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Venezuela in the News
Archive: 2007

Chavez extends oil largesse at Caribbean summit  12/21/2007 Reuters: "Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez proposed on Friday extending a barter scheme used by Cuba to other Caribbean and Central American nations to help them pay for oil supplies with products and services. At a summit of his growing regional energy alliance, Petrocaribe, the leftist firebrand attacked the United States and other rich consumer nations for quandering their unfair share of world resources… Chavez, the fiercest antagonist of the United States in the region despite being a major U.S. oil supplier, opened a revamped Soviet-era refinery in Cienfuegos, Cuba that will supply diesel, gasoline and jet fuel to members of Petrocaribe. The Petrocaribe alliance, which has bolstered Chavez's regional influence since it started in 2005, grew to 17 countries on Friday with the entry of Honduras, a traditional U.S. ally. Guatemala's president-elect also wants to join."

U.S. grand jury indicts 5 in Argentine "suitcase scandal"  12/20/2007 Reuters: "MIAMI (Reuters) - A U.S. grand jury indicted four Venezuelans and a Uruguayan on Thursday on charges of acting as unregistered foreign agents for Venezuela who allegedly tried to cover up a scheme to smuggle $800,000 in cash to Argentina." [Dateline Miami.]

Nicolás Maduro: Detrás del caso de Antonini Wilson está el poder que protege a Posada Carriles en EEUU  12/14/2007 Aporrea 

Nazi propaganda: prelude to a military coup or foreign military intervention in Venezuela  12/14/2007 Mathaba 

Chavez Calls For a Battle of Ideas to Combat U.S. Interference in Latin America  12/12/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "President Hugo Chavez called for increased Latin American integration and a "battle of ideas" in order to combat United States interference in the region. The U.S has launched a colossal media war against the peoples and governments of Latin America Chavez said, because "We have left behind being the U.S.'s backyard, this is why they attack us so much." "They bombard us without clemency, the minds of children, young people, men and women to try to convert us into human beings without a past, disconnected from reality, and into people without a future.""

Venezuela's Chavez again demands Spain apology  12/11/2007 Reuters: ""If the King of Spain does nothing to apologize, this will continue to deteriorate," Chavez told reporters at the end of a three-day visit to Argentina where he attended the inauguration of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner."

Ritual Gloating Postmortems - The Corporate Media v. Hugo Chavez  12/10/2007 Global Research 

Documents: Early on, U.S. tried to reach out to Chavez  12/10/2007 McClatchy-Tribune: "The U.S. government eagerly reached out to Venezuelan presidential candidate Hugo Chavez in 1998 and moved quickly to denounce a rumored coup plot against the man who's become one of the Bush administration's archenemies, newly declassified State Department documents obtained by McClatchy Newspapers reveal. State Department officials initially appeared dazzled by Chavez's oversized persona and his promise for sweeping reforms, and seemed sincere in their efforts to help him, the documents show. Some of those overtures drew positive responses from Chavez, who said he wanted U.S. help in fighting corruption and drug trafficking. But as the months passed, American unease grew, and cables from the U.S. Embassy in Caracas, the Venezuelan capital, began warning of "populism" and "the authoritarian threat which lurked behind his tough policy statements." McClatchy obtained 53 documents totaling some 200 pages, mostly cables from the embassy, in response to a 2005 Freedom of Information Act request. The documents — almost of all them redacted for classified or sensitive information, some so heavily that they're little more than blank pages — are a small slice of U.S. government records on Venezuela."

Making Victory of Defeat: What Next for Venezuela?  12/10/2007 Venezuela Analysis 

Venezuelan Opposition Emboldened  12/5/2007 AP 

Chavez Turns Bitter Over His Defeat in Referendum  12/5/2007 WaPo 

Análisis somero de la no aprobación de la propuesta de reforma  12/3/2007 Aporrea 

Derrota estratégica en Venezuela; peligro mortal para Bolivia y Cuba  12/3/2007 Aporrea 

Chavez Concedes Venezuela's Constitutional Reform Lost in "Foto Finish"  12/3/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "The vote was divided into two blocks, whereby the first block included Chavez's 33 proposed article changes and the second block included changes proposed by the national assembly. The second block lost with a slightly higher margin, with 51.0% for "No" to 49.0% for "Yes". "

Why did Abstention Win in Venezuela?  12/3/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "The largest share of the responsibility for the defeat lies in those who convinced Chavez that the revolution depends exclusively on his personal figure. This is an error. Probably without Chavez there would be no revolution, but only with Chavez neither. There is a need to correct the tendency to minimise the leading role of the people in times of important deliberations and decisions. The "Chavismo apparat" (the leadership of PSUV, [United Socialist Party of Venezuela[) was defeated."

Nuevos documentos revelan financiamiento de EE.UU. a estudiantes en Venezuela  12/2/2007 Aporrea 

Reporte de tramposerías en Leopoldogolpilandia  12/2/2007 Aporrea: "Cuando denuncio el hecho ante el representante del CNE, una señora se acerca, se identificó como jefa del batallón del PSUV y le señaló que a otras personas les pasó lo mismo. Cuando oigo eso, me doy cuenta que esas “otras personas” eran chavistas. ¿Qué tal? Firmé el informe del CNE y me retiré del centro."

Deception from the Dailies on the Eve of Venezuela Referendum  12/2/2007 NarcoNews 

Students Become Potent Adversary To Chavez Vision  12/2/2007 WaPo: "Many of the anti-government students and their leaders do hail from such elite universities as Andres Bello, the prominent Catholic university in Caracas. And some student groups have received funding for workshops from the U.S. Agency for International Development, according to documents made available to The Washington Post on Saturday. The U.S. documents, obtained through a freedom of information request filed by a researcher for the National Security Archive at George Washington University, show that $216,000 was provided from 2003 through this year to unnamed student groups at several universities for "conflict resolution," "democracy promotion" and other programs. Jeremy Bigwood, the researcher, has obtained other documents in recent years showing U.S. aid for anti-Chávez groups. He said these documents show, at the very least, that the Bush administration wanted to "keep a finger on the pulse of the student movement.""

The Return of Juan Forero, or Why NPR Still Sucks Ass  12/1/2007 novus.liber: "The following is an analysis some of the key lies told on NPR this morning about Venezuela, and why they are lies and how they are lies. It follows the very useful practice in French literature classes (Forero’s report is, after all, fiction) of the explication de texte, by isolating key phrases and examining them."

Venezuelan Government Uncovers Video of Opposition Destabilization Plan  11/30/2007 Global Research: "destabilization for Sunday's referendum at a press conference on Thursday. In the video, opposition leaders call on their supporters to reject the results of the referendum and to take part in nation-wide protests to overturn the constitutional reform. Two opposition leaders are being investigated for inciting violence and calling on supporters to break the law."

CIA Operation "Pliers" Uncovered in Venezuela  11/30/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "The document confirms that psychological operations are the CIA's best and most effective weapon to date against Venezuela, and it will continue its efforts to influence international public opinion regarding President Chavez and the situation in the country. Operation Tenaza is a very alarming plan that aims to destabilize Venezuela and overthrow (again) its legitimate and democratic (and very popularly support) president. The plan will fail, primarily because it has been discovered, but it must be denounced around the world as an unacceptable violation of Venezuela's sovereignty."

