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Bio-War against CubaFrom time to time since 1959 there have been reports of plagues spread by
US and Cuban American forces in Cuba. One of the most recent of
these was the 1996 Thrips Palmi infestation in the Province of Matanzas, a
cradle of African culture in Cuba. If you read the protest note to
the UN written by the Cubans, you can observe how the American government
entangled itself in a web of contradictions trying to defend against the
accusations. Biowar Against Cuba, Alberto Jones, 1999 Bioterrorism accusations against Cuba, 2002 Not even the Bees, Granma, 3/24/00 |
Continua la guerra biológica contra #Cuba 12/9/2018 Contrabloqueo: "La
verdad salió a flote en 1984, durante el juicio que le celebraba en New York a
Eduardo Arocena, agente de la CIA, por asesinar al diplomático cubano Félix
García, destacado en la misión ante la ONU. Sin pudor alguno Arocena declaró:
“La misión del grupo encabezado por mí, era obtener ciertos gérmenes patógenos e
introducirlos en Cuba”."
Where Cuba Fits in
the Newly Declassified JFK Files 11/2/2017 Havana Times: by Ferdinando
Ravsberg - "The biological war also affected humans. In the ‘80s, there was a
surprising outbreak of Haemorrhagic Dengue Fever, a very lethal disease which
didn’t exist in Cuba. It caused 154 fatalities, there were 110 children among
the victims. This was carried out by an opposition group based in and protected
by the US. The fact was confirmed by the anti-Castro Cuban-American Eduardo
Arocena before a US District Court in New York in 1984."
JFK Files Reveal US Plotted to Use Biological Weapons in Cuba 10/29/2017 teleSUR: "During
a meeting with top-ranking officials on Sept. 6, 1962, U.S. General and Deputy
Director of Central Intelligence Marshall Carter said, “biological agents
disguised as substances of natural origin” can be employed to destroy crops in
Cuba. Others present at the meeting, which took place only six weeks prior to
the Cuban Missile Crisis, included National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy;
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy; Air Force Gen. Edward Lansdale, who led
clandestine operations against Cuba; and Edward R. Murrow, the famous broadcast
reporter who was serving at the time as the director of the U.S. Information
Agency, according to National Public Radio."
Study Confirms that US Introduced Dengue Fever in Cuba in 1981 2/1/2016 Cubadebate: "After
analyzing the sequences of strains of different moments of the epidemic they
noticed that, even though all were similar in New Guinea in 1944, there were
differences between Cuban strains. That is, that the virus underwent changes
during the epidemic period. That fact rejects the hypothesis of contamination of
laboratory, as if it were that all strains tested should have the same sequence.
Also, it supports the fact that the epidemic broke out at three points in the
country at the same time the Cuban complaint: Eastern, Central, and West."
Fever Outbreak Leads Back to CIA & Army Experiments 7/17/2010 Voltaire
Net: "As early as the 1950s, the army’s Fort Detrick in partnership with the CIA
launched a multi-million dollar research program under which dengue fever and
several addition exotic diseases were studied for use in offensive biological
warfare attacks. Indeed, as several CIA documents, as well as the findings of a
1975 Congressional committee reveal that 3 sites in Florida, Key West, Panama
City, and Avon Park, as well as 2 other locations in central Florida, were used
for experiments with mosquito borne dengue fever and other biological
substances. The experiments in Avon Park, about 170 miles from Miami, were
covertly conducted in a low-income African American neighborhood that contained
several newly constructed public housing projects. CIA documents related to
Project/NAOMI clearly indicate that the mosquitoes used in Avon Park were the
Aedes aegypti type. Interestingly, at the same time experiments were conducted
in Florida there were at least two cases of dengue fever reported among civilian
researchers at Fort Detrick in Maryland. Avon Park residents still living in the
area say that the experiments resulted in “at least 6 or 7 deaths"."
CIA Link to Cuban Pig Virus Reported 4/28/2009 SF Chronicle: published
1/1977 - "However, on the basis of numerous interviews over four months with
U.S. intelligence sources, Cuban exiles and scientists concerning the outbreak —
which occurred two years after then-President Nixon had banned the use of
offensive chemical and biological warfare — Newsday was able to piece together
this account of events leading up to the outbreak. The U.S. intelligence source
said that early in 1971 he was given the virus in a sealed, unmarked container
at Ft. Gulick, an Army base in the Panama Canal Zone. The CIA also operates a
paramilitary training center for career personnel and mercenaries at Ft. Gulick.
The source said he was given instructions to turn the container with the virus
over to members of an anti-Castro group. The container then was given to a
person in the Canal Zone, who took it by boat and turned it over to persons
aboard a fishing trawler off the Panamanian coast. The source said the substance
was not identified to him until months after the outbreak in Cuba. He would not
elaborate further."
Riley Housewright, Microbiologist, Dies at 89 1/17/2003 NY Times: "One of
Dr. Housewright's projects in the 1960's was developing agents that could kill
or incapacitate large numbers of Cubans in preparing for an invasion of Cuba. In
an interview for the book "Germs: Biological Weapons and America's Secret War"
(Simon & Schuster, 2001), written by Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg and
William J. Broad, reporters for The New York Times, he said such an action would
be "a good thing" because it would save American lives. "It was not the same as
putting an atomic bomb down their throat, which would have been just as easy or
easier to deliver," he said. "It was a humane act." Dr. Housewright was
scientific director of the United States Army Biological Laboratories at Fort
Detrick, Md., from 1956 to 1970, when President Richard M. Nixon banned
offensive biological weapons." Su nombre era en la prenda de Padillo.
