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Honduras' General Romeo Vásquez Velásquez and the Narcotraffickers, 11/1/09 

Cartas desde Tegucigalpa, 29/9/09

Unconventional Weapons in Honduras: the Israeli Factor, with updates

Col Edward Cutolo's tale - prelude to Honduras, 2009?

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General Romeo Vasquez Velasquez and the Gobierno del Reino: Theocracy in Honduras?
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Central American News
 Archive: 6/09-7/09

Aseguran que brazo derecho de Posada se refugió en Honduras  7/31/2009 Aporrea: "A finales de septiembre del 2005, Chávez y 21 miembros de su banda fueron arrestados bajo cargos de robo de automóviles y estafa. Las autoridades aseguraron entonces que se trataba de "una de las principales estructuras del crimen organizado dedicadas al robo y hurto de vehículos a nivel nacional y centroamericano". Según la prensa salvadoreña, la investigación reveló que el brazo derecho de Posada había desarrollado “conexiones” con empleados de aduanas, agencias de trámites de documentos de tránsito e instituciones públicas y privadas. La operación realizada por la policía salvadoreña, denominada Tormenta, incluía una serie de allanamientos en San Salvador, Soyapango, Ciudad Delgado, Santa Tecla y hasta… Ilopango, el refugio de Posada durante años."

Is a Wider Right Wing Counter-Attack Looming? The Honduran Coup as Overture  7/31/2009 Counterpunch: "The coup plotters have some powerful friends in Washington. According to the New York Times from Sunday, July 12, “Mr. Micheletti has embarked on a public relations offensive, with his supporters hiring high-profile lawyers with strong Washington connections” to lobby against sanctions. Among them is Clinton-adviser, Bennett Ratcliff, and Lanny J. Davis, who was a personal lawyer for President Clinton and who campaigned for Hilary Clinton. On Friday, July 10, Davis testified on Capitol Hill in support of the Micheletti de facto government. While the perpetrators of the biggest threat to regional democracy in years were allowed to keep their US visas, bank accounts and even lobby on behalf of a former Clinton lawyer in Washington, the democratically elected leader of Honduras was warned that he should be patient, and that his actions could lead to violence."

La dictadura empresarial es ciega y ordena a su ejercito la represión de "la chusma"  7/31/2009 Hibueras: "Acostumbrados como estaban, a ver la actitud permisiva del pueblo hondureños, a lo aguantadores que hemos sido y perfectamente convencidos de que nos habían arrebatado el espíritu de solidaridad que nos ha sido característico, se echaron encima del único presidente que nos ofrecía la esperanza de ser consultados. Jamás esperaron estas respuestas. Hoy no les queda más que reprimirnos; todos los pasos de la dictadura son coercitivos, pero "Cualquier coerción puede desembocar en el caos: quien la practica es culpable de violencia. La coerción es inhumana", Ha dicho Gandhi, de allí viene nuestra respuesta. Sin embargo hay que analizar el discurso que deviene de los últimos aconcimientos."

Nuestros hermanos de Colón siguen sufriendo, siguen amenazados con el desalojo violento  7/31/2009 Hibueras: "Hace unos minutos se ha confirmado información que indica que las fuerzas militares del Ejercito y la Naval de Honduras, en unión con elementos de la Policía Nacional, se preparan para desalojar violentamente a los campesinos de la comunidad “Guadalupe Carney” que mantienen tomada la carretera que comunica las ciudades de Trujillo y Tocoa. Los militares del XV Batallón de Fuerzas Especiales con sede la Río Claro, Trujillo, departamento de Colón, y de la Base Naval de Puerto Castilla, han empezado a tomar posiciones desde las primeras horas de la noche de hoy con la intención de actuar violentamente contra los campesinos en horas tempranas del día de mañana viernes.La carretera que se mantiene tomada en apoyo al paro general contra el golpe de estado es la usada por las rastras que transportan contenedores con productos de la transnacional estadounidense “Standard Fruit Company”."


Honduras: Detenido el candidato presidencial Carlos H. Reyes durante salvaje e indiscriminada represión a protestas cívicas  7/30/2009 Aporrea 

Denuncian actitud xenofóbica de la policía hacia los garífunas detenidos en la costa atlántica  7/30/2009 Defensores en Linea 

Policía detiene y discrimina a Garífunas porque luchan contra régimen de facto  7/30/2009 El Libertador: "La Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña (OFRANEH) denuncia enfáticamente la actitud asumida por los policías acantonados en la posta de Danlí, por sus actitudes racistas que no son muy diferentes de las del excanciller golpista Enrique Ortez Colindres y sus señalamientos raciales contra Barack Obama."

Comerciantes de Ocotal se solidarizan con hondureños y desmienten publicación de CNN  7/30/2009 Habla Honduras 

Represión en el Durazno, carretera salida al norte de Honduras  7/30/2009 Habla Honduras: "La manifestación en repudio contra el golpe de estado en El Durazno Tegucigalpa, sobre la carretera salida al norte comenzaron a ser reprimidos hace unos minutos por la policía con bombas lacromígenas, muchos son golpeados."

Reprimen y detienen manifestantes en la carretera salida a Olancho  7/30/2009 Habla Honduras: "Aproximadamente unas 250 personas fueron apresados a eso de las once de la mañana por la policía y militares en la carretera salida a Olancho durante una toma de carretera en protesta contra el régimen golpista y la exigencia por la restauración del orden democrático en el país."

Los militares comienzan a sacar la podredumbre  7/30/2009 Hibueras: "Nosotros, un Grupo de Oficiales Superiores y Subalternos(no damos nombres por razones obvias y no por cobardía) ante la situación en que los políticos en contubernio con la junta de comandantes han involucrado a las Fuerzas Armadas y que han deteriorado la buena imagen que teníamos ante el pueblo hondureño nos pronunciamos y denunciamos lo siguiente:"

Otto Reich and the Honduran Coup D’Etat: The Provocateur, his Protege, and the Toppling of a President – Part One  7/30/2009 Machetera: "The story that emerged outside Honduras about Zelaya’s insistence on holding a public opinion poll being the trigger for the coup is only a partial one, because the effort to undermine Zelaya was proceeding on several tracks in the years leading up to the coup. A whispering campaign about corruption was one of them. Juiced with Reich’s contacts at the highest levels of the U.S. government, the Arcadia Foundation put the Honduran telephone company under a microscope that was meant to create the public perception, similar to the accusations against Aristide, that Zelaya’s government was hopelessly corrupt from the top on down, and that Zelaya was unfit for the presidency."

Thursday, Bloody Thursday in Honduras  7/30/2009 NarcoNews: "Meanwhile, up above, the illegitimate “president” Roberto Micheletti, continued to mock the neutered "peace process" championed in San José and Washington. With the left hand, he flashed a peace sign, while with the right hand, according to multiple press reports, he today ordered the police and military forces to “put a stop” to the peaceful blockades. And in the next-door country’s capital of Managua, Nicaragua, the legitimate President Manuel Zelaya met with US Ambassador to Honduras Hugo Llorens, who led a delegation of US officials there for talks of which the details are not yet publicly known. The full toll of Thursday, Bloody Thursday in Honduras has not yet been counted. “They treated us like animals,” Baranhona told Prensa Latina, while under arrest. The “forces of order” pursued and brutally beat the multitude in many locations across the land that had, for the fifth time in three weeks, successfully blockaded the key points of the country’s major arteries for most of the business day."

Hasta las grandes marcas empiezan a ejercer presión sobre el gobierno estadounidense por el caso Honduras  7/29/2009 Aporrea: "Lo cierto es que a estos grupos de las "grandes marcas" no pretenden solidarizarse con el pueblo hondureño ni los mueven "razones democráticas", sino que en el marco de la crisis económica mundial temen perder uno de los lugares de latinoamérica donde ejercen su explotación desmedida a través de las maquilas que tienen en el hermano país hondureño. En este sentido, para estos capitalistas el panorama en el que los gobiernos del mundo no reconocen a los golpistas y, por ende, los debilita económicamente, no les resulta nada rentable."

The Authentic Journalism Renaissance Reports from Honduras  7/29/2009 NarcoNews 

Honduran Leader Backs Return of President  7/29/2009 NYT: "But on Wednesday, the officials said, Mr. Micheletti called President Óscar Arias of Costa Rica, who has tried to mediate a diplomatic solution to the Honduran political crisis, to express his support for a plan Mr. Arias presented. The 12-point plan, known as the San José Accord, would allow Mr. Zelaya to return as president, although with significantly limited powers."

Golpistas impiden divulgación de un informe sobre DD.HH. que los compromete, Telesur in Honduras  7/28/2009 CubaDebate 

Ricardo Maduro, “héroe” de la ultra derecha, y protector de Posada Carriles  7/28/2009 CubaDebate: "Ricardo Maduro, el ex presidente de Honduras que participó en el criminal golpe de Estado contra el presidente constitucional, Manuel Zelaya, y que acaba de ser acogido en Washington por los congresistas de la ultra derecha cubanoamericana, fue quien presidía el país centroamericano cuando Luis Posada Carriles se refugió ahí en el 2004 para quedarse durante más de seis meses, con la tolerancia evidente de su gobierno. Maduro está realizando una gira en Estados Unidos, adonde lo invitaron los miembros de la pandilla cubanoamericana del Congreso. El ex candidato presidencial John McCain, viejo socio de la mafia miamense, y la representante republicana, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen le organizaron una reunión en el Capitolio con una decena de sus colegas."

Comisión Internacional de A.L. y Europa verificará violaciones a derechos humanos en Honduras  7/28/2009 Defensores en Linea: "Representantes de la Red Biregional Europa- América Latina y el Caribe han conformado una Comisión Internacional de Solidaridad, Observación y Acompañamiento que tratará de sortear los retenes militares en la carretera que de Tegucigalpa conduce a la frontera con Nicaragua, para verificar las múltiples denuncias de violaciones a derechos humanos cometidas por el gobierno de facto, al cumplirse un mes del golpe de Estado en Honduras. En conferencia de prensa la Coordinadora General del Comité de Familiares de Detenidos en Honduras (Cofadeh), Bertha Oliva, anunció sobre la presencia de la misión internacional de derechos humanos que está preocupada por las graves violaciones a los derechos humanos que se han presentado en nuestro país."

