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Cuba in the News
Archive: 4/1/03 - 4/15/03

Provocation, war spawned Cuba crackdown  4/15/03 Baltimore Sun: By Wayne S. Smith, head of US Interest Section in Havana under Carter - "No, the arrests came in part because the Bush administration provoked them by ordering James Cason, the chief of the U.S. Interests Section in Havana, to begin a series of high-profile and provocative meetings with dissidents, even holding seminars in his own residence and passing out equipment of various kinds to them. The administration knew that such "bull-in-the-china-shop" tactics would provoke a Cuban reaction -- hopefully an overreaction. Sure enough, given that the announced objective was to promote transition to a different form of government, the Cubans came to see the meetings as "subversive" and as deliberately provocative. But it was not just the meetings that led to the Cuban overreaction, for such it certainly was. It was also the beginning of the war in Iraq. The Cubans saw this as a signal that the United States is determined to blow away anyone it doesn't like through the unilateral use of force. And they remember that U.S. officials accused Cuba (without evidence, as it turned out) of having biological weapons and as representing a potential threat to the United States. As one Cuban official put it to me recently: "This new pre-emptive strike policy of yours puts us in a new ballgame, and in that new game, we must make it clear that we can't be pushed around. Who knows? We may be next." It was this kind of mindset that led to the crackdown that turned into a massive overreaction."

Cracking the isolation of Cuba  4/15/03 Boston Globe 

Trading with the enemy - Commentary: U.S. companies risk only a wrist slap  4/15/03 CBS MarketWatch: "When individual Americans are accused of helping terrorists, they're thrown in jail and their names are dragged through the mud. But when major U.S. corporations are caught trading with the enemy, they get just a slap on the wrist from the government."

Disgusted by executions, Castro ally cuts ties to Cuba  4/15/03 Miami Herald: "In a bitter criticism of the executions carried out last week in Cuba, José Saramago, the Nobel Prize-winning Portuguese writer considered Fidel Castro's best friend among European intellectuals, broke with the regime Monday."

County officials tour Cuba  4/15/03 Pasadena Star 

CANF Congratulates HBO on Pulling Castro Documentary from Schedule  4/15/03 US Newswire 

Two Sides to Cuba Story  4/15/03 Washington Post: "According to an Associated Press article, Mr. Cason has been giving the dissidents Internet access in the U.S. Interests Section, as well as fax machines, radios, office supplies and other materials. More important, he has been publicly supporting change in the Cuban government. Our government would not tolerate such actions by a foreign ambassador here, and Cuba has no reason to tolerate them either. The treatment of these dissidents is reprehensible and deserves condemnation, but to ignore our representative's role in this crackdown is disingenuous and misleading."

US funding debated for Cuban dissidents  4/14/03 AP: "About $20 million has been paid by the US Agency for International Development, or US AID, to US-based groups working to end communist rule on the island. They run websites, distribute pro-democracy books and pamphlets, even provide food and medicine to the families of political prisoners." This matches up nicely with Jiribilla's list of recipients of USAID's money.

Propaganda war continues  4/14/03 Baltimore Sun: "In the decades-old propaganda war between Cuba and the United States, this artistic skirmish was designed to win over 30 guests, visiting members of the U.S.-Cuba Sister Cities Association from Baltimore, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, who have come to forge "people-to-people" ties with the nation."

Wal-Mart, NY Yankees, others settle charges of illegal trading  4/14/03 CNN 

Cuba, U.S. in a battle over human rights  4/14/03 Final Call: "The Washington delegation already won a vote in its favor. In late March, it convinced the Commission to reject an initiative to hold a special debate on the human rights situation in Iraq as a consequence of the U.S.-led war in that country. To achieve a majority among the Commission’s 53 member states, the United States had to press delegates and governments, using tactics that reached "brutal" intensity, commented a Latin American diplomat who spoke on condition of anonymity." Buy 'em or kill 'em.

Bush is perpetuating the dominion of the Miami mafia  4/14/03 Granma: "OUT goes one mafioso, in comes his buddy. When Salvador Lew resigned from his post as director of the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB) - the branch of Voice of America responsible for Radio and TV Martí - following innumerable reports of corruption and unprofessional conduct, U.S. President George W. Bush immediately picked Pedro Roig to replace him, thus guaranteeing continuing control by the Miami mafia."

