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to 6/02


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Venezuela in the News
Archive 2/04-6/04

Afro-Venezuelans celebrate San Juan drum festivities with international flavor  6/27/2004 Vheadline: "The Venezuelan Culture Ministry has organized a drum culture event in Caracas called "All the Drums of the World," inviting drummers from 13 countries, including Venezuela, to play to the public during the festivities of black Venezuelan patron saint, St. John The Baptist (San Juan)."

Jesus “Chucho” Garcia  6/23/2004 Global Exchange 

Venezuelans in the hurricane’s eye  6/23/2004 Minnesota Spokesman Recorder: "Last week, Afro-Venezuelan activist Jesus “Chucho” Garcia spoke at two private meetings held in Minneapolis, in an attempt to raise awareness about the increasingly tense political atmosphere in his country. “In international politics, we are the only country that has recreated self-determination and sovereignty,” Garcia said. “This is what is at play — participatory democracy and sovereignty,” and “for these reasons we always say we are in the eye of the hurricane,” he added. Before his arrival in Minneapolis, Garcia had been invited by the U.S. Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) to talk about the issues facing Venezuela. “They [CBC] had doubts because of the mass campaign against our government,” Garcia said. “But I said to the Black caucus, if the signatures are there, we will go to referendum, because this is a proposal from the people of Venezuela.” "

Venezuela: A Supreme Effort To Stop a Recall  6/22/2004 Washington Post: "What received less attention was the law he signed a week earlier that could give him a decisive advantage when it comes time to tally the votes. The new law expands the number of Supreme Court justices from 20 to 32. It allows Chavez's governing coalition to use its slim majority in the legislature to obtain an overwhelming majority of seats on the Supreme Court. The law also allows his coalition to nullify the appointments of sitting justices. In short, Chavez's supporters can now both pack and purge the country's highest court." Just like the Republicans?

Human Rights Watch se convierte en la punta de lanza de la administración Bush contra Venezuela  6/18/2004 Rebelion 

Afro-American praise Chavez as national hero; symbol of freedom and independence  6/18/2004 Vheadline: "National Afro Brazilian Congress president Eduardo de Oliveira says President Hugo Chavez is a national hero and a symbol of freedom and independence for the majority of Brazilians and especially Black Brazilians. "Our continent Latin America will really be free when have a dozen Chavez Frias that defend freedom and a dozen Lula da Silvas that integrate, unify and build politically and economically independent peoples." The remarks will undoubtedly create a current of adverse opinion among opposition militants in Venezuela who claim that racism isn't an issue and that President Hugo Chavez Frias is stoking racial hatred."

Venezuela: Judicial Independence Under Siege  6/17/2004 Human Rights Watch 

Diablos Danzantes de Corpus Christi de Venezuela  6/15/2004 AfroCubaWeb 


Chavez says Bush is his real adversary in August 15 recall referendum  6/13/2004 AFP 

Venezuelan Recall Is in Dispute Even Before the Vote  6/11/2004 NYT: "Touch-screen voting machines, which have been plagued by security and reliability concerns in the United States, will be used in the recall vote on President Hugo Chávez, prompting his foes and foreign diplomats to contend that the left-leaning government may use the equipment to manipulate the vote."

Miami TV station invites terrorists to talk openly about planned attacks on Venezuela  6/11/2004 Vheadlines: "Adding weight to recent accusations of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez, former Venezuelan army captain Eduardo Garcia was also present in full uniform to discuss the help Comandos F4 were giving in his efforts to bring down Chavez by force. Chavez has frequently charged that Miami Cuban-American terrorist organizations are involved with Venezuelans seeking to assassinate him. The host of the Round Table program, Randy Alonso, simply asked viewers to form their own conclusions after seeing such an astonishing program, commenting that the message that Frometa gave was clear: his paramilitary organization was ready and trained -- it just needed the money. And, said Alonso, the money is there -- US$36 million recently earmarked by the US government to support such groups."

President Hugo Chavez Frias swears in popular new Culture Minister Sesto  6/11/2004 Vheadlines: "President Hugo Chavez Frias has sworn in the new Culture Minister Francisco "Farruco" Sesto, who has been charged with making the government latest social program Mision Cultura a success. The mission's objective is to reunite the Venezuelan People with its roots. "There cannot be a revolution," the President told followers, "if we do not manage a transformation of the Spirit ... the rest is secondary." "

La CIA en Venezuela  6/8/2004 Rebelion 

Venezuela 2004 - Nicaragua's Contra War Reprised  6/6/2004 Counterpunch 

Pro, anti-Chavez forces begin recall referendum fight  6/5/2004 AFP 

Economistas alemanes vislumbran triunfo de Chávez en Revocatorio  6/5/2004 Aporrea 

El imperialismo está jugando una de sus cartas finales contra Venezuela  6/4/2004 Rebelion 

Already with 15,738 more than the required, the National Elections Council (CNE) reveals that a recall referendum against President Hugo Chavez Frias will go ahead  6/3/2004 Vheadlines 

Danny Glover expresses support for Intellectual Congress in Caracas  6/2/2004 Granma: "Popular U.S. actor Danny Glover has expressed his support for the World Congress of Intellectuals and Artists convened for the defense of humanity and scheduled to take place in Caracas from November 30 through December 3 of this year."

