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Venezuela in the News
Archive: 7/2018-12/2018

The often unstated subtext in Venezuela is the role of race & identity.  For the white upper class, which controls sections of  the press, Chavez was a "mico mono," a long tailed monkey, a reference to his African heritage.  In reality, Chavez had African, Indian, and European heritage, was elected 8 times by Venezuela's poor, and  was a practicante de la religion Yoruba. His death by no means signals the end of bolivarianismo, which has its recent roots in the Caracazo, the 1989 pitched battles in Caracas' streets when the euro elite lost their grip on society. The opposition's white terrorist campaign is designed to continue fighting the Caracazo by intimidating the heavily afrodescendant poor.  See Racism Sin Vergüenza in the Venezuelan Counter-Revolution 5/27/2014 The Januray 2019 coup attempt backed by Trump is a complex affair, the best discussion we have found so far is Is the US Orchestrating a coup in Venezuela? 1/23/2019 Real News Network. The self proclaimed alleged president, Juan Guaidó, comes with instructions for gringos to pronounce his name, One White Dog, and cut his teeth in the far right party responsible for initiating the use of violent demonstrations as a terrorist campaign.

Las heridas del racismo: Efectos psicosociales de la discriminación racial en las personas afrodescendientes en América Latina  12/28/2018 Iberoamerica Social: "La racialización, deshumanización y esclavización de la población africana durante el proceso de colonización europea en América, sentó las bases de la discriminación racial contra las personas afrodescendientes que persiste hasta la actualidad. Pese a la existencia de la narrativa del mestizaje que desconoce e invisibiliza la experiencia concreta, desigual y vulnerada de las personas afrodescendientes, estas siguen siendo víctimas de discriminación racial, la cual ha encontrado formas cada vez más sutiles e imperceptibles a través de las cuales realizarse. Este hecho no es inofensivo, el racismo tiene efectos psicosociales para quien lo vive, pero ¿cuáles son esos efectos del racismo? ¿Cómo reaccionan las personas afrodescendientes ante el racismo? ¿Cómo enfrentan la discriminación racial? Ante esta problemática se propone esta investigación para la cual se consultó a través de la técnica del cuestionario electrónico a cien personas afrodescendientes de América Latina, sometiendo posteriormente sus testimonios al método del análisis crítico del discurso."

Venezuelan president blames Colombia for electricity outages  12/28/2018 Radio Havana: Classic steps orchestrated by the CIA as described in Philipn Agee's books.

Russia bails out Venezuela, pockets key energy assets  12/24/2018 Mercury News: "In exchange for modest loans and bailouts over the past decade, Russia now owns significant parts of at least five oil fields in Venezuela, which holds the world’s largest reserves, along with 30 years’ worth of future output from two Caribbean natural-gas fields. Venezuela also has signed over 49.9 percent of Citgo, its wholly owned company in the United States – including three Gulf Coast refineries and a countrywide web of pipelines – as collateral to Russia’s state-owned Rosneft oil behemoth for a reported $1.5 billion in desperately needed cash."

Venezuela denuncia plan de sabotaje eléctrico en Zulia  12/23/2018 Bohemia: "En entrevista telefónica con el canal Venezolana de Televisión, el ministro indicó que se trata de un plan ejecutado por grupos asociados a sectores de ultraderecha en el municipio Mara. Trabajadores de la Corporación Eléctrica apoyados por funcionarios de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana se trasladaron al sitio para iniciar los trabajos de reparación y las investigaciones pertinentes, precisó la fuente. Los especialistas lograron realizar una transferencia de carga para ayudar a restablecer la energía, y evitar los perjuicios provocadas meses atrás a causa de otro sabotaje vandálico."

Thomas Sankara: Africa's Che Guevara  12/21/2018 teleSUR: "Sankara pushed against the hegemonic power of France in West Africa, by calling for the end of African nations' debt to international banks, he refused to take World Bank loans and instead focused on strengthening local production of food and textiles. Sankara also called on every village to build a medical dispensary and had over 350 communities build schools with their own labor. Moreover, his commitment to women's rights led him to outlaw female genital mutilation, forced marriages and polygamy while appointing women to high governmental positions and encouraging them to work outside the home and stay in school, even if pregnant."

