Alan West-Durán
The Living Eye and the Living Lie 4/17/2015 Panoramas: by Alan West-Durán - "Below is my analysis of what I consider are some of the philosophical and ideological underpinnings of Cuban color-blind racism, motivated by the Zurbano case." With references to the French background of Cuban racism
Zurbano and “The New York Times”: Lost and Found in Translation, 4/6/13, AfroCubaWeb - the inside story of Zurbano's negotiations with the New York Times by one who lived it.
Zurbano y el “New York Times”: Lo Perdido y lo Ganado en Traducción, 6/4/13, AfroCubaWeb - la historia dentro de las negociaciones de Zurbano con el New York Times
Colores sin Benetton, pero a ritmo de reguetón 6/1/2009 Cuba Encuentro: "En un concierto de César López, el célebre saxofonista empezó con estas palabras: «Bienvenidos al Havana Jazz Café, territorio libre de reguetón». Las críticas son conocidas: su chabacanería, su falta de modestia, una sexualidad desenvuelta, su ruidosa vulgaridad, el enaltecimiento de la violencia, etc. Semejantes comentarios se usaron para atacar al son, a la rumba, a la santería y a otras manifestaciones populares con actitudes francamente clasistas, racistas o que delatan un prejuicio intelectualoide. Algunos raperos tratan de trazar una línea infranqueable entre el hip hop y el reguetón, tildando al segundo de frívolo, materialista (lo que yo llamo «la fulatría») y falto de conciencia, lo cual es cierto en muchos casos. Y cuando viene esa crítica de parte de raperos, difícilmente puede atribuírsele tonos racistas, ya que la gran mayoría de los raperos son negros o mulatos."
Music to Live By (Even far Away)”, in Michigan Quarterly Review, Volume
XXXIII, Number 4, Fall 1994, pp. 657-664. [scroll down]
Resume/CV with BibliographyScholarly
A Cuba Encyclopedia. Gale Group, MI (2011). Two Volumes Editor-in-Chief.
Includes over 100 entries on history, politics, culture, sport, cuisine,
geography, as well as biographies. Wrote several entries.
Latino and Latina Writers. Scribner &Sons/Gale Group, NT, NY(2004). Two Volumes
Editor in Chief. Includes 55 chapters of 10, 000 word-length on writers and
several thematic chapters. Wrote introduction and thematic chapter.
African Caribbeans: A Reference Guide. Greenwood Publishing,Westport, CT,
(2003). Editor of book on the history of blacks in the Spanish, French, Dutch
and English speaking Caribbean. Wrote
ntroduction and chapters on Puerto Rico, Netherlands Antilles, Suriname,
Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago.
Tropics of History: Cuba Imagined.Bergin &Garvey, Westport, CT (1997).
Acollection of essays on Cuban history as seen through its literary
imagination.Being América. White Pine Press, NY, 1991. Co-edited book with R.
Weiss. Essays by different writers and artists on Latin American culture, art,
and identity. Wrote the introduction, contributed an
essay, "Myth, Language and Politics", and translated several essays.
Non scholarly
El tejido de Asterión o las máscaras del logos(2000). Ediciones Vigía, Matanzas,
Cuba. Anarrative poem using Afro-Cuban, Mayan, Greek and Guaraní myths.
Dar nombres a la lluvia/Finding Voices in the Rain.Ediciones Verbum, Madrid,
1995. Abilingual collection of poetry. (Winner of 1996 Latino Literature Prize)
Jose Martí: Man ofPoetry, Soldier of Freedom. Milbrook Press, CT, 1994.
Abiography for children of the 19th-century Cuban patriot.
Roberto Clemente: A Baseball Legend.Milbrook Press/Houghton Mifflin, 1993.
Children's literature. Biography.
Book Chapters
“Rap’s Diasporic Dialogues: Cuba’s Redefinition of Blackness” in Damián
Fernández (ed.) Cuba Transnational(2005), University Press of Florida,
Gainesville, pp. 121-150.
Cuba: An Illustrated Encyclopedia (2003) Book edited by Luis Fernández Martínez
(Greenwood Press, Westport, CT). Was co-editor of Literature Chapter(pp.
313-376) that included over ninety
entries. Wrote nine entries.
“Ernesto Cardenal” in Carlos Solé and Klaus Muller-Bergh (eds.) Latin American
Writers-Supplement – I, 2002. Scribner &Sons, NY, NY, pp. 149-166.
"Inscribing the Body of Perfection, Thoughts on Sarduy's Maitreya", in Pedro
Monge (ed.) Lo que no se ha dicho, Ollantay Press, NY(1994), pp. 115-124.
"Myth, Language and Politics", in Weiss &West (eds.) Being America, White Pine
Press, NY, (1991), pp. 116-123.
Book Chapters Reprinted in Journals
“El travestismo como transculturación en tres novelas de Severo Sarduy” in
UniónAño IX, No. 32, julio-septiembre 1998, pp. 35-46. Reprint of chapter six of
Tropics of History: Cuba Imagined
“Paradigmas perdidos: la manigua del sentido” in Encuentro de Cultura Cubana #4
/#5, Summer 1997. Madrid, Spain, pp. 155-173. Reprint of chapter seven of
Tropics of History: Cuba Imagined
Publications: Electronic Media
American Journey: The Hispanic-American Experience.Primary Source Media, 1995.