After Iraq, Cuba not next on U.S. list, Rumsfeld says  4/14/03 Miami Herald: "Rumsfeld did not totally close the door to the possibility of U.S. military action in Cuba -- indicating it might happen if Havana has or develops weapons of mass destruction. ''But if they had weapons of mass destruction, thats a different matter?'' Russert asked. Rumsfeld: ``To the extent our country is threatened or our people are threatened, then the president and the government -- thats the first responsibility of government, is to see to the protection and security of our country.'' While there is no specific evidence, the Bush administration said last year that it believed Cuba has ''at least a limited offensive biological warfare'' program and could be sharing its expertise with other countries that are hostile to the United States."

Undercover government agents help Cuba jail dissidents  4/13/03 AP: "Aleida de las Mercedes Godines, the secretary, most recently worked for Marta Beatriz Roque, sentenced last week to 20 years in prison for collaborating with US officials to undermine Cuba's socialist system. Opposition leaders say that Godines did the greatest damage to the dissident movement because of her access to documents and American officials." But any suggestion that there is merit to the notion that Cuba's dissidents are financed by the US is deprecated.

Move to ease Cuba trade stalls Congress irate about crackdown  4/13/03 NYT: "Rep. Bill Delahunt, D-Mass., criticized the trials and lengthy jail terms Cuba handed out to the dissidents, some of whom he had visited only a few weeks ago. But he said the U.S. restrictions on travel were a setback and ought to be reconsidered."

Cuba executes three men for ferry hijacking  4/12/03 AP 

CUBA SE DEFIENDE - ESTADOS UNIDOS APOYA EL TERRORISMO  4/12/03 Jiribilla: "En Cuba, como en una mayoría de países, colaborar con la política de agresión de una potencia extranjera es ilegal, e interpretar esto como una violación de los derechos humanos de los colaboracionistas supone compartir el concepto que tiene el régimen estadounidense de sí mismo de baluarte de la democracia y de la libertad, con derecho a instalar y destituir gobiernos en otros países."

IRAK HOY, CUBA MAÑANA  4/12/03 Jiribilla: "Cuatro palabras que revelan exactamente el propósito que rige hoy sus acciones, así como las de sus satélites en la Isla, ya sea que se disfracen de periodistas independientes o de defensores de los derechos humanos." Why the Cuban government is cracking down.

RESPUESTA DE FIDEL AL EMBAJADOR DE EE.UU. EN REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA  4/12/03 Jiribilla: Fidel's reply to the US ambassador in the Dominican Republic, who threatened Cuba with the Iraq treatment: "Señor Hans Hertell. Embajador de Estados Unidos en República Dominicana. Felicidades por su declaración de hoy sobre la cruzada liberadora de su Gobierno que incluye a Cuba y muchas gracias. Fidel Castro Ruz"

Quick trial, firing squad for three men provoke fury  4/12/03 Miami Herald: "In Havana, police reportedly were sent to cordon off the neighborhood where Sevilla García's mother lives, after witnesses said some neighbors went into the streets crying and shouting against the government."

Miami officials want Grammys but not musicians from Cuba  4/12/03 South Florida Sun Sentinel: "But for city commissioners, that wasn't enough. On Wednesday, they passed a resolution urging the Latin Academy to refuse to recognize or invite Cuban artists. The resolution, introduced by Commissioner Tomas Regalado, was a response to the Cuban government's crackdown on dissidents. This week, more than 57 people who oppose Fidel Castro's government have received severe sentences, as much as 28 years. On Friday, Latin Academy spokeswoman Marya Meyer said officials there had not seen the resolution, but it would not affect plans for this year's ceremony as the academy does not decide who gets nominated. Instead, she said more than 4,000 academy members worldwide will cast ballots to determine the nominees. All nominees are invited to the show, Meyer said. "We will honor whatever our constituency votes for," she said. "We're here to celebrate the excellence in music from artists, from whatever country they may proceed." "

Palestine, Syria, Cuba advised to draw lessons  4/11/03 Al Jazeera: "And nearer home, the US ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Hans Hertell, said on Thursday that the war in Iraq had lesson for Cuba too. “I think what is happening in Iraq is going to send a very positive signal and it is a very good example for Cuba, where we saw that last week the Fidel Castro regime ordered the arrest of more than 80 citizens, none of them criminals, but teachers, poets and journalists simply for their ideas,” he told the local media. The ambassador stressed that the US-led war was the beginning of a campaign aimed at all countries around the world for enforcing democracy."

