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III Conference The Nation and Emigration
April 11-13, 2003

Dear Compatriots,

The Caribbean American Children Foundation is pleased to share with you, a call from the Government of the Republic of Cuba, to participate in the III Conference The Nation and Emigration, to be held in Havana on April 11-13, 2003.

All Cubans residing abroad and especially their descendents are encouraged to participate. The only precondition is your love for your country, its freedom and sovereingty. Attendance to this event will be by invitation only, issued by the Conference Organizing Committe.

This unique gathering of Cubans from all walks of life, will provide a respectful, open and democratic environment for a fruitful exchange of thoughts on our past history, regulatory constraints on travel related issues and the future shape of our country. We owe it to ourselves and to our children, to contribute our views and expertise, in molding the nation that Jose Marti, Antonio Maceo and thousands of others, struggled and died for.

No ideological, racial, religious, or any other difference, should prove sufficiently strong to keep us apart in these trying times, plagued by fear and uncertainties.

Whatever our decision may be, we shall bear the moral responsibility of being a part or not, of this critical development in our convulsive history. Time is of essence. Email me, you may still be able to be included!


Alberto N. Jones


Cuban Government site

South Florida Sun Sentinel
Conference summons Cubans from afar, 1/26/03,0,3309149.column?

Adelante, Cuba
Government Announces 3rd "Nation and Emigration" Conference




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