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Workshops on Popular Religion, 7/01

Talleres de Religiosidad Popular, 7/01


Casa del Caribe

XXI Caribbean Festival
Feast of Fire, Dedicated to Panama

Santiago de Cuba 
from the 3 to the 9th. of July, 2001.

Casa del Caribe and the Ministry of Culture with the sponsorship of ICAP (Cuban Institue of Friendship) and UNEAC (Cuban National Union of Writers and Artists) call forth the XXI Caribbean Festival, Feast of Fire, to be held from the 3 to the 9th. of July, 2001 in Santiago de Cuba, dedicated to Panama.

Caribbean Festival, Feast of Fire, Fiesta del Fuego, Santiago de Cuba



Area # 1 Colloquium "The Caribbean that Unites Us"

Multidisciplinary academic space for the debate of themes related to the history and culture ure of the people of Panama and others linked to the Caribbean.

Teatro Heredia, from the 3 to the 7th. of July, 9:00 am. to 1:00 pm.


  1. The Panama Canal in the context of the relations between Central America and the Caribbean :history,economy and society.
  2. Panama before the canal: conquistadores,indians and slaves.
  3. Panama and the movements for independence in Latin America and the Caribbean
  4. Panama and the United States: a century of relations.
  5. The inmigration to panama from the Antilles.
  6. African presence in Panama.
  7. Arts and Literature in Panama.
  8. History Culture and Identity in the Caribbean.
  9. The Slave Route: synthesis of history and identity.
  10. Women in the Caribbean.

Special Workshops and Colloquia: from the 4 to the 6 of July, 9:00 am. to 1:00 pm.

- Cultural Heritage, identity and diversity in the Caribbean. Teatro Heredia

- Cuban and Caribbean popular religiosity. Teatro Heredia

- Fine Arts in the Caribbean. Biblioteca Ëlvira Cape

- Oral Narrators. Casa de las Tradiciones (Rabí # l54, Tivolí)

- Popular Theater. Teatro Heredia.

- Music and Popular Feasts. Encounter of Popular Groups. Casa del Caribe, Calle l3 #l54 esq. a 8, Rpto. Vista Alegre)

- Social Communication. UNEAC ,Calle Heredia, e/ Carnicería y San Félix.

- Encounter of Young Creators. Centro de Superación, Santa Lucía y San Felix.

- Encounter of Caribbean Poets. Plaza de la Revolución.

- The Maceos: Men of the Caribbean. Centro de Estudios Maceistas.

Area # 2. Feast of Fire, from the 3 to the 9 of July

Space for the performance of popular traditional groups and Caribbean Folklore. The feast takes place in streets, squares and institutions of the city.

-Casa del Caribe # 1 Calle l3 # l54, esq. a 8, Rpto Vista Alegre.

Days 3 to the 9, 9:00 am.- 1:00 pm.. Music Workshop, Popular Feasts and Encounters of Cuban traditional and folkloric groups.

9:00 pm. on (everyday) Performance of invited artistic groups. The artist Alberto Lescay -Casa del Caribe # 2 Calle l3 esq. a 10, Rpto. Vista Alegre.

Days 3 to the 9, 9:00 am. – 6:00 pm.: Exhibition of Ritual Objects of the Cuban Popular Religions -Casa de la Amistad ICAP. Avenida Manduley e/ 9 y 11, Rpto. Vista Alegre.

Days 3 to the 9., 9:00 pm. Meetings of Friendship with different performing artistic groups - Taller Cultural. Calle 11 e/ 12 y Carretera de Siboney, Rpto. Vista Alegre.

Days 3 to the 9., 9:00 am. Fine Arts Exhibition. Centro Cultural Africano "Fernando Ortiz". Avenida Manduley y 5ta. Rpto. Vista Alegre.

Days 3 to to the 9, 9:00 pm. Performance of Caribbean Groups. Parque Ferreiro.

Days 3 to the 9. 10:00 am. and 4:00 pm. Music and Dancing with different orchestras and dancing groups. Galería de Arte Universal. Calle 1era. e/ M y Terrazas, Rpto. Vista Alegre.

Days 3 to the 9. 9:00 am. – 6:00 pm. Exhibition of Panamanian Arts - Teatro Heredia. Avenida de las Américas y Autopista.

Day 4th. of July, 9:00 pm.- 10:30 pm. Caribbean Gala.

Day 7th of July, 9:00 pm. – 10:30 pm. Panamanian Gala.

Days 3 to 9, 9:00 pm. Café Heredia. Cuban Nights -Plaza de Marte.

Days 3 to 9. 10:00 am. – 4:00 pm. Music and Dancing from the Country Folklore - Sala Dolores. Aguilera y Reloj.

Day 8th. 8:30 pm. Concert "Multiple Voices of the Caribbean" Cabildo Teatral Santiago. Enramadas # 415 e/Calvario y Carnicería.

Days 3 to 9. 5:00 pm. – 9:00 pm. Theater Plays. Entertaining Groups: Palenque, Macubá, Calibán and others - Parque Serrano. Enramadas y Carnicería.

Days 3 to 9. 10:00 am. – 4:00 pm. Performance of different folkloric groups - Café Teatro del Grupo Macubá. Enramadas y Carnicería.

Days 3 to 9. 5:00 pm. – 11:00 pm. Stage plays and chats with the artists. Conducted by Fatima Patterson.

From morning till night, crafts fair, museums, penas, art galleries and conversations with artists and visitors.

Days 3 to the 9 th.: 4:00 p.m. Encounter of Young Creators.

Days 3 to the 9 th. 9:00 p.m. Central meeting place of Rumba Groups.

Days 3 to the 9th

9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Exhibition of Visual Arts 

9:00 p.m. Varieties and musical groups.


Caribbean Festival "Feast of Fire". from the 3d. to the 9th. of July ,2001.

Day Hour Activity Place

3-9 9:00 pm Artistic performances Parque Céspedes

4-8 9:00 am. 1:00 pm. Encounters of Cuban traditional groups. Casa del Caribe

4 9:00 pm. Caribbean Gala Teatro Heredia

5 5:00 pm. Serpent Parade Parque Céspedes

6 5:00 pm. "Sun, Sea and Caribbean Folklore."(show) Castillo del Morro

7 9:00 pm. Artistic Gala dedicated to Panama Teatro Heredia

7 5:00 pm. Ceremony in Honor of the Slave Rebellion.Loma del Cimarrón El Cobre

8 8:30 pm. Concert Multiple Voices of the Caribbean Sala Dolores

9 6:00 pm. Fire Parade and Burning of the Devil Parque Céspedes, Alameda

XXII CARIBBEAN FESTIVAL. FEAST OF FIRE. DEDICATED TO THE DUTCH ANTILLES (Curacao) AND SURINAM. Santiago de Cuba, from the 3d. to the 9th. of July year 2002. [In this regards, see See Eugene Godfried's article on the history of son: Buena Vista Social Club: the Survival of Cuban Son. There is the tale of Curacao's love for Cuban son and its impact in maintaining the traditions.]


Mas Cuba, revista turistica

Pagina Official al Ministerio de Cultura (Esp)

Casa del Caribe

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