Risk of Deceptions in Venezuelan Referendum, CEPR Warns  11/28/2007 Center for Economic and Policy Research: "There is a significant risk that fraudulent polls and other deceptions will be used to challenge the results of Venezuela's referendum, if proposed constitutional reforms are approved this Sunday, according to Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) economist and Co-Director Mark Weisbrot. "The international media has not always exercised due diligence in its reporting on polling data and elections in Venezuela," said Weisbrot, who has authored papers on previous elections there. "This opens up the possibility for the use of fake polling, as was done in the last (2004) referendum, to cast doubt on the results if the proposed constitutional reforms are approved," he said."

Counterattack as Fateful Referendum Looms - CIA Venezuela Destabilization Memo Surfaces  11/28/2007 Counterpunch: "The memo then recommends that Operation Pincer (OP) [Operación Tenaza] be operationalized. OP involves a two-pronged strategy of impeding the referendum, rejecting the outcome at the same time as calling for a 'no' vote. The run up to the referendum includes running phony polls, attacking electoral officials and running propaganda through the private media accusing the government of fraud and calling for a 'no' vote. Contradictions, the report emphasizes, are of no matter. The CIA-Embassy reports internal division and recriminations among the opponents of the amendments including several defections from their 'umbrella group'. The key and most dangerous threats to democracy raised by the Embassy memo point to their success in mobilizing the private university students (backed by top administrators) to attack key government buildings including the Presidential Palace, Supreme Court and the National Electoral Council. The Embassy is especially full of praise for the ex-Maoist 'Red Flag' group for its violent street fighting activity. Ironically, small Trotskyist sects and their trade unionists join the ex-Maoists in opposing the constitutional amendments. The Embassy, while discarding their 'Marxist rhetoric', perceives their opposition as fitting in with their overall strategy."

Venezuelan Opposition Protesters Shoot Chavez Supporter  11/28/2007 Venezuela Analysis: ""There were four of us, trying to carry our friend to the community, but they surrounded us throwing bottles. I took the opportunity to move him [Oliveros] because they were going to hit him with a bottle in the face and I moved him so it did not hit him in the face. He had one bullet in the leg, a man from the local community was going to carry him, but in this moment they shot him twice in the back and this is when he fell to the ground." "We pleaded with them for the life of our friend that was lying bloody on the ground, to please allow us the opportunity to pick him up and they responded that now they were coming for us, that they were coming for me," Borges added."

Operación Tenaza: Informe confidencial de la CIA devela plan de saboteo al referéndum del 2 de diciembre  11/27/2007 Aporrea 

U.S. Companies Behind Anti-Reform Propaganda in Venezuela  11/27/2007 Venezuela Analysis 

Saudi minister warns of dollar collapse  11/17/2007 The Business, London: "In an embarrassing blunder at the meeting in Riyadh, ministers' microphones were not cut off during a key closed meeting, and Prince Al-Faisal was heard saying: "My feeling is that the mere mention that the Opec countries are studying the issue of the dollar is itself going to have an impact that endangers the interests of the countries. "There will be journalists who will seize on this point and we don't want the dollar to collapse instead of doing something good for Opec." ...Iran and Venezuela have argued that the meeting's final communique should voice concern about the level of the dollar, which has recently fallen to new record lows against the euro. They are pushing for oil to be denominated against a basket of currencies."

Hugo Chávez, José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero et le roi d’Espagne  11/17/2007 VoltaireNet: "Au-delà de son caractère anecdotique, l’altercation survenue lors du XVIIe Sommet ibéro-américain révèle la probable implication du roi d’Éspagne, Juan Carlos de Borbón, dans la tentative de coup d’État organisée par les États-Unis contre le président régulièrement élu du Venezuela, en 2002. En tous cas, elle manifeste une arrogance anachronique des puissances occidentales."

Guyana Claims Venezuela Blew Up Dredges  11/16/2007 AP: "Guyana rushed troops and police to its western border Friday after Venezuelan soldiers allegedly blew up two Guyanese gold-mining dredges on a river near the frontier, the foreign ministry said. According to the Guyanese military and reports reaching the capital, Venezuelan troops used helicopters and C-4 explosives to destroy the two river dredges Thursday. No one was injured. Venezuelan Ambassador Dario Morandy was summoned to meet with Guyanese Foreign Minister Rudy Insanally on Friday, but no details of their discussion were immediately released. Venezuelan Foreign Ministry officials said there was no official comment on the matter. Guyanese troops, police and land surveyors were to investigate whether the incident took place on the Wenamu River between the two countries or on the Cuyuni River in Guyana's territory."

Chávez’s Vision Shares Wealth and Centers Power  11/16/2007 NYT 

Cambio constitucional encuentra apoyo en indígenas venezolanos  11/16/2007 Prensa Latina 

Race War and Nation in Caribbean Gran Colombia, Cartagena, 1810–1832  11/16/2007 The American Historical Review: by Marixa Lasso, Panama - "This lack of attention derived in large part from the notion that racial equality was empty rhetoric that served the needs of elites to attract the black population to their side during the struggles. That belief was seemingly borne out by the fact that slavery remained legal in most of Spanish America until the 1850s. Adding insult to injury, nationalist declarations of racial equality allowed the elite to maintain informal patterns of discrimination by impeding the formation of racially based political associations, which were declared unnecessary, divisive, and unpatriotic.12 3 A close analysis of this period, however, reveals that the ideal of racial equality was not just facile rhetoric. The literature on the intellectual and electoral history of the Spanish American wars of independence has shown that the political changes were the result of serious intellectual and political debates and were perceived by the protagonists as a momentous transformation that challenged entrenched cultural traditions and social hierarchies.13 The works of Alfonso Múnera, Peter Guardino, and Peter Blanchard have also taught us that Afro-Latin Americans were not mere "cannon fodder"; they participated in and influenced the political debates about citizenship in the revolutionary period, sometimes pushing the elites to acquiesce to radical measures they had not initially contemplated."

A warning sign?  11/16/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "In the lead up to last year’s presidential elections some pipe bombs were set off near military bases and at the Central University of Venezuela. As I wrote in my blog post yesterday “Whilst there is much to be optimistic about given the beginning of the campaign [in favour of the reform], this also means that Venezuela has entered into a new more dangerous phase. I think even the opposition know they will lose, but they also know that perhaps more is at stake now than in any other electoral process until now. This means they will try everything – including acts of violence and terrorism – to try and impede the referendum going ahead”."

Spain: The Monarchy's clash with Socialism  11/15/2007 Global Research: ""On August the 1st 1969, Time magazine quoted Generalissimo Francisco Franco saying; "Conscious of my responsibility before God and history and taking into account the qualities to be found in the person of Prince Juan Carlos of Borbón, who has been perfectly trained to take up the high mission to which he might be called, I have decided to propose him to the nation as my successor." With this statement began the formal relationship between Spain's present king and the country's fascist dictator." ...In regards to Aznar, it is important to highlight his membership in the Frente de Estudiantes Sindicalistas (FES), a student branch of the Falange Española Independiente (FEI), and part of the official party charged with developing the ideology for Franco's regime once the war had ended. It is also important to emphasize the fact that throughout his career, Aznar has never denounced the Franco regime and when democracy was reintroduced in Spain in 1978, he opposed the new constitution. Aznar's loyalty to Franco was further made clear when he denounced the municipal government of Guernika - best known as the scene of one of the first aerial bombings by Nazi Germany's Luftwaffe - for wanting to change the name of their main street from "Avenida del General Franco" to "Avenida de la Libertad". In regards to the King of Spain, it is important to note that his grandfather King Alfonso XIII left Spain on April 14th, 1931, when the dictatorship of the aristocrat and military official Miguel Primo de Rivera y Orbaneja whom he had supported, came to an end and the Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed. Then in 1936 the Civil war broke out, and it was not until years later after millions of Spanish people had suffered through the war and a brutal dictatorship, that in 1969 General Franco officially designated a heir and gave the title of Prince of Spain to Juan Carlos, the current king of Spain. Therefore reintroducing the monarchy through a young prince he had personally groomed, who in his investiture in the Cortes kneeling at Franco's left swore his loyalty "to his Excellency the Chief of State and fidelity to the principles of the National Movement, and the fundamental laws of the Kingdom." "