U.S. Reaction to Russian Bombers in Venezuela  12/21/2018 Venezuela Analysis: "For many media commentators, Maduro sought to strengthen his position internally by putting on display the support he counts on from powerful international allies. Fear of a U.S. military response may be a more plausible explanation for his motives. Indeed, President Trump’s threats of military intervention and implicit support for a military coup in Venezuela are veritably without precedent in the history of U.S. diplomacy."

WaPo: Trump Needs to Destroy Venezuela to Save It  12/17/2018 FAIR: "Propaganda works primarily through repetition. The vilification of Venezuela’s government in the Western media has been relentless for the past 17 years, as Alan MacLeod pointed out in his book Bad News From Venezuela."

Robaron y quemaron sede de AfroTV en Barlovento  12/15/2018 El Nacional: "La sede de AfroTV fue robada y quemada en San José de Barlovento, estado Miranda, durante la madrugada de este viernes. Esta es la única televisora comunitaria de la localidad, la cual inició sus transmisiones en el año 2010."

Denuncian hurto y quema de la televisora Afro TV en San José de Barlovento  12/15/2018 Noticiero Digital: "En la madrugada del viernes fueron hurtados equipos de la televisora Afro TV, que opera en San José de Barlovento, municipio Buroz del estado Miranda. Se llevaron, entre otros, cámaras, computadoras y micrófonos. Posteriormente, los hampones quemaron las instalaciones, según señaló el portal web de Radio Fe y Alegría. La televisora operaba en el Centro de Estudios Integrales de Barlovento (Ceiba) un edificio de tres pisos en una calle que actualmente se encuentra cerrada por reparaciones de su calzada."

Hampa acaba con un canal de televisión en Barlovento hasta incendiarlo  12/15/2018 Venezuela al Dia: "Blanco lamenta la pérdida de los archivos y registros de la cultura afrodescendiente venezolana. Y apuntó que el hecho violento pareciera no ser fortuito, “porque desde que AfroTv inició operaciones en 2010, viene denunciando los procesos de exclusión que vive la población afrodescendiente de Venezuela”."

Movimientos de Afrodescendientes del Continente repudian atentado contra Afro-Tv  12/14/2018 Aporrea: "En la agenda de nuestras actividades visitamos los estudios de Afro-Tv en la región de Barlovento y apreciamos una experiencia única de televisora Comunitaria con visión política desde adentro de las comunidades afrodescendientes de Venezuela, y su reivindicación como sujeto transformador en permanente lucha por sus derechos. Hoy nos golpea la noticia que sus estudios fueron quemados y la mayor parte de sus equipos fueron saqueados por manos criminales en un acto incompresible para nuestro concepto. Repudiamos este acto vandálico con intenciones de obstaculizar la labor encomiable de un equipo formado por líderes y lideresas afrovenezolanas, comunicadores y creadores populares."

Movimientos de Afrodescendientes del Continente repudian atentado contra Afro-Tv  12/14/2018 Aporrea: "Hoy nos golpea la noticia que sus estudios fueron quemados y la mayor parte de sus equipos fueron saqueados por manos criminales en un acto incompresible para nuestro concepto. Repudiamos este acto vandálico con intenciones de obstaculizar la labor encomiable de un equipo formado por líderes y lideresas afrovenezolanas, comunicadores y creadores populares."

Venezuela expone productos de exportación en países de África  12/10/2018 Asi Somos: "El director del Centro Saberes Africano, Americano y Caribeño, Reinaldo Bolívar, explicó que desde la llegada del comandante Hugo Chávez a mediados del año 2005 las políticas estuvieron en la agenda como una tarea, un compromiso adquirido de reconocimiento institucional en aras de impulsar la unidad y la integración, reseñó el portal del ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación Universitaria, Ciencias y Tecnología."

Juan de Dios, de Cata a Carúpano, de Carúpano a África  11/27/2018 Aporrea: Por: Jesús Chucho García - "Cuando se cumplieron doscientos años de la expedición de Los Cayos (1816-2016), el cual fue el momento histórico cuando Bolívar regresaba de Haití y decretó la abolición de la esclavitud, en esa conmemoración faltaron dos personajes: Juan de Dios Díaz y la profesora Gregoria Urbano. Estos dos profesores desde la década de los ochenta venían celebrando cada 2 de junio ese día histórico. Juan de Dios con Gollita Urbano, El decimista Viñoles y el etnólogo Ricardo Mata fundaron el instituto étnico de Paria."

