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Cuba in the News
Archive: 3/04

El Consejo por la Libertad de Cuba, la nueva mafia cubana de Bush  3/31/04 Rebelion 

Exiles worry they help Castro by sending cash to Cuban relatives  3/31/04 Sun Sentinel, FL 

Chávez links with Cuba fuel US fight  3/30/04 Financial Times: "Within the last 10 days, Mr Chávez has agreed to a 68 per cent increase in Mr Castro's oil ration, to 78,000 barrels a day, according to Jaime Suchlicki, director of the Institute of Cuban and Cuban-American Studies at the University of Miami. There were also rumours among Miami Cubans that Mr Castro was being permitted to resell some oil, said Prof Suchlicki. "It's something that Cuban-Americans think is important," said Joe Garcia, executive director of the Cuban-American National Foundation. "Venezuela is right now the biggest subsidiser of Cuba's economy." ...Venezuela's political ructions could play a role in November's US elections. John Kerry, the Democratic presidential candidate, strongly criticised Mr Chávez in a statement this month. Pundits saw that as an attempt to compete for Mr Bush's traditional base of support among Cuban-American voters and a signal Mr Kerry would pursue an energetic Latin America policy."

Ramapo College sending students to Cuba for arts study  3/30/04 Jersey Journal 

FAKE CIGARS GET ROLLED IN CUBA CASE  3/30/04 NY Post: "A federal judge in Manhattan yesterday said American trademark law protects Cuba's premium Cohiba brand of cigars and ordered a New York company to quit selling stogies under that name. Cohibas were originally created in Cuba as the personal cigars of Fidel Castro and were later given as gifts to visiting heads of state and other dignitaries. In 1982, Cuba began selling them internationally - but not in the United States, which has a trade embargo banning all goods from the communist island. A decade later, the magazine Cigar Aficionado, in its premier issue, anointed Cohibas as one of the world's great cigars - and that's when a New York company called General Cigar started marketing a high-end stogie under the Cohiba label."

Prontuario del enviado por Bush: ¿Quién es Otto Reich?  3/29/04 Jiribilla: "Otto Reich, el hombre que recorre América del Sur para alinear a los gobiernos contra Cuba en la votación de Ginebra sobre Derechos Humanos, no tiene ningún cargo oficial a causa del veto del Congreso, pero pertenece al reducido grupo de cubanos de extrema derecha que manejan la política de Estados Unidos hacia Latinoamérica desde los tiempos de Ronald Reagan. Su última tarea importante fue la coordinación del golpe en Venezuela, también su último fracaso, el 11 de abril de 2002." Su ultimo exito fue Haiti…

Bacardi to sue over Cuba, Pernod Ricard using Havana Club name  3/29/04 Miami Herald 

Venezuelans, Cubans demand democracy in their homelands at Miami march  3/28/04 Sun Sentinel: "Organized by Cuban and Venezuelan leaders, the march called for an end to human rights abuses and advocated greater democracy in both countries, according to organizers like Luis Prieto of Todos Por Venezuela, or All for Venezuela, an opposition group with members in Miami-Dade and Broward counties."

United Nations ponders Net's future  3/26/04 Globe & Mail: "Cuba's delegate, Juan Fernandez, was busy lobbying for help with the so-called interconnection problem. Mr. Fernandez, from Cuba's Ministry of Informatics and Communications, complained that it was unfair for poorer countries to have to pay such high Internet bills — currently, whoever connects pays for the traffic, and more Cubans browse American websites than the other way around. "This is a very important issue to be considered in all the Internet backbone discussions," Mr. Fernandez said. "This topic is important enough to deserve the attention of all those who are here.""

Cuba claims that the U.S. has written what others will sponsor  3/25/04 Radio Progresso: "Cuba’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Felipe Pérez Roque accused the Bush Administration of drafting a resolution to condemn Cuba, a document that will be submitted at the UN Commission of Human Rights that is in session in Geneva, Switzerland. In the next few weeks the Cuba issue will be discussed by the Commission and, as Pérez Roque claimed in a press conference, the document already exists and Cuba was able to obtain a copy, although he did not mention which country would sponsor the resolution."

Kerry 90 miles from Cuba  3/25/04 Radio Progresso: "Senator John Kerry recently visited the state of Florida. He arrived with the Democratic nomination already assured and was welcomed with good news: the polls show him slightly ahead of President George W. Bush in that state. Actually, that's not odd. Clinton won Florida in 1988 and so did Gore in 2000, except that in Gore's case the election was hijacked in Miami. Both Clinton and Gore lost in the Cuban-American community, which shows that the Cuban-American vote is not indispensable to win in the state, even though the next election looms to be so hard-fought that each vote will count, so everybody will try to win the margin of victory."