Chavez Says Attack on Venezuela Would Make Oil Prices Soar  5/26/2004 PL 

The Developing Andean War - Corporate Investment and Government Double-Dealing  5/25/2004 Counterpunch: "The same is true in the developing war in the Andes where the war in Colombia seems to be spreading inexorably into Ecuador and Venezuela. There, as in Iraq, Britain and Spain have faithfully supported the US. But while in Iraq the war was originally justified as part of the "war on terrorism", the Andean war is also dressed up as part of the "war on drugs". It is worth noting the Andean war's relationship with big business and dubious international finance."

Activities in Venezuela of the National Endowment for Democracy  5/23/2004 Anti Imperialist League 

Total of 130 Detained in Venezuela Paramilitary Plot  5/23/2004 Venezuela Analysis 

The targets are Venezuela and Cuba: New Intrigues of US imperialism  5/21/2004 Vheadlines 

To free Cuba, support Venezuelan referendum  5/20/2004 CubaNet 

Alberto Garrido: President Hugo Chavez Frias is advancing the situation with Colombia because the United States of America is occupied in Iraq  5/20/2004 Vheadlines: "The US "is terrified" because, if a problem explodes between Venezuela and Colombia, the price of crude could rise to levels so high that the world economy could spin out of control. President Chavez is managing the situation with that in mind."

Plan for civilian military training decried  5/18/2004 AP: "Venezuela's opposition denounced President Hugo Chavez's plan to give civilians military training as a thinly disguised attempt to create pro-government militias."

Gobierno venezolano: Empieza el desmonte de la farsa  5/16/2004 El Mundo, Medellin: en el sitio de los paramilitares, la AUC.

Venezuela Asks U.S. Military to Leave Bases, Nacional Reports  5/13/2004 Bloomberg: "Venezuela asked the U.S. military to vacate offices on military bases it has occupied for more than 50 years, U.S. Ambassador Charles Shapiro said, according to El Nacional."

Venezuela Is Evicting U.S. Attachés From Bases  5/13/2004 NYT 

Chávez: Nuestro país ha sido invadido por fuerzas extranjeras  5/13/2004 Rebelion: "El presidente de la República Bolivariana, Hugo Chávez Frías, denunció que el grupos de irregulares colombianos detenidos el domingo, forma parte de una red internacional que intenta derrocar al Gobierno, la cual tiene, inicialmente, sus ejes de acción en Miami y Colombia."

Fourteen more Colombian paramilitaries captured in Lomas de Lagunita  5/13/2004 Vheadlines: "According to the report filed by Ricardo Duran of Venezolana de Television (VTV), an unidentified source stated that of 24 people who had performed domestic services at the ranch, only 14 were alive. The others were executed by a paramilitary who was called “Commandante Carlos,” and who presumably has already been captured. The witness also said that the paramilitaries beheaded Colombian campesinos and cut open their thoraxes to avoid decomposition. According to statements made by the people captured today, there is still a large group of fugitives hiding in the mountains."

Presumed Colombian paramilitaries detained in eastern Anzoategui State  5/13/2004 Vheadlines 

Venezuelan security and intelligence agencies seize munitions in Aragua  5/13/2004 Vheadlines 

Dip. Pedro Carreño: paramilitares detenidos tienen perfil de combatientes entrenados  5/12/2004 Aporrea: "Carreño citó una publicación del diario New Herald del 22 octubre de 2002, según la cual el capitán retirado García Morales suscribe un acuerdo con anticastristas para "compartir información de contrainteligencia y jornadas de entrenamiento militar de manera de estar preparados para el peor escenario que es el de una posible guerra civil en Venezuela". Estos entrenamientos, según aseguró el diputado Carreño, se hacen con armas semiautomáticas, fusiles de asalto AK47, pistolas 9 mm en actividades a campo traviesa en La Florida. Señaló, asimismo, que Alonso tiene un programa de radio llamado Mesa Redonda que se transmite todos los jueves a través de una Radio Anticastrista, al cual ha invitado a factores de oposición venezolana."