Foreign minister defends measures to preserve the country’s legality and sovereignty  4/11/03 Granma: "In that context Pérez Roque pointed to the seven air and maritime hijackings in the last seven months as part of actions to destabilize the country, only made possible by the practice of receiving the hijackers as heroes and giving them asylum, despite their use of arms and other terrorist actions… A significant part of this conspiracy has come from the open and improper interference as a diplomatic engaged in by Mr. Cason since he was appointed and prior to his accreditation, with an unwonted disrespect for Cuban laws. On his appointment he told Miami television that his principal task was to unite the groups that the United States has created, directed and financed within Cuba to bring down the Revolution. He instructed them in a 10-point program aimed at gaining a space from now on in the new Cuba designed in Washington and Miami. His objective is to bring together the group and create a single dissident party. In this context, Felipe Pérez Roque showed a photo in which the U.S. diplomat appears with four leaders of the youth section of a liberal party founded by him. Footage, photos and receipts of payments made by official U.S. institutions and signed by some of the accused were exhibited. They include a receipt for the payment of $7,154 USD paid during one year to Oscar Espinosa Chepe, sentenced in court to 20 years imprisonment."

Marazul Charters travel agency appeals to its clients and friends to protest at the U.S. Treasury Department decision  4/11/03 Granma: "Marazul Charters travel agency appeals to its clients and friends to protest at the u.s. Treasury Department decision to eliminate the licensed program for visits to Cuba known as the person-to-person educational exchange."

Mexico's Fox Urged on U.N. Vote on Cuba  4/11/03 Guardian, UK: "Opposition legislators implored President Vicente Fox on Thursday to abstain from a U.N. human rights vote criticizing longtime Mexico ally Cuba. Last year, the Fox administration supported a U.N. resolution censuring the government of Cuban President Fidel Castro for its oppression of political movements. The vote in the Human Rights Commission cooled traditionally warm Mexican-Cuban relations. The heads of the four opposition parties in the lower house signed a letter asking Mexico to abstain in the vote expected next week in Geneva. Lawmakers from Fox's National Action Party refused to sign."

Yankees Pay $75,000 To Settle Cuba Dispute  4/11/03 Newsday: "The New York Yankees paid the government $75,000 to settle a dispute that it conducted business in Cuba in violation of a long-standing U.S. embargo, according to documents released Friday. The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control, which enforces the embargo and other economic sanctions the United States imposes, recently began disclosing penalties assessed or payments made as part of settlements involving violations of economic sanctions. The documents provide few details. The Yankees' case involved "a contract in which Cuba has an interest," the documents said."

In signal to US, Cuba sets long terms for 75 dissidents  4/11/03 Reuters 

North Carolina official says state firms selling cotton to Cuba  4/10/03 AP 

US may harden line on Havana  4/10/03 Financial Times: "Mr Cason's strong words on Cuba represent firmly held views in the Bush administration but White House political advisers also see domestic political benefits from a hard line against Mr Castro. Political analysts say Republican strategists have their eyes on Florida's votes in next year's presidential race."

Listen carefully to Latin America's response to Cuba's repression: silence  4/10/03 Miami Herald: by Andres Oppenheimer

Cuba: The Opposition Expresses an Opinion  4/10/03 Radio Progresso 

Cuban Terrorists Are Not on a Suicide Mission  4/10/03 Radio Progresso: "Indeed that is what the rigorous U.S. laws prescribe for those crimes, but Havana is still waiting for the first sentencing of a Cuban hijacker. In fact, they are generally not even tried, but receive permanent residency sooner than any other alien immigrant. Quite the opposite of Mr. Cason’s warning. It’s therefore logical that hijackers don’t take his words at face value."

