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Joint Chief of Staff's Operation Northwoods, a 1962 plan to kill US citizens as a pretext for invading Cuba

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Cuba in the News
Archive 2/16/03-2/28/03

From Havana to Harlem: Same Struggle, Same Fight, Panel Discussion, Harvard Law School, 3/3/03  2/28/03 AfroCubaWeb: "We will be discussing the history of the relationship between Cuba, Africa, and African-Americans. What role have Cuba and Cubans played in African - American's fight for equality and justice in America? What role have they played in African wars for independance? The discussion will cover the connection between Cuba and the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s; Cuba and the Black Power Movement in the US; Cuba and African liberation struggles; Race in Cuba; African-Americans and Cuba's revolution; and more."

Georgians to head to Cuba  2/28/03 Atlanta Journal-Constitution: "A year after former President Carter's historic tour of Cuba, the Georgians on this trip, too, will mark a couple of firsts. They will form what is believed to be the largest statewide delegation representing a wide spectrum of fields -- education, health, agriculture, urban planning and Afro-Cuban traditions -- to visit Cuba. It will also be first time that a Delta jet will leave Atlanta with the Cuban capital as its final destination… About 176,000 people visited Cuba in 2002, although 25,000 went through third countries without authorization, said John S. Kavulich II, president of the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council. Ninety percent were people of Cuban descent who wanted to visit relatives."

Cuba's Biological Weapons - The World Needs More of Them  2/28/03 Counterpunch: "The fact of the case is, I am now able to confess (without guarantee of book or movie rights) that for more than 35 years I have been an active participant and observer of three of Cuba's major biological weapons programs and can testify to their deceptive locations and advanced status of development. The three major programs are: Universal, free, and quality health care; Ecological agriculture; Preservation of sustainable biodiversity."

RAZA Y RACIALIDAD: REVISITAR LA MEMORIA HISTÓRICA  2/28/03 Jiribilla: "Calificado como verdadero acontecimiento cultural, la presentación del libro Los independientes de color, de Serafín Portuondo Linares rescata una parte imprescindible de nuestra memoria histórica al poner en las manos de los lectores de estos tiempos un texto que forma parte de la conciencia nacional y que permite avanzar en la lucha contra las manifestaciones de racismo en la Cuba actual."

NEIGHBORS TO THE SOUTH - The dialogue  2/28/03 Radio Progresso: in depth historical article - "Twenty-five years ago, the government of Cuba for the first time called for a reunion with “persons representative” of the Cuban community abroad. The purpose, according to the summons, was to discuss issues of common interest. That reunion ended up being called “The Dialogue,” as if to stress that it was the non plus ultra of all dialogues, and was a landmark in the history of the Cuban revolution and its relationship with the émigré community."

Cuba invites Tampa to trade  2/28/03 St Petersburg Times: "The head of Cuba's state-owned import buying agency has invited Tampa port officials to visit and renew historical trade ties between his nation and the city. Pedro Alvarez, chief executive of Alimport, also wrote in a letter delivered Thursday that he asked a shipper in Jacksonville to develop a monthly container service connecting Cuba and Tampa. He said Tampa hasn't benefited from the U.S.-sanctioned trade like competing ports."

Delegation to make connection with Cuba  2/27/03 Press Herald, Maine: "A delegation of 21 Mainers is scheduled to leave Friday for Cuba on an exploratory visit to encourage economic development and cultural understanding between the Caribbean island country and the Pine Tree State. The weeklong trip was organized by the fledgling Maine-Cuba Connection, a cross-section of community and business leaders who support expanded political, academic, cultural and trade relations with Cuba."

Cuba Seizes Book Shipment Ordered by U.S. Officials  2/27/03 Washington Post: "American diplomats were told it was a "firm decision by the government" not to allow the books into the communist-run country for distribution to dissident groups, including independent libraries, U.S. Interests Section Chief James Cason said. "They said it wasn't the books, but who we were going to give them to," he told a small group of international reporters. He said the American mission has imported similar books in the past."

