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Central America

6/09 - 7/09

On AfroCubaWeb

Honduras' General Romeo Vásquez Velásquez and the Narcotraffickers, 11/1/09 

Cartas desde Tegucigalpa, 29/9/09

Unconventional Weapons in Honduras: the Israeli Factor, with updates

Col Edward Cutolo's tale - prelude to Honduras, 2009?

Cyberattack on the "Frente Nacional Contra el Golpe" site?

General Romeo Vasquez Velasquez and the Gobierno del Reino: Theocracy in Honduras?
with updates

Hospital Garifuna de Ciriboya with updates

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Central American News
Archive: 8/09 - 9/09

¡Estos son los golpistas, el soberano juzgará!  9/30/2009 EL Libertador: "La galería de los golpistas está conformada por conocidos empresarios que consideraron a Zelaya como una amenaza que decidió apostar por las clases populares. Ellos son los apátridas que se esconden tras un rostro de “honorabilidad”."

Honduras Supreme Electoral Tribunal Comes Out Against Coup Decree  9/30/2009 NarcoNews 

Day 95, September 30th 2009 from Oscar  9/30/2009 Quotha: "Finally the order was given to evict the compañeros from the INA (National Agrarian Institute). More than a thousand police and military agents arrived this morning to break down the doors of the building and capture the 70 men and women who for the last 3 months had taken over the the Institute´s offices throughout the country. They will likely be accused of sedition, the same as other compañeros currently detained in different prisons all over Honduras."

Salvadorans Demonstrate Solidarity with Honduras  9/30/2009 Quotha: "Another coordinator from the women's commission, Margarita Rodriguez, said that the people of Perquin have a special relationship to injustice in Honduras because the Salvadoran resistance of the 1980s originated in Perquin. People there endured much suffering and repression during the war, and many sought refuge across the border in Honduras. This history, Rodriguez said, creates a strong sense of solidarity and consciousness about organizing: “Here the community is ready for anything.”"

Cartas desde Tegucigalpas  9/29/2009 AfroCubaWeb: "Mataron a un número indeterminado de compañeros de la primera barricada al final del Puente Guancaste."

Romeo Vásquez responsabiliza a la Policía por uso de equipo bélico en embajada de Brasil  9/29/2009 EL Libertador: "Sin tantos miramientos, el oficial en cuestión miente al hacer estas aseveraciones puesto que el Dispositivo Acústico de Largo Alcance (LRAD, siglas en inglés) se utilizó en horas de la tarde del martes (22 de septiembre), cuando el Frente de Resistencia contra el golpe de Estado ya había sido desalojado con bombas lacrimógenas por la policía, cuando el gobierno de facto ordenó el toque de queda durante más de 24 horas seguidas."

The sordid history of Lewis Amselem, Deputy U.S. Permanent Representative to the OAS  9/29/2009 Machetera: "The Guatemalan Defense Minister, Hector Gramajo, said publicly that Dianna Ortiz had made up her story, adding insults and slanderous insinuations of a sexual nature. Researching the subject, reporters from ABC News identified the source of these degrading rumors. They came from the Office of Human Rights’ Lewis Amselem, who upon being asked about them, vehemently denied any involvement. The Reverend Joseph Nangle of the Assisi Community, said later that Amselem had spoken on the subject in his presence, with an outrageous vulgarity. Other people confirmed Nangle’s comment and added that Amselem multiplied his insulting references to the presence of religious volunteers in Guatemala’s indigenous communities."

TODAY: event at Congress with Dr. Luther Castillo  9/29/2009 Quotha 

Soldiers raid Honduran media outlets  9/28/2009 AP: "The government's suspension of civil liberties limits rights guaranteed in the Honduran Constitution: The decree prohibits unauthorized gatherings and allows police to arrest without a warrant "any person who poses a danger to his own life or those of others." It also allows officials to shut down media outlets for "statements that attack peace and the public order, or which offend the human dignity of public officials, or attack the law." The Honduran Constitution forbids arrests without warrants except when a criminal is caught in the act. In a nationally broadcast announcement, the government explained it took the steps it did "due to the calls for insurrection that Mr. Zelaya has publicly made.""

Acoustic and Chemical Attacks on the Brazilian Embassy - The Sound and Fury of the Honduran Coup  9/28/2009 Counterpunch: "Numerous reports, including Honduran News Network sources, also mentioned radioactive cesium. If the use of radioactive cesium is confirmed, the consequences are very serious. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry finds that the effects of high levels include the symptoms listed above and even coma and death. This is the notorious "day-after" effect of nuclear bombs. The agency adds that "it is reasonable to expect that individuals exposed to high levels of radiation from a source of radioactive cesium will develop the same types of cancer observed in survivors of the atomic bombs in Japan." Embassies are protected under the Vienna Convention and any violation of this is an international issue. With the notable exceptions of Colombia and the United States, all nations of the region expressed concern about the Honduran situation at the 64th UN General Assembly meeting."

The Dictatorship Unmasked  9/28/2009 NarcoNews: "It is obvious, therefore, that with the 45-day curfew--that is, for the duration of the election campaigns--the real goal is to torpedo November's electoral process through a plan to consolidate the dictatorship's power, unmasking the de facto regime's faked determination to support the general elections at the end of the year."

Capo de la prensa golpista patrocinó un Premio 'Derechos Humanos' de la SIP  9/28/2009 Patria Grande: "Increiblemente, apenas un mes despues de haber conspirado y participado en el secuestro y la expulsión de Honduras del Presidente Manuel Zelaya, uno de los dos más recalcitrantes magnates de prensa de Honduras, Jorge Canahuati Larach, cuyos diarios son los voceros más fanáticos del régimen Micheletti, ha sido copatrocinador, del “Premio Derechos Humanos” 2009 de la Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP), la asociación de los magnates de la prensa comercial del continente. La SIP es este cartel de comerciantes de la información que predica constantemente su version de la libertad de prensa en campañas de difamación dirigidas de manera sistemática en contra de los líderes progresistas de América Latina."

U.S. blasts ousted Honduran for "foolish" return  9/28/2009 Reuters: "Anselem also criticized Zelaya for fueling violence by slipping back into Honduras last week and holing up in the Brazilian Embassy, from where he has called on his supporters to take to the streets. "The return of Zelaya absent an agreement is irresponsible and foolish ... He should cease and desist from making wild allegations and from acting as though he were starring in an old movie," Anselm said." ["Lewis Amselem takes side of Honduran fascist junta. Note: Amselem is a post graduate of Brandeis University, a former political officer at the US Southern Command, and was vice consul in Georgetown, Guyana during the Jonestown massacre, meaning Amselem is an official cover CIA officer." -- Wayne Madsen Report]

Newsbytes and comments  9/28/2009 Wayne Madsen Report: "The Israeli weapons firm that funneled the weapons for Leitner was International Security and Defence Systems (ISDS), started in 1982 by Leo Gleser, an Israel Defense Force and Mossad veteran. ISDS specialized in interrogations and supervision of prisoners in Latin America, that is torture and illegal detention. ISDS also, curiously, provided security services to Venezuelan oil companies shortly before the 2002 abortive coup against President Hugo Chavez. The CIA and U.S. Special Operations Forces fomented anti-Chavez labor strikes and protests among the oil workers' unions prior to the coup. ISDS benefited greatly from security contracts with U.S. firms in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks… The cell phone jammers used by the Honduran military on the Brazilian embassy are C-Guard units made by NetLine Communications Inc. of Tel Aviv. One was found on the roof of a home next to the Brazilian embassy and confiscated by Zelaya supporters and taken into the Brazilian embassy as proof of Israeli involvement with the Honduran junta."

Lula no acepta ultimátum de los golpistas  9/27/2009 EFE 

FRENTE NACIONAL DE RESISTENCIA CONTRA EL GOLPE DE ESTADO  9/27/2009 Frente Nacional: Twitter del Frente Nacional en vivo otra vez - "# Enviados de la OEA que aterrizaron hoy en Tegucigalpa fueron regresados por órdenes del fascista Micheletti. Muestra que no quiere diálogo. 3 minutes ago # Marcia Facusse, la diputada de las comidas rapidas que no pagan impuestos, mociona en el congreso para quitar niños a padres en Resistencia. 7 minutes ago # Hija del Dictador; Bianca MIcheletti ha sido deportada de USA hoy domingo en horas de la tarde. 10 minutes ago # Gobierno de facto crea decreto presidencial para cerrar medios de comunicación que no esten afines al gobierno usurpador. 11 minutes ago"

Isolation  9/27/2009 Honduras Coup 2009: "The United States is the only country that still has an ambassador in Tegucigalpa. All of the Latin American countries, and the European Union countries recalled their ambassadors after the coup. In recent days, both the EU and many Latin American countries have agreed to restore their ambassadors at the request of the OAS to help mediate a solution to the Honduran political crisis."

OAS Representatives Deported  9/27/2009 Honduras Coup 2009 

Israeli Firms Sell Toxins to Honduras Putschists  9/27/2009 Inside Costa Rica: "Honduran Foreign Minister Patricia Rodas denounced that two Israeli companies supplied putschists with the toxic gases thrown inside the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa, where President Manuel Zelaya is staying. "We have received information that the chemicals and arms have been supplied by Alfacom and Intercom companies, owned by Israeli Yehuda Leitner," Rodas said in press conference in thit city. After putschists soldiers threw gases inside the embassy, nearly 80 people have had headaches, vomiting, diarrhoeas, and nose bleeding over the last hours."

Lula rechaza emplazamiento de Micheletti y lo llama "usurpador"  9/27/2009 Terra/AP: "El presidente brasileño Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva rechazó el domingo los 10 días que el gobierno de facto de Honduras le dio para definir la situación del derrocado presidente Manuel Zelaya, refugiado en la embajada de ese país en Tegucigalpa, o de lo contrario adoptará "medidas adicionales", que no especificó. En un comunicado de la Cancillería de Honduras, el gobierno de facto amenazó con adoptar "medidas adicionales" que no especificó si Brasil no cumple con el periodo establecido y también condicionó el retorno de embajadores extranjeros a Honduras."

Honduras: el proveedor de gases israelíes, un viejo socio de la conexión Bush-Posada  9/26/2009 Cuba Debate: "Yehuda Leitner radicado en Honduras, denunciado como proveedor de armas y gases tóxicos a la dictadura hondureña de Roberto Micheletti, es un ex oficial del ejercito israelí quién perteneció en los años 80 a la red de contrabando del multimillonario Gerard Latchinian, que abastecía en armas a los cubanoamericanos Felix Rodriguez y Luis Posada Carriles en sus operaciones luego conocidas cómo escandalo Iran-Contra. Rodriguez y Posada manejaban entonces la escandalosa operación de venta de droga contra armas, encubierta por Bush George padre, vicepresidente de la administración ultraderechista de Ronald Reagan. La Canciller del gobierno constitucional de Honduras Patricia Rodas, denunció este viernes 25 de septiembre en Wastington como “fuentes de la inteligencia militar leales a Zelaya” informaron que “los químicos y armas del asedio (de Brasil en Tegucigalpa) han sido proporcionadas por las empresas Alfacom e Intercom”, propiedad del ciudadano israelí Yehuda Leitner, que “sirvió de intermediario con Israel”."

FRENTE NACIONAL DE RESISTENCIA CONTRA EL GOLPE DE ESTADO  9/26/2009 Frente Nacional: el twitter del sitio sigue interrumpido otra vez - "# Continua el toque de queda para reprimir la resistencia en todo el país excepto algunas comunidades desde las 8:00 pm a 5:00 am. 2 days ago # Ante la presencia de médicos en la embajada de Brasil, desaparecen aparatos y humidificador para enviar tóxicos colocados por golpistas. 2 days ago # El ejército ha cortado todas las comunicaciones con la embajada, se teme por la vida de las personas que están adentro. 2 days ago # El ejército está atacando con un neurotóxico a la embajada de Brasil en Tegucigalpa, hay varias personas sangrando y con nauseas. 2 days ago # El Frente Nacional Contra el Golpe de Estado convoca a que la resistencia se manifieste en sus barrios para evitar la confrontación"

Accelerated Environmental Licenses  9/26/2009 Honduras Coup 2009: "Vice Minister of Natural Resources, Mauricio Reconco, said "We hope by December 31 of this year to activate a great many of projects which permit the generation of 200 Megawatts of clean energy...we are looking at projects from 150 megawatts to 10 megawatts." Congress, we are told, is working on enabling legislation to loosen the environmental regulations that hold up these projects and streamline their approval. Recently Congress issued its legislation approving some $1200 million for renewable energy projects within the country, and the Banco Central transferred the corresponding funds to the Honduran bank that then funds the projects. Today, less than a month later, SERNA handed over 320 environmental licenses for projects valued at $368 million, projects such as piers for cruise ships to dock on the Bay Islands, housing, pharmaceutical companies, chemical companies, hotels, restaurants. Not a single one of the renewable energy projects promised. SERNA promises they will have issued over half the backlog of licenses by the end of this month! None of these projects seems to raise any environmental issues. Literally incredible."

The president is in the trunk By Pepe Escobar  9/25/2009 Asia Times: "Deposed, rightful Honduran President Manuel Zelaya has been to Washington no less than six times since the coup. Not once was he allowed to meet Obama. Then, this past Monday morning, Zelaya showed up at the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa, Honduras' capital, after a spectacular run that started in Nicaragua, involved a flight to El Salvador on a plane offered by Venezuela, and a 15-hour odyssey across the border to Honduras on foot and by car, evading myriad checkpoints manned by local intelligence - which is, crucially, funded, trained and maintained by the Pentagon. Zelaya was smuggled into the Brazilian Embassy in the trunk of car. Zelaya may have had help from Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez, under the umbrella of the Bolivarian Alternative of the Americas (ALBA). But now the strategic game-changer has been to shift the attention towards Brazil - and that means under the UNASUR."