Business as Usual: Washington’s Regime Change Strategy in Venezuela  11/23/2018 Counterpunch: "Because the sanctions prohibit Venezuela’s state-owned company CITGO from sending its profits home, the Venezuelan government is losing $1 billion a year in revenues. Ultimately, the sanctions are imposing greater hardship on the Venezuelan people because, as Weisbrot notes, they “exacerbate shortages of food, medicine, and other essential goods while severely limiting the policy options available to pull the country out of a deep depression.”

Venezuela to Offer African American Course at US University  11/21/2018 Venezuela Analysis: "The agreement between the Venezuelan consulate in New Orleans and the Southern University at New Orleans (SUNO) to offer the “Africa and its Diaspora in Hispanic America” course as part of the topics offered by the university was proposed in 2017 by General Consul Jesus Garcia and the head of African American studies at the SUNO Dr. Clyde Robertson. The agreement to offer the university course was signed in August this year, and it is unclear when the course is due to begin."

Femicidio: misoginia, sexismo y sentido de propiedad  10/27/2018 EPG Consultora: "El término femicidio fue acuñado en 1976 por la escritora feminista Diana Russell, con el objetivo visibilizar el asesinato de mujeres realizado por hombres motivado por odio, desprecio, placer o un sentido de propiedad sobre las mujeres, y por tanto diferenciar este tipo de crímenes de los homicidios comunes. La confusión se inicia en el año 2006 cuando Marcela Lagarde traduce al español los textos de Diana Russell y sustituye el termino femicidio por feminicidio; no obstante, con independencia de que se emplee un término u otro en los diferentes países y legislaciones, el significado apunta siempre a lo mismo: el asesinato de una mujer por el hecho de ser mujer."

Black Internationalism and the Colonial Challenges Facing Haiti and Venezuela  10/18/2018 Venezuela Analysis: "The most recent US efforts to isolate Venezuela from the region, demoralize its people through a concerted economic war, and intervene in its political process—by working with international collaborators to ultimately punish its black majority revolutionary process—have their historical precedents in Haiti. Haitians experienced these counter-revolutionary attacks as they fought to defend their own revolutionary process under the leadership of Fanmi Lavalas President Jean Bertrand Aristide and earlier, throughout the era of Haitian Independence."

Anti-Maduro Poll Shows a Coup in Venezuela Would Require a Horrific Death Toll  10/1/2018 Venezuela Analysis: "Case 3 is the only scenario which renders the poll internally coherent: a negligible number of government supporters contradict themselves by saying they support the government but want it overthrown. About 30% support which is consistent with Datanalsis polls (to be clear, the ones it has done very close to elections) and actual election results. Obviously, different percentages of opposition and “neutrals” are possible in which about 30% back the government, but case 3 shows one possible coherent scenario. Disagreeing with 30% of the population on violently ousting the government is not like disagreeing over regular government polices like taxation. Moreover, under Venezuela’s dire economic conditions, that 30% or so would be very “hard core” government support, so about 6 million people would have to very brutally repressed after any US-backed coup in order for it to succeed."

Maduro in NY: Harlem Stands with Venezuela as US Allies Appeal to ICC  9/27/2018 Venezuela Analysis: "Maduro’s participation in New York had earlier been cast into doubt when he cited security concerns over travelling to the USA. Nevertheless, he made the journey for the first time since 2015, only to be greeted by the announcement of further sanctions by the US Treasury Department and talk of a military uprising by US President Donald Trump. His presence was, though, greatly appreciated by the 2000 strong Harlem crowd."

Traditional groups sowing sustainable crops could save Venezuelan park  9/24/2018 Monga Bay: "The new park conserves the region’s biodiversity and forests, but its founding didn’t automatically protect the ancestral homelands of the indigenous people living there. However, these 52 indigenous communities in El Caura are claiming a legal right to continue to live and pursue sustainable livelihoods within the park. The government has yet to grant their claim."

