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COVID-19 and Venezuela

COVID Testing 4-9-2020Articles/Artículostop

Second US Navy destroyer hit by COVID outbreak returns to port  4/29/2020 France24: "The first cases surfaced last week while the Kidd had been patrolling for drug smugglers in the Caribbean. Medical personnel were quickly flown to the ship to conduct tests and it was ordered back to port in the southern California city, where the crew will be evacuated and quarantined and the ship undergoes a "strategic deep-cleaning regimen.""

Class and Quarantine in Venezuela: A Conversation with Anacaona Marin of El Panal Commune  4/17/2020 Venezuela Analysis 

Cuban Doctors Arrive in Angola to Train 1500 Health Technicians  4/11/2020 teleSUR: "With that training, "Angolan doctors will visit the families assigned to them, at a rate of 1,000 inhabitants per professional, cohabiting with the Cubans who arrived in Angola for the purpose," the Inter-ministerial Commission for Pandemic Response spokesperson explained. On Friday morning, 256 Cuban health workers arrived in Angola to support the fight against COVID-19, which has already infected 19 people in this African country."

Colombia constitutes the main risk factor of Covid-19 infection for Venezuelans  4/9/2020 Gobierno Bolivariano: "Due to the significant rates of Covid-19 infections from Colombia, Venezuela will strengthen control measures in the so-called trails to prevent the spread of the infectious disease. “We are going to be much more diligent, much more rigid and careful at work in the so-called trails”, said the Vice-president of Communication, Culture and Tourism, Jorge Rodríguez. He indicated that, as a result of the entry of people from Colombia, the New Granada nation appears as “the main risk factor of transmission and infection for Venezuelans”. From the Miraflores Palace, located in Caracas, he pointed out that the increase in the transmission in travelers from Colombia responds to the fact that “this epidemic is not being controlled in any way there, not even making an adequate registry of cases; which means a risk for the strict control that we are doing in Venezuela”."

Venezuela Has Done 14x More Coronavirus Tests Than Brazil – 2 New Confirmed Cases Reported, Total 155  4/4/2020 Orinoco Tribune: "Two new positive cases of Covid-19 were registered in Venezuela in the last 24 hours to raise the number of infections to 155, and 52 patients have recovered satisfactorily. Speaking on the quality of the Venezuelan approach, the low number of cases detected and the social media negative influencers discrediting Venezuelan figures on the pandemic, Jorge Rodriguez highlighted that Venezuela has practiced 1,227 tests per million people and compared that number with other Latin American countries like Chile with 884, Ecuador with 595, Colombia with 375, Peru with 120 and Brazil with only 86 tests per million."

Venezuela’s Coronavirus Response Might Surprise You  3/26/2020 Venezuela Analysis: "First, international solidarity has played a priceless role in enabling the government to rise to the challenge. China sent coronavirus diagnostic kits that will allow 320,000 Venezuelans to be tested, in addition to a team of experts and tons of supplies. Cuba sent 130 doctors and 10,000 doses of interferon alfa-2b, a drug with an established record of helping COVID-19 patients recover. Russia has sent the first of several shipments of medical equipment and kits. These three countries, routinely characterized by the U.S. foreign policy establishment as evil, offer solidarity and material support. The United States offers more sanctions and the IMF, widely known to be under U.S. control, denied a Venezuelan request for $5 billion in emergency funding that even the European Union supports."

Conozca las consecuencias positivas del coronavirus  3/13/2020 teleSUR: "Debido a los protocolos de contención se han reducido las actividades industriales, y a su vez se han disminuído los desplazamientos en vehículos y aviones, lo que ha causado una baja en las emisiones como las de CO2 y dióxido de nitrógeno (NO2) y particulas finas en China, durante los últimos meses, de acuerdo con organismos como la Administración Nacional de la Aeronáutica y del Espacio (Nasa) y la ONG World Air Quality Index."



Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University

COVID-19: Cuba


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