¿ENTONCES QUIEN DETUVO EL JOVEN?  7/28/2009 El Libertador: "El joven Magdiel, activista del Frente Nacional de Resistencia contra el golpe de Estado, encontró una terrible muerte, víctima de unos sádicos que lo torturaron seguramente durante mucho tiempo, tomando en cuenta que fue detenido alrededor a las 17.00 horas (5 p.m.) de la tarde el viernes y la muerte la encontró entre las 02.00-04.00 (2-4 a.m.) del sábado."

HONDURAS (videos): The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly  7/28/2009 Haiti Cuba Venezuela Analysis: [includes video of police shooting at soccer fans]

US Revokes Diplomatic Visas of Honduran Coup Members  7/28/2009 NarcoNews: "State Department spokesman, Ian Kelly, declined to identify the officials but Honduran officials identified two of them as Tomás Arita, a Supreme Court justice who signed the detention order that led to Mr. Zelaya’s removal by the military, and José Alfredo Saavedra, president of Congress."

Mack decries pulling visas of Honduran officials  7/28/2009 News Press: "The State Department is wrong to revoke the diplomatic visas of several Honduran officials. Why is the Obama Administration punishing them for following their constitution and the rule of law? And more importantly, why won’t the Administration recognize Honduras’ legitimate, legal government and support the people of Honduras? “Having returned from a trip to Honduras this past weekend where I met with President Micheletti, Members of the National Congress, the Supreme Court President, Honduran and American businessmen, and human rights organizations, it is clear that the Honduran people want a peaceful, lawful resolution to the upheaval. They don’t want the United States to cut off aid to their country. They don’t want our country to pull diplomatic visas. And they don’t want us to stand with the “thugocrats” of the Western Hemisphere like Hugo Chavez."

Chávez Bashing  7/28/2009 Venezuela Analysis: "The most recent examples appear in the July 21st editions of the New York Times and Washington Post, which document allegations that Chávez is responsible for the rise in crime in Venezuela and the destablilization of Colombia. Of major concern for the Washington Post is a recently released report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) that outlines supposed "corruption at high levels of President Hugo Chávez's government and state aid to Colombia's drug-trafficking guerillas [which] have made Venezuela a major launching pad for cocaine bound for the United States and Europe."

The Honduran Coup and the Clinton Connection  7/27/2009 AntiWar: "When Zelaya announced that he would cross the border between Honduras and Nicaragua on foot and called on his supporters to gather, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denounced him as "reckless." Which led Zelaya to ask, in effect, which side is she on? Good question, and the answer is she’s on Lanny Davis’ side. Davis, you’ll recall, was her chief attack dog during the presidential primary campaign, and now he’s sold his services to the Honduran branch of CEAL, the Central American business alliance, which supports the coup. He has always been very close to Hillary, and he was her priapic husband’s defense counsel during the impeachment hearings. This time he’s taken on a similarly indefensible client and is working his public relations skills prettifying a brazen coup d’etat as a valiant attempt to "preserve" the Honduran constitution and "the rule of law." "

Hillary and Obama Nix Change in Honduras  7/27/2009 Counterpunch 

ACUERDO DE DUELO  7/27/2009 El FRENTE NACIONAL CONTRA EL GOLPE DE ESTADO: "El FRENTE NACIONAL CONTRA EL GOLPE DE ESTADO por este medio expresa sus más profundas muestras de pesar y solidaridad con la familia de PEDRO MAGDIEL MUÑOZ SALVADOR, por el brutal asesinato de que fue objeto por los aparatos represores del régimen golpista el día 25 de julio de 2009."

Un oficial del ejército capturó a joven torturado y asesinado revelan fotos publicadas  7/27/2009 Habla Honduras: "Una foto publicada en la pagina 52 del diario La Tribuna que se edita en Tegucigalpa muestra al militar que arrastra con su mano izquierda a Magdiel, viste uniforme verde de camuflaje y casco militar. Un detalle importante es el fusil que porta en su mano derecha el cual es similar al M16 pero más pequeño. Este tipo de fusil es únicamente utilizado por los oficiales de las Fuerzas Armadas, específicamente del ejército."

Obama and the Cunning Micheletti  7/27/2009 La Jornada: "The backward strategy of the Clinton clan and the institutional apparatus at the service of the energy military industrial complex, that ends up with a policy of events that would be endorsed by Obama, owes much to the key role played by the actual ambassador in Tegucigalpa, the Cuban-US citizen Hugo Llorens. Connected to the ex intelligence czar John Dimitri Negroponte and the ultra conservative Otto Reich, protector of the Cuban-US mafia in Miami, Llorens coordinated the expulsion of Manuel Zeylaya. He is part of a network of diplomats named in the last days of the Bush Administration, all of whom are experts in undercover operations and psychological warfare against Cuba and Venezuela: Robert Blau in the El Salvador Embassy: Stephen McFarland in Guatemala and Robert Callahan in Managua, Nicaragua."

Obama y el sátrapa Micheletti  7/27/2009 La Jornada: "La estrategia de reversión del clan Clinton y grupos del aparato institucional al servicio del complejo energético militar industrial, que presentan una política de hechos consumados para el aval de Obama, tuvo una pieza clave en el actual embajador en Tegucigalpa, el cubano-estadunidense Hugo Llorens. Vinculado al ex zar de la inteligencia John Dimitri Negroponte, y al ultraconservador Otto Reich, protector de la mafia cubano-estadunidense de Miami, Llorens coordinó la expulsión de Manuel Zelaya. Él mismo integra una red de diplomáticos nombrados en las postrimerías de la administración Bush, todos expertos en operaciones encubiertas y guerra sicológica contra Cuba y Venezuela: Robert Blau en la embajada en San Salvador; Stephen McFarland en Guatemala y Robert Callahan en Managua, Nicaragua."

Billy Joya cranks up the killing machine in Honduras  7/27/2009 Machetera: "Before Alegría and Tomé brought the two agents to the police station barely 200 meters away, the agents were disarmed and their badges and documents were registered. The police truck was set afire by indignant family members, neighbors, friends and companions who said “The can’t even leave us in peace for the burial, even though they are the ones who murdered him. We should have set fire to the murderers inside the car.” It was an expression of indignation that is a common feeling among the Honduran people right now."

Otto Reich’s propaganda factory still churning out the goods  7/27/2009 Machetera 

Honduras Unity to Lead Peace and Democracy Demonstration in Washington, DC  7/26/2009 Honduras This Week: "Honduras Unity in Miami, FL announced today that it will sponsor a demonstration on Monday, July 27 in support of peace and democracy in Honduras… “The rally is meant as a show of solidarity with the people of Honduras who are fighting to maintain their democracy in the face of mounting international pressure to reinstate former Manuel Zelaya,” says event organizer Karen Bush-Neuspiel." [Another German Honduran?]

Honduras Coup: the US Connection  7/25/2009 Global Research: "Hypothetically, Zelaya can expect to find some support among the mid- and low-ranking officers. They are the target audience of his radio-addresses from abroad in which he continues to say that the authority in the country has been usurped and that they have the right to resist. Officially, Washington is actively advocating reconciliation in Honduras, but in reality it is helping Micheletti by impeding Zelaya’s return. The US would rather see Micheletti gain ground and Zelaya lose irreversibly. Theoretically, there exists a possibility of a compromise between the two, but in this case Washington will be pushing for a radical limitation of Zelaya’s authority."

Honduras General Live on Radio Globo, Wants San José Accord Signed  7/25/2009 NarcoNews: "The general keeps saying over and over again that the coup regime should sign the San José Accords - restoring President Zelaya to power but with weakened powers - and that the military will comply with them. (But neither the coup regime nor the legitimate elected government have signed said accord... the whole context of the interview is strange, as if the general is racing toward the EXIT sign in the coup building.) And this is on the same radio station that the military shut down in the first days of the coup."

Zelaya organiza «columnas» cívicas para su reingreso  7/25/2009 Primerisima: "Zelaya instó a que en forma ordenada los centenares de hondureños que le llegaron a esperar este viernes, después de largas jornadas a pie para burlar los retenes militares, se organizarán "en columnas" civiles y desarmadas para ingresar nuevamente a su país, columnas a las que dio nombres de próceres de Honduras, como José Cecilio del Valle."

Ambulancia de Cruz Roja fue detenida con bombas lacrimógenas  7/25/2009 Revistazo, Honduras: "En contradicción a lo que establece la Convención de Ginebra y el Protocolo Adicional, las Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras hicieron uso de una ambulancia de la Cruz Roja para transportar bombas lacrimógenas hasta la frontera de Honduras-Nicaragua. Mientras un grupo de manifestantes se dirigían a la frontera Las Manos, donde llegó el presidente Manuel Zelaya, logró interceptar la ambulancia número 112 de la Cruz Roja de El Paraiso y constataron que en su interior no había heridos, ni material para dar asistencia, lo que llevaban era un fuerte cargamento de bombas lacrimógenas."

Canciller hondureña Patricia Rodas: Clinton debe hacer una seria diferencia entre pacíficos y violentos  7/25/2009 Telesur: "En entrevista exclusiva a teleSUR, Rodas se refirió a las declaraciones de la Secretaria de Estado estadounidense, que calificó de "imprudente" el acercamiento de Zelaya a la frontera del país que lo eligió democráticamente. "Debe haber un reconocimiento por parte de Clinton de que a lo largo de estas tres semanas lo único que ha hecho Zelaya son esfuerzos pacíficos para poder hacer que los criminales caigan en razón", aclaró."

profeta jaime chavez  7/25/2009 YouTube: "El General romeo Orlando Vazquez Velazquez actual comandante en jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras estuvo en nuetro II Congreso MIGApartners en Praris Francia en Octubre del 2008 y ahora estara en nuestro IV Congreso de MIGApartners en Miami, FL junto con el Profeta Jaime Chavez de Honduras"

Viernes 24 de julio, 1:30 pm  7/24/2009 COPINH: "Según los reportes dos manifestantes que se encaminaban a las fronteras de Nicaragua a recibir al presidente Manuel Zelaya resultaron heridos de bala, uno en el brazo y otro perdió una oreja, los que fueron trasladados de forma inmediata para asistencia médica a un hospital de Danlí. Uno de los heridos que recibio el disparo en la oreja es identificado como Moisés Hernández, procedente de Tocoa, Colón, perteneciente a la Coordinadora de Organizaciones Populares del Aguán, COPA."