Con lanzamiento de químicos atentan contra la vida del presidente  9/25/2009 Defensores en Linea: "La circulación de químicos en el ambiente lanzados desde el exterior de la Embajada de Brasil en Honduras, provocó serios problemas de salud a las personas que se encuentran junto al presidente Manuel Zelaya Rosales, este viernes en la mañana. nicialmente el Padre Tamayo relató que un helicóptero y una tanqueta habrían lanzado un químico y unos minutos después la Primera Dama, Xiomara Castro se subió en una escalera que da a la casa atrás de la embajada para comprobar y observó el equipo utilizado por los agente de la Dirección Nacional de Investigación Criminal, DNIC,militares de las Fuerzas Armadas y miembros de la Policía Nacional… Pero esas acciones ya subieron el nivel, este viernes a eso de las nueve de la mañana un helicóptero sobrevoló el lugar y al frente pasó un tanque regando químico “la gente está sangrando, tenemos mucho mareo, dolor de estómago, yo tengo la garganta apretada”, dijo casi al borde de la inconsciencia Tamayo al ser abordado por el teléfono. Mientras Xiomara Castro, primera dama de la nación relató que las personas que se mantienen con el mandatario tienen resequedad en su boca, taquicardia, picazón en todo el cuerpo, escupen y defecan sangre… Según los médicos del Frente Nacional de Resistencia el químico que se han utilizado para reprimir al pueblo hondureño es el Cecio 132 que es un neurotóxico que provoca aflojamiento de los músculos y por ende decaimiento en las personas."

Conatel intenta intervenir la RDS en Honduras  9/25/2009 Defensores en Linea 

"Sonic gun" used by police in Honduras now used against G-20 protesters?  9/25/2009 Democratic Underground: "WHY are the Israelis interferring in Honduras? Are they from the Israeli government or hired mercs? Does anybody know?"

Gremio de cineastas saca a la luz la colaboración del gobierno peruano y el gobierno golpista hondureño  9/25/2009 Hibueras 

Deposed Honduran president accuses ‘Israeli mercenaries’  9/25/2009 Jewish Telegraph Agency: "Deposed Honduran president Manuel Zelaya said he is being tortured by "Israeli mercenaries." The politician, who currently is holed up in the Brazilian embassy in the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa, said the "mercenaries" had used a device emitting high-frequency radiation, which affected his mental and physical health. He also said they were likely to storm the building and kill him, the Miami Herald reported. Witnesses earlier had reportedly said that they saw police, who are surrounding the compound, use a satellite dish-like device nearby to emit a shrill noise, according to the Herald. A Honduran police spokesman denied any kind of radition device was being used."

Micheletti’s newest U.S./Israeli toy  9/25/2009 Machetera: "Photo Confirms the Use of Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD) by Micheletti’s Troops, Against Zelaya. By Jean-Guy Allard"

Honduran Coup Regime Mocks UN Security Council with Embassy Attacks  9/25/2009 NarcoNews: "In light of those international laws, the device you see in the photograph up top, deployed by Honduran coup regime security forces at the gates of the Brazilian Embassy, offers a smoking gun of proof that the regime is violating the Vienna Convention. Narco News and its team of technical engineers and counter-surveillance consultants has identified the apparatus as the LRAD-X Remote Long Range Acoustic Device, manufactured by the American Technologies Corporation."

"Sanitation Operation"  9/25/2009 Quotha: "Abusing again the national emergency radio system, the de facto government unbelievably claims that the severe symptoms of chemical and audio attacks among the people trapped with President Zelaya in the Brazilian Embassy were the result of a routine cleaning operation using regular cleaning chemicals and loud machinery. In a completely militarized zone, blocked off to traffic."

Day 90, September 25, 2009 from Oscar  9/25/2009 Quotha: "The great fear of the resistance now revolves around those closed door meetings. Would Mel Zelaya betray us? is a legitimate question coming from a people who have many times been betrayed by their leaders. That possibility is lessened in the degree that the regime continues to harass him."

Ejército de Honduras usa armas electrónicas de última generación  9/24/2009 ADITAL: "Uno de ellos es el llamado "cañón de dolor" o "rayo de dolor" fabricado por la corporación ‘Raytheon’, una de las principales contratistas militares de varios ejércitos del mundo, especialmente del estadounidense, es solo un ejemplo. Cito de un sitio en Internet que nos explica mejor lo que es y cómo funciona este dispositivo. "Este es un VMADS (Sistema Activo de Negación Montado sobre Vehículo, según sus siglas en ingles) no es un arma letal, pero sí muy eficaz. Su munición consiste en haces de radiación electromagnética de 95 gigaherzios, frente a los 2.45 de un horno domestico de microondas, la persona que recibe el trallazo de energía nota una quemazón similar a la que sentiría si se aplicara una bombita sobre la piel, ya que las moléculas de agua de la epidermis impactada alcanzan una temperatura de 55ºC". "Desarrollado por el ejercicio estadounidense, el cañón sirve en teoría para dispersar multitudes, aunque las voces críticas denuncias que todavía no se conocen del todo bien sus efectos secundarios""

La SIP pretende ignorar que sus propios miembros iniciaron el golpe en Honduras  9/24/2009 Bol Press: "La Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP) que tanto lamenta las "limitaciones" a la libertad de prensa que sufren los medios de comunicación opuestos al golpe de Estado, evita recordar que dos de los principales conspiradores del cuartelazo que llevo a la expulsión del Presidente Zelaya son también sus principales (y casi únicos) miembros hondureños. Asociada desde décadas a la CIA y radicada en Miami, USA, la SIP publica "denuncias" de las interrupciones de la energía eléctrica al Canal 36 y de la señal de Radio Globo, con las cuales pretende darse una imagen de legitimidad."

En Honduras se impone la violencia estatal generalizada  9/24/2009 Dick Emanuelsson 

“No vamos a aceptar un golpe antidemocrático”: Presidente de España  9/24/2009 El Libertador: "El mandatario español, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, se ha referido en esos términos al régimen de facto que desde el 28 de junio anterior tomó por asalto la Presidencia de Honduras. Asimismo, Zapatero insistió en que “vamos a ganar este desafío”.

Noiticias Urgente  9/24/2009 Frente Nacional Contra el Golpe: "# El Frente Nacional Contra el Golpe de Estado convoca a que la resistencia se manifieste en sus barrios para evitar la confrontación about 16 hours ago # Ministros de facto obligan a los empleados públicos a marchar a favor del golpe de estado, amenazándolos con despedirlos si desobedecen. about 16 hours ago # Régimen golpista utiliza vehículos del Estado para transportar personas a la marcha de las camisas blancas a favor del golpe de estado. about 16 hours ago # La marcha de camisas blancas está pagando 300 lps para que las personas de los barrios para que participen. about 17 hours ago # La Corte Penal Interncional aceptó los juicios en contra de los violadores de los derechos humanos en Honduras. 1 day ago # Están reprimiendo manifestaciones en varios barrios de Tegucigalpa 1 day ago"

Alto a la guerra irregular en Honduras - Actos terroristas por cobras y militares  9/24/2009 Hibueras: "Batallones de cobras, militares han violentado las viviendas, de las comunidades pobres disparando balas vivas contra las familias, han lanzando bombas lacrimógenas y picantes dentro de las habitaciones contra niños niñas, mujeres embarazadas, ancianos en las colonias Altos del Viera, Manchen y el Barrio el Bosque, Hato, Suyapa, Las Vegas, San Francisco, colonia Kennedy ,Bendeck, Travesía y residencial Morazán, Colonia Divanna , Altos de la Divanna, Pedregal, Centroamérica, Altos de los Milagros en Tegucigalpa y en otras barrios pobres de la capital, en igual forma han capturado y torturado al Joven José Luis Rodas, los defensores de los derechos humanos Francisco Mencía y Walter Tróchez, Mauricio Mendoza torturado por la Dirección de Investigación Criminal detenido en la posta policial de la colonia Víctor F. Ardón quienes corren extremo peligro y se teme por sus vidas. En igual forma en la Colonia Juan Ramón Molina y otras colonias de San Pedro Sula y diferentes áreas del país han sido objeto de semejante brutalidad."

Giving Constitutional Research a Bad Name  9/24/2009 Honduras Coup 2009: "US congressman Aaron Schock (Republican from Illinois) commissioned a research report that has excited immense interest in the pro-coup Honduran media. So far, in English mainstream media, it appears to have been given the cold shoulder it deserves. But make no mistake, bad research is consequential, and the right-wing blogs are alive with the story as well. Written by someone identified only as a "Senior Foreign Law Specialist" at the Library of Congress, Norma C. Gutierrez, the report makes an argument that the removal of President Zelaya was constitutional. In this, her report would contradict numerous constitutional law professors in Honduras, Spain, and the United States. The references cited in the report consist almost entirely of citations of the Honduran constitution, or of documents posted online by the Honduran Supreme Court."

IMF offers $163.3 million to Zelaya government  9/24/2009 Honduras Coup 2009 

“Cañón sónico” para revoltosos  9/24/2009 La Tribuna, Honduras: "Pocos segundos después emite un sonido que corta el aire: La multitud agitada, cae en pánico, se tapa los oídos y se contuerce del dolor. Es la última arma secreta en dotación desde hace tiempo por el ejército de Israel, usada públicamente sólo ahora después de muchos años de experimentación."

The boundless hypocrisy of the Inter-American Press Association  9/24/2009 Machetera: "The Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) that bemoans the “limitations” on press freedom suffered by media opposed to the coup d’etat, avoids recalling that two of the main conspirators behind the coup which led to the expulsion of President Zelaya from Honduras are also its main (and practically only) Honduran members. Associated for decades with the CIA and located in Miami, USA, the IAPA has issued “denunciations” of the electricity cutoffs to Channel 36 and Radio Globo, through which they are trying to give themselves a legitimate image… Carlos Roberto Flores Facussé, the former president of Honduras (1998-2001) and the owner of the La Tribuna newspaper, and Jorge Canahuati Larach, the billionaire owner of the La Prensa and El Heraldo newspapers are among the conspirators who brought about the coup."

Enviados del régimen golpista visitan a Zelaya Rosales  9/24/2009 Publico: "Después de cuatro días de tensiones e incertidumbre, finalmente, enviados por el régimen golpista comienzan a visitar la Embajada de Brasil en Tegucigalpa para romper el hielo e iniciar el diálogo con el presidente constitucional, Manuel Zelaya Rosales. El arzobispo auxiliar de la diócesis de Tegucigalpa, Juan José Pineda, el suplente del cardenal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez, se convirtió en el segundo personaje que en las últimas 24 horas ha visitado a Zelaya Rosales con el ánimo de encontrar una solución a la crisis política. Pineda, acusado de "golpista" por el Frente de Resistencia Contra el Golpe de Estado, salió alrededor de las 15 horas de la embajada de Brasil luego de sostener una breve conversación con el presidente legítimo. "Nadie se ha atrevido a dar el primer paso."

UN suspends support to Honduran electoral court  9/23/2009 AP: "U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has suspended technical assistance to Honduras' electoral court, saying turmoil there means presidential elections scheduled for November will not be credible."

Honduras Curfew Costs Economy $50 Million Daily, Canahuati Says  9/23/2009 Bloomberg 

How Much Repression Will Hillary Clinton Support in Honduras?  9/23/2009 Counterpunch: "One important actor, the only major country to maintain an ambassador in Honduras throughout the dictatorship, has maintained a deafening silence about this repression: that is the United States government. The Obama administration has not uttered one word about the massive human rights violations in Honduras. This silence by itself tells you all that you need to know about what this administration has really been trying to accomplish in the 87 days since the Honduran military squelched democracy. The Obama team understands exactly how the coup government is maintaining its grip on power through violence and repression. And President Obama, along with his Secretary of State, has shown no intention to undermine this strategy. In fact, President Zelaya has been to Washington six times since he was overthrown, but not once did he get a meeting with President Obama. Why is that? Most likely because Obama does not want to send the “wrong” signal to the dictatorship, i.e. that the lip service that he has paid to Zelaya’s restoration should be taken seriously. These signals are important because the Honduran dictatorship is digging in its heels on the bet that they don’t have to take any pressure from Washington seriously. They have billions of dollars of assets in the United States, which could be frozen or seized. But the dictatorship, for now, trusts that the Obama team is not going to do anything to hurt their allies."

¡150 000 hondureños en la calle en la capital!  9/23/2009 Dick Emanuelsson: "Pese al toque de queda (lunes 16.00 horas-miércoles 10.00 horas) que fue suspendido a las 10 de la mañana el martes por siete horas, la Resistencia contra el golpe de estado logró a juntar 150.000 hondureños en la capital hondureña. En esta misma noche esta llegando reportes sobre fuerte represión en los barrios populares de Tegucigalpa en donde la Resistencia se ha consolidado su presencia."

Barrios y colonias de la capital enfrentan al régimen  9/23/2009 El Libertador: "La población se ha decretado en contra del gobierno usurpador y defiende cada posición, el dictador Roberto Micheletti ha desatado una guerra civil que de Tegucigalpa se extendió a todo el país… “Protestábamos pacíficamente cuando vinieron los policías y empezaron a disparar, piensan que así nos van a callar, nosotros desconocemos este gobierno de facto y vamos a luchar hasta que se restituya al Presidente Manuel Zelaya en su cargo”, aseveraba un habitante de la capitalina colonia El Pedregal, que por razones de seguridad se omite su nombre."

Brasil advierte: "No toleraremos ninguna acción contra nuestra embajada en Honduras"  9/23/2009 El Libertador 

Estados Unidos y Brasil dan ultimátum a golpistas  9/23/2009 El Libertador: "La embajada estadounidense acreditada en Honduras, ha dicho que cualquier agresión al cuerpo diplomático brasileño, donde se encuentra el Presidente Zelaya, será asumida como un ataque a Estados Unidos… En el caso de Honduras, podría representar el envío de tropas para restablecer el orden constitucional, en vista que el usurpador Micheletti ha llevado al país a una guerra civil al romper las garantías constitucionales."