Notice: Continuation of the National Emergency Relating to Cuba and of the Emergency Authority Relating to the Regulation of the Anchorage and Movement of Vessels  2/27/03 White House 

US fines veteran cyclist £5,000 for taking holiday in Cuba  2/26/03 Guardian, UK: but Americans have to read about it in a UK paper! "The numbers of American visitors sought for breaking the embargo has quadrupled since the Bush administration took office. The treasury department now warns that those who visit without permission may face fines of up to $55,000. The moves come despite a growing campaign in the US among farmers, entrepreneurs and politicians, many of them Republicans, to end the embargo… Around 19,000 travel licences were granted in 2001 but there is no record of how many Americans entered without notifying the government. The treasury is investigating 697 people for breaking the embargo in 2001, compared with 188 the previous year." Other sources estimate total US visitors to Cuba at 160,000, divided mostly between non-license visitors (100,000) and Cuban Americans who travel under a general license and are not counted among the 19,000 mentioned in the article, which are likely those with a specific license.

Cuban lottery as ubiquitous as it is hush-hush  2/26/03 Herald, Bradenton, FL: "Cubans say the underground lottery began spreading in the early 1990s with the country's economic opening. Winning numbers were initially taken from the Venezuelan lottery until Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez reportedly cut the shortwave radio transmissions to the island several years ago as a favor to Castro. Because of listener demand, Radio Marti, the U.S.-government funded shortwave station, stepped in and broadcast the Florida lottery numbers to the island. U.S. officials say that ended last month. Gambling organizations now reportedly pick up the winning numbers off pirated television broadcasts from Florida."

Tampa congressman to visit Cuba on fact-finding tour  2/25/03 South Florida Sun Sentinel: "So far, Davis appears to have avoided some minefields. Emilio Vazquez, director of the Cuban American National Foundation's Tampa chapter, said "Dick Greco was hiding from the community. He went there in another way to establish a business relationship," Vazquez said. "We know [Davis] supports freedom. That's the message he will bring to Cuba."

Rep. Davis' Cuba Trip Contentious  2/25/03 Tampa Bay Online: "Though still days from setting foot on Cuban soil in an unprecedented official visit by a Florida congressman, Jim Davis already finds himself in warmer waters. A ``fact-finding mission'' crafted to avoid any hints the moderate Democrat is taking sides has ignited charges of partiality and triggered anxieties among some associates that diving into the issue could prove politically perilous."

Cubans Support Iorio, Sanchez For Mayor  2/25/03 Tampa Tribune: "Partly in response to involvement of anti-Castro Cubans in the city's mayoral race, a group of Tampa Cubans in favor of expanded contact with Cuba say Pam Iorio and Frank Sanchez best suit its view of relations with Cuba. About 60 people heard answers from Iorio and Sanchez during the weekend to questions about contact between Tampa and Cuba, said Patrick Manteiga of the La Gaceta weekly newspaper, who helped organize the gathering… Iorio said she would favor a sister-city relationship with a Cuban city if it could be done without violating federal law; Sanchez said he would need more information to decide. The group ``came to the conclusion that Iorio and Sanchez would be willing to move Tampa forward in relations with Cuba'' Manteiga said."

Official tolerance for Cuba's non-governmental reporters slowly grows  2/24/03 AP: "Gonzalez, one of an estimated 100 unofficial journalists in Cuba, now works at home in a newly refurbished upstairs office, using a secondhand desktop computer to edit the only general interest magazine of its kind on the communist-run island. So far, the government has left him alone."

US-Cuban trade grows  2/24/03 Buenos Aires Herald: "Cuban trade minister Raúl de la Nuez said yesterday that Cuba contracted $250 million in mostly agricultural imports with US companies in 2002 and that most of that has already been supplied and paid. “Of those $250 million, $189 million was already supplied and paid,” de la Nuez told Reuters on the sidelines of the US-Cuba Business Conference in Cancun, Mexico."

Texas ports gain from Cuban trade  2/24/03 Houston Chronicle: "Texas is home to four of the nine U.S. ports that have benefited thus far from trade with Cuba, according to Cuban trade officials. All the ports on the list are on the Gulf Coast, putting them within only 1,000 miles of the island nation. The ports of Beaumont, Freeport, Galveston and Houston have all shipped agriculture products to Cuba since July 2001, when the U.S. government eased the trade embargo, according to the officials at the U.S.-Cuba Business Conference here this week."

ETECSA, Cuba´s national telecom company, chooses Cuba Travel Network to provide internet bookings for it´s portal  2/24/03 PR Web: "Agreement signed and implemented to provide hotel internet booking technology for the portal owned by ETECSA, Cuba´s national telecom company."