Despite outcry, Chavez plan likely to pass  11/15/2007 LA Times: "Surveys by two independent pollsters show that only a third of Venezuelans support the changes, which have been criticized as a ploy to increase socialization and militarization of the country, and further concentrate power in Chavez's hands. The pollsters, Alfredo Keller of Keller & Associates and Luis Vicente Leon of Datanalisis, each say that at this point, the proposal still is likely to pass Dec. 2 because a low turnout among the highly fragmented opposition would probably favor Chavez, a fierce and vocal critic of the United States. Although falling steadily over the last two years, Chavez's approval rating among voters remains solid at about 57%, Keller said. Large numbers of Chavez opponents have abstained in recent balloting, including Chavez's landslide reelection last year. Many are convinced that the polling is rigged in Chavez's favor, although international monitors have never found meaningful instances of fraud."

U.S. Media Bias and Recent Student Violence in Venezuela  11/15/2007 Znet: "After last Wednesday¹s peaceful protest, many students headed back to UCV campus. Here is where things get complicated. According to Chávez supporters, eyewitnesses, and videotape recorded by the community TV station, Catia TV, opposition students, mainly from neighboring privates Universities, chased down a group of pro- Chávez students putting up signs in favor of the reform. The pro-Chavez group found refuge in the faculty of Social Work, which is known to be a Chávez friendly zone, and where it was also reported that another group of pro-Chavez students were meeting. The opposition students surrounded the faculty, armed with weapons, rocks, and gas masks shouting, ³We will lynch you all.² According to reports, opposition students fired weapons, threw rocks at the students inside the building, and lit fire to the entrance. Chávez supporters present that day affirm that the motorcyclists televised to the world as sinister gunmen, arrived on the scene as part of a rescue mission to help their companions trapped inside the building by the rabid opposition outside. They argue that this was necessary because the Venezuelan army or police force are, by law, not allowed to enter the grounds of the University. To this day, the entire truth is not known about the events at the UCV last Wednesday, but the inability of the international press to report an unbiased account calls into question their journalist integrity. The consequences of this could lead to further violence in Venezuela."

The Assassination of Hugo Chavez  11/14/2007 Greg Palast: "Before The Lord spoke unto Pat Robertson and told him to endorse Rudy Giuliani, family man, for President, the Reverend got a message that higher powers wanted him to arrange a hit on another President: “Hugo Chavez thinks we’re trying to assassinate him. I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it.” Robertson has a tough time separating Church and Hate. But when the vicious vicar declared it was time to take out the President of Venezuela, he was simply channeling the wishes of the Supreme Authority, Dick Cheney."

Playing the Nationalist Card - Chavez Blasts the Spanish King  11/13/2007 Counterpunch 

Venezuela: Before I lay me down to work…  11/12/2007 Miguelucho: "Finally, on the recent smackdown of King Juan Carlos vs. Hugo Chavez. I invariably applaud any instance of an elderly person being sassy, and above all I think the King has the right to say whatever he pleases, because he's really awesome for his role in voluntarily surrendering absolute power and ending Fascist rule in Spain. I think all he did qualifies him easily as the most heroic and noble monarch in world history. Still, I think it is slightly annoying, like most U.S. media coverage of Chavez, in that not once has anyone pointed out that, well, technically, ex-President Aznar, like his dad and grampa, was officially a member of the Fascist party. As president of Spain, he even chastised the town of Guernica for changing the name of the town square from General Franco Plaza to Liberty Plaza. How petty of them, still holding a grudge over getting massacred by the Luftwaffe! Anyhoo, even though someone stops formally being a Fascist after the Fascist dictatorship is deposed and the Fascist party ceases to formally exist, and then joins the new party formed by all the former Fascists, I think it still is reasonably fair to call that person a Fascist."

Behind the King's Rebuke to Chávez  11/12/2007 Time: "Back in Caracas today, Chávez is conveniently leaving the comments of Zapatero, who is supposed to be one of his leftist kindred spirits, out of the discussion. "What Zapatero said must have really bothered Chávez," says Venezuelan author and Chávez biographer Alberto Barrera. "It broke with the leftist fundamentalism on Latin America that he demands all his allies follow." And it pointed up a fact about Chávez's revolution that chavistas are too reluctant to acknowledge. Venezuela, with its vast oil wealth, can afford to indulge socialism and eschew foreign investment; but most other Latin American nations can't. Their economic growth still depends on the kind of capital that global competitors like China and India are raking in, but which Latin America seems unable or unwilling to garner. The chavistas rightly argue that the distribution of capitalism's fruits has been grossly unequal in Latin America — which is a large reason why leftists like Chávez have been swept into power in recent years. But the region needs that investment nonetheless — and even leftists like Zapatero sound impatient with the region's mediocre performance."

Congressman José Serrano's Speech on U.S. policy Towards Latin America  11/12/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "But my concern, and my reason for speaking on a resolution today, a resolution which was introduced primarily by Democrats, and I know this is not something we usually do, speak against members of our own party, but we can all be nervous about a situation because on both sides of the aisle people are marching forward to war with Iran. So, now we link these other countries. What does that mean? Does that mean that we now have an excuse to go and try military action against Bolivia? against Argentina? against Ecuador? against Venezuela? Is it because, indeed, they’ve earned the right, if you will, of having us react that way, or is it because we’re using Iran as an excuse to deal with other things we wanted to deal with in the first place, which is getting at these folks. And so, I go back to my initial statement, that the same lobby group that has been directing our policy towards Cuba and preventing us from making changes in that policy, that same group has been intelligent enough, enabled enough to now direct our attention towards Latin American leftist leaders because they’re friendly to Cuba, and what best way to get at them? To link them to Iran, the ugly country for us right now."

Spanish King Tells Chavez to "Shut Up"  11/10/2007 AP: "Chavez, who called President Bush the "devil" on the floor of the United Nations last year, triggered the exchange by repeatedly referring to former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar as a "fascist." Aznar, a conservative who was an ally of Bush as prime minister, "is a fascist," Chavez said in a speech at the Ibero-American summit in Santiago, Chile. "Fascists are not human. A snake is more human." Spain's current socialist prime minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, responded during his own allotted time by urging Chavez to be more diplomatic in his words and respect other leaders despite political differences. "Former President Aznar was democratically elected by the Spanish people and was a legitimate representative of the Spanish people," he said, eliciting applause from the gathered heads of state. Chavez repeatedly tried to interrupt, but his microphone was off. Spanish King Juan Carlos, seated next to Zapatero, angrily turned to Chavez and said, "Why don't you shut up?" The Venezuelan leader did not immediately respond, but later used time ceded to him by his close ally Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega to answer Zapatero's speech. "I do not offend by telling the truth," he said. "The Venezuelan government reserves the right to respond to any aggression, anywhere, in any space and in any manner." "

(VIDEO) Juan Carlos de Borbón, rey de España -más no de Venezuela-perdió los estribos y gritó: "¡¿Por qué no te callas?  11/10/2007 Aporrea: "El rey Juan Carlos, desesperado ante la vehemencia de Hugo Chávez al desenmascarar a su cachorro Aznar como fascista y cómplice en el Golpe de Estado en Venezuela, clamó diciendo "¿por qué no te callas?". Este hecho, venido del rey de la “nobleza” española, delfín dilecto del asesino Francisco Franco, abre el juego político internacional y deja al gran capital en paños menores."

