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Venezuela in the News
Archive: 7/04-6/05

Venezuela to Prove It Has World’s Largest Oil Reserves  6/28/2005 Venezuela Analysis: "The production of synthetic crude has lead Venezuela’s President Hugo Chávez to argue that the country’s estimated 78 billion barrels in conventional reserves should be coupled with an estimated 238 billion barrels of extra-heavy crude in the nation’s Orinoco Oil Belt, resulting 55 billion barrels more oil reserves than Saudi Arabia’s, making Venezuela the oil-richest nation on the planet. If the study confirms PdVSA’s and Chávez’ accounts, it is expected that Venezuela’s influence in OPEC, will not only increase but also bring about a shift in power within the organization – one in which Venezuela exerts more authority and assumes a much greater leadership role."

Entrevista a Philip Agee, ex agente de la CIA El carácter de la intervención de los servicios secretos estadounidenses en Venezuela  6/22/2005 Jiribilla 

Bush's Lonely Campaign Against Chavez  6/21/2005 Counterpunch 

Venezuela beefs up military role in mining state  6/14/2005 Reuters: "Venezuela is reinforcing its military presence in a vast southeast mining state where widespread illegal extraction of gold and diamonds is threatening to destroy virgin forest and poison rivers, officials said Tuesday. An order from President Hugo Chavez published in the government gazette this week dismantled the regional National Guard command in Bolivar state and replaced it with a beefed-up armed forces command including air force and naval units. The National Guard commander in Bolivar, Gen. Alberto Betancourt Nieves, was sacked following allegations from small miners that his men were demanding weekly extortion payments in gold to let clandestine diggings go unhindered."

US behind Bolivia crisis - Chavez  6/13/2005 bbc 

Hugo Chavez vs. America  5/31/2005 Christian Broadcasting Network 

Bush meets prominent opponent of Venezuela's Chavez  5/31/2005 Reuters: "President Bush met a prominent opponent of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez at the White House on Tuesday in a show of support that could anger the firebrand leader of a major U.S. oil supplier. Maria Corina Machado, a founder of Sumate, a citizens rights organization, helped promote an August referendum against Chavez and still faces a possible jail term of up to 16 years along with her colleague Alejandro Plaz. Called a "traitor" by Chavez, she was accused by a Venezuelan state prosecutor last year of conspiracy after her organization received a grant from the U.S. Congress-funded National Endowment for Democracy, which promotes democracy. ...The meeting with Bush brought furious reaction from pro-Chavez lawmakers in the Venezuelan National Assembly. "There they are sitting together, holding hands, smiling, one hiding a terrorist and the other backing a coup," said lawmaker Cilia Flores, who called for Machado's prosecution."

Chavez slams 'negative' U.S. move over Cuban exile  5/30/2005 Reuters: "Left-winger Chavez, a fierce critic of President Bush, expressed disappointment at the U.S. decision on Friday to reject Venezuela's request that Posada be arrested for extradition. "They've given a sign, a negative one," Chavez said. "It's a worrying sign," he said during a cabinet meeting broadcast live on state television. Venezuela plans to deliver a formal extradition request for Posada to U.S. authorities on Tuesday. Chavez accused Bush, whom he mockingly referred to as "Mr Danger," of "sheltering a terrorist." The U.S. government told Venezuela on Friday its request that Posada be arrested for extradition was "clearly inadequate," because it lacked supporting evidence. Chavez scoffed at this. "And what about those CIA and FBI documents that you have over there, Mr Danger? ... You know the truth much more than we do," he said. He was referring to declassified U.S. intelligence documents which cite informants as saying that Posada, who once worked with Venezuela's security services, had plotted to bomb a Cuban airliner with other Cuban exiles."

What's Next in Venezuela? Chavez Gets Proactive  5/29/2005 Counterpunch 

‘New Castro’ threatens to take his feud with America nuclear  5/29/2005 Times, London: "In his latest challenge Chavez declared that Venezuela needed nuclear energy to prepare for when its oil ran out. He said that other Latin American countries should collaborate. “We want to initiate nuclear research and ask for help from countries like Iran,” he said. While US officials have dismissed some of Chavez’s threats as bluster, intelligence sources are concerned about claims that he has given alleged terrorists Venezuelan passports. Venezuelan officials dismiss Washington’s complaints as offensive and undemocratic. “The US is a very ideologically oriented administration and has a lot of animosity towards us,” said Andres Izarra, minister of information. “But we can ally ourselves with whomever we want.” Washington has attempted to isolate Chavez by wooing his Latin American neighbours but when Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, raised concerns about Chavez during a tour of the region, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil remarked a few days later: “We don’t accept defamation and insinuations against a compañero (friend).”"