U.S. Opponents of Cuba Embargo Are Optimistic  2/24/03 Reuters 

The Club's Last Session  2/24/03 Time: "Ry Cooder'S 1997 collaboration with a group of septuagenarian Cuban musicians, Buena Vista Social Club, sold 8 million copies and earned a Grammy for Best Tropical Latin Performance. It also earned Cooder a $100,000 fine from the U.S. government. "I learned that what Buena Vista means to the people who enforce the [Cuba trade and travel] embargo," says Cooder, "is not very much." The fine was reduced to $25,000, but Cooder was ordered to stay out of Cuba at the precise moment the public was thirsting for more Cuban music. On the last day of the Clinton presidency — after Cooder had lobbied the State Department for two years — he was given a one-year exemption from the travel ban." The War on Culture continues.

Castro rejoins an old ally in Vietnam  2/23/03 AP: "Castro and General Vo Nguyen Giap sat together smiling and chatting for a half-hour; at one point, the 91-year-old Giap pointed to a picture of Lenin on the wall of his Hanoi residence. ''He's a leader who led the Cuban people to victory, and he will lead them to further victories,'' Giap said of Castro after the meeting. ''He's Vietnam's friend.'' Giap is noted for directing the strategy that eventually wore down US forces, including the 1968 Tet Offensive."

A Voyage to Cuba: Former mayor's photos capture lives of islanders  2/23/03 St. Augustine Record: "Cubans who lack cameras welcome pictures as gifts… This trip he returned to Baracoa with profile shots of local dancers so they could use them in their portfolios." Thank you!

Cuba to play host for next NAM summit in 2006  2/23/03 UNI, India: "Asked if any other country had made a bid to host the 14th summit, Syed Hamid said ''that did not happen. Once it was agreed by the regional grouping that Cuba should host the summit there was no vying or bidding by any country.'' Cuban Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Abelardo Morco denied knowledge of any other Latin American country hosting the summit."

Preservationists Fear for Havana's Future  2/23/03 Washington Post: "Everyone says, 'You've got to go now before it's ruined,' " said Horowitz, an architectural designer from California and founder of the Harvard Architecture Review. "What people are all assuming is that this city is going to turn into a nightmare, that it is going to be overrun and look like every other identity-less island resort with a cute historic tourist district on the side. This doesn't have to happen." …Agricultural interests are also demanding more freedom to sell to Cuba. Under an easing of the embargo passed by President Bill Clinton in 2000, U.S. businesses sold Cuba about $189 million worth of food last year -- making the United States Cuba's 10th-largest trading partner, according to Cuban officials."

Cuba to host 2006 Non-Aligned Movement Summit  2/22/03 AP: "The movement was created in 1955 to pave a neutral path between the United States and the Soviet bloc during the Cold War. It is trying to reinvent itself as a forum for developing countries facing the onslaught of globalization."

U.S. Senator Criticizes U.S. Cuba Policy  2/22/03 AP: "North Dakota Sen. Kent Conrad criticized Cuba's centralized economy and one-party rule Saturday and argued that ending U.S. travel and trade restrictions would bring positive change to Cuba. ``I am leaving with a strong feeling that this is an economic system that is not working as well as it should,'' the Democrat told an afternoon news conference. ``It falls short.'' …Dropping restrictions on American travel to Cuba ``is more likely to bring about political changes in this country than our current embargo policy.''

Cuban exile leader urges dialogue  2/21/03 CNN: "Cuban exile leader Jorge Mas Santos says it's time for Cuban Americans to quit fantasy land and accept that dialogue with Cuba's communist authorities may one day be the way forward, even though many in the exile community view such contact as anathema."

Why Americans Can't Travel to Cuba  2/21/03 Counterpunch: "Think about THAT. You can send $1200 to a Cuban in the island, but you cannot spend $1200 staying in a hotel and consuming food. Perhaps Americans could travel to Cuba and be fully hosted, stay at the best of hotels, without having to pay. All you need to do is to begin those remittances [to finance fully hosted trips - layaway!]. Why the contradiction? Simple. The US government, in the final analysis, is not opposed to people sending up to $1200 to the island; what they do not want is for Americans TO SEE the place!" Layway plans for travel to Cuba, anyone?