Semblante del agusanado contrarrevolucionario ROBERT ALONSO, implicado en la "siembra" de paramilitares colombianos  5/12/2004 Aporrea 

Paramilitary cells in seven Venezuelan states  5/12/2004 Granma: "The days of Holy Week were used to equip these groups, during which arms and munitions were transferred from Paraguaná Peninsula to Carabobo, an action camouflaged as citizen security operations, López explained. He directly placed responsibility for this operation on the current governor of Carabobo, Henrique Salas Feo, and José Curiel, the former governor of Falcón, who organized the transfer in official Carabobo government vehicles and ambulances, among other vehicles."

Alonso calls on people to take up civil rebellion to topple Chavez Frias  5/12/2004 Vheadlines: "Venezuelan hard-line opposition group Bloque Democratica (BD) leader, Roberto Alonso has confirmed his role as celebrity subversive in the latest attempt to set up a domestic sabotage chain in Venezuela by calling on people to take up civil rebellion against the Venezuelan government of Hugo Chavez Frias."

Chavez Frias government reveals at least 50 paramilitaries still deployed in Caracas  5/12/2004 Vheadlines 

Venezuela's Public Defender German Mundarain denounces US interference in paramilitary case  5/12/2004 Vheadlines: "The maximum defender of human rights said that he’s convinced that “there are (local) groups who are conniving with traditional terrorist and criminal groups.” He added that he is fed up with knowing how paramilitary groups operate in the world, principally in Colombia, almost always with funding from drug trafficking; they are permanently dedicated to developing terrorist acts."

Venezuela: Terrorist Plot Foiled!  5/12/2004 Znet 

Venezuela Forecasts $7 Bln in Additional Oil Revenue  5/11/2004 Bloomberg: "Central Bank Director Armando Leon said in an interview with the Venpres news agency that revenue from oil sales may be between $5 billion and $7 billion higher than initially forecast. Leon said the extra money may be placed in the country's oil fund, which is used to cover government spending when oil prices are low."

Venezuela: The implausible story of the unarmed paramilitary captured  5/11/2004 Vcrisis: with a link to Miami based CubaNet…

More Anti-Government Paramilitaries Captured in Venezuela  5/11/2004 Venezuela Analysis 

Bloque Democratica Alonso's role confirms Miami-Colombia-Venezuela axis  5/11/2004 Vheadlines: "(Miami) Radio Mambi's Ninoska Perez Castellon, who frequently interviewed Alonso on her talk show, has confirmed that the last time her guest appeared on the show, he was worried because Chavez was persecuting him… The gung-ho emergence of Alonso seems to corroborate, as some experts suggest, the existence of a triangle between paramilitary elements in Miami, Venezuela and Colombia. Alonso describes himself as Cuban-born but raised in Venezuela and is said to have strong links with anti-Castro activists in Florida where anti-Chavist Venezuelans have been receiving paramilitary training to infiltrate and sabotage installations in Venezuela."

Venezuela soldiers raid U.S. Embassy warehouse, detain more suspects in alleged paramilitary plot  5/10/2004 AP 

Diosdado Cabello: Silencio de la oposición es muy sospechoso  5/10/2004 Aporrea: "El candidato a la gobernación del estado Miranda, Diosdado Cabello dijo que la situación de los paramilitares colombianos capturados en un operativo conjunto de los cuerpos de seguridad del Estado venezolano, la Disip, Cuerpo de Investigaciones Científicas, Penales y Criminalísticas (Cicpc) y Fuerza Armada Nacional (en el sector Gavilán en la finca Daktary, Municipio El Hatillo, vía Turgua, estado Miranda), "es tan grave que pone en riesgo la seguridad de todos los venezolanos" e interpretó el silencio de la oposición como muestra de complicidad ante los hechos."

Exhumaron osamenta en hacienda donde entrenaban paramilitares que planeaban derrocar a Chávez  5/10/2004 Aporrea: "Fue localizada la osamenta de una persona, quien aún no ha sido identificada, en el área de la hacienda Daktari, donde fue capturado el primer grupo de paramilitares colombianos, en la madrugada del domingo 9 de los corrientes, informó el jefe de la División Contra Homicidios, del Cuerpo de Investigaciones Científicas, Penales y Criminalísticas (Cicpc), comisario Juan Iglesias… Asimismo, Chávez garantizó el respeto a los derechos humanos de los paramilitares colombianos detenidos a la fecha y quienes aún están en fuga, "no habrá torturas ni encapuchados para aplicar corriente eléctrica ni violaciones ni sadomasoquismo", en apego a la Constitución Bolivariana de Venezuela y en función de la paz de la República."

Detainees were living in a presumed paramilitary encampment in Sabaneta  5/10/2004 Vheadlines: "Police authorities and deputies from the government party were assured that the irregulars had been hidden on a ranch belonging to Robert Alonso, a well-known opponent in Venezuela of the President of Cuba, Fidel Castro, who is suspected of being the intellectual author of acts of street violence in Venezuela between February 27 and March 3 this year, during which 14 people died. Alonso os the brother of the famous Venezuelan actress Maria Conchita Alonso, who lives in Los Angeles, USA."

