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Cuba in the News
Archive for 1/02 through 2/02

U.S. Diplomat Says Transition Under Way in Cuba  3/29/02 Reuters: Yep, and Fidel is supporting the peaceful transition to democracy in the US via Al Qaeda linked groups.

El dengue ha sido erradicado de Cuba  3/28/02 Granma: a remarkable achievment, especially when compared to Brazil, a much richer country, which has had several thousand dengue deaths.

Project to link polyclinics to national information network  3/28/02 Granma: "IN support of the Cuban public health care system and in an act of solidarity, 250 computers arrived in Havana as part of a donation for INFOMED, a national informatics network of the country’s Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), providing information for professionals of that sector. Although the donation arrived on the island via ship on March 14 from Montreal, Canada, after nearly two months of navigation, the technical equipment originates in the U.S. state of California, where a group of friends and collaborators of the Cuban institution, known as INFOMED-USA, work voluntarily and with dedication to support and satisfy the Cuban public health care system’s needs in this area."

Attendees Call Anti-Cuban Embargo Symposium Successful  3/28/02 Yahoo 

Trial of Canadian man in Cuba embargo case nears end in Philadelphia court  3/27/02 Canadian Press: meanwhile, Cubans suffer as the water system deteriorates and cannot keep parasites out

Cuba Working Group begins in the House of Representatives  3/27/02 Latin America Working Group 

Carter's Havana trip puts pressure on US sanctions  3/27/02 Times, UK 

Vets say Cuba would make twisted `sister': - Befriend communist nation? Idea troubles many Eastsiders  3/26/02 East Side Journal: this opposition's anticommunist logic is dubious: where were they when the US opened up relations with China and Viet Nam?

White House Reviews Carter Cuba Visit  3/25/02 AP: the same human rights the US Bush is so respectful of at home and abroad.

Moderate Cuban-Americans reviewing U.S. embargo  3/25/02 Sun Sentinel, FL 

Cuba Bans PC Sales to Public  3/25/02 Wired 

Helms-Burton, the U.S., and the WTO  3/24/02 American Society for International Law: 1997 article

Despite strict government control, clever Cubans still get bootleg Internet  3/24/02 Sun Sentinel, FL 

Llegó a Cuba en visita oficial el Presidente de Botswana  3/23/02 AIN, Cuba 

15 Cuban Doctors Attached to Chitungwiza Hospital  3/23/02 All Africa 

Cuba Implements Long-Term Plan Against Dengue  3/22/02 Black World Online 

Castro Walks Out of UN Summit in Mystery Dispute  3/22/02 Reuters: two bit US bullying at work

Cuba Insists Bush Behind Hasty Castro Summit Exit  3/22/02 Reuters: "We received very senior people from the Mexican government before the conference who indicated they had been subjected to U.S. government pressure, specifically threats from President Bush that he would not come to Monterrey if Fidel Castro came," said Ricardo Alarcon, president of Cuba's national assembly.

Koala Announces Letter of Understanding to Acquire Transcard Canada, Limited  3/22/02 Yahoo: Transcard handles money transfers to Cuba. "Under an exclusive agreement, Transcard's agent in the U.S. for collection is MoneyGram Payments Systems, Inc., of Lakewood, Colorado. MoneyGram is currently using Transcard's proprietary stored-value card system to transfer funds to Cuba, under approval of the U.S. Government."

House members seek easing of anti-Cuba trade, travel policies  3/21/02 AP 

Carter expects to win Bush approval for Cuba trip  3/21/02 CNN 

Bush Calls Cuba A Repressive Regime  3/21/02 CNS News: payback for the Miami Mafia's support of the Election 2000 fraud

The rich world should condone their foreign debt and grant them fresh soft credits to finance development  3/21/02 Granma, Cuba: the US representatives were instructed to walk out of Fidel's speech, so here is what they missed.

US intelligence officer admits spying for Cuba  3/21/02 Sydney Morning Herald 

Detainees' future may hinge on Cuba lease  3/20/02 Christian Science Monitor 

Four street peddlers arrested  3/20/02 CubaNet: though on a Miami Mafia site, this story illustrates an on-going conflict between street vendors, many of whom are black, and the government. White cubans have a better chance of starting legal businesses as they receive money from abroad - from relatives in Miami and elsewhere.

Cuba to Send 50 Medical Experts  3/20/02 East African Standard 

Woman accused of spying for Cuba may cooperate with prosecutors  3/19/02 Knight Ridder: a bit different from the treatment accorded to Israeli spies, who are courteously shown the door.


Cuba: Terrorism Suspect May Be Released On Bail In Panama  3/15/02 Black World Today 

Building Bridges: Milwaukee Coalition to Normalize Relations With Cuba  3/15/02 

Omega-7 killer Remón unmasked  3/15/02 Granma 

Cuba Calls U.S. LatAm Official Reich a 'Terrorist'  3/15/02 Reuters 

CANADIAN ON TRIAL IN US FOR SELLING WATER PURIFICATION SUPPLIES TO CUBAN HOSPITALS  3/14/02 Radio Havana: "This is the first case of a Canadian on trial for violating Washington's blockade of Cuba. Canadian academics, business people and Foreign Affairs officials are reportedly monitoring the trial, but solidarity activists in Canada and the United States say the Canadian government should be protesting, not just monitoring."

