60 percent of the people in Cuba are black. In this series, examines the role that race plays in Cuba — and in the tug-of-war between the government of Fidel Castro and Cuban exile leaders in Florida."

Ignored majority: The moderate Cuban American community  4/15/04 Progreso Weekly: "Both the polling data and the anecdotal evidence point to a real and lasting change underway in the Cuban-American community. The reign of the old guard is coming to an end; and the need for politicians to serve their interests, against those of the rest of the community and nation, is rapidly ending. Taking the place of these hardliners is a new generation of Cuban Americans who do not support policies of isolation. Many of them agree with Cuban dissident Osvaldo Payá, who has, on many occasions, stated that waiting for Fidel Castro to die before promoting a positive relationship with the Cuban people is counterproductive. The new generation of moderate Cuban Americans is joined by non-Cuban Latinos who view an obsession with Cuba and the embargo as contrary to their own interests. Most all of these new moderates feel that engagement is the route to a better future for the Cuban people. The unraveling of the hard-line dominance of the political dialogue in the Cuban American community has been underway for a number of years. The symptoms of the process of moderation are evident. But politicians, locally and nationally, have yet to capitalize on these changes."

For Young Cubans, a Test of Ideas is at Hand  4/14/04 Black America Web: "According to Cuban filmmaker Gloria Rolando, 51, that is the great challenge of these times. In 2000, Rolando made a film about the 1912 massacre of 6,000 blacks in Southern Cuba who were demanding an end to racial discrimination. Rolando, who was age 7 at the time Castro came to power in 1959, said Afro-Cuban families and communities must teach and pass down their history. She says they must continue to remember how the society treated people of color prior to the revolution. When her grandmother was young, Rolando said, blacks were forced to walk around their local park; only whites were allowed to walk through. “When the revolution arrived, they say no more separation. There were educational opportunities not only for black people, but everybody who didn’t have a chance, like poor whites in the country. “The young generation wants material things, ‘I want this, I want that.’ My mother is 77 and she is now inside the university for older people. I don’t have the latest fashions in clothes or shoes, but I have the example of my mother and she continues struggling and learning.” "

Feds take on Cuban 'godfather'  4/13/04 BBC: "A former Cuban policeman, who was captured by Fidel Castro's soldiers at the Bay of Pigs, is facing trial in Florida accused of heading a multi-million dollar organised crime network known as The Corporation. But is Jose Miguel Battle Snr really El Padrino (The Godfather) or just a sick old man? "

A history of cuban counter-revolution by Michael Moore  4/13/04 Bella Ciao: "So why am I not worried? Because these Cuban exiles, for all their chest thumping and terrorism, are really a bunch of wimps. That's right. Wimps."

Cuba's Rastas: the religious, the philosophical and those making a fashion statement  4/11/04 Jamaica Observer: "Long dreadlocks stuffed into trademark red, black, green and yellow tams (knitted caps), which sometimes carry a symbol of an Afro-Cuban religion or even a US flag, Bob Marley t-shirts and camouflage pants - that is the typical look of Cuba's young Rastafarians, a growing urban presence. The Rastas of this socialist island nation are mainly found in Havana and tend to be young Afro-Cuban men from poor neighbourhoods, who seem to carry Reggae music in their blood. "People don't look on us kindly," Yosvany Reyes, a 27-year-old craftsman, told IPS. "In Cuba, people don't know very much about what being a Rastafarian means. They generally think we're dirty drug addicts or bums who just wander around the streets not doing anything." "

Cuba to scrap visas for returnees  4/9/04 BBC: "The Cuban government has confirmed that from June, Cubans living abroad will no longer need to apply for a visa to visit the Caribbean island. They will require a Cuban passport to visit the Communist-led state."

"Patch" Adams considera a Bush un "títere de la globalización"  4/9/04 Jiribilla 

Cuba: Political surrealism or Central American magical realism  4/8/04 Progreso Weekly: "While Honduran President Ricardo Maduro was agreeing to sponsor a document at the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva against the Cuban government, the president’s wife was visiting Havana and praising social benefits received by Cubans. Aguas Ocaña Madero, Honduras’ First Lady, visited the island in order to examine the policies for education, health care, incorporation and support of women put into practice by the Cuban government. For most observers the contradiction between the presidential decision and the First Lady’s visit has only one explanation: the endemic weakness of the Maduro government stemming from the pressure from Washington."