US government spokesman disparages capture of Colombian paramilitaries in Venezuela ... gets his information by watching news (?) broadcasts  5/10/2004 Vheadlines 

Paramilitares colombianos capturados en Baruta confiesan que planificaban una acción terrorista  5/9/2004 Aporrea 

Chavez: 77 arrested as 'terrorists'  5/9/2004 CNN: "Dissident Venezuelan military officers were training the young men at a ranch 15 kilometers (9 miles) south of Caracas, the capital, Miguel Rodriguez Torres, head of Venezuela's DISIP secret police, told state television. He said two more suspected paramilitary training centers could exist. Chavez claimed the ranch in the El Hatillo municipality was owned by a Cuban national, Roberto Alonso, with links to Venezuelan and Cuban exiles. He said Alonso also had ties to the Democratic Coordinator, the opposition coalition pushing for the recall vote."

Asciende a 88 el número de presuntos paramilitares colombianos capturados en Venezuela  5/9/2004 El Tiempo, Colombia: ""Le hemos dado un golpe a los golpistas, desestabilizadores y a los terroristas, en esta lucha sin descanso contra el terrorismo, la desestabilización y los enemigos de la democracia y del pueblo", manifestó Chávez en su programa dominical 'Aló, presidente'. Los organizadores del complot, que identificó entre sus opositores, "quieren imponer su agenda del terror, una dictadura", dijo, y subrayó que no albergaba la menor duda "de que parte de estos grupos están organizándose para intentar el magnicidio"."

Defense Minister and DISIP: “people in high office” will fall as a result of coup attempt  5/9/2004 Vheadlines: "Commissioner Rodriguez, who didn’t want to speculate, thought it strange that the Baruta Police hadn’t detected the presumed insurgents. “We don’t want to speculate, but once the investigations get started, I’m sure that this operation will round up many people.”"

MINCI press statement on paramilitaries captured at ranch in Baruta  5/9/2004 Vheadlines: "On the other hand, it was learned that Robert Alonso, owner of the ranch and brother of the well-known Cuban actress and singer Maria Conchita Alonso, has been accused of being one of the coordinators of the violent opposition protests (guarimbas) that took place at the end of February and the beginning of March."

Second coup attempt: Urban Security Command of the Venezuelan National Guard was to be attacked Wednesday, May 12  5/9/2004 Vheadlines: "According to statements released this morning by DISIP Commissioner Miguel Rodriguez, the terrorist plan consisted of attacking a military installation in Caracas this week, possibly the Urban Security Command of the National Guard. On Monday, the paramilitaries were to be taken to another ranch, where they would receive final training with arms and ammunition, and do the assault on Wednesday. “We were going to attack a military base that has tunnels underneath containing arms,” said the presumed paramilitary. The purpose, according to one of the anti-Chavez “generals,” was to steal arms from the base to give to a 3,000 strong paramilitary group who were to come to Venezuela in 8 days."

Venezuelan Exiles in Florida Find Powerful Friends  4/29/2004 Reuters: "U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, said Washington could not stand idly by while one of its main oil suppliers forged a partnership with Cuba, sheltered left-wing Colombian militants and encouraged coca growers in Bolivia. Venezuela denies shielding Colombia's FARC guerrillas."

Aristide, Bush, Chávez, Kerry: When Presidents Collide - U.S. Political Campaign Plays With Latin American Fire  4/6/2004 NarcoNews 

Venezuelan opposition committed genocide in 62 murders of rural leaders  4/4/2004 Vheadlines 

El diálogo de Chávez y John Kerry  4/3/2004 Rebelion 

Costa Rica throws out Chavez foe  3/30/2004 BBC: "Union leader Carlos Ortega requested asylum last year, saying he faced persecution in Venezuela. Last week he reportedly told a meeting in Miami, Florida, that he would return to Venezuela to work clandestinely to remove the government of Hugo Chavez. Costa Rica said this speech violated the terms of Mr Ortega's asylum."

AFL-CIO in Venezuela - Deja Vu All Over Again  3/29/2004 Counterpunch: "The AFL-CIO is once again on the scene, this time in Venezuela, just as it was in Chile in 1973. Once again, its operations in that country are being funded by the U.S. government. This time, the money is being laundered through the quasi-governmental National Endowment for Democracy, hidden from AFL-CIO members and the American public."