Contra Warrior Otto Reich Returns to the State Department  3/12/02 Counterpunch 

Terrorists continue flaunting themselves in Miami with total impunity  3/12/02 Granma 

Group's goals include more Cuba visits  3/12/02 Herald Times, Bloomington, IN 

Trial opens for Canadian accused of trade with Cuba  3/12/02 Miami Herald: US government arrogance knows no limits: "Sabzali's defense is based precisely on the fact that when he was traveling and carrying out trade transactions with Cuba, he was a resident of Canada, where complying with the Trading with the Enemy Act is strictly prohibited." He was selling Cuba water purification supplies, needed to combat the rise in parasitical infections.

Posada and his Gang in Panama-12 Mar 2002  3/12/02 Radio Havana 

Dissidents Criticise U.S. Campaign Against Cuba  3/11/02 Black World Today: "HAVANA - The United States campaign to win a United Nations condemnation of Cuba's human rights situation is preventing the debate from dealing with the "expectations and urgency" of the island's problems in this area, say members of the domestic Cuban dissident movement."

The New Cuba Divide  3/10/02 National Interest: "An unexpected alliance of farmers, northern liberals and western conservatives is emerging to challenge the U.S. political status quo on Cuba."

El Salvador pedirá la extradición de Posada Carriles  3/9/02 El Nuevo Herald: The Cubans say this is to free the narcoterrorist, as he has many friends in El Salvador.

PARANOIA AND COINCIDENCE: MANIPULATIONS AND MANIPULATED ONES  3/9/02 Radio Progresso, Miami: "The violent and illegal intrusion in the Mexican embassy in Havana by 21 individuals was denounced by the Cuban government as a provocation orchestrated abroad. The facts and Mexican authorities proved Cuba was right."

Cuban-American Lawmakers Say Mexican Ambassador Snubbed Them  3/8/02 CNS News: pobrecitos!

U.S. policy on Cuba to receive full review  3/8/02 Miami Herald: the author is an anticastro hack.

Justice Department opens preliminary inquiry into police misconduct in Miami-Dade County  3/8/02 San Francisco Chronicle 

Source Says Castro Under Terrorism Microscope  3/8/02 Yahoo 

IN CUBA, ARRESTS IN FAMILY'S KILLING  3/7/02 Miami Herald: old fashion police work…

Bush Administration Considering Indictment Against Castro  3/7/02 MSNBC: Is anyone going to indict Cheney for ordering the shootdown of flight 93 in Pennsylvania on 9-11?

New Brainbench Report Reveals Significant Changes In Global IT Skills Landscape  3/7/02 PRN Newswire: "South America: Brazil leads the continent in the number of certified IT professionals, however, despite economic woes, Argentina is a strong number two. Venezuela and Colombia are in a virtual tie for third place. Cuba, an economic and political outcast, comes fourth."

U.S. Pressure on Cuba May Increase  3/6/02 AP: "One reason a more assertive policy may be in the offing was the installation in January of Cuban-born Otto J. Reich as the State Department's top official for Latin America."

Mexican official fired over Havana embassy incident  3/6/02 "Miami businessman Armando ''Manny'' Suarez, an executive with The Alison Group sales promotion company, had earlier sent an e-mail to various Mexican government web sites complaining about Mexico's approval of the arrest by Cuban security forces of the 21 Cubans who had stormed into the Mexican embassy in Havana last week." As if they respect human rights in Miami…

Post-Attack Cuban Intelligence Said Useless  3/6/02 Reuters 

Retired U.S. general says Cuba no threat, urges links  3/4/02 Miami Herald 

EMBASSY CRASHERS FIT PROFILE OF THOSE USED BY MIAMI MAFIA, US GOVT  3/1/02 Radio Havana: "According to reports, those who responded to the invitation to attack the Mexican embassy -- repeatedly broadcast on Radio Marti, an official radio station of the U.S. government -- were criminal and anti-social elements who had been convicted of serious crimes. Among the long list of convictions: armed robbery, carrying a concealed weapon, drug trafficking and possession, assault and battery."

Uncle Sam's Favorite Terrorists  2/28/02 Antifa: by Jerry Meldon, 1998 - extensive review of narcoterrorist Posada and the CANF

México acusa al exilio en Miami  2/28/02 BBC 

POSADA CARRILES - Four bloody decades  2/28/02 Granma: "...a professor at Tufts University, also an investigative reporter, who exposed himself to the worst reprisals by revealing previously unpublished information about the "private lives" of the CIA and the Miami mafia. In two alternative Internet publications, Professor Jerry Meldon released a "biography" of the best known Cuban exile drug traffickers, especially the central figure: arch-terrorist Luis Posada Carriles. Basing himself on a series of declassified secret documents, Meldon bravely describes Posada Carriles’ relationship with the late Jorge Mas Canosa, founder and leader of the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) and frequent guest at the White House under Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton."

Provoca mal llamada Radio Martí grave incidente en Embajada de México  2/28/02 Granma: "A las 7:31 de la mañana de ayer, dicha emisora [Radio Martí] divulgó espectacularmente la siguiente noticia: "El canciller Jorge Castañeda reiteró en Miami que las puertas de la Embajada de su país en La Habana están abiertas para todos los ciudadanos cubanos, y agregó que del mismo modo lo está México."

Radio Martí provokes serious incident at Mexican embassy  2/28/02 Granma 

CIA & Cocaine: Agency Assets Cross the Line  2/28/02 The Consortium: by Jerry Meldon, 1997

Cuba to build and co-administer orthopedic hospital in Yemen  2/27/02 Granma: "...part of a cooperation agreement signed by Professor Rodrigo Alvarez Cambras, director of the Frank País Scientific Complex in Havana and president of the Cuban-Arab Friendship Association."