Castro Says Anthrax Less Serious Than a Cold 10/25/2001 Reuters: Fidel,
whose land has had to face numerous acts of bioterrorism: ``Studied properly,
anthrax is less serious than a cold,'' he said in a speech Wednesday in the
eastern city of Santiago de Cuba. ``There are appropriate medicines to make the
bacteria disappear very quickly.''
the midst of the outbreak of the mosquito-borne disease, Fidel Castro, the Cuban
leader, publicly suggested that the United States might have bee n responsible
for the introduction of a new strain of dengue fever, known as dengue-2, into
Las pruebas de una verdad Por Juan Hermida Ahora que tanto espacio dedican algunos medios de prensa para reproducir acusaciones de funcionarios del gobierno de Estados Unidos contra Cuba por supuesta producción de armas biológicas, es bueno reiterar que ese gobierno tan "democrático" es el que desde hace más de 40 años practica contra la Isla una guerra económica, el terrorismo y la agresión biológica. Informes desclasificados de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA por sus siglas en inglés) prueban que en fecha tan temprana como 1962 pusieron en práctica acciones biológicas. Según esas fuentes, en 1961-62, la CIA organizó la vasta Operación Mangoose (Mangosta), que incluía incapacitar a los trabajadores azucareros durante la cosecha, utilizando medios químicos para enfermarlos. En 1972 fue introducido en Cuba el virus de la fiebre porcina, lo que obligó a sacrificar más de medio millón de cerdos; y, entre 1979 y 1981, cuatro plagas que afectaron a personas y cultivos: la conjuntivitis hemorrágica, el dengue, la roya de la caña de azúcar y el moho azul del tabaco. Sólo en sus primeras semanas, el dengue hemorrágico afectó a 200 mil seres humanos en la Isla, de los cuales murieron 158, entre ellos 101 niños. En el propio 1979, el diario The Washington Post informó que la CIA tenía un programa contra la agricultura cubana y que desde 1962, los especialistas del Pentágono fabricaban agentes biológicos para estos fines. Ante un jurado norteamericano, Eduardo Arosena, líder del grupo terrorista Omega 7, reconoció en 1984 haber participado en una operación para introducir gérmenes como parte de la guerra biológica contra Cuba. A fin de impedir acciones de este tipo, se encontraban en Estados Unidos los cinco cubanos condenados injustamente el pasado año en un proceso amañado y corrupto, silenciado a la opinión pública mundial y en el cual han sido violadas regulaciones constitucionales de ese gobierno. La página más horrible de la guerra biológica fue la introducción del dengue hemorrágico. Entre el primero de junio y el 10 de octubre de 1981 se notificaron 344 mil 203 casos de dengue; pero de ellos más de 30 mil eran casos hemorrágicos y 10 mil cumplían todos los criterios de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para ser considerados fiebre hemorrágica y choque por dengue. Pero no sólo se introdujo el virus, sino que se negó la posibilidad de adquirir en Estados Unidos el abate, producto químico para eliminar el agente transmisor, el mosquito Aedes aegypti. Hubo que desplazar aviones a Europa y Japón para adquirirlo. La Demanda del Pueblo Cubano al gobierno de Estados Unidos por daños humanos, proceso judicial que culminó en una condena al país agresor en mayo del año 2000, señala: "Las investigaciones y los estudios minuciosos llevados a cabo condujeron a la evidencia de que la epidemia fue introducida deliberadamente en el territorio nacional por agentes al servicio del gobierno de Estados Unidos. "Especialistas norteamericanos en guerra biológica habían sido los únicos en obtener una variedad de mosquito Aedes aegypti sensiblemente asociada a la transmisión del virus dos, (que fue el que entró a Cuba y no estaba circulando en ese momento en el mundo. NR) según informó el coronel Phillis Rossell, en el XIV Congreso Internacional del Océano Pacífico, efectuado en 1979, solo dos años antes de que se desatara la brutal epidemia en Cuba. "Constituye un elemento significativo el hecho de que en 1975 el científico norteamericano Charles Henry Kalisher, en una visita a Cuba, se interesó y obtuvo información sobre la existencia de anticuerpos al dengue en la población cubana y la no existencia en la misma, por lo menos en 45 años, de anticuerpos del virus dos. "En el juicio celebrado en 1984, en Estados Unidos, contra Eduardo Arosena, cabecilla de la organización terrorista Omega 7, este confesó paladinamente haber introducido gérmenes en Cuba y reconoció que la fiebre del dengue hemorrágico fue introducida en la Isla a través de grupos afines de origen cubano radicados en Estados Unidos." Estas son pruebas, y no mentiras como la del subsecretario del Departamento de Estado, John Bolton, al fantasear que La Habana produce armas biológicas. LA GUERRA BIOLÓGICA DE EEUU CONTRA CUBA (II final) Por Juan Hermida Especial para la AIN El gobierno de los Estados Unidos ha aplicado formas de guerra biológica contra los esfuerzos cubanos por garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de su población. En cuanto se incrementaba una línea de producción agropecuaria, aparecía una enfermedad, una nueva plaga y los productores y científicos del país han estado durante más de 40 años enfrentando esta agresión. Desde 1978 y hasta 1996 se detectaron cinco entidades exóticas: en 18 años, una cada mil 315 días. Desde 1997 hasta 1999 se detectaron ocho: una cada 137 días. Esto trajo por consecuencia gastos para el enfrentamiento por dos mil 158 millones de dólares, con otros adicionales cada año en el orden de los 59 millones de dólares. de invertirse este dinero en el desarrollo de la agricultura u otros renglones económicos, ¿cuánto se habría hecho? Hay pruebas de estas acusaciones, y no especulaciones como las del señor Bolton al acusar a Cuba como productora de armas biológicas. Están los casos de la broca del café, que apareció practicamente en el centro del macizo montañoso de la oriental Sierra Maestra; el ácaro del arroz, una plaga que no es ni del