Agentes encapuchados y fiscales amedrentan a misión diplomática de Venezuela en Honduras  7/24/2009 Defensores en linea: "La policia se retiró cuando un grupo de manifestantes que se apostaron desde horas de la mañana en la sede diplomática, comenzaron a tomarles fotos a los encapuchados y cuando las cámaras de Venezolana de Televisión comenzaron a grabar las escenas de la presencia policial, informó el diplomático."

Pueblo hondureño desbordado rompe el cerco policial y avanza a la frontera  7/24/2009 Primerisima 

Presidente Zelaya cruzó la frontera e ingresó a Honduras  7/24/2009 Telesur: "El presidente legítimo hondureño, Manuel Zelaya, ingresó hace instantes a Honduras, luego de esperar por varios minutos en el puesto fronterizo con Nicaragua. El mandatario constitucional está acompañado por sus seguidores y por su canciller, Patricia Rodas, mientras tanto, en la ciudad de El Paraíso, miles de manifestantes son retenidos por los militares golpistas que no los dejan trasladarse a recibir a Zelaya."

En Honduras con ocasión del golpe de Estado - Constatan violaciones sistemáticas a los derechos humanos  7/23/2009 ALI 

Detrás de la “democracia” de Micheletti, el esbirro CIA Billy Joya y sus “Cobras”  7/23/2009 Aporrea: "El siniestro "Doctor Arrazola" – versión hondureña de Luis Posada Carriles y de Klaus Barbie – está limpiando la policía nacional de sus altos oficiales“blandos” para situar en cada puesto estratégico a elementos fascistas Para evitar el derrumbe de su régimen golpista, Micheletti y sus cómplices están ahora jugando su última carta: los escuadrones del “ministro-consejero” Billy Joya, creador con sus asesores yanquis de “Los Cobras”, comandos de élite entrenados para matar, y veterano miembro del siniestro batallón 316 creado por la CIA que persiguió, torturó y desapareció a cientos de hondureños en la guerra sucia de los años 80. Nombrado ministro del gobierno ilegitimo por Micheletti, Billy Fernando Joya Améndola, puro producto de la “preparación” de oficiales de cuerpos de represión hondureños prodigada por la inteligencia fascista argentina bajo orientación de la CIA, está recomponiendo su maquinaria de terror para acabar con la rebelión popular."

Grupo "evangelico" anuncia presencia del general golpista Vásquez en Miami  7/23/2009 Aporrea: "El General golpista Romeo Vásquez, quien secuestró y expulsó de Honduras al Presidente Constitucional Manuel Zelaya, estaría en Miami este de 22 de julio para participar en un encuentro convocado por un tal "profeta" Jaime Chávez en el Centro de Convenciones de esa ciudad norteamericana. La presencia en territorio de Estados Unidos del jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras fue anunciada por los organizadores del "IV Congreso MIGApartners" que tendría lugar bajo el tema "El Gobierno del Reino en Miami"." Jean Guy Allard

Honduran Coup Leader joins Prophets & Apostles in Miami Saturday; He Should Be Arrested  7/23/2009 Daily Kos 

Honduran Coup Leader joins Prophets & Apostles in Miami Saturday; He Should Be Arrested  7/23/2009 Daily Kos 

Fracasa Acuerdo de San José  7/23/2009 EL Libertador: "El presidente de Costa Rica y mediador, Oscar Arias propuso un gobierno de reconciliación nacional, amnistía para delitos políticos, el adelanto de las elecciones para octubre de 2009 y el retorno del Presidente Zelaya para el 24 de julio. Este último punto no fue aceptado por los representantes del gobierno de facto de Roberto Micheletti, quienes no aceptan bajo ningún punto el retorno de Zelaya, por lo que se dio por terminada la negociación."

Honduras … Left behind?  7/23/2009 Mex Files: "I keep wanting to spell “Prophet” as “Profit”… and maybe for good reason. Setting up the Kingdom Government costs money. Profeta Chavez’ group… MIGA Partners seeks “partners” willing to pony up a thousand to five thousand U.S. Dollars in return for which Profeta Chavez will bless your region, nation or economic zone… or something like that. Outside the Kingdom are the Garifuna, the afro-indigenous people of Honduras. If you’ll remember, the “rationale” still being used to justify the coup was to prevent a referendum on a constitutional convention that might (not would) lead to a new consitution, that would probably have incorporated new trends in Latin American political theory that don’t bode well for the old power elite … who apparently, being already blessed on this earth, are the logical heirs to the Kingdom."

Preparan magnicidio de Zelaya y masacre del pueblo con la venia de Washington  7/23/2009 Primerisima: "Fuentes de entero crédito que por razones de seguridad no son reveladas, aseguran que en los próximos días se pondrá en marcha un plan del gobierno golpista para incrementar la represión al movimiento popular. Parte de la estrategia de la ultraderecha de este país consiste en el entrenamiento de 120 sicarios, a quienes se les adiestra todos los días a partir de las tres de la madrugada en la casa del coronel retirado Amílcar Zelaya, situada en la aldea de Amarateca a unos 25 minutos de Tegucigalpa. La residencia de este ex militar fue conocida en la década de los ochentas por ser un centro de tortura."

"Martinetti apoya a Micheletti": Panamá alaba al Ejército de Honduras por el manejo "responsable" de la crisis  7/22/2009 Aporrea 

Diplomáticos venezolanos afirmaron que no abandonarán Honduras  7/22/2009 Aporrea: "El encargado de negocios venezolano en Tegucigalpa, Uriel Vargas, aseguró este martes que los diplomáticos de su país no se irán de Honduras, ya que la orden de que abandonen el país fue dictada por un gobierno golpista, el de Roberto Micheletti, al cual Caracas no reconoce. El gobierno de facto dio este martes 72 horas al personal de la embajada de Venezuela para abandonar el país centroamericano."

Embajadora de Honduras retoma control de sede en México  7/22/2009 Aporrea: "Acompañada por los embajadores de Costa Rica, Haití, Bolivia y la encargada de negocios de Venezuela en México, Rosalinda Bueso agradeció la solidaridad y destacó el permanente apoyo de los gobiernos federal y capitalino para retomar sus funciones."

Presidente Zelaya se trasladará el jueves a la frontera con Honduras  7/22/2009 Aporrea: "El presidente legítimo de Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, adelantó este miércoles a teleSUR que el próximo jueves se trasladará desde Managua hacia dos municipios fronterizos con Honduras, desde donde intentará pasar la frontera."

Zelaya hace responsable de su vida a jefe militar cuando vuelva a Honduras  7/22/2009 Aporrea: ""Si a mí me pasa algo, a mi familia o a mis hijos, el único responsable será el jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras. El único responsable será Romeo Vázquez", dijo Zelaya en una conferencia de prensa en la embajada de Honduras en Managua."

Honduras Gets "Left Behind"™ as Top Coup Leader Bails for Miami Weirdo Conference  7/22/2009 

HONDURAS AT STANDSTILL; ARIAS PROPOSAL OF "SAN JOSE AGREEMENT" REJECTED BY BOTH PARTIES  7/22/2009 Chavez Code: "Another point incredibly called on the Zelaya government and supporters to refrain from convening a constitutional assembly, directly or indirectly, and in fact also ordered a refrain from even holding any kind of consultation, survey or opinion poll on any issue remotely related to constitutional form. This is absolutely outrageous because no government has the right to usurp the people's sovereign right to choose their form and model of government. This is not a right that can be transferred or taken away, it is inalienable… By the way, the leading military figure in the coup, School of the Americas graduate General Romeo Vasquez, is in Miami today, invited to speak at some evangelical conference funded by the Cuban mafia. So, the State Department hasn't revoked his visa, obviously, despite his clear role in kidnapping - at gun point - and forcing into exile the democratically elected president of Honduras. Yet another clear indication of Washington backing the coup."

No toda la comunidad evangélica está de acuerdo con el golpe de Estado  7/22/2009 EL Libertador 

Honduras: Anti-Chavez ‘free speech’ warriors linked to coup  7/22/2009 Global Research: "The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) is well-known for its mission to expose the Venezuelan government of President Hugo Chavez as a threat to free speech “all over the continent”. These brave free speech warriors made a big deal this year about how they “dared” to hold a meeting in the Venezuelan capital, “defying” the repression of Chavez’s dictatorial regime. It turns out that the IAPA has found little to condemn in regards to the dictatorship that has installed itself by military force in Honduras… So why are these free speech crusaders so soft on the coup regime in Honduras? Probably because IAPA representatives in Honduras have been central to the coup. For instance, Roberto Micheletti, who was installed by the coup as de facto president, is the owner of various companies, including the newspaper La Tribuna. One of his associates at the newspaper is Edgardo Dumas Rodriguez, a Honduran representative to the IAPA. Then there is Jorge Canahuati. Two of the most pro-coup newspapers are La Prensa and El Heraldo. Together, they control 80% of newspaper circulation. Both are majority owned by Canahuati, also president of the IAPA international commission."

Amid crisis, minorities find a voice  7/22/2009 Miami Herald: ``We have no political visibility in this country and that makes us extremely vulnerable,'' said Alfredo López, 56, a community activist and one of about 400,000 ethnic Garifunas in Honduras. ``The constitutional assembly would have given us a chance to change that.''

Honduras orders Venezuelan diplomats expelled  7/21/2009 AP: "Vargas dismissed the allegations and — holed up in the embassy along with a consular officer also affected by the order — vowed to defy it. "We only have relations with the government of President Manuel Zelaya," Vargas told reporters outside the building. He said the expulsion order "does not exist for us, because the Micheletti government does not exist. It is a usurper government, a coup government, a government that is not recognized by anyone on an international level." The Micheletti government did not say if it would take any measures to force the Venezuelans to leave."