Will Panama free the hemisphere’s number one terrorist?  2/27/02 Granma: "IT’S incredible: five Cubans are still locked up in U.S. prisons for having counteracted the plans of Miami terrorist gangs... while in Panama there are plans for the possible release of the hemisphere’s worst terrorist and his accomplices! And all this in the middle of the so-called War against Terrorism."

TRANSCRIPT of PROCEEDINGS between CUBAN OFFICIALS and JFK HISTORIANS  2/26/02 Cuba Information Archives: "Without billing, fancy brochures, press conferences, book marts, and the frills of the agenda, a group of highly motivated individuals gathered to put their collective minds toward trying to resolve some of the issues surrounding the JFK assassination at Nassau. Three Cubans attended the meeting to report on what they had found in regards to Cuban documentation on several issues. Carlos Lechuga, former Cuban diplomat, attended, as did two retired Cuban State Security officials, General Fabian Escalante Font and Arturo Rodriguez. Wayne Smith from the Center for International Studies acted as moderator. Others in attendance were: Gaeton Fonzi, Jeremy Gunn (Council and Chief Investigator for the Assassination Review Board), John Judge, Andy Kolis, Peter Kornbluh * (National Security Archives), Mary and Ray LaFontaine*, Jim Lesar (AARC), John Newman, Alan Rogers, Dick Russell, Tony Summers, Russ Swickard, Peter Dale Scott, Ed Sherry, Noel Twyman and Gordon Winslow."

Washington triples fines for traveling to Cuba  2/26/02 Granma: "What even ‘El Nuevo Herald,’ voice of Miami’s Cuban American National Foundation, called an avalanche of U.S. visitors to the island, has provoked an hysterical but impotent campaign to prevent it… In his speech to the subcommittee during the hearing, Senator Dorgan explained that the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Department of Treasury (OFAC) focuses on, among other things, the pursuit of worldwide financing for terrorism. The government proposes increasing the budget by $2 million USD in 2003, he added, and the reason for the hearing is to evaluate what has been happening with respect to the use of the OFAC funds for the persecution of U.S. citizens who travel to Cuba."

Cuba Accuses U.S. of Dozens of 'Biological Attacks'  2/26/02 Reuters: See also AfroCubaWeb's Biowar Page

Harvard hosts Communist professor  2/25/02 Boston Globe: from Cuba.

Pa. has new 'sister state' - in Cuba  2/23/02 Philadelphia Inquirer 

Convocan en Cuba a encuentro mundial de corresponsales de guerra  2/22/02 Radio Cadena Habana 

FIDEL CASTRO ATTENDS SIGNING OF MATANZAS-PENNSYLVANIA SISTER CITY AGREEMENT  2/22/02 Radio Havana: "Michael Diven, a State representative from Pennsylvania, was on hand for the protocol signing. Diven told reporters that he hoped the agreement joining his State with Matanzas Province would help create a bridge between the U.S. and Cuba. He said his constituents have a lot to learn from Cuba, emphasizing the island's achievements in education and health care. The Pennsylvania representative said that Cuba is, in many ways, a rich country that can provide an example to the rest of the world."

FOREST AREA COVERS 22 PERCENT OF THE ISLAND  2/22/02 Radio Havana: el monte - "The area of the island covered by forests has grown from 14 to 22 percent since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959. According to Fabio Fajardo, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, while other countries are losing their forest areas, Cuba is actively planting trees and working to increase its coverage."

PANAMA PAVES THE WAY FOR RELEASE OF TERRORIST LUIS POSADA CARRILES  2/22/02 Radio Havana: the endless power of the Miami narcoterrorists - "The government of Panama appears to be preparing the way for the release of international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and three of his accomplices. During the nightly roundtable discussion -- broadcast live on Cuban radio and television Thursday evening -- it was revealed that the four terrorists will face reduced charges and could be released awaiting trial."

Cuba impide viaje de académicos a Miami  2/21/02 El Nuevo Herald: Whatever the merits of this case (it is Mafiosi land), Cuba is centralizing exits permits: "'Cuba está tratando de centralizar el problema de las invitaciones, buscando que éstas se canalicen a través de las instituciones y no se envíen directamente a los individuos'', opinó ayer el profesor Lisandro Pérez, director del CRI y miembro del comité organizador del evento.

Unexpected meeting with Fidel  2/21/02 Granma: Fidel meets US Cuba Sister Cities delegates

Fidel attends the friendship's signing between Matanzas and Pennsylvania  2/20/02 AIN, Cuba 

Cuba Touts Itself As A Safe Destination  2/20/02 Black World Today 

Castro foe won't face murder plot charge  2/20/02 Miami Herald: Posada Carriles was Felix Rodriguez #2 at Ilo Pango, the center of the Coca Contra trade. He could have blown that wide open…

Asiste Fidel a la firma del hermanamiento entre Matanzas y Pennsylvania  2/20/02 Radio Cadena Habana 

FIDEL CASTRO MEETS WITH MEMBERS OF US-CUBA SISTER CITY ASSOCIATION  2/20/02 Radio Havana: "Fidel Castro told the delegates that great efforts are being made to increase the educational level of the Cuban people, which is already very impressive. He referred to the daily television courses, known as "Universidad para Todos" or "University for All," as well as other continuing education courses."

Speech in Havana at US-Cuba Sister-City Meeting, February 19, 2002, by Jay Higginbotham, the "father" of the US Cuba sister cities movement  2/19/02 CubaWiFriends 

CNN's tips for visiting Cuba cross the line  2/19/02 Miami Herald 

Destaca Fidel Castro labor de médicos cubanos en Haití  2/19/02 Radio Sancti Spíritus: Cuba's work in Haiti

Fifth Cuba-U.S. Sister Cities Forum Opens in Havana  2/19/02 Xinhua 

Reactions to William Rasberry's column on Cuba  2/18/02 AfroCubaWeb: by Alberto Jones

Cuba: Conflicting Interests Affect Incipient Thaw  2/18/02 Black Workd Today 

The Miami Connection  2/18/02 Granma, Cuba: extensive discussion of some Miami Mafiosi on Bush's team. Las Mas Fea no perdona.