Mexico Supports Venezuelan Extradition Request  5/29/2005 Venezuela Analysis: "Despite the fact that Cuban terrorist Luis Posada Carriles illegally entered the US via the Mexican border in March, Mexico is not interested in prosecuting him for what Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Ernesto Derbez referred to as a relatively minor offense in a statement last week. In the event that the US would deport Posada to Mexico, Mexico would turn the former CIA agent over to the Venezuelan authorities. "We would be practically obliged to do this," stated Derbez, explaining that, "[w]e have an extradition treaty with Venezuela." Derbez went on to clarify that "[P]osada would have to go to Venezuela because the Venezuelan case is very clear, there is a crime, which is compounded by his escape from prison.""

US denies Venezuela extradition of anti-Castro militant  5/27/2005 AFP: "Venezuela, meanwhile, said Friday that US officials had rejected only its request to arrest Posada Carriles, but not the request to extradite. The embassy in Washington released a statement saying it would "submit any documentation necessary to seek the extradition.""

U.S. rejects Venezuelan move to extradite Cuban  5/27/2005 Reuters: "The United States rejected on Friday Venezuela's first move to extradite a Cuban exile wanted for an airliner bombing, in a case that could challenge the U.S. commitment to fight all forms of terrorism."

Venezuelans demand US turn over Cuban for bombing trial  5/24/2005 AP: "Venezuelan troops stood guard outside the embassy, while some protesters held a towel printed with the American flag upside down, then let it fall to the ground, trampling on it. "Cuba yes, yankees no!" the crowd chanted. One woman shouted, "Yankees, go home!" Protester Noel Marquez had strong words for McFarland, telling him, "You should apologise to the Venezuelan people for having a terrorist like the criminal Posada Carriles on US soil.""

Chavez considers breaking US ties  5/23/2005 BBC: with commentary by Michael Ruppert

Venezuela: building a social model that avoids the Marxist errors of the past  5/23/2005 Vheadlines 

Venezuela to Seek Nuclear Power With Iran's Help, Chavez Says  5/22/2005 Bloomberg 

As Chavez Rises in Venezuela, Ties With U.S. Sour  5/22/2005 LA Times: "The case of pro-democracy activist Maria Corina Machado, who is scheduled to go to court next month on charges of treason and conspiracy, illustrates just how far the U.S. image has fallen in the nine months since President Hugo Chavez defeated a recall effort. The act of treason Machado allegedly committed? Her human rights organization accepted $31,000 from the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy for voter education workshops before the divisive August recall referendum."

Is Venezuela going nuclear? Conversations with Iran give cause for concern  5/21/2005 Houston Chronicle: "Standing side by side with Khatami in Caracas, Chavez said, "Iran has every right to develop atomic energy and to continue research in that area. ... Faced with the threat of the U.S. government against our brother people in Iran, count on us for all our support." After receiving the report that Chavez might be trying to acquire nuclear technology or weapons from Iran, I met with a high-ranking U.S. official to voice my concerns and ask what he thought about such speculation. He answered me point blank: "It would not surprise me. Chavez is dangerous, underestimated and capable of almost anything. We are hearing a number of curious and disturbing reports. He is actively working to recruit terrorist nations and developing countries into his campaign of hatred against the United States.""

CITGO gas station locator  5/16/2005 CITGO 

Buy Your Gas at Citgo: Join the BUY-cott!  5/16/2005 Venezuela Analysis: "Looking for an easy way to protest Bush foreign policy week after week? And an easy way to help alleviate global poverty? Buy your gasoline at Citgo stations. And tell your friends. Of the top oil producing countries in the world, only one is a democracy with a president who was elected on a platform of using his nation's oil revenue to benefit the poor. The country is Venezuela. The President is Hugo Chavez. Call him "the Anti-Bush." "

'El' Jazeera  5/13/2005 Alternet: "To balance the anti-Chavez local press and pro-American CNN, Venezuela is launching a South American Al Jazeera. With journalistic heavyweights and a non-corporate vibe, the channel arrives on the scene as a number of Latin American nations are leaning politically left."

Venezuela slaps $1.6 mln fine on US medical fir1m  5/13/2005 Reuters 

Demystifying Africa's Absence in Venezuelan History and Culture  5/13/2005 Venezuela Analysis: by Chucho Garcia

Racism and Racial Divides in Venezuela  5/13/2005 Venezuela Analysis: publised 1/21/04, interview with Chucho Garcia

Teaching Race in Venezuela  5/13/2005 Venezuela Analysis: "At the International Afro-Descendent Conference hosted by Venezuela last weekend, Humberto Brown of the Global Afro-Latino and Caribbean Initiative (USA) stated that “Afro Descendents cannot talk about democracy in countries in which racism exists.” The conference was hosted by The Afro-Venezuelan Network and the Ministry of Information and Communication May 6-8 in Caracas. The aim of the conference was to ensure that in the process of creating Latin American unity, the inclusion of historically oppressed sectors (composed mainly of indigenous and Afro-descendent groups) is not overlooked. Participating in discussions were panelists from Venezuela, Brazil, Peru and Colombia, among others, as well as a delegation from the US-based Trans-Africa Forum."

