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Venezuela in the News
Archives: 2012-2014

The unstated subtext in Venezuela is the role of race & identity.  For the white upper class, which controls sections of  the press, Chavez was a "mico mono," a long tailed monkey, a reference to his African heritage.  In reality, Chavez had African, Indian, and European heritage, was elected 8 times by Venezuela's poor, and  was a practicante de la religion Yoruba. His death by no means signals the end of bolivarianismo, which has its recent roots in the Caracazo, the 1989 pitched battles in Caracas' streets where the euro elite lost their grip on society.

HOV Campaign expresses outrage at assassination of Robert Serra  10/9/2014 HOV: "We note that Robert Serra had warned about a campaign of assassination of mid-level Bolivarian leaders. We note that these killings take place after revelations about terrorist plans organised by “student leader” Lorent Saleh which allegedly implicate former Colombian president Uribe."

Terrorism and Assassinations in Venezuela  10/8/2014 CounterPunch: "On Wednesday, October 1, 2014, Robert Serra, 27 years old, a lawyer and legislator from the governing party PSUV, the youngest Member of Parliament of Venezuela, and his partner Maria Herrera, were assassinated in their own home in a central area of Caracas. It was an outrageous and deliberate act of terror. Robert Serra and María Herrera were tortured, stabbed and then bled to death. He specialized in criminology, and was engaged in the task of helping to curb crime in the country. María Herrera assisted him in this vital work. Robert Serra came from a poor family; his mother worked as a street hawker to help him go to law school. He was famous for his insightful interventions in parliament and was much beloved, some referred to him as “ a future Chávez”. Their deaths were carried out systematically. Ernesto Samper, ex-president of Colombia and current president of UNASUR, said: “This crime is evidence of the infiltration of Colombian paramilitary in Venezuela.”"

Snapshot from the Economic War in Venezuela  8/28/2014 Sujatha Fernandez: "Between October and December 2013, Moreno, along with the prosecutor Hernan Marín Pérez, sanctioned numerous companies involved in economic sabotage known as “guarimba” who were deliberately causing shortages through hoarding and speculation. Moreno and Marín always clearly followed legal guidelines in their prosecutions. But on July 18, they were arrested on trumped up charges of extortion and conspiracy, punishable under Articles 60 and 70 of the Anti-Corruption Act and Article 37 of the Law Against Organized Crime and Terrorism Financing. The charges are clearly retribution for their role played in attacking the destructive practices of regional businesses."

Official: Venezuela Tried to Pressure Aruba  7/29/2014 ABC: "Blanken said U.S. media reports that Venezuela raised military pressure to try to secure Carvajal's release were "misleading." Local authorities, he said, were alarmed early Sunday when several Venezuelan naval ships were tracked close to the territorial waters of Aruba. However, the Royal Dutch Marines found that the ships were on a normal route."

US funds political groups in Venezuela despite ban  7/28/2014 AP: "Almost four years after Venezuela enacted a law to bar the U.S. from funding groups frequently critical of the socialist government, millions of the American dollars the administration tried to ban still flow to these organizations, an analysis by The Associated Press shows. Much more U.S. support is under consideration. The State Department and the National Endowment for Democracy, a government-funded nonprofit organization, together budgeted about $7.6 million to support Venezuelan groups last year alone, according to public documents reviewed by AP."

Aruba Says Venezuela Raised Military Pressure on It  7/28/2014 WSJ: "Aruba's chief prosecutor Peter Blanken said that Venezuelan navy ships neared Aruba and Curaçao over the weekend as Dutch officials were debating what to do with Hugo Carvajal —Venezuela's former chief of military intelligence who was jailed in Aruba last week on a U.S. warrant… Mr. Blanken said Venezuela's government also had threatened to sever Venezuela's vital commercial air links to Aruba and Curaçao. Venezuela's state oil company also threatened to withdraw from a contract to manage Curaçao's refinery, Mr. Blanken said, which would have put at risk some 8,000 jobs."

Llega a Venezuela diplomático Hugo Carvajal, luego de detención ilegal en Aruba  7/27/2014 Aporrea: "Carvajal fue liberado luego de que el Reino de los Países Bajos admitiera mediante un comunicado dirigido al Gobierno Bolivariano que el artículo 13° de la Convención de Viena le otorga inmunidad diplomática, por lo qué la detención del funcionario se produjo al margen de los tratados internacionales."

Aruba to hold Venezuelan official seeking immunity  7/25/2014 AP: "A judge in Aruba ruled Friday that the highest-ranking Venezuelan official ever arrested on a U.S. warrant must remain behind bars pending an extradition request on drug-trafficking charges, prompting Venezuela to cancel flights to the Dutch Caribbean island in retaliation."

Vea las irresponsables declaraciones del Fiscal Mayor de Aruba que dio a CNN en Español  7/25/2014 Aporrea: "La enviada especial de teleSUR a Aruba, Madelein García, explicó que los abogados defensores alegan que la decisión es ilegal porque vulnera lo establecido en el artículo 13 del convenio, que establece (...) se considera diplomático oficial una vez presentadas las credenciales y aceptadas en el gobierno a quien remite". García añadió que el artículo 39 también es violado, pues indica que "(el cónsul) tiene privilegios toda vez que entre en el Estado receptor, en funciones"."

Fiscal de Aruba: Detención de Hugo Carvajal fue correcta y legal  7/25/2014 CNN: "El fiscal señaló que la Cancillería holandesa confirmó que Carvajal no tiene inmunidad diplomática. Pero en entrevista con Guillermo Arduino, Benvinda de Souza, abogada defensora, dijo que bajo los parámetros del Tratado de Viena, Carvajal sí tiene inmundidad."

Maduro Backs Venezuelan Detained in Aruba  7/25/2014 Telersur: "Carvajal was appointed Venezuela's consul general in Aruba in January, though island authorities opposed the move. He was traveling on a diplomatic passport, according to Maduro."

Feds charge former high-ranking Chavez aides with protecting drug traffickers  7/24/2014 Miami Herald: "A former Venezuelan judge and his family flew into Miami International Airport with plans for a prepaid, two-week vacation at Disney World. Benny Palmeri-Bacchi never made it to the Orlando theme park. He was among three Venezuelans charged in federal drug-trafficking cases that for the first time link former high-ranking officials in the late President Hugo Chávez’s administration to Colombian cartel bosses, prosecutors said Thursday."

Venezuela protests arrest of ex-intelligence head wanted in U.S.  7/24/2014 Reuters: "Venezuela's former military intelligence chief, accused of involvement in drug trafficking by the United States, was arrested on a Caribbean island while on diplomatic business, the South American country said on Thursday."