US-CUBA SISTER CITY ASSOCIATION MEETS IN HAVANA  2/18/02 Radio Havana: "The U.S.-Cuba Sister City Association (USCSCA) is holding a week-long meeting in the Cuban capital this week. The conference, "Building Bilateral Relations: A Continuous Conversation," got underway Monday morning at Havana's International Convention Center. Cuban Parliament President Ricardo Alarcon addressed the opening session of the meeting. After commenting on the increased success of the sister city program, Alarcon spoke about the problems faced by both peoples in their efforts to improve relations."

Havana's Chinatown ushers in the new year  2/17/02 Sun Sentinel: Barrio Chino - the Chinese Communist Party headquarters are in a restaurant.

Intercambios entre regiones cubanas y españolas pueden ampliarse  2/16/02 AIN, Cuba: "Varadero, Cuba, 16 feb (PL) Las posibilidades de ampliar intercambios de negocios entre regiones españolas y cubanas son muy reales, afirmó hoy aquí Rafael García Padilla, vicepresidente primero de la cámara de comercio, industria y navegación de Málaga, Espana." This Spain - Cuba cooperation is already driving a hispanification of Cuba. Each Spanish province has an association of immigrants that supports descendants from the provinces, both economically and culturally. Blacks have no such support and the mere mention of a black organization is enough sometimes to anger white Cubans.

Oliver Stone to film documentary on Cuba  2/15/02 Canoe, Canada 

Cuba topic of Colby panel discussion  2/15/02 Kennebec Journal, Maine 




Former President Carter Planning To Visit Cuba  2/12/02 Crosswalk 

New England Meeting in Solidarity with the Miami 5 - 2/21/02  2/12/02 IAC Boston: Fernando Garcia Diplomat, Cuban Interest Section, Washington, DC Andres Gomez Co-Chair, Free the Five Committee, Miami Coordinator, Antonio Maceo Brigade, Miami Teresa Gutierrez National Coordinator, International Peace for Cuba Appeal National Co-Coordinator, International Action Center

TRIED TO STOP ANTI-CUBA TERRORISM: MIAMI 5 GET HEAVY SENTENCES  2/12/02 International Action Center: "This nation recently found out, in an unfortunate and brutal manner, just how much damage can be done to its people by an unarmed civilian plane. Perhaps that is why its top leaders have warned that any plane that strays threateningly from its scheduled route should be shot down, even if there are hundreds of passengers on board ... "

California congressional delegation tells Castro 'You've Got a Friend'  2/11/02 AP 

Cuba travel fines called ‘ill-advised’  2/11/02 AP: Dorgan hearings.

U.S. travelers to Cuba complain about fines; Dorgan calls for end to travel limits  2/11/02 AP 

Cuba travel ban under fire in U.S. Congress  2/11/02 MSNBC: Byron Dorgan's hearings have their impact.

Ecotourists going to Cuba will find this specialized field guide helpful  2/10/02 Miami Herald 

Algerian GIA Leader - al Qada Link - Is Killed  2/9/02 Debka, Israel: "...the intake to Camp X-Ray in Cuba was suspended two weeks ago following information that a large group of Muslim terrorists, led by Algerian GIA members linked to al Qaeda had arrived on the island from the Persian Gulf and Europe. They came to survey the chances of carrying out a major terror operation to damage the facility and kill the fundamentalist detainees, transforming them into martyrs. US intelligence learned that the Algerian extremists were on their way to Cuba from tip-offs by Canadian intelligence, CSIS, and Cuban intelligence, the DGI. The Canadians reported that a group of Canadian women married to Algerians affiliated to the GIA, who dropped out of sight two or three years ago, suddenly received phone calls and letters from their absent husbands and appeared to have traveled to Cuba to join them." - note that Debka tends to behave like a psyops operation for Mossad, and is at times unreliable.

Veterans protest county's pursuit of Cuba relations  2/9/02 East Side Journal, WA: ``We are dealing with a communist nation and one that is harboring terrorists,'' said World War II veteran Richard Ludwig of Issaquah. ``They are a plain old dirty, rotten dictatorship.'' - did this person protests ties with China, Russia, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, etc etc etc?

‘We will be able to withstand anything’  2/8/02 Granma: "IN harsh and humiliating conditions, shackled, handcuffed, unprotected from the cold and without receiving any food or water for more than 12 hours, the five Cubans imprisoned in the United States have been transferred to maximum-security prisons in various parts of that country." - This is how the US treats people who work against its own terrorists.

Friends of terrorism  2/8/02 Independent, UK: "That a terrorist (by any definition of the word) such as Bosch should receive a blessing from the Bush family is revealing enough. That President Bush has decided to protect Reich from questioning on the subject by avoiding exposing him to the Senate foreign relations committee is just as disturbing. So what has Reich's relationship with Bosch actually been?"

Son of Miami mayor, pal in pickle over fake money  2/8/02 Miami Herald: moral values in the right wing Cuban American community…



Voices in the Wilderness  2/7/02 Miami New Times: "Not content with espousing his own principles, Lesnik has created a place where others can gather to express ideas considered heretical by Miami's Cuban-exile leadership. His Alianza has linked more than 100 people who, broadly speaking, constitute el exilio's beleaguered opposition. They are united by a belief that the Cuban embargo must end and the island should draw closer to the United States government. They share another common bond: disgust with Miami's pervasive political corruption."