What the CIA Could Learn from Venezuela: The Luis Posada Carriles Case  5/13/2005 Venezuela Analysis: "Luis Posada Carriles is a fugitive from justice in Venezuela and an international terrorist, so defined by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), and therefore cannot be granted political asylum under U.S. law."

Case Reopened against Mayor Says Venezuela’s Supreme Court  5/12/2005 Venezuela Analysis: "On April 12, 2002 several hours after a military junta arrested Chávez and appointed business-leader Pedro Carmona “interim President,” an angry mob of the new government’s supporters surrounded the Cuban embassy, located in the municipality of Baruta. The mob demanded that embassy officials hand over Chávez’s Vice-President Diosdado Cabello who was thought to have sought refuge in the embassy. When Cuban officials declined, the mob destroyed cars parked outside the building, and cut off all electricity and water running into it. Capriles, then as now mayor of Baruta, was present and did not prevent the violence, providing the basis for subsequent charges against him two years later. Footage was later made public that showed Capriles inside the embassy demanding that Cuban embassador Germán Sánchez allow him to search the premises for fugitive government functionaries. State prosecutors had sought Capriles’ conviction on charges of “illegitimate privation of liberty, public intimidation, violation of international principles [in the intimidation of Cuban diplomats], violation of private property on the part of public officials and damage to private property.”"

Cuba and Venezuela Create a Transnational Construction Company  5/11/2005 Venezuela Analysis 

Hugo Chavez: U.S. citizens are oppressed by their own government  4/30/2005 CNN 

Brazil reassured on Venezuela-US  4/29/2005 BBC: "Brazil's president says his concerns over tensions between the US and Venezuela have been dispelled after talks with the US secretary of state."

Venezuela's President Chavez to Visit Cuba  4/27/2005 PolitInfo 

US and Brazil Do Not See Eye-To-Eye on Venezuela  4/27/2005 Venezuela Analysis 

The National Housewives’ Union in Venezuela  4/27/2005 Znet 

Chavez says U.S. military officers spread negative image of Venezuelan government  4/25/2005 AP: "Chavez said that a woman in the U.S. armed forces had been detained by authorities while taking pictures of military installations in central Venezuela. He did not identify her or say whether she had been released. ``If she or any other U.S. official does this kind of activity again, they will be imprisoned and face trial in Venezuela,'' he said. Chavez also said several American journalists were detained taking pictures of a refinery 60 miles west of Caracas. He did not elaborate except to say they were released. Chavez said the cases indicated the U.S. might be planning to invade Venezuela."

Venezuela to oil firms; accept sovereignty or leave  4/25/2005 Reuters 

Venezuela: ‘In Defense of Humanity’ by Amiri Baraka  4/21/2005 SF Bay View: "Then sure enough, in the middle of Chavez’ anti-imperialist, anti-superpower, anti-norteamericano assault, like the loud wings of that necessary angel, he introduced the man, who now sat directly in front of us, “Compañeros, I want you to greet the great Algerian Revolutionary, BEN BELLA.” I had shaken his hand when he came in, but now I touched his shoulder as the crowd dipped past peak and re-introduced myself and Amina and shook his hand, this time with the passion of my memory of that Revolution. Certainly then images of “The Battle of Algiers” flashed through all those who knew that connection; it did ours. (In perfect confirmation of their infamy, Encyclopedia Britannica, in their entry on Algeria, mentions the overthrow of the French Colonial regime in 1965, by FLN, of which Ben Bella was the best known of the leadership and first premier of Liberated Algeria, and that later this was “overthrown by a military coup.” THERE IS NO MENTION Of BEN BELLA!)"

Venezuela Issues Extradition Request for Terrorist in U.S.  4/13/2005 Venezuela Analysis: "Venezuela formally asked U.S. authorities to extradite an escaped prisoner who was responsible for the bombing of a Cuban airliner in 1976, in which 73 persons were killed. The former prisoner, Luis Posada Carriles, is a Cuban exile who had escaped a Venezuelan prison in 1985. For a while he lived in Panama, where he was also captured for planning an assassination of Cuba’s President Fidel Castro in 2000. He was then pardoned in Panama, though, and entered the U.S. about a month ago. Venezuela’s Vice-President, José Vicente Rangel, said, “We going to step up our demands for extradition.” “I hope Mr. Bush will take note of his own anti-terrorism policies and hand over Posada Carriles,” added Rangel."