entorno y hallada en una finca donde se producía la semilla básica para el desarrollo de ese cultivo. Uno de los más notorios fue el de el Thrips palmi. El 21 de octubre de 1996, a las 12:08 horas, una aeronave de fumigación modelo S2R, con matrícula N-3093M del registro de Aeronaves Civiles de Estados Unidos operada por el Departamento de Estado de ese país, volaba sobre tierras cubanas, de norte a sur, rociando de manera intermitente -unas siete veces- sustancias desconocidas. Los hechos son detectados por los tripulantes del vuelo regular de Cubana de Aviación CU 710, que cubría el itinerario Habana-Las Tunas y sobrevolaba en ese momento el corredor aéreo Girón en la región occidental de Cuba. El 18 de diciembre de ese año aparecen en la provincia de Matanzas los primeros indicios de la presencia de la plaga sobre cultivos de papa. El Trips palmi fue detectado en Asia en 1925, por naturaleza es muy resistente a los insecticidas químicos, le favorecen las altas temperaturas y la sequía. Por esas características, su rápida multiplicación y porque ocasiona en poco tiempo grandes daños en los cultivos, está en la lista de insectos aptos para ser utilizados como instrumentos de lucha biológica. Aunque fue dirigida principalmente contra el cultivo de la papa, también afectó sembradíos de frijol, pepino, pimiento, berenjena y habichuela, Era imposible la existencia del Thrips palmi con anterioridad, pues ya desde 1988 existía en Cuba un programa de defensa por los daños que causó en República Dominicana y se hacían encuestas dirigidas a localizarlo. Si hubiera sido por distribución natural, era detectable porque no vuela a grandes distancias. Sin embargo, apareció en el centro de la provincia, por debajo del corredor aéreo donde se detectó la aeronave, lejos de las provincias orientales, que eran las cercanas a los lugares donde había aparecido antes: Haití y República Dominicana. A finales de 1962 se produjo un primer ataque contra la avicultura cubana, con acelerado desarrollo en esos años, por medio de la enfermedad de Newcastle. El primer brote aconteció en la occidental provincia de Pinar del Río después de haber utilizado una vacuna contra la viruela aviar. Fue descubierto que la vacuna había sido contaminada con el virus del Newcastle en los Laboratorios de Productos Veterinarios en que se producía, lo cual fue corroborado en un juicio donde se determinó la responsabilidad individual en esa acción contrarrevolucionaria que produjo la muerte a más de un millón de aves y pérdidas por alrededor de tres millones y medio de pesos. Posteriormente, en junio de 1971, se detectó el primer brote de Peste Porcina Africana, una enfermedad propia de África que no existía en ese momento en este hemisferio, y que vuelve a introducirse en 1980 en la oriental provincia de Guantánamo, con la incidencia de grandes perjuicios económicos. Sobre ambos casos existe un amplio expediente que pone al descubierto la participación directa de la CIA y grupos contrarrevolucionarios radicados en Estados Unidos. En agosto de 1981, en una empresa pecuaria de Placetas -región central de Cuba-, aparece la pseudodermatosis nodular bovina, que ocasionó inmensas pérdidas. Un especialista francés en la materia declaró: "No me explico técnicamente cómo se pudo haber introducido la enfermedad en Cuba, ya que la vía fundamental de transmisión es por el contacto de animal afectado al animal susceptible". Evidentemente la enfermedad fue introducida. La mamilitis ulcerativa en la ganadería vacuna en 1989, y en 1993 la enfermedad hemorrágica viral del conejo son otras agresiones biológicas contra programas cubanos para el desarrollo alimentario a los cuales se sumó en 1996, la varroasis, la enfermedad más grave de las abejas, aparecida donde estaba casi el 30 por ciento de la producción apícola del país. En todos esos casos está probada la aplicación de guerra biológica. Con un historial tan sucio ¿qué moral tiene el gobierno norteamericano para acusar a la Mayor de las Antillas, sin una sola prueba ? |
Geneva, July 25 (RHC)--The United States today refused to adopt a draft protocol enforcing a l972 international treaty prohibiting plans and production of biological weapons for 30 years. U.S. ambassador Donald Mahley made the announcement in Geneva, where the document has been under discussion since Monday. He claimed that Washington opposes the agreement because the verification protocol "places national security and confidential information at risk" and he flatly stated that the United States cannot support the text that is the result of six years of negotiations. The original 1972 Convention on Biological and Toxic Weapons, ratified by nearly 140 nations including the United States, lacks control mechanisms on its application. The discussions in Geneva centered on introducing the appropriate controls, including inspections of factories and laboratories and controls on the export of materials for civilian and military use. Barbara Rosenberg, president of a working group on biological weapons of the American Federation of Scientists, was an observer to the negotiations. She said that Washington's refusal to back the protocol is based on ideology, and charged that the United States, the world's only superpower, does not want its hands tied by any multilateral treaties, since it feels it has enough economic and military might to achieve what it wants without any type of limitations. The FAS scientist noted that U.S. biotechnology and pharmeuctical transnationals have been lobbying against the protocol claiming that the inspections could be used by other countries to steal trade secrets, while the European companies, many of them are subsidiaries of U.S. corporations, have made no such claims. Rosenberg dismissed the U.S. explanation, noting that the protocol offers more confidentiality than the Convention on Chemical Arms, which Washington ratified in l997. Many European Union diplomats share that view, commenting that the Bush administration appears bent on rescinding any multilateral cooperation that could prejudice its interests. |