Venezuela Receives US$18 Billion of Chinese Financing, Signs 38 Accords  7/22/2014 Venezuela Analysis 

Aftermath of a Venezuela-Style Lynching  7/3/2014 Venezuela Analysis: "Almost three months have passed since an enraged right-wing mob brutally beat law student William Muñoz (30), then doused him with gasoline. It was a scene horrifically reminiscent of lynchings that have murdered thousands of Black people in the U.S. But on April 3, 2014, on the campus of the prestigious 300-year old Central University of Venezuela (UCV), a good Samaritan or an ambulance driver rescued Muñoz before the mob could incinerate him. That is where the record of this Venezuelan saga begins to depart from the shameful history of genocidal murders in the U.S."

11th Annual World Poetry Festival in Venezuela Pays Homage to Amiri Baraka  6/16/2014 Venezuela Analysis: "Two of Venezuela’s well-known Afrodescendant actors: Rafael Jimenez and Antonieta Colon, represented Amiri and Amina Baraka, while reading from a Spanish translation of the famous couple’s poetry. Cacri Jazz trio, lead by saxophonist Pablo Garcia, supplied the music as visual artist, Javier Gutierrez painted three separate pieces inspired by the poetry and music. One, in stark back and white, outlined silhouettes of several lynched people with the phrase “Strange Fruit” scrawled down the side. The highlight of the performance was “Somebody Blew Up America”, Amiri’s militant poem written shortly after 9-11-2001, when the Twin Towers in New York City were destroyed by two hijacked planes. At the time, Amiri had been poet laureate of the state of New Jersey. After writing the poem, which traced the history of U.S. terrorism against oppressed people both inside and outside the U.S, New Jersey state legislature eliminated the position of poet laureate rather than allow him to continue in that honored post."

Afro-Youth, Afro-Venezuelanness and Afro-Autonomy  6/3/2014 Venezuela Analysis: "Jesus Chucho Garcia, Venezuelan author, commentator, professor, co-founder of the AfroVenezuelan Network and former Ambassador to Angola, frequently contributes to Aporrea and other publications. As May, the month of Afrovenezuelaness, closes, these excerpts from Garcia’s recent commentaries provide perspective on the political direction of the Afrovenezuelan movement for May and beyond."

Racism Sin Vergüenza in the Venezuelan Counter-Revolution  5/27/2014 Racism is one of the main engines and expressions of the current counter-revolution. In Venezuela the revolutionary struggle to end white supremacy and for self-determination is slow, and complicated by white elites, backed by US imperialism, and by the denial of many that racism persists.

Venezuela’s Afro Descendent Front Proposes Program of Action to Confront Racism and Fascism  5/12/2014 Venezuela Analysis: "On Saturday, May 10, ignoring the rain, more than 1000 African Descendant Venezuelans flooded the streets in a march from the Venezuelan Central Bank to Miraflores Presidential Palace in downtown Caracas. Members of drumming groups from each of the nation’s states, some in traditional costumes and some wearing t-shirts claiming membership in the Frente Afrodescendientes (Afro descendent Front) had gathered to mark the official Day of Afrovenezolanidad (Afro-Venezuelaness)."

Why Are There No Barricades in Afro-Descendant Communities?  4/23/2014 Venezuela Analysis: By Jesús Chucho García

Armed pro-govt militias roil Venezuela protests  3/30/2014 AP: "The barricades' defenders had been hurling rocks, sticks and other objects at the attackers, who included perhaps a dozen armed men, witnesses told The Associated Press."

The “Cubanization” of U.S. Policy Towards Venezuela  3/28/2014 Venezuela Analysis: "Venezuelan opposition politicians and their allies in the U.S.frequently decry Cuba’s alleged influence on the Venezuelan government. Ironically however, there seems to be an important and growing nexus between the Venezuelan opposition and the anti-Cuba lobby in the U.S. Cuban-American lawmakers recently introduced sanctions legislation targeting Venezuelan officials that appears to be designed to push U.S. policy toward Venezuela in the same direction as policy toward Cuba."

Venezuela Slams US for Threatening Sanctions  3/28/2014 Venezuela Analysis: "Yesterday, US Assistant Secretary of State Roberta Jacobson warned that sanctions against Venezuela could become an “important tool” to pressure President Nicolas Maduro to negotiate with opposition parties. However, Maduro has repeatedly called on opposition parties to join peace talks since last month."

Racism Sin Vergüenza in the Venezuelan Counter-Revolution  3/27/2014 Venezuela Analysis: "The title is “Miko Mandante”, meaning “Ape Commander” to mock the affectionate title “Mi Comandante” used by masses of Venezuelan people.[3] During her rant, Olga never mentioned the race of Venezuela’s poor, or the extreme poor, who in 2003 were 30% of the population and by 2011 were only 6.8%.[4] Chavismo’s accomplishments, especially in reducing poverty, are significant because of the near total correlation between class and race in Venezuela."

Head of Venezuela's congress says opposition lawmaker Machado has lost her seat  3/24/2014 AP: "Diosdado Cabello said Monday that Machado violated the constitution by addressing the Organization of American States last week at the invitation of Panama, which ceded its seat at the Washington-based group so she could provide regional diplomats with a firsthand account of the unrest."

Soldier, pregnant woman killed in Venezuela unrest  3/24/2014 Reuters: "The numbers of protesters are far fewer than those who turned out against Chavez in 2002, and there have been no signs that the current unrest threatens to topple Maduro."

Class War From Above - Kerry’s Lonely Crusade Against Venezuela  3/21/2014 CounterPunch: "But even I was not prepared for what I saw in Caracas: how little of daily life appeared to be affected by the protests, the normality that prevailed in the vast majority of the city. I, too, had been taken in by media imagery. Major media outlets have reported that Venezuela’s poor have not joined the right-wing opposition protests, but that is an understatement. It’s not just the poor who are abstaining – in Caracas it is almost everyone outside of a few rich areas like Altamira where small groups of protesters engage in nightly battles with security forces, throwing rocks and firebombs and running from tear gas."

Behind the Lies About Venezuela’s Protests  3/14/2014 CounterPunch: "From the first days of the protests in early February many of the demonstrators at the improvised street blockades in Merida and Tachira were armed with handguns. The first weekend of protests in Merida saw balaclava-clad protesters boarding buses and wielding guns as they forced passengers to disembark. Protesters were also observed throwing shrapnel at passing motorists. That same weekend, three protesters held a journalist at gunpoint and threatened to kill her. Meanwhile, protesters in Tachira beat another journalist with a lead pipe. Throughout the past month, protesters have also used petrol bombs against government targets. The principal targets have been government-run health clinics and food markets, resulting in more than $1.5 million in damage to these symbols of the revolution in the first two weeks of protests."