Frente Nacional Contra el Golpe - twitter funcione, muchas noticias desde la calle  9/23/2009 Frente Nacional Contra el Golpe: "# Constantemente están llegando reportes de violaciones de derechos humanos: torturas, detenciones ilegales y hasta muertos.about 2 hours ago from web # Se activó una dirección alterna para monitorear radioglobo en la red: contraelgolpedeestadohn.blogspot.comabout 2 hours ago from web # Hay una amenaza latente de represión generalizada y sistemática que comenzaría con el apagón de electricidad.about 2 hours ago from web # Varios cortes de energía eléctrica, tienen oscura varias parte de Tegucigalpa y San Pedro sula. Se teme por un corte generalizado.about 3 hours ago from web # La dictadura delira, leen un absurdo comunicado en inglés en lugar de Español.about 5 hours ago from web # Fuerte represión contra manifestantes en la colonia Kennedy de Tegucigalpa. Se está disparando con bala viva y bombas lacrimógenas.about 5 hours ago from web # Se informa que hay varias subestaciones policiales que han sido tomadas por La Resistencia.about 5 hours ago from web # La policía ataca con armas de fuego al menos dos tomas de calles en Tegucigalpa.about 5 hours ago from web "

Honduras Updates: “There is a people’s insurrection”  9/23/2009 Green Left 

Alzamiento, Revuelta… Insurección popular en Tegucigalpa  9/23/2009 Habla Honduras: El gobierno ya no puede contar con el apoyo de las maras: "Audios en las colonias Honduras, la Bellavista (donde nos reportan 6 muertos de la resistencia – no tenemos nombres-) y la Ramón Amaya Amador, que reporta un acuerdo entre las maras para defender al pueblo, y avisa al ejercito que no intente entrar, ahi la gente ha bajado, desde los centros depauperizados, desde los cerros de la pobreza, desde el hambre, desde la dura vida del desempleo y el asedio…"

Spinning resistance as vandalism  9/23/2009 Honduras Coup 2009 

The One-Sided War on the Streets of Honduras - “They’re the Only Ones Using Violence,” Human Rights Leader Bertha Oliva Observes of the Coup Regime on Day Two of Zelaya’s Return  9/23/2009 NarcoNews: "Eye-witness testimony indicated that the soldiers and police fired tear gas, rubber bullets, and live rounds into the crowd. “It was brutal,” said resistance organizer Juan Barahona, director of El Bloque Popular. “I was outside the embassy when the police began their dispersal. Afterwards we reorganized, and marched through some of the poor barrios. But the police attacked us there as well.” The day before, thousands had gathered in front of the Brazilian Consulate in the Colonia Palmira, to welcome home Mr. Zelaya with chanting and songs. The de facto government imposed a curfew starting at four p.m., and cut power to the Embassy; but Zelaya’s supporters stayed on in the streets all night long, defying orders to disperse… Leaving the hotel this morning on my way to the Brazilian Embassy, I encountered several young men fleeing a squadron of baton-wielding police. As I watched, the officers caught up to two of them and commenced beating them viciously, even after they had fallen to the ground. “We were just walking to work,” said Aron Antonio, bleeding profusely from multiple head wounds. “I can’t understand why they attacked us.” I called an ambulance on my cell phone, but by the time it had arrived, Antonio’s companion had lost consciousness. The youth’s eyes refused to dilate, and he began to vomit where he lay in the gutter."

What Some US Reporters Don't Get About Brazil and the Honduras Crisis  9/23/2009 NarcoNews 

In pictures: Zelaya's dramatic return  9/22/2009 BBC 

Para la Loba Feroz, el regreso de Zelaya es “amenazante”  9/22/2009 CubaDebate: "En la misma lógica ultraderechista que defiende Ros-Lehtinen, las elecciones que realizaría en noviembre la junta golpista dispondría como “observadores” a enviados del grupo neonazi UnoAmérica y de la “Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Libertad”, un apéndice de la Fundación Libertad, financiada por la NED y al Faes de José María Aznar, según la prensa oficialista hondureña Los magistrados del Tribunal Supremo Electoral, TSE, han anunciado que “recibieron el ofrecimiento oficial de participación como observadores” de estos grupos cuya filiación con la CIA y la derecha latinoamericana más recalcitrante está bien documentada. En los últimos meses, UnoAmérica (Unión de Organizaciones Democráticas de América) ha realizado campañas de propaganda contra Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Paraguay y Nicaragua. UnoAmerica es diriga por el venezolano Alejandro Peña Esclusa, un opositor golpista a Hugo Chávez."

¡Emergencia!: Dictadura reprime a balazos a la Resistencia  9/22/2009 El Libertador: "Desde horas de la madrugada, millares y policías disparan contra los miles de compatriotas que respaldan al Presidente Manuel Zelaya, que se encuentra en la embajada de Brasil en Tegucigalpa. En este momento los helicópteros sobrevuelan la capital, el ejército persigue y dispara contra la población y se reportan ya tres muertos… Los uniformados dan muestras claras de estar bajo la influencia de alucinógenos, pues profieren palabras soeces e incoherentes."

Gobierno de facto ataca embajada de Brasil  9/22/2009 El Libertador: "El régimen de facto ha ordenado atacar mediante bombas lacrimógenas y balas de verdad la embajada de Brasil en Honduras, ubicada en la colonia Palmira de la capital, donde se encuentra el legítimo Presidente Manuel Zelaya Rosales, a fin de capturarlo. Para eso, fueron desplazados agentes “Cobras” y de la Policía Preventiva a las 4:00 de la mañana de este martes (22 de septiembre de 2009), quienes sin mediar palabras abrieron fuego contra el Frente Nacional de Resistencia contra el golpe de Estado, que se encontraba frente a la sede diplomática en respaldo al mandatario. “Están atacando la embajada de Brasil con sonidos estridentes para enloquecer a la gente que está aquí, están atacando con bombas la embajada de Brasil”, dijo el Presidente Zelaya en declaraciones a medios locales."

Frente Nacional site under cyberattack  9/22/2009 Frente Nacional Contra el Golpe: Twitter feed coopted by spam, Blogspot asleep at the switch. Most recent legit twitters: "# EL GOBIERAJANO GOLPISTA ORDENO A LA POLICIA QUE RODEEN LA EMBAJADA DE BRASIL PARA REPRIMIRLA FAVOR LLAMAR A TODAS LAS EMBAJADAS INFORMANDO -- # El gobierno GOLPISTA ha dado instrucciones a las compañias de Celulares para que bloqueen todas las llamadas e incomunicar a la Resistencia -- # El Gobierno GOLPISTA en cadena Nacional declara Toque de Queda a partir de las 4:00 p.m. del Lunes 21 de sept hasta las 07:00 am del Martes"

Honduras Update (9/22, 11PM edt): Insurrection, UN Security Council, One More Dead  9/22/2009 Honduras Oye 

No es país sino una CARCEL!!!  9/22/2009 Honduras Resistencia: Fotos de la resistencia y la represion.

El Presidente Zelaya ha regresado a Honduras - En Tegucigalpa el Régimen golpista Ilegítimo ha bloqueado el Acceso a Internet y la Telefonía Celular  9/22/2009 NarcoNews: irse abajo en la pagina para el blog en vivo - 21/9/09 - 5:42 p.m.: Los líderes del bloque del Partido Liberal que se pronunciaron contra el golpe firman una carta pública en la que llaman a los miembros del partido “de todos los barrios populares” de Tegucigalpa y de todo el país para que se congreguen en la embajada brasileña para proteger al presidente Zelaya. Radio Globo acaba de leer la carta al aire.

Live Blog: President Zelaya Has Returned to Honduras  9/22/2009 NarcoNews: scroll down for live blog: 9/21/09 - 5:42 p.m.: Leaders of the Liberal Party bloc that turned against the coup have now signed a public letter calling on party members "in all the popular barrios" of Tegucigalpa and throughout the country to converge on the Brazilian Embassy to protect President Zelaya. Radio Globo just read the letter live on the air.

Neighborhoods in resistance  9/22/2009 Quotha: "The de facto government, through its violence and denial of constitutional and human rights, has managed what Zelaya alone had not fully succeeded in doing: uniting the entire country in the struggle for freedom. Today, they resistance underwent an important shift: it went local. The following Tegucigalpa neighborhoods are defying the curfew and protesting against the coup d'etat:"

Red Cross buses taking kidnapped protesters to open-air prison at Villa Olímpica  9/22/2009 Quotha 

Zelaya 'will rebuild democracy'  9/21/2009 BBC: "The ousted president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, has returned to his country after nearly three months in exile following a political coup. Below is the transcript of an interview he gave to the BBC's Latin American service from inside the Brazilian embassy in the capital Tegucigalpa."

Honduras Tilts Toward Revolution  9/21/2009 Consortium News: Honduran Filmmaker Óscar Estrada describes the split in Honduras' ruling class and discusses the hard right religious bent of the coup regime.

¡Presidente Zelaya ya está en Honduras!  9/21/2009 El Libertador: "El legítimo Presidente de Honduras, Manuel Zelaya Rosales, ya se encuentra en territorio nacional, 85 días después de que fuera derrocado por la dictadura impuesta por Roberto Micheletti. Esto fue confirmado por el mandatario a un canal de televisión nacional: “Estoy en Tegucigalpa”, fueron las primeras palabras que vertió, ante el grito de entusiasmo por parte de la resistencia."

Noticias Urgente - las mas recientes noticias con Twitter  9/21/2009 Frente Nacional Contra el Golpe: "# EL GOBIERAJANO GOLPISTA ORDENO A LA POLICIA QUE RODEEN LA EMBAJADA DE BRASIL PARA REPRIMIRLA FAVOR LLAMAR A TODAS LAS EMBAJADAS INFORMANDO -- # El gobierno GOLPISTA ha dado instrucciones a las compañias de Celulares para que bloqueen todas las llamadas e incomunicar a la Resistencia -- # El Gobierno GOLPISTA en cadena Nacional declara Toque de Queda a partir de las 4:00 p.m. del Lunes 21 de sept hasta las 07:00 am del Martes"

COMUNICADO COFADEH: Retorno del Presidente Zelaya  9/21/2009 Habla Honduras - El Comité de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos en Honduras COFADEH: "El pueblo hondureño tiene el derecho a expresarse libremente, circular por todo el país sin menoscabo a sus garantías individuales. Invocamos el artículo 3 de la Constitución de la República “nadie debe obediencia a un gobierno usurpador ni a quienes asuman funciones con empleos públicos por la fuerza de las armas o usando medios o procedimientos que quebranten o desconozcan lo que esta Constitución y la leyes establecen. Los actos verificados por tales autoridades son nulos”... Denunciamos la suspensión abrupta de los servicios de la telefonía celular de la empresa TIGO que desde las 3:40 pm, ha dejado sin comunicación a miles de hondureños, violentando el derecho a la comunicación y la libertad de expresión, consignados en la Constitución de la República. Nos alarma la movilización de convoyes militares y policiales en las cercanías de la avenida La Paz, zona en donde se encuentra el Presidente Constitucional de la República, Don Manuel Zelaya Rosales, en la Embajada del Brasil."

Llamado a la población: todos a la Embajada de Brasil  9/21/2009 Hibueras: "Se hace un llamado a la población para que de manera ordenada vayan a la capital a reunirse con el presidente Zelaya, él está en la embajada de Brasil. Pueden también presentarse a las reuniones del frente de resistencia. En San Pedro Sula ya la gente está lista para partir y llegarán mañana martes. Mientras tanto miles y miles de personas están ya en los alrededores de la embajada de Brasil. Se pide a la población que contacte al frente de resistencia para mayor información, La embajada de Brasil está en la Avenida los Próceres cerca de la embajada de Estados Unidos. La consigna del frente de resistencia es el llamado a la Constituyente. Mujeres, hombres, jóvenes, ancianos, niños, todos, todos a la embajada de Brasil. Están transmitiendo la llegada de Zelaya: Telesur, radio Globo, Cholusat"

President Zelaya Has Returned to Honduras  9/21/2009 Honduras Oye: "State Department spokesman Ian Kelly says in Washington that U.S. officials have confirmed that Zelaya is in Honduras. But Kelly adds: “Where exactly he is, I don’t know, and we’re just trying to find out more details.” Officials of the interim government that ousted Zelaya earlier denied his claims that he had returned to Tegucigalpa. And a U.N. official denied that he was at the United Nations office he said he was speaking from in an interview with a local television station."

Manuel Zelaya's Nightime Return to Honduras  9/21/2009 Huffington Post: "That Zelaya traveled at night, crossing "rivers and mountains," as he put it, all the while managing to evade Honduran intelligence - largely funded, trained, and provisioned by the US military - is quite a feat - and also a hint that Zelaya still commands the loyalty of some sectors of the military and police… It has become increasingly clear that Micheletti's strategy of trying to hold out until scheduled presidential elections in late November was not working, with a movement within Honduras for a boycott of the vote gaining steam and most Latin American nations saying they would not recognize its results. Since the prospect of holding elections with Zelaya in prison - or perhaps still rallying supporters from his Brazilian refuge -- would only underscore the illegitimacy of the coup government, it seems that it will have no choice but to negotiate directly with Zelaya his return to power. Those backing the coup perhaps sense that their game is up; a communiqué issued by the National Front Against the Coup reports that some businessmen and military leaders who supported Zelaya's overthrow are leaving the country. If this is a moment of truth for Honduras, it is also one for Washington. Since his ouster, Washington has sent mixed messages, refusing to condemn the coup with the same force as the Organization of American States and the European Union, and refusing to apply as much pressure as it could - freezing the foreign bank accounts, for instance, of those behind the overthrow - that could force the restoration of democracy."