The Chavez / Zapatero Alliance - Bush Rebuffed in Venezuela (Again)  4/10/2005 Counterpunch 

The Miami Mafia at work: Oppenheimer interviews Rumsfeld  4/10/2005 Vheadlines 

Venezuela's Chavez is Dominican  4/3/2005 Venezuela Analysis: "The Dominican government, which has helicopters that are useless, asked their North American friends for help to suffocate this fire. The US said that it would come only if the Dominican Republic declared a state of emergency. It would then come not with a pair of seaplanes to put out the fire, but with four aircraft carriers and soldiers, which they would position throughout the area to control everything, as is their custom. Canada, on the other hand, said that it would come at a cost of $100,000 per day. By the time the Dominican government had discussed the price and accepted it, Canada had decided to raise their price to $500,000 per day. When they called Chávez, he gave the order to deploy helicopters immediately, at no cost and without bureaucratic procedures, without hesitation, just that simple, in solidarity, without fanfare, as it should be among the peoples of the south."

U.S. Aggression towards Venezuela: The Rise of Black Propaganda and Dirty War Tactics (Again)  3/30/2005 Venezuela Analysis: "The Bush Administration, through its Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, and her spokesmen, its Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and his spokesmen, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Porter Goss, has made clear that Venezuela is a target for Washington this year. This time around, the strategy is clear: turn President Chávez into an international pariah in the world media and justify an intervention to save democracy. Even more transparent are the mechanisms utilized to implement the strategy. Since early January 2005, major U.S. publications and television stations, including the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, Fox News Network and CSNBC, to name a few, have published or broadcast well over 60 articles and programs regurgitating State Department accusations that President Chávez presents a “negative force in the region,”[1] is a “threat to democracy,” a “semi-dictator,” or that the Venezuela Government provides refuge and collaborates with “terrorist” groups, such as the Colombian FARC and ELN."

Fateful Quadrangle - Cuba and Venezuela Face US and Colombia  3/22/2005 Counterpunch: "Thirdly the US has provided nearly $3 billion dollars in military aid to Colombia, tripled the size of its armed forces (to over 275,000), greatly increased its air force combat units (helicopters, fighter bombers), provided advanced military technology and several thousand official and "contracted" military specialists. Fourthly Washington has recruited the Gutierrez regime in Ecuador, invaded Haiti, established military bases in Peru and the Dominican Republic, and has engaged in navy maneuvers just off the Venezuelan coast in preparation for a military attack.Fifthly Colombia (under US tutelage) signed a joint military-intelligence cooperation agreement on December 18, 2004 with the Venezuelan Ministry of Defense, providing the US with "inside information" and serving as a possible source of infiltration of the Venezuelan Armed Forces to counter pro-Cuban officers."

Interview with Philip Agee - The Nature of CIA Intervention in Venezuela  3/22/2005 Venezuela Analysis 

Former CIA Agent Affirms Possibility of Chavez’s Assassination in Venezuela  3/17/2005 HOV: "In an interview on Miami’s Spanish-language channel 22, the former CIA agent Felix Rodriguez said that the U.S. government has plans to “bring about a change in Venezuela.” When pressed as to what type of plans these might be, Rodriguez responded that the Bush administration “could do it with a military strike, with a plane.” The former CIA agent’s comments were made last week, on Thursday, during the talk show of a well-known supporter of the anti-Castro movement, Maria Elvira Salazar. Rodriguez affirmed during the program, “According to information I have about what is happening in Venezuela, it is possible that at some moment they [the Bush administration] will see itself obliged, for national security reasons and because of problems they have in Colombia, to implement a series of measures that will bring about a change in Venezuela.” The moderator, not satisfied with his vague answer, asked Rodriguez what kind of measures these might be and he responded, “They could be economic measures and at some point they could be military measures.” He then added, “If at some point they are going to do it, they will do it openly.” As an example, Rodriguez gave the Reagan administration’s strike against Khadafi, whose residence was bombed and whose adoptive daughter was killed in the process."

Chavez Casts Himself as the Anti-Bush  3/15/2005 Washington Post: "The government says it produces 3.1 million barrels a day of oil, but independent analysts put the figure closer to 2.6 million. Izarra said the country aimed to boost its oil production to about 5 million barrels a day in the next five years, so there would be plenty of oil to serve both the United States and new customers, such as China and India."

Venezuela restocks its arsenal  3/14/2005 Financial Times: "Some US officials are more concerned by what they see as the lack of financial transparency in the negotiation of the arms deals than by the bellicose capability of the arms themselves. Price tags ranging up to $5bn (€3.7bn, £2.6bn) have been reported as the total cost of Mr Chávez's oil-financed defence spending spree, yet none of the purchases has yet been debated in Venezuela's legislature. “It's an orgy of corruption,” said Roger Pardo-Maurer, deputy assistant secretary for western hemisphere affairs at the US Department of Defense."