Patricia Janiot denuncia que fue víctima de "hostigamiento militar" en Maiquetía  2/21/2014 CNN: "La periodista de CNN dijo que no sabía cómo interpretar el hecho de no poder trabajar como periodista en Venezuela. Aseguró que CNN siempre ha informado de forma "justa, balanceada y equilibrada" sobre la situación del país y pidió tener más acceso a las fuentes oficiales."

Obama’s Arrogant Interference in Venezuela and Resistance by a Participatory Democracy./ By Arnold August  2/21/2014 Radio Havana 

¿Afrodescendientes en la CELAC?  1/26/2014 Aporrea: Por: Jesús Chucho García - "La creación de un comité afrodescendientes en el marco de la CELAC es una necesidad imperiosa para darle seguimiento a las declaraciones y plan de trabajo surgida de las distintos encuentros por área estratégica, eso no lo van resolver por si solo los gobiernos y la tecnoburoracia estatal. Es necesario implementar como quedo plasmado en el Plan de Accion de Caracas del año 2012 que expresa en su apartado II Impulsar la participación activa de la sociedad civil especialmente las organizaciones y movimientos sociales como partes fundamentales en el proceso de inclusión social regional. La Articulación regional afrodescendientes (ARAC) en sus distintas reuniones realizadas en Caracas, Ecuador y Cuba han hecho reiterados llamados a loS goniernos para incorporarse activamente a la Celac a través de un comité para contribuir a erradicar la aberraciones anteriomente mencionadas."

On the Warpath in Venezuela: Against the Bolivarian Revolution  11/21/2013 Trinicenter: "The Plan's 15 "action points" cover sabotage, "massive mobilizations," food shortages, "insurrection inside the army," and control of publicity. The authors anticipate "crisis in the streets that facilitate the intervention of North America and the forces of NATO, with support of the government of Colombia." The resulting "violence should cause deaths and injuries." According to Golinger, the plan emerged from a meeting on June 13, 2013 attended by Mark Feierstein, regional head of the US Agency for International Development and by representatives of three other organizations: Florida – based FTI Consulting; Colombia's "Center for Thought Foundation," linked to former president Alvaro Uribe; and the U.S. Democratic Internationalism Foundation, promoted by Uribe."

Venezuela says U.S. bans Maduro from flying over Puerto Rico  9/19/2013 Reuters: "Denying a head of state permission to fly through airspace that they colonized, like in Puerto Rico, is a grave mistake." His trip to China would go ahead regardless, Maduro said, to applause from the crowd. "They can't stop us!"

Sin etnocomprensión la integración es hipocresía  7/22/2013 JOVENES AFROVENEZOLANOS: por Chucho Garcia

With “Zero Tolerance to Gringo Aggression,” Maduro Cuts Off Venezuela-U.S. Talks  7/21/2013 Venezuelanalysis: "“I told Jaua to convey to Kerry [in June] that we are ready to have relations within the framework of equality and respect,” Maduro said yesterday. “If they respect us, we respect them. But the time has run out for them to meddle in the internal affairs of our countries and publically attack us. Their time has run out, in general in Latin America, and in particular with us.”"

Venezuela 'ends' bid to restore full US ties  7/20/2013 BBC: "Samantha Power said this week she would seek to combat what she called the "crackdown on civil society" in countries including Venezuela. She was speaking at a US Senate confirmation hearing on Wednesday. The remarks prompted an angry response from Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro. "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela hereby ends the process... of finally normalising our diplomatic relations," said Venezuela's foreign ministry in a statement."

Report: Kerry Threatens to Stop Venezuela Gas Trade Over Snowden  7/19/2013 AntiWar: "Kerry also is said to have told Jaua that the US was considering suspending the sale of gasoline and oil byproducts to Venezuela. Though the Venezuelan government is a huge exporter of crude oil to the United States, it is increasingly reliant on the US for refining capabilities."

Venezuela: "China's gateway into Mercosur"  7/18/2013 Venezuelanalysis: "Along with advocating closer strategic ties, during the Chavez era Venezuela undertook loans worth billions of dollars, much of which is being repaid in oil exports. Since 2008, Venezuela has borrowed over US$40 billion from China, including a recent US$4.02 billion loan from the CDB to Venezuela's state oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA)."

Venezuela offers assistance to Caribbean countries  7/6/2013 Jamaica Gleaner: "Venezuela has pledged to offer assistance to Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries in a number of areas including transportation, Guyana’s President Donald Ramotar said here Saturday. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro held talks with CARICOM leaders during a near hour long visit to Trinidad where the regional leaders were wrapping up their 34th annual summit."

Venezuela's Maduro offers asylum to Snowden  7/5/2013 Reuters 

Banco de Desarrollo de la Mujer de Venezuela  6/11/2013 America Latina Genera: "Facilitar a las mujeres venezolanas pobres, el acceso a micro-créditos, mejorando sus condiciones de vida. 106.616 micro-créditos, por un monto de 385.668.715,68 millones de bolívares, otorgados a mujeres en condiciones de pobreza. ? Fortalecer y estimular a mujeres productoras y creadoras, en condiciones de pobreza. Impulsar su trabajo en actividades tradicionales y no tradicionales, a través de la capacitación para la formación de cooperativas, crecimiento personal y entrenamiento en la administración de micro-organizaciones de carácter económico solidario. 157.732 mujeres fortalecidas y formadas ? Incorporación de miles de mujeres venezolanas a actividades productivas remuneradas en el sector agrícola, manufacturero, comercial y de servicios. Desagregado por sectores de la economía: 57% Manufactura; 20% Servicio; 12% Agrícola; 11% Comercio. ? Propiciar la organización socio-productiva de las mujeres en sus comunidades, que contribuya al desarrollo económico- social de la nación. 2761 Cooperativas y 307 familias caficultoras beneficiadas ? Reforzar el empoderamiento de las mujeres, incorporando a afrodescendientes e indígenas, así como su multiculturalidad y su condición de clase. Indígena 3,2% + Afro-descendiente 16,5 + Otro Grupo Poblacional: 80,3% = 100%"

U.S., Venezuela to Pursue “More Positive” Relations  6/8/2013 Latin American Herald Tribune: "“We agreed today, both of us, that we would like to see our countries find a new way forward,” Kerry told reporters in Guatemala’s old colonial capital. “To that end, we agreed today there will be an ongoing, continuing dialogue between the State Department and the Foreign Ministry, and we will try to set out an agenda by which we agree on things we can work together,” the secretary said."

Venezuelan Opposition Give the Game Away on Electoral Fraud Claim  6/4/2013 Venezuela Analysis: "If that statement comes as a surprise, the comments made by Ramon Guillermo Aveledo, executive secretary of the opposition’s MUD coalition, went even further. Of the municipal elections, Aveledo said “we’re going to participate with everything we’ve got” adding that “participating is the best way to show the bias of this power [the CNE]”. He then went on to affirm that “there, where the citizen votes, that vote cannot be substituted, no one changes that vote”."