Protest Note from the Cuban side
NATIONS ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL. UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY 29 APRIL 1997 Fifty-second session - Item 80 of the preliminary list: CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION AND STOCKPILING OF BACTERIOLOGICAL (BIOLOGICAL) AND TOXIN WEAPONS AND ON THEIR DESTRUCTION. Note verbale dated 28 April 1997 from the Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General. The Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations presents its compliments to the Secretary-General and, with regard to item 80 of the preliminary list, has the honour to convey hereby a report on the appearance in Cuba of the Thrips palmi plague (see annex). In this respect, the Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations, following instructions from its Government, kindly requests that the present letter and the attached report be circulated to all Member States as an official document of the General Assembly. Annex Information about the appearance in Cuba of the Thrips palmi plague. I.- Description of the facts. 1- On 21 October 1996, at 10.08 hours, crew members of scheduled flight CU- 170 of Cubana de Aviacion (Cuban Airlines), on board a Fokker-27 aircraft, flying region of Cuba, noticed a single- engine airplane flying from north to south, at about 1, 000 feet (300 metres) above them, apparently spraying or sprinkling unknown substances - some seven times - in an intermittent manner. 2- At that very moment, Cubana de Aviacion Fokker aircraft was located 25 to 30 kilo metres south of Varadero, in Matanzas Province., flying at an altitude of 9, 000 feet and at a speed of 400 kilo metres per hour. 3- According to scheduled flights, objective radar control and recordings of radio conversations between the airplanes and ground control when the south in a course perpendicular to the Cubana de Aviacion flight was a fumigation aircraft Model SAR, register N3093M, of the civilian aircraft registry of the United States of America, operated by the State Department of that country, as stated in the flight authorization requested to the Institute registry of civilian aircraft . The above-mentioned airplane had taken off from Patrick United States Air Force Base, in Cocoa Beach in the state of Florida, bound for Grand Cayman. 4- The Cubana pilot immediately reported to flight control on the release of unknown substances, in the form of a white or greyish mist, by the SAR airplane. The Cuban air controller established communication with the United States aircraft and asked whether it was having any technical problem, to which the pilot's answer was "NO". He was also asked about the type of aircraft he was flying, answering that it was a single-engine AY-65. That conversation is recorded on tape. 5- On 18 December 1996, the first signs of the presence of a Thrips plague appeared in Matanzas Province, at potato plantations of the Diamant variety, sowed 38 days before on the "Lenin" State Horticultural Farm in Javelins Municipality. Samples of these organism were sent to the Central Quarantine Laboratory of the National Pest Control Center. 6- On 26 December 1996, the Cuban ministry of Foreign Affairs presented a note of complaint to the United States Interest Section in Havana regarding the incident that had occurred in the Giron corridor, urging the United States party to take appropriate measures aimed at the clarification of the event. 7- On 12 February 1997, the United States Interest Section in Havana handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba a reply to that note, stating that on the day of the incident, the United states pilot had, during his flight, seen a Cuban commercial airplane flying below, and as he was nor certain of having seen, "following caution and safety procedures, and with the purpose of securing a positive visual contact, the pilot used the "smoke generator" of his aircraft, in order to indicate its location" adding that "the smoke vanished and no fluid was poured from the airplane". 8- On 14 February 1997, the Central Quarantine Laboratory confirmed that the insect examined was the Thrips palmi karay, exotic to Cuban territory until that moment. 9- The Thrips palmi is indigenous to Asia. Since 1985 it has scattered across certain Caribbean zones, including Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica. It is a polyphagous phytophagan that infects practically all crops, weeds and ornamental plants. It is reported to be a vector of viruses such as that known as TSWV. It is an insect of difficult diagnosis, unknown to the majority of Cuban specialists. It is self-propagated within a field, and into neighbouring ones, disseminating mostly when seedlings, fruits and vegetal material, including topsoils, are moved from one place to another. It also scatters by aerial means, particularly its larvae. It is resistant to temperature changes. Its reproductive cycle lasts between 15 and 21 days, depending on the host plant. 10- Taking into the levels of highest density of the insect population, it could be ascertained that the primary source of the outbreak was located on the above-mentioned "Lenin" State Horticultural Farm. Smaller outbreaks were pinpointed in fields close to the villages of Maximo Gomez and Bolondron, also in Matanzas Province, a few kilo metres away from the main source. 11-
In the first half of January 1997, outbreaks of the same insect were spotted in
municipalities south of Havana Province,
bordering Matanzas, affecting corn, beans, pumpkins, cucumbers and other crops. |
Map of the attack
Is U.S. waging bio-war against Cuba? - Workers World
DISARMAMENT: Cuban Charge of US Biological Warfare to be Studied
by Gustavo Capdevila
GENEVA, Aug 27, 1997 (IPS) - Cuba finally met with success in its bid to get the
signatories to the convention on biological weapons to study a complaint it filed against the United States for alleged
biological warfare.