Cuba, Too, Felt the Sept. 11 Shock Waves  2/7/02 NYT: "Within hours of the attacks on New York and Washington, President Castro offered medical help, including blood and health care brigades, as well as intelligence on the movements of terrorists. In the days when United States airspace was closed to traffic, he also offered to allow stranded planes to land at the island's two international airports."

CUBA AND THE U.S.: IS NORMALIZATION POSSIBLE?  2/7/02 Radio Progresso, Miami 

The price of milk (and sex) in Cuba  2/7/02 Salon 

Top diplomat denies warmth in US-Cuba ties  2/7/02 Times of India 

Potential Cuban cyberattacks concern U.S. officials  2/6/02 AP: rampant hysteria…

ESPIONAJE CASTRISTA EN MIAMI  2/6/02 Miami Herald: compendium of stories.

Tourism apartheid in Cuba  2/6/02 Salon 

Designan a Embajadora en Nigeria  2/5/02 AIN, Cuba: La Habana, (AIN) Orlaida Cabrera Gutiérrez fue designada por el Consejo de Estado, embajadora extraordinaria y plenipotenciaria de la República de Cuba en la República Federal de Nigeria. Cabrera Gutiérrez ocupaba el cargo de directora de Africa y Medio Oriente en el Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos.

More than 100 stage civil disobedience event in Matanzas  2/5/02 CubaNet: "The political police forcefully broke up a prayer meeting by about 100 dissidents on Sunday, February 3 in Pedro Betancourt, Matanzas province." Pedro Betancourt, home of many santeros and paleros, who were most likely not present at this Christian event. In the Cuban context, this means white. As for Miami criticism of this event, where are they when it comes to the daily assault on moslems and people of color in the US?

Survival through illegality  2/4/02 CubaNet: outlines some real problems, though through the lenses of the Miami Mafia…

Fidel and Fox like two good friends  2/4/02 Granma 

Sol Melia opens hotel in Cuba  2/4/02 Hoover's: more eurotourism…

New plaque in State Capitol tells of war in Philippines  2/4/02 Minneapolis Star Tribune: exact parallel to Cuba: "The first plaque in the Capitol says the 13th Minnesota All Volunteer Infantry "battled to free the oppressed peoples of the Philippines, who suffered under the despotic rule of Spain." But actually, the war against Spain was almost over by the time the Minnesotans got there, the Study Group says. The Filipinos were close to defeating the Spanish and had already declared independence. Most of the battles listed on that plaque were fought by the United States against Filipinos in a subsequent war now known as the Philippine-American War. When U.S. ground forces arrived, Spain surrendered and ceded the Philippines to the United States. The Filipinos, however, insisted on full independence, and tensions between the United States and the Philippines grew fierce. Historians say 200,000 to 600,000 Filipinos were killed. After the U.S. victory, the Philippines remained under U.S. rule. Independence was granted in 1946."

Caribbean Community wants to strengthen ties to Cuba  2/4/02 Northern Light: "CARICOM spokesman Belizean Salvador Figueroa told EFE that regional governments are interested in increasing cooperation with Cuba. Figueroa highlighted Cuba's progress in health and education while noting that CARICOM is drawing up a list of areas in which it seeks to boost ties with Cuba. The agenda for the CARICOM meeting of heads of state and government that opened on Monday includes a review of Cuba's role in community trade negotiations, a source close to the meeting told EFE. In July 2000, Cuba and CARICOM signed an agreement to immediately eliminate duties on some products while gradually reducing tariffs on other goods over the following five years."

The Lost Children  2/3/02 CBS News: This story parallels the plight of the thousands of Cuban children separated from their families in the name of anticommunism. Some 10,000 British street children were sent to Australia for servitude with the Catholic organization, Christian Brothers Academy, and never told their parents were alive and, in many cases, wanted them back! See Alberto Jones' Honoring a Mass Kidnapper: Monsignor Walsh,

Bush hires hard-liners to handle Cuba policy  2/3/02 NYT 

Califica Presidente de México de muy importante su viaje a Cuba  2/3/02 Prensa Latina: "Es un viaje muy importante para nosotros. Lo hacemos al inicio de nuestro mandato porque queremos estrechar más las relaciones con Cuba", declaró Fox a la prensa a su llegada al aeropuerto internacional capitalino, donde fue recibido por el ministro cubano de Relaciones Exteriores, Felipe Pérez Roque."

BENIN'S FOREIGN MINISTER SATISFIED WITH CUBAN VISIT  2/3/02 Radio Havana: "Benin's Foreign Minister recalled that his country's cooperation with the island began in 1974 adding that many leaders, doctors, professors and engineers from his nation had been professionally trained in Cuba."

Two Dead, Hundreds Sick in Cuban Dengue Outbreak  2/1/02 ABC News 

A faculty of medicine operates in Haiti under Cuban advisory  2/1/02 AIN, Cuba: "Santiago de Cuba, February 2(ain) A new faculty of medicine was inaugurated in Haiti as part of the colaboration that Cuba is developing in that Caribbean country, one of the poorest in the world. Over two dozens of Cuban professors are working in this institution to accelerate the academic formation of future Haitian medicine professionals. This is the first faculty of some 20 that Cuba will promote in Third World countries. It is sited in the Haitian capital and there some 120 students are receiving their preparation which will last over six years."

