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Cuba in the News
Archive 6/16/03 - 7/15/03

Cuba Dissidents Go to French Embassy Fete  7/15/03 AP 

Cuba Says Three Die During Hijacking  7/15/03 AP 

San Diegan Fined $10,000 For Bicycle Tour Of Cuba  7/15/03 AP 

Cuba mourns Buena Vista maestro  7/15/03 BBC 

Buena Vista Social Club star dies  7/15/03 News 24, South Africa 

Corpus Christi port says deal with Cuba is 'progressive step'  7/11/03 AP 

Cuba's Sierra Maestra cancels tour over travel curbs  7/10/03 Chicago Sun Times: "We are particularly distressed by Sierra Maestra's forced cancellation because it points to the tainted politics of the 'homeland security' apparatus," said David Roche, executive director of the Old Town School of Folk Music, referring to the stricter visa rules enacted by the U.S. Homeland Security Department. "We have two other notable world-music ensembles appearing at the festival, Oliver Mtukudzi & Black Spirits from Zimbabwe and Son de Madera from Mexico. Who didn't get the clearance? The Cubans," Roche said, making an indirect reference to the Bush administration's tightening of the Cuban embargo. Since Sept. 11, many foreign artists, particularly Cubans, have been denied visas."

Sierra Maestra US Tour Cancelled  7/9/03 AfroCubaWeb: the devious US bureaucracy does not refuse visas, it delays them beyond the point where they are needed

Medics add to Cuba-Venezuela ties  7/7/03 CNN 

SA in Cuba investment deal before Bush visit  7/6/03 Business Report, South Africa: "Just days before a visit by US President George Bush, South Africa signed an agreement with Cuba on Friday to bolster investment in minerals and energy, deepening a relationship that irritates Washington."

In every political case I have been involved in, the growth and size of the support is critical  7/4/03 AntiTerroristas: "During an interview with Bernie Dwyer of Radio Havana Cuba, Weinglass commented on the denial of visits of two of the prisoners' spouses and stated that it is part of the "special" attention that the government in Washington is giving this case; putting the five in solitary for no reason, and separating them in prisons throughout the United States. He points out that it is excessive punishment that goes beyond the role of punishment and even to the issue of torture, violating US and international principles of law. He also said that the support of solidarity groups and individuals across the planet was essential to any possible favorable outcome."

Locals send medicines to Cuba  7/3/03 Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, NY 

Cuba race to expand  7/3/03 Keynoter, FL: "The U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement met with boaters before the May race began, explaining they would be violating U.S. Department of Commerce licensing regulations if they sailed to Havana and back. "This year, we had 16 boats, about 100 people," Goldsmith said. "We usually have 30 to 40 boats, but they stepped up intimidation this year and scared people." Goldsmith said the threats surrounding the regatta have inspired organizers to fight harder for their sailing privileges. "This is a violation of our rights," Goldsmith said. "If they had a legal right to stand on, they would have stopped us years ago. But there are no teeth behind any of this." " - the fact is that Treasury can only fine someone for spending money in Cuba, not for going there. This intimidation is a crime in and of itself.

Urgent Action Needed: Support Bills in Senate and House to End Travel Ban  7/3/03 Latin America Working Group 

Activists Defy Cuba Embargo  7/3/03 Public Broadcasting: "ROCHESTER, NY (2003-07-03) A truck loaded with relief supplies will leave Rochester's Downtown Presbyterian Church to join a convoy bound for Cuba. The group "Pastors for Peace" is organizing what they call a "non-violent" challenge to the US trade embargo against Cuba."

Cuba’s Struggle is not Easy  7/3/03 Radio Progresso, Miami: "But many hardliners in Miami think that things are different now. Under the guise of promoting ethnic diversity within the administration, President Bush appointed over two-dozen right-wing Cuban-Americans to positions of influence in the federal government. Emboldened by their inclusion in the highest echelons of power in the Washington, Elian’s Miami relatives and their fanatical supporters think that the time is ripe to finally topple the Cuban revolution. There now is a concerted effort to misinform the American people about Cuba. High-level officials in the Bush Administration routinely link Cuba to biological weapons of mass destruction, and mendacity pours out of the U.S. State Department where Secretary of State Colin Powell incredibly issued a declaration just the other day that Cuba permits child prostitution on the island. With a threat of further U.S. sanctions, the State Department gave the island 90 days to “correct” a situation it full well knows doesn't exist."

Judicial Watch calls for U.S. invasion to Cuba  7/3/03 Radio Progresso, Miami 

Group of 13 Maine residents bringing aid to Cuba on bus  7/2/03 AP 

Local organization to send Cuba baseball equipment  7/2/03 Forest Leaves, IL: "Next week, the Oak Park Illinois Sister Cities International organization plans to send 1,000 pounds of baseball equipment and uniforms to Sagua la Grande, a town in the Villa Clara province of Cuba."

Aid mission to Cuba embarks; Without a permit, group planning to defy blockade  7/1/03 Times Record, ME: "We don't know, with the Bush administration, what's going to happen," said Burke. He said the federal government is shutting down certain parts of the licensing process for people to travel legally from the United States to Cuba via another country, usually Canada or Mexico. He expressed concern that sister city programs, similar to the one between Brunswick and the Cuban city of Trinidad may be affected negatively by plans to heighten enforcement of the embargo. Burke believes that a new tough federal stance on the embargo will make it harder, "if possible at all," for humanitarians to enter Cuba."

N.C. hijacker who forced plane to Cuba dies at 59  6/28/03 AP: "Connie Meeks, who said she married Meeks in 1990, said he told her that he tried to explain to Cuban authorities that "he felt persecuted as a black man in America and had heard that things would be better in Cuba." But, she said, Cuban authorities suspected him of being a spy and tortured him."