History of Plagues against Cuba
La guerra biológica de EE.UU. contra Cuba, 3/01
History of Plagues against Cuba http://www.poptel.org.uk/cuba-solidarity/CubaSi-January/Bio.html Biowar History Time Line Allegations of BioWar as compiled by UK solidarity organization, Cuba Si Biological war waged by the US against Cuba --1962 A US intelligence agent is known to have given several thousand dollars to a Canadian to introduce a disease infecting Cuban sea-turtles. --1965 A plastic balloon descends on a farm in Santiago de las Vegas. When it hits the ground it expels a white dust that spreads to cane plantation which is later destroyed. --1968 A foreign specialist working for an international agency is expelled after he is confirmed to have introduced a virus affecting coffee crops. --1970 The US is caught seeding clouds over Cuba in an attempt to affect the sugar harvest. The project was part of a larger research plan called "The Cooling" which was intended to devise ways of manipulating the weather for political reasons. --1971 African swine fever is introduced. The Cubans claim that the container transporting the virus came from Fort Gullick, a US military base in the Panama Canal Zone. Those involved in this attack have since testified to their part. The entire pig population of Cuba had to be slaughtered. --1977 Cane smut is detected in Pilón, eastern Cuba. The disease had never been known in Cuba until this date. --1978: A previously unknown variety Blue mould hits the sugar crops causing losses of approximately 344 million pesos. --1978: Sugar cane rust affects a new variety of cane imported from Barbados. As a result 1.35 million tonnes of sugar are lost. --1979-80 Two different strains of African swine fever are discovered emanating from distinct areas of contamination. 300,00 pigs are slaughtered. --1981 A previously unknown Bovine skin disease erupts affecting young cows and bullocks throughout the island. --1981 A sudden outbreak of haemorrhagic dengue fever affects 350,000 people. 158 people, including children, die from the disease. The disease is later discovered to be exactly the same strain of the disease which caused an outbreak in New Guinea in 1924 but no others in the world except the Cuban case. The outbreak had three initial breeding grounds in Cienfuegos and Camagüey, all very close to international air corridors. Just prior to the outbreak it was discovered that the entire personnel at the Guantanamo naval base had been vaccinated against dengue. As a result there was not a single case of the disease in the base. --1981 Haemorraghic conjunctivitis caused by the Enterovirus 70 strain spreads throughout the island. The Pan American Health Organisation is baffled because this strain had never been seen in the entire hemisphere before. --1982 The US magazine Covert Action, August 6, 1982, suggests the dengue outbreak might have been a CIA plot. --1984 Eduardo Arocena, a counter-revolutionary of Cuban origin and head of the Omega-7 terrorist organisation, stands trial in the US accused of the murder of Felix Garcia Rodriguez, a Cuban diplomat to the UN. Arocena confesses to having introduced 'germs' into Cuba as part of the US biological war against Cuba. He affirms that the dengue outbreak was introduced by terrorist groups into the island. --1984 An outbreak of dysentery causes the death of 18 children in Guantánamo province. Investigators pin down the start of the outbreak to two workers who had participated in a festive activity inside the Guantánamo naval base. The disease was again of a type previously unknown in Cuba. --1985 An infectious bronchitis poultry virus seriously disrupts egg production. --1989 Ulcerative mammillitis in dairy cattle caused by a herpes virus spreads throughout the island affecting milk yields. --1990 Black sigatoka, infects banana plantations throughout the island. Once again the disease had been hitherto unknown on the island. The disease appeared precisely as Cuba began to put plans into action to start intensive banana production. --1991 Acariasis disease which affects bees is discovered, just as Cuban honey starts to be exported. --1991 30,000 tobacco seedlings are discovered to be 15 per cent infected with fusorio which once in the soil means tobacco production has to be halted for three years. --1992 Black plant louse which carries a citrus disease known as tristeza (sadness) is discovered. --1994 Citric sapper blight is found in Pinar del Rio and Camagüey. --1993 122,135 rabbits have to be slaughtered after an outbreak of a viral disease. --1995 February 10. A camera case in the luggage of a visiting US scientist is found to contain four small test tubes of a biological substance. On examination it is discovered to be the citric tristeza virus. --1995 Coffee borer discovered in Granma province. Losses of 80 per cent were attributed to it and considerable resources had to be spent on containing it. --1996 Varroasis, another bee disease is diagnosed in three apiaries in Matanzas. Previously unknown in Cuba, this disease is the worst of all affecting honey production. --1996 Thrips Palmi attack in Matanzas by State Department plane. - 2018 New
Dengue Fever epidemic in Cuba |
* CIABASE * E-mail: Ralph McGehee, rmcgehee@igc.org - Thursday, 5 February 1998 - ----- _________________________________________________________________ BIO-CHEMICAL WAR ON CUBA Information from CIABASE files on bio/chem war on Cuba _________________________________________________________________ Ralph McGehee, CIABASE Source: alt.politics.org.cia * BIOLOGICAL WAR chemical war. covert action information bulletin (now covert action quarterly) 17:2-31; 18:58,59; 21:29,30; 22:16, 35; 25::3,7,26. "germ warfare disinformation," 16:60,58; "the history of U.S. bio-chemical killers," 17:5-7; "U.S. biological warfare: the 1981 Cuba dengue epidemic" 17:28-31. in afghanistan 17:13, 17,28; in Cuba 17:28-31; in korea 17:6-7; in laos 17:12 Cuba. Details CIA efforts to avoid destroying offensive biologicals ordered by pres. nixon. also cites article in the 1/9/77 issue of the Washington Post " CIA linked to 71 swine virus in Cuba." BCAS v12, #4 1980 p11-17 Cuba, 69-70 a U.S. officer passed a