Group visits Cuba  4/10/03 Standard Democrat, Mississipi: "A recent trip to Cuba by a Missouri Trade Delegation could prove promising for Southeast Missouri farmers, especially rice producers."

Spanish hotel companies to invest in Cuba (Apuesta por Cuba)  4/9/03 Hoover's Online 

Castro Agents Infiltrated Dissidents, Envoy's Home  4/9/03 Reuters: scroll down.

Largest agricultural fact-finding delegation ever destined for Cuba  4/9/03 San Francisco Bay View: "Oakland – Food First’s Institute for Food and Development Policy has organized a high-level delegation of policy experts for a 10-day fact finding trip to investigate Cuba’s transformation from chemical-intensive, industrial agriculture to sustainable and organic agriculture. The delegation will be comprised of food security experts, academics and directors of NGOs closely working on food security issues."

Harsh crackdown surprises Cuba watchers  4/8/03 UPI 

Miami adviser pursues dream of Cuba investment fund  4/7/03 AP: "But he acknowledges that the purpose of the fund is to invest in "post-embargo" Cuba, rather than investing "indirectly" now in Canadian or European companies that already do business in the country."

Cuba asks for respect for its embassy in Baghdad  4/7/03 Granma 

What Does Fidel Really Want?  4/7/03 NBC6, FL: "I am convinced the release of the spies is what Fidel is seeking. The Cuban jails will most likely soon hold 80 dissidents facing hard time. Dissidents, Castro claims, are all but paid spies financed by the United States. Can the suggestion of a trade by far behind? "

Cuba worried about its diplomats in Baghdad  4/7/03 Reuters: "Cuba asked both sides in the Iraq war to respect its diplomats, among the last to remain in Baghdad, after an armed attack on a convoy of Russian diplomats leaving for Syria."

U.S. Official Outlines Emergence of Activists in Cuba  4/7/03 State Department, US: "Cason acknowledged there is a great diversity of opinion among these activists on how best to bring about change, but said "they are united in their fundamental objective to return Cuba's sovereignty to the Cuban people." " - Now when will the US allow its government to be returned to the people?

Bill bans aid for students from terrorist countries  4/6/03 AP: "The bill would prevent state aid from going to university students who are citizens of six of the seven countries on the State Department list: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Lybia and North Korea. Cuba is also on the state department list but was amended out of the bill."

Mas Santos: Stepping to the front of Cuban exile moderation  4/6/03 AP: not bad for the head of an organization with so many narcoterrorist links.

Cuba Shows Hijacked Ferry Rescue Video  4/6/03 Independent, UK: "Hostages scramble out windows and into the sea, and a crying toddler is rushed to safety by a soldier in footage of a ferry hijacking aired for the first time by the Cuban government. In a five-hour television program aired Saturday, President Fidel Castro praised the soldiers who freed the passengers and arrested the hijackers at the port of Mariel without firing a shot."

Another chance falls by wayside  4/6/03 South Florida Sun Sentinel: "In seeking to dismantle the opposition movement, Cuba has thrown a wedge in the growing momentum among many Cuban Americans to normalize relations with their homeland, experts say. "Improving relations with the U.S. and having a real change in the dynamics of exile politics was a golden opportunity for Castro and again he blows it," said Dario Moreno, political science professor at Florida International University. "Prominent members in the exile community were directly challenging the Cuban American congressional leadership and Castro pulled the rug out from under them." "

Comandos committed to a free Cuba  4/6/03 South Florida Sun Sentinel: in any state outside the Banana Republic of Florida, these people would be termed terrorists.

Cuban arrests damage efforts to lift embargo  4/6/03 South Florida Sun Sentinel: This is the latest US government line, as if they would permit Arabs to engage in similar subversion - "The Cuban government's arrest and trial of at least 80 dissidents during the past two weeks will likely stymie congressional efforts this year at easing the U.S. embargo of the island and embolden those who prefer isolation of Havana over engagement. It also could slow sales of U.S. agricultural products to the island and already has added to a growing diplomatic spat. Some worry the growing tensions could lead to a severe deterioration of what is at best a strained relationship between the two countries."