El Presidente Zelaya ha regresado a Honduras - En Tegucigalpa el Régimen golpista Ilegítimo ha bloqueado el Acceso a Internet y la Telefonía Celular  9/21/2009 NarcoNews: "Desarrollando…Seguiremos actualizando aquí cuando estemos en condiciones de informar y confirmar más…"

Live Blog: President Zelaya Has Returned to Honduras  9/21/2009 NarcoNews: "As occurred during the first hours of the June 28 coup d'etat, the Internet signals of Channel 36 and Radio Globo are blocked, as is cell phone service in the capital (I've yet to confirm that there is any Internet or cell phone access in Tegucigalpa at all right now - it all appears to be jammed - but we do have reporter Belén Fernández reporting right this moment from that city and the information blockade will be broken soon enough.) We can take that extreme of censorship as additional confirmation that the President has indeed returned and the illegitimate coup regime is panicking. Developing... We'll update here as we're able to report and confirm more…"

Radio Globo en vivo desde Tegucigalpa, Honduras  9/21/2009 Radio Globo 


Honduras Resistance Warns of Provocateurs on the Internet  9/19/2009 NarcoNews: "And what drives the coup mongers battiest is that after 84 days of constant and massive dissent against the illegitimate coup regime – even after more than 3,500 arbitrary arrests of coup opponents, brutal beatings, torture and even some assassinations by the regime, its police and its military – the resistance remains nonviolent. Coup defenders have thus tried to seize upon isolated images of youths tossing tear gas canisters back at police, or the early August incident in which three unidentified men, a few blocks away from a protest march, set fire to a Popeye’s Chicken restaurant with a Molotov, as somehow representative of the resistance. They’ve tossed in a few photos of graffiti on the walls of Honduran cities as further supposed evidence of the unruly nature of the resistance. But that dog hasn’t hunted and so now the deceit and trickery has sunk to a new low: the invention, out of thin cyberspace, of a supposed guerrilla army and its website which claims the armed organization (one that doesn’t exist) is sponsored by the National Resistance Front Against the Coup d’Etat, the umbrella organization for many organizations and individuals that oppose the coup."

WHOIS results for  9/19/2009 Network Solutions: "Registrant Name:Georges Godoy Registrant Street1:106 avenue Roger Salengro Registrant City:Chaville Registrant State/Province: Registrant Postal Code:92370 Registrant Country:FR Registrant Phone:+33.147500943"

Golpistas racistas: cierre del Hospital Comunitario garífuna de Ciriboya  9/18/2009 Honduras Resists: "En los útlimos días se viene haciendo efectiva la amenaza de la conversión del Hospital Comunitario de Ciriboya en un simple centro de salud, descalificando la enorme labor de apoyo efectuada por los médicos garífunas graduado en la ELAM y las brigadas cubanas. Las razones que motivan al régimen de facto a tomar la determinación de destruir el trabajo efectuado por el Hospital Comunitario de Ciriboya, radica en el racismo de los funcionarios estatales que se han incorporado a la pesadilla orquestada por Micheletti, y al desprecio por la visión social de los médicos educados en Cuba, versus a la mentalidad capitalista de la mayoría de los médicos egresados de las escuelas locales."

Racist coup government: Shut down the Garífuna Community Hospital of Ciriboya  9/18/2009 Honduras Resists: "This report was written by the National Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH), the largest organization of Afro-Hondurans and an important force within the resistance to the coup d'etat. The Garífuna doctor who spearheaded the creation of the hospital, Dr. Luther Castillo has been faced with ongoing threats to his life and freedom as a result of the coup."

Honduras and Iran: Essay Requirement for the School of Authentic Journalism  9/17/2009 Narco News: "In June of 2009 Civil Resistance Movements Emerged in Two Countries, but Much of the Media Coverage Treated Each Differently"

Rights Action SPEAKING TOURS - FALL 2009 - “RESISTANCE TO MILITARY COUPS & GOLD MINING DEVASTATION IN HONDURAS & GUATEMALA”  9/17/2009 Rights Action: "In October, activists with Rights Action will be on speaking tours in Ontario, Quebec, eastern Canada, and parts of north-east USA, showing slides and short documentaries and speaking about the on-going pro-democracy, anti-coup movement in Honduras and about indigenous and community resistance to Goldcorp Inc.’s open-pit, cyanide leach mines in Guatemala and Honduras."

The Honduran Coup: Was it a Matter of Behind-the-Scenes Finagling by State Department Stonewallers?  9/16/2009 COHA: "Evidence points to Senator John McCain, Otto Reich, the heavily ideological policy advisor on Latin America for the McCain campaign, and Robert Carmona-Borjas, a Venezuelan lawyer, columnist and academic, all of whom may have had significant financial and politicized ties to the U.S. telecommunications industry. Senator McCain and the International Republican Institute (IRI), of which he is chairman, have both received significant funding from AT&T. In return, the IRI has fought tirelessly against Latin American democracies that refuse to privatize their telecommunication companies. By chance, Zelaya has been one of the chief opponents to privatization. Additionally, connections between this corporate agenda and Carmona-Borjas, who fled to the U.S. in 2002 after Chávez had been briefly ousted, have since been discovered. Carmona-Borjas is now a co-founder of the Arcadia foundation, an institute that has launched fierce attacks against Zelaya, accusing him of alleged fraud and corruption involving Hondutel, the Honduran state telecommunications company that he has refused to privatize. A fierce opponent of Zelaya and an acquaintance of Carmona-Borjas, rightwing ideologue Otto Reich has contested any reinstallment of the Zelaya administration. Perhaps this is because his firm, Otto Reich Associates, is the paid agent of a number of clients promoting the free trade ideology in Latin America, which has closely coincided with the push for privatization of the Honduran telecommunications industry."

De Facto Regime Terrorizes Father of Slain Youth  9/16/2009 Earth Island Institute 

Honduran presidential hopefuls to meet mediator  9/14/2009 AP: "Costa Rican President Oscar Arias said he will meet Wednesday with at least four of the six candidates, including the top two contenders, in an effort to gain their support for restoring ousted President Manuel Zelaya before the Nov. 29 ballot. Arias, a Nobel Peace Prize winner who has been leading U.S.-backed efforts to restore Zelaya, said he will make clear that the world will not recognize the outcome of the election unless Zelaya is reinstated before then. "The idea is to speak with them frankly," Arias said at a news conference in Costa Rica's capital, San Jose, where the meeting will take place. "What good is there for a presidential hopeful in Honduras to win the elections if his future government will not be recognized by the international community and the sanctions will continue or even increase?"

History Repeats Itself in Honduras - Banana Workers Unions Apply Lessons of 1954 General Strike to Coup Resistance  9/14/2009 NarcoNews: "As for other kinds of replacement, Nuñez announced that many of the banana plantations in the vicinity of La Lima had been replanted with African palms, which produce palm oil and biodiesel. University of California professor Dana Frank, well – known by all at COSIBAH, offers one explanation for the proliferation of the African palm in her book Bananeras: Women Transforming the Banana Unions of Latin America. According to Frank, banana corporations like Chiquita took advantage of the destruction of the majority of the Honduran banana plantations by Hurricane Mitch in 1998 to withdraw from plantations that had workers’ unions or else replant them with African palms, which require less of a work force and thus presumably generate fewer workers’ demands. Other objectives of African palm proliferation were suggested by Nuñez, one of them being the expropriation of land from small farmers who had been encouraged to convert to the crop and then gone bankrupt due to increased Asian production of palms and their diminishing market price. Nuñez listed Honduran politician and businessman Jaime Rosenthal as an example of someone who might end up in possession of the expropriated land and proceeded to list other things already in the Rosenthal family’s possession, such as banks, crocodiles, the newspaper El Tiempo, and the Marathon soccer team – which, he added mischievously, workplace safety coordinator Gloria García avidly supported."

Resistencia antigolpista vuelve a las calles de Honduras  9/14/2009 PL 

Honduras envoy says "ordered out" of U.N. rights body  9/14/2009 Reuters 

Official: U.S. revokes visas of Honduran president, 15 others  9/13/2009 CNN 

Honduras: Narcotráfico e imperio converge  9/11/2009 CubaDebate: "En Honduras la actividad de los carteles de la droga, el lavado de dinero, el surgimiento de numerosas fortunas sin explicación, intensa actividad en la construcción, infraestructuras innecesarias, no son actividades nuevas. De hecho ya durante esta década incluso un diputado del derechista Partido Nacional fue capturado mientras peleaba por recuperar un cargamento d droga de una avioneta que aterrizo clandestinamente en una carretera sin pavimentar en el despoblado departamento de Olancho ( . Este diputado fue puesto en la cárcel, y antes de que se esclareciera nada fue ejecutado en la penitenciaria. El caso se cerró pero la conexión entre los fondos de la droga y los políticos hizo aparición por primera vez. Resulta sorprendente la efectividad policial desde entonces para ignorar evidencias, pistas o indicios racionales sobre este tipo de casos."

EU to warn Honduras of further sanctions over coup  9/10/2009 Reuters: ""Until a peaceful settlement is found, the EU will stand ready to take further restrictive measures, including targeting those members of the de facto government who are seen to be blocking progress on a negotiated solution," the statement, seen by Reuters, said."

Micheletti vs la “Bestia”  9/8/2009 AfroCubaWeb: "Al condenar desde el Parlamento hondureño al “lépero” Miranda, el hoy golpista Michiletti retomaba religiosamente las maldiciones proferidas por la jerarquía católica en contra de los seguidores de Miranda por tatuarse el diabólico signo 666 en el cuerpo.  El arzobispo de Tegucigalpa, cardenal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez, hoy partidario del golpe de estado, había denunciado al líder satánico que encabeza la secta Creciendo en Gracia, por promover manifestaciones callejeras."

Bajo un golpe de Estado no puede haber elecciones libres  9/8/2009 Hibueras 


They fear us because we are not afraid: Honduran women resist the coup  9/7/2009 Stabroek News, Guyana: "In their preliminary report, the Observatorio de la Transgresión Feminista (Feminist Transformation Watch) noted the central role of women in daily street marches and demonstrations rejecting the de facto regime of Roberto Micheletti and calling for the return of President Manuel Zelaya. They noted the increasing use of violence by the military and police against demonstrators, and that women were being targeted in specific and all too predictable ways. One news report described acts of sexual aggression against women, “ranging from verbal obscenities and threats to women being grabbed or beaten with batons in their buttocks, to torture and rape in detention”. In one reported incident, women who were demonstrating outside the Institute of Women against the policies of the newly installed Minister of Women (who has refused to hear any complaints of the violations of women’s human rights following the coup), found themselves on the receiving end of the baton wielding military who she called in to dismantle the protest. Given the fact that so many of the testimonies have implicated the military and police as perpetrators, women have been understandably reluctant to file reports. In a situation that Guyanese can surely sympathise with at present, what do you do when those entrusted with the ‘legitimate use of force’ and with people’s security and safety are among those that you fear?"

Creciendo en Gracia, una secta en campaña agresiva en Iberoamérica  9/7/2009 Zenit, Rome: Zenit es un periodico catolico en Roma - "En estos últimos años se ha puesto de actualidad una secta de origen cristiano denominada "Creciendo en Gracia", que se caracteriza por un proselitismo agresivo y sus ataques a la Iglesia católica y a otras confesiones religiosas. Fundada por un puertorriqueño que se hace llamar "Jesucristo hombre" y el Anticristo, está extendida por todos los países de habla hispana. Por eso publicamos este estudio, realizado por Luis Santamaría del Río, sacerdote de la diócesis de Zamora y miembro de la Red Iberoamericana de Estudio de las Sectas (RIES)."

Honduras targets deposed leader over expenses  9/6/2009 AFP: "Honduras' de facto government attacked deposed President Manual Zelaya on Saturday for wasting six million dollars of public funds on horses, vacations and Harley Davidson motorcycles. Government officials distributed a lengthy list of what they claimed were Zelaya's pet luxury items, including cash for the upkeep of his horses as well as airline tickets, jewelry, the use of a private helicopter, and his own top-of-the-range motorbike, local media reported."

Centrales obreras hondureñas acuerdan nuevo paro nacional  9/4/2009 Aporrea: "Hoy amanecieron en paro de labores las empresas estatales como: la empresa Nacional de energía eléctrica (ENEE), El Servicio Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (SANAA), la Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (HONDUTEL) y otras empresas más del Estado, cuyos empleados están afiliados a las tres centrales obreras que hay en el país, para participar en las protestas de la resistencia."

Honduran Garifuna Culture Threatened by Coup  9/4/2009 New American Media: by Willie Thompson - "The Honduran de facto coup government under Roberto Micheletti plans to eliminate the Honduran Garifuna people and culture. Micheletti has rescinded the Manuel Zelaya authorization to teach in the Garifuna language in school and to teach the language itself. All scholarships to Garifuna students have been eliminated. Now, Micheletti, with no opposition from the U.S. State Department, has set Sept. 1, 2009, to take over the Garifuna built and operated hospital and fire its Latin American Medical School (ELAM) trained Garifuna physicians, including Dr. Luther Castillo Harry, its founder. Dr. Castillo Harry has been targeted for assassination in order to decapitate the Garifuna leadership. The original open assassination strategy has been revised to arrest and imprison Castillo Harry and have him killed in jail as a way of covering his assassination."

U.S. Warns Honduras on New Vote  9/4/2009 WSJ: "U.S. officials also said they would revoke some visas of members and supporters of Honduras's interim government. Potentially more significant were the U.S. comments on the elections set for November. The interim Honduran government hopes that the inauguration of a new president will provide a path out of the country's current isolation. "At this moment, we would not be able to support the outcome of the scheduled elections," a statement by State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said. U.S. officials declined to comment further on the implied election threat."