Family of slain American receives default judgment against Cuba  2/21/03 Miami Herald: what of a judgment on behalf of all the Cubans tortured and killed by US supported Batista forces? Not with his grandson on the Florida Supreme Court.

Cuba's Castro Gets Warm Welcome from Ally Vietnam  2/21/03 Reuters: "The ideological soulmate of Vietnam who supported the victorious northern communists against the U.S.-backed south by proclaiming Cubans were ready to shed their blood for the cause arrived in Vietnam's capital on Friday for a three-day visit. One Hanoi resident cheering the Cuban leader's arrival was Vu Dinh Thiep, 78, who said he was fighting in south Vietnam in 1973 when Castro paid his first visit. The war ended two years later. "We are very happy to see comrade Fidel Castro, we know him for a long time," he said as he waited with hundreds of others holding Vietnam and Cuban flags for Castro's arrival at the Presidential Palace for a welcome and honor guard."

Anti-Cuban terrorism from U.S. territory continues with absolute impunity  2/20/03 Granma: "In Miami, with complete impunity and the complicity of the U.S authorities, individuals promote and raise funds specifically destined to carry out terrorist acts; bank accounts that finance terrorism operate openly and normally; terrorists are recruited, supplied with weapons, offered safe refuge and the territory is allowed to be used by those who finance, plan and commit acts of terrorism, he confirmed."

Texans tout trade on jaunt to Cuba  2/20/03 Houston Chronicle: "But for Duncanville entrepreneur Charles Louthan, it was a chance to see one of Cuba's only golf courses, which is in the beach resort town of Varadero. "It needs a little bit of work," said Louthan, president of Texas Turf Systems. For him, that was a sign of hope because he wants to use this conference as an opportunity to sell turf to Cuba."

Dialogue: The Final Frontier  2/20/03 Miami New Times: "When trade sanctions, bluster, and a few bombs don't work, you gotta try something else… Can CANF remake itself as a kinder, gentler force through talks with Cuba?"

Cuba's Castro to Visit Vietnam  2/20/03 Reuters 

The Joint Chief of Staff's Operation Northwoods  2/19/03 AfroCubaWeb: a 1962 plan to kill US citizens as a pretext for invading Cuba. AfroCubaWeb traces the interesting careers of some of its authors and presents the original plan as well as supporting documentation.

Cuban Specialists to Lecture On Hotel Management  2/19/03 Angola Press Agency: "Cuban specialists in the field of gastronomy and hotel management will administer courses in Angola's Luanda, Huila, Benguela and Cabinda provinces, over the second semester of this year."

Cuba negotiating to buy tens of millions of dollars more in U.S. farm products  2/19/03 AP 

Students Seek Improved Relations Among Cubans  2/19/03 Harvard Crimson: Otto von Reich was scheduled to attend this fine little gathering - "Students from over 20 colleges and universities met at Harvard this weekend to encourage communication between Cuban expatriates and the dissident community within the island. The student-run conference, entitled “Raíces de Esperanza,” or “Roots of Hope,” was jointly organized by the Harvard University Cuban American Undergraduate Association and the Georgetown University Cuban-American Students Association. Around 100 students joined academics and activists in attendance. The event opened with a teleconference featuring two dissidents opposed to the government of Fidel Castro who are currently living in Cuba: Vladimiro Roca and Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas. Both spoke of the need for Cubans to work with expatriates to plan for the island’s post-Castro future."

Cuban 'victimised over religion'  2/19/03 News 24, South Africa: "A Cuban doctor alleges he was evicted, thrown into prison and unfairly dismissed last year by the Eastern Cape Health Department because he converted to Islam."

UCSC gets gift from Castro, via Sam Farr  2/19/03 Santa Cruz Sentinel: "[Congressman] Farr thinks Castro was moved by a story the congressman told about his youngest sister, who died at age 16 in Colombia. In 1965 she was visiting Farr, then a Peace Corps volunteer, when she was thrown from a horse, hitting her head on the ground. The local hospital was unable to fly doctors in soon enough to save her. Farr, who speaks Spanish, recounted the story after Castro took congress members to a medical school that trains doctors to work in underserved areas throughout the world. "I said if we had some of those doctors like the ones he’s training, she might have survived," Farr said. "I think he stopped and really thought about that. He turned to his aides and said, ‘Isn’t that an incredible story?’ "

He who harbors a terrorist…  2/18/03 Granma: "Incredibly, the Cuban-Americans in the House of Representatives are perfect illustration of this phenomenon: all of them, without exception, have terrorist affiliations that they are unable to deny."