Venezuelans rally on Calle Ocho to allege fraud in presidential elections  6/2/2013 Miami Hereald 

Miradas del movimiento afrolatinoamericano  6/1/2013 Agencia Latinoamericana de Informacion: 9 articulos, 36 paginas, PDF. Publicado en Ecuador.

Venezuela's Election System Holds Up As A Model For The World  5/14/2013 Forbes: "Venezuela employs one of the most technologically advanced verifiable voting systems in the world, designed to protect voters from fraud and tampering and ensure the accuracy of the vote count. Accuracy and integrity are guaranteed from the minute voters walk into the polls to the point where a final tally is revealed. The system Venezuela uses has some of the most advanced and voter-friendly security features in modern elections. Voters use a touch-sensitive electronic pad to make and confirm their choices. After confirmation, the electronic vote is encrypted and randomly stored in the machine’s memories. Voters audit their own vote by reviewing a printed receipt that they then place into a physical ballot box."

Afroautonomía y acción revolucionaria  5/14/2013 JOVENES AFROVENEZOLANOS 

In the Wake of Hugo Chávez’s Death: Prospects for Stability and Instability  5/9/2013 Venezuela Analysis: "The organizational liability stems in part from Chávez’s failure to encourage the emergence of any kind of collective leadership or even a second-in-command until his first bout with cancer in 2011. No one in the leadership of the Chavista movement, or in the opposition for that matter, has political capital at all comparable to that possessed by Chávez. That capital stemmed from his display of courage, such as in 1992 when he spearheaded a military coup of middle-level officers against all odds. It was also the product of a general perception that Chávez acted out of personal conviction, as, for instance, in 2001 when he criticized U.S. bombing of Afghanistan on humanitarian grounds, resulting in immediate economic retaliation and threats from the Bush administration. "

DIA DE LA AFROVENEZOLANIDAD  5/6/2013 ARTICULACION REGIONAL AFRODESCENDIENTE: "Movimiento Social Afrodescendiente, conformado por la Red de Organizaciones Afrovenezolanas, Red Afrodescendientes de Venezuela, Cumbe Julián Ibarra, Fundación Orisha Osun, Quilombo y Frente de Mujeres de los Valles del TUY, la comunidad Haitiana (periódico Makandal) y otros colectivos afrodescendientes invitaron a todo el pueblo venezolano a conmemorar el día de la Afrovenezolanidad que se realizara este viernes diez de mayo, a partir de las 8am en la Plaza Bolívar de Caracas y de ahí rumbo al Cuartel de la Montaña, donde reposan los restos mortales del Comandante Hugo Chávez, primer Presidente que en la historia de Venezuela se reconoce como Afrodescendiente."

Los Infocentros democratizan uso de internet y tecnologías de la información  4/24/2013 Veneolana de Television: "Venezuela cuenta con 863 centros / 120 instituciones se han transferido a la comunidad organizada / Los Info Móviles alcanzan 89 por ciento de cobertura territorial. La participación activa de más de 2 mil 500 personas en todo el territorio nacional, prestan servicio de calidad en los 863 Infocentros instalados en el país, “esto permite la democratización de Internet y de las Tecnologías de Información (TIC)”. Así lo afirmó este martes el presidente del proyecto Infocentro, David Parra Parra, en entrevista realizada en el Programa Radial “De primeros en la cola”, transmitido por la Radio del Sur."

The Winner of Venezuela’s Election to Succeed Hugo Chávez Is Hugo Chávez  4/16/2013 The Nation: "During this election, Capriles went even further. He named his campaign team after Simón Bolívar and said he would not only defend the misiones but create new ones. He promised to dramatically increase salaries and pensions and began to work phrases associated with Chávez into his speeches, even copying symbols of the Bolivarian Revolution into his campaign paraphernalia. In other words, the close results of the election can’t be interpreted as a rejection of Chavismo, since Capriles ran promising to consolidate the gains of Chavismo, saying that he, and not Maduro, was be a better executor of Chávez’s legacy. Had he won, Capriles undoubtedly would have quickly reverted to his earlier coup-supporting incarnation and began the dismantling—or at least try to. But the genie let loose by the Bolivarian Revolution won’t be easily put back in the bottle."

Would You Believe That the United States Tried to do Something That was Not Nice Against Hugo Chávez?  4/10/2013 CounterPunch: "OTI supports the Freedom House (FH) “Right to Defend Human Rights” program with $1.1 million. Simultaneously through Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI), OTI has also provided 22 grants to human rights organizations."

WikiLeaks descubre las cinco tácticas antichavistas de la USAID  4/4/2013 CubaDebate: "En un mensaje enviado a Washington en noviembre de 2006, el entonces embajador estadounidense en Venezuela, William Brownfield, cuenta los resultados de su trabajo desde 2004 que tenía cinco objetivos: “1) Fortalecer las instituciones democráticas; 2) Penetrar en la base política de [Hugo] Chávez; 3) Dividir el chavismo; 4) Proteger los negocios vitales de EE.UU.; y 5) Aislar a Chávez internacionalmente”."

Retienen a viuda de Ojeda Ríos al volver de Venezuela  3/30/2013 CubaDebate: "Elma Beatriz Rosado, viuda del comandante del clandestino Ejército Popular Boricua (EPB-Macheteros) Filiberto Ojeda Ríos, confirmó que estuvo retenida por dos horas por la autoridades federales al volver de Venezuela. Rosado, que regresó la víspera de Caracas, donde participó en el Encuentro Internacional de la Red de Redes en Defensa de la Humanidad, explicó a Prensa Latina que un agente del Departamento de Seguridad Interna de Estados Unidos la escoltó a buscar su equipaje. Durante dos horas estuvieron con los documentos que trajo y su teléfono móvil en otra área fuera de su alcance, expresó Rosado, quien aclaró que en ningún momento fue maltratada pero que tampoco le dieron explicaciones."

Saving Hugo Chavez  3/27/2013 Babalú: by Herr Otto Reich - "Despite the hostility that characterized the U.S. relationship with Chávez, it is not only false to accuse the United States of killing Chávez, but the truth is that we likely prevented his assassination on more than one occasion. Since, as assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs in the George W. Bush administration, I played a part in at least one of those instances, I feel compelled to defend our country once again from the calumnies of our foes and their acolytes by relating just one such incident. While everything herein is the best of my recollection, contemporary State Department records will substantiate the facts."