Hillary Clinton moves State Department to the right of Condoleezza Rice  7/21/2009 OnLine Journal: "It was then announced that Clinton’s presidential campaign adviser Lanny Davis, a consummate Washington, DC, slime merchant and ardent Zionist, became a paid shill for the pro-Honduran junta Honduran Chamber of Commerce, CEAL. Davis is reportedly coordinating his activities with Republican members of the Congress who support the junta, including Cuban-American reactionary Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) and Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL), as well as Otto Reich, George W. Bush’s Cuban-American Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs who worked overtime to overthrow Chavez in Venezuela and Morales in Bolivia… Mrs. Clinton has always seemed to have an affinity for fascists and their fellow travelers. She has written of “The Family” Christian cult leader Doug Coe, who provides housing on C Street on Capitol Hill for a number of conservative Republican and a few Democratic congressmen and senators, as “a unique presence in Washington: a genuinely loving spiritual mentor and guide to anyone, regardless of party or faith, who wants to deepen his or her relationship with God.” However, Coe’s record shows that the only people he wants to “deepen his relationship” with are a number of tinhorn dictators around the world, including past military junta leaders in Honduras, Guatemala, and other Latin American countries."

Resistencia de Honduras ratifica convocatoria a una asamblea constituyente  7/20/2009 Aporrea: "El Frente Nacional contra el Golpe de Estado en Honduras ratificó en una carta abierta al presidente de Costa Rica, Oscar Arias, que no abandonarán la propuesta de convocar lo antes posible una asamblea nacional para modificar la Constitución de ese país."

Obama's Bullish Behavior in Latin America - Honduras and the Big Stick  7/20/2009 Counterpunch: "In the media, the Honduran imbroglio has been depicted as a struggle over presidential power and term limits. But while any new constitution might have extended presidential term limits, such a reform could have also led to new progressive amendments to the law and further radicalization on the ground. In recent years Honduras has seen the emergence of a vibrant social and political scene including labor, Garifuna (Afro-Honduran people) and Indians. If Zelaya had been successful at pushing through his constitutional reform he would have been able to mobilize such groups. What is the connection between U.S. interests and constitutional reform? If you had any doubt about Washington’s true intentions in Honduras consider the following AP Report for July 8 about diplomatic negotiations between the coup regime and ousted president Zelaya: “Clinton would not discuss specifics of the mediation process, which she said would begin soon, but a senior U.S. official said one option being considered would be to forge a compromise under which Zelaya would be allowed to return and serve out his remaining six months in office with limited powers. Zelaya, in return, would pledge to drop his aspirations for a constitutional change.”

Denuncian que el batallón 3-16 está detrás de dirigentes del movimiento social  7/20/2009 Defensores en Linea: "El ex capitán de policía Billy Joya Améndola, siniestro personaje miembro del batallón 3-16 que persiguió, torturó y desapareció a cientos de compatriotas en la década de los ochenta, vuelve a ser denunciado por perseguir a dirigentes del movimiento social. La denuncia del presidente del Colegio de Profesores de Educación Media de Honduras (Copemh), Eulogio Chávez de que es sujeto de seguimiento por paramilitares dirigidos por el ex capitán de policía Billy Joya Améndola confirma la grave situación que experimentan dirigentes y dirigentas del movimiento social hondureño que se han manifestado contra el golpe de Estado en Honduras."

Interview with Teresa Reyes, Garifuna leader from Triunfo de la Cruz  7/20/2009 Honduras Resists: "What has been the reaction of the Garifuna community to the coup d'etat? What they have wanted is for people to stay calm in their houses because anything can happen in the streets, but we have a movement in the community which has come out because we can't continue to sit in our homes with our arms crossed. We have to do something to participate because we have a right to the participation even if it's limited. We have looked for ways to protest because we can't stay silent about a situation as horrible as what we are living through in this country. We are representing the Garifuna people currently even though there's few of us but we are doing it and we are showing the face of our people because we are also against what is happening."

Honduras: Llaman al pueblo a organizarse para recibir a Zelaya  7/20/2009 La Nacion, Chile: "El próximo viernes está programado el regreso del depuesto Presidente a su país, tras confirmarse ayer que las negociaciones con el gobierno de facto de Roberto Micheletti finalizaron sin acuerdo."

Racist, white supremacist military rule in Honduras  7/20/2009 SF Bay View: by Professor Willie Thompson

The implications of the coup in Honduras on Afro-descendants  7/20/2009 SF Bay View: by TransAfrica Forum

Fuerzas populares de Honduras acuerdan reforzar lucha antigolpista  7/19/2009 CubaDebate: "Las decisiones incluyen preparar una huelga general para el jueves y viernes próximos, cuyos preparativos las tres centrales sindicales comenzarán a puntualizar desde mañana, apuntó uno de los líderes del Frente, Juan Barahona. El presidente de la Federación Unitaria de Trabajadores (FUTH) precisó en un acto público que con el paro se proponen dar un fuerte golpe a la economía del gobierno de facto y a los empresarios que lo apoyan."

Las relaciones de los militares hondureños con el narcotráfico  7/19/2009 El Liberador: "El hondureño defensor de los Derechos Humanos, Andrés Pavón, afirmó que el general Vázquez Velázquez, jefe del Estado Mayor hondureño, tiene conocidos lazos con el narcotráfico. "Él es un hombre de la comunidad de inteligencia de América Latina, cercana a las estructuras de la DEA y la CIA", explica."

Honduras: The Nonviolent Battle for the Zelaya Home in Catacamas  7/19/2009 NarcoNews 

¡Estos son los golpistas, el soberano juzgará!  7/18/2009 El Libertador 

Historia calculada del golpe de Estado contra la democracia  7/18/2009 El Libertador 

HONDUREÑOS DE OCCIDENTE RESISTIRÁN HASTA LA MUERTE: ¡FUERA DICTADORES!  7/18/2009 El Libertador: "Los Movimientos Sociales y Organizaciones Populares del Occidente de Honduras y en la antesala de los acuerdos de mediación de San José Costa Rica en relación a la crisis política que está viviendo nuestro país MANIFIESTA lo siguiente:"

The Closing of the Southern Highway from Tegucigalpa: An Eye Witness Report  7/18/2009 NarcoNews: "Several tense minutes slowly pass. Reina then turns away from the police and walks back across the bridge to speak to leaders there. Soon they are speaking to the crowd over the loudspeakers, asking for a show of hands of who is willing to leave the site, and go to support the protestors who’ve taken the northern entrance to the city. Amid shouts and cheers, a sea of hands reaches for the air. “We have done here what we came to do. We don’t want violence. We don’t want problems with the police. We have said what we came here to say,” shouted one leader. “Now let’s leave—single file and in small groups, for security. And we have more to do tomorrow!” People begin walking back in groups across the bridge, amid shouts, songs and chants. There is a collective sigh of relief. Police step aside. One flashes a quick smile and offers a furtive “thumbs-up”."

Honduras Zelaya won't accept coup leaders in unity gov: aide  7/18/2009 Reuters 

Asesinan a dirigente sindical en Honduras  7/17/2009 Aporrea 

!!!LA LUCHA SIGUE!!!  7/17/2009 COPINNH: "La carretera que conduce hacia el puerto principal de Honduras, Puerto Cortés, la carretera panamericana CA-5 en Comayagua, y las tres salidas de Tegucigalpa están bloqueadas por miles de hondureños de la Coordinadora Nacional de Resistencia Popular (CNRP), el Bloque Popular y el Frente Nacional contra el Golpe de Estado. En Choloma, Cortés, en el puente Blanco en el Barrio el Kilómetro miles de ciudadanos en contra del Golpe de Estado se tomaron desde las 9:00 AM de manera indefinida, la carretera que conduce al puerto más importantes de Honduras, por donde se entra gran parte de la mercancía de la región centroamericana."

Micheletti, vinculado al cartel de Cali, en una lista de narcos del ministerio de la Defensa  7/17/2009 CubaDebate: "El nombre del cabecilla golpista hondureño Roberto Micheletti aparece en una larga lista de narcotraficantes redactada, en una fecha no precisada, por un alto oficial del Ministerio de la Defensa y Seguridad Pública de Honduras que lo relaciona con el Cartel de Cali, la red colombiana de narcotráfico. El documento firmado por el Coronel de infantería René Adalberto Paz Alfaro y llevando el membrete del ministerio, señala en el número SN-FF. AA. 060, a ROBERTO MICHELLETI BAIN – con el error de ortógrafo en Micheletti – con la “CONEXIÓN” Cartel de Cali y bajo la mención “LUGAR” la palabra “Yoro”. Las notas biográficas de Micheletti precisan que empezó su carrera política en los años 80, cuando ocupaba el cargo de presidente del Consejo Local en Yoro donde siempre se hizo elegir de diputado al Congreso Nacional… Llama la atención que, hace unos días, un grupo de congresistas norteamericanos de extrema derecha encabezados por los representantes de la Florida, Mario y Lincoln Díaz-Balart, intentaron ensuciar el nombre del presidente constitucional Manuel Zelaya al solicitar del presidente Barack Obama que investigue su supuesta “vinculación con el narcotráfico”, a través de la DEA. Obama ni constestó. Los Díaz-Balart tienen un viejo expediente de relaciones turbias con los círculos colombianos afiliados al narcotráfico."

Honduras ship action declared (También en version española)  7/17/2009 International Transport Workers' Federation: "The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) today called for all its union members to oppose the coup in Honduras by focusing protests on the Honduran merchant fleet. The global union organisation, which represents 656 unions worldwide with four and a half million members, has made the call as its latest move to defend democracy in the coup-stricken Central American nation, and in support of the Organization of American States’ (OAS) condemnation of the military takeover. The action call is likely to affect the loading and unloading of the 650 ships flying the Honduran flag, which the ITF considers a flag of convenience – a low cost cosmetic ship registration by companies with no link to the country and no intention of employing its citizens onboard."

Israeli art students show up at interesting times  7/17/2009 Wayne Madsen Report: "The reported involvement of Israeli security advisers in the coup d’état in Honduras also puts into another perspective the following report from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) on the espionage activities involving Israeli art students in the months prior to 9/11."