Argentina bows to U.S. human rights maneuver against Cuba  2/1/02 Granma: "Pérez Roque explained, "Intensive efforts are being made by the United States with Latin American foreign ministries. Meetings at the highest level, hectic trips, envoys traveling here and there, State Department consultations with a certain European country with strong influence in Latin America, to convince several Latin American states to sponsor a resolution on the subject. Desperate efforts on the part of the Czech Republic to find someone to shoulder the burden, in the fear of once again having to present the anti-Cuba resolution, trips by Czechs around Latin America, draft documents being drawn up…"

Cuba host to Colombian talks  1/30/02 CNN 

Computer sales limited to government entities  1/30/02 CubaNet 

The Cuban Bin Laden  1/30/02 Granma: "Otto Reich’s principal task as ambassador to Venezuela was to free Orlando Bosch, that diabolical pediatrician and CIA tool, and his accomplice Posada Carriles, after they masterminded the sabotage of a Cuban airliner off Barbados. Working for the FBI, Bosch advocated, encouraged, organized and personally participated in acts of terrorism within the United States and in other countries. The State Department denied him a visa in 1987 because of his criminal past and his implication in terrorism, and Associate Attorney General Joe D. Whitley described him as a public danger. Nevertheless, he still walks the streets of Miami freely and continues to incite and organize attacks in that terrorist sanctuary, while the five Cuban patriots who risked their lives to prevent those attacks have received life terms. Is there really a war against terrorism?"

Colombian Peace Talks Held in Cuba  1/30/02 San Francisco Examiner 

Castro says Fox can expect special treatment, traditional hospitality during visit to Cuba  1/30/02 Sun Sentinel, Fort Lauderdale 

Put Cuba in Its Proper Place  1/29/02 Chicago Tribune 

Illinois Governor talks with executives in Cuba  1/29/02 Granma 

Jimmy Carter invited to Cuba  1/29/02 Ledger Enquirer, Columbus, OH 

Miami officers shoot 2d suspect  1/26/02 Boston Globe: at it again…

Illinois governor calls for end to trade blockade of Cuba  1/26/02 Granma 

US UNIVERSITY STUDENTS MEET THEIR CUBAN COUNTERPARTS  1/26/02 Radio Havana: Sister Cities in action: "A visiting delegation of students and professors from the University of Pittsburgh participated in a cultural event on Thursday evening with their Cuban counterparts from the Camilo Cienfuegos University in central Matanzas province."

SOUTH AFRICAN DELEGATION TOURS HAVANA'S SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS  1/23/02 Radio Havana: "The South African delegation, comprised of researchers and scientists, is participating here in Havana in an international workshop to review the possibilities for South African-Cuban cooperation in the area of biotechnology and related sciences."

Our disagreement is not about fighting terrorism, but about the methods used to fight terrorism  1/22/02 Granma: "We deeply deplore the terrible blow on September 11, and we know how it feels. But we have had this terrible burden for more than 40 years. There have been 3,478 people killed in our battle against terrorism, state terrorism or the terrorists’ disciples. The United States doesn’t direct it anymore, but it does tolerate it. Furthermore, 2,099 have been maimed, not counting the thousands of injured who have completely recovered. That was constant." Raul is talking about deaths in Cuba, a proportionally far greater amounts than 9-11 for Cuba, given its population.

MATANZAS THERMOELECTRIC PLANT UNDERGOES REPAIRS  1/22/02 Radio Havana: "At the time, when the Matanzas thermoelectric plant resumes operations in April, it should be ready to generate up to 90 percent of the demand for electricity on the island, using Cuban crude oil. It would also save tens of thousands of dollars by substituting imported fuel."

DUSTING OFF HISTORY THE U.S. AND CUBA: THE NAVAL BASE AT GUANTANAMO  1/22/02 Radio Progresso, Miami: "Some historians blame the U.S. Army itself for the Maine explosion. Others attribute the act – in which hundreds of sailors died, mostly black – to certain autonomous Cuban groups that opposed the war of independence waged by the patriots since 1895, which had brought the Spanish government to the brink of defeat. The autonomists hoped for Cuba's annexation to the United States, rather than its independence." The spiritual ancestors of the Miami Cuban right wing were not going to let Cuba fall into the hands of the Mambi Army of Liberation, which was 90% black.

Sanaa envoy to try to meet Yemenis held by US in Cuba  1/21/02 Zawya: the treck to Gitmo: "Yemen's ambassador to Havana has been instructed to visit Yemeni prisoners held at a US naval base in Cuba on suspicion of links to prime terror suspect Osama bin Laden, the SABA news agency said Monday."

Cantwell says Castro open to trade  1/20/02 Seattle Times: "Tim McGreevy is placing his bets on Cuba. The administrator of the Washington Dry Pea and Lentil Commission thinks the island nation is the remedy to Washington's ailing legume industries."

Prominent Americans studying U.S. policy toward Cuba wrap up trip  1/20/02 Sun Sentinel, Fort Lauderdale: "Members of the delegation included former Texas Gov. Ann Richards; Alexander F. Watson, former Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs; Harriet Fulbright, president of the Fulbright International Center; Peter Magowan, president and managing general partner of the San Francisco Giants; and Msgr. Thomas Wenski, auxiliary bishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Miami."

Brutal conditions inside Cuban cage  1/20/02 Sydney Morning Herald: and no, it's not a Cuban prison, it's an American one!

FBI ayuda a policía cubana a investigar asesinato en la Isla  1/19/02 Encuentro: first ever cooperation between FBI and Cuban police over slaying of 5 near Matanzas last December. At least the FBI is gainfully employed there!