Ferry Hijackers Nabbed, Hostages Saved  4/5/03 AP 

Sister city group back from Cuba - Participants upbeat despite difficulties posed by U.S. governmental policies  4/5/03 Hoosier Times, Bloomington, IN: "Supporters of a Bloomington-Cuba sister city program say they're hopeful for the future of the relationship, despite U.S. government policies that are making travel to and from Cuba difficult."

Cuba se defiende - Estados Unidos apoya el terrorismo  4/5/03 Rebelion 

Invitees accept delay of Cuba conference  4/5/03 South Florida Sun Sentinel: "Cuban-Americans planning to go to the Nation and Emigration conference next week in Havana said they understand the Cuban government's decision to postpone the conference in light of escalating tension between the United States and Cuba, the war on Iraq and a rash of hijackings on the island."

U.S. backs off stern measures for convicted Cuban agents  4/4/03 AP 

Outrage  4/4/03 Daily Nation, Barbados: "THE public chastising of Barbados and its neighbours by Otto Reich, United States special envoy to President George W. Bush for Western Hemispheric Initiatives, has earned a stinging rebuke from Government." Otto is a made member of the Miami Mafia.

Cuba to display Khama statue  4/4/03 Daily News, Botswana: "A sculpture of Sir Seretse Khama could be displayed at the Park of African Patriots in Havana City in future following the interest shown by Cuba to raise a bust of Botswana's first president… "These five Cuban youngsters were detained, taken to an unfair trial and sentenced without a single evidence against them and only because they tried to prevent those terrorist actions carried out against Cuba by the Cuban counter revolutionary organisations based in Miami which have been tolerated and even supported by the US government", the statement said. "

Third Nation and Emigration Conference postponed  4/4/03 Granma 

Hijackers 'unite' US, Cuba  4/4/03 News 24, South Africa 

Latin Grammys Heading To Miami  4/3/03 AP: "Protests or no, the Latin Grammys ceremony is headed for Miami. The Grammy organization says the ceremony will be held at the American Airlines Arena on Sept. 3. The show was moved to Los Angeles last year because of concerns about protesters."

Spate of hijackings prompts rare U.S. warning to Cubans  4/3/03 Miami Herald: "Underscoring the U.S. government's alarm that the incidents could lead to a migration crisis, America's highest-ranking diplomat in Havana issued a rare statement via Cuban television Wednesday night warning that those who hijack planes or boats would be prosecuted and lose the right to seek residency in the United States."

Cuba Puts Dissidents on Trial, Seeks Life Sentences  4/3/03 Reuters 

Cuba Threatens Force to End Boat Hijack  4/3/03 Reuters 

Latin Grammys prepared for Miami protests  4/3/03 South Florida Sun Sentinel: "While a spokesman for a coalition of Cuban exile groups vowed protests at the Latin Grammys if musicians living in communist Cuba attend, organizers making a second attempt to bring the ceremony to Miami said Wednesday they can accommodate peaceful demonstrations and still put on a show."

Sister Cities head says group more important than ever  4/2/03 Anacortes, WA: "However, Honey pointed out that Cuba now has six Sister City relationships that have been established in the past two years and Omaha, Neb., is a Sister City to Kabul, Afghanistan."

Trip to Cuba an inspiration for lobbyist  4/2/03 Denver Post 

Weinglass: It was the Solidarity Movement that Brought the Five out of Solitary Confinement  4/2/03 Granma: "The Cuban Five have been released from solitary confinement in the different US prisons where they are serving extremely long sentences for defending their country against terrorism. They spent almost a month in abysmal conditions deprived of family and consular visits as well as writing and reading material, and, in at least one case, his clothing."

Hijacker held after Cuban plane lands in Florida  4/2/03 Independent, UK 

Province looking to Cuba to help fill vacant physician positions  4/2/03 Journal-Pioneer, Prince Edward Island, Canada: "Ballem added there are a number of Cuban doctors who are practising medicine in Canada. "In Nova Scotia, they have Cuban doctors there. We are trying to find about their credentials . . . how they checked out, training programs and the issue of language," he said."

