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Cuba in the News 
Archive for 3/02

U.S. Diplomat Says Transition Under Way in Cuba  3/29/02 Reuters: Yep, and Fidel is supporting the peaceful transition to democracy in the US via Al Qaeda linked groups.

El dengue ha sido erradicado de Cuba  3/28/02 Granma: a remarkable achievment, especially when compared to Brazil, a much richer country, which has had several thousand dengue deaths.

Project to link polyclinics to national information network  3/28/02 Granma: "IN support of the Cuban public health care system and in an act of solidarity, 250 computers arrived in Havana as part of a donation for INFOMED, a national informatics network of the country’s Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), providing information for professionals of that sector. Although the donation arrived on the island via ship on March 14 from Montreal, Canada, after nearly two months of navigation, the technical equipment originates in the U.S. state of California, where a group of friends and collaborators of the Cuban institution, known as INFOMED-USA, work voluntarily and with dedication to support and satisfy the Cuban public health care system’s needs in this area."

Attendees Call Anti-Cuban Embargo Symposium Successful  3/28/02 Yahoo 

Trial of Canadian man in Cuba embargo case nears end in Philadelphia court  3/27/02 Canadian Press: meanwhile, Cubans suffer as the water system deteriorates and cannot keep parasites out

Cuba Working Group begins in the House of Representatives  3/27/02 Latin America Working Group 

Carter's Havana trip puts pressure on US sanctions  3/27/02 Times, UK 

Vets say Cuba would make twisted `sister': - Befriend communist nation? Idea troubles many Eastsiders  3/26/02 East Side Journal: this opposition's anticommunist logic is dubious: where were they when the US opened up relations with China and Viet Nam?

White House Reviews Carter Cuba Visit  3/25/02 AP: the same human rights the US Bush is so respectful of at home and abroad.

Moderate Cuban-Americans reviewing U.S. embargo  3/25/02 Sun Sentinel, FL 

Cuba Bans PC Sales to Public  3/25/02 Wired 

Helms-Burton, the U.S., and the WTO  3/24/02 American Society for International Law: 1997 article

Despite strict government control, clever Cubans still get bootleg Internet  3/24/02 Sun Sentinel, FL 

Llegó a Cuba en visita oficial el Presidente de Botswana  3/23/02 AIN, Cuba 

15 Cuban Doctors Attached to Chitungwiza Hospital  3/23/02 All Africa 

Cuba Implements Long-Term Plan Against Dengue  3/22/02 Black World Online 

Castro Walks Out of UN Summit in Mystery Dispute  3/22/02 Reuters: two bit US bullying at work

Cuba Insists Bush Behind Hasty Castro Summit Exit  3/22/02 Reuters: "We received very senior people from the Mexican government before the conference who indicated they had been subjected to U.S. government pressure, specifically threats from President Bush that he would not come to Monterrey if Fidel Castro came," said Ricardo Alarcon, president of Cuba's national assembly.

Koala Announces Letter of Understanding to Acquire Transcard Canada, Limited  3/22/02 Yahoo: Transcard handles money transfers to Cuba. "Under an exclusive agreement, Transcard's agent in the U.S. for collection is MoneyGram Payments Systems, Inc., of Lakewood, Colorado. MoneyGram is currently using Transcard's proprietary stored-value card system to transfer funds to Cuba, under approval of the U.S. Government."

House members seek easing of anti-Cuba trade, travel policies  3/21/02 AP 

Carter expects to win Bush approval for Cuba trip  3/21/02 CNN 

Bush Calls Cuba A Repressive Regime  3/21/02 CNS News: payback for the Miami Mafia's support of the Election 2000 fraud

The rich world should condone their foreign debt and grant them fresh soft credits to finance development  3/21/02 Granma, Cuba: the US representatives were instructed to walk out of Fidel's speech, so here is what they missed.

US intelligence officer admits spying for Cuba  3/21/02 Sydney Morning Herald 

Detainees' future may hinge on Cuba lease  3/20/02 Christian Science Monitor 

Four street peddlers arrested  3/20/02 CubaNet: though on a Miami Mafia site, this story illustrates an on-going conflict between street vendors, many of whom are black, and the government. White cubans have a better chance of starting legal businesses as they receive money from abroad - from relatives in Miami and elsewhere.

Cuba to Send 50 Medical Experts  3/20/02 East African Standard 

Woman accused of spying for Cuba may cooperate with prosecutors  3/19/02 Knight Ridder: a bit different from the treatment accorded to Israeli spies, who are courteously shown the door.


Cuba: Terrorism Suspect May Be Released On Bail In Panama  3/15/02 Black World Today 

Building Bridges: Milwaukee Coalition to Normalize Relations With Cuba  3/15/02 

Omega-7 killer Remón unmasked  3/15/02 Granma 

Cuba Calls U.S. LatAm Official Reich a 'Terrorist'  3/15/02 Reuters 

CANADIAN ON TRIAL IN US FOR SELLING WATER PURIFICATION SUPPLIES TO CUBAN HOSPITALS  3/14/02 Radio Havana: "This is the first case of a Canadian on trial for violating Washington's blockade of Cuba. Canadian academics, business people and Foreign Affairs officials are reportedly monitoring the trial, but solidarity activists in Canada and the United States say the Canadian government should be protesting, not just monitoring."

Contra Warrior Otto Reich Returns to the State Department  3/12/02 Counterpunch 

Terrorists continue flaunting themselves in Miami with total impunity  3/12/02 Granma 

Group's goals include more Cuba visits  3/12/02 Herald Times, Bloomington, IN 

Trial opens for Canadian accused of trade with Cuba  3/12/02 Miami Herald: US government arrogance knows no limits: "Sabzali's defense is based precisely on the fact that when he was traveling and carrying out trade transactions with Cuba, he was a resident of Canada, where complying with the Trading with the Enemy Act is strictly prohibited." He was selling Cuba water purification supplies, needed to combat the rise in parasitical infections.

Posada and his Gang in Panama-12 Mar 2002  3/12/02 Radio Havana 

Dissidents Criticise U.S. Campaign Against Cuba  3/11/02 Black World Today: "HAVANA - The United States campaign to win a United Nations condemnation of Cuba's human rights situation is preventing the debate from dealing with the "expectations and urgency" of the island's problems in this area, say members of the domestic Cuban dissident movement."

The New Cuba Divide  3/10/02 National Interest: "An unexpected alliance of farmers, northern liberals and western conservatives is emerging to challenge the U.S. political status quo on Cuba."

El Salvador pedirá la extradición de Posada Carriles  3/9/02 El