Who's Afraid Of Venezuela-Cuba Alliance?  3/14/2005 Znet 

Bush orders policy to ‘contain’ Chávez  3/13/2005 Financial Times 

Chávez to Bush: Back off  2/24/2005 Progreso Weekly: "We were startled on Sunday when we read Hugo Chávez's statement that he would blame George W. Bush for any attempt on his life, "whether it's successful or not." We were even more surprised when The Miami Herald downplayed the Venezuelan president's revelation, yet stressed his warning that, in the event of an assassination attempt, Venezuela would halt its supply of crude oil to the United States…. What did Chávez say that wasn't reported in The Herald? We are indebted to several news agencies, Venezuelan newspapers and the informative website for the partial transcripts of the Venezuelan leader's words. "I am sure that my death is being planned in Washington," Chávez said. "If I am assassinated, there is a major culprit on this planet: the president of the United States, George W. Bush." Chávez's accusation echoed a statement made Feb. 12 by Fidel Castro, in which the Cuban president cautioned that "If Chávez is assassinated, the responsibility will lie entirely with the president of the United States." "Fidel Castro already said it some days ago," Chávez said Sunday. "Now I shall say it. Neither Fidel Castro nor I speak nonsense. If something happens to me, I blame the president of the United States of America.""

Washington Amps Up the Rhetoric - Oil-Flush Chavez Begins to Strut His Stuff  2/16/2005 Counterprunch 

Chávez-Uribe Summit leads to new stage in Colombia-Venezuela relations  2/16/2005 Granma 

CIA Classifies Venezuela as Top "Potentially Unstable Country"  2/16/2005 Venezuela Analysis 

Castro warns of assassin plot  2/14/2005 AFP: "VENEZUELA'S President Hugo Chavez, adding to his growing barrage of charges against the United States, accused the George W. Bush administration of plotting his assassination and thanked his Cuban ally Fidel Castro for warning him of about it."

Analysis of The Wall Street Journal Editorial-Page Coverage of Venezuela  2/13/2005 Venezuela Analysis 

Chávez arming to fight attack by U.S.  2/12/2005 Miami herald 

Venezuela Rebuffs U.S. on Arms Deals  2/12/2005 Reuters: "The U.S. ambassador to Venezuela, William Brownfield, said this week that the 100,000 Russian automatic rifles being purchased exceeded the number of Venezuela's regular armed forces. In his statement, Rangel described the U.S. reaction as "another impertinence from Mr. Bush's government. One has to ask whether the U.S. concern might not stem from the fact that this equipment is being bought in Russia and not in the United States." "

Venezuela enlists Iran to steer oil to China  1/31/2005 Financial Times 

Venezuela says it will arrest Colombian rebels  1/21/2005 UPI: "Venezuela says it will arrest any Colombian rebels living in its territory as part of an effort to end a spat between the nations, El Nacional reported Friday. Colombia has accused Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez of aiding and harboring the Marxist rebels, an allegation he's denied. The nations' relations -- in recent years always somewhat tenuous -- took a further turn for the worse last week after Colombian President Alvaro Uribe admitted he hired Venezuelan police to act as bounty hunters to capture a Colombian rebel in Caracas, the Venezuelan capital, in December."

Enter the Dragon - Will the US Tolerate a Venezuelan-Chinese Oil Pact?  1/18/2005 Counterpunch 

The Washington Post in an Anti-Communist Time-Warp Over Venezuela  1/14/2005 Venezuela Analysis 

'It's a strategic plan' - The Cuban-Venezuelan accord; An interview with Prof. Omar Everleny Pérez  1/13/2005 Progresso Weekly 

Statement by Jesse Chacón, Minister of the Interior and Justice of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in view of the accusations made regarding the kidnapping of Rodrigo Granda.  1/13/2005 Progresso Weekly: "There are strong indications that citizen Rodrigo Granda was kidnapped near the Fine Arts station of the Caracas subway and the Razzeti Clinic. New information obtained during the ongoing investigation might implicate Venezuelan police officers and/or former officers; therefore, after the proper legal steps have been taken, we shall proceed in accordance with our judicial system. Likewise, clues exist that might compromise Colombian functionaries in this affair. If this is confirmed -- something that would be extremely serious because it violates Venezuelan sovereignty -- we shall undertake whatever actions the incident calls for. However, because of the rigor and severity that must surround this type of investigation, we cannot provide any further information."