Opposition Violence at Venezuelan University - What Really Happened  11/9/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "A member of Hands Off Venezuela was present at the University when the violence broke out. He reports that the gunmen who originally opened fire stopped him on his way through the UCV to the Bolivarian University nearby. He reports that the two gunmen on the motorbike did not look like students, but were more likely thugs hired for the occasion and that they were shouting anti-Chavez slogans and boasting of having shot at Chavistas. Even news agencies now are reporting that Bolivarian armed men arrived at the UCV after the opposition students had sieged 150 people inside the building of the School of Social Work to help those sieged gain safe passage out."

Venezuela Accuses U.S. of Instigating Student Violence  11/9/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "The US State Department criticized Wednesday's violent events at a press conference on Thursday. Upon being questioned by reporters, State Department Spokesperson Sean McCormack labeled the events in Caracas "an appalling act." "It's just an appalling act, and just another indication of the kind of atmosphere that you're seeing in Venezuela," he said, although he admitted that they do not know who is responsible, or who fired the shots. McCormack emphasized that violence had occurred against "peaceful protesters" who were expressing themselves against the proposed constitutional reform. But the Venezuelan foreign minister rejected the claim and assured that the event at the university was "a vile attack" on a group of students that was meeting and organizing peacefully in support of the constitutional reform. Maduro accused both the US government and major media such as CNN of misrepresenting the events."

Gunfire Erupts at Venezuela University  11/8/2007 AP: "Masked gunmen opened fire on students returning from a march in which tens of thousands of Venezuelans denounced President Hugo Chavez's attempts to expand his power through constitutional changes. Officials said at least eight people were injured Wednesday, including one by gunfire, at the Central University of Venezuela, or UCV — the country's largest university. Students protested in at least six other cities, and several turned violent with rock-throwing youths clashing with police shooting plastic bullets at demonstrators. Photographers for The Associated Press saw at least four gunmen — their faces covered by ski masks or T-shirts — firing handguns at the anti-Chavez crowd at the UCV. Terrified students ran through the campus as ambulances arrived. Antonio Rivero, director of Venezuela's Civil Defense agency, told Union Radio that at least eight people were injured, including one by gunfire, and that no one had been killed. Earlier, Rivero said he had been informed that one person had died in the violence. The violence broke out after an estimated 80,000 anti-Chavez demonstrators — led by university students — marched peacefully to the Supreme Court to protest constitutional changes that would greatly expand Chavez's power if voters agree to the changes in December. Unrest, if it continues, could mar a Dec. 2 referendum on the controversial reforms."

Ex-Military Chief Challenges Chavez  11/7/2007 AP: "A heated falling out between President Hugo Chavez and his former military chief has revealed divisions within the military that analysts say are a constant concern for the Venezuelan leader. Former Defense Minister Raul Baduel, a longtime friend of Chavez, surprised many this week when he condemned constitutional reforms proposed by Chavez as a virtual "coup," urging voters to reject them in a national referendum tentatively set for Dec. 2. He said Tuesday he isn't ruling out a run for office. Among Chavez's 69 proposed amendments are measures to abolish presidential term limits and lengthen terms from six to seven years, and to strip the Central Bank of autonomy. Baduel warned the reforms would "seize power away from the people," and urged citizens — and soldiers — to study them carefully. "The military is divided," said Steve Ellner, a political science professor at Venezuela's University of the East. "There's an anti-Chavez faction, there's an institutionalist faction ... and there's a pro-Chavez faction." Yet, he said, the armed forces remain cohesive and a strengthened pro-Chavez faction appears to block any chance of insurrection — in contrast to 2002, when Chavez overcame a short-lived coup with help from Baduel and other loyalists."

¿Por qué miente CNN?  11/6/2007 Aporrea: "Sin embargo, la cobertura de la cadena de televisión norteamericana CNN en español, tergiversó descaradamente la noticia, acusando directamente al gobierno de utilizar a la Guardia Nacional de “reprimir” violentamente a los “estudiantes que rechazan la reforma", cuando los propios rectores dieron fe de la actuación impecable del cuerpo militar venezolano."

Venezuela to borrow $4 bln from China, pay in fuel  11/6/2007 Reuters 

Former Venezuelan Defense Minister Baduel Denounces Constitutional Reform  11/6/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "Baduel's statement occurred only a day after President Hugo Chavez had warned the Venezuelan people of the possibility that some high profile figures in the Bolivarian movement would "jump ship" and join the ranks of the opposition. Chavez, who phoned into current affairs TV talk show, Contragolpe, said "Baduel is betraying years of friendship" and "himself" and that he was aligning himself with the opposition and imperialism. He also revealed that he had known of Baduel's announcement two days previously. According to Chavez, the constitutional reform, which would allow him to stand for re-election, recognize new types of social and collective property, end the autonomy of the Central Bank, and give more power to grassroots communal councils, among other measures, are necessary to deepen the creation of socialism in Venezuela. He also said that Baduel's shift to the opposition in the context of the deepening struggle for socialism was good because it clarified his position. "It is not strange that when a submarine goes deeper the pressure is increased and can free a loose screw, the weak points are going to leave, and I believe it is good that they leave," said Chavez. Although Baduel claimed he was simply stating his own personal opinion, he made a particular call to the Armed Forces, to "profoundly analyze" the proposed changes to article 328, which would change the structure of the Armed Forces, saying, "it must be stopped," and that "the capacity of Venezuelan military men to analyze and think," should not be underestimated. Retired General Alberto Müller Rojas, who is a long-time advisor to Chavez on military affairs, said he considers Baduel's statement as a call for a civil rebellion, arguing that notification of a rebellion is given when you accuse the National Executive and the National Assembly of usurping constitutional power. Various reports have surfaced over the past few months of anti-Chavez and anti-reform material circulating within the military barracks, and Baduel's comments have led many to question the extent of his influence within the Venezuelan military. However, two former Defense Ministers, General Jorge Luis García Carneiro and Admiral Orlando Maniglia have categorically rejected Baduel's comments and come out in support of the reforms. According to Garcia Carneiro and Maniglia, the sentiments expressed by Baduel do not have wide support within the military."

Chavez leads massive rally  11/5/2007 Al Jazeera 

A Bank of Their Own: Latin America Casting off Washington's Shackles  10/31/2007 Alternet: "But the reality is that Chavez (most flamboyantly) and his Andean colleagues are just saying out loud what everyone else believes. So official Washington, and most of the media, has been somewhat surprised by the rapid consolidation of a new "Bank of the South" proposed by Chavez just last year as an alternative to the Washington-dominated International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank. The media have been reluctant to take the new bank seriously, and some continue to call the institution, pejoratively, "Chavez's bank." But it has been joined by Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay and Paraguay. And just two weeks ago, Colombia, one of the Bush administration's few remaining allies in the region and the third-largest recipient of U.S. aid (after Israel and Egypt), announced that it wanted in. Et tu, Uribe?"