Centro de Saberes Africanos realiza Coloquio Internacional  9/19/2018 Gobierno Bolivariano: "“Es importante resaltar que la doctrina Monroe es creada como una política estadounidense, para la expansión y control imperialista sobre los países de nuestra América, mientras que la doctrina Bolivariana nace los principios fundamentales del Libertador Simón Bolívar, que propone la integración política, económica y social de los países hermanos”, destacó Torres. Por su parte, el profesor, Francisco González, realizó un análisis en relación al tema “el proceso de implosión de los organismos de integración en Nuestra América como una estrategia del imperialismo norteamericano”. Finalmente por medio de una videoconferencia, el profesor internacional originario de Puerto Rico, Agustín Lao Montes, culminó el coloquio internacional con el tema “Política Trump contra la integración Latinoamericana”."

A U.S. Military Intervention in Venezuela Would Be a Disaster  9/18/2018 CFR: "So far, the Trump administration has offered less than $70 million in humanitarian aid, and it has denied nearly half of Venezuelan asylum applicants. If the U.S. government feels compelled to act, it should start here. It should push the UN High Commissioner on Refugees to designate the Venezuelan tragedy a refugee crisis, giving legal protections to those escaping. It should then aid those in such desperation. If Syria is a benchmark, then supporting 1 million refugees will cost between $3 and $5 billion a year. A staggering amount, that is still far less than what the U.S. has invested in military interventions in Iraq or Afghanistan."

US officials secretly met with Venezuelan military officers plotting a coup against Maduro  9/8/2018 CNN: "US officials met secretly with Venezuelan military officers who were plotting a coup against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, both a current and a former US official confirmed to CNN. American officials met with the renegade Venezuelan military officers several times over the last year after the Venezuelan officers made contact, but Washington ultimately decided against supporting the coup, the two sources said."

The Paranoid Drive for Military Intervention in Venezuela  9/6/2018 Counterpunch: "Previously, the warmongering “humanitarian” interveners went straight to looting but, over time, they refined their rhetoric and began to talk about trade and investment opportunities, increases in GDP and other more subtle forms of robbery."

Marronage Meets Bolivarian Socialism: Maroon Comix, A Review  9/5/2018 Venezuela Analysis: "Along Venezuela’s coastal towns and its mountainous countryside, entire Afro-Venezuelan and Indigenous communities have deepened their political commitment to studying anti-colonial struggles and incorporating these orientations, tactics and struggles into their current struggles. Since 1999, the Bolivarian Process has radically transformed the political landscape of the nation by: unearthing maroon historical figures and inscribing them into Venezuela’s national identity, even elevating figures such as Guaicaipuro, Juana La Avanzadora and Negro Primero to the National Pantheon, implementing educational initiatives; developing political, economic and cultural ties with other nations heavily inspired by maroons such as the Caribbean; as well as empowering political campaigns responding to the interests of the African and Indigenous working class and poor majority."

The Spirit of Black August in Solidarity with Venezuela  9/4/2018 Venezuela Analysis: "The majority, Black and Brown working class in Venezuela do not want a US model. The people are fighting everyday against these attacks in their collectives, cooperatives, communes and grassroots social movements. The Bolivarian State, a revolutionary government determined to human rights and guaranteeing a life with dignity and happiness for all stands with its people. The Venezuelan people support their President Nicolás Maduro and are manifesting their vision for 21st Century Socialism."

Blockading Venezuela: the linchpin of the US strategy of aggression  8/22/2018 Morning Star: "REVEALING examples are emerging of the cumulative impact that US sanctions against Venezuela are having on the Venezuelan people in the field of health, one of the key priorities of the Bolivarian revolution. In July 2017, the US bank Citibank refused to handle Venezuela’s payment for the import of 300,000 insulin doses to meet the needs of 450,000 registered patients. Three months later, the US blockade prevented Venezuela from depositing funds with the UBS Swiss bank, delaying a purchase of vaccines for months and disrupting the country’s vaccination schedules. In November 2017, transnational pharmaceutical companies Baster, Abbot and Pfizer refused to issue export certificates for cancer drugs, making it impossible for Venezuela to buy them. And in 2018, a $9 million payment through an international account for dialysis supplies for treating 15,000 patients, free of charge, was similarly blocked under threat of US sanctions. These illustrative examples and similar ones about the blocking of food imports put the lie to the US claim that it is concerned about the well-being of the Venezuelan people."