CIA's fingerprints appear in Venezuelan election strife  3/24/2013 Wayne Madsen Report: "Student leaders led by Roderick Navarro have called for the resignation of Defense Minister Diego Molero before the election and banning Chavista civilian militia members from acting as poll watchers. The anti-government activists are attempting to portray the upcoming election as unfair, even though last October's election in which Chavez handily trounced Capriles was deemed free and fair by international election monitors, including the Carter Center led by former President Jimmy Carter."

Chavez: Lest We Forget  3/12/2013 CounterPunch: "Rogelio Pardo-Maurer, deputy assistant secretary of defense for western hemisphere affairs, also a Cuban exile and former chief of staff for the Contras, was the Pentagon side of the team. While Reich met with civilian opponents of Chavez and conservative businessman Pedro Carmona, Pardo-Maurer huddled with military leaders, including Gen. Lucas Romero Rincon. Carmona and Rincon would play a key role in the April 11, 2002 coup against Chavez. The National Endowment for Democracy and United States Agency for International Development were also supporting Chavez’s opponents with money and advice, and both organizations have long histories of subversion and covert operations."

Cutting through the propaganda on Chavez funeral  3/10/2013 Milfuegos: from Wayne Madsen Report - "The AP, CNN, and others cherry-picked the attendees at the funeral, pointing to the attendance of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko without reporting that every major Western Hemisphere nation was represented by their head of state or government except for the United States and Canada. Of course, such a headline would point to the wide chasm between the "gringo" North America, including the United States, Canada, and the mafia-infested Bahamas, and the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean."

Los asesinos de Chávez tienen nombres y apellidos  3/9/2013 Aporrea: "La orden de “matar” a Chávez fue dada públicamente el 17 de noviembre del 2010 por el congresista norteamericano Connie Mack que se hacía entonces el portavoz de la ultraderecha más recia de la Florida - liderada por la representante ultraderechista Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, asociada a la mafia cubanoamericana de Miami responsable de innumerables intentos de asesinato contra el líder cubano Fidel Castro. Esta exhortación a asesinar al líder bolivariano y presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez fue proferida ante cientos de testigos por Mack en el Capitolio de Washington ante participantes a una cumbre fascista, organizada específicamente con el propósito de derrocar a Chávez."

Your Anti-Chávez Corporate Media Decoder Ring  3/9/2013 Trinicenter: "Outspoken — Hugo Chávez was an uppity brown man who talked back to the United States."

50 Truths about Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution  3/9/2013 Venezuela Analysis: "President Hugo Chavez, who died on March 5, 2013 of cancer at age 58, marked forever the history of Venezuela and Latin America."

Why Hugo Chavez was demonised by Western media  3/8/2013 1804 Carib Voices: "The BBC just said that Venezuela is a dictatorship, and the election will be close between left and right. They missed the irony. The incongruity and imbalance of the Chavez demonisation is ridiculous. Sky News did a five minute piece in which the evidence of him being evil and demented was that he called George Bush a devil and declared the age of imperialism over; he did however reduce poverty and improve housing, they added. I am not sure they left their audience with the same certainty as their presenters that he was a bad thing."

Venezuela and the C'bean after Chavez  3/8/2013 Jamaica Observer: "If Vice-President Nicolás Maduro wins the election, which the Constitution mandates must be held in 30 days, it is doubtful that he will be able to preserve Chavez's legacy of socialism in domestic policy. There is likely to be some moderation in foreign policy and a reduction in resources for friendly governments. We could also see the phasing out of PetroCaribe or the introduction of less generous terms which, no doubt, would have devastating repercussions for the Caribbean already struggling to survive the global economic crisis."

Who Killed Hugo Chavez?  3/8/2013 Mad Cow Morning News: "So, did the CIA ‘give’ Hugo Chavez cancer? No one knows. On the other hand, something is known on a more interesting question: “Could the CIA have given Chavez cancer? There is good evidence, from at least three separate sources, which indicates the Agency has been taking the question of whether they could develop ways to induce cancer very seriously… for the past 50 years."

Venezuela and Jamaica: The Ties that Bind  3/8/2013 Repeating Islands: "Gary Spaulding (The Gleaner) writes that, as the House of Representatives prepared to engage in a lengthy debate on the National Housing Trust (NHT), news arrived that a great friend of Jamaica, who generously used his country’s resources to lift Jamaica’s infrastructural stature in this hemisphere, had taken his last breath. He underlines the consistent help that Hugo Chávez extended to Jamaica and the ties between the two countries through the decades, starting with Simón Bolívar’s dream of Latin American unity and sovereignty, as he articulated in his “Letter from Jamaica.”"

The BBC's 'Bogeyman' Narrative on Hugo Chavez  3/8/2013 Venezuela Analysis: "Kelly writes that Chavez was by turns ‘portrayed as a six-times elected champion of the people or a constitution-fiddling demagogue’, implying that the polarisation of commentary concerning Chavez’s presidency makes it difficult to perceive where the truth lies. Perhaps if Kelly had indulged in the journalistic habit of presenting the bare facts, it might help to dispel such confusion. It is factually accurate to acknowledge that Hugo Chavez was democratically elected six times, also that his base of support was amongst the poor, the vast majority of Venezuelans. The ambiguous claim of ‘constitution-fiddling’ is in line with the speculative approach the BBC has consistently leaned towards in reporting on Venezuelan politics, relying on the hyperbole of the opposition, yet lacking in facts (in a similar vein, the link to the BBC video on Hugo Chavez's life on the BBC website has been updated and is now titled 'Life of people's hero and villain')."

U.S. and Canada Isolated as Latin American Leaders Acknowledge Chávez’s Regional Leadership  3/8/2013 Venezuela Analysis: "In stark contrast with these predictable characterizations and demonization of Chávez in the major media is the response that Chávez’s death has elicited from his peers, fellow presidents from throughout the Americas. Tributes, messages of solidarity and heartfelt condolences came in from Central and South America, reaffirming support for the ideals of regional unity and independence promoted by Hugo Chávez during his 14 years as president of Venezuela. Very few media outlets noted the outpouring of sympathy from Latin American leaders."

EDITORIAL - Life after Chávez  3/7/2013 Jamaica Gleaner: "It is likely that Maduro will win the presidency in an election that must be held in a matter of months. Maduro is no Hugo Chávez. The issue, therefore, is can he hold Chavismo together in the face of a declining economy, spiralling inflation, high crime and an opposition that, in the absence Chávez, is likely to be grow in confidence and, perhaps, support. There is the question, too, of how Chávez's policies in the region, especially his PetroCaribe oil initiative, will fare. This is a matter of importance to Jamaica."