Bush imposes Reich on Latin America  1/18/02 Granma 

Castro charms delegation visiting Cuba from Northwest  1/18/02 Miami Herald 

Bush pospone el título III de la ley Helms-Burton  1/17/02 Miami Herald: very hard to find this AP story in English. When Clinton did this regularly, the Miami Mafia made a lot of noise. Dead silence now!

FBI agents helping probe multiple murder in Cuba  1/17/02 South Florida Sun Sentinel 

Cuban exiles split on housing Afghan suspects at US base  1/16/02 Boston Globe: "''What worries me most is the thought that the US was making deals with Castro,'' said Jose Basulto, president of Brothers to the Rescue, an anti-Castro group. ''It's a very strange situation to think of, negotiating a space for terrorists with a terrorist.'' So says the terrorist himself!

En la isla el jefe de la Interpol  1/15/02 El Nuevo Herald 

DELEGATION FROM MASSACHUSETTS VISITS CENTERS FOR DISABLED CHILDREN  1/15/02 Radio Havana: "The Access Project includes people from different religious groups and professional occupations. Their aim is to help build bridges of friendship between the United States and Cuba."

Straw protests over al-Qaeda prisoners  1/15/02 Times, UK: this from a conservative, Murdoc paper: "Disclosure of Mr Straw’s conversation came as Labour MPs condemned the treatment of the prisoners. Doug Henderson, a former Armed Forces Minister, said: “The Americans are going to have to watch out or they will be seen as the terrorists. They may not have a legal obligation to treat the prisoners properly, but they do have a moral and political obligation.” Hooding of prisoners is outlawed in Britain and there is also concern about the prospect of some of the prisoners facing the death penalty."

Despite a ban, some Americans sun in Cuba  1/14/02 Corpus Christi Caller Times: "Roberto de Armas, an official in the U.S. section of the Cuban Foreign Ministry, said that last year, 140,000 Cuban-Americans visited Cuba legally, along with 78,000 other U.S. citizens, some legal and some not."

Cambian los números de teléfono en la capital  1/14/02 Encuentro: mapping old to new phone numbers.

Six al-Qaeda Britons sent to Cuba jail  1/14/02 Times, UK: let's see how the Brits like secret military tribunal and POW maltreatment…these prisonners will be next to Guantanamo city, the site of one of the largest concentration of West Indians in Cuba, a number of whom still hold British passports!

Honoring a Mass Kidnapper: Monsignor Walsh  1/13/02 AfroCubaWeb: Alberto Jones sets the record straight on Monsignor Walsh who kidnapped 14,000 Cubans in Operation Pedro Pan, with even less justification than in the case of Elian Gonzalez. The mass media thinks of him as a good man and the left seems to have forgotten the episode.

Pedro Pan—'60s evacuation of Cuban kids created broken families  1/13/02 Chicago Tribune: 1998 article on Monsignor Walsh's Pedro Pan operation

La pobreza golpea a los orientales  1/13/02 El Nuevo Herald: what they fail to mention is the disastrous impact of the Guantanamo US Naval Base on the economy of Oriente: it takes up the best deep water port in the Caribbean for US fantasies.

Elian not the first Cuban child kidnapped  1/13/02 Green Left Weekly: Feb 2000 article gives some Pedro Pan history. The author, Deborah Shnookal, is also the author of a book, Operation Pedro Pan:The Exodus of the Cuban Children (1960-62) -- A case study in Cold War psychological warfare.

Castro: Newest U.S. Ally?  1/13/02 Washington Post 

Harsh conditions for Afghan prisoners  1/12/02 BBC: how petty. Now if Cuba were to do this, we'd never hear the end of it. Al Qaeda prisonners will be exposed to dengue carrying mosquitoes with halogen lights on all night to attract them.

Guantanamo Locals Aloof to Transfer of Afghan Prisoners  1/12/02 Black World Today 

Right to Travel Questionnaire for USCSCA and Senator Dorgan  1/12/02 USCSCA: Questionnaire in support of Congressional Hearings

Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) to Hold Hearings on Right To Travel  1/12/02 USCSCA: Senator Byron Dorgan (ND) has agreed to hold hearing on OFAC's mismanagement of travel licenses and on the right to travel. Links and petition on this site.

Lengthy Backlog of Cuba Travel Cases  1/11/02 AP 

Reich, Scalia Given Recess Appointments  1/11/02 CNS News: Herr Otto Reich - even the folks at State hold their nose over this one…

Otto Reich Appointed during Senate Recess  1/11/02 LAWG 

Cuban Statement on US Use of Guantanamo  1/11/02 Radio Havana 

Diven will bankroll a trade trip to Cuba  1/10/02 Pittsburgh Tribune Review: "HARRISBURG – A state legislator from Brookline is promoting a trip to Cuba next month in an effort to develop markets for Pennsylvania agriculture even though the state Agriculture Department frowns on trade with the Communist island nation because of a U.S. embargo."

Dengue fever threatens Cuban capital  1/9/02 CubaNet: story by Maimi Mafia, does not mention that dengue is a suspected bioterrorism agent

Avalanche of Americans?  1/9/02 Granma, Cuba 

Denial of Cuba visit criticized  1/9/02 Miami Herald: "In denying a leading U.S. agribusiness group the right to travel to Cuba, the Treasury Department has touched off complaints that it has no fixed guidelines on who should be allowed to visit the island."

Freedom Fast: The Oscar Biscet project  1/9/02 National Review: The rightist National Review must love Biscet, whose main platform has been anti-abortion and who is not regarded in Cuba as representative of any main stream.