UN rapporteur confirms accusation regarding terrorist in U.S. delegation  3/23/04 Granma: "He also acknowledged that the accusations by the Cuban HRC delegation of Luis Zuñiga Rey’s participation here as part of the US delegation is based on a report that Bernales himself presented to the 1999 commission meeting. That report indicated Rey’s criminal history. "I believe that there is a very clear definition regarding these matters," Bernales stated. "They are mercenaries given their links, and terrorists because of the nature of the act that they carry out. International legislation is urgently needed to cover all of these crimes," he stated."

McCollum wants to send undercover agents to Cuba  3/22/04 AP: "Republican Senate candidate Bill McCollum wants to send undercover agents disguised as tourists into Cuba and wants to change U.S. policy so that no one fleeing the communist country has to be returned, he announced Monday."

Meliá Cayo Coco Hotel celebrates its first wedding under the sea  3/22/04 Granma: "The Freewedding, Wedding a la Carte and Freehoneymoon packages comprise a group of facilities and advantages as well as the possibility of hiring extra services like the celebration of the ceremony under the sea in an exclusive beach or following Afro Cuban rituals."

Songs of Cuba, Silenced in America  3/22/04 NYT 

The Cuban Media - Taxidermy from the Revolution  3/21/04 Znet 

NEW YORK TIMES PUBLISHES "FREE THE CUBAN FIVE" AD  3/20/04 Cuba Now: "The campaign to raise $50,000 for the ad was launched last October, and –since then- there has been a tremendous outpouring of support from across the United States, and around the world. The Committee pointed out that the Basta Ya! Network, in Germany, raised $10,800; the Cuban progressive community, in Miami, another $10,000; and many other contributions were made from Spain, Belgium, Italy, France, Colombia, Argentina, South Africa, England, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Australia, Canada, and other countries, and all across the United States."

Advisor affirms Bush's Cuba policy  3/20/04 Miami Herald: "Karl Rove, President Bush's key political strategist, wins a standing ovation when he promises a Miami audience tougher sanctions on Castro."

Threats to Aristide supporters  3/19/04 Granma: "Members of the party headed by the deposed president of Haiti, Jean Bertrand Aristide, are being repressed and, according to his former minister Leslie Voltaire, his former aides are under threat."

Treasury Department tries to freeze assets of Cuban company in Canada  3/18/04 Granma 

Cuban Ambassador refutes PJ leader's allegations about 12-A Embassy siege  3/18/04 Vheadlines, Venezuela 

Luis Zúñiga Rey, el terrorista que yo conocí  3/17/04 Jiribilla: "Con gran sorpresa conocí la denuncia cubana, en voz del canciller Felipe Pérez Roque, sobre la presencia de Luis Zúñiga Rey dentro de la delegación norteamericana en la 60 Conferencia de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos que sesiona en Ginebra por estos días… El embajador de EE UU ante la ONU, Kevin E. Moley, se apresuró a argumentar la presencia de Zúñiga en este foro internacional. Con no oculto nerviosismo y escasa convicción, expresó: "Estamos orgullosos de tenerlo en nuestra delegación. Él es un distinguido activista cubano - estadounidense de los derechos humanos." ...Acepté a cooperar con él en sus funestos planes en mi condición de colaborador secreto de la Seguridad cubana. Esa era mi misión: conocer y contribuir a desarticular los planes terroristas organizados por Zúñiga y sus socios de correrías desde Miami, territorio de los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, escondiendo mi repulsa en lo más hondo de mí, soporté su presencia y la larga verborrea contra su propio pueblo. No podía entender cómo este camaleón, capaz de presentarse en diversos sitios, como lo hace hoy en Ginebra, para clamar "por su sufrida Cuba", era capaz de organizar asesinatos y atentados sin el menor pudor."

Castro calls on S. American troops to quit Iraq  3/17/04 Reuters: "Cuban President Fidel Castro says 1,000 Latin American troops are "cannon fodder" in Iraq and calls for them to withdraw along with the Spanish unit they are serving in. Castro, a fierce critic of the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq, applauded Spanish Prime Minister-elect Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero for his decision to withdraw Spain's contingent of 1,300 troops by the June 30. In a message published on Tuesday by the ruling Communist Party daily Granma, Castro said "more than 1,000 young men from small and impoverished Latin American countries were sent to Iraq as cannon fodder under the command of the Spanish Legion." "The death of any of those youths is thus the responsibility of the Spanish state," he said. "The Latin American people have the right to expect the immediate return of those young men." There are 380 Salvadoran, 370 Honduran and 300 Dominican soldiers in Iraq as part of the Spanish-led Plus Ultra Brigade."

Latin America in Crisis: Castro's Power Grows  3/16/04 NewsMax: "There is growing but unnoticed threat to U.S. national security. A new terrorist, nuclear/bioweapons and geopolitical threat may well come from an axis including the regimes of Castro in Cuba, Chavez in Venezuela and the pro-Castro presidents of Brazil and Ecuador. Together, these four countries have a population of 223 million. Castro, Chavez, and Brazil's President Lula da Silva all have years of links with Iran and China. Visiting Iran in May 2001, Castro said, "The peoples and governments of Cuba and Iran can bring America to its knees." " The boogyman is coming!!!