U.S. policy of political assassination follows Obama into office  7/17/2009 Wayne Madsen Report: "WMR has also learned from Honduran sources that U.S. ambassador to Honduras Hugo Llorens closely coordinated his activities with the coup leaders. Llorens' car was seen by the public traveling between the U.S. embassy and the government buildings where the coup leaders were consolidating their hold on power. Llorens, a Cuban-born U.S. citizen, was reportedly heavily involved in the 2002 coup against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez while serving in the National Security Council at the White House… WMR has also learned that support for Zelaya is strong among the Honduran police and the lower ranks of the Honduran military. There have been a number of cases where police and military personnel have refused to carry out their orders and aided opponents of the coup. Support for Zelaya is particularly strong in San Pedro Sula, Honduras's second largest city, and along the border with El Salvador. WMR has learned that the El Salvadorean Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front government is providing quiet assistance to Zelaya supporters along the border."

UPDATES: ZELAYA ON ROUTE TO HONDURAS; US PUMPING UP MILITARY BASES IN COLOMBIA  7/16/2009 Chavez Code: "Meanwhile, Washington is busy moving its military installations from Manta, Ecuador, where it has maintained a Forward Operating Location (FOL) since 1999, to neighboring Colombia, pumping up its presence next to Venezuela. The base in Manta was established per a ten-year contract created in 1999, when the Pentagon formally closed its big air force base in Panamá (Howard Air Force Base) and proceeded to set up several Forward Operation Locations (FOLs) in the region - in Manta, Ecuador; Aruba and Curaçao, and Comalapa, El Salvador. At the same time, the Pentagon substantially increased its capacity in the Soto Cano air base in Honduras, which is at the center of the recent coup d'etat against President Zelaya (see my blog entries below). President Rafael Correa of Ecuador refused to renew the Pentagon's contract to maintain its presence at the Manta base, forcing its ouster this year. The US began its move today. Despite the persistent denials by US Ambassador in Colombia, William Brownfield, regarding the Manta base's relocation to Colombia, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe confirmed the relocation today, stating, "obtaining agreements with countries like the United States, so that, with all due respect to the Colombian constitution, and Colombian autonomy, they help us in the war against terrorism, against drug trafficking, is in the best interests of our country.""

Who's in charge of US foreign policy  7/16/2009 Guardian: "When the coup occurred on 28 June, the first statement that came out of the White House was a major blunder. Although the US and international press gave Obama a pass, the diplomatic community could hardly help noticing that the White House issued the only official statement in the world that didn't have a bad word to say about the coup when it happened. This position shifted as events moved forward, and Obama himself even went so far as to say: "We believe that the coup was not legal and that President Zelaya remains the president of Honduras." But then his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, seemed to contradict him. Twice she was asked by the press whether restoring the democratic order in Honduras meant restoring the elected president, and twice she declined to answer."

Day 19: Peaceful Blockades vs. Coup Paralyze Honduras  7/16/2009 NarcoNews: "Narco News can confirm, together with reports in other media, that at least three of those four routes - the three most important - have been successfully shut down by peaceful occupations by a citizenry opposed to the coup d'etat regime, as well as vital arteries in the country's northern coastal regions. The most important - which links Tegucigalpa to the second largest city, San Pedro Sula to the Northwest - is blocked five kilometers outside of the capital, in the town of El Durazno, reports the French Press Agency (AFP)."

Rigoberta Menchú advierte sobre posible golpe de Estado en Guatemala  7/15/2009 Aporrea: "Por su parte, el presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, también señaló el pasado viernes que "la oligarquía" habría impulsado planes para derrocar a su homólogo guatemalteco tras el escándalo del crimen del abogado."

Un día despues del llamado de Zelaya a la Insurrección, sus seguidores llaman a ocupar puntos estratégicos en Honduras  7/15/2009 Aporrea: "En Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula (norte) y otras localidades donde hayan condiciones para ejecutar esas tomas en puntos estratégicos se van a hacer", afirmó Israel Salinas, de la Confederación Unitaria de Trabajadores de Honduras (CUTH), en una rueda de prensa. Aseguró que la medida de presión "tiene que estar combinada con la acción absoluta y total de todos los trabajadores". "Habrá tomas de los edificios, tomas de las carreteras y no trabajará nadie", sostuvo Salinas, quien señaló que esperan coordinar con los sindicatos del sector privado para que se sumen a esta protesta. Anticipó que organizaciones de países vecinos, entre ellas de El Salvador y Nicaragua, han manifestado su disposición a sumarse en los próximos días a bloqueos en las fronteras."

Washington and the Coup in Honduras: Here is the Evidence - by Eva Golinger  7/15/2009 Chavez Code: - presents evidence of US and Cuban American involvement.

Comunicado No 12  7/15/2009 El Frente Nacional contra el Golpe de Estado en Honduras: "Denunciamos el uso de los medios de comunicación masiva en manos de la oligarquía, que intentan mostrar un país en normalidad y paz, mientras se asesina y persigue a líderes populares."

Ex-Clinton aides advising Honduran coup regime  7/15/2009 Global Research: "Ginger Thompson of the New York Times reported from San Jose, Costa Rica Sunday that in organizing the first sessions of a US-brokered mediation exercise between the ousted President Zelaya and the leader of those who overthrew him, Micheletti, Costa Rican President Oscar Arias instructed both men to appear at his residence with just four advisers. “On Thursday morning, Mr. Micheletti showed up with six, adding an American public relations specialist who has done work for former President Bill Clinton and the American’s interpreter, and an official close to the talks said the team rarely made a move without consulting him,” Thompson reported. The PR man was identified as Bennett Ratcliff of San Diego. Thompson quoted an official close to the talks as saying that “Every proposal that Micheletti’s group presented was written or approved by the American [Ratcliff].”

Zelaya llama a la insurrección popular contra régimen golpista de Honduras  7/15/2009 VTV 

WHAT JOHN ENSIGN, HILLARY CLINTON & THE HONDURAN RIGHT WING HAVE IN COMMON  7/15/2009 Wayne Madsen Report: "It is not only the Fellowship's involvement with the Ensign and Sanford sex scandals that has raised eyebrows but also Secretary of State Clinton's milquetoast response to the military coup in Honduras that ousted President Manuel Zelaya, a progressive. The National Prayer Breakfast, sponsored by the Fellowship, has, in the past, attracted the right-wing elite of Honduras, including Zelaya's predecessor, Ricardo Maduro, who was backed by the same Christian evangelical forces that forced Zelaya from power. WMR also previously reported on another link between the Fellowship and Honduras's right wing through the DeMoss Foundation, which is linked to Fellowship ministry operations: The DeMoss Foundation is anti-gay, anti-abortion, and favors close links between church and state. Arthur [DeMoss] dropped dead of a heart attack at age 53 while playing tennis at his ritzy Main Line estate in Bryn Mawr, outside of Philadelphia. In addition to supporting [Charles] Colson's [Prison Fellowship] group, the foundation gives generously to the American Center for Law and Justice, the legal group run by Pat Robertson. DeMoss also supports the Plymouth Rock Foundation, an extreme right-wing Christian Reconstructionist movement that advocates the imposition of Biblical law in the United States and the death penalty for adulterers, homosexuals, heterosexual sodomists, non-Christians, and witches."

The CIA's Ghosts of Tegucigalpa  7/14/2009 Consortium News: "The DEA agent in charge of its recently opened Tegucigalpa office, Thomas Zepeda, had documented the complicity of Col. Torres Arias and other high-ranking Honduran officers in Matta Ballesteros’s drug operations. But DEA needed the Honduran military’s assistance to arrest Torres and his cronies, and the CIA needed them to support the contras. To avoid a showdown with the CIA, the DEA’s Zepeda proposed that a grand jury be empanelled to investigate corruption in the Honduran armed forces. But the CIA nixed the idea, no doubt to protect its collaborators. As one high-level diplomat later noted: “Without the support of the Honduran military there would have been no such thing as the contras. It’s that simple … So they got rid of the DEA station.”"

The Politics of Destabilization - McCain and Honduras  7/14/2009 Counterpunch: "According to the Mexican newspaper La Jornada, it was Venezuelan lawyer Robert-Carmona Borjas who helped to draft some of the infamous anti-constitutional “Carmona decrees” after Hugo Chávez was overthrown in the April, 2002 military coup. After Chávez was returned to power Carmona Borjas fled to the United States where he found his calling as a leading anti-Chávez figure and, more recently, as a fierce critic of the Zelaya regime in Honduras."

Canada Supports the Military Coup in Honduras  7/14/2009 Global Research: "On Saturday, July 4, at the impromptu meeting of the Organization of the American States, Canadian Minister of State of Foreign Affairs for the Americas Peter Kent suggested President Jose Manuel "Mel" Zelaya not return to Honduras. It's an interesting stance for Canada to assume, considering that most of the international community has condemned the coup in Honduras. ...As the man at the end of the road tried to explain to me, mining is not development for people who live around these mines. He speaks for thousands of others -- a base of support aligned with the ousted President Zelaya. In 2006, Zelaya decided to cancel all future mining concessions in Honduras. Which would appear to explain, at least in large part, why Canada stands virtually alone in the hemisphere in supporting the Honduran military's ousting of Zelaya. The Canadian government, and its friends in the mining industry, are using the coup as an opportunity to plant their feet deeper into the Honduran ground."

Who's behind Lanny Davis' putsch paycheck?  7/14/2009 NarcoNews: Following the money trail in the Honduran coup - "Today’s junta-enablers no longer have to work in secret. In fact, illegal usurpers can now shop openly in Washington for a hired gun of their choosing to grease the wheels of Congress and commerce to assure their coup d'état remains a fait accompli. Enter Lanny Davis — a long-time friend and Yale Law School chum of Hillary Clinton and former White House Counsel to Bill Clinton [as well as a consummate shill for their agendas]."

