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Human Rights Organizations working with AfroCuban Dissidents and AfroColombian Organizations

A number of organizations provide much needed help to Afrocolombian organizations as they experience genocides organized by paramilitaries and people allied with the Duque government, which is supported by the Cuban plantocracy and their politicians. A number of these human rights orgs also support the US paid AfroCuban dissidents and the white supremacist opposition in Venezuela.  AfroCuban dissidents, such as CIR and Damas en Blanco, and the Venezuelan white supremacists are closely allied with Cuban American narco politicians such as Senator Marco Rubio and Congressman Mario Diaz Balart who are responsible for the success and survival of narco governments such as Colombia, Bolivia, and Honduras. This is all driven from the DC beltway where Cuba and Venezuela are seen through the eyes of the Cold War and where moneys flow via NED, USAID, and other agencies to the human rights organizations as well as the AfroColombian and indigenous organizations. One possibly effective countertactic is to highlight the racialized nature of these conflicts and mobilize people on that basis.

Unas organizaciones de derechos humanos brindan ayuda muy necesaria a organizaciones afrocolombianas que experimentan genocidios organizados por paramilitares y personas aliadas con el gobierno de Duque, que cuenta con el apoyo de la plantocracia cubana y sus políticos. Varias de estas organizaciones de derechos humanos también apoyan a los disidentes afrocubanos pagados por Estados Unidos y tambien a la oposición supremacista blanca en Venezuela. Los disidentes afrocubanos y los supremacistas blancos venezolanos están estrechamente aliados con los narcopolíticos cubano estadounidenses como Marco Rubio y Mario Diaz Balart, responsables del éxito y la supervivencia de gobiernos narcos como Colombia, Bolivia y Honduras. Todo esto es impulsado desde el "beltway" de Washington, DC, donde Cuba y Venezuela se ven a través de los ojos de la Guerra Fría y donde el dinero fluye a través de NED, USAID y otras agencias a las organizaciones de derechos humanos, así como a las organizaciones afrocolombianas e indígenas. Una contratáctica posiblemente eficaz es resaltar la naturaleza racializada de todos estos conflictos y movilizar a la gente sobre esa base. 

AfroColombia News    Narco Colombia News     Colombia News      AfroColombia: organizations, demographics, media

AfroVenezuela: from books to organizations   Venezuela News  Noticias de Venezuela  News of the Racial Conflict in Venezuela  Noticias del conflicto racial en Venezuela


The US, the Exiled Cuban Plantocracy, and Race

Human Rights Organizations working with AfroCuban Dissidents

Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH)

Cuban Democratic Directorate - Directorio Democratico Cubano receives substantial funding from NED and funnels them to dissident groups on the island. From NED:

Freedom of Information, $650,000 in 2014, $650,000 in 2015. $650,000 in 2017. $650,000 in 2018. "Increasing Access to Uncensored Information. To promote greater freedom of information and civic activism in Cuba. Through its Radio Republic broadcasts, Directorio will provide programming that incorporates the views of Cuban pro-democratic activists and informs communities about local social, political, economic, and cultural developments. Directorio will also supply training and technical assistance to local grassroots activists to carry out civic and community-building initiatives throughout Cuba."  The Directorio Democrático Cubano supports the Basulto derived civil rights activists such as Jorge Luis García Pérez "Antúnez" as well as the Damas de Blanco and possibly the CIR.

from 2018: "To promote greater access to uncensored information to Cuban pro-democracy activists and facilitate greater communication among them. The organization will produce radio programs with news and analysis about events taking place in Cuba as well as other Latin American countries and elsewhere around the world, which it will broadcast using its in-house radio station. The group will also support civic activities carried out by civil society activists in Cuba."

Human RIghts Watch, supports afrocolombians and Damas de Blanco

International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights - apoyan a los afrocolombianos, el CIR y las Damas de Blanco.  From NED: * International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights, $25,599 in 2015, the first time this appears. No funding in 2017, 2018, or 2019. "To enhance the knowledge and advocacy skills of Cuban human rights defenders in the LGBT community."

Race and Equality,  Given to placing Miami-allied dissidents such as Madrazo Luna, on panels with AfroColombians. Miami leaders such as Marco Rubio are closely allied with Uribe and Duque who support the mass displacement of African and Indigenous people as well as the massacre of their leaders.

Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA)  apoyan a los afrocolombianos y a las Damas de Blanco. Tambien, no entienden como el conflicto en Venezuela esta racializado.

Fundacion Cartel Urbano [Colombia]
NED: Empowering Cuban Hip-Hop Artists as Leaders in Society, $70,000 (2018)
To empower Cuban artists as cultural leaders to promote citizen participation and social change in society. The group will carry out workshops in Cuba and Colombia including professional trainings, cultural exchanges, and artistic events. The organization will also assist the artists in developing their own social projects which they will implement in their local communities."

AfroColombian organziations working with AfroCuban dissidents.

Association of Displaced Afro-Colombians (AFRODES)  apoyan al CIR

Dissident organizations/Organizaciones de la disidencia

Afro Cuban Forum

Black Cubans

Comité Ciudadano de Integración Racial (CIR)

Movimiento de Integración Racial Juan Gualberto Gómez (MIR)

Plataforma de Integracion Cubana

Racismo en Cuba

Damas de Blanco - Ladies in White  (with many Black members)

Sitios de la disidencia

Blog Makandal

Cubaverdad's Racism in Cuba news feed

El Blog de Tania Quintero

El Palenque de Dihigo

Ibu Kolé  Facebook

Museo de la Disidencia

Racismo en Cuba

Revista Identidades Eng/Esp

Revista Isla, Eng & Esp

NED grants


Integrating Cuba into Regional Media Networks
Investigacion e Innovacion Factual A.C., Mexico

To support and integrate young Cuban journalists into a regional network of digital media initiatives throughout Latin America and to highlight the stories of Cubans as part of the emerging leaders in Latin America. The organization will select, train, and mentor Cuban journalists on how to conduct investigative reporting, collaborate with regional peers, and publish stories for digital media outlets. The group will also include Cuban panelists at its annual digital media conference and profile Cuban emerging leaders in its publications.

A Journalistic Approach to Violence in Cuba
Asociacion Civil Cronos

To promote greater awareness of the reality of violence in Cuba on the island and overseas and to foster stronger ties between Cuban independent journalists and their counterparts in the rest of Latin America. The organization will conduct in-person and remote trainings on how to approach violence, with an emphasis on state-sponsored violence, from a journalistic perspective. The program will bring together participants from Cuba, Colombia, and Mexico to provide different angles to these issues, to promote new networks, and facilitate avenues for professional collaboration. [Cuba is one of the best countries in the hemisphere for low levels of violence, strong personal security...]

Fostering Dialogue and Exchange between Cuban Democrats and Colombian Intellectuals
Universidad Sergio Arboleda

To foster dialogue between Cuban democrats and Colombian intellectuals and to raise awareness about the political, economic and social situation in Cuba. The organization will carry out public and private dialogues between Cuban democrats and Colombian historians, economists, government officials and business leaders. It will also publish an academic journal, articles and bulletins based on its studies about Cuban politics, economics, and society. The group will present these publications at events within the region.

Building Democratic Citizenship in Cuba
Asociacion Mexicana para las Naciones Unidas de Jovenes

To foster a conscious and democratic citizen culture among civil society in Cuba. Activities include workshops on democratic culture and human rights as well as freedom of expression and civic engagement. The group will strengthen the capacity of participating organizations on leadership skills, project management and monitoring and evaluation. 





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