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Venezuela: Caracazo (Sacudón), 1989
the Caracas riots that signaled the end of euro elite dominance

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Documental Cotrain sobre el caracazo (1/5)
Qué fue "la masacre del Caracazo" hace 30 años y qué nos dice de la situación actual en Venezuela  2/27/2019 BBC: "La fuerte represión del ejército y la policía dejó, según el balance oficial, centenares de muertos. Y también un profundo malestar en el que muchos vieron una de las razones de la aparición en la escena política del comandante Hugo Chávez, que en 1992 lideraría una intentona militar por hacerse con el poder y, finalmente, en 1998, resultó elegido presidente." [Los muertos eran 2,000.]

Venezuela's Downfall Isn't About Socialism — It's About Oil  2/27/2019 "On the morning of Feb. 27, Venezuelans arriving at bus stations for their commutes were shocked to learn that the price for public transportation had doubled. By 5am, Caracas and other major cities were paralyzed by massive protests. Unable to purchase food, people began looting, stealing food and redistributing it across Caracas’ poorest neighborhoods."

27 de febrero: 30 años después "Tres tesis sobre el 27 F"  2/27/2019 Centro de Saberes Africanos: "No hay duda, el 27 de febrero de 1989 cambió la historia venezolana, sentando las bases para el entierro del bipartidismo, hecho que ocurriría en menos de diez años. El 27 F o el Sacudón, es un punto de quiebre en la historia moderna de Venezuela que tiene pocos momentos de comparación, siendo uno de ellos la recuperación del poder por parte de la Revolución apenas 13 años después."

Venezuela crisis: Guaidó ridicules 'civil war' threat  2/4/2019 BBC: "But in a speech on Monday, Mr Guaidó said: "There is no possibility of a civil war in Venezuela, it is a Maduro invention." [Venezuela has a rich history of civil conflict and Guaido's side lost in the Caracazo of 1989.]

29 anos do “Caracazo” ou “Sacudón” na Venezuela  3/8/2018 Pragmatismo Politico: "Em certa oportunidade, em um discurso realizado no Cuartel de La Montaña, Hugo Chávez fez questão de diferenciar a tentativa de golpe de 1992 dos golpes costumeiramente perpetrados pelas elites de vários países latino-americanos: “Golpistas são os que se unem à oligarquia para atropelar seu próprio povo, golpistas são os que pretendem instalar na Venezuela uma ditadura, golpistas e apátridas são os que se ajoelham ao imperialismo norte-americano. Nós somos anti-imperialistas, revolucionários, bolivarianos, e a cada dia somos mais e somos em maior profundidade.”"

En claves: “El sacudón” de 1989 en Venezuela  2/27/2015 teleSUR: "El 27 de febrero de 1989, millones de personas salieron espontáneamente a la calle en contra un paquete de medidas de corte neoliberal que anunció el gobierno de Carlos Andrés Pérez (CAP) a cambio de un préstamo de casi 5 mil millones de dólares para llenar las vacías arcas de uno de los países más ricos en energía del mundo. El gobierno de CAP admitió 276 muertos y pérdidas multimillonarias, sin embargo recientes investigaciones y datos de organizaciones independientes cifran los desaparecidos entre los días 27 y 28 en unas 2 mil."

Venezuela Marks 25 Years Since “Caracazo” Uprising Against Neoliberalism  2/28/2014 Venezuela Analysis: "“The people who were massacred 25 years ago are the revolutionary people that today are constructing Bolivarian socialism, that is being consolidated this century,” wrote President Nicolas Maduro on Twitter yesterday. “The people broke their bindings and said “enough of neoliberalism”. They were massacred but not defeated, and there began this revolution of the 21st century,” he continued. In a march in Caracas attended by grassroots activists, government and army officials, Manuel Saenz of the working class 23 de Enero district argued that the Caracazo has great importance for understanding Venezuela today."

Large Rally Remembers Venezuela's Caracazo, While Opposition Students Protest  2/27/2013 Venezuela Analysis: "Many at the Caracas rally saw the uprising as marking the start of the Bolivarian revolution, and chanted, “The [the old ruling class] will never return”, “end the speculators” and “the revolution belongs to the people”."

The Children of 1989: Resurrecting the Venezuelan Dead  10/31/2012 Venezuela Analysis: By George Ciccariello-Maher - "As a recently spotted graffiti in Caracas by the Hip-Hop Revolución Collective puts it: ‘Somos hijos del 89… We are children of 89…’ And yet, as with all founding moments, even the most visceral memories can fade eventually if not connected continuously with the present. As a result, radical politics appears almost as though endowed with a half-life like plutonium but much shorter: radical leaders come to power by the ballot or the bullet, and move – gradually or swiftly – from left to centre, from challenging the status quo to faithfully upholding it. Venezuela, by contrast, has seen the opposite trajectory: elected as a moderate in 1998, Chávez has been powerfully radicalized through a combination of pressure from below and antagonism from the right."

The Fourth World War Started in Venezuela  3/3/2007 Counterpunch: By George Ciccariello-Maher - "Politically, the Caracazo represented the death knell of the old regime. Former Chavista vice president José Vicente Rangel put it clearly: “Venezuelan history split into two.” Juan Contreras, head of the revolutionary Simón Bolívar Coordinator, argues that it was the Caracazo in 1989 rather than the pair of coup attempts in 1992 (the first led by Chávez) that definitively destroyed the corrupt “partyocracy.” And the proof of this is the fact that those coups were the direct result of the 1989 rebellion, or as Contreras puts it, “Chávez didn’t create the movements, we created him.”"

Links/Enlaces top

Colectivo Hip Hop Revolucion
Nosotros con Chávez - Hijos del 89 enRevolución

Joel Linares on Venezuela's 1989 'Caracazo' Uprising Against Neoliberalism , 11/12/10, YouTube
This is an excerpt taken from the independent documentary 'Inside the Revolution: A Journey into the Heart of Venezuela' (Alborada Films, 2009)

The Hip Hop Revolution Colectivo appears to have ceased on line activities in 2015:



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