Venezuela Increasingly A Conduit For Cocaine  10/28/2007 WaPo: "Now, however, the volume of cocaine trafficked through Venezuela has risen sharply. Shipments have increased significantly, with suspected northbound drug flights out of the country increasing threefold from 2003 to 2006, according to American radar tracking. Counter-drug officials say up to 220 tons of cocaine -- a third of what Colombia produces -- now pass through Venezuela, double the figure in the 1990s. Most of it is bound for the United States and burgeoning markets in Spain, Britain and Italy. The traffickers have operated with illegally obtained Venezuelan identification cards from agencies as varied as the National Guard, the DISIP intelligence agency and even the economy ministry, all while living in some of the finest neighborhoods in the Venezuelan capital, according to authorities in Bogota, the Colombian capital, and in Caracas. The trend has led to spiraling turf wars among drug gangs in Caracas slums and has directly challenged the government's ability to rein in corruption. "The problem of drugs has gotten out of the hands of Venezuela," said Mildred Camero, a former drug czar in President Hugo Ch¿vez's government and now a consultant on narcotics to the United Nations, the United States and private industry. "Now the situation in Venezuela is grave, grave, grave," Camero added. "At some moment, we're going to collapse." In an interview, Venezuelan Attorney General Isa¿as Rodr¿guez characterized the corruption as isolated and said the government has made fighting the drug trade a priority. But he acknowledged the problem and said traffickers have corrupted some Venezuelan officials while working hand in hand with others. "In the DISIP, which is the intelligence police, and undoubtedly in some sectors of the National Guard, there is complacency or participation in drug trafficking," Rodr¿guez said. "And not just them, but civil officials at airports.""

Jesus Chucho Garcia  10/23/2007 MySpace: "Jesus Chucho Garcia. San jose de Barlovento (15-04-1954). Investigador sobre Africa y su diaspora.Escritor (22 libros).Productor musical (12 discos).Coordinador General de la fundacion Afroamerica y miembro de la red de organizaciones afrovenezolanas. Militante de la esperanza por un mundo mejor."

Chavez boosts image in messy Colombian mediation  10/11/2007 Reuters 

Venezuelan General Likens Chávez’s Proposals for Constitution to a Coup  10/6/2007 NYT 

Chavez accuses US of military rebellion  10/3/2007 AP: "President Hugo Chavez accused the U.S. on Wednesday of trying to spur a military rebellion, saying the CIA is behind the distribution of leaflets inside army barracks calling for his ouster."

Negritud y criollismo en una comunidad afrovenezolana - Metalenguajes y supranacionalismos  10/3/2007 Revista Española de Antropologia Americana: "Tras un trabajo de campo en la comunidad afrovenezolana de Caita en la que aprecia la utilización emblemática de determinado discurso afroamericanista como sena de identidad, el autor subraya las conexiones de dicho discurso con cl del movimiento político-literario de ámbito caribeño y africano conocido como Negritud (y/o, en algunos casos, como Afrocriollismo). En este sentido, y profundizando en la composición sociológica de Caita. el estudio plantea la existencia de distintts sub—grupos o subeulturas en el seno de la comunidad y sostiene que el citado discurso afroamericanista sólo es asociable con uno dc ellos: el compuesto por la minoritaria intelectualidad local. La cultura de la mayoría verdaderamente iradicional’ de la población. no se reconoce tanto en los valores de esa Negritud, y/o Afrocriollismo o Criol lismo. todos de origen literario y/o intelectual, comoen los de una cullura campesina más caracterizada, en el fondo, por la precariedad y la discriminación. Las posibles raíces africanas de la misma se situarían a un nivel más profundo (en su ‘modo de devoción por ejemplo) que sería, tal vez., el ámbito en eí que podrían encontrarse sus conexiones culturales cori otras comunidades iberoamericanas del mismo Origen."

Proyecto piloto para las comunidades  9/29/2007 Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Cultura: "Este proyecto, que responde a una estrategia para fortalecer la identidad regional, es organizado por la Oficina de Enlace con las Comunidades Afrodescendientes de este ministerio, el Consejo Nacional de la Cultura (Conac), conjuntamente con el Fondo de Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef), Asimismo, busca impulsar el desarrollo endógeno cultural, mediante el cual sean reducidas las acciones de violencia y situaciones de riesgo social, en niñas, niños y adolescentes de las comunidades afrodescendientes de Barlovento. En esta actividad se profundizará en contenidos tales como, motivación al logro, autoestima, comunicación, trabajo en equipo, valores, ciudadanía, embarazo a temprana edad, prevención de consumo de drogas, violencia y maltrato familiar. El referido proyecto piloto se subdividirá en dos módulos temáticos fundamentales: la prevención y el crecimiento personal, dirigido por Nelmir Marrero."

Ahmadineyad: "Irán y Venezuela tienen gran responsabilidad en la escena mundial"  9/28/2007 Aporrea 

Norman Finkelstein en el Teatro Teresa Carreño el sábado 29 a las 7:00pm Profesor expulsado de universidad de Chicago, dictará conferencia "Soy judío y apoyo al pueblo palestino" en Caracas  9/27/2007 Aporrea 

American Indians in Venezuela Create Bonds of Solidarity  9/26/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "The delegations included members of the International Indian Treaty Council, American Indian Movement and tribal members from the Tohono O’odham and Mohawk Nations in the United States and Canada. Robert Free Galvan, Native activist from Seattle, said it was a rare opportunity to sit with Indigenous Venezuelan leaders as the country passed a new law recognizing Indigenous languages. During international gatherings, both formal and informal, the delegations from the north urged their Venezuelan allies to vote “Yes” to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Galvan, who earlier spearheaded the delivery of low cost oil from Venezuela’s CITGO to Indian communities in North America, said the latest American Indian delegation to Venezuela, which follows several delegations, continues the commitment to create strong bonds between Indigenous in the north and south."

Venezuela Dismisses U.S. Criticism on Cooperation against Drug Trafficking  9/19/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "Venezuelan Minister of Justice Pedro Carreño, reaffirmed yesterday that Venezuela is not disposed to work with the DEA. In May Carreño had accused the DEA of operating as a "drug cartel." He added that Venezuelan authorities had "determined that via this organization [the DEA], a large quantity of drugs left our country by way of the delivery of confiscations, of which we were never informed." Ever since Venezuela broke off relations with the DEA the U.S. government has repeatedly made allegations that Venezuelan authorities are not doing enough to combat drug trafficking. However, Venezuelan authorities have repeatedly rejected the claims. According to Venezuela's National Anti-Drug office, drug interdictions increased from 43.2 tons in 2004, to 77 tons in 2005. For 2006 Venezuelan authorities captured 60.3 tons and Minister Carreño added that security forces have confiscated 33.8 tons of drugs so far this year."

Chávez warns of impending world financial crisis  9/17/2007 Granma: "Now interest rates have gone up, he observed and the effect of that is extending to credits, with the threat of generating a debacle and more poverty, hunger and serious upheavals. Hence the need to create structures like the Bank of the South and bring reserves over here, in addition to considering the possibility of changing the composition of the international hard currency inventories and moving to currencies like the euro or the Asian ones."

Representaciones de identidad y organizaciones sociales afrovenezolanas  9/16/2007 RED DE BIBLIOTECAS VIRTUALES DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES DE AMERICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE: publicado en 2002 - "En este trabajo nos proponemos una aproximación al estudio de la obra del venezolano Jesús “Chucho” García, como un exponente intelectual más de los “Estudios y otras prácticas latinoamericanas en cultura y poder”. (Mato,2001). Más que el contenido de la obra, nos interesa resaltar aquí su trayectoria de intervención, políticamente comprometida con las comunidades afrovenezolanas y con la transformación de las mismas, que busca acercar el trabajo práctico al trabajo teórico mediante sus prácticas investigativas basadas en su propia experiencia, de las organizaciones que él dirige, así como de las otras organizaciones con las cuales tiene intercambios y relaciones de trabajo."

