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Los imaginarios de la droga, orientalismo y sexo en el poema “Haschisch” de José Martí 5/1/2011 Habana Elegante
"La Mejorana y la
independencia cubana: Un choque de ideas y liderazgo entre José Martí y Antonio
Maceo". Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 1999, vol. 21, pp.
227-257. PDF, 2MB, Universidad Complutense Madrid, de
Aline Helg
"Mi Raza", Jose Martí (1893)
“My Race,” Jose Martí (1893)
José Martí y el Racismo: Su Visita a Curazao, Eugene Godfried
José Martí: apuntes sobre su antirracismo militante 5/17/2008 La Jiribilla: por Leyda Oquendo
"Mi raza," o José Martí, el racista bueno Primera Parte 5/15/2015 Southern
Methodist University: "Los apuntes del viaje a Guatemala, y luego las dos
entrevistas que le hizo el New York Heral Tribune en abril y mayo de 1880 no
solo revelan una mirada característicamente racista, sino que además – en el
caso de las entrevistas – permiten afirmar que Martí experimentó el mismo miedo
que los blancos de la élite criolla de su tiempo: el miedo al negro."
José Martí, the United States, and Race 10/1/2014 La Habana
Elegante: Review of book by Anne Fountain.
antirracismo en el proyecto independentista de José Martí 11/27/2010 AfroCubaWeb: de
Esteban Morales
José Martí: apuntes sobre su antirracismo militante 5/17/2008 La
Jiribilla: por Leyda Oquendo
José Martí Meets Jim Crow: Cubans in the Deep South:Tampa, Florida 10/1/2005 Areítodigital: by
Maura Barrios - "In this essay, I pose questions about negotiations of Cuban
identity as impacted by the transition to a hostile racial order and by the
conflicts endured by cubano cigarmakers of Tampa. How did cubanos negotiate
identity, culture or values to adjust to the racial order of the Deep South? We
know that cubanos de Tampa resisted, confronted, and questioned their new world
order; but they also negotiated space, language, politics, family, identity and
values. Many conflicts in the cigar cities of Tampa revolved around class; but
the dynamics of race – the prevalent conflict in their new homeland – led to
apartheid in the Cuban community of Tampa as early as 1900. Apartheid separated
families, school friends and neighbors, as well as social and political
AFRO-CUBANS IN TAMPA 10/12/2002 Florida History: "A good friend of
Afro-Cuban leader Rafael Serra, founder of New York’s La Liga, Marti sought the
support of Tampa Afro-Cubans RUPERTO and PAULINA PEDROSO and Cornelio Brito.
After an attempted assassination, Marti always stayed at the Pedroso Boarding
House at 12th Street and 8th Avenue, with Ruperto sleeping in the hallway at
Marti’s room. Marti often walked the streets of Ybor City with Paulina in public
recognition of his deep respect for her."
Gandhi, King, and Marti: Brothers in Thought - Conference at Florida
International University 1/28/1998 Free Cuba Foundation: Jose Basulto,
among other terrorists, is listed as speaker.
"Race" and Anti-Racism in Jose Marti's "Mi Raza" 12/1/1994 Contributions in
Black Studies: "Marti texts, such as "Mi Raza," dealing with race in Cuba are
numerous. Most appeared during the preparatory stages of the 19th century war of
independence from Spain. In almost all of his political writings and speeches
there are passages intended to demonstrate that in the future republic there
would be no place for racial discrimination and that there would be a prevailing
spirit ofunity, based in the purest and most essential democratic tendencies
from the liberation war. He never ceases to repeat that the
antisegregationistmeasures approved by the Spanish government expressed
theirfear ofthe revolution, and their attempts to destabilize it by undermining
its social base."
"Mi raza" por Jose Marti 4/16/1893 Ensayistas: "Hombre es más que blanco,
más que mulato, más que negro."
Pensamientos de José Martí
Sobre la socialismo y el comunismo
De Hubert Jerez Mariño, El cantar de Martí, Plantation, Jerez Publishing Inc., 1999, pp.284-285.
“La soluciones socialistas, nacidas de los males europeos, no tienen nada que curar en la selva del Amazonas.”