Venezuela's political struggle mustn't be turned racial  3/28/2004 Vheadlines: "Afro-Venezuelan Network leader, Jesus Garcia has criticized Venezuelan print & broadcast media for showing tints of racism, citing one TV channel poking fun at Zimbabwe President, Robert Mugabe ... "One may have differences with President Hugo Chavez Frias or disagree with Confederation of Trade Unions (CTV) general secretary, Manuel Cova, to mention concrete cases, but the political struggle must not be racialized and that is what the media has done."

Venezuela troops 'used torture'  3/26/2004 BBC: "Venezuelan ombudsman German Mundarain has said security forces tortured some protesters who were detained during recent anti-government demonstrations."

Why John Kerry Must Retract his Position on Venezuela  3/25/2004 Venezuela Analysis: "During five years of Chavez’s presidency, there have been absolutely no political prisoners. Those detained during recent disturbances, whom the opposition claimed were political prisoners, were arrested lawfully on charges brought by a Public Prosecutor, and the majority of them have been released. Those who remain detained have been arrested on charges such as illegal possession of arms and, in many cases, for illegally carrying weapons of war. Trials for those arrested have not yet taken place. Kerry repeats the discourse of the Venezuelan opposition that refers to those arrested for carrying illegal arms as political prisoners, yet he has never declared that those arrested for protesting peacefully in front of the School of the Americas in Georgia are political prisoners."

An Open Letter to John Kerry - You Are Wrong on Venezuela, Senator  3/24/2004 Counterpunch: "You also mention in your March 19th Statement that President Chavez has "repeatedly undermined democratic institutions using extra-legal means, including politically motivated incarcerations, to consolidate power". Honestly, Mr. Kerry, are you speaking of the same President Chavez who has been democratically governing Venezuela since 1998, has implemented one of the most progressive constitutions in the world in the area of human rights, has developed successful social programs that are benefiting millions of Venezuelans in the areas of health care, education, housing and jobs, and has brought more Venezuelans into the political process than any government in the nation's history? ...Prior to President Chavez' administration, there were hosts of political prisoners in Venezuela. Yet since Chavez has been in office, there have been no political prisoners. This is a fact documented by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, and even the US State Department's Country Report on Venezuela."

Afro-Venezuelans celebrate 150 years of the Abolition of Slavery  3/21/2004 Vheadlines 

Afro-Venezuelans celebrate 150 years of the Abolition of Slavery  3/21/2004 Vheadlines: "Commemorating 150 years of the abolition of slavery in Venezuela, the Afro-Venezuelan Organizations Network has announced a seminar at the Caracas Bellas Artes Museum on March 22-24 entitled: A Critical Review of the Historical Dimension of Slavery in Venezuela. The National Culture Council (Conac) is sponsoring the meeting… The black Education, Culture & Sports (MECD) Minister, Aristobulo Isturiz will open the event, along with other guests that include National Assembly (AN) indigenous deputy, Noheli Pocaterra, CONAC president and Deputy Culture Minister, Francisco Sesto, Venezuelan representative to UNESCO, Maria Clemencia Lopez and of course, Afro-Venezuelan Organizations Network leaders, Jesus Garcia and Jorge Guerrero."

Globovision TV assures African diplomats there's no racism in Venezuela  3/21/2004 Vheadlines: "In the letter, Ravell says he's surprised about the lack of interest and sociological curiosity on the part of "your respectable diplomatic missions to understand the multiples characteristics of our people's identity." However, in an attempted exculpatory, the Globovision media boss laments the fact that the Africans "do not understand the Venezuelan people's sense of humor." "

Trinidad Express: Caricom seriously prepared to go along with the Chavez agenda?  3/21/2004 Vheadlines 

U.S. Has Few Options Against Venezuela's Chavez  3/17/2004 Reuters 

Aggressive and violent adversary Aznar could return to haunt Chavez Frias  3/17/2004 Vheadlines: "The ghost of Aznar may turn up again to haunt the Chavez Frias administration, if the former gets the appointment he has been hankering after as special adviser to the Organization of American States (OAS). He was offered the post some time back when it was known that he would not be running for another election. The USA supports Aznar's aspirations to enter the Central and Southern American scene."

Venezuela court boosts poll hopes  3/16/2004 BBC 

Community & alternative broadcast media under constant opposition attack  3/14/2004 Vheadlines: not content with controlling the major media, the white minority opposition sabotages all competitors.

Noam Chomsky: How America determines friends and foes  3/14/2004 Vheadlines 

Extra Judicial Executions in Venezuela  3/13/2004 El Universal: fine propaganda from Venezuela's corporate media.