15th Friendshipment Caravan: THE CARAVAN IS COMING SO START PLANNING NOW!  3/14/04 IFCO 

Campaign to free Cuban Five seeks mainstream spotlight  3/13/04 Final Call 

Visitor to Cuba will pay fine  3/11/04 Lawrence Journal-World, KS 

ATRIP: Cuba travel ban disturbing  3/11/04 South Florida Business Journal: "The Association of Travel-Related Industry Professionals, a Washington D.C.-based lobbying group, has criticized what it described as the government's decision to prohibit a group of professionals from traveling to Cuba."

Tracing Cuba's tarnished golden age  3/10/04 Globe & Mail 

LA CASA BLANCA PROHÍBE VIAJE A CUBA DE MÉDICOS Y CIENTÍFICOS  3/10/04 Jiribilla: "En el marco del reforzamiento actual de su política anticubana, la Casa Blanca prohibió a un grupo de 70 docentes médicos y científicos norteamericanos que viaje a La Habana con el fin de participar en un Simposio Internacional sobre Coma y Muerte que se celebra esta semana en la capital cubana."

THE CUBAN STRATEGY - Can Jeb Bush deliver the Florida vote in November?  3/10/04 New Yorker 

Aristide's removal presents threat to Cuba says report  3/8/04 Rebelion: "Journalist and French writer Thierry Meyssan has claimed that France and United States agreed in the summer of 2003 to a joint plan to prepare a coup d'etat against the ousted president of Haiti, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, due, among others things, to utilize the country as a base of operations to finish off Fidel Castro "within five months". The other motive was the French reaction to Aristide's decision to demand that Paris refund debt payments contracted with the former colony throughout the XIX century."

Five Cuban spies appeal long sentences  3/7/04 AP: "The Cuban spies admit they were secret agents, but three sentenced to life for espionage conspiracy say they never sought or obtained U.S. secrets. The judge and jury rejected that argument and found that their goal of targeting nonpublic, unclassified information was enough to support guilty verdicts."

Cuban artists kept out of U.S.  3/6/04 Sun Sentinel: "The latest example is a decision by the Department of Homeland Security to cancel a visa for Cuban troubadour and rock musician Carlos Varela, days before he was to launch a U.S. tour that included a concert Wednesday in Miami… Although Varela, 38, has made a name for himself perfecting a genre that Cuban authorities once despised as an excess of North American culture -- and has a reputation as a rebel who does not see eye-to-eye with his government -- the State Department's approval of his visa was not good enough. Homeland Security exercised its veto, the singer's U.S. associates said… A U.S. Interests Section official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said recently that all Cuban visa applicants, including artists, are subject to a 1985 presidential proclamation signed by President Reagan. It bars Cuban government employees and Communist Party officials from entering the United States. During the Clinton administration, broad categories were exempted, however, including artists. "Most Cuban artists are compensated by the Cuban government and are therefore its employees," the official said. "Proceeds from the sale of materials associated with an artist's work financially enrich the Castro regime."

Venezuela: The Next Cuba  3/6/04 Town Hall: "Chavez also was the only western leader to travel to Iraq to visit Saddam Hussein prior to his ouster by the US." Do you mean other than Donald Rumsfeld, who traveled there to encourage Saddam's genocide of Kurds and Iranians? And the wind up, favoring the Miami narcoterrorist henchmen in the US government - "Fortunately, other members of Bush's National Security team such as Presidential Envoy to Latin America, Otto Reich and Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere Roger Noriega do seem to understand the threat posed by the Chavez-Castro terror nexus."

Dominican merenguero Johnny Ventura not going to Cuba  3/5/04 AP: "Merengue legend Johnny Ventura canceled a planned concert in Cuba to commemorate the 160th anniversary of Dominican independence, a newspaper reported Thursday. Many in the Cuban community in Miami had criticized Ventura's decision to perform Saturday in the communist island nation at the invitation of the Dominican Embassy in Cuba."

New USA aircraft carrier half-way between Cuba and Venezuela  3/3/04 Pravda: "One day after Aristide fell, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez warned the United States and his internal opposition that he was not Aristide and Venezuela was not Haiti. The same day, Cuban Foreign Minister, Felipe Perez Roque, said in an interview to an Argentine daily that his government was "concerned" on a possible US invasion of Cuba. No question, the situation in Haiti have been closely watched by both the Cuban and the Venezuelan governments, two regimes considered "hostile" to Washington by Bush administration. Haiti is half-way between Cuba and Venezuela and the presence of thousands of US marines there seriously deteriorate Castro"s and Chavez"s geopolitical scenario from now on."

U.S. tries to stop funds for Cuba 5 ad  3/2/04 WW 

SA and Cuba strike deal on labour issues  3/1/04 SABC 

Cuba Pays Tribute to Zimbabwe  3/1/04 The Herald, Harare 

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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