“El funcionarismo autocrático abusará de la plebe cansada y trabajadora. Lamentable será y general, la servidumbre.”
“Asociaciones socialistas envían sus azuzadores profesionales.”
“Un pensador, Herbert Spencer, señala el riesgo que ciertos pueblos modernos corren de caer en un degradante socialismo.”
“Los crímenes no aprovechan a la libertad, ni cuadran a estatuas blancas, manos rojas.”
“De ser siervo de sí mismo, pasaría el hombre a ser siervo del Estado. De ser esclavo de los capitalistas, como se les llama ahora, iría a ser esclavo de los funcionarios. Esclavo es el que trabaja para otro que tiene dominio sobre él.”
From http://www.autentico.org/oa09037.php:
"That future slavery", said Marti, "is socialism"
"All the power which would be gradually acquired by the caste of public officials, bound by their need to remain in a priviledged and lucrative position , would be gradually lost by the people, who lack the same reasons for complicity in hopes and profits to confront the public officials fettered together by their common interests. As all public needs would eventually be fullfilled by the State, the officials would then acquire the enormous influence which by nature falls upon those who distribute any right or benefit.The man who now wants the State to take care of him so as not to have to take care of himself would have to work in the proportion, for the time and in the occupation that te State would see fit to assign to him, as the State, on whom all the duties would befall, would be endowed with all the necessary powers to implement the means to fullfill the work involved. From being its own servant , man would then become a slave of the State. From being a slave of capitalists, as they are now called, he would become a slave of the public officials. A slave is a man wo works for another who holds control of him, and in that socialist system the community would dominate man, who would then render all his work to the community. And as public officials are human beings and, therefore, abusive, proud and ambitious, and would wield great power in that organization, abetted by all those who would take advantage or would hope to take advantage of the abuses, and by those vile forces that always prowl among the oppressed, the terror, prestige or cunning of those who rule, this system of official distribution of common labor would in a short time suffer from the grief, violence, thefts and distortions that the spirit of individuality , the austerity and the daring of genius and the williness of vice soon and fatally create in any human organization ... Autocracy will abuse the common people, exhausted and hard working. Regrettably, generalized slavery will be the result."
Martí Sobre el Socialismo
"Todo el poder que iría adquiriendo la casta de funcionarios, ligados por la necesidad de mantenerse en una ocupación privilegiada y pingue,lo iría perdiendo el pueblo que no tiene las mismas razones de complicidad en esperanza y provechos, para hacer frente a los funcionarios enlazados por intereses comunes. Como todas las necesidades públicas vendrían a ser satisfechas por el estado, adquirirían los funcionarios entonces la influencia enorme que naturalmente viene a los que distribuyen algun derecho o beneficio. El hombre que quiere ahora que el estado cuide de el para no tener que cuidar el de si, tendría que trabajar entonces en la medida, por el tiempo y en la labor que puduiese el estado asignarle, puesto que a éste, sobre quien caerían todos los deberes, se darían naturalmente todas las facilidades necesarias para recabar los medios de cumplir aquellas.
De ser siervo de si mismo, pasaría el hombre a ser siervo del estado. De ser esclavo de los capitalistas, como se llama ahora, iría a ser esclavo de los funcionarios. Esclavo es todo aquel que trabaja para otro que tiene dominio sobre el, y en ese sistema socialista dominaria la comunidad del hombre, que a la comunidad entregaría todo su trabajo. Y como los funcionarios son seres humanos y por tanto abusadores, soberbios y ambiciosos, y en esa organización tendrían gran poder, apoyadas por todos los que aprovechan o esperaron aprovechar de los abusos, y por aquellas fuerzas viles que siempre compra entre los oprimidos, el terror, prestigio o habilidad de los que mandan, este sistema de distribución oficial del trabajo comun llegaría a sufrir en poco tiempo de los quebrantos, violencias, hurtos y tergiversaciones que el espíritu de individualidad, la autoridad y osadía del genio y las astucias del vicio originan pronta y fatalmente en toda organización humana...El funcionario autocrático, abusará de la plebe, cansada y trabajadora. Lamentablemente será, y generá la servidumbre."
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