Interactive CDROM project for high-school level students that includes history,
politics and culture from PreColumbian times to the present. Wrote nine
historico-cultural essays pertaining to Puerto Ricans, Cubans and Dominicans.
Includes primary source material (letters, historical documents, poems,
fiction), music and visual arts, photographs, video clips, etc.
Caribbean Literature: 1492-1900.Primary Source Media, 1998. Co-edited with
Antonio Benítez Rojo. Responsible for XIXcentury authors from the
Spanish-speaking Caribbean: selection, captions,
introductory essays. For scholars and research libraries, using many sources
including the Obadiah Rich Collection. Includes primary source material
(letters, historical documents, poems,
fiction), music and visual arts, photographs, video clips, etc.
“El hombre que sabía demasiado sobre Lacan”, Miradas, Revista Audovisual de la
Escuela Internacional de Cine, San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. Posted December
15, 2007.
“La Batalla de Argel: fantasmas y libertades” Review-Article on Release of
Criterion Collection DVD of the Battle of Algiers in Miradas: Revista del
Audiovisual #9, Escuela Internacional de Cine y
Televisión, San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. Posted November 28, 2005.
“David Cronenberg: la carne real, virtual y monstruosa”. Article on Cronenberg’s
work, in Miradas: Revista del Audiovisual #9, Escuela Internacional de Cine y
Televisión, San Antonio de los
Baños, Cuba. Posted November 28, 2005.
“Puerto Rican Poetry, from Aboriginal to Contemporary Times” in Centro Journal,
Vol. XX, Number 2, Fall 2008, pp. 241-244.Areview of Roberto Márquez anthology.
“Luisa Capetillo in Translation”, in Centro Journal, Vol. XIX, Number 2, Fall
2007, pp. 140-149. “Nancy Morejón: Transculturation, Translation, and Poetics of
the Caribbean”, in Callaloo, Volume 28,
No. 4, 2006, pp. 967-976.
“Canon a la cañona” in Latino Studies, Volume Issue 1-2, Spring/Summer, 2006,
pp. 140-146. “Puerto Rico: The Pleasures and Traumas of Race” in Centro Journal,
Volume XVII, No. 1, Hunter College, NY, Spring 2005, pp. 47-69.
“Rap’s Diasporic Dialogues: Cuba’s Redefintion of Blackness” in Journal of
Popular Music Studies, Vol 16, No, 1, 2004,Malden, MA, pp. 4-39.
“Devoraciones: sabores y saberes de la memoria en el bolero”, in Studies in
Latin American Popular Culture, Volume 22, 2003, Tucson, AZ, pp. 61-72.
“Transculturación, traducción y saberes híbridos”, in Estudios, Año 10, No. 1,
Summer 2002, Caracas, Venezuela, pp. 91-104.
Review of Julián Orbon’s En la esencia de los estilos y otros ensayos, in Latin
American Musical Review Vol. 23, #1: Spring/Summer 2002, pp. 150-154.
“Cuba: música, anhelo y sociedad” in Temas, Havana, Cuba, December, 2000, pp.
"The Breath of Signs: Thoughts on Opera and Film", in The Michigan Quarterly
Review, Volume XXXV, Number 1, Ann Arbor, MI, Winter 1996, pp. 219-239.
“The Stone and Its Images: The Poetry of Nancy Morejón”, in Studies in Twentieth
Century Literature, Volume 20, no. 1, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1996, pp. 181-205.
Music to Live By (Even far Away)”, in Michigan Quarterly Review, Volume
XXXIII, Number 4, Fall 1994, pp. 657-664.
“My Life With Fidel Castro: A Soap Opera Without Transmitter”, in Michigan
Quarterly Review, Volume XXXIII, Number 3, Summer 1994, pp. 497-510.
"Latin American Writing: Language and Spices, Resistance and Redemption", in the
Agni Review, #29, April 1989, Boston University, Boston, MA, pp. 248-265.
“Pan con Timba” in Hopscotch, Vol. 1, #1, Fall 1998, pp. 152-159.
"Virgilio Piñera: una ética de redención en el fracaso." in Crítica, Universidad
Autónoma de Puebla, México, octubre-noviembre, 1994, pp. 27-38.
“Lo afrounido jamás sera vencido: Ocha y Palo en el rap cubano”, La Gaceta,
Havana, julio-agosto, 2007, pp. 11-14.
“Matanzas y Boston: Música, Memoria y Desencuentro”. Revista Vigía, Matanzas,
Cuba,marzo 2002, pp. 103-108.
“Sophrosyne y sombra del lenguaje”. in Unión, Enero-junio, 2000, #38-39, pp.
Havana, Cuba, pp. 33-35. “Sones peregrinos”. Encuentro de Cultura Cubana, #2,
Fall 1996, pp. 105-111.
“Esteban Salas”, an excerpt from Music in Cubaby A. Carpentier, in Review, Fall
2000. NY, NY, pp.32-34.
“Music in Cuba” by Alejo Carpentier (book excerpt), in Transition, #81/82, Vol.
9, No.1, Spring 2000, pp. 172-228.
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