US Press Falsely Claims Honduran Plurality for Coup  7/14/2009 Truth Out: "Did a CID-Gallup poll last week indicate that a plurality of Hondurans support the military coup against democratically elected President Zelaya? Yes, according to The Washington Post [July 9], The Wall Street Journal [July 10], The Christian Science Monitor [July 11], and Reuters [July 9], which all reported that the poll showed 41 percent in favor of the coup, with only 28 percent opposed. But in fact the poll showed that 46 percent - a plurality - were opposed to the coup, according to The New York Times [July 10], The Associated Press [July 11] - and the president of CID-Gallup, in an interview with Voice of America on July 9. "


The Honduras coup is the Caribbean’s business; Norman Girvan, Andaiye and Alissa Trotz  7/13/2009 Norman Girvan 

Chavez: US Government Giving Oxygen to Honduran Coup  7/13/2009 Venezuela Analysis: ""Obama withdraw your soldiers from Honduras, withdraw all support for the coup plotters, freeze their bank accounts, withdraw their visas so that this government falls immediately," the Venezuelan head of state said. "If the US government truly doesn't support the coup, it would withdraw all of its troops from the military base at Palmerola," he added."

Under Threat is the Life of Honduran Activist Luther Castillo  7/12/2009 CAN: "If Luther is captured and resists the arrest, the military have orders to shoot him, the last we heard from him was a phone call to his sister Tania, who he requested, in her garifuna language, not to tell names since phone communications were being intercepted by coup perpetrators, she assured."

General golpista Vásquez fue detenido por robo de carros en 1993  7/12/2009 Cuba Debate 

Honduras' political conflict pushes youth activism  7/12/2009 Miami Herald 

It’s Still a Military Coup in Honduras  7/12/2009 NarcoNews 

Honduran Students in Cuba Festival  7/12/2009 Radio Cadena Agramonte: "Ten Honduran medical students [many of whom are Garifuna] in Cuba participate in the Caribbean Festival here in spaces programmed for a delegation from their country who cannot attend."

Telesur and Venezuelan TV Journalists Arrested in Honduras  7/12/2009 Venezuela Analysis: "Get out of here, you all have to go, you don't have anything to do in this country," one of the police reportedly said."

Motivaciones del Cardenal golpista: Presidente Zelaya le suspendió salario mensual gratuito de 100,000 lempiras  7/10/2009 El Libertador 

Interview with Vice-President of National Fraternal Black Organization of Honduras  7/10/2009 Honduras Resists: "I am a Garifuna Honduran citizen. My name is Alfredo López, Vice-President of the National Fraternal Black Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH). Well, we are here inTegucigalpa, immersed in the process of re-establishment of the constitutional order of the country."

Interview with Vice-President of National Fraternal Black Organization of Honduras  7/10/2009 Honduras Resists: "I am a Garifuna Honduran citizen. My name is Alfredo López, Vice-President of the National Fraternal Black Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH). Well, we are here inTegucigalpa, immersed in the process of re-establishment of the constitutional order of the country."

Micheletti Tried to Change the Honduran Constitution 1985  7/10/2009 NarcoNews: "Members of Congress and politicians accuse Manuel Zelaya of trying to extend his term and change the Honduran Constitution, but what he tried to do was hold a non-binding opinion poll. Micheletti, on the other hand, did want to [extend the president's term and change the Constitution] 24 years ago."

Festival del Caribe abre puertas a la edición de 2010  7/10/2009 PL: "La ausencia de la delegación oficial hondureña, debido al golpe castrense perpetrado contra el presidente constitucional Manuel Zelaya, no impidió el homenaje a esa tierra y en particular a la cultura garífuna. Las muestras de solidaridad de los participantes y las condenas a la asonada militar se mantuvieron durante las jornadas."

Otto Reich and the International Republican Institute - Honduran Destablization, Inc.  7/9/2009 Counterpunch: "Another interesting lead comes via Bill Weinberg, a thorough and dogged journalist, founder of the Web site World War 4 Report and the host of WBAI Radio's thoughtful program Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade in New York. On Sunday, Weinberg posted an intriguing article on his Web site entitled "Otto Reich behind Honduras coup?" In the piece, Weinberg discloses that the Honduran Black Fraternal Organization, known by its Spanish acronym OFRANEH, has claimed that former U.S. diplomat Otto Reich and the Washington, D.C. based Arcadia Foundation were involved in the coup."

Two Cuban Counterrevolutionaries Involved in Coup against Manuel Zelaya  7/9/2009 Cuba Now: "Montaner and Reich were always in contact with coup plotters in Honduras either through phone calls or by means of intermediary agents, the article explains and adds that Montaner himself told coup leaders to resist all international pressure to prevent any attempt by President Manuel Zelaya to return to the country and to advance presidential elections, scheduled for the end of the year."

In Rare U.S. Broadcast, Ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya Discusses Coup, Costa Rica Talks, U.S. Role and More  7/9/2009 Democracy Now: "MANUAL ZELAYA:[translated] We only have humanitarian aid coming from the United States the U.S. held up military aid, our officials in Washington have been replaced because they left with the coup. They were changed yesterday. And all of the U.S.’s messages have been consistent with the firm condemnation of the coup and supporting democracy in Latin America."

Honduran people block roads in protest of coup regime  7/9/2009 Granma: "Thousands of members of Honduran popular organizations today blocked the highways at different points throughout the country on the eleventh day of demonstrations to demand an end to the coup regime and the return to power of President Manuel Zelaya. Demonstrations also took place in the eastern section of the capital and on the highway connecting the city with the eastern region of the country, principally the departments of Olancho and Paraíso, as well as San Pedro Sula, the country’s second-largest city."

Diputado habría peleado por droga  7/8/2009 

We have to go on fighting, affirms first lady of Honduras  7/8/2009 Granma 

US leaves Honduras to its fate  7/8/2009 Guardian: "This puts a heavy burden on the people of Honduras, who have been risking their lives, confronting the army's bullets, beatings and arbitrary arrests and detentions. The US media has reported on this repressiononly minimally, with the major print media sometimes failing even to mention the censorship there. But the Honduran pro-democracy movement has in the last few days managed to change the course of events. It is likely that Clinton's decision to finally meet with Zelaya was the result of the large and growing protests, and Washington's fear that such resistance could reach the point at which it would topple the coup government."

Ros-Lehtinen Proposes Amendment to Cut Funding to OAS - Funds would be re-routed to support the National Endowment for Democracy  7/8/2009 House Foreign Affairs Committee: “From its warm overtures towards the Cuban tyrants to its knee-jerk support of Manuel Zelaya, echoing the rhetoric and agenda of autocratic leaders like Chavez, Morales, and Ortega, the OAS is losing credibility as an entity that stands for democratic institutions, human rights, and the rule of law."

Honduras: What's Black and White and Gets the Red Out?  7/8/2009 NarcoNews: "The now-iconic photograph of the late 19-year-old Isis Obed Murillo, being carried by his friends to seek medical help moments after his shooting by gunmen during Sunday’s demonstrations in Tegucigalpa, was also published by the Honduran daily… Except that La Prensa chose to airbrush the young man’s blood out of the photo."

¿Comienzan a flaquear?: La golpista Corte Suprema de Honduras evalúa una "amnistía" para Zelaya  7/7/2009 Aporrea: "El legítimo presidente de Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, podría ser amnistiado por el Congreso Nacional de Honduras, lo que evitaría su detención al regresar al país, dijo a la agencia de noticias AFP el portavoz de la Corte Suprema de Justicia hondureña, Danilo Izaguirre."

Denuncia desde Honduras. Golpistas obligan a los pobres a marchar  7/7/2009 Aporrea: "Hoy martes 7 de julio del 2009 el estamento golpista está organizando a nivel nacional una manifestación de camisas blancas en defensa de la democracia. Sin embargo, decenas de personas han llamado a Radio Globo para denunciar que están siendo obligados por sus patrones para participar en esta manifestación. En Tegucigalpa, las empresas e instituciones que están obligando a su trabajadores se encuentran: Granitos y Terrazos, varias maquilas y la Alcaldía. También se denunció que hay buses en los barrios marginales de la capital para sobornar a los pobres y llevarlos a la manifestación. Una señora manifestó que “se les está ofreciendo un tiempo de comida y 100 lps en efectivo (5 dólares) por ponerse una camisa blanca”.

EEUU: El Senador Republicano John McCain organizó la visita de los representantes golpistas de Honduras hoy en Washington  7/7/2009 Aporrea: "El senador republicano John McCain, ex candidato presidencial en Estados Unidos, está detrás de la visita hoy a Washington de los representantes del gobierno de facto en Honduras. McCain, conocido por su dura postura contra Venezuela, Bolivia y otros países en la región considerados “anti-imperialistas”, ha organizado una “rueda de prensa” para los representantes golpistas a las 3:00 hoy en el prestigioso Club Nacional de Prensa en la capital estadounidense."

The Role of the International Republican Institute (IRI) in the Honduran Coup  7/7/2009 Chavez Code: "The International Republican Institute talks of “coup” in Honduras, months before. By Eva Golinger."

Micheletti Blinks: Zelaya's Return Not Barred from Costa Rica Mediation  7/7/2009 NarcoNews 

Cuba: cultura solidaria en una Fiesta de fuego  7/7/2009 PL: "Los organizadores de la Casa del Caribe, enfrentados a una coyuntura inédita en tres décadas de existencia del encuentro, resolvieron con agilidad los vacíos por la ausencia de personalidades hondureñas y rearmaron sobre la marcha espectáculos artísticos y sesiones teóricas, talleres y exposiciones. Unos 11 países, representados en más de 300 participantes extranjeros, sumaron sus voces de condena a la asonada militar ya fuera en el Encuentro Internacional de Poesía o los espacios destinados a la religiosidad popular, la historia, la comunicación, la música, el teatro, narración oral y la artesanía. Aunque sin el colorido que debió aportarle una delegación de unos 240 artistas, intelectuales y autoridades hondureños, y la trascendencia de que la encabezara el propio mandatario, esta Fiesta del Fuego ya es histórica, insertada en una cultura de resistencia frente a poderes hegemónicos."

