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Cuba in the News
Archive 7/16/03 - 8/30/03

White House urged charges in 1996 Cuba shoot-down  8/30/03 Miami Herald 

Oakland - Santiago de Cuba Sister Cities Fotos & 9/23 Meeting  8/30/03 SalsaSF 

Democrats eye Cuban-American vote  8/30/03 Sun Sentinel, FL 

Police round up impaired street peddlers in Cuba  8/29/03 CubaNet 

CUBA: Independent librarians' not so independent  8/29/03 Granma: "Writing in the summer 2001 edition of the Information for Social Change journal, Oberg reported that the so-called independent librarians, "depended on gifts of printed materials, fax machines, telephones and video and audio recorders that, in many cases, are delivered directly to their homes by members of the US Interest Section in Havana. Some admitted that they depend upon financial support, and owe allegiance to, their allies in the anti-Castro Cuban community in Miami and elsewhere abroad." "It became clear to us", Oberg added, "that most of these `independent' librarians fall into two or three distinct categories: leaders or officers of various dissenting political groups, those attempting to ingratiate themselves with the US Interest Section in order to `jump the queue' and receive an immigration visa to the United States, and others who were politically engaged evangelical Christians." After interviewing a number of the "independent" librarians, Neugebauer confirmed that the allegations about the confiscation of books and the harassment and arrest of individuals for owning private book collections, made by anti-Castro groups such as the Friends of Cuban Libraries and CubaNet, were false."

The eagle’s feather  8/29/03 Granma: "THE North American Indigenous Movement had already been founded in the streets of Minneapolis, Minnesota when Daniel Yang was born. He’s currently in Cuba as an ambassador for U.S. native peoples and is the godson of Leonard Peltier, that indefatigable warrior unjustly imprisoned for defending the ancestral hopes and rights of his people."

War chants against Cuba increase as presidential election nears  8/29/03 Radio Progresso: "However, this demand is especially worrisome as it follows the suggestion for military action made last month by the conservative Center for Security Policy that “Bejucal is now a terrorist asset. It gives Castro enormous abilities to conduct information warfare against U.S. assets and space, and presents a major threat to U.S. space dominance… President Bush should order the destruction of the Bejucal facility – now – before the threat worsens.” "

The Travel Industry's Push to Unlock Cuba  8/27/03 CubaNet 

Democratic contender Dean alters Cuba stand  8/26/03 Miami Herald: ''If you would have asked me six months ago, I would have said we should begin to ease the embargo in return for human-rights concessions,'' he said, responding to a question from a Herald reporter at a dinner Sunday night in Seattle. ``But you can't do it now because Castro has just locked up a huge number of human-rights activists and put them in prison and [held] show trials. You can't reward that kind of behavior if what you want to do is link human-rights behavior with foreign trade.''

Cuba blows the whistle on Iranian jamming  8/22/03 Asia Times 

CUBA Y LA TECNOLOGÍA DE LA INFORMACIÓN  8/16/03 Jiribilla: interesting issue on the Internet

Local Republicans write Bush urging new Cuba policy  8/16/03 Miami Herald 

Cuban-Americans warn Bush of possible loss of support in 2004  8/15/03 AP 

Cuban music you listen to with your hips  8/14/03 Toronto Star: "Red hot salsa music leaks out on to Dufferin at Dundas in the dry hot afternoon. The music is made by nine Cuban girls. Some of them have long, thick, dark, wavy hair like so many quattrocento madonnas. Some of them have pigtails like so many cute camp counsellors. They are neither the one nor the other, but you could adore them and they would smile, and if they led you in a campfire song you would clap happily along. Their names are Aylin, Yisell, Maiyelin, Danay, Sahili, Cynthia, Arianne, Ivette and Zunelvis. They are the Cuban all-girl salsa band D'Talle."

U.S. Seeks Ideas to Promote Cuba Change  8/8/03 AP: CANF shill Noriega persues bogus buzzwords - "Another key goal, he said, is to increase support for independent libraries and human rights groups on the island which have persisted despite a major anti-dissident crackdown last March and April." What would the US say to Al Qaeda financed libraries in their cities?

Nuevo reglamento endurece condiciones alquileres  7/31/03 CubaNet 

Did Watergate OK go through Key Biscayne?  7/28/03 Miami Herald: "E. Howard Hunt, a former CIA officer living in Biscayne Park, assembled the team of burglars, all Cuban exiles, for the June 17, 1972, break-in. He told The Herald in 1997 the burglars sought possible evidence Fidel Castro was illegally funding the Democratic National Committee."

Maraca Tour Manager appeals for help on US Visa  7/27/03 AfroCubaWeb: "Maraca & Otra Vision is one of the few top-level Cuban bands based in Cuba who has been extensively touring in the United States from 1998, bringing with great impact their magnificent afro-Cuban music almost everywhere there in clubs, jazz and world music festivals at the highest level, and culminating with their Grammy Nomination last February for "Best salsa Album of the Year"… Until last year, the approval notice from Washington was the most "difficult" and the most important authorization so that Cuban musicians could be delivered their visas at the US Interest Section (USIS) in Havana - once the USIS got the original I-129, visas then would be delivered there few days after its reception . Unfortunately, visas are still pending for the band, despite the notice of approval for their tour given to the USIS in February 2003 ; at that point, the band still hasn't got thru security clearances. We've been getting the invariable answer from 6 months from the USIS in Havana : "Unfortunately, we can not provide you with an estimate as to when the administrative processing will be complete (...)." They offered no additional details on why this is so delayed."