vial of african swine fever virus to a terrorist group. six weeks later Cuba suffered the first outbreak of swine fever in the western hemisphere; pig herds were decimated. richelson, j.t. (1985). the U.S. intelligence community 231 Cuba, 71 anti-Castro group releases anti-swine virus in Cuba and Cuban gvt forced to kill 500,000 pigs. CIA agents delivered sealed container that contained virus to Cuban group in ft. gurlick, panama canal zone. CIA paramilitary center helped train members in pm ops. minnick, w. (1992). spies and provacateurs 262 Cuba, 72-82 Cuban officials charge that the CIA infected Cuban pigs with african swine fever in the early 70s and again in the early 80s. also the us introduced mosquitos that carried bleeding dengue into Cuba in 81. hundreds of thousands became ill and 150 died. the nation 8/27/83 135 Cuba, 78-87 CIA contacted dr. eduardo sagaro gonzalez while he taking a medical course in mexico in 78. sagaro traveled to mozambique in 79 where he recruited and close to douglas james smith, the cos in maputo. CIA wanted info on fidel's health and info on pesticide reserves to combat the dengue epidemic. CIA also had asked another agent many questions relating to bio and chemical war. CIA convinced manufacturer of containers for fumigating (dengue fever) mosquitoes to make them without a head of fumigator - rendering them useless. ridenour, r. (1991). back fire: the CIA's biggest burn 77 Cuba, 79-82 when CIA agent davidson left Cuba he instructed officers bruce timpton and richard brennan to keep in touch with agronomist lopez nunez. they asked for samples of tobacco leaves. ridenour, r. (1991). back fire: the CIA's biggest burn 78 Cuba, 79 orlando argudin lopez, aka oscar aka rolando was told by his CIA handler in paris in 79 that CIA was introducing diseases to affect people and animals. ridenour, r. (1991). back fire: the CIA's biggest burn 74 Cuba, 81 300,000 people had dengue fever. two years earlier swine fever devastated the island nation. entire tobacco crop attacked by mildew; sugar cane had fungus. Cuban double agents received reporting requirements from CIA re those events. top secret 0-88 9-11 Cuba, 81 dengue fever type 2 broke out in Cuba 2 months after CIA query re topic to Cuban double agent maria santiesteban. she worked with dse for 11 years and recruited her husband, jose alberto puig aka abelardo. ridenour, r. (1991). back fire: the CIA's biggest burn 71 Cuba, 93 Cuba said an epidemic affecting eyesight - optic neuritis - may have been deliberately introduced from abroad. washington times 5/1/93 a2 Cuba, 95-97 Cuba showed a u.n. meeting against biological weapons, pictures of a U.S. op to plague Cuba with a crop-eating pest and called for an international investigation. it is the first time the biological weapons convention is dealing with a complaint under a 1991 provision that lets a nation that believes it has come under biological attack seek an investigation. a u.n. meeting on Cuba's charges ended inconclusively in geneva. in talks held under a cold war-era treaty which bans biological weapons but lacks a verification mechanism, havana failed to get the investigation it wanted and washington was unable to close the matter. johnpike fas.org 9/2/97 Cuba, 96-97 Cuba said the us government unleashed biowar against Cuba. granma newspaper provided a map of us state department aircraft's trajectory over Cuba last october 21st, the date of the first appearance of the thrips palmi insect plague in western and central Cuba, and the dates of Cuba's official note of protest to the us interests section in havana as well as the response to that protest. on 2/12/97 -- the us interests section said the sr2 aircraft, turned on its smoke generator to warn a nearby Cuban commercial airliner of its presence in the region. the sr2 used by the state department for the fumigation of drug crops is known to have two dispersion systems: one for aerosols and liquid particles, and one for solid particles, but is not known to carry a smoke generator. the Cuban pilot who spotted the aircraft, and who has experience in fumigation said that the us aircraft did not launch smoke, but rather a substance. rhc radiohc.org 5/7/97 Cuba, 96 note 4/28/97 from Cuba to u.n. secretary-general re the thrips palmi plague. on 10/21/96, at 10.08 hours, crew members of (Cuban airlines), saw a single-engine airplane apparently spraying or sprinkling unknown substances - some seven times. located 25 to 30 kilo metres south of varadero. the flight was a fumigation aircraft model sar, register n3093m, operated by the state department. the airplane had taken off from patrick air force base, bound for grand cayman. the Cubana pilot reported to flight control the release of unknown substances, in the form of a white or greyish mist, by the sar airplane. 12/18/96, the first signs of thrips plague appeared in matanzas province. after a protest note on 2/12/97, the us interest section in havana, stated, the pilot had, during his flight, seen a Cuban commercial airplane flying below, and as he was not certain of having seen, "following caution and safety procedures," and with the purpose of securing a positive visual contact, the pilot used the "smoke generator" of his aircraft, in order to "indicate its location" adding that "the smoke vanished and no fluid was poured from the airplane." the sar aircraft, register n3093m, is used by the state department in the struggle against drug trafficking, to destroy crops. the aircraft utilizes two sprinkling systems: one for the use of aerosols and liquid particles and another for dropping solid particles. the investigations show, the appearance of thrips palmi in mananas province with the dropping, on 10/21/96, of an unknown substance. protest note 6/29/93 Cuba, switzerland, 96-97 - Cuba charged the U.S. sprayed it with a hungry insect that is devouring its crops. at a meeting here of the 138 nations that signed the 1972 convention on biological weapons, Cuba demanded an investigation into claim that a U.S. state dept plane spewed an agent known as thrips palmi over Cuba last october. charges provide a test for the accord, intended to ban germ warfare. accord now includes no