US revealed to be secretly funding opponents of Chavez  3/13/2004 Independent, UK: "Jeremy Bigwood, a Washington-based freelance journalist who obtained the documents, yesterday told The Independent: "This repeats a pattern started in Nicaragua in the election of 1990 when [the US] spent $20 per voter to get rid of [the Sandinista President Daniel] Ortega. It's done in the name of democracy but it's rather hypocritical. Venezuela does have a democratically elected President who won the popular vote which is not the case with the US." "

Venezuela: Anatomy of the Third Coup (II)  3/13/2004 Venezuela Analysis: "The advance of the third coup in Venezuela already allows us to understand its anatomy. It is perhaps the most sophisticated that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Washington mercenaries have set up since April 2002, and it combines elements from the destruction of Aristide’s government in Haiti, Allende in Chile, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, and the subversion of real existing socialism in eastern Europe, especially the coup in Romania and the implosion of the German Democratic Republic."

Venezuela’s CITGO Contributes to Social Programs Thanks to Record Profits in 2003  3/12/2004 Venezuela Analysis: For CITGO locations, see

Embajadores africanos expresan su malestar a Globovisión por contenido de una emisión de Aló Ciudadano  3/12/2004 Venpres: "El Grupo de Embajadores Africanos acreditados ante el Gobierno de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, nos dirigimos a Usted en razón de expresarle nuestro asombro legítimo y profundo malestar por el contenido de un programa emitido el pasado día 28 de febrero, en el espacio "Aló Ciudadano" con motivo de la visita del Presidente de Zimbabwe, S.E. Robert Mugabe a Caracas en el marco de la Cumbre del G-15… Sencillamente, Sr. Director, a los televidentes de vuestra cadena se les ha servido un espectáculo burdo e indecente, repleto de efectos groseros, expresiones despectivas y un sinfín de burlas y gestos de indudable contenido racista. Conducta que, dicho sea de paso, deja mucho que desear acerca del talento democrático, los modales y la talla moral e intelectual de los conductores del citado programa." [Globovisión es una de la cadenas privadas en Venezuela.]

Kerry Statement on Venezuela  3/10/2004 Vcrisis: on a page with links to CubaNet, representing the Miami Mafia, and the Haiti Democracy Project, the cover for the recycled Ton Ton Macoutes.

Venezuela Leader Vows War if U.S. Invades  3/7/2004 AP 

Time Grows Short - For Venezuela Can the country be saved from Castro-like dictatorship?  3/7/2004 Wall Street Journal 

A Report from Caracas - Venezuela Equals Haiti?  3/6/2004 Counterpunch 

Venezuela at the crossroads - National Endowment for Democracy channels money to recall campaign against democratically elected president  3/6/2004 Workinf for Change: "In late-January, while the national elections council was preparing to evaluate the authenticity of the two-plus million petition signatures handed in by the opposition, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was presenting an award to Venezuelan billionaire, Gustavo Cisneros, Chairman & CEO of the Cisneros Group of Companies… According to the Green Left Weekly, however, Cisneros is "credited with being a driving force behind the December 2002 nationwide lock-out and sabotage of the oil industry, which drove the Venezuelan economy into the ground by causing a historical drop of 27% in the country's GDP in the first trimester of 2003." And the US-based NGO Global Strike for Women condemned the IAEC's decision to give Cisneros the award, charging that he was a leader of the Dec 2002-Feb 2003 nationwide lock out "aimed at forcing President Chavez from office" and that "he played a similar role in the more recent oil lock out orchestrated by the CIA and aimed at paralyzing the whole country." Cisneros owns one of the largest privately held media, entertainment, technology, and consumer products organizations in the world. His holdings include Univision Communications, Inc., AOL Latin America, DIRECTV Latin America, Claxson Interactive Group, Venevision, Venezuela's largest television network, Los Leones del Caracas, Regional Brewing Company, Backus & Johnston Brewing Company, and Pueblo International, LLC."

(Fotos) Autopsia a cadaver de ex-petrolero asesinado en manifestación, contradice versiones de medios de comunicación  3/5/2004 Aporrea 

Venezuela opposition leader shot dead  3/5/2004 Iafrica, SA 

Venezuela opposition takes hope from Haiti developments Chavez foes watch fall of Aristide, look to U.S. for aid  3/5/2004 SF Chronicle 

Credit Suisse: There Will be no Recall Referendum Against Venezuela's Chavez  3/5/2004 Venezuela Analysis 

"Parece que desde el Pentágono, se le dio la orden a la oposición venezolana de destruir al país"  3/3/2004 Aporrea 

The Script of Destabilization as Applied to Venezuela  3/3/2004 Venezuela Analysis: "At the same time, little opposition groups acted violently in different parts of the capital, especially in the wealthy areas of El Hatillo, Baruta and Chacao, and set up road blocks with burning barricades. The National Guard and Military Police, which tried to disperse the “peaceful demonstrations” were attacked with rocks, Molotov cocktails, and gunfire. Only a few hundred people participated in these activities, but they can be prevented only with difficulty, since the police force of the capital Caracas (which has a mayor who was elected on the Chavez ticket, but later switched over to the opposition) and of the three above-named districts do not intervene. They either remain out of sight, actively support the violent protesters, or participate in civilian clothes. Several police officers have been arrested by the National Guard."