A Self Destructive Administration  2/17/03 AfroCubaWeb: "Add two more years of this spiral of destruction, incubating enemies, exacerbating hatred, creating orphans, widening the social gap, forgiving corporate crooks, fanning religious and ethnic divisions, and the South Florida Cuban-Americans, the Supreme Court and the rest of the nation will forever regret that fateful January 20, 2001."

Join the Caribbean American Children Foundation at the III Conference The Nation and Emigration in Cuba  2/17/03 AfroCubaWeb: "The Caribbean American Children Foundation is pleased to share with you, a call from the Government of the Republic of Cuba, to participate in the III Conference The Nation and Emigration, to be held in Havana on April 11-13, 2003."

Jóvenes cubanos piden legalización de la marihuana  2/17/03 CubaNet: "Numerosos jóvenes cubanos, que asistían a la clausura del festival de reggae en el anfiteatro del parque Almendares expresaron abiertamente su deseo de legalizar la marihuana el jueves 6 de febrero. La mayor parte del público presente se identifica con el movimiento conocido como "Rastafari", que en la música se ha caracterizado por tratar el racismo, la marginalidad, el abuso de poder, y ha definido desde sus comienzos una importancia sustancial a la prohibida planta, cuyo consumo se considera un elemento identificador del mismo también en Cuba. El público coreaba las canciones alusivas al tema, que interpretaron grupos como Manana Reggae con Debbie Young (artista Jamaicana), Insurrecto, Anónimo Consejo, algunos integrantes de Candy Man, entre otros músicos cubanos y extranjeros."

Fidel attends Carlos Acosta‘s choreographic debut  2/17/03 Granma, Cuba: Acosta wanted to be a lead ballet dancer, but the national dance company did not want a black in that role, so he went abroad to Euope and the US to make his fame. At 24, he is back in Cuba putting on a show about his life, to the acclaim of all. - "After the audience’s applause had faded away, Fidel mounted the stage to discuss the show, the book that Carlos Acosta is currently writing, and today’s dance in Cuba. In the presence of the cast and principal figures involved in the performance, including maestro Fernando Alonso and Contemporary Dance Company director Miguel Iglesias, the Cuban leader expressed his interest in national dance training centers and dance companies. He manifested his confidence that the country’s current cultural and educational policies will enable more children, like the lead role in Tocororo, to find new and better horizons through dance." - Words followed by deeds, witness recent contracts given to such groups as Raices Profundas to teach across Cuba.

North Dakota Wants to Tell Washington to Open Gates to Cuba  2/17/03 KFYR, North Dakota: "If the travel restriction is lifted, the influx of dollars, of hard-cash dollars into the island of Cuba will be significant. And we're gonna be the direct beneficiary of that, because it's all gonna come back. Come back in the form of Cuban dollars buying North Dakota crops. Some say that would be a big boost for our state's ag producers."

Drugs Shatter the Crystal Urn  2/17/03 Radio Progresso: "The praise is well deserved, yet the Bush administration has twice rejected Cuban proposals to establish a broad accord that would substitute the current case-by-case cooperation. Meanwhile, drug distribution increases in South Florida. (Read “Cocaine deliveries to Miami triple,” El Nuevo Herald, Aug. 28, 2002.)" Given that Miami is ruled by Jeb Bush's narcotrafficking pals, this makes good sense.

The War on Terrorism does not include Cuban-Americans  2/17/03 Radio Progresso: "This terrorist infrastructure has acquired a decisive weight in the local political life and its importance becomes particularly noticeable during elections, when they are entrusted with doing dirty work for one candidate or another. As Landau says, several of the latest U.S. presidents have played this game and secured its advantages, particularly George W. Bush, to whom Cuban-Americans practically guaranteed victory, given the special circumstances of the latest presidential election. Given these conditions, the U.S. government's lack of interest in radically opposing Cuban-American terrorism is understandable. On the one hand, these groups still perform a utilitarian function in the government's plans against Cuba and other countries. On the other, the government has been committed to them since their inception and would have to pay a political price if it repressed them. Finally, as I said earlier, terrorism is one of the mechanisms that guarantee control of the Cuban-American community; which is a strategic purpose of ‘the establishment’ toward the Cuban-American and other minorities."