Inside America’s meddling machine: NED, the US-funded org interfering in elections around the globe  8/20/2018 Gray Zone: ""...She was also made a media fellow by the Oslo Freedom Forum, an operation run by Venezuelan-American oligarch Thor Halvorssen that weaponizes human rights in the service of neoconservative foreign policy objectives... As for Latin America, the legislation stipulates that "not less than $33,000,000 shall be made available for democracy programs for Venezuela." By contrast, the legislation appropriates $461.3 million for Colombia, a country which has seen massacre after massacre and scores of political assassinations — with more than 290 human rights activists killed in 2020 alone. While 20 percent of the funds are not releasable until Colombia shows it is "taking effective steps to hold accountable perpetrators of gross violations of human rights in a manner consistent with international law," given Washington’s record in the country, it will likely give the green light regardless of the facts on the ground."

'Mini-Maduro': RNC Attacks Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — Compares Her to Venezuelan Dictator  8/18/2018 Alternet: ""The RNC knows that the American people support our policies by wide margins. They want universal health care. They want Wall Street to pay their fair share of taxes. They want to raise the minimum wage," Corbin Trent, the communications director for Ocasio-Cortez's campaign, told CNN. "I guess if you can't beat our ideas, you have to lie about them. Meanwhile, the Republican Party is standing in lock step behind a President who abuses human rights and wants to crush the free press which, to me, sounds like a Mini Maduro in the making.""

Naming Names: The Actors Working to Take Down Venezuela  8/17/2018 MintPress: "Now the successor of Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia), the already president of Colombia, Uribe’s Ivan Duque, agreed in his visit as president-elect with the White House with U.S. Vice President Mike Pence (July 5, 2018), to continue pressuring the Venezuelan government. “We talked about the situation in Colombia, about our security agenda, we also talked about the situation being experienced in the continent by the dictatorship in Venezuela,” Duque told the press. For his part, Pence told a Tweet that he had spoken to Duque about the bilateral “strategic alliance“”in the fight against drug trafficking” and that they had “reiterated the need to maintain pressure on the regime of (Venezuelan President Nicolás) Maduro to face the tragic collapse of democracy in Venezuela”."

Venezuela crisis: Petro CRYPTOCURRENCY to become official currency alongside bolivar  8/15/2018 Express: "The cryptocurrency is designed to be propped up by Venezuela’s vast oil reserves, with each digital token supposedly backed by one barrel of oil. Nearly 100 million coins, worth some £4.7billion ($6bn), were made available in the initial sale, with discounts offered to attract overseas investors. The Venezuelan government hopes to use the digital currency to skirt sanctions imposed by the United States and European Union, as well as reduce hyperinflation which has plagued the South American country’s economy."

'Deeply Disturbing': For Second Time This Year, Facebook Suspends Left-Leaning teleSUR English Without Explanation  8/14/2018 Common Dreams: [FB also censors Black Lives Matter.] "Max Blumenthal, editor of The Grayzone Project, called Facebook's decision "deeply disturbing." He also noted that the platform recently banned, which like teleSUR offers a leftist perspective on Latin America, and raised alarm about Facebook's work with the Digital Forensic Research Lab, a project of the Atlantic Council, a NATO-backed, D.C.-based think tank:"

teleSUR English Removed From Facebook for Second Time  8/14/2018 teleSUR: "Meanwhile, followers and supporters of teleSUR English sent out tweets and posts on Facebook and Twitters and other social media websites denouncing the unexplained action by Facebook and arguing that such move is rooted into Facebook's own bias against outlets and news organizations that do not fit within the mainstream media landscape."

Capturados presuntos implicados en asesinato de lideres campesinos  8/13/2018 Alba TV: "Tras solicitud del Ministerio Público venezolano, fueron detenidos Joel Eduardo Garrido Lobo y Gustavo Enrique Carrillo Pérez, por su presunta responsabilidad en la muerte de Reyes Orlando Parra Delgado y José del Real Aguilar, voceros del Consejo de Productores Socialistas Los Lanceros de la Pascalina de Zaz, en el estado Barinas, Venezuela."