La visión crítica del pasado, superando las barreras del presente y por la construcción de un futuro  9/15/2007 MINCI, Venezuelan Government: published in 2005 - "Nuestra constitución bolivariana, en su preámbulo, expresa un compromiso con "un proceso de refundación de la Republica a través de profundas transformaciones sociales destinadas a establecer una sociedad democrática, soberana, responsable, multi-étnica y pluricultural, constituida por hombres y mujeres iguales, niños y niñas que son el interés superior del estado, en correspondencia con los valores de pertinencia e identidad nacional". Es precisamente en este marco de transformación institucional que las organizaciones afro, comenzaron desde hace varios años, a buscar reconocimientos en la esfera de lo cultural, social, jurídico, educativo, agricultura, ambiente, para estimular la inserción social de las poblaciones afrovenezolanas y minimizar la exclusión estructural de los últimos años."

La Historia de Venezuela plagada de ideas racistas  9/14/2007 Aporrea 

USAID in Bolivia and Venezuela: The Silent Subversion  9/12/2007 Venezuela Analysis: by Eva Golinger

Encuentro y desencuentros de los “saberes” en torno a la africanía “latinoamericana”  9/10/2007 Venezuela: Programa Cultura, Comunicación y Transformaciones Sociales: de Jesús “Chucho” García, 2005

Musica tradicional en los Chorros  9/9/2007 Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Cultura: "La cultura va al parque tiene como objetivo apoyar a los creadores y fortalecer la inclusión de las comunidades en las actividades culturales, para convertirse en el ente articulador para el desarrollo de los Comités de Cultura de los Consejos Comunales e impulsar el Tercer y Quinto Motor del Poder Comunal. Este programa, que comenzó el 5 de agosto en el Parque del Este de Caracas, pretende mantenerse activo en los 43 parques nacionales de todo el territorio nacional."

Afrodescendientes y reforma constitucional  9/5/2007 Aporrea: de Jesus Chucho Garcia - "El proceso de Reforma a la Constitución de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela será una prueba de fuego para reconocer a las comunidades afrodescendientes como elementos esenciales de nuestra diversidad cultural en concordancia con la Convención Contra la Discriminación Racial (ONU) y la Convención Sobre al Diversidad Cultural de la UNESCO, ambas ratificadas recientemente por nuestro país, teniendo rango Constitucional de acuerdo al artículo 23 de nuestra Constitución vigente. Veremos quiénes de los diputados y diputadas así como de la sociedad venezolana en general, aceptarán estas sugerencias, lo cual dará una lectura de la comprensión de lo plural y multiétnico en el transitar de estos ocho años de proceso bolivariano venezolano. Así sabremos si son racistas solapados, hipócritas o abiertamente discriminadores."

Chavez says he could govern until 2027  9/2/2007 AP 

Chavez deepens Petrocaribe oil pledges  8/11/2007 AP: ""If we truly unite ... the grandchildren of our grandchildren will have no energy problems," Chavez said. He predicted oil prices will soon hit $100 a barrel but said "the Caribbean shouldn't have problems this century and beyond." "Venezuela puts this oil wealth at the disposition of our peoples of the Caribbean," Chavez said. "It belongs to all of us. We're going to share it like Christ. ... It will be enough for everyone." Venezuela still counts the United States as its top oil buyer, although Chavez has sought to diversify his clientele amid tensions with Washington by selling more to Latin America, the Caribbean and as far away as China. Since 2005, when Chavez created Petrocaribe, 14 countries have joined Venezuela's pact, which lets them finance up to half their oil bills over 25 years at low interest. It is set to expand with the addition of Nicaragua, which was represented at the talks by President Daniel Ortega. Countries are allowed to pay off part of their oil bills in goods and services. Dominican President Leonel Fernandez said his country hopes to begin an exchange program offering hotel and tourism training to visiting Venezuelans. Caribbean countries have already financed nearly $1 billion in fuel purchases, and due to interest as low as 1 percent, have seen savings of $450 million, Chavez said. Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez said Friday that Venezuela is also making progress helping upgrade or build refineries in Cuba, Jamaica and Dominica — an effort that comes as Chavez's government seeks to decrease its reliance on a network of U.S. refineries."

Venezuela Hosts Indigenous Congress, Gives Land Titles to Indigenous  8/8/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "Caracas, August 8, 2007 (— Coinciding with the launch of the First International Congress of the Anti-imperialist Indigenous Peoples of Latin America (Abya Yala), yesterday, in San Tomé, Anzoátegui state, Venezuelan vice-president Jorge Rodriguez, together with Nicia Maldonado, the Minister of Popular Power for Indigenous Peoples, handed over eleven housing and land titles recognizing indigenous ownership of various indigenous groups throughout the country. Minister Nicia Maldonado assured that along with the recognition of land titles, the government will provide financial support for projects of integral development and housing for the indigenous communities of Pumé, Yaruro, Kariña and Warao, the first peoples of the states of Apure, Anzoátegui, and Bolívar. She also said that during the past eight years the Venezuelan government has handed over nine-hundred thousand hectares of land titles to the indigenous peoples of various regions of Venezuela."

Venezuela increases military strength to defend oil: Chavez  7/30/2007 People's Daily, China 

The New Politics of Political Aid in Venezuela - US sponsored "Destabilization Plan"—An "Action Agenda" for Democracy  7/22/2007 Global Research 

Analysis: Venezuela, Iran team up on oil  7/17/2007 Earth Times: "Venezuela and Iran are forging closer oil ties in hopes of reducing their dependence on the United States, inking a $4 billion deal to develop a block of the lucrative Orinoco Reserve in Venezuela. According to Venezuelan Oil and Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez, production at the Ayacucho 7 block should begin in two years. The block is believed to hold more than 30 billion barrels of oil, making it one of the largest in the country."

The Bush Family's Murky Dealings in Venezuela  7/17/2007 Trinicenter, Trinidad: published 7/04, this well researched article is a good read.

Where Is Venezuela Going?  7/16/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "As intense as the struggle on the land has become, the Venezuelan government has shied away from a direct confrontation with big capital and the foreign multinationals. This has constrained the government’s ability to boost living standards of workers and the poor. The constant injection of oil revenue into the economy has fueled inflation to 20 percent officially, often higher in reality. This has encouraged speculators to hoard staple food items like sugar and chicken in anticipation of inevitable price increases. Since the government’s Mercal subsidized markets rely on private suppliers who sell at fixed low prices to distributors, they are themselves faced with shortages. They are often forced to buy items from street vendors that should be on the Mercal shelves, but at much higher prices.90 Added to this economic pressure on workers and the poor is an epidemic of murders and violent crime. Venezuela’s murder rate is five times that of the U.S., and is the third highest in Latin America after El Salvador and Colombia, two countries that have seen prolonged civil wars and institutionalized political violence. There were 9,402 homicides reported in 2005; in April of the following year a high profile kidnapping and murder of three boys and their driver in Caracas made the issue into a political debate. The Right seized upon the killings as an example of Chávez’s failure to guarantee law and order, and the opposition took to the streets in protests. Several police were implicated in the murders “confirming public distrust of police forces widely seen as corrupt, ineffective, and at times complicit in crime.”91 To be sure, much of this crime is rooted in Venezuela’s rapid and prolonged economic decline in the 1980s and 1990s. But it also underscores the fact that even a red-hot economy and wide-ranging social reforms cannot substitute for the self-organization and shifts in consciousness that have curbed or reduced crime during revolutionary movements of the past. The revolutionary process is inhibited by the state bureaucracy itself, as Chávez himself often says. Leftist militants speak of a “Bolivarian bourgeoisie” clustered around PDVSA, the heads of government ministries, state governors, mayors, and “pro-revolutionary” business types. The recent sale of PDVSA bonds gives some idea of how this stratum consolidates itself in class terms. An anti-Chávez business analyst claims that a recent $7.5 billion PDVSA bond issue attracted bids worth $15 billion. This, he claimed, allowed a relatively small number of people close to the government to purchase the bonds at list price through a limited number of institutions, and then quickly resell the bonds for a much higher price, netting $780 million, a figure that is 20 percent higher than Venezuela’s total financial profits for the 2004–06 period.92 Even if these estimates are inflated by opposition figures, there’s no doubt that the enormous amounts of money flowing in and out of PDVSA inevitably binds company management and sections of the government closely to capital, however hostile individual capitalists may be to the Bolivarian project."