Venezuelan Solidarity Convoy Bound for Honduras Detained in Colombia  7/7/2009 Venezuela Analysis 

IV Congreso MIGApartners en MIAMI  7/7/2009 YouTube: "General romeo vasquez Velasquez actual jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras Estara dando su testimonio en el IV Congreso MIGApartners, El Gobierno del Reino del 22 al 25 de julio del 2009 en MIAMI, FL. "

Preocupa en Honduras la vida de Luther Castillo  7/6/2009 Ahora: "Un comunicado enviado por los Movimientos Sociales en Honduras a Cubadebate, alerta sobre el peligro que corre la vida del doctor Luther Castillo, coordinador de la resistencia en ese país. Luther Castillo es uno de los jóvenes médicos graduados en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina en Cuba y uno de los fundadores del hospital para el pueblo garífuna de Honduras, que abrió el gobierno de Zelaya el 8 de octubre de 2007."

Same Old Globalizers and Torture School Grads - Honduran Coup to Venezuelan Coup  7/6/2009 Counterpunch 

Honduran coup resistance growing  7/6/2009 Real News: "Military resorts to killing, numbers in streets double - even opponents of Zelaya join in."

Obama officials supported Honduras coup  7/6/2009 Wayne Madsen Report: "Although Honduran junta propaganda, aided and abetted by corporate-controlled media in the United States and other countries, is claiming that the ouster of Zelaya was "constitutional" because it was sanctioned by the country's Supreme Court and Congress, WMR has been informed by a top former official in Honduras that the Honduran Constitution, cited by newly-installed junta leader Roberto Micheletti in legitimizing the coup, has been suspended. A curfew has also been opposed by the junta. Our Honduran sources report that some 200 opponents of the junta have been detained and that some were badly wounded in attacks by police and military units. Nevertheless, WMR is informed that a popular mobilization against the junta is taking place across Honduras…"

Tragedy at Toncontin: Army Shoots and Kills Protesters, Tegucigalpa, Honduras  7/5/2009 MiMundo: “The armed forces have fired live rounds against unarmed civilians. For over five hours, the protesters behaved respectfully of the army and police. There had been no confrontations. No one had sticks or guns. The march’s organizers had even decommissioned stones from a few protesters. But the army shot at us just like that, in cold blood. There was no need to shoot! Yes, some had started to cut and remove the barbed-wire fence [so as to enter the landing strip], this cannot be denied. But it was not necessary to shoot civilians with live rounds. Once again, so that the people of Honduras will remain united: the blood of a martyr is the seed for many Hondurans who will stand up and remain firm against such de facto government – this government of delinquents. We are only following Article 3rd of our Constitution: ‘Nobody should obey a Government which has reached power by means of usurpation.’” -Cesar Omar Silva, television journalist for State-owned Channel 8."

Few Guatemalans Blame Colom for Murder  7/4/2009 Angus Reid: "Very few people in Guatemala think Álvaro Colom is guilty of the assassination of lawyer Rodrigo Rosenberg, according to a poll by CID-Gallup. Only eight per cent of respondents believe the president is responsible for Rosenberg’s murder."

Dictador negocia salida de Honduras  7/4/2009 El Libertador 

Honduras's de facto chancellor: "Obama is a little black man who knows nothing."  7/4/2009 Incakola News: "His precise words in Spanish were "Ese negrito que no sabe nada de nada". I decided to translate this as "that little black man who knows nothing" or "that little black man who doesn't know anything" to stay away from the controversial side of the statement and be as bland as possible. In fact the use of the word "negrito", i.e. the diminuitive of "negro", is very derogatory in nature and overtly racist in context; the kind of racism that would force the resignation of any public figure in the USA (for example). One mailer offered up the translation of "that know-nothing black boy" to get the proper feeling of the message implied by Ortez, and although it's extremely difficult to hit the translatory nail on the head in this case, I'd tend to agree that the offered translation captures the sentiment better than my deliberately bland version."

Honduran Chancellor: Obama is a little black man who knows nothing  7/4/2009 Majikthise 

Honduras Coup Chooses Path of Rogue Narco-State  7/4/2009 NarcoNews: "One of the big backers of the coup d’etat has been an international terrorist network of ex-Cubans, who have financed the dirty work of jet plane bomber Luis Posada Carriles over the years and have set up business interests in Honduras. These forces are desperate now that Washington is making the moves to ease and end the embargo of Cuba. Investigative journalist Guy Jean-Allard reports, via TeleSur, that Ralph Nodarse – ex-Cuban owner of Channel 6 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras – and arms-and-drug trafficker Rafael Hernández Nodarse are knee deep behind he coup-plotters in Honduras. The latter aided and abetted Posada Carriles to hide out in Panama in 2004. There was likewise a strong nexus between the Honduras government and military and the 1980s Iran-Contra drugs-for-arms-for-Nicaraguan-paramilitaries scandal, where much of the illegal covert US cocaine smuggling operation was headquartered during the Reagan and Bush Senior presidencies. The government of Venezuela has accused that former State Department official and anti-Castro ex-Cuban Otto Reich is involved with the current coup regime in Honduras. Reich, at State during the 2002 coup in Venezuela, was the US official that called ambassadors from throughout Latin America into his office when the coup was taking place to instruct them that the US supported the coup and expected the same from them (that move backfired when Latin American nations delivered the first-ever rebuke to the US via the OAS). He was also at State in the mid-1980s heading up Latin American operations and has been strongly linked to the cocaine-smuggling activities then. Those who think that when the US cuts off funds, as it will surely do in the coming days, that the sanctions will starve the Honduran coup regime into surrender, are forgetting that in this asymmetrical world there are non-government entities – which is to say, organized crime, terrorist, and narco-trafficking organizations – that seek a safe haven in Central America, so important in the route between the South American coca plant and the noses of North America."

Honduras Coup General Was Charged in 1993 Auto Theft Ring  7/4/2009 NarcoNews: "General Romeo Vásquez Velásquez, who appeared on stage this week with Honduran coup “president” Roberto Michiletti, and who ordered the kidnapping and forced deportation of P resident Manuel Zelaya last Sunday, was charged with grand auto theft in 1993, Narco News has learned. On February 2, 1993, the front page of the Tegucigalpa daily El Heraldo included this headline: “Eleven Members of the Gang of 13 Go to Prison”: “Eleven individuals arrested for their alleged participation in the theft of 200 luxury automobiles… were sent to prison yesterday… (including) Colonel Wilfredo Leva Caborrea and Major Romeo Vásquez Velásquez, accused as alleged participants…”"

The Honduras Coup: Is Obama Innocent? By Michael Parenti  7/3/2009 L'Info Decodee: "Fifth, Obama still has had nothing to say about the many other acts of repression attendant with the coup perpetrated by Honduran military and police: kidnappings, beatings, disappearances, attacks on demonstrators, shutting down the internet and suppressing the few small critical media outlets that exist in Honduras. Sixth, as James Petras reminded me, Obama has refused to meet with President Zelaya. He dislikes Zelaya mostly for his close and unexpected affiliation with Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez. And because of his egalitarian reformist efforts Zelaya is hated by the Honduran oligarchs, the same oligarchs who for many years have been close to and splendidly served by the US empire builders. Seventh, under a law passed by the US Congress, any democratic government that is the victim of a military takeover is to be denied US military and economic aid. Obama still has not cut off the economic and military aid to Honduras as he is required to do under this law. This is perhaps the most telling datum regarding whose side he is on."

Honduras: the Israeli Connection  7/3/2009 Middle East Reality Check: "That was then. This is right now: "A Latin American expert sent me this from a major newspaper in Honduras: "Buena noticia. Embajadas de Taiwan e Israel reconocen al nuevo gobierno de Roberto Micheletti." (Good news. The embassies of Taiwan and Israel recognize the new government of Roberto Micheletti.) ...Will death squads be roaming the land once more?"

Chavez: U.S. and Venezuelan Right Wing Support Coup in Honduras, a Challenge to Obama  7/3/2009 Venezuela Analysis: "The Venezuelan government has suspended oil shipments to Honduras until Zelaya is reinstated, Chavez confirmed. Venezuela has also called for an investigation of the coup by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and advocated possible multi-national military intervention if diplomatic means fail to restore Zelaya to power."

Spinning the Honduran Coup - Latin America Media Battle Continues  7/2/2009 Counterpunch: "Adriana Sivori, Telesur’s correspondent in Tegucigalpa, was in her hotel room speaking on the telephone to her network when ten soldiers arrived with rifles drawn. The men unplugged Telesur’s editing equipment in an effort to halt the network’s coverage of protests in support of ousted President Manuel Zelaya. When a soldier lightly slapped Sivori’s hand so she would hang up, the journalist grew alarmed. “They’re taking us prisoner at gunpoint,” she remarked. Sivori along with producer María José Díaz and cameraman Larry Sánchez were taken to an immigration office in a military caravan. There, the authorities beat them and demanded to see their Honduran visas. Shortly later, the journalists were released."

Behind the Honduran Coup - Why Zelaya's Actions Were Legal  7/1/2009 Counterpunch: "President Zelaya intended to perform a non-binding public consultation, about the conformation of an elected National Constituent Assembly. To do this, he invoked article 5 of the Honduran “Civil Participation Act” of 2006. According to this act, all public functionaries can perform non-binding public consultations to inquire what the population thinks about policy measures. This act was approved by the National Congress and it was not contested by the Supreme Court of Justice, when it was published in the Official Paper of 2006. That is, until the president of the republic employed it in a manner that was not amicable to the interests of the members of these institutions. Furthermore, the Honduran Constitution says nothing against the conformation of an elected National Constituent Assembly, with the mandate to draw up a completely new constitution, which the Honduran public would need to approve. Such a popular participatory process would bypass the current liberal democratic one specified in article 373 of the current constitution, in which the National Congress has to approve with 2/3 of the votes, any reform to the 1982 Constitution, excluding reforms to articles 239 and 374. This means that a perfectly legal National Constituent Assembly would have a greater mandate and fewer limitations than the National Congress, because such a National Constituent Assembly would not be reforming the Constitution, but re-writing it."

Detienen a miembro de Común Noticias  7/1/2009 Defensores en Linea: "Carlos Bueso , un joven de Comunicación Comunitaria (COMUN) está detenido en las celdas policiales de El Progreso, Yoro, acusado de sedición junto a seis personas más después de que las fuerzas de seguridad reprimieran una manifestación pacífica que la población de la zona realizaba este martes exigiendo el retorno del orden constitucional en Honduras."