Chávez's Legacy: Building, with People, an Alternative Society to Capitalism  3/7/2013 Venezuela Analysis: "To name that alternative, he also chose to reclaim the word socialism, despite the negative baggage that the word had acquired. At the same time, however, clarifying that his was 21st century socialism in order to distinguish it from Soviet socialism implemented during the 20th century, warning that we must not "fall into the errors of the past," into the "Stalinist deviation" that bureaucratised the party and ended up eliminating common people's protagonism, into state capitalism that put emphasis on state property rather than workers' own management of enterprises. Chávez conceived of socialism as a new collective life in which equality, freedom, and real and deep democracy reign, and in which the people play the role of protagonist; an economic system centred on human beings, not on profits; a pluralistic, anti-consumerist culture in which the act of living takes precedence over the act of owning."

Venezuela With and Beyond Chavez  3/7/2013 Znet: "This article addresses the different approach to social transformation in Venezuela, the idea of revolution as a process and the primacy of the constituent power, which has been developed from below in the form of popular power throughout the country. Chávez was an allay in the construction of people’s power and creative building of a new world. This is the reason that while I am so sad with the passing of Chavez, I am also totally confident about the future of Venezuela. As with the people of Venezuela, I know where the power is. In the neighbourhoods, in the towns, villages and cities, organized together."

CIA and FBI Had Planned to Assassinate Hugo Chávez  3/6/2013 Global Research: "Now we have a bit more evidence the CIA and the FBI connived with reactionary elements to not only briefly overthrow Chávez, abolish the constitution and the National Assembly, but later assassinate the Venezuelan State Prosecutor, Danilo Anderson. He was killed by a car bomb in Caracas on November 18, 2004, while investigating those who were behind the coup. Giovani Jose Vasquez De Armas, a member of Colombia’s right wing paramilitary group called the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, claims he was in charge of logistics for the plot to kill Danilo Anderson. Vasquez De Armas told the Attorney General’s office that those planning the killing, “all discussed the plan with the help of the FBI and CIA.”"

Russian Leader Demands Investigation of Chavez’ Death  3/6/2013 InfoWars: "Russian Communist Party head Gennady Zyuganov today demanded an international investigation into the death of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, claiming it was “far from a coincidence” that six leaders of Latin-American countries who had criticized the U.S. simultaneously fell ill with cancer."

Los cojones de Chávez  3/6/2013 Negra Cubana: "Ahí estaba Chávez, cojones en mano (no encuentro otro modo de decirlo), explicándonos sobre su estado de salud. Pero lo que ahorita mismo me hace erizar, es la transparencia y valentía con que este hombre declaró, sin hacerlo, que se iba a morir. Aún en vida, entregó el mando del país a Nicolás Maduro. Por eso, no tengo duda, Chávez sabía que iba a morir. Ibbaé Comandante!"

Latin America After Chávez  3/6/2013 NYT: by Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva - "However, no remotely honest person, not even his fiercest opponent, can deny the level of camaraderie, of trust and even of love that Mr. Chávez felt for the poor of Venezuela and for the cause of Latin American integration. Of the many power brokers and political leaders I have met in my life, few have believed so much in the unity of our continent and its diverse peoples — indigenous Indians, descendants of Europeans and Africans, recent immigrants — as he did."

Why the Black and Poor Loved Hugo Chávez  3/6/2013 The Root: by Tonyaa Weathersbee - "But in disrupting my breakfast, the crowd also provided me a picture of the Venezuela that I rarely, if ever, saw on television at home. This was a picture that showed the mostly brown and black and poor who viewed Chávez not as a dictator but as a savior. This was the Venezuela that, not unlike the brown and black and poor people in the United States, the media had reduced to invisibility."

Why the Black and Poor Loved Hugo Chávez  3/6/2013 The Root: By: Tonyaa Weathersbee - "The news, at least back in the U.S., was that Chávez had shut down RCTV, and the speculation was that in doing so, he was moving the country toward totalitarianism. But the throngs of black and brown Venezuelans who gathered to support him apparently didn't believe that. Nor did they care about the fate of a station that rarely saw them in a positive light or, for that matter, at all. What they cared about was the fate of a leader who not only acknowledged his own black features and heritage but also saw theirs."

'Chavez was killed by historical enemies of our homeland': Extraordinary claim by Venezuela's vice-president as he kicks out two U.S. diplomats  3/5/2013 AP: "Maduro said 'we have no doubt' that Chavez's cancer, which was first diagnosed in June 2011, was induced by foul play by 'the historical enemies of our homeland,' a phrase Venezuelan officials typically use when referring to the U.S. He compared the situation to the death of the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, claiming Arafat was 'inoculated with an illness.' "

Why Chavez More Likely Murdered Than Not  3/5/2013 Fintan Dunne: "Hugo Chavez was suffering from a type of pelvic cancer - likely a "sarcoma" of joints or cartilage. Following his first treatment in mid-2011 and a relapse 18 months later, Dr Kent Sepkowitz speculated --just two months ago-- that: "[Chavez] likely has a year or two or three left—years of more surgeries, more chemo, more radiation if he can tolerate it, and progressive and painful debility." [] That was a well-founded medical judgement - based on the mortality data of a typical 5-year disease prognosis. Which makes the death of Chavez - so soon after his first relapse all the more surprising."

Hugo Chávez dies after battle with cancer  3/5/2013 Trinicenter 

Un decenio afrodescendiente  1/28/2013 Aporrea: por Jesús Chucho García

Grassroots Activists Speak on Chavez’s Absence: “We’ll Fight Even Harder”  1/24/2013 Venezuela Analysis 

El yo militante afro, en Venezuela  1/6/2013 Aporrea 

Corresponsales de Telesur contaron experiencias vividas en África  11/16/2012 Centro de Saberes Africanos: "En primer lugar, precisaron que la intención del trabajo que realizan en Telesur es narrar historias que no suelen salir en los medios de comunicación convencionales, “historias contadas desde la gente, desde una mirada diferente”, dijo Aissa García."

The Yukpas Leave Caracas  11/13/2012 Havana Times: "The Federal District received them with little attention, inhospitably, because the people there couldn’t understand “all this fuss over these Indians?” Only a group of Watia (criollos) supported and accompanied them in their journey to attempt to be received by the vice president or the president."

En Venezuela avanza una experiencia inédita sobre la africanidad mundial  11/7/2012 Centro de Saberes Africanos: "En septiembre de 2006, un estudio de la Comisión de Unión Africana exponía que para el año 2020, África sería para bien o para mal el centro de la Economía Política Mundial. Pocos en el Sur se tomaron en serio tal premisa. No obstante el desarrollo de los acontecimientos daría la razón a la Unión Africana."