US senators seek improved ties with Venezuela  1/11/2005 CSM 

Venezuelan government to hand over 90,000 homes this year  1/7/2005 Granma: "Venezuela’s Ministry of Housing and Habitat has promised to hand over 90,000 houses in 2005 as part of an official plan to reactivate uncompleted projects and develop new ones. Housing Minister Julio Montes, quoted this Thursday by the Venpres news agency, stated that they hope to complete 49,000 homes and build a further 40,000."

An Open Letter to Hugo Chavez - On the Detention of Rodrigo Granda  1/6/2005 Counterpunch: "In light of these considerations, we were surprised to learn that the security forces DISIP have been actively involved in the detention of Rodrigo Granda (better known as Ricardo González), member of the international relations team of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC. According to what one has been able to establish by reliable sources, Granda was detained in Caracas this past December 13 and taken to DISIP barracks. Hours later he was transported to Colombia in the trunk of a car, where he was "officially" "captured." No judicial or administrative process was taken into account, in a clear violation of applicable Venezuelan and international laws. One should recall, President Chavez, that Granda has been received by high state representatives and important political and social organizations throughout the world, as part of his diplomatic activity in the search for a politically negotiated solution to the Colombian conflict."

Probe into Colombia rebel arrest  1/5/2005 BBC 

Chávez extends regional muscle  12/20/2004 CSM: "Flush with cash from high oil prices, Venezuela's president is pushing his leftist vision across the region."

CIA and Venezuela - CIA Documents Cast New Light on Washington's Role in Venezuela  12/12/2004 Znet 

The assassination of Danilo Anderson  12/2/2004 Progresso Weekly 

U.S. Official Concerned About Venezuela Arms Plans  11/30/2004 Reuters: "OTTAWA (Reuters) - A senior U.S. official on Tuesday took a dim view of the possibility that Venezuela would buy Russian MiG-29 fighter jets to replace its U.S.-made F-16 jets. "We shoot down MiGs," said the Bush administration official, who spoke on condition he not be identified." Condi?

CIA PAPERS ON VENEZUELA COUP - U.S. kept quiet on Chávez plot  11/25/2004 Newsday 

Spain's foreign minister under fire for coup remarks  11/24/2004 IHT: "Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos of Spain came under fire from his conservative opponents on Tuesday for suggesting that Spain's previous government supported the coup in 2002 that briefly knocked President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela from power."

Venezuelan Police Kill Bombing Suspect  11/24/2004 Reuters: "A Venezuelan lawyer suspected in last week's bombing murder of a top state prosecutor was killed in a gunfight with police Tuesday after he tried to ram detectives with his car and opened fire on them, officials said. The shooting came as authorities met to discuss a package of new anti-terrorism laws following the murder of Danilo Anderson, the prosecutor who was investigating opposition figures accused of backing a brief 2002 coup against President Hugo Chavez.A Venezuelan lawyer suspected in last week's bombing murder of a top state prosecutor was killed in a gunfight with police Tuesday after he tried to ram detectives with his car and opened fire on them, officials said. The shooting came as authorities met to discuss a package of new anti-terrorism laws following the murder of Danilo Anderson, the prosecutor who was investigating opposition figures accused of backing a brief 2002 coup against President Hugo Chavez."

Blast Kills Venezuelan Coup Prosecutor  11/20/2004 Guardian: "A prosecutor pressing charges against backers of Venezuela's failed 2002 coup was killed by explosions that ripped through his SUV as he was driving through the capital, officials said Friday. Witnesses said two explosions rocked Danilo Anderson's vehicle just before midnight Thursday as it drove through the western Caracas neighborhood of Chaguaramos. Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel and other top officials rushed to the scene."

Venezuela suspects exiles in prosecutor’s slaying  11/20/2004 Newsday 

Terror Attack in Venezuela Kills State Prosecutor Danilo Anderson  11/19/2004 Venezuela Analysis: "The 38-year-old Danilo Anderson’s official post is as State Prosecutor with national jurisdiction. During the April 2002 attempted coup against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, Anderson was instrumental in getting the state television channel back on the air, at which point the state channel made the first public announcement declaring that Chavez supporters had retaken power. As a result, Anderson was personally designated by the Attorney General to act as state prosecutor. Anderson had recently gotten headlines for his controversial investigations into the violence that occurred during the April 2002 coup."