Venezuela's plans for a new national police force could be set for September  7/15/2007 Vheadlines 

Afro-Venezuelans seek visibility in numbers  7/11/2007 SF Bay View: "As their counterparts in other countries of Latin America have begun to do, Afro-Venezuelans want to stop being statistically invisible and are seeking more precise figures to help them in their struggle against racism and marginalization. “To reinforce our demand for recognition, we want to know exactly where we stand. Perhaps we make up 20 percent of Venezuela’s 27 million people,” Jesús García, head of the Network of Afro-Venezuelan Organizations, told IPS. He protested that “the Afro-descendant identity is excluded from all of the country’s statistical instruments. But we are going to mobilize to correct that shortcoming with a view to the next census,” which is to be carried out in 2010."

Venezuelan-Iranian Car Company Releases First Models  7/10/2007 Venezuela Analysis 

Venezuela Strengthens Ties to Russia and Belarus with Chavez Visit  6/30/2007 Venezuela Analysis 

Primer Encuentro de Poblaciones Afrodescendientes  6/20/2007 MINCI, Venezuelan Government: "Entre los participantes nacionales asistirán miembros de la Comisión Presidencial Contra El Racismo, Vicepresidencia de la República, Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), Red de Organización Afrovenezolana (ROA), ministerios, universidades, organizaciones y grupos de comunidades afrodescendientes. Con este encuentro-taller se espera crear un sistema para obtener información oportuna, actualizada y pertinente, con base en investigaciones sobre grupos afrodescendientes dentro del contexto social latinoamericano."

Venezuela: US fears spread of Chavez example  6/15/2007 Global Research 

RCTV's Colonial Television - Racism and TV in Venezuela  6/13/2007 Counterpunch: "The debate in Venezuela has less to do with the alleged absence of freedom of expression than with a perennially tricky issue locally referred to as "exclusion", a shorthand term for "race" and "racism". RCTV was not just a politically reactionary organization which supported the 2002 coup attempt against a democratically elected government - it was also a white supremacist channel. Its staff and presenters, in a country largely of black and indigenous descent, were uniformly white, as were the protagonists of its soap operas and the advertisements it carried. It was "colonial" television, reflecting the desires and ambitions of an external power."

Venezuela seizes 2.5 tons of cocaine  6/10/2007 AP: "Venezuelan authorities seized 2.5 tons of cocaine bound for Africa and arrested nine suspects including four federal police officers and a U.S. citizen, the military said Sunday."

Venezuelan TV channel goes on-line despite Chavez  6/3/2007 Jerusalem Post: "Forced off the air by President Hugo Chavez, an opposition-aligned Venezuelan TV channel has begun taking its news shows to popular video-sharing Web site YouTube. Since it went off the airwaves Sunday, Radio Caracas Television has kept taping programs and is uploading its news show "The Observer" each day to YouTube, RCTV vice president Maribel Morales said Friday. YouTube listed the program as its most-subscribed feed of the week."

Afrovenezolanidad y cultura de resistencia  5/27/2007 La Voz: "Durante todo este mes se han estado realizando una serie de actividades para sensibilizar al país sobre la deuda social acumulada por el Estado venezolano con las comunidades afrovenezolanas Desde su fundación en el mes de junio del año 2000 en San José de Barlovento, la Red de Organizaciones Afrovenezolanas ha venido impulsando seis líneas estratégicas de trabajo en los campos educativos, culturales, jurídicos, indicadores sociales y relaciones internacionales."

Venezuela giving Danny Glover $18m to direct film on epic slave revolt  5/21/2007 Guardian: "Venezuela is to give the American actor Danny Glover almost $18m (£9m) to make a film about a slave uprising in Haiti, with President Hugo Chávez hoping the historical epic will sprinkle Hollywood stardust on his effort to mobilise world public opinion against imperialism and western oppression. The Venezuelan congress said it would use the proceeds from a recent bond sale with Argentina to finance Glover's biopic of Toussaint Louverture, an iconic figure in the Caribbean who led an 18th-century revolt in Haiti."

Venezuela Accuses U.S. DEA of Being a “Drug Cartel”  5/8/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "¨The United States establishes cooperation agreements in the fight against drug trafficking through economic cooperation so that they can later impose the presence of military bases under the pretense of cooperation," said Carreño yesterday. Carreño dismissed any possibility of permitting the intervention of US authorities in Venezuela to fight drug trafficking and accused the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) of forming its own “drug cartel.” According to the Carreño, when Venezuela ended its cooperation with the DEA two years ago, they observed that the US agency was trafficking drugs through the country. "They were making a large quantity of drug shipments under the pretense of monitoring them, and they didn't carry out arrests or breakup the cartels," explained Carreño. "We were able to determine the presence of a new drug cartel in which the United States Drug Enforcement Agency was monopolizing the shipment of drugs," he said. Carreño assured that Venezuelan security forces are willing to receive information that the United States can offer in order to detain drug traffickers in the country, but he maintained that Venezuela "is not going to allow them to carry out operations in our territory." "

Venezuelan Ambassador visiting Bay Area  5/1/2007 SF Bay View: by Willie Thompson - "The Venezuelan pledge of support for Katrina victims, social developments in Venezuela and the circumstances of the Afro- and other marginalized Venezuelans are among the specific issues Ambassador Alvarez plans to discuss. In addition, the Ambassador will give an update on the Bolivarian Revolution, thank U.S. supporters and visitors for their solidarity with Venezuela, and encourage them to increase their influence through writing, visiting and speaking to their elected representatives. Venezuela is also looking for opportunities to help the people of the U.S. in areas where they are faced with adverse conditions, such as natural disasters and fuel cost increases, according to Peter Cohn. Immediately after the Aug. 29, 2005, hurricane and flood devastated New Orleans, CITGO, the Venezuelan oil retailer in the U.S., offered a million dollars for the mostly Black and poor survivors. Felix Rodriguez, CITGO president and CEO, also offered two mobile hospital units, 120 specialists in rescue operations, 10 water purifying plants, 18 electricity generators, 20 tons of bottled water and 50 tons of canned food. The Washington Post now reports what Katrina survivors have known since 2005, that the U.S. government declined the Venezuelan offer along with 95 percent of the $850 million and valuable supplies and services offered by other allies. The fact that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had said that no offer would be refused suggests that her influence, authority and responsibility as head of the U.S. State Department is diminished."

Anuncian 4 proyectos afrovenezolanos  4/26/2007 Gobierno de Venezuela: "Los proyectos a desarrollar por ambas instituciones son: Programa de Concientización para el Reconocimiento y Autorreconocimiento en la Población Afrodescendiente, Publicación de Textos Infantiles sobre temas de la Cultura Afrovenezolana, Cátedra de Libre Percusión y I Encuentro- Taller Latinoamericano de Experiencias sobre Censos y Estudios de Poblaciones Afrodescendientes."