Los hechos hablan  9/3/2009 ALAI Net: "Ese es el gran ejemplo que nos da la comunidad garífuna de Iriona que demanda, en forma urgente, la solidaridad del pueblo hondureño para que el hospital que fue construido con los esfuerzos de todos sus miembros, no les sea arrebatado para encadenarlo a un sistema estatal que no garantiza la permanencia de los beneficios médicos con que actualmente cuenta, especialmente los que ofrecen los profesionales garífunas, compatriotas graduados en Cuba."

Zelaya: Honduras election 'a fraud'  9/2/2009 Al Jazeera: "Manuel Zelaya, the ousted Honduran president, has said elections is his country due to be held on November 29 will be viewed as a fraud by the international community. Speaking to reporters in Washington, where he has been meeting with representatives from the Organisation of American States (OAS), Zelaya said he had been assured the result of the poll would not be recognised."

Chávez tiró la toalla  9/2/2009 Cuba Entre Rejas: "Hoy hemos recibido dos buenas noticias. La Unión Europea aprobó el desembolso de $150 millones que estaban pendientes de entrega al gobierno de Honduras y que habían manifestado que no lo harían. La segunda buena noticia es que en el día de ayer una delegación de empresarios del San Salvador y Panamá se reunieron con el presidente Roberto Micheletti."

EL LIBERTADOR aporta pruebas: El Heraldo mintió: Secretario de Seguridad hizo el retiro de cincuenta millones del Banco Central  9/2/2009 El Libertador 

La resistencia se profundiza con el boicot electoral: Vamos por la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente  9/1/2009 El Libertador: “Vamos a despreciar y rechazar a todos los políticos y las políticas golpistas que hoy están avalando la farsa electoral, vamos a elegir una Asamblea Constituyente para una nueva Constitución, un nuevo acuerdo para refundar a Honduras”.

Clinton to meet Zelaya, US mulls cutting off aid  9/1/2009 Reuters: "U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton plans to meet ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya on Thursday, the State Department said as Washington debates formally cutting off aid to the Honduran government… Clinton's Washington talks with Zelaya, a wealthy landowner who moved toward the left after taking office, take place against the backdrop of an extended U.S. government debate on whether he was deposed by the military."

Honduran Zelaya post coup return unlikely: Chavez  9/1/2009 Reuters: "Regardless of whether Zelaya returns or not, and really, at this point, that's hard to imagine, Honduras will keep up the fight," Chavez said in a phone call to Venezuelan television from Libya."

Takeover imminent of Honduras’ Garifuna Community Hospital  9/1/2009 SF Bay View: by Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba (MEDICC)

Pese a la presión, Micheletti inicia campaña para elecciones generales  8/31/2009 ADITAL 

Scenes of Resistance in Honduras  8/31/2009 Counterpunch 

Position of National Front Againt the Coup on Elections  8/31/2009 Honduras Resists: "NEITHER CAMPAIGN NOR LEGITIMATE ELECTIONS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE COUP."

OFRANEH: Golpistas racistas cierran Hospital Comunitario Garifuna de Ciriboya  8/31/2009 Honduras Solidarity: "En los útlimos días se viene haciendo efectiva la amenaza de la conversión del Hospital Comunitario de Ciriboya en un simple centro de salud, descalificando la enorme labor de apoyo efectuada por los médicos garífunas graduado en la ELAM y las brigadas cubanas. Las razones que motivan al régimen de facto a tomar la determinación de destruir el trabajo efectuado por el Hospital Comunitario de Ciriboya, radica en el racismo de los funcionarios estatales que se han incorporado a la pesadilla orquestada por Micheletti, y al desprecio por la visión social de los médicos educados en Cuba, versus a la mentalidad capitalista de la mayoría de los médicos egresados de las escuelas locales. La labor efectuada tanto por las brigadas cubanas como por los médicos garífunas, ha servido de paradigma al igual que la construcción con recursos propios de un hospital modelo, único en Honduras y ejemplo para los demás pueblos indígenas."

The Parable of the Honduran Congresswoman and the Gringa Blogger  8/31/2009 Narco News: "Congresswoman Silvia Ayala Multi-Tasks to Restore Democracy as Self-Pitying Expat Blogger Attempts to Smear Her While Updating Amazon Wish List"

Toppling a Coup, Part VII: A School of Leaders in Honduras  8/31/2009 NarcoNews: "75 young Afro-Honduran community organizers gathered this weekend in La Ceiba and issued a call for a November 2010 referendum for a new Constitution. D.R. 2009 Samuel Molina… The July comment by its make-believe “foreign minister” that referred to US President Barack Obama as “that little nigger” was not an isolated gaffe: Coup “president” Roberto Micheletti has additionally installed the country’s most infamously bigoted politician, Rafael Pineda Ponce, as his very own chief of staff. As the de facto regime’s “minister of government,” Pineda Ponce has suddenly found new relevance in Honduran political life. Before the coup plotters rescued him from obscurity, Pineda Ponce was a disgraced and largely forgotten 2001 presidential candidate on the Liberal Party line who lost to President Ricardo Maduro largely due to the total rejection Pineda Ponce faced from the Afro-Honduran population after he referred to those citizens sneeringly as “monkeys” that hang from trees."

U.S. must get tough to help restore democratic order in Honduras  8/30/2009 Seattle Times: By Elvia Valle - "ROBERTO Micheletti, the man who, on June 28, supported a military coup against the president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, and then assumed control of the country, was until recently a close friend and political ally. For years, I had admired his strong commitment to democracy. But then when I first realized, in early June of this year, that Micheletti was prepared to betray his principles in his effort to force President Zelaya out of power, I felt a deep sense of disgust and fear… Moreover, on top of being unconstitutional, the vote to approve the destitution of Zelaya was not transparent. I am a member of our Congress' Executive Committee, yet I was not summoned to participate in the vote to approve the president's removal, nor were another 20 fellow Liberal Party members of Congress. The regime then tried to fool the world by claiming there was a unanimous congressional decision supporting the coup, even though some 27 congress members publicly voiced their opposition…. The U.S. should freeze the de facto regime leaders' U.S.-based assets, and revoke their visas, as the U.S. State Department has already started to do. The U.S. should also join the Union of South American Nations and Mexico in refusing to recognize the outcome of November's elections. Since the electoral process would be held under a de facto regime that has suppressed all constitutional liberties, civil guarantees and the freedom of expression, conditions for free and fair elections will be impossible, and some politicians who have publicly denounced the coup now face reprisals and retaliation for their ties to President Zelaya."

“Los cubanos médicos llegan a cualquier sitio y atienden a la gente como lo que es”  8/29/2009 Dick Emanuelsson 

“Los médicos cubanos curamos, prevenimos, y no hablamos de dinero, así nos formamos”  8/29/2009 Dick Emanuelsson: "Hace 16 meses llegó la primera Brigada Médica Cubana a Ciriboya, una aldea del municipio de Iriona. Ganó inmediatamente el cariño y el amor de la población garifuna. Trabajaron los cubanos un año y fueron reemplazados por un nuevo contingente. Con ellos conversé cuando solo faltaba un mes antes de que inaugurara un hermoso hospital de dos pisos el 8 de diciembre. Los tres cubanos con que conversamos son la Licenciada en Enfermería LOYNA CARIDAD MILANES ALDAZABAL, la especialista en Medicina Integral (MGI) KENYA FERNÁNDEZ MORA y el Estomatólogo, JORGE LUÍS CHIVAS."

GARIFUNAS: “El capitalismo que existe en Honduras nos ha destruido”  8/29/2009 Dick Emanuelsson: "Diálogo con Arnulfo Mejias Zelaya, el Alcalde del muncipio de Iriona y de la Comunidad Garífuna que subraya que “antes que llegaran los médicos cubanos en Iriona sólo había un médico”"

Garifunas: La lucha por el derecho a salud para el pueblo garifuna  8/29/2009 Dick Emanuelsson: "El 27 de febrero del 1999 llegaron los primeros estudiantes latinoamericanos para comenzar sus estudios en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina, ELAM, una institución que fue inaugurada por Fidel Castro el 15 de noviembre del mismo año cuando se celebraba la Cumbre de los Jefes de los paises Iberoamericanos. Desde el inicio estuvo al frente Eladio Valcárcel, vicerrector de la ELAM con lo cual conversamos en esta entrevista exclusiva."

HOSPITAL GARIFUNA: Cuba y Estados Unidos trabajan juntos en Honduras  8/29/2009 Dick Emanuelsson: "Entrevista a John Garamendi, Vicegobernador del Estado de California en Estados Unidos durante la inauguración de una clínica en Ciraboya."

HOSPITAL GARIFUNA: Diálogo con el Dr. Luther Castillo Harry, motor de la lucha del pueblo garifuna  8/29/2009 Dick Emanuelsson: "LUTHER: Primero que nada agradecer profundamente a ti, compañero Dick, por esta oportunidad. Vale aclarar que los verdaderos motores de este proyecto son Fidel, el pueblo cubano y el pueblo garífuna, que creemos son engranajes muy importantes. Fidel por la concepción de este proyecto que es la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina, que nos permite a nosotros los pobres, los afrodescendientes de Honduras, e hijos de campesinos, de obreros y diferentes grupos étnicos, formarnos en esta noble carrera que es la de Medicina. El pueblo cubano por el apoyo y ese soporte que ha dado a estos ideales. Y el pueblo garífuna por el compromiso que hemos tenido en la lucha por muchos años y es la que nos mantiene ahí firmes para crear este proyecto, que es la idea con la que fue concebida la ELAM."

HOSPITAL GARIFUNA: LA LUCHA POR LA SALUD DEL PUEBLO GARIFUNA EN HONDURAS  8/29/2009 Dick Emanuelsson: Expresión de la solidaridad internacionalista de la Revolución Cubana - Reportaje, audio y fotos de Dick Emanuelsson - Trascripción Adriana D'Ambrosio, la Juventud (Montevideo) - "Transcurrieron 116 años, entre que se fundó la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Honduras hasta que se pudo graduar el primer médico garifuna en esa Facultad. Sin embargo, entre 2005 y 2007 ya han sido graduados en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicinas (ELAM), en Cuba, 32 médicos garifunas y están por graduarse varias decenas más de esta etnia hondureña. Es con este panorama comenzamos este reportaje divididos en cinco partes."

El golpe de estado en Honduras y los aparatos clericales  8/28/2009 ADITAL: por Helio Gallardo Martínez, Teólogo del DEI (Departamento Ecuménico de Investigación). Profesor de la Universidad de Costa Rica -- "Por el contrario, la ruindad ventajista de las palabras del Cardenal no hizo sino confirmar que al menos él sí sabía que se había producido un golpe de Estado y que políticamente un eventual retorno de Zelaya tornaría más vigorosa la resistencia interna de la población que se oponía a los golpistas. Puesto que tuvo a la mano una mejor y coherente opción para debilitar la posición de Zelaya (a quien probablemente odia por razones personales) su aporte personal, además de ruin, puede considerarse estúpido. Que se haya reparado poco en ello se deriva exclusivamente de que, como cardenal, la gente ve en él y escucha en sus palabras, algo sagrado."

Dictador Roberto Micheletti reta a Estados Unidos y la OEA: "No tenemos miedo al embargo de nadie"  8/27/2009 El Libertador 

Catalyzing a New Movement - The Coup and Honduran Women  8/26/2009 Counterpunch: "One of the things that provoked the coup d'etat was that the president accepted a petition from the feminist movement regarding the day-after pill. Opus Dei mobilized, the fundamentalist evangelical churches mobilized, along with all the reactionary groups," he explained."

BALTASAR GARZÓN: “Para la defensa de derechos humanos no existe frontera”  8/26/2009 El Libertador: "Asimismo, respecto al caso de Billy Joya, señalado de violación de derechos humanos en la década de 1980, el miembro de la Federación Internacional de Derechos Humanos, Guillermo Pérez, afirmó: “Si el aparato judicial hondureño no ha hecho nada en este caso, de nuevo el ejercicio de la jurisdicción universal de España se puede plantear con el señor Billy Joya y él lo debe tener muy claro”."

Dictador hondureño desafía a Estados Unidos  8/26/2009 El Libertador 

Honduran resistance goes it alone  8/26/2009 NarcoNews: "60 days of anti-coup protests show persistence in civil disobedience and little faith in int'l community."

Friedrich Naumann Foundation  8/25/2009 Deep Politics Forum: "The work of the Nauman-Foundation in Latin America is currently drawing attention, because the FDP affiliated organization has conspicuously been supporting the Honduran putschists. Their party, the Partido Liberal de Honduras (PLH), is closely cooperating with this German foundation, and several of the foundation's IAF alumni had already been named ministers and vice ministers before the putsch ( reported [4])."

Fundación alemana que apoya golpe en Honduras patrocina a Carlos Alberto Montaner  8/25/2009 Mundial, Caracas: por Jean Guy Allard - "La fundación alemana Friedrich Naumann Stiftung (FNS), denunciada ante el Parlamento alemán por su apoyo al régimen fascista de Roberto Michiletti, también da cobertura al terrorista de origen cubano Carlos Alberto Montaner y desarrolla operaciones propagandísticas en contra de los gobiernos progresistas de Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua y Venezuela. Esta organización acaba de ser objeto de acusaciones de injerencia y de interpelaciones al gobierno federal alemán por el grupo parlamentario del partido socialista Die Linke (La Izquierda), quién atacó el carácter ilegitimo de las operaciones de esta fundación ultraderechista vinculada al FDP (Partido Demócrata Liberal)."