Castro Blasts EU As Trojan Horse for U.S.  7/27/03 AP 

CUBA: TIERRA SANTA DE LOS ORISHAS  7/27/03 Jiribilla: "Del 7 al 13 de julio de 2003 tuvo lugar en el palacio de las Convenciones de La Habana el Octavo Congreso Mundial de la Tradición y Cultura Orisha. En esta labor de resistencia cultural, las religiones hicieron la función de núcleos duros, permitiendo la pervivencia de la lengua, la música, los bailes, los cantos…"

The Freedom to Travel to Cuba  7/27/03 Radio Progresso, Miami 

Personal Voices: Remembering Celia Cruz  7/25/03 Alternet: "Cruz had a way of bridging the many gaps that exist between Latins of different socio-economic classes and ethnic backgrounds. Despite the progress that Latin countries have experienced over the past years, the divisions between rich and poor, between the elites and the masses, still remain solidly entrenched in society. There's very little – if any at all – common ground between the haves and the have-nots. But in my experience, Celia Cruz was one of them."

Mission to Cuba seeks a door  7/25/03 St Petersburg Times: "A Tampa Port Authority delegation returned from a three-day trip Cuba with no solid deals but a better sense of how to pursue trade with the island nation. Exports from Tampa are limited because the U.S. government allows only cash sales of agricultural and medical goods, and most of Cuba's purchases are wheat and corn from the Midwest, port director George Williamson said Thursday. But Cuban officials recognize they can save money moving certain cargo from Florida and parts of the Southeast through Tampa, he added."They were very preliminary discussions," said Williamson. "But there's clearly an interest in shipping from Tampa." "

"Friends of Cuba" March On US Embassy in Pretoria  7/24/03 SA Press Association 

Cuba Travel Services to Launch Tampa Travel Service Provider Office  7/23/03 Hispanic PR Wire 

Exiles threaten to protest Latin Grammys if Cuban musicians attend  7/23/03 Sun Sentinel, FL 

Cattle shipment bound for Cuba  7/22/03 Sun Herald, MS 

In Cuba, new Jews help maintain community’s stability, despite exodus  7/21/03 FTA 

8th World Congress on Orisha Traditions and Culture  7/21/03 Granma: "The meeting (July 7-13) gathered over 400 participators — half of whom were delegates from Mexico, Canada, the United States, Belgium, France, Spain, Argentina, and Trinidad and Tobago — analyzing a wide range of topics in nine commissions. The first commission focused on education, culture and art; the rest as follows: continuity and change in the context of the Diaspora; ethical, philosophical and psychological perspectives; ethnicity, family and gender relations; rituals, ceremonies and experience in the Yoruba religious traditions; culture, identity and transculturation; ethno-biological perspectives; preservation and cultural continuity; culture and identity; and inter-religious dialogue. Yemi Elebuibon, Nigeria; Gilberto Ferreira, Brazil; Chief Adeyela Adelekan, Britain; Madam Joan Cyrus, Trinidad and Tobago; and John Watson, the United States presented the plenary session reports… The UNEAC president acknowledged that there are still “insufficient links at an institutional level, but Cuba’s Yoruba Cultural Association has added its name to the call we made for an antifascist world front. From the cultural point of view we have strong ties linking us to the world they represent because we have a large number of persons of African origin who were brought here as slaves and who left us their ancestry. This culture can be seen in all walks of Cuban life because everything here is intermixed, has become intermixed, and we are this huge ajaico (Fernando Ortiz employed this word, which is a type of Cuban stew). We are a third product, we’re not Congolese, carabali (Western African people), Chinese, from Seville or from Galicia, we’re Cubans.” " - the UNEAC president echoes a consistent Cuban reaction to the themes represented by the conference, one which dates back to Jose Marti.

Cuba sets rules on dollar use by state companies  7/21/03 Reuters 

US asks Cuba to stop jamming broadcasts  7/19/03 ABC, Australia 

Cuban singer became Miami icon  7/19/03 Financial Times: "Celia Cruz will be remem-bered for her powerful voice, sophisticated timing, extravagant costumes, and her trademark cry of "Azúcar!" (Spanish for sugar), writes Richard Lapper. But the death on Wednesday of the 77-year-old Cuban singer has also highlighted the rift that divides Cuban-Americans from their homeland."

A fitting farewell to the queen of salsa  7/19/03 Sun Sentinel, FL 

Cuba pledges to spare hijackers, diplomats say  7/19/03 Sun Sentinel, FL 

The NAACP's silence on Cuba is deafening  7/19/03 Tallahassee Democrat: "All of this brings me to Miami-Dade County where the NAACP held its 94th annual convention, and hotels were booked. Outside the facility, a group of Cuban exiles held a candlelight vigil this week to call attention to the plight of Cubans on the communist island. A group of former Cuban political prisoners, who are black, are calling on the NAACP to be consistent - and ethical and moral. They want the NAACP to hold Cuba's government to the same standard that the civil rights group has held other nations where inequalities reign."

US broadcasts 'jammed by Cuba'  7/18/03 BBC 

Private cars confiscated  7/18/03 Cubanet 

Cuba Campaigns to Free Convicted Spies  7/17/03 AP 

Venezuela, Another Cuba? Thoughts on an article published in The Economist  7/17/03 Vheadline: "The main article, "Venezuela, Another Cuba", is also quite one-sided. It's too bad that the reader isn't told, for example, that the "exceptionally favorable terms [in the supplying of Venezuelan oil]" granted to Cuba are the same as those granted to other Central American and Caribbean countries within the framework of the San Jose Agreement, a trade accord that has existed since the 80s and that Cuba was kept out of for ideological reasons. Under the Chavez government, a bilateral trade accord was signed between Venezuela and Cuba in which the latter was granted the same preferential terms as those that exist in the Acuerdo de San Jose."

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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