US embassy should clarify position on rebel's televised assassination threat  11/19/2004 Vheadlines 

VENEZUELA - 20 of the 22 states in the hand of the Bolivarian forces  11/1/2004 Granma 

The Venezuelan "Threat" - Why Do Bush and Kerry Fear Hugo Chavez?  10/15/2004 Counterpunch 

The Chavez Revolution: Venezuela Must Be A Black State Part II  10/10/2004 Black State 

Venezuela to Buy Russian Helicopters to Fight Guerillas  9/23/2004 Moscow News 

Chavez: Assassination of Venezuelans Will Not Go Unpunished  9/19/2004 Prensa Latina 

6 Venezuelan Soldiers, Oil Engineer Killed in Attack  9/18/2004 VOA 

President Chavez and the referendum By James Petras  9/16/2004 Progreso Weekly 

Venezuela Objects to American Sanctions  9/11/2004 AP: "According to a July report by the U.S. State Department, Venezuelan women and children are trafficked inside the country and abroad to Spain and to mines in neighboring Guyana. Brazilian and Colombian women also are trafficked through the country. "It is a fact, not only that the information is not well-documented, but that it doesn't help the bilateral relations to reach the levels that should be," Izarra said."

Venezuela envoy to leave Panama  8/28/2004 BBC: "Venezuela has withdrawn its ambassador to Panama, a day after Cuba broke off diplomatic relations with Panama over a pardon for four Cuban exiles."

Black and Indian Power The Meaning of Hugo Chávez  8/24/2004 Counterpunch 

With Chávez? Reading the International Private Media  8/24/2004 Counterpunch 

Jimmy Carter's Report from Caracas  8/21/2004 NarcoNews 

Venezuela audit 'confirms' result  8/20/2004 BBC: "The audit is being carried out by the official electoral authority - the Venezuelan National Electoral Council - and international observers from the Carter Center and the Organization of American States (OAS). They were due to visit 150 polling sites, checking the results produced by voting machines against paper records, in the presence of government and opposition representatives."

DISIP agents seize +100 lbs. of C-4 plastic explosive in Venezuelan rebel opposition stronghold  8/20/2004 Vheadlines 

Opposition Rejects Audit Plan in Venezuela Recall Dispute  8/19/2004 NYT: "After demanding an audit of voting results upon failing to oust President Hugo Chávez in a recall referendum, representatives of Venezuela's opposition movement said Wednesday that they would refuse to participate in or recognize the review, asserting that the audit would fail to detect the deception that they insist took place."

Smartmatic Mugica: Fraud cannot be committed with our vote technology  8/19/2004 Vheadlines 

All power to the people  8/18/2004 SF Bay View: "Chávez has understood the potential power of women as primary carers. Four months of continuous lobbying got women the constitution they wanted. Among its anti-sexist, anti-racist provisions, it recognizes women’s unwaged caring work as economically productive, entitling housewives to social security. No surprise then that in 2002 women of African and indigenous descent led the millions who descended from the hills to reverse the coup - by a mainly white elite and the CIA - thereby saving their constitution, their president, their democracy, their revolution."

Dick Cheney, Hugo Chavez and Bill Clinton’s band  8/18/2004 SF Bay View: "77 percent of Venezuela’s farmland is owned by 3 percent of the population, the ‘hacendados.’ I met one of these farmlords in Caracas at an anti-Chavez protest march. Oddest demonstration I’ve ever seen: frosted blondes in high heels clutching designer bags, screeching, “Chavez - dic-ta-dor!” The plantation owner griped about the “socialismo” of Chavez, then jumped into his Jaguar convertible."

Chávez declares referendum victory, but is battle over?  8/17/2004 CSM: "Chávez's critics immediately pointed out that the number of reported "yes" votes was nearly the same as the approximately 3.5 million signatures the opposition had collected last year to trigger the referendum. During that petition drive there were numerous charges that voters were intimidated into not signing by threats of loss of government jobs or benefits. Opponents claim that many people who were intimidated into not signing did indeed vote and therefore the "yes" vote should have far exceeded the number of signatures." [But it did not.]

Venezuela: Crean desde internet el operativo Rescate que permite anular la utilización fraudulenta de su firma contra Chávez  8/17/2004 Rebelion: publicado el 29 de mayo, 2004

Dick Cheney, Hugo Chavez and Bill Clinton's Band - Why Venezuela has Voted Again for Their 'Negro e Indio' President  8/16/2004 Baltimore Chronicle: "What the affable president sees in his reflection, beyond the ribbons of office, is a "negro e indio" -- a "Black and Indian" man, dark as a cola nut, same as the landless and, until now, the hopeless. For the first time in Venezuela's history, the 80% Black-Indian population elected a man with skin darker than the man in the Jaguar."

Why He Crushed the Oligarchs The Importance of Hugo Chávez  8/16/2004 Counterpunch 

Venezuela: The Chávez Victory by the Numbers  8/16/2004 NarcoNews: "More likely, the remaining votes will fall in similar percentages as the 95 percent already counted, bringing the final total to something like 5.26 million "NO" votes to 3.76 million votes. This means that the opposition did not even succeed at garnering the 3.8 million votes that, had the pro-Chávez vote not turned out in these record numbers, would have been required to provoke a recall referendum. Thus, it is a double loss for the dwindling opposition in this oil-rich country of 24 million men, women, elders, and children."