Presidente Chávez felicita a graduandos del Diplomado de Saberes Africanos  11/2/2012 Centro de Saberes Africanos: "El Diplomado en Saberes Africanos, es una iniciativa auspiciada por el Fondo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (FONACIT) y el apoyo académico del Instituto de Altos Estudios Diplomáticos “Pedro Gual” (IAEDPG), el cual ha formado a 26 profesionales de áreas del conocimiento académico multidisciplinario, en su primera cohorte, para el estudio, aprendizaje, comprensión y compromiso con el continente africano, su diáspora y las múltiples dimensiones de su relación histórica con el Abya Yala y Venezuela."

Embajador Balza: La educación juega un papel muy importante en el relacionamiento con África  10/27/2012 Centro de Saberes Africanos: "Durante su ponencia, el Embajador Balza destacó que la educación juega un papel muy importante en cuanto al relacionamiento con África, “es necesario incorporar en los programas de estudio información relacionada con esta región para que desde muy niños podamos comprender el origen de nuestro vínculo con el continente madre”. Asimismo, dijo que estos insumos educativos permitirían poner en evidencia los conocimientos que hay en África y que han sido invisibilizados durante mucho tiempo, “esto ayudaría además a comprender por qué decimos que África es el continente madre”."

Héctor Gutiérrez: El racismo surgió como una ideología para reforzar el colonialismo  10/25/2012 Centro de Saberes Africanos: "En este orden de ideas, aseveró que el colonialismo se presenta como un proceso que viene a traer orden, progreso y mejor calidad de vida “cuando en realidad los colonizadores se dedican a suprimir costumbres, religiones, culturas, entre otras actividades autóctonas, a los habitantes de los territorios que logran someter”. Citando a Boaventura de Sousa Santos, autor del libro Una epistemología del Sur, Héctor Gutiérrez señaló que el capitalismo y el colonialismo están aún vinculados profundamente aunque las formas de articulación hayan variado a lo largo del tiempo. A modo de reflexión manifestó que “si queremos descolonizarnos hay que reconocer las ancestralidad y la diversidad en la humanidad”."

Centro de Saberes Africanos realiza ciclo de conferencias sobre relaciones Venezuela-África  10/20/2012 Centro de Saberes Africanos: "La actividad realizada en el marco del ciclo de conferencias Las Relaciones de Venezuela – África en el contexto de la conformación de un mundo multicéntrico y pluripolar. Reflexiones en torno al Programa de la Patria, tuvo como ponentes a los analistas internacionales Laila Tajeldine y Basem Tajeldine. Durante la conferencia los ponentes hablaron del origen del Islam, de sus diferentes corrientes y de la expansión y crecimiento de esta religión en África, Asia y América del Sur, así como al Corán y de Mahoma, entre otros aspectos."

Chavez election not surprising  10/10/2012 Progreso Weekly: "Hugo Chávez was re-elected president of Venezuela on Sunday, by a margin of 11 percentage points. For most people who have heard or read about Chávez in the international media, this might be puzzling. Almost all of the news we hear about Venezuela is bad: Chávez is cantankerous and picks fights with the United States and sides with “enemies” such as Iran; he is a “dictator” or “strongman” who has squandered the nation’s oil wealth; the economy is plagued by shortages and is usually on the brink of collapse."

Hugo Chavez  10/10/2012 Progreso Weekly: “A Cuban friend from Miami told us that the best thing that could happen is for Chavez to lose,” the wife told me from the back seat of the car. “But this man Capriles has announced he would basically cut off all help to Cuba if he is elected,” she added. “It worries us,” interjected Boris while he drove. “We can’t afford to return to the days when Havana spent part of every day without electricity,” he told me. “In a lousy economy, like we have…” he paused, “what would that mean for us?”

Chavez's fate lies in Venezuela's divided barrios  10/6/2012 AP: "But she lists several of the most oft-cited reasons for why she wants him gone: spiraling violent crime, the bloating of government payrolls with Venezuela United Socialist Party acolytes in do-nothing jobs at a burgeoning list of government ministries, and unchecked corruption that she says extends to the communal councils. "What hurts Chavez are the people who surround him. They don't help because they are a band of thieves," she says. "The police are themselves crooks."

Ciencias antropológicas y tradiciones culturales cubanas en defensa de la democracia y la soberanía de Venezuela  10/3/2012 Instituto Cubano de Antropología: "Con dedicatoria explícita al pueblo venezolano, los colectivos artísticos Irawo y ObbaIlú -representantes de espiritualidades populares cubanas Osha y Abakuá- regalaron al público una muestra de cantos y danzas ceremoniales que invocan a los ancestros africanos del pueblo de la isla caribeña: ancestros cuyas energías vitales habitan en nuestra cultura y animan nuestra soberanía nacional en su dimensión más profunda."

Mercenary? Venezuela Detains US Man at Border Crossing  8/11/2012 Common Dreams: "He has the look of a mercenary. We are interrogating him," Chavez said during a public speech, adding that the man had stamps in his passport from visits to Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. In addition, Chavez said, the man had a notebook containing geographical coordinates which he attempted to destroy after being detained."

Top US general: Venezuela not a threat  8/1/2012 AP: "Fraser's comments echo a July 11 statement by U.S. President Barack Obama that drew criticism from his presumed Republican challenger in November elections, Mitt Romney. Obama said his "overall sense is that what Mr. Chavez has done over the past several years has not had a serious national security impact on us." Romney responded by saying it was "simply naive" to think Chavez does not pose a threat to the United States."

Caracas: IV Festival de Pueblos Africanos afianza raíces culturales con países latinoamericanos  7/25/2012 Legado Afro: "Este miércoles, la Sala Generalísimo Francisco de Miranda de la Asamblea Nacional fue sede cultural del IV Festival de Pueblos de África, desde las 2:00 de la tarde, cuando los tambores nigerianos y la comida típica ofrecieron a los asistentes la oportunidad de descubrir parte de la riqueza de un continente que, para muchos, es sinónimo de hambre y atraso."

AFRODESCENDIENTES TV (AFROTV)  7/23/2012 Fundacion Afroamerica 

AFROPERSPECTIVAS TRAZADOS DEL TIEMPO  7/23/2012 Fundacion Afroamerica: de Jesus "Chucho" Garcia

Venezuela: A Threat to Washington?  7/20/2012 Global Research: "From the first time Hugo Chavez was elected President of Venezuela in 1998, Washington and its allies have been trying to undermine his government. When Chavez was just a presidential candidate, the US State Department denied his visa to participate in television interviews in Miami. Later, when he won the presidential elections, Ambassador John Maisto called him personally to congratulate him and offer him a visa. The following months were filled with attempts to “buy” the newly elected President of Venezuela. Businessmen, politicians and heads of state from Washington and Spain pressured him to submit to their agendas. “Come with us”, urged Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, trying to seduce him with offers of wealth and luxury in turn for obeying orders. When Chavez refused to be bought, he was ousted in a coup d’etat April 11, 2002, funded and planned by Washington. When the coup failed and Chavez’s supporters rescued their democracy and president in less than 48 hours, attempts to destabilize his government continued. “We must make it difficult for him to govern”, said former US State Department chief Lawrence Eagleberger."