Chávez arms community groups as he anticipates US invasion  4/21/2007 Telegraph: "On Mr Chávez's order, 17,000 communal councils have now been set up across the country, and an estimated £1 billion earmarked to fund them. As the official slogan, "Build power from below", proclaims, their stated purpose is to promote grass-roots democracy and hand power directly to the people - in particular the urban poor who make up the bulk of his most fervent supporters. But as well as grappling with the grim conditions in slums such as Catia, members of these voluntary groups will constitute a nationwide militia, schooled in Cuban-style tactics for both guerrilla warfare and counter-insurgency. Gen Alberto Mueller, an advisor to Mr Chávez, told The Sunday Telegraph: "Some communal groups have already received military training. They'll train in their own neighbourhoods and will be equipped with any arms - guns, grenades, knifes - the community can provide. We have a right to defend ourselves, like the UK has, and be sure we'll do it.""

Five Years Later, Venezuelan Ambassador Reflects on US-Backed Coup  4/11/2007 Democracy Now 

¿Precursor del socialismo?  3/21/2007 BBC: "Al punto que en el bicentenario de aquella gesta, José Leonardo Chirino logró "entrar" simbólicamente al Panteón Nacional en Caracas, junto a Simón Bolívar y los demás Padres de la Patria. Hoy Chirino forma parte de una discusión política muy actual, sobre la construcción del llamado "socialismo bolivariano" que impulsa el presidente Hugo Chávez, al punto que algunos lo ven como uno de los primeros "socialistas" venezolanos. José Leonardo Chirino era hijo de esclavo e india, razón por la que gozaba de libertad. Trabajaba al servicio de la familia Tellería de Coro, ciudad de la costa oeste de Venezuela. En ese tiempo viajó al Santo Domingo francés, futuro Haití, y la cercana isla de Curazao. Allí supo de la revolución francesa y de las luchas de la población esclava que tiempo después lograría establecer una "república negra", al hacer de Haití el primer país independiente de América Latina en 1804."

The crumbling Hugo Chávez power equation  3/10/2007 Petroleum World 

Texas Congresswoman Urges Bush to Reconsider Venezuela Arms Ban  2/22/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Texas Democrat, told reporters that she was making the first U.S. congressional visit to Venezuela since President Hugo Chavez's December re-election with the message: "I want an immediate repairing of the relations between the United States and Venezuela." Jackson Lee described Venezuela as a friendly nation that the U.S. should cooperate with and said that the F-16 jets, which are built in Texas, was an issue of concern to her constituents in Houston… She said her fact-finding mission to Venezuela was part of an effort by a new Democrat-controlled Congress to show that "Venezuela has many friends in this new Congress.""

DISCURSO A LA JUVENTUD POR. ARGENIS DELGADO V. Comisionado Nacional Afrodescendiente  2/12/2007 Red AfroVenezolana 

Iran, Venezuela to begin direct flights  2/9/2007 AP 

"If We Have to Die For Our Lands, We Will Die" - Bombing Venezuela's Indians  2/9/2007 Counterpunch: "During the indigenous protest in Caracas, Cesáreo Panapaera, a Yukpa leader, declared, "We want the government to hear us: we don't want coal. Here are our bows and arrows, and we will use them against the miners if they come to our lands. And if we have to die fighting for our lands, we will die." "

Venezuela to help finance Bolivia's coca production  2/8/2007 LA Times 

Red Afrovenezolana participó en Foro Social Mundial 2007 en Kenia  2/5/2007 ABN: "Como grupo social, el Foro Social Mundial de Kenia fue un espacio que le permitió a la Red Afrovenezolana encontrarse con todos los movimientos y discutir sobre los problemas comunes, afirmó la presidenta de la Casa Cultural Haitiana Bolivariana de Venezuela, Immacula Nervil. Representantes de la Red Afrovenezolana asistieron al Foro Social Mundial 2007, realizado en Kenia. Nervil señaló que propusieron que la deuda que Francia mantiene con el pueblo haitiano, unos 22 mil millones de dólares, sean cancelados y se empleen en educación y asistencia médica «para recuperar la dignidad de mi pueblo». Otra de las propuestas fue la creación de un Comité Venezolano de Solidaridad con Haití y la realización de un Foro Social Mundial en ese país caribeño. «No nos dormiremos con el caso de Haití, seguiremos en la lucha. Recordemos que fue el primer país de América en lograr su emancipación, nuestro pueblo no se rinde», advirtió la representante de la delegación afrovenezolana."

AFRODESCENDIENTES: RETOS DEL 2007 Por Jesús Chucho García  2/1/2007 Red AfroVenezolana: "Hemos observado durante este año que en la asunción de la alta magistratura presidencial, los lideres como Lula Da Silva (Brasil), Daniel Ortega (Nicaragua) y el pasado lunes Rafale Correa, simepre hicieron mención y reconocimiento directo a los afro y con sus respectivos espacios publicos. Sin embargo, solo escuchamos, y no en boca del presidente, sino en los labiso de Cilia Flores la palabra afrodescendientes. En lso útimos diez discursos tarscentales del presidente Chjavez, la palabra afrodescendientes desapreció, mientars que los otrso presidentes la han reividnicado con fuerza. El p´residente debe revsiar sue staregia discursiva, que casi raya en la exclusión afro, y proponer hechos concretos a mas del treinta por ciento de la poblacion afrovenezolana y que le dio un gran respado electiral (revise los municipos afro en el CNE). Es trascendental que en la Rfeorma constitucional se reconszac en el preambulo la constribusión afrodescendientes en el proceso histroico venezolano y abrir un capitulo sobre afrodescendientes destacando el reconocieminto a las tierras comunales, cultura, conocimientso ancestrales, educación, para que todo ello tenga repercusion en las leyes organicas."

Bush Orders More CIA Activity in Venezuela  1/19/2007 Venezuela Analysis: "During a briefing before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Intelligence, current CIA chief General Michael V. Hayden revealed President George W. Bush had requested his agency “pay more attention” to the activities of President Hugo Chávez and his government in Venezuela."

Venezuelan Plan Shakes Investors  1/9/2007 NYT 

President of Venezuela Fires Deputy and Interior Minister  1/5/2007 NYT: "President Hugo Chávez abruptly fired his vice president and his interior minister on Wednesday night, issuing a rare public acknowledgment that violent crime and prison killings were severe problems. Mr. Chávez, who announced the dismissals in a telephone call to a talk show on state television, cited grisly prison melees and an inability to prevent a rapid increase in killings as reasons for the removal of Jesse Chacón as the minister of the interior and justice. Mr. Chávez did not give a reason for firing José Vicente Rangel, long one of his closest confidants, as vice president. “There are failings in internal security and infrastructure,” Mr. Chávez said, referring in particular to the clashes this week between rival gangs at Uribana Prison in western Lara State that left 16 inmates dead. An additional six inmates from Uribana were killed after being transferred to another prison in Portuguesa State. Twenty-five inmates have been killed this week in prisons across Venezuela. Mr. Chávez also cited “violence in the streets” in dismissing Mr. Chacón, who was presiding over an effort to reform Venezuela’s police forces. Violent crime ranks in polls as the top concern of Venezuelans amid an increase in kidnappings and killings. Homicides are up 67 percent since 1999, when the Chávez presidency began, and the country has one of the highest rates of gun-related deaths in the world, according to Unesco."


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