Toppling a Coup, Part VI: Electoral, Armed, or Something Else  8/25/2009 NarcoNews: "For seventeen years, ODECO and the man the organization calls its principal strategist, Celeo Alvarez Casildo, have built what is evidently the largest and most advanced project of community organizing anywhere in (and one that reaches across a wide geographical swathe of) Honduras. As Afro-Hondurans they have self-organized to defend and expand their civil rights and those of indigenous peoples and other minorities, to win proportional representation in Congress and other governmental bodies, to overturn NAFTA-style initiatives that would have opened the door wider to foreign ownership of Honduran property and resources and, among other conquests, to legalize 32,000 hectares of communal lands. “We had always been invisible,” Alvarez, fifty-years-young, explained to your reporters. A recent reminder of the unapologetic racism rampant in the mindset of the Honduran oligarchy came in the early days after the June 28 coup d’etat when the regime’s make-believe foreign minister, Enrique Ortez, expressed his views about US President Barack Obama: “Ese negrito no sabe nada de Honduras,” or “That little nigger doesn’t know anything about Honduras.” Alvarez and ODECO launched an all-out media offensive that forced the regime’s first defeat: Ortez’s resignation (the regime transferred him to a less visible sinecure in its bureaucracy)."

Prohíbido disentir  8/23/2009 Hibueras: "El Noticiero Radio noticias Chic, que dirigía acertadamente el compañero Mario Peralta, a través de la radio Chic Estéreo de San Esteban, Olancho fue cerrado por los propietarios de la radio, encabezados por la diputada suplente Mirian Paz, en represalia por haber transmitido en el noticiero un pronunciamiento del Frente De Resistencia Popular de San Esteban, Olancho y una entrevista del coordinador general del frente Ing. Mario Méndez."

Escalating Sexual Aggression Against Women Protesting Military Coup  8/23/2009 Honduras Oye: "Women’s and human rights groups are receiving reports of escalating sexual aggression against women both in the demonstrations and in detentions, ranging from verbal obscenities and threats, to women being grabbed or beaten with batons on their buttocks, to torture and rape in detentions, noted Adela Coria of the Center for Women’s Studies (CEM). In today’s Forum in Tegucigalpa, Yadida Minero reported that she had just taken a young woman to a radio station to denounce her torture and rape with a rifle while in detention at a police station. Likewise, in the United States, the diminishing number of media reports on Honduras reflect how Pres. Obama led by Secretary State Hillary Clinton is backing away from his originally strong condemnation of the coup which ousted the legally elected President Zelaya, according to Breny Mendoza, a Honduran living in the US, and professor at California State University in Northridge."

HONDURAS’ Cuban Connection: Coup AND Assassination Attempts?  8/23/2009 Honduras Oye: "In an article he wrote (translated by Machetera) in early July, Dr. Nestor Garcia Iturbe, identified a network of Cuban terrorists that was involved in the coup against President Zelaya. Among them was Ralph Nodarse, owner of Channel 6 TV in San Pedro Sula and good buddy of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles. The following article written by Miguel Angel Ferrer suggests that not only was Nodarse involved in the coup, but was an active participant in assassination attempts against President Zelaya. And. as if this is not enough, let’s remember that the next stop for Cuban terrorist, Armando Valladares, the darling of the Reganites, is supposed to be Honduras."

Honduras Reports Lack of Towns Named for Oliver North  8/23/2009 NarcoNews: "Last Thursday night in the northeastern Honduran port of Trujillo, Al Giordano and I visited the Bahia Bar, past clients of which had allegedly included Marine Corps officer Oliver North in the 1980s. North’s patronage was presumably an effect of the bar’s proximity to the Trujillo airfield, which functioned as a transit point for Colombian cocaine en route to the United States."

The Learning Curve of the Teachers vs. the Honduras Coup  8/23/2009 NarcoNews: "In this tropical banana producing region, the highway blockades of July were of longer duration – some for as long as 60 or 70 consecutive hours – than in other parts of the country (see also Belén Fernández’s related report from the region, Honduras Reports Lack of Towns Named for Oliver North) and faced less interference from repressive forces. “There is more respect here from the police and the Army,” Paz explained, and by respect it’s clear that he means a healthy fear of provoking this population. Colón – like Olancho to the south, and much of eastern Honduras – has a farming and ranching populace many of whom possess weapons for hunting and protection. And while the resistance here, too, is nonviolent, the locals do have a nationwide reputation for self-defense. One of the first and biggest stores one sees upon entering Tocoa, population 53,000, is called “La Armería” – “The Gunshop” - and displays large hand painted images of the weapons and bullets on sale inside. As in the rural regions of the United States, sportsmen are a big part of the culture, as are omnipresent cowboy hats men wear. That this region’s civil resistance has remained pacific is evidence of the self-discipline maintained so far by its movement’s most important sectors."

CIDH confirmó existencia de patrón de uso desproporcionado de la fuerza pública en Honduras  8/22/2009 Defensores en Linea 

Despidos ordenados por ministra de facto, ponen en peligro la memoria histórica de Honduras  8/22/2009 Defensores en Linea 

CIDH comprueba violaciones a los derechos humanos en Honduras  8/22/2009 El Libertador 

Feministas en resistencia: “S i Zelaya no retorna, se dará otra lucha histórica”  8/22/2009 El Libertador 

Los golpistas se hacel el hara kiri: en 80% se redujo el flujo turístico en Honduras  8/22/2009 Hibueras: "Tan grave es la crisis que la Federación de Cámaras de Turismo (FEDECATUR) están haciendo hasta lo imposible para unir esfuerzos para que las pérdidas sean menores que las habidas hasta ahora, y es que dar un golpe de Estado en plena temporada puede ocurrírsele unicamente a la débil y desraizada empresa privada hondureña, que siempre ha visto a corto término y jamás ha podido superar el cortoplacismo. Esa debilidad e inmadurez fue habilmente explotada por los tiburones venezolanos golpistas y ahora por los aventureros cubanos que, tranquilamente, llegan a ofrecerse al gobierno de facto para reprimir a los hondureños que protestan contra el golpe de Estado."

Open Letter to Kenneth Roth - Why has Human Rights Watch Fallen Silent on Honduras?  8/21/2009 Counterpunch: "We are deeply concerned by the absence of statements and reports from your organization over the serious and systematic human rights abuses that have been committed under the Honduran coup regime over the past six weeks. It is disappointing to see that in the weeks since July 8, when Human Rights Watch issued its most recent press release on Honduras, that it has not raised the alarm over the extra-judicial killings, arbitrary detentions, physical assaults, and attacks on the press – many of which have been thoroughly documented - that have occurred in Honduras, in most cases by the coup regime against the supporters of the democratic and constitutional government of Manuel Zelaya… We know that there are, sadly, innumerable urgent human rights crises around the world, all of which require your attention. Addressing the deteriorating situation in Honduras, however, is of paramount importance given its potential to serve as a precedent for other coups and the rise of other dictatorships, not just in Honduras, but throughout the region."

La figura de las manifestaciones ilícitas amenaza a la Resistencia contra el Golpe  8/21/2009 Defensores en Linea: "Los acusados y acusadas por el Ministerio Público que se convirtieron en perseguidos políticos del gobierno de facto de Roberto Micheletti, fueron capturados, torturados y detenidos ilegalmente por efectivos policiales, durante un brutal desalojo a una manifestación pacífica, ejercido por las fuerzas represivas del Estado, el pasado miércoles 12 de agosto en el centro de la capital."

Amnesty: Honduran Forces Using Arrests, Beatings to Punish Zelaya Supporters  8/20/2009 Democracy Now: "Yes, we visited the country at the end of July, and we had the opportunity while we were there to visit a police station just after a demonstration had taken place. We interviewed some of the seventy-five people who were detained in that police station. For example, we interviewed a nineteen-year-old girl who had injuries to her back, to her arms, to her legs, from where she’d been beaten repeatedly by police using their batons. This was during the breakup of a peaceful demonstration that day. That’s just one example of many during that day when we interviewed those people at the police station."

"Más tarde o temprano vamos a tener una guerrilla en Honduras”  8/20/2009 Dick Emanuelsson: “Si se sigue reprimiendo el pueblo y provocando a la juventud, que no se extrañen las clases golpistas, que más tarde o temprano vamos a tener una guerrilla en Honduras”

Honduras regime breaks ties with Argentina  8/19/2009 AFP: "The de facto leaders said they were breaking off relations on the basis of "strict reciprocity" after Argentina last week expelled the Honduran ambassador over her support for the military coup. Diplomatic relations would now pass through the Israeli embassy in Argentina, they said in a statement."

Honduras government takes over the only Garifuna hospital in the country  8/19/2009 Caribbean Net News: "This unrest in Honduras, if it continues, could lead to many of these Garifuna people leaving Honduras to go and join their relatives in Belize and the United States. This action on the part of the current Honduran government could be considered a gross violation of the Garifuna people’s human rights. The act of forcefully closing down a hospital that takes care of the sick and needy by the military is not one that falls into good behavior with any humanitarian government or agency throughout this world. As a Garifuna from Belize who has relatives all over Honduras, like many other Garifuna people from Nicaragua, Guatemala and Belize, I call on all Garifuna people throughout Central America and the world to file a complaint with Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the United Nations, the United States, other countries and international agencies to condemn this outrageous act. The Garifuna people who are seeking treatment for their diseases and are currently on medication may not be able to survive while this unrest is ongoing."

Honduras post-coup mediation moves to Washington  8/19/2009 UPI: "State Department spokesman Ian Kelly told reporters the talks had taken place and included acting Assistant Secretary of State Craig Kelly. "But it in no way -- I'd like to emphasize -- this in no way is meant to imply any kind of acceptance of the de facto regime in Tegucigalpa," he said." [wink, wink]

Cracks in the Honduran Coup Regime Grow Wider  8/18/2009 NarcoNews 

“The Only Crime” in Honduras  8/16/2009 Upside Down World: "Soon after the highway blockade began, there was a negotiation between resistance leaders and police officials, supposedly in order to avoid yet another violent eviction. According to witnesses, a verbal agreement was made between the two parties to allow the protest to continue for another hour and peacefully disperse. However, approximately twenty minutes after the agreement was reached, a large police presence gathered, along with some elements of the army. The police then proceeded to violently quell the protest, using tear gas and a water cannon. The demonstrators dispersed, but police ran after resistance participants running towards downtown Choloma, using brutal violence during their arrest of protesters and others, and during their transfer to the nearby police station in Choloma. Twenty-seven people were detained. Among them were minors, elderly people, women, and journalists. The majority of the 27 detained were violently beaten."

Honduras Charges Zelaya Supporters With Sedition  8/14/2009 ABC: "Some 24 demonstrators were charged with sedition and damaging private property, said Melvin Duarte, a spokesman for the federal prosecutor's office. Another four were charged with aggravated arson and terrorism in the burning of a bus and a restaurant. Interim President Roberto Micheletti condemned the clashes as "violent and terrorist" and vowed his government would no longer tolerate street blockades and other disruptions."

Honduras Coup: The Labor Angle  8/14/2009 In These Times: "Maria Luisa Borjas, a Congressional candidate in the upcoming November elections with the leftist UD party, said organized labor has been key in mobilizing the population and gaining solidarity from U.S. and European unions. International unions including the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) and International Textile Workers Federation have made statements against the coup and called for a boycott of Honduran exports; and AFL-CIO officials have spoken in support of Zelaya. “The strongest arm of the resistance was the unions,” said Borjas, a former police officer fired for exposing corruption. She noted that U.S. and European union workers are refusing to unload or handle Honduran products, including fruits and vegetables, in protest against the coup. “That’s a big blow to business, and it hits them right where it hurts most, the pocket book,” she said."

Pedro Magdiel Muñoz Salvador’s via dolorosa  8/14/2009 Machetera: "El Heraldo, the Honduran newspaper that goes so far as to use Photoshop to erase the blood of Honduran victims in its photos in order to conceal the consequences of the coup d’etat, reported with record speed that at 12:22 p.m. – just 22 minutes after the removal of the body had begun from the eastern part of the country, while the process to determine the causes of Mr. Muñoz’s death had not even finished – that the national police had nothing to do with his arrest, according to their spokesman, Javier Cerrato."

¿Qué es un golpe de Estado?, sinfonia de una masacre  8/13/2009 Honduras Resistencia 

Interview with Fanni Castillo, young Garifuna leader  8/13/2009 Honduras Resists: "I am Fanni Eliszabeth Solarzano Castillo and I represent the Garifuna community Triunfo de la Cruz."

Israeli commandos in Honduras  8/13/2009 Machetera: "We’re facing the COPEMH building, which is the professional association for middle education, and we also are speaking with Dr. René Andrés Pavón, who is the President of the Honduran Human Rights Commission (CODEH). Dick Emanuelsson (DE): Yesterday CODEH put out a news release denouncing a variety of things, among them that Micheletti’s de facto government has contracted with Israeli commandos or people to train the Honduran military/police forces. What we know from the civil war in Colombia is that these commandos have also been advising the Colombian military forces. What are the Israelis doing here?"

Update on Honduran physician Luther Ware & Garifuna Hospital  8/13/2009 Social Medicine: "Last week, says Dr. Castillo, the defacto ministry of health notified hospital staff that the facility was being downgraded to a health center “under new management”. “They told us that the Garifuna staff-both doctors and locally-trained nurses aides-will be fired,” he told MEDICC. “These measures would condemn to death many of our old and seriously ill people, and stop all outreach and prevention services.” However, he said the staff is staying put, and vows to continue working, even without the small stipend the government had provided in the past and with no guarantee of medicines or vital supplies. “We will not abandon our people,” said Dr. Castillo. “These are the poorest of the poor, the invisible poor.. They are the real victims of the coup,” he told MEDICC.”And they are the reason so many of our young people decided to become doctors in the first place.”"

Honduras reimposes night-time curfew in capital  8/12/2009 AFP: ""They are afraid of us because we are not afraid," said Zelaya's daughter, Hortensia, referring to the interim government led by Roberto Micheletti and quoting a popular chant among Zelaya supporters. The National Resistance Front, which opposes the bloodless coup that sent Zelaya into exile, has held marches in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula to step up the pressure for his return."