Cuban doctors told to toe the line  2/16/03 Business Day: "A Cuban doctor faces dismissal from his job at a South African hospital because he had resigned from his country's communist party. Dr Mario Menchero, an orthopaedic surgeon at Grey's Hospital in Pietermaritzburg, was told at a meeting of Cuban doctors last week that he would be dismissed because he had given up his membership of the Cuban Communist Party… Menchero's lawyer threatened to seek a High Court interdict if the KwaZulu-Natal Health Department did not respond to a request to not fire Menchero. Cuba's chief programme co-ordinator, Dr Jaime Davis, confirmed that Cuban officials who attended the meeting had informed him that they wanted Menchero "off the programme". In a separate development, the Braamfontein Labour Court ordered the Limpopo Health Department to reinstate seven Cuban doctors whose services were terminated this week. The doctors were allegedly fired after Davis had sent a letter to the Limpopo Health Department in which he claims that Cuba's minister of public health had stated that doctors requesting South African citizenship be dropped from the programme." Doctors' revolt.

FBI questions 10 men, including two Canadians, in Jamaica  2/16/03 CBC: "FBI agents are questioning 10 men, including two Canadians, who were detained at Montego Bay's airport, Jamaican police said. The police detained the 10 men Monday after reviewing airport passenger lists and discovering they all held Iraqi passports, police spokesman Lancelot Tyrell said Tuesday… The men arrived in Jamaica on Sunday on a flight from Cuba and had been scheduled to leave Monday night for the Central American country Belize, Tyrell said… A team of about 20 FBI agents arrived in Montego Bay on Tuesday and began interrogating the suspects, who were being held at an undisclosed location, Tyrell said. No one has been charged with a crime. Under Jamaican law, police can hold suspects for up to a week without charging them." J Edgar's boys roam the Caribbean & South America, as they did in the old days.

Best anti-Castro tool is exile moderation  2/16/03 Miami Herald: from one of the leading anti-Castro journalists…

SA/Cuba contract: What the doctors say  2/16/03 SABC News: "Sello Moloto, the Limpopo health MEC, says his department could not ignore its contract with Cuba, which reportedly threatened to withdraw the remaining 49 doctors from the province. "The seven who are involved opted out of that contract. They acquired South African citizenship and they no longer want o be part of it. If they opt out automatically their registration with the medical council lapses," he says."

Cuba legally - Licensed People to people' tours make visiting easy and fascinating  2/16/03 San Francisco Chronicle: Global Exchange's tours are actually reported to be under serious threat from Treasury's OFAC and its new regulations.

Otto, The Fourth Reich  2/16/03 Trinicenter, Trinidad: great article on Otto von Reich - "Reich's job was simple: churn out propaganda, the more outrageous, the better. His biggest-or most memorable-blooper was on the night Reagan was re-elected to power in 1984. "Intelligence sources", later identified as Reich's propaganda unit, caused NBC to break its elections coverage to announce that Soviet MIG fighter-aircraft were arriving in Nicaragua! He also charged that the Soviet Union had given Nicaragua chemical weapons (sounds familiar?) and the Sandinistas were involved in drug trafficking. It would be later revealed that Manuel Noriega of Panama was the man used by the CIA to buy and distribute cocaine in the US, the backbone of the Iran-Contra affair… But even that pales when one compares it with Reich's influence, when he served as Ambassador to Venezuela (his only diplomatic posting), in securing the release from prison of Orlando Bosch. This Cuban-American did not manufacture Bosch appliances. He was one of two men who had planted a bomb on a Cubana Airlines aircraft right here in Piarco back in 1976. That aircraft exploded shortly after taking off from Barbados, killing all aboard, including several Guyanese passengers. Bosch was later pardoned by-guess who? One President George Bush… So this modern-day Goebbels, a notorious purveyor of lies and half-truths, was the man selected by Bush to go through the Caribbean to try to convince the region's leaders to plough their support behind the US-UK axis against Iraq. I don't know what fanciful lies he offloaded on Manning. I think, though, that Ambassador Austin should get on that high-speed, secure telex machine on Marli Street and tell his boss that the Caribbean might be littered with poor countries that depend on the US for their existence. But Caricom is no "Ship of Fools". No "Fourth Reich" for us, Sir." Amen.

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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