Power in the wrong hands  4/8/04 Progreso Weekly: "This being a Bush-led state, it looks like that money will be turned over to big business – again – in the form of more tax cuts. It’s the top 5% (the least needy, in other words) reaping the benefits of lower taxes and reduced services by a Florida governor and his cronies whose vision is to privatize the state. More tax cuts that simply represent the continuation of hundreds of millions of dollars in exemptions to that top tier of money makers Governor Jeb and the past six legislatures have pampered at the expense of those who really need the money… Because it looks like the good ole boys from the northern and central part of the state are the ones doing the slicing and dicing – on their own behalf. Money left over, which in the past has gone to Miami-Dade County schools, for example, will be turned over this year to smaller counties with much less need than our own. It turns out there seems to be an argument about a formula established in the decade of the ‘70s to help the larger counties with much higher costs of living. And while all of this is being debated, and south Florida ends up on the losing side of most arguments, Senate President Jim King’s second in command Alex Diaz de la Portilla, along with State Rep. David Rivera, are dreaming up House Bill 1193, legislation known as the “Commerce with Terrorist States Act.” If passed, which seems unlikely, it will supersede federal authority creating anti-terrorist foreign policy at the state level. Imagine that! ...“If that's the case, the losers in all this won't be Fidel Castro and his underlings. They will be mainstream Cubans, who depend on a helping hand from relatives and friends in the United States, Cuban-Americans, who will have to pay more to see loved ones, and the constitutional right of all Americans to travel freely.” "

Washington Vibes By The Latin America Working Group - Tightening the noose around Cuba’s neck  4/8/04 Progreso Weekly: "“Mostly, it is alarming. The Office of Foreign Assets Control [OFAC], Treasury’s main arm for stopping the transit of illegal funds to terrorist organizations, is now dedicating one out of every six of its full-time personnel to the enforcement of the Cuba sanctions, rather than to the fight against international financing of terrorism. At the same time, the Senate Finance Committee and the General Accounting Office are raising serious questions about OFAC’s ability to fulfill its duties in the war against terror.” – from the Center for International Policy’s “International Policy BRIEF,” February 27, 2004."

Sierra Leone And Cuba Come Together  4/8/04 Standard Times, Sierra Leone 

GOVERNMENT ENDS EDITING EMBARGO - Treasury Department backs down from its earlier position on editing services  4/7/04 Chemical * Engineering News 

Cuba's Arab Organization Gives Award to President Fidel Castro  4/7/04 Radio Angulo 

Cuba's Stealthy Special Forces  4/7/04 Strategy Page: "Cuba has gone the American Special Forces one better, and developed a cheap, effective to spread the ideas of communist revolution without using highly trained soldiers. Instead, the Cubans send "Medical Brigades" of underemployed doctors and medical technicians to poor countries that need the medical assistance, but are not as keen on the revolutionary propaganda the accompanies the medical care."

US reverses journal embargo  4/7/04 The Scientist: "The United States has decided that a prominent scientific society can edit journal articles submitted by authors in four embargoed countries, reversing a ruling it made last fall that even the most minor corrections of grammar and spelling in those manuscripts were forbidden. But it is unclear how broadly the new policy applies to other American academic publishers whose editing processes may differ from that society's."

U.S. knew of Cuba bioweapons effort  4/6/04 UPI: featuring superspy Ana Belen - "Bolton told lawmakers, however, that problems with intelligence reporting about the alleged Cuban threat were, in part, the fault of Ana Belen Montes, the Defense Intelligence Agency's senior Cuba analyst, who was convicted of spying for the Marxist regime in 2002."

U.S. OKs Editing of Foreign Manuscripts  4/5/04 AP 

A real humanitarian intervention: Cuba's doctors without borders  4/5/04 Cuba Debate: "Several years ago, between coup d'etats and U.S. occupations of Haiti, Fidel Castro called for a foreign invasion of Cuba's Caribbean neighbour, stating that "Haiti does not need invasions of soldiers, it needs an invasion of doctors, and Cuba is ready to give this aid." The first Cuban medical battalion was dispatched to Haiti after a 1998 agreement, and they have remained in the trenches, often in the most remote parts of the western hemisphere's poorest country, providing a compelling example of internationalism and an alternative to humanitarian interventions by 'smart' bombs and bayonets."

Remesas alivian las penurias de los cubanos  4/3/04 Sun Sentinel, FL 

Cuba 'bioterror threat to US'  4/1/04 Daily Telegraph, Australia: "Bolton's charge came as part of a 25-page written statement on the development and spread of nuclear, chemical and biological arms, despite the fact the Bush administration gently backed away from the same allegations after Bolton made them in May 2002 and did not offer evidence."

Cuba again rejects US official's bioweapons charge  4/1/04 Reuters: "Bolton first accused Cuba of biological weapons research in 2002, on the eve of a visit to the island by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. Carter disputed the accusations in a statement he read out during a visit to Havana's Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, where he said there had been no mention of the matter during briefings in Washington prior to his trip. "Bolton is only trying to present pretexts and justifications for a military attack on our country," Perez Roque said." And after Venezuela and Haiti, perhaps the Cubans are justified in their concern?

Cuba allows reporters into 2 prison hospitals  4/1/04 Sun Sentinel, FL 

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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