Venezuela's Chavez Triumphant: History Making Democracy in Latin America  8/16/2004 Venezuela Analysis 

Gustavo Borges: Electoral fraud attempt fails in Caracas  8/15/2004 Vheadlines: "Voicing over a CNE announcement broadcast on all local TV and radio channels, the opposition loaded media organizations mistakenly (?) played a recording they are alleged to have planned to broadcast in the streets at 8:00 p.m. tonight to announce that President Hugo Chavez Frias had lost the referendum by an amazing 11 million votes."

INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER: Widening margin of victory for Chavez Frias  8/15/2004 Vheadlines: "Racist antipathies will be raging in Washington as this man of black and indian heritage takes them to the political cleaners and ends their hopes of recolonizing Venezuela ... this will be the one-worlders' third defeat from this noble adversary."

Uh! Ah! Chavez is here to stay  8/12/2004 Progreso Weekly 

Will Venezuela get the Florida treatment?  8/11/2004 Working For Change 

Chavez calls for final poll push  8/10/2004 AFP: "Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called on hundreds of thousands of supporters who marched on the capital of the oil-rich nation to prepare for a "final attack" on the recall referendum his opponents have put up to remove him from office."

CIA executives gathered in Santiago de Chile revealed in contingency plot to overthrow Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez Frias  8/9/2004 Vheadlines 

CNE's Rodriguez sees ties between voting machine fire, Mendoza, Ramos Allup and RCTV  8/9/2004 Vheadlines 

Colombianos nacionalizados pueden decidir el referendo en Venezuela  8/8/2004 Miami Herald: "El presidente Hugo Chávez constituyó en su favor un fondo electoral de al menos 200,000 colombianos a quienes adjudicó ciudadanía venezolana durante el último año. Frente a un virtual empate, ese potencial de retaguardia podría llegar a darle el triunfo, por un apreciable margen de votos, en el referendo revocatorio del mandato que se verificará el próximo domingo, 15 de agosto."

Coordination of security plans for the Venezuelan referendum  8/6/2004 Granma 

US State Department admits and justifies funding of Venezuelan opposition groups  8/5/2004 Vheadlines 

Chávez: Bolivarian revolution is entering a new stage  8/2/2004 Granma 

Venezuela army officers arrested  8/1/2004 BBC: "A Venezuelan court has ordered the arrest of 59 military officers on charges of conspiracy, civil rebellion and instigating insurrection. The men took part in a protest against President Hugo Chavez in October 2002 by taking over a square in Caracas and urging civil disobedience. Some of those charged by judge Rita Hernandez also backed a failed coup against Mr Chavez in April 2002."

Spinning “Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics” - Venezuelan Pollster’s Deceit Failed to Rob Chávez of His Base Among the Poor  7/30/2004 NarcoNews 

CHÁVEZ CON LA GUARDIA EN ALTO  7/15/2004 Jiribilla: "Lo que se juega en Venezuela en el referendo del 15 de agosto es mucho más que otro ejercicio electoral para que todo siga igual no importa quien gane. La instauración de la figura del referendo expresa por sí misma el cambio operado en el país suramericano de la corrupta democracia formal y elitista predominante en América Latina hacia un régimen profundamente popular y participativo, que reconoce el derecho de los ciudadanos a revocar a sus gobernantes."

Terms of Denouement for Venezuela Opposition - President Hugo Chávez, Polls Say, on the Verge of a Stunning Victory  7/4/2004 NarcoNews 

Venezuela's Media Tycoons - The Anti-Chavez Echo Chamber  7/3/2004 Counterpunch 

Why the Elites Hate Hugo Chavez - Buzz Words and Venezuela  7/2/2004 Counterpunch: "For the white elite Chavez represents ugliness. The man with Indian and African features has committed the unpardonable sin: redistributing wealth. He increased the percentage of the budget that goes toward public health (8%) and education, although still not up to the level of developed countries. He also stopped subsidizing private schools where the wealthy send their kids… Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, along with the US Government, have contributed not only to political confusion about Venezuela. By misusing the words, democracy and human rights, they have created a semantic nightmare. They seem to accept US coups and destabilization campaigns as compatible with democracy, while Chavez's efforts to make majority rule a reality by providing for basic substantive rights become an offense. He has not shut down, censored or interfered with the media or the property that belong to his enemies."

Venezuela: The opposition’s latest maneuver is electoral fraud  7/1/2004 Granma: "INTERVIEW WITH ADAN CHAVEZ FRIAS, VENEZUELAN AMBASSADOR IN HAVANA"


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