Reach Out provides alternate spring break  4/2/03 Yale Daily News: "The students who traveled to Cuba found themselves in quite a different situation. Because of the stringent governmental laws, students were not able to live or eat meals with families, and instead had to stay in a guest house owned by the Small Farmers Association. The 16 students on the trip were all students in Professor Alejandra Bronfman's class, "Cuba Today: Problems and Promises of a Lasting Revolution." … Students on the third service learning trip visited Nicaragua. The trip was coordinated by the New Haven-Leon Sister City Project, a nongovernmental organization with branches in New Haven and Leon, Nicaragua."

Cuba will not rejoin U.S. church, despite earlier enthusiasm  4/1/03 Anglican Journal 

Cuban hijack attempt 'frustrated'  4/1/03 BBC: "The Cuban authorities say the US encourages potential hijackers by tending to give those Cubans that make it to the US automatic asylum. "The entire responsibility of what could happen [in the latest hijack attempt] will fall on the government of that country," a statement by Cuban officials said of the US."

Nuevo secuestro de un avión de pasajeros  4/1/03 Diario Granma: "Este hecho es fruto inmediato del aliento recibido por los secuestradores de aviones con la conducta de las autoridades de Estados Unidos a raíz del avión de pasajeros secuestrado por los seis terroristas que, con empleo de armas blancas, desviaron la aeronave DC-3 hacia Estados Unidos el pasado día 19 de marzo. Sobre el gobierno de ese país recaerá por entero la responsabilidad de lo que pueda ocurrir."

Las exhibiciones de la mafia terrorista y guerrerista  4/1/03 Granma: "Con la intervención de Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada, presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, comenzó en el Palacio de las Convenciones la reunión de ciudades hermanas de Estados Unidos y Cuba."

Miami terrorists  4/1/03 Granma: "The mask of decency which the Cuban-American National Foundation (CANF) has tried to construct since it disposed of most of its elements identified with terror has been suddenly shattered by Joe García of Colombia, the group’s spokesman, openly announcing that it was following the case of DC-3’s six hijackers in order to determine "whether they might need assistance," according to an AP dispatch… Killer pediatrician Bosch, responsible for the mid-air explosion of a Cubana Aviation passenger plane and countless terrorist attacks while heading up the bloody group CORU, recently revealed himself as the main promoter — along with the extremist Unidad Cubana group — of a march along Miami’s 8th Street opposing any dialogue between the Cuban-American community and Cuba."

New U.S.-Cuba message service  4/1/03 Granma: "RAPIDGRAM is a new message service from the United States to Cuba offered by CRONE Inc., a U.S. firm, and Unidad de Negocios International, part of the Cuba S.A. Telecommunications Company (ETECSA). Letters, postcards, copies of documents and photos sent from the United States by this agency are delivered to Cuba in less than 72 hours by ETECSA."

Cash from exiles in U.S. lets Cubans live, a little  4/1/03 Houston Chronicle: "When Castro took control of Cuba in 1959, promising equality, more than half of the population was white. Many fled to the United States, and about 90 percent of Cuban-Americans are white. But inequality seems to reign on the island, with whites more likely to receive remittance checks than blacks and those of mixed race, even though today blacks and mixed-race persons make up 62 percent of the island's 11 million people, according to the U.S. Department of State. Afro-Cubans tend to be more impoverished, said de Salas-del Valle, an issue the government glosses over. Outside a Western Union branch in Havana, the few people who picked up money from their relatives in Miami or New Jersey were white."

Miami lawyer picked to head Radio, TV Martí  4/1/03 Miami Herald 

Afirman que es posible una nueva era en las relaciones Cuba-EEUU  4/1/03 Prensa Latina: "Ricardo González, presidente de la Asociación de Ciudades Hermanas Madison-Camaguey, confía hoy en que es posible una nueva era las relaciones entre Cuba y Estados Unidos. De paso en esta capital como delegado al Octavo Encuentro de Ciudades Hermanas entre ambos países, González afirmó a la prensa acreditada a este foro que la mayoría del pueblo norteamericano está a favor de la normalización de los vínculos."

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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