Who is to blame for the Venezuelan crisis?  8/9/2018 Daily Sabah, Turkey: "But it's a very well-known fact that almost every government, when threatened by a superpower like the U.S. gets stressed, becomes paranoid, tries to take control of everything to protect its sovereignty, and inevitably becomes more authoritarian and finally makes mistakes. That is what the U.S. does to the many countries that it cannot control, and it is exactly what it did to Venezuela."

A Deeper Look Into US Military Interference in Venezuela  7/20/2018 Venezuela Analysis: "They have already affected us. And it's not just about the economic effect, the absence of some goods, but also more abstract things. There are already a lot of people to whom the uncertainty of their daily lives has a psychological impact. We are isolated from other countries and nations, from ways of thinking; therefore we exist in isolation even towards the access to ideas. We cannot understand what stage we are experiencing, if we cannot see it from a different perspective. The lack of access to ideas means that we cannot understand how they will wage war against us."

Integration Can't Be Rhetoric, Must Be Real: Venezuela's Arreaza in Africa  7/9/2018 Venezuela Analysis: "We're building an agenda. We want to build a mixed commission of several ministries from both countries to solve problems. Integration can't be only rhetoric, declaratory, it must be real, it must solve problems,” said Jorge Arreaza, the Venezuelan foreign minister during his visit to Mozambique. Arreaza has been touring African countries in an effort to keep building south-south relations and national sovereignty. In South Africa Thursday, he met with government officials and celebrated the Venezuelan day of independence in front of a Simon Bolivar's memorial at the African country."

Integration Can't Be Rhetoric, Must Be Real: Venezuela's Arreaza in Africa  7/9/2018 Venezuela Analysis: "During an interview in Pretoria, Arreaza talked about the necessity of building south-south relations between Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean to improve sovereignty and take care of natural resources. “The whole world, all of humanity needs to resist the rhythm imposed by capitalism. Even from Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean we can change that rhythm and generate anti-capitalist processes so humanity can exist in the future,” he said."

VENEZUELA NO SERA SOMETIDA POR EL IMPERIALISMO  7/6/2018 8 Mandamiento: "El activista, Urbina, del Grupo Amigos de Nuestra América, (ANA) expreso en su análisis que “Estados Unidos esta practicando lo que el fascista Adolfo Hitler practico contra los judíos en la segunda guerra mundial que quemo a millones en campos de concentración. Hoy Trump persigue a millones de latinoamericanos, los separa de sus familias, los encarcelas y los tratas de escorias, solo faltaría llevarlo a las bodegas de cremación, y lo mas triste es que los gobiernos traidores del pueblos latinoamericano como Honduras, Guatemala y hasta ahora Mexico aceptan todas las vejaciones de este señor que a enloquecido en el poder."

We need to talk about the fact that Trump seriously considered invading Venezuela  7/6/2018 Vox: "According to multiple reports, Trump continuously asked his top advisers last August about a military option for overthrowing Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and quelling the growing political and economic crisis his mismanagement of that country has wrought."

Donald Trump INVASION plot revealed - Venezuelan Army warned ‘do NOT lower your guard'  7/5/2018 Express: "Venezuela has been hit by economic chaos in recent years resulting in civil unrest, starvation and the imposition of sanctions by foreign states. Mr Trump suggested during a meeting with advisors last year the US could go one step further and launch a military invasion of Venezuela. A source close to the conversation said the president was immediately shut down and urged in the strongest possible terms not to give the idea further consideration."

Trump asked advisers about invading Venezuela in 2017  7/4/2018 CNN: "President Donald Trump last August asked several top foreign policy advisers about the possibility of invading Venezuela during a meeting about diplomatic sanctions the US was enacting on the autocratic government, a senior administration official familiar with the comments said. Trump's aides, including then-national security adviser HR McMaster, vigorously urged him against the notion of a military invasion of Venezuela, warning him it could backfire and explaining that US allies in the region were firmly opposed to such drastic action."


ceased on-line activities in 2016

Right Wing Groups
Active Youth Venezuela United (JAVU) “white hands” movement
JAVU came out of the Organisation of Venezuelans in Exile (ORVEX), based in Miami
far-right, often violent movement based in the University of Los Andes
during 2002 coup attempt against Chavez


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