The racial conflict in Venezuela - El conflicto racial en VenezuelaVenezuela's Bolivarian Revolution from the start enjoyed the support of of key AfroVenezuelan groups and individuals as well as the much larger mestizo or mixed groups. They all rebelled against the white elites. By contrast, the AfroCuban groups such as the societies of color were not involved in the Cuban Revolution which after winning tried to remove racism and its consequences. There is more awareness in Venezuela of the role racism plays in driving social conflicts and the government has taken to talking about the US as a white supremacist government. This racial conflict is playing out to this day, where the white opposition has selected mestizo Juan Guaido to lead their efforts, bypassing more senior white politicians. This is likely a reaction to the drubbing they took in the whole National Assembly debacle, as described in Racism and the Fight over Venezuela, 2/12/2019 Strategic Culture:
"Venezuela currently has two assemblies that claim the right to
legislate. In 2015 the opposition won a majority in the National
Assembly, the original parliament of Venezuela. This article points to a series of pictures, including those at left, to illustrate the fact that the National Assembly is overwhelmingly white while the Constituent Asembly much more accurately reflects the makeup of the country. There is a general progressive failure to understand the racialized nature of this conflict and to act on it. Without this information, people underestimate the support for Maduro and are unable to generate much enthusiasm behind the defense of the Venezuelan people. The following articles give further information on the conflict. El conflicto racial en Venezuela
Desde el principio, la Revolución Bolivariana de Venezuela contó con
el apoyo de grupos e individuos claves afrovenezolanos, así como de
grupos mestizos mucho más grandes. Todos se rebelaron contra los
elites blancos. Por el contrario, los grupos afrocubanos, como las
sociedades de color, no participaron en la Revolución cubana que,
después de ganar, intentó eliminar el racismo y sus consecuencias.
Hay más conciencia en Venezuela sobre el papel que juega el racismo
en la conducción de los conflictos sociales y el gobierno ha
empezado a hablar de los Estados Unidos como un gobierno
de supremacistas blancos.
"Venezuela actualmente tiene dos asambleas que reclaman el derecho a
legislar. En 2015, la oposición obtuvo la mayoría en la Asamblea
Nacional, el parlamento original de Venezuela. Sin embargo, la Corte
Suprema de Venezuela prohibió a cuatro legisladores tomar sus
escaños mientras investigaba las denuncias de fraude electoral. Como
resultado, solo 163 de los 167 legisladores prestaron juramento el 5
de enero. Al día siguiente, tres diputados de la oposición juraron
protestas de miembros de la minoría de la legislatura que anunciaron
su intención de impugnar la medida. La Corte Suprema de Venezuela
luego sostuvo que la Asamblea Nacional estaba en desacato a la
corte. El movimiento creó un estancamiento político. Para resolverlo
el presidente convocó a la elección de una Asamblea Constitucional.
Su tarea principal es considerar los cambios constitucionales. Pero
también puede anular la legislación que hace la Asamblea Nacional.
El Tribunal Supremo aceptó la solución. La Asamblea Nacional, la
presidencia de rotación que Random Guy [Juan Guaido] tomó a
principios de este año, es ya solo un parlamento secundario
". Racialized Conflict articles/Articulos sobre el conflicto racializadoQUE HA PASADO EN VENEZUELA SOBRE EL DECENIO? 3/22/2019 8vo Mandamiento: "El gobierno de Uruguay y la organización Mundo Afro, organizaron una actividad para lanzar la propuesta del Consejo Nacional para la Equidad Racial. Para ello fuimos invitados especialista de Brasil, Venezuela y la activista afroestadoundiense Angela Davis, a quien se le rindió un merecido homenaje por su larga trayectoria de lucha por la defensa de la mujeres y su compromiso político contra la Supremacia blanca Estadounidense que hoy rige las riendas politicas encabezados por el Cartel dee Lima y por eso gobiernos títeres de Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Honduras, Paraguay, Chile, Guatemala, Argentina y Chile." La supremacía blanca es la clave para el golpe de estado perpetrado por Trump en Venezuela 3/13/2019 Hincapie: "En la siguiente instantánea podemos ver a los miembros del partido de Guaidó en la Asamblea Nacional, blancos como la nieve… …sobre todo si los comparamos con sus opositores políticos de la tercera foto, los miembros del Congreso que apoya al presidente electo Nicolás Maduro. Los que respaldan a Maduro son casi todos de tez más oscura. Esta es la historia de Venezuela en blanco y negro, algo que no te contarán ni el New York Times, ni el resto de medios del establishment. El denominado levantamiento popular de este año, es en realidad el resultado de la furiosa reacción de los blancos (y ricos) venezolanos contra su arrinconamiento por parte de la mayoritaria masa de mestizos (y demás razas) pobres."
In Venezuela, White Supremacy Is a Key Driver of the Coup 2/7/2019 Orinoco
Tribune: by Greg Palast - "First, we have Juan Guaidó, self-proclaimed
(and Trump-proclaimed) president of the nation, with his wife and child, a
photo prominently placed in The New York Times. And here, the class photo
of Guaidó’s party members in the National Assembly. They appear,
overwhelmingly light-skinned — especially when compared to their political
opposites in the third photo, the congress members who support the elected
President Nicolás Maduro. This is the story of Venezuela in black and
white, the story not told in The New York Times or the rest of our
establishment media. This year’s so-called popular uprising is, at its
heart, a furious backlash of the whiter (and wealthier) Venezuelans
against their replacement by the larger Mestizo (mixed-race) poor.
(Forty-four percent of the population that answered the 2014 census listed
themselves as “white.”)"
The denial that racism persists and the accompanying invisibilty of Black and Indigenous Venezuelans in many otherwise solid progressive articles are an important reason the situation there is not being challenged. #NoMoreSilence. This phenomena holds true across the Americas. It was noticeable in progressive reactions to the election of Trump, an exceptionally out front and charged up proponent of white supremacy, a characteristic his voters viewed as THE primary reason for selecting him. And yet progressives had trouble seeing this and many remain dismissive of identity politics. We can no longer afford this. There are many cartoons such as the one at right by Kiko Rodriguez. It is one of the more repulsive depictions of Chavez that not only expresses time-worn racist contempt for people of African descent, but also foments hatred by appealing to white fears that have existed since the days of slavery. The title is “Miko Mandante”, meaning “Ape Commander” to mock the affectionate title “Mi Comandante” used by masses of Venezuelan people. Kiko Rodriguez left his birthplace in Cuba for Ecuador in 2000. He won the First Annual Latin American Illustration Competition with this cartoon, which was widely circulated in the private press of Venezuela and other countries (adapted with thanks from Venezuela Analysis, Racism Sin Vergüenza in the Venezuelan Counter-Revolution).
The backing by Afro Venezuelans is a
strength and in ju jitsu terms a weakness to be exploited by the hard
right Opposition -
The Invisibility of Protester Deaths in Poor Areas 1/26/2019 Venezuela
Analysis. An area of vulnerability tied to leftist invisibilization
of Africans - "If that data is analyzed along with allegations in 2017
that young people linked to criminal practices were paid to do what they
did in a violent way, it is possible to think that this is a repetition of
this tactic by the political opposition. What are being promoted are small
concentrations of violence in popular sectors in order to symbolically and
materially undermine the main base of support of the government."
There is a difference between frustration, which many people experience
due to government mismanagement, and support for the antidemocratic white
supremacists maneuvers of the opposition and the US, which was founded to
preserve slavery from an abolitionist England. |
One of many cartoons of Maduro as a gorilla |
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