Romney Condemns Obama View of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez as Harmless  7/12/2012 Fox News: “This is Chavez who has invited Iran in, who has invited Hezbollah,” said the former Massachussetts governor, who is the expected GOP presidential nominee. “Hezbollah, of course, being a surrogate and a proxy for Iran would potentially have access to weapons that could be used against us. This is Chavez who champions the Bolivarian Revolution movement and is spreading dictatorships and tyranny throughout Latin America.” [especially in Honduras and Paraguay!]

Cooperation, Co-operatives, & Revolution in Venezuela  6/22/2012 Venezuela Analysis: "Doing this implies changing some major institutions in society. It requires the implementation of social property and collective responsibility. Property now is typically viewed as public or private. Private property belongs to the owners whether they are capitalists or a cooperative and public property is owned by the state, supposedly under the control of the people of the country by means of their access to the political system that governs it. Social property implies collective ownership as well as direct control, rather than indirect control managed by representative democracy models, by both the workers and the consumers of the goods and/or services. This concept put into practice by radical cooperatives has the potential to start to tackle these issues of economic inclusion and economic democracy and build an economy based on solidarity."

Jesús Chucho García: Desarrollo insoportable o sostenible?  6/16/2012 Legado Afro: "El pulmón mas grande del mundo, la Amazonia, como nunca antes está sufriendo un acelerado proceso de deforestación, perdiendo mas de 6.418 kilómetros de bosques solo el año pasado; y que decir de las montañas de la Mayombe (desde Angola hasta Gabón) que representa el 15% de oxigeno del planeta…..el efecto de la extracción de la riqueza maderera va en detrimento del equilibro ecológico de Africa Central y todo el continente sufre cuatro veces mas la deforestación a nivel planetario, que el resto del mundo, dejando avanzar la desertificación pese a las lagrimas que derramo la premio nobel Wangari Maati al sembrar cada árbol en Kenya."

Jesús Chucho García: Afrodescendientes, conocimientos y soberanía intelectual  6/10/2012 Legado Afro: "El tiempo individualizado y colectivizado va produciendo un conocimiento, el cual es parte del tiempo vivido. El reto que tiene el movimiento afrodescendientes no es la búsqueda de la dependencia estatal ni del parasitismo petrolero, sino aprovechar la inclusión del espacio público, ganado con dignidad, para avanzar con firmeza y construir una agenda autónoma sin desresponsabilizar al Estado, pero no cobijarse en este, pues eso sería reafirmar la petrodependencia. La vía es la construcción de un conocimiento sustentable que ayude a desburocratizar el Estado casi inoperante y realizar nuevas prácticas de participación... aplicar lo construido en estos 12 años de experiencia afro en todas sus dimensiones, es el reto del momento."

Jesús Chucho García: La guerrilla en Barlovento, el cocal de los muertos  6/5/2012 Legado Afro: "A finales de los años noventa del siglo pasado, en mis investigaciones sobre la Guerra de Guerrillas en la región afrodescendiente de Barlovento, tuve la oportunidad de entrevistar, antes de su muerte al “ronco” Moisés Moleiro, unos de los fundadores del MIR. Con su voz pausada, el “ronco” me hizo algunos comentarios del desembarco de Machurucuto, siendo él unos de sus protagonista y donde murió el cubano Toni Briones Montoto. “Me salvé de vaina, debido a que tuvimos un percance al desembarcar, dejando el bote abandonado, el cual fue precisado por los cazadores del Ejército que tenían la orden de matarnos en defensa de la democracia”. Barlovento fue escogida como zona estratégica para la implementación de la teoría del foco guerrillero. Después de la pasantía guerrillera del Che Guevara en Congo, este heroico personaje propuso venir a Venezuela, planteamiento que Pompeyo Márquez, como miembro del Buro político del Partido Comunista no aceptó. Sin embargo, el MIR, que tenía diferencias tácticas y estratégicas con el PCV pidió ayuda a Cuba."

Beatriz Aiffil: La lucha es contra la discriminación racial  6/3/2012 Legado Afro: "Mataron al negro bembón y yo lo maté por ser tan bembón. Eso no es razón. Negro hereje. Negro chorizo. Negro el carrizo. Negro flojo. Ven pa enseñarte quién es flojo. Negro bello y negrito bonito. Negro es negro y su apellido es ese mismo."

Susana Andrade: Movilizaciones por cambios son actos cívicos  6/1/2012 Legado Afro: "Los ataques de los Pare de Sufrir-Iglesia Universal del Reino de Dios no lesionan solamente la dignidad y los derechos humanos de los afroumbandistas; lesionan las estructuras democráticas de nuestra sociedad. El compromiso es accionar juntos en pro del respeto hacia las diversas creencias o no creencias y contra cualquier tipo de discriminación negativa."

Jesús Chucho García: La afrovenezolanidad más que un mes  5/27/2012 Legado Afro: "A comienzos del el mes de mayo del año 2005, la profesora Fulvia Polanco del Estado Falcón, quien venia trabajando con el difunto Cisaber (Cimarrón del saber) Juan Ramon Lugo, elabora una propuesta para que la Asamblea Nacional decretara el 10 de mayo como día de la Afrovenezolanidad, el cual conto con el respaldo de la Red de Organizaciones Afrovenezolanas para ese momento. La composición de la Asamblea Nacional era heterogenea políticamente, pues estaba integrada por un porcentaje significativo de la oposición y una mayoría del proceso Bolivariano. La presencia del Grupo musical femenino afrovenezolano Eleggua con Belén Palacios a la cabeza fue determinante para el parto del decreto."

The Puerto Rican reggaeton duo Jowell & Randy could not enter Venezuela last Friday. The authorities of that country claimed that they had the wrong visa to perform at a concert they had planned there.  3/20/2012 ReggaetonLine: "We feel extremely humiliated ... in the six years we have been traveling the world, we never went through something like that. I am so sad. Well, we go back to Puerto Rico, deported for the first time." The artists were supported by their fans on social networks."

Prohiben el Reggaeton en Venezuela  1/11/2012 Emu Digital: "La norma más reciente de Hugo Chávez dice exactamente así: “Se prohíbe la divulgación y promoción de lo que son géneros musicales como el reggaeton y el vallenato, pues su alto contenido grotesco incita a movimientos vulgares y sexuales no acorde con la edad e higiene mental de los niños”. Los partidarios de Chávez afirman que "la prohibición se suma a las tantas otras realizadas en países iberoamericanos como Honduras, Nicaragua y El Salvador."


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