Heridos de la represión policial del 12 de agosto  8/12/2009 COFADEH: fotos

Muertes ligadas al GOLPE DE ESTADO  8/12/2009 COFADEH: fotos

ALERTA! Golpista Takeover of Indigenous Garifuna Community Hospital  8/12/2009 Honduras Oye 

Anti-Coup Marchers Merge on the Capital of Honduras  8/12/2009 NarcoNews 

Attack Against Offices of Vía Campesina in Honduras  8/12/2009 Upside Down World: "The act was a clear attack against our social organizations and leaders who are part of the National Front Against the Coup. In addition to the recent attack on Vía Campesina, a bomb capable of killing 15 people went off in the building of the Beverage Workers Union (STIBYS, by its Spanish initials) on July 26th 2009. Both organizations are part of the National Front Against the Coup. We condemn this incident given that the activities of Vía Campesina and the National Front Against the Coup are completely peaceful. It is important to mention that during curfew only police are permitted to be in the street."

Honduras: unions start open-ended strike  8/12/2009 WW4 Report: "As of Aug. 7 the de facto government was dismissing the general strike as only partial. In fact, teachers, healthcare workers, employees of the National Electrical Energy Enterprise and two unions of university students were on all on strike. Strike supporters said few businesses were open and schools were closed around the country. In Francisco Morazán department, which includes Tegucigalpa, the de facto government itself suspended classes, claiming fears that a swine flu epidemic would spread—although the Health Ministry didn't consider the epidemic serious enough to suspend an upcoming soccer match. Soldiers guarded some hospitals in the capital to keep striking medical workers from occupying them. The Mexican daily La Jornada reported that restaurants were empty in Tegucigalpa in the evenings, even though the authorities ended a curfew they maintained for much of the previous month. All four of the country's airports were closed, because 95 technicians had joined the strike. On Aug. 7 the taxi drivers unions decided to side with the strikers. Drivers said that in any case they'd had so little business since the coup that they couldn't make enough in fares to pay the rent for the cabs."

Honduras: Decenas de miles de hondureños entran en Tegucigalpa y San Pedro Sula  8/11/2009 Aporrea 

US Secretary of State Clinton’s Micro-Management of the Corporation that Funds the Honduras Coup Regime  8/11/2009 NarcoNews: "In recent days, Narco News has reported that, in the three months prior to the June 28 coup d’etat in Honduras, the US-funded Millennium Change Corporation (MCC) gave at least $11 million US dollars to private-sector contractors in Honduras and also that since the coup it has doled out another $6.5 million. The latter revelation – that the money spigot has been left on even after the coup – comes in spite of claims by the State Department that it has placed non-humanitarian funding “on pause” pending a yet-unfinished review."

A U.S. Connection - The Honduran Coup  8/10/2009 Counterpunch: "According to Greg Grandin, a history professor at New York University, the coup makers also included the extremely right-wing Catholic organization, Opus Dei, whose roots go back to the fascist regime of Spanish caudillo Francisco Franco. In the old days, when the U.S. routinely overthrew governments that displeased it, the Marines would have gone in, as they did in Guatemala and Nicaragua, or the CIA would have engineered a coup by the local elites. No one has accused U.S. intelligence of being involved in the Honduran coup, and American troops in the country are keeping a low profile. But the fingerprints of U.S. institutions like the NED, USAID and School for the Americas—plus bipartisan lobbyists, powerful corporations, and dedicated Cold War warriors—are all over the June takeover."

Revelan registros del Senado: Jorge Canahuati, Camilo Atala y Jesús Canahuati pagaron la campaña en EE. UU. para consolidar el golpe de Estado  8/10/2009 El Libertador: "El propietario de El Heraldo y La Prensa, Jorge Canahuati Larach (der.); el socio principal de Ficohsa, Camilo Atala (izq.), y el presidente de los maquiladores, Jesús Canahuati (centro), aportaron 28,000 dólares para la campaña en Estados Unidos, a fin de consolidar el golpe de Estado, según rastreo de información de EL LIBERTADOR en la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado de EE.UU."

Honduras Coup: Template for a Hemispheric Assault on Democracy  8/10/2009 Global Research: "Costa Rican President Oscar Arias’s plan for ending the coup and restoring “stability” to Honduras should be called the “Obama-Clinton-Lula Plan.” Santiago O’Donnell, regular journalist for the Argentine Pagina 12, wrote on July 26 that the Arias Plan was traced out in a Moscow meeting between Lula and Obama. According to O’Donnell, “Lula wanted Zelaya to return and Obama wanted him not to remain in power. So they came to agreement: Zelaya would return but would not remain in power.” The plan’s evident, but unstated intent was to keep Zelaya from exercising any real power and block any possible return to office in the future. And, above all, to weaken the mass resistance movement. The two presidents met again at the G-8 summit in Italy… In a press conference in Mexico during his state visit this week, Zelaya sent a message to Washington and other hemispheric governments – either golpismo (coup making) by the extreme right will be contained, or Latin America’s left-wing guerrillas will be reborn. He again asserted the people’s right to insurrection under conditions of military dictatorship."

On the Road to Tegucigalpa with Father Andrés Tamayo  8/10/2009 NarcoNews 

Toppling a Coup, Part III: Discipline Solves the Big Problems  8/10/2009 NarcoNews: "Marovich explained to Honduran organizers on the night of July 31 that when his movement in Serbia moved toward tactics that included informing the police agencies in advance of its plans for each action or demonstration, they succeeded in removing the uncertainty and fear among individual cops sent to contain those protests. “The officer might still receive an order to attack you,” Marovich explained. “But if he’s not personally afraid or nervous – something that happens more when he doesn’t know in advance what the multitude marching toward him is going to do or not - he can think more clearly about how to comply with that order.” Uncertainty, paranoia and fear almost always generate a much more brutal and violent response from individual police or soldiers: Even with those ordered to attack protesters, there are degrees in how savagely that can happen."

Toppling a Coup, Part II: The Honduras Regime Is Like an Onion  8/8/2009 NarcoNews: "In three decades of organizing or reporting on social movements, one develops a very good memory of which of them won their battles, which were defeated, and what made the difference between those that won and those that lost. If it could be boiled down to a single factor it would be this: In victorious struggles, a critical mass of the organizers arm themselves to think strategically and act tactically to isolate and defeat their opponent. They learn from experience that the power structure that props up the enemy – be it a government, a particular corporation or an entire political-economic system – is shaped like an onion, and they set about methodically to identify, target and peel away the rings of protection around its core."

Honduran Coup Government Continues Attack on the Poor with Plan to Seize Indigenous Hospital  8/7/2009 Huffington Post: "As MEDICC explains, the Garifuna Community Hospital opened in December of 2007 under an agreement with the government of President Zelaya and in accordance with an International Labor Organization covenant that supports locally-managed health services for indigenous and tribal peoples. According to Dr. Castillo, the hospital has treated 175,000 cases since that time, providing such services as birthing, surgeries, hospitalization, dental care, laboratory tests and other outreach and prevention services. Now, the de facto Honduran government is threatening the lives of the poor in the Ionia coastal department and surrounding area by its move to oust the staff of this hospital."

L 700 millones en pérdidas por tomas de carretera  8/7/2009 La Prensa: $37 million in dollars, a likely undercount

Toppling a Coup, Part I: Dilemmas for the Honduras Regime  8/7/2009 NarcoNews: "One thing that became crystal clear from my reporting from Comayaqua, Tegucigalpa, Catacamas, San Pedro Sula and points in between, through talks with members of the civil resistance, is that the best organizers among them are beginning to wake up each morning with that same question: How do we create a headache for the regime today? These headaches, growing in number and from decentralized locations begin to deliver “the death of a thousand cuts” to the regime, whose only hope to remain in control is to keep the national and international community convinced that, whether legitimate or illegitimate, it at least is in control. But the fast growth of these “dilemma actions” are painting a more compelling picture of a coup regime that very much is not in control, that it is unable to govern."

Senator Fears Letter Sends Wrong Signal on Honduras  8/7/2009 NYT: "The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is concerned that the Obama administration’s efforts to placate Republican critics of its policy on Honduras were giving the impression that American support for the restoration of the ousted president, Manuel Zelaya, had begun to weaken. Frederick Jones, a spokesman for the committee chairman, Senator John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, said Friday that the senator was worried that a State Department letter to Republican legislators “risks sending a confusing signal” about the United States’ support for negotiations aimed at restoring Mr. Zelaya to power… However, in the letter to Senator Lugar on Wednesday, the State Department seemed to distance itself from Mr. Zelaya, criticizing his “insistence on taking provocative actions” that contributed to the crisis and saying that the administration’s policy “is not based on supporting any politician or individual.” The letter angered Latin American leaders, who were already critical of what they considered a weak response by the United States. The United States has not withdrawn its ambassador and has avoided stronger economic sanctions, saying it was concerned about destabilizing the third poorest country in the hemisphere."

Honduran Coup Shows Business Elite Still in Charge  8/6/2009 AP: ''You can't go against the businessmen,'' said seamstress Gladys Gomez, 48. ''They're the ones that give us work.''

Policías hondureños propinan salvaje golpiza a reportero gráfico del diario TIEMPO  8/6/2009 Aporrea 

Sinceramiento del imperio: EEUU reconoce que en Honduras no respalda a nadie en particular  8/6/2009 Aporrea: "La carta, dirigida al senador Richard Lugar, contiene críticas a Zelaya entre las que señala que ha incurrido en acciones "provocadoras" después del golpe de Estado del 28 de junio, cuando fue sacado del país por militares armados."

11 de Agosto de 2009: DIA DE ACCION GLOBAL POR HONDURAS  8/6/2009 COPINH 

Ametrallan sede del PANI en franca amenaza contra sindicalistas  8/6/2009 Defensores en Linea 

Ante la brutalidad policial en la UNAH  8/6/2009 Defensores en Linea 

¡Conozca las diez familias que financiaron el golpe de Estado en Honduras!  8/6/2009 El Libertador 

Preliminary Report by Int’l. Observation Mission on Human Rights in Honduras Issued Today  8/6/2009 HCV Analysis: "The fundamental rights violations reported to the Mission included a significant number of extrajudicial executions, hundreds of arbitrary detentions, multiple threats, curtailment of freedom of expression and information, as well as undue restrictions on the freedom of movement, altogether signaling a clear context of political persecution that especially affects political and union leaders, human rights defenders, social activists, journalists, foreign citizens, and others."

Honduras Coup Generals Break Silence in Hopes that World Will Understand Them  8/6/2009 NarcoNews 

Coup regime steps up repression in Honduras  8/6/2009 World Socialist Web Site: "CODEH further charges that the Micheletti regime is receiving advice from an Israeli private security company on what level of violence to use against the demonstrators. It is also evident that Micheletti is surrounding himself with people who were associated with the dictatorship including the infamous Billy Joya, who is now an advisor to the de facto regime. Joya, an architect of the death squads of the 1970s, was trained by the American CIA and the Chilean fascist dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, Another human rights group, the Committee of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH), has reported that the regime has assembled a death squad of 120 individuals, which trains on private ranches and includes elements associated with the Pinochet dictatorship."

Disminuye consenso en cuanto a expulsión de Zelaya  8/5/2009 AP: " Un candidato importante a la presidencia de Honduras se distanció el miércoles del derrocamiento de Manuel Zelaya y calificó como un error el haberlo expulsado del país. Los comentarios de Elvin Santos exponen fisuras en el frente monolítico que la estructura de poder había mostrado respecto al derrocamiento de Zelaya el 28 de junio, aunque las autoridades hasta el momento han rechazado las demandas internacionales para que se le permita regresar."

Speaking of Democracy, Honduras, and President Obama. . .  8/5/2009 Global Research: "Everyone I talked with there was convinced that the military coup that had overthrown the democratically-elected president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, had been engineered by two US companies, with CIA support. And that the US and its new president were not standing up for democracy. Earlier in the year Chiquita Brands International Inc. (formerly United Fruit) and Dole Food Co had severely criticized Zelaya for advocating an increase of 60% in Honduras’s minimum wage, claiming that the policy would cut into corporate profits. They were joined by a coalition of textile manufacturers and exporters, companies that rely on cheap labor to work in their sweatshops. Memories are short in the US, but not in Central America. I kept hearing people who claimed that it was a matter of record that Chiquita (United Fruit) and the CIA had toppled Guatemala’s democratically-elected president Jacobo Arbenz in 1954 and that International Telephone & Telegraph (ITT), Henry Kissinger, and the CIA had brought down Chile’s Salvador Allende in 1973. These people were certain that Haiti’s president Jean-Bertrand Aristide had been ousted by the CIA in 2004 because he proposed a minimum wage increase, like Zelaya’s."

Adhesión al golpe descalifica a candidatos presidenciales hondureños  8/4/2009 CubaDebate: "Los candidatos presidenciales de los dos principales partidos políticos en Honduras están hoy prácticamente descalificados ante el pueblo por su adhesión al golpismo, observa la prensa local. Previstos para el próximo 29 de noviembre, los comicios tienen en estos momentos un futuro incierto y aunque prosperara la propuesta de adelantar su celebración, resultarían inaceptables para la mayoría de los ciudadanos si ocurren bajo la égida de quienes quebrantaron el orden constitucional."