provisions for verification or enforcement. now negotiators trying to add powers that were built into the post-cold war treaties to ban chemical weapons and nuclear test explosions. the tiny insect, which severely damages practically every crop, started showing up in potato plantations about two months after the october flyover. washington post 8/26/97 a12 Cuba, switzerland, 97 Cuban accuses U.S. government crop-dusting plane for spraying a substance over Cuba in october 96 that led to the appearance in december of a crop pest. the potato bug was dropped on 10/21/96 by an s2r crop-dusting plane operated by the state department -- who says the plane overflew Cuba, but emitted only smoke. washington times 8/26/97 a10 Cuba, 61 CIA used weather modification and swine fever virus against Cuba. richelson, j.t. (1985). the U.S. intelligence community 231 Cuba, 79-81 Castro said CIA probably behind hemorrhagic dengue where in 7 weeks 113 people died and 300,000 infected. he raised questions about african swine fever, sugar cane rust and blue mold on tobacco that hit Cuba beginning 79 counterspy 2/82 6-8 Cuba, 81 various evidence including testimony suggests that CIA thru Cuban exile terrorist org omega 7 spread epidemic of dengue fever. covert action information bulletin (now covert action quarterly) fall 84 22 & summer 82 28-31 Cuba, 61-81 Cuban sugar contaminated, infected turkeys virus, 8000 died. 71 created african swine fever, 500,000 pigs killed. 81 epidemic dengue fever 300,000 cases reported. blum, w. (1986). the CIA a forgotten history 211 Cuba, plans against Cuba's sugar crop. ranelagh, j. (1986). the agency 386 Cuba, 71 U.S. intel source said the CIA gave an anti-Castro group a container filled with african swine fever virus which caused the slaughter of 500,000 pigs to prevent a nationwide epidemic. wp 1/9/77, first principles 2/77 p12 CHEMICAL WAR 94-95 in 94 at maximum biosafety level 4 at the U.S. army medical research institute of infectious diseases, the fort detrick "biological weapons" center, a controlled experiment was run with what is probably the world's most deadly organism: elgon filoviruses. these fragile tapes of rna in thin, protein-walled molecular tubes a few microns long share seven common proteins, and the army experiment showed that the most fulminating, hemorrhagic subtype, ebola zaire could pass airborne from one monkey to another. in biological warfare lingo, ebola zaire filovirus is a true "slate-wiper:" in a modern hospital, it will kill nine out of 10 infected persons in 24 to 48 hours. there are no known antibodies or counter-measures and its molecular structure is indistinguishable from other filoviruses, the least "fulminating" of which kills one in four persons in 24 to 48 hours. after a few days or weeks of incubation in a mammal host, a filovirus multiples inordinately, congealing blood platelets and softening organ tissue into jelly. first, capillaries, then larger blood vessels fill, swell and burst, leaving the host bleeding massively internally and also externally through all orifices. intelligence - a computerized intelligence newsletter published in france 2/27/95 2 biological war. covert action information bulletin (now covert action quarterly) 17:2-31; 18:58,59; 21:29,30; 22:16, 35; 25::3,7,26. "germ warfare disinformation," 16:60,58; "the history of U.S. bio-chemical killers," 17:5-7; "U.S. biological warfare: the 1981 Cuba dengue epidemic" 17:28-31. in afghanistan 17:13, 17,28; in Cuba 17:28-31; in korea 17:6-7; in laos 17:12 Cuba, 61-62 op mongoose begun in 11/61 to overthrow Castro. a wide range of ops from intel and propaganda, to sabotage of factories and installations, bombing power lines, spreading chemicals on sugar fields to sicken cane cutters, and several plots to murder Castro. watson, b., watson, s. & hopple, g. (1990). united states intelligence: an encyclopedia 364 Cuba, 61-81 Cuban sugar contaminated, infected Cubans turkeys virus, 8000 died. 71 created african swine fever, 500,000 pigs killed. 81 epidemic dengue fever 300,000 cases reported. blum, w. (1986). the CIA a forgotten history 211 Cuba, 66-87 in july 87 Cuban gvt revealed the identities of 26 Cubans and one italian who had served as double agents for the Cuban gvt while ostensibly working for the CIA (double agents). Cuban tv ran an 11-part series on the 26. series exposed CIA attempts to spread dengue fever and crop diseases and efforts to assassinate Castro. nacla (magazine re latin america) 9/89 6 Cuba, 69-70 CIA used weather modification to ravage Cuba's sugar crop. it seeded rain clouds in non-agricultural areas that left cane fields arid. blum, w. (1986). the CIA a forgotten history 211 Cuba, 69-70 CIA apparently used weather modification to destabilize Cuba's food crop and export income. planes from china lake naval weapons center in california overflew Cuba seeding rain clouds that precipitated torrential rains over nonagricultural areas and left cane fields dry. CIA used international research and technology corporation in this op as reported by one of institutions leaders, lowell ponte in nyt, 6/27/76. dutch scientists jaap van ginneken supported ponte's claim. ridenour, r. (1991). back fire: the CIA's biggest burn 73 Cuba, 69-70 planes from the china lake naval weapons center in california overflew Cuba, seeding rain clouds with crystals that precipitated torrential rains over nonagricultural areas and left the cane fields arid. richelson, j.t. (1985). the U.S. intelligence community 231 Cuba, 71-83 sudden outbreaks of sogata rice blight in 71, african swine fever in 71 and 79, sugar cane rust and smut in 78-79, blue tobacco mold in 79, newcastle disease in 82, and coffee smut in 83 caused serious damage to Cuban economy. ridenour, r. (1991). back fire: the CIA's biggest burn 73 Cuba, 80-84 eduardo victor arrocena perez, head of CIA-financed group, omega-7, tried for assassinating felix garcia, a Cuban diplomat in new york on 9/11/80. arrocena was a CIA agent. during trial he testified CIA had given him chemicals to produce sickness in Cuba. ridenour, r. (1991). back fire: the CIA's biggest burn 78-9 Cuba, vietnam, 57-97 book, che guevara: a revolutionary life, by jon lee anderson, reviewd by jane franklin. discusses lansdale in 1991 who had just returned from vietnam, where operation hades, a massive chemical warfare program, had just been secretly launched. the nation 5/19/97 27-8 * * * +:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+ +: A N T I F A I N F O - B U L L E T I N :+ +: NEWS * ANALYSIS * RESEARCH * ACTION :+ +: RESISTING FASCISM * BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY! :+ +:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+ to subscribe e-mail Tom Burghardt tburghardt@igc.org ****** A-Infos News Service ***** |