Cuba sets de facto moratorium on executions  1/9/02 Sun Sentinel, Fort Lauderdale 

U.S. Representatives Dine With Castro  1/8/02 AP: "The U.S. lawmakers arrived in Cuba on Thursday, accompanied by Sally Grooms Cowal, president of the Cuba Policy Foundation, a Washington-based anti-embargo group, and Cuba specialist Phil Peters of the Lexington Institute, a public policy organization in Arlington, Va."

American opponents of US trade embargo against Cuba predict warming  1/8/02 CNN: "My prediction for 2002, despite the events of September 11 and a 40-year history, is that we may see some dramatic breakthroughs," Sally Grooms Cowal said as she wrapped up a visit to the island with six U.S. representatives of Congress."

Guantánamo Naval Base, Anti-Terrorism and US/Cuban Relations  1/8/02 Counterpunch: "Even more peculiar is the fact that the U.S. State Department in its most recent 2001 report on "international terrorism" claims that Cuba harbors and supports terrorists. Then why set up the tribunals and the prison facilities on the island? Obviously the U.S. military consider that Cuba does not present any real terrorist threat, despite what the State Department has claimed. So, which side of the US government is correct?"

Nuevas demandas contra gobierno de Cuba  1/8/02 El Nuevo Herald, Miami 

Sen. Specter slams U.S. House over Cuba  1/8/02 WorldNetDaily: from a right wing publication - "Last week's meeting, in which Sen. Lincoln Chafee, R-R.I., also participated, included a discussion on possible Cuban cooperation in America's war on terrorism. "Cuba has vast intelligence sources around the globe," Specter stated, according to an AP report."

Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Cuban Remittance Affidavit  1/7/02 Cryptome: Cuban Remittance Affidavits: "Estimated Number of Respondents: 1,000,000 filers per quarter, each filing four times a year."

2 senators seek Cuba links  1/7/02 Miami Herald 

It's Time to End the Embargo of Cuba!  1/7/02 National Black Chamber of Commerce: "There is an immense and painful restraint of trade being inflicted on 12 million people (80% with African lineage)."

1,500 U.S. Troops Headed to Base in Cuba to Deal With Al Qaeda, Taliban Prisoners  1/6/02 Fox News 

Committed to Cuba  1/6/02 Mobile Register: And just what are those ties, Mr. Nodine? - ""If I were a taxpayer of Mobile, I would want to know why he (Dow) is doing this and what has he got to show for it." Nodine, who has personal and political ties to his native South Florida, said he has sent letters to the United States Treasury and State departments to question Dow's use of $2,400 in city funds to make the most recent trip." Nodine is a Mobile City Councilor who opposes the Sister City relationship.

Enlazadas Matanzas y Ciudad de La Habana por fibra óptica  1/5/02 Notinet: welcome news!

Fidel hold a pleasant dialogue with young business men from all over the world  1/4/02 AIN, Cuba 

Cubans in Search of a Second Miami  1/4/02 Black World Today: "Nearly all of the Cubans defecting to Spain are under 40, which means they were born before the socialist government of Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba, in 1959. ''They come to Spain not knowing anything about life here. They come to seek a livelihood and to earn money to send home to their families back home in Cuba,'' said Comella."

Santeros predicen éxodos y golpes de Estado  1/4/02 El Nuevo Herald 

Cuban priests predict world tragedy in 2002  1/4/02 Sun Sentinel, Fort Lauderdale 

Fallan en favor de la Bacardí  1/3/02 AP: classic AP spin on a story where the WTO still finds the law favoring Bacardi illegal!

Cuba records lowest infant mortality rate  1/3/02 BBC 

Delahunt, Lynch go to Cuba  1/3/02 Boston Globe 

Treasury Department could investigate Tyson's trip to Cuba  1/3/02 EFE: "As soon as it was learned that Tyson had gone to Cuba to spend the year-end holidays, Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart (Rep.-FL) and the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) demanded a Treasury Department investigation into the trip." OF course their relatives go down all the time as Cuban Americans exempt from the travel ban! The Miami Mafia has banned Americans from their country!

Hundreds Of Americans Head To Cuba  1/3/02 Guardian, UK 

US SENATORS AND OPPONENTS OF BLOCKADE AGAINST CUBA ARRIVE IN HAVANA  1/3/02 Radio Havana: "An outspoken opponent of Washington's blockade against Cuba, Sally Grooms Cowal, has arrived in Havana, along with seven congressional representatives. Grooms Cowal, former U.S. ambassador in Trinidad and Tobago, is president of the Cuba Policy Foundation."

GOP senators meet with Cuban opposition; seven from House to visit  1/2/02 AP: "Seven members of the House of Representatives, six Democrats and a Republican, are scheduled to arrive on Thursday."

Slave ship replica to offer Miami lesson in tolerance, social change  1/2/02 Miami Herald 

Ties with Cuba hold promise  1/2/02 Seattle Post Intelligence: "Material self-interest isn't always the best reason to do something, but it has its positive sides, that's for sure. One can already purchase Washington State apples in Cuba, for between 60 and 75 cents each, "smuggled" via Canada and other countries to the island. But how many more apples, and how much lower a price, could get to Cuba if relations between our two countried were normalized, as they should be? Though the P-I editors don't mention it, we can surely salute the dedicated work of the US-Cuba Sister Cities Association headed by Lisa Valanti for consistent and persistent work to help expand communications between the two nations who so sorely need it. I'd suggest people write letters to the P-I thanking them for their position and reinforcing it." - Walter Lippman,

Destacan dignidad de familiares de cubanos detenidos en EE.UU.  1/1/02 Prensa Latina 

Tyson Threatens Journalists in Cuba Hotel Fracas  1/1/02 Reuters 

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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