USA Caracas Embassy official accused of covert meetings with opposition rebels  3/3/2004 Vheadlines 

Venezuela - OAS-Carter Center: CNE perhaps over-zealous in verifying signatures  3/3/2004 Vheadlines 

Venezuela: Catholic priest arrested and released for leading street action in Margarita  3/3/2004 Vheadlines: "Roman Catholic priest, Father Ruperto Marin Mata has been arrested along with 3 altar boys for allegedly provoking public disorder on Isla de Margarita (Nueva Esparta). The Pastor of the important sanctuary of Our Lady of the Valle (Virgen del Valle) was arrested, while using a loudspeaker on Avenida Jovito Villalba and after the National Guard (GN) attempted to disperse a crowd intent on blocking the avenue. GN commander, Colonel Marcos Rojas says the clergyman and followers were arrested for haranguing a crowd to close the road in defense of the opposition recall referendum signatures and create disturbances."

Poli-Caracas heridos por francotiradores fascistas de Montalban  3/2/2004 Aporrea 

Venezuelans' Plan to Recall Chávez Faces a Setback  3/2/2004 NYT 

Venezuela: US President accused of meddling  3/2/2004 Sydney Morning Herald: "Venezuela's President, Hugo Chavez, has called the US President, George Bush, an "arsehole" for meddling, and vowed never to quit office like his Haitian counterpart. His comments came as troops battled with protesters demanding a recall referendum against him."

Venezuela's Opposition Did Not Collect Enough Signatures Yet for Chavez Recall  3/2/2004 Venezuela Analysis: "Working-class sections of Caracas are celebrating the announcement, as it is perceived as if the recall referendum of Chavez will not succeed. Isolated protests have erupted in some middle-class and upper middle-class sections of Caracas, similar to those of the last four days."

Venezuela stops all further training at the School of the Americas terrorist college  3/2/2004 Vheadlines: "SOA Watch is reporting that the Venezuelan government has announced that it is going to cease all training of Venezuelan soldiers at the School of the Americas (now known as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation), the controversial US military combat training school for Latin American soldiers, based in Fort Benning (Georgia)."

Violent protests continue in the richer urbanizations of Antimano, Altamira, Los Palos Grandes, Macarao, Caricuao, Petare, El Paraiso, Montalban, San Bernardino, Santa Rosalia and Miranda  3/2/2004 Vheadlines: "Executive Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel has stated that the government may intervene the Metropolitan Police (PM). Speaking at the funeral of Movimiento Quinta Republica (MVR) militant, Reyes Jose Guevara, shot and killed during Saturday's disturbances in La Urbina urbanization, Rangel has claimed that 35 PM officers, dressed as civilians, used firearms against government supporters."

Venezuelan Leader, Battling a Recall, Mocks Bush  3/1/2004 NYT 

Foes of Venezuela's Chavez Caused Destruction, two More Deaths in Saturday Riots  3/1/2004 Venezuela Analysis 

Hundreds of Thousands of Venezuelans Protested in Caracas Against U.S. Intervention  3/1/2004 Venezuela Analysis: vs hundreds rioting against Chavez…

Defense Minister Carneiro: disturbances fortunately limited to middle class areas  3/1/2004 Vheadlines 

Venezuela may be on brink of fresh turmoil  2/29/2004 Financial Times 

Venezuela would stop oil to U.S. if invaded -Chavez  2/29/2004 Forbes 

Miami City Commissioners want to allow anti-Venezuelan protesters to carry objects that could be thrown, shot or used as weapons  2/27/2004 Vheadlines 

As Turmoil Deepens in Venezuela, Questions Regarding NED Activities Remain Unanswered  2/15/2004 Transnacionale: published 12/02.

La oposición utiliza Miami para introducir armas ilegales en Venezuela  2/14/2004 Rebelion 

Denuncian envío de dinero desde Estados Unidos a la oposición golpista en Venezuela  2/13/2004 Rebelion 

El Gobierno Estadounidense sigue conspirando en Venezuela  2/11/2004 Rebelion: "Como prueba de la participación actual del Gobierno Estadounidense en la conspiración golpista contra Venezuela, se encuentran las declaraciones dadas este lunes 09 de febrero por el vocero del Departamento de Estado, Richard Boucher, quien reconoció abiertamente que el Gobierno de Estados Unidos, a través del Instituto Nacional Demócrata (NDI), ayuda financieramente a grupos que supuestamente trabajan en promover la democracia y fortalecer la sociedad civil en Venezuela. Entre estos grupos se encuentran la CTV, Momento de la Gente, Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS), Consorcio Justicia, Asamblea de Educación, Acción Campesina, Liderazgo y Visión. Estos grupos se pronunciaron, mayoritariamente a favor del golpe de Estado de Pedro Carmona en abril del 2002."