Cuba: Ni las abejas.... Not even the bees by Mireya Castañeda (Granma International staff writer, 3/24?) AFTER expert witnesses had moved through the dry scientific vocabulary and demonstrated the scope of the biological aggression which attacked the Cuban agricultural sector in particular, only one graphic expression remained: not even the busy bees were safe. The evidence was presented during the testimony of expert witnesses on the afternoon of March 7, related to the Cuban peoples lawsuit for economic damages against the U.S. government. Drs. Emerio Serrano, Manuel Toledo and Carlos Delgado, who work at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine, presented a report on the damage to animals due to artificially introduced diseases. They explained that the International Epizootiology Office, the central agency in this context, has identified, in two lists, the principal diseases affecting animals. List A includes 15 serious diseases, of which Cuba is free of 14 (the other one is swine fever and is under control through immunizations); and List B, with another 90 diseases, of which the island is exempt from 61. The scientists made extensive reference to, and demonstrated the artificial introduction of : African swine fever (1971 and 1979); bovine nodular pseudodermatitis (1981); Newcastleís disease, which affects poultry (1985); ulcerative mammillitis in milk cows (1989); varroasis, a pathology which affects bees (1991); and hemorrhagic rabbit disease (1993). The report relates the research undertaken in all those cases as to potential sources
of infection and determines that their introduction was artificial; in other words, it was
biological warfare. It notes how the diseases coincide with areas of economic growth, with the objectiveóas the lawsuit affirmsóof sabotaging food sources, blocking income derived from exports and occasioning considerable losses. For example, the first outbreak of African swine fever was detected in Havana province, where the country's principal breeding centers are located. This led to the extermination of more than 45,000 hogs, the slaughter of a further 400,000 which could be utilized for industrial purposes, and economic losses of over $10 million USD. Subsequently, due to a modified strain of the same virus (the animals had been immunized against the classic variety), more than 900,000 hogs were lost in 1980. Diseases affecting milk cows were detected in Villa Clara and Granma provinces, and the rabbit disease in City of Havana, Havana and Matanzas provinces, with more than 100,000 animal deaths and $2 million USD in economic losses, without counting the effects on research centers which use rabbits for experimental purposes. It was also demonstrated that varroasis, a parasitic bee disease, was introduced in Matanzas in a criminal form, since its natural propagation would have followed predominant winds (from east to west), and points of infection appeared in an isolated manner, principally in that province, Havana and City of Havana, which have 26% of their honey production destined for exportation. Nevertheless, in less than three years, 80% of the country was affected. The judges also heard the ruling of expert witnesses Antonia Prieto, Raquel Silveira and Maria del Carmen Rodriguez, head researchers at the Fishing Research Center, who covered ulcerative disease in trout, which commenced in the Zaza reservoir, in Sancti Spiritus province, and extended throughout the country, and worse, to other species like tilapia, being developed to feed the population. One case of biological aggression claimed at the time was the introduction of the Thrips palmi karmy insect. Evidence was given by witness Tomas Torralbas, co-pilot of Cubana Airlinesí Havana- Las Tunas flight who, on October 21, 1996, saw a U.S. aircraft spraying a liquid substance along the Giron corridor, south of Varadero, six or seven times. Since its appearance, Thrips palmi has affected 17 crops in the contaminated areas, including potatoes, beans, peppers, cucumber and squash. Overall, the material damage is estimated at tens of thousands of dollars and, according to Minister of Science, Technology and the Environment Rosa Elena Simeon, who is also a doctor and virologist, the consequent human suffering is impossible to quantify. |
Journal rebuts Castro charge of U.S. biological warfare,
Interesting rebutal based on the work of a microbiologist
who was part of a team that forced the destruction
of a vaccine lab in Iraq, leading to the resumption of widespread foot and
mouth disease
Juan O. Tamayo. Published Thursday,
October 14, 1999, in the Miami Herald
They have long been a staple of the Cuba-U.S. conflict: Havana's allegations that Washington used biological weapons to attack the island's people, animals and crops. But an exhaustive study by an independent U.S. researcher has concluded that the outbreaks of disease were almost certainly the work of nature or bad decisions by President Fidel Castro -- not the CIA. The charges were so clearly unfounded that even Cuba's own scientists did not endorse them, wrote Raymond Zilinskas, senior scientist in residence at the Washington-based Monterey Institute for International Studies. Yet Havana has made the charge so often that it may be weakening efforts to control the proliferation of biological weapons around the world, Zilinskas wrote in the quarterly, Critical Reviews in Microbiology. The 60-year-old microbiologist was a member of two U.N. inspection
missions sent to Iraq in 1994 in the wake of the Gulf War. |
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