Woman who was reunited with children in Cuba leaves with them  6/28/03 AP 

Cuba 'rescues kidnapped children'  6/26/03 BBC 

Cuba to repair organs and tissue using gene injections  6/26/03 Granma 

U.S. mother and children could soon return to their country  6/26/03 Granma 

TT manufacturers: Too many restrictions in Cuba  6/26/03 Newsday, Trinidad & Tobago: "Local manufacturers ended day two of the Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers Association (TTMA) trade mission to Cuba with mixed reactions, after they were given a comprehensive overview of the process of conducting trade and investment with Cuba. While Elvira Castro, President of Conas, a Cuban firm which handles trade transactions in Cuba, tried to paint an optimistic picture of the business environment, TT businessmen found there were too many restrictions placed on them… Paul Tiah, director of Trinidad Brushwire Ltd, felt his business would struggle in the Cuban market since he would have to compete with China. Cuba currently imports the bulk of its industrial cleaning supplies from China. “Our major competitor will be China and I suppose because both Cuba and China are communist countries the relation is strong, so there is no way we can compete, but we are still going to try,” said Tiah." -- think shipping charges!

“The Figure Published by The Miami Herald is Absolutely False”  6/26/03 Radio Progresso, Miami: "Progreso Weekly: According to an article published on Sunday June 22 by The Miami Herald, journalists Amy Driscoll and Larry Lebowitz write that “University enrollment has fallen 46 percent” in Cuba. Is this true? Silvia Viña (Cuban Ministry of Education): The official figure for the year 2000-2001 was 137,000 university students. In 2001-2002 it was 160,000; and in 2002-2003 there was an enrollment of 211,000, which is 30 percent higher than the previous year. As you see, there is a constant growth in enrollment in higher education. Obviously the figure published by The Miami Herald is absolutely false. Contrary to a decrease, there is an increase in enrollment in higher education."

Cuba's Communist Party replaces head of key ideology post  6/24/03 AP: you have to scroll to the end to read this - "Lazo joined the party as a young man four years after Castro formed his revolutionary government. One of the most visible black leaders in Cuba's power structure, Lazo has spent most of his adult years as a labor leader and as a regional party leader."

U.S. closes loophole for Cuba visits  6/24/03 AP: "The new rules also increase from $300 to $3,000 the amount of money a Cuban- American can send or bring to relatives on the island each quarter. The tenfold increase is likely to make up for a big chunk of tourism revenue lost to Cuba from the end to the people-to-people exchanges."

Why Cuba Hates the EU  6/24/03 the Globalist 

Cuba Travel Services to Launch Tampa Travel Service Provider Office  6/23/03 Businesswire 

Cuba's economic breakdown  6/23/03 MSNBC 

Ever-vigilant Cuba braces for an expected U.S. assault  6/22/03 Miami Herald 

Fidel’s message to Chávez regarding the literacy campaign underway in Venezuela  6/20/03 Granma 

My Michigan. There was a man. The guilty Weather bomber — and more  6/20/03 National Review: scroll down for this - ""Ramon Humberto Colas, founder of Cuba's independent-libraries movement, held a briefing on June 11th for the press corps of the United Nations, where he was attending meetings. . . . "Reiterating [the movement's] offer to close down independent libraries, he said these would be unnecessary once Cubans have [broader] access to books and publications now forbidden and are free to exercise their cultural and intellectual rights. An Afro-Cuban, he also denounced the Castro regime's propaganda on racial issues; highlighted blacks' participation in the peaceful opposition movement; and denounced Castro's need to find external scapegoats and excuses for his failures and absolute control. . . ."

US-Cuba Trade Group Wants Havana Food Show to Go On  6/20/03 Reuters 

Know your Current Events in Cuba  6/19/03 Pulse, MN 

Looking for Terrorists in Cuba’s Health System  6/19/03 Radio Progresso: "Pro-embargo logic forms a vicious and bizarre circle: Washington outlaws trade with Cuba, even in medicine, forcing Cuba to develop its own advanced pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry. Washington then cites that industry as evidence of Cuba's ability to wage biological warfare. Washington therefore labels Cuba a terrorist nation. Thus the embargo is not only legitimate but essential."

Former adviser in Elian case arrested in mortgage fraud scheme  6/18/03 AP: "A former adviser to the Miami relatives of Elian Gonzalez was arrested Wednesday along with four associates on charges they reaped profits in a mortgage fraud scheme. Roberto Curbelo Jr., 36, allegedly found people who did not earn enough money to qualify for loans to buy houses owned by his company, Our First Home Inc., which he owns with a partner, Miami-Dade Police Director Carlos Alvarez said… Most of the buyers were unaware that they were part of the fraud. The buyers included Elian's uncles Lazaro and Delfin Gonzalez, who were not charged."

U.S. pulls plug on Cuba expo  6/18/03 Miami Herald: "U.S. officials have denied permission for travel to Cuba to organizers of last year's unprecedented U.S. Food and Agribusiness Exhibition in Havana, as part of the Bush administration's reply to the dissident crackdown on the island. In a letter made public Tuesday, the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control, which issues the travel licenses, stated that two travel requests were denied ``based on foreign policy guidance received from the Department of State.'' "

Three Men Executed in Cuba Were Black, First to be Killed for Trying to Escape  6/17/03 BET: they were executed for a hijacking, not for leaving…

Canadian salesman James Sabzali granted retrial in Cuba embargo case  6/17/03 CP 

''Disidentes'' al servicio del pueblo  6/17/03 CubaSolidaridad 

Cuba's Castro apparent victim of prank  6/17/03 Reuters 

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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