A website devoted to investigating US meddling in Venezuela - Un sitio de web dedicado a investigar la intervención de los EEUU en Venezuela  2/10/2004 

Declassified Documents Back Venezuelan President’s Claim of US Aid to Opposition Groups  2/10/2004 "The documents discovered through Bigwood’s FOIA requests on Venezuela reveal a consistent pattern of funding from various U.S. agencies and entities, such as the Department of State and the National Endowment for Democracy, to several known anti-Chávez groups in Venezuela. One of these groups, Sumate, received USD$53,400 for “Electoral Education” during the period September 2003 – September 2004. The funds awarded to Sumate were, according to the NED grant, to “train citizens throughout Venezuela in the electoral process and to promote participation in a recall referendum.” Sumate is the organization that led an unapproved referendum drive back in February 2003, attempting to remove President Chavez before half of his term, which is not permitted by Venezuelan law. Sumate claimed to have collected “27 million signatures in one day”, yet it was later discovered that a majority of these signatures were gathered through fraudulent means, including photocopied from bank records and credit card receipts."

James Petras: Para EE.UU., tanto Cuba como Venezuela son amenazas a la estabilidad  2/7/2004 Aporrea 

An obsession with Venezuela  2/5/2004 Radio Progresso: "If truth be told, we're getting a bit tired of editing the stories published by El Nuevo Herald – but if we must, we must. We say this after reading another installment of the newspaper's continuing campaign against Hugo Chávez, President of Venezuela. In this case, the tale was titled “Colombian guerrillas act in the very center of Venezuela” and appeared on Page One of El Nuevo on Feb. 2. It was not translated and reproduced by The Miami Herald, so we'll give you, our English-speaking reader, a brief summary of it."

Cuban doctor rumbles Venevision TV ploy to scapegoat alleged kidnapping  2/5/2004 Vheadlines 

U.S. - Venezuela: From hostile rhetoric to the brink of confrontation  2/4/2004 Final Call: "Professor of International Studies Carlos Romero at the Central University, Venezuela’s leading university, told IPS that the history of Latin America "demonstrates that the United States acts according to the circumstances, and in a scenario of confrontation, a U.S. military intervention cannot simply be ruled out." ...Nevertheless, for the first time since Pres. Chavez, a former lieutenant-colonel, took office in 1999, unconfirmed reports have come out that the military high command in Venezuela is studying the scenario of a U.S. invasion. "The issue of a possible invasion of Venezuela by the United States is not a concern. But that does not mean we are not going to evaluate it," army division General Melvin Lopez, secretary of the National Defense Council, and an officer considered politically close to Pres. Chavez, told the public TV station. "We study and monitor all possible scenarios. We never lose sight of Venezuela’s strategic importance, based on the fact that it has the hemisphere’s biggest oil reserves, and on the country’s mineral and water reserves and its privileged position facing the Caribbean sea." "

Bolivarians return to the streets of Caracas  2/4/2004 Granma 

The Miami Herald Makes the Case for Suspected Venezuelan Terrorists  2/4/2004 Venezuela Analysis 

US Immigration denies conditional liberty plea by rebel Venezuelan terrorists  2/3/2004 Vheadline: "Meanwhile, The Miami Herald -- traditionally opposed to President Hugo Chavez Frias -- has preempted the natural course of US justice in an editorial demand that authorities should allow the rebels to present their asylum cases, although no such denial has even been mooted. The Herald piles on the propaganda by stating that the rebels' lives would be in danger if they are returned to Venezuela, since they could be executed ... even though Venezuela has no political prisoners and the death penalty was abolished in 1863."

Cuba's debt to Venezuela soars as oil keeps flowing  2/3/2004 Wall Street Journal: "Over the past three years, Cuba has run up a massive debt of $752 million for oil shipped by Venezuela's state oil company, according to people close to the company and internal documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal." -- but does this take into account the services provided by Cuba?

La pobreza periodística de la emisora WFM de Colombia manipula declaraciones de Don King sobre Chávez  2/2/2004 Aporrea 

Don King praises Venezuela's Chavez  2/1/2004 CNN: ""To see what is happening here makes me feel good all over," said King of Chavez's government and his efforts to bring social justice to Venezuela's poor majority. "You are a president of the people, for the people and by the people and your magic lies in your people ties. You are the one concerned about the poor," King said during Chavez's "Hello President" program."

Chávez followers said to be training for referendum in Cuba  2/1/2004 CubaNet 

US boxing promoter Don King says will tell George W. Bush of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias' 'people ties'  2/1/2004 Vheadlines 


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