Text of a lawsuit against the Honduran Govt - by Honduran lawyers  6/30/2009 Daily Kos: [English y español] "The Supreme Court released to the media the same day June 28 a press statement describing the decision issued by the Court of Administrative Litigation of Francisco Morazán, which ordered the suspension of the opinion poll called "Fourth Urn" and the seizure of ballot boxes, ballot papers and all material related to the so-called popular consultation. Needless to say, this court has no power to order the detention of any person, but the detention of citizen José Manuel Zelaya Rosales is without question. The court order in any case should be the product of a process defined by the Code Criminal Articles 417, Following and no doubt justifying the detention of any person in the republic of Honduras, means making it accessible to the competent judicial authorities, which in this case did not happen."

Showdown in Honduras: The Rise and Uncertain Future of the Coup  6/30/2009 Venezuela Analysis: "As one media analyst pointed out, while many major news outlets in the US, including theMiami Herald, Wall St. Journal and Washington Post, said an impetus for thecoup was specifically Zelaya's plans for a vote to allow him to extend his termin office, the actual ballot question was to be: "Do you agree that, during the generalelections of November 2009 there should be a fourth ballot to decide whether tohold a Constituent National Assembly that will approve a new politicalconstitution?" Nations across LatinAmerica, including Venezuela,Boliviaand Ecuador,have recently re-written their constitutions. In many aspects the changes tothese documents enshrined new rights for marginalized people and protected thenations' economies from the destabilizing effects of free trade and corporatelooting."

Crisis política en Honduras - Varios heridos en choque entre policías y manifestantes  6/29/2009 AFP: "Hay disturbios, la policía está reprimiendo... Se escuchan disparos.. Hay varios heridos", relató el reportero gráfico. "Los militares están disparando a discreción" para desalojar a centenares de manifestantes que se congregaron frente a la sede presidencial, dijo el reportero. "Hay heridos por todas partes: gente, militares, policía", relató el fotógrafo que definió el escenario como una "batalla campal".

Honduras: Un muerto, varios heridos y numerosos detenidos tras última arremetida de militares contra manifestantes  6/29/2009 Aporrea 

Honduran coup tests waning US clout in Latin America  6/29/2009 CSM: "Mr. Tinker Salas says the crisis over use of the referendum has its roots in Honduras's cold war era constitution, which was written by the country's "liberal elites" and does not provide for referendums. "The referendum is the primary vehicle through which change has occurred in countries like Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia, and the elites know it," says Tinker Salas. "They wanted to nip this thing in the bud." Given the international pressure now bearing down on Honduras, he adds, "they may have shot themselves in the foot.""

Two Military Battalions Turn Against Honduras Coup Regime  6/29/2009 NarcoNews: "Community Radio “Es Lo de Menos” was the first to report that the Fourth Infantry Battalion has rebelled from the military coup regime in Honduras. The radio station adds that “it seems” (“al parecer,” in the original Spanish) that the Tenth Infantry Battalion has also broken from the coup. Rafael Alegria, leader of Via Campesina, the country’s largest social organization, one that has successfully blockaded the nation’s highways before to force government concessions, tells Alba TV: “The popular resistance is rising up throughout the country. All the highways in the country are blockaded…. The Fourth Infantry Battallion… is no longer following the orders of Roberto Micheletti.” Angel Alvarado of Honduras’ Popular Union Bloc tells Radio Mundial: "Two infantry battalions of the Honduran Army have risen up against the illegitimate government of Roberto Micheletti in Honduras. They are the Fourth Infantry Battalion in the city of Tela and the Tenth Infantry Battalion in La Ceiba (the second largest city in Honduras), both located in the state of Atlántida.""

Emergency in Honduras-Letter To Minister Cannon  6/29/2009 Northumberland View, Canada: "During the past days, we have been in close contact with a number of our Honduran partners. All have expressed grave concern and indignation over the violent ouster of their country's democratically elected President by the Armed Forces. Partners in Tegucigalpa report a virtual state of siege in the capital including the presence of military tanks, power cuts and media censorship. Garifuna partners in Trujillo have informed us of a similar heavy military presence in their communities. In the town of Nacaome, where we support organizations engaged in rural development and the protection and promotion of women's rights, one of our partners told us "we fear for the lives of several community leaders" who are engaged in actions of peaceful resistance to the coup d'etat."

Honduran Students in Cuba Express Support of Zelaya  6/29/2009 Periodico 26: "Now, when I’m about to conclude my studies and return to my country to offer my services to our brothers and sisters of the garífuna ethnic group, who for many years didn’t have access to medical assistance, I’m deeply concerned that this situation created by the military coup d’ etat interrupts the public health program President Zelaya was carrying out along with other measures for popular benefit."

Sigue la represión contra manifestantes en Honduras  6/29/2009 PL: "En las cercanías de la Casa Presidencial, en esta capital, tienen lugar los choques más violentos contra miles de personas en resistencia cívica, de carácter pacífico. Aunque desde el domingo los golpistas decretaron el toque de queda, los manifestantes frente a la sede del Ejecutivo se mantuvieron en vigilia durante la madrugada."

Obama says coup in Honduras is illegal  6/29/2009 Reuters: "Despite Obama's comments, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the administration was not formally designating the ouster as a military coup for now, a step that would force a cut-off of most U.S. aid to Honduras. Under U.S. law, no aid -- other than for the promotion of democracy -- may be provided to a country whose elected head of government has been toppled in a military coup. "We do think that this has evolved into a coup," Clinton told reporters, adding the administration was withholding that determination for now. Asked if the United States was currently considering cutting off aid, Clinton shook her head no."

Zelaya anuncia que volverá a Honduras acompañado de Insulza  6/29/2009 TeleSur: "El presidente legítimo de Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, anunció este lunes que a tras su viaje a Estados Unidos, donde pronunciará un discurso ante la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU), regresará a su país, acompañado del secretario de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), José Miguel Insulza. Extendió una invitación a los Jefes de Estado que deseen viajar con él."

Honduras Defends Its Democracy - Fidel Castro and Hillary Clinton object  6/29/2009 WSJ: "That Mr. Zelaya acted as if he were above the law, there is no doubt. While Honduran law allows for a constitutional rewrite, the power to open that door does not lie with the president. A constituent assembly can only be called through a national referendum approved by its Congress."

Key leaders of Honduras military coup trained in U.S.  6/28/2009 Facing South: "At least two leaders of the coup launched in Honduras on June 28 were apparently trained at a controversial Department of Defense school based at Fort Benning, Georgia infamous for producing graduates linked to torture, death squads and other human rights abuses."

Correction: Honduran Presidential Candidate Is Still Alive  6/28/2009 NarcoNews: "Luther Castillo, coordinator of Honduran social movements, in an interview with the Cuban television program Mesa Redonda, denied that the leader of the Democratic Unification Party, Cesar Ham, has been assassinated. Castillo also denied that Ham has been detained and said that he remains in a secure location, faced with the possibility of repression by the coup leaders."

Honduras's Zelaya says US helped thwart coup-paper  6/28/2009 Reuters: "Honduran President Manuel Zelaya told Spain's El Pais that a planned attempt to wrest power him was thwarted after the United States declined to back the move. "Everything was in place for the coup and if the U.S. embassy had approved it, it would have happened. But they did not ... I'm only still here in office thanks to the United States," he said in the newspaper interview published on Sunday."

Honduras supreme court 'ordered army coup'  6/28/2009 Telegraph, UK: "Today's events originate from a court order by a competent judge. The armed forces, in charge of supporting the constitution, acted to defend the state of law and have been forced to apply legal dispositions against those who have expressed themselves publicly and acted against the dispositions of the basic law," the country's highest court said."

Obama's First Coup d'Etat: Honduran President has been Kidnapped: Updates 1-17  6/28/2009 Venezuela Analysis 

Guatemalan fears a tweet will make him a jailbird  6/26/2009 AP 

Honduras: inminente violencia ante acaparamiento de tierras del pueblo Garifuna por Diputado del Congreso Nacional  6/26/2009 Biodiversidad en América Latina y El Caribe 

Attempted Coup in Honduras?  6/26/2009 Daily Kos: [2 days before the coup] - "Well, my friend, Celeo Alvarez Casildo, who has a development organization in the coastal city, La Ceiba, aimed at the Garifuna populationcalled ODECO(and who was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize this year for his efforts to organize the entire Central American Afro-descendent community), held a workshop on the constitution and the "Cuarta Urna" a couple of weeks ago. They concluded it was unnecessary and kind of stupid. Since the Honduran government has never really been trustworthy, the motives behind this are suspect."

The Fellowship, Governor Mark Sanford’s Secretive Christian Landlords On C Street  6/25/2009 Guanabee: "1984 The Fellowship brought former Salvadoran Gen. Carlos Eugenio Vides Casanova to the prayer breakfast. In 2002, Casanova was found liable for the torture of thousands of civilians in the 1980s. Casanova attended the breakfast along with Gen. Gustavo Alvarez Martinez, then the head of the Honduran armed forces. Alvarez, later linked to the CIA and a secret death squad, became an evangelical missionary before he was assassinated in 1989."

¡Urgente! Se prepara Golpe de Estado en Honduras  6/24/2009 COPINH: "Con la fuerza ancestral de Iselaca, Lempira y Etempica se levantan nuestras voces de vida, justicia, dignidad, libertad y paz."

Presidente Zelaya liderará delegación hondureña a Festival del Caribe en Cuba  6/19/2009 AND 

“Mel está en deuda con los garífunas”  6/19/2009 La Prenda, Honduras: "Céleo Álvarez Casildo, presidente de la Odeco, dijo que durante este gobierno no se les ha titulado las tierras donde habitan desde hace varias décadas"

Honduras to Cuba Fire Festival  6/16/2009 Radio Nuevitas: "Cuba has invited, for the first time, a Central American country to the Caribbean Festival, the 29th edition of which is dedicated to Honduras. That country's Garifuna culture is an expression of friendship and strength of regional people's identity. From June 3-9, this event will have its venue in the city of Santiago de Cuba, and share venues in Guantanamo and Granma provinces, where the guest country will be honored and its artists and intellectuals will entertain the Cuban people with Hunduran art and writing."

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December 28, 2002