Comandos israelitas con experiencias de Palestina y Colombia capacitan a las FF.AA. de Honduras  8/4/2009 CubaDebate: “Hasta ahora lo que nosotros tenemos nos indica que la misión que ellos tienen es preparar a la Fuerzas Armadas y la policía para disuadir manifestaciones de manera agresiva y violenta, tratando de cometer crímenes de naturaleza selectiva con el fin de construir miedo, construir escenarios de terror y lograr la desmovilización de la resistencia. Otras acciones que están haciendo es lograr que algunos empleados de la empresa de seguridad privada se pongan el uniforme de la policía y cometan actos de agresión directa contra los manifestantes. Ya que el policía de alguna manera ha tenido formación para disuadir movilizaciones y es un poco temeroso al momento de agredir a los manifestantes de alguna manera algo se le ha quedado en materia de formación en derechos humanos. En cambio los guardias de seguridad son doblemente pagados y se les garantiza la impunidad. Estas son prácticas que están desarrollando utilizando la experiencia del conflicto palestino y haber puesto en práctica algunas de estas acciones en Colombia”.

Represión, brutalidad y muerte: La orden del día del gobierno de facto  8/4/2009 Defensores en Linea 

Pudimos reconocer un cambio en la estrategia de la represión  8/4/2009 Habla Honduras: "La misma persecución y brutal golpiza que se dio a los manifestantes en Tegucigalpa, se dio en Comayagua al día siguiente, Copán y ayer en San Pedro Sula con saldos más o menos similares. Muestra esto un aumento en la represión masiva que vive el pueblo hondureño, pero en especial, y explicaré esto con más detalle, muestra también un cambio en el foco de los ataques, su blanco ahora son los medios independientes. No es casualidad que en las 3 ocasiones en donde se atacó con disparos a los manifestantes, dos de ellas con saldos fatales, en todas había una cámara a pocos metros de las víctimas. En todas, y nuestras imágenes muestran, que si bien no podemos asegurar que se disparó contra nosotros, si se hizo con el ánimo de intimidarnos y dejar claro el mensaje: podrías ser vos. En la golpiza que la policía me dio, junto a cuatro camarógrafos más de forma casi simultánea, uno de los oficiales repetía lo que parece ser la justificación de estos ataques: es por culpa de ustedes, que no son objetivos en la información, que este país está de rodillas."

Ficoha, La Prensa, y los maquiladores pagan lobby golpista en EEUU. En el país pagan al ejercito para que reprima al pueblo  8/4/2009 Hibueras 

Coup General: "We're Going After the Protest Leaders"  8/4/2009 NarcoNews 

Radio Globo Defies New Military Tribunal Order to Close Its 15 Stations  8/4/2009 NarcoNews: "The order was printed on the hijacked stationary of the National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL, in its Spanish initials), executed by a military judge, and delivered to Radio Globo’s flagship station on 88.7 FM in Tegucigalpa at noon today: charged with “sedition,” the people’s radio station will be closed by decree, it proclaimed. But the station continues to broadcast here in San Pedro Sula at 104.5 FM and also from 14 other cities throughout the country, in defiance of the order, which had been solicited by the Armed Forces of Honduras clandestinely on July 31 and granted today by the illegitimate coup regime. This highly illegal situation – in which Armed Forces that claim to obey the orders of civilian authorities are the ones giving the orders to the regime over which media may broadcast and which may not – makes a lie, again, of the legaloid claims to be a civilian coup. But it’s the military – the same one that invaded and closed Radio Globo in the early hours of June 28 – that is calling the shots in Honduras today."

Israel, Honduras and Costa Rica  8/4/2009 Third World Traveler: "Honduras was one of Israel's first arms customers in Central America. Between 1975 and 1977, this second poorest of all countries in the Western Hemisphere bought 20 French super-Mystere fighter planes from Israel. Delivered at a time when it was U.S. policy to discourage the acquisition of sophisticated weaponry in Central America, these were the first supersonic aircraft in the region; some were equipped with Israeli-made Shafrir heat-seeking missiles. The Hondurans bought a range of other Israeli arms: Arava STOL aircraft, a fleet of armored vehicles mounted with recoilless rifles, and Galil rifles and Uzi submachine guns. For all its poverty, when Ariel Sharon visited Honduras, he was calling on one of Israel's three biggest clients. In the wake of Sharon's visit came more arms and training-both in Israel and Honduras for officers, pilots and troops."

Soros's pro-junta "colored revolution" in Honduras  8/4/2009 Wayne Madsen Report: "...the country's military-backed junta is supported by throngs of wealthy elites in the streets who have adopted the color white in support of the junta and its acting president Roberto Micheletti. The selection of the color white is perhaps fitting for a nation where the capitalist elite that supported the coup is practically 100 percent white and of European ancestry. The "white" nature of the coup leaders was best spelled out by the junta's first "Foreign Minister" Enrique Ortez Colindres who said of President Barack Obama: "that little black boy who knows nothing about anything . . . a little black man who doesn’t know where Tegucigalpa is." The use of white flags in pro-junta demonstrations and the wearing of white shirts by junta supporters is reminiscent of the themed "color revolutions" fomented and financed by global troublemaker and crisis financial speculator George Soros. At the same time white flags and shirts appeared on the streets of Honduras, green flags and clothing were being worn by anti-government demonstrators in Iran. The involvement of the Soros-linked National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which has worked with Soros's Open Society Institute (OSI) in organizing opposition movements and demonstrations in Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Myanmar, Tibet, Serbia, and Sinkiang province in China, in the street demonstrations in both Honduras and Iran is clear."

Paramilitares formados por dictadura de Micheletti ya estarían actuando en Honduras  8/4/2009 YVKE: "Según las informaciones que posee la resistencia popular hondureña, los grupos de exterminio ya estarían actuando en todo territorio hondureño, y sólo en la ciudad de San Pedro Sula estarían apostados 23 de esos individuos. COFADDEH denuncia que esas bandas paramilitares fueron formadas en haciendas propiedad de empresarios y de militares ligados al golpe de estado. Bertha Olivo también denunció que hace aproximadamente una semana ingresaron a Honduras, dos terroristas chilenos con el propósito de asesorar al gobierno golpista. Al parecer, uno de estos individuos tendría el grado de general y arribaron a Tegucigalpa, utilizando credenciales de periodistas. También se encuentra en Honduras, desde antes del golpe de estado, el conocido agente desestabilizador venezolano Robert Carmona, a quien la resistencia hondureña lo señala como planificador de la asonada militar contra el presidente Manuel Zelaya. Carmona ya habría participado en el golpe de estado del 11 de abril de 2002 en Venezuela."

Militares hondureños asesinaron este lunes a campesino en El Paraíso  8/3/2009 Aporrea: "Fuerzas policiales que apoyan al régimen de Roberto Mocheletti, asesinaron al ciudadano, Pedro Hernández, luego de abrir fuego contra un vehículo que transportaba a varias personas en un retén cerca de la frontera con Nicaragua. Según el vocero de las Fuerzas Armadas, Ramiro Archaga, dispararon contra las ruedas del auto por negarse a hacer el alto, sin embargo, una vecina de la víctima denunció que los militares arremetieron indiscriminadamente contra todos los pasajeros."

Detrás de la “democracia” de Micheletti, el esbirro CIA Billy Joya y sus “Cobras”  8/3/2009 CubaDebate: "España solicitó sin éxito la extradición de Joya Améndola Pese por sus crímenes. Siempre recibió cobertura del aparato judicial que hoy pretende obstaculizar el regreso del presidente constitucional. Las actividades criminales de Los Cobras nunca se interrumpieron hasta la llegada la poder de Manuel Zelaya. En el 2004, se denunció ante un Relator Especial de Naciones Unidas cómo el 15 de julio de este mismo año, Los Cobras arrestaron a Daniel Ortiz Menjivar, un menor de 16 años de la Colonia Municipal de San Pedro Sula, sospechado por la policía de haber robado dos armas. Interceptado por el comando especial Ortiz Menjivar ha sido golpeado y le cortaron ambas manos. Poco después, el joven falleció de una hemorragia debida a la amputación salvaje. Un amigo que lo acompañaba Juan Manuel Aguilar, de 17 años, fue golpeado y violado antes de ser disparado mortalmente."

Comandos israelitas con experiencias de Palestina y Colombia capacitan a las FF.AA. de Honduras  8/3/2009 Dick Emanuelsson: “Hasta ahora lo que nosotros tenemos nos indica que la misión que ellos tienen es preparar a la Fuerzas Armadas y la policía para disuadir manifestaciones de manera agresiva y violenta, tratando de cometer crímenes de naturaleza selectiva con el fin de construir miedo, construir escenarios de terror y lograr la desmovilización de la resistencia. Otras acciones que están haciendo es lograr que algunos empleados de la empresa de seguridad privada se pongan el uniforme de la policía y cometan actos de agresión directa contra los manifestantes. Ya que el policía de alguna manera ha tenido formación para disuadir movilizaciones y es un poco temeroso al momento de agredir a los manifestantes de alguna manera algo se le ha quedado en materia de formación en derechos humanos. En cambio los guardias de seguridad son doblemente pagados y se les garantiza la impunidad. Estas son prácticas que están desarrollando utilizando la experiencia del conflicto palestino y haber puesto en práctica algunas de estas acciones en Colombia”.

España no avalaría elecciones  8/3/2009 El Tiempo, Honduras: "España no avalará elecciones en Honduras que se lleven a cabo bajo el gobierno instalado tras el golpe de Estado que a fines de junio depuso al presidente Manuel Zelaya, afirmó el canciller español, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, en declaraciones publicadas el domingo por el diario El País."

Un Llamado a Eliminar el Ejército Hondureño  8/3/2009 Habla Honduras 

Zionists "Israelis" advise the Honduran dictatorship  8/3/2009 Palestine Telegraph: "In a prense conference, Pavon accused the de facto government of hiring an Israeli private security group to advise Police about the agressive attitude that they need to have against the protesters. Pavon announced that all these illegal and violent actions are being documented by CODEH in order to denounce them in an international level."

Israel: The Hijack State  8/3/2009 Reds - Die Roten: [published prior to 2001] - "The new Israeli-Honduras agreement involved sophisticated jet fighters, tanks, and Galil assault rifles (a specifically anti-guerrilla weapon). Sharon’s entourage during his visit included the head of the Israeli Air Force and the Director-General of the Defence Ministry. A Honduras government spokesman said that Sharon’s visit was more positive than an earlier one from President Reagan since Sharon “sold US arms” while “Reagan only uttered platitudes, explaining that Congress was preventing him doing more.” [20] In neighbouring Guatemala an even more bloody dictator, General Rios Montt, actually boasted to an ABC television reporter that the coup which brought him to power had been so successful, “because many of our soldiers were trained by the Israelis.” [21] In the summer of 1982, as Sharon was slaughtering Palestinians in Lebanon, Montt was slaughtering 5,000 Indians in the Guatemalan countryside as part of a “counter-insurgency” campaign – aided and abetted with Israeli weaponry and Israeli-trained expertise. [22]"

HONDURAS COUP RESISTANCE – SPEAKING TOUR IN U.S.A. HONDURAN CIVIL SOCIETY AND IMMIGRANT LEADERS TO VISIT WASHINGTON DC, NEW YORK, BOSTON, CHICAGO  8/3/2009 Rights Action: "One month after the interruption of constitutional order in Honduras through a military coup d'etat and in the wake of widespread reports of human rights violations harkening back to events of the 1980s, the National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities (NALACC) is bringing a delegation of civil society representatives from that country to the U.S. to participate in a speaking tour and to advocate for the restoration of constitutional order and respect for human rights."

Military Coup Engineered By Two US Companies?  8/2/2009 Dprogram: "I was told by a Panamanian bank vice president, “Every multinational knows that if Honduras raises its hourly rate, the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean will have to follow. Haiti and Honduras have always set the bottom line for minimum wages. The big companies are determined to stop what they call a ‘leftist revolt’ in this hemisphere. In throwing out Zelaya they are sending frightening messages to all the other presidents who are trying to raise the living standards of their people.” ...Chiquita, Dole and all your representatives need to hear from you. Zelaya must be reinstated."

Después del golpe llega la tormenta  8/2/2009 Hibueras: "Repite hasta la saciedad "nosotros no aceptamos que nadie nos imponga nada" como para autoconvencerse, como queriendo olvidar quienes han sido los autores intelectuales del golpe: los cubanos de Miami junto con el apoyo de algunos senadores republicanos."

Otto Reich and the Honduran Coup D’Etat: The Provocateur, his Protege, and the Toppling of a President – Part Two  8/2/2009 Machetera 

Honduras coup is more bloody than bloodless  8/2/2009 NY Daily News: "But Vallejo Soriano wasn't the first victim of "golpista" violence according to Dr. Luther Castillo, 33, director of the Luaga Hatuadi Waduheñu Foundation, a group that brings vital health services to isolated indigenous coastal communities. He left Honduras eight days ago with five other community leaders to "educate the world about 'el golpe.'" "We have denounced many extrajudicial executions," said Castillo. According to Castillo, in addition to Isis Murillo, a teenager killed July 5 at the airport waiting for Zelaya's return, there have been other deaths that can be directly attributed to the Micheletti regime. "On July 2, Gabriel Pino Noriega, from San Juan Puebla, was murdered; on Saturday, July 11, Roger Iván Báez, was shot while entering his home in San Pedro Sula; July 12, Ramón García, a 'campesino' leader, was also killed. And there are many more," he said. Castillo says it is ironic that Micheletti claims Zelaya's return would cause a bloodbath. "The bloodbath is already going on courtesy of the military," he said."

Matanza de hondureños obliga a la desaparición de las FF. AA.  8/1/2009 El Libertador 

Former U.S. Ambassador Roger Noriega hired to push Honduran putsch agenda  8/1/2009 NarcoNews: "But in the case of Noriega, as has often been the case with Bush-era players, it appears some corners might have been cut in his Honduran lobbying assignment that may run counter to the letter of the U.S. statute governing that activity. Unfortunately, the U.S. law governing lobbying activity might itself fall short of addressing the realities on the ground in Honduras. That law, the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA), requires all agents, or lobbyists, representing “foreign entities” to declare as such on forms they are required to file with the Clerk of the U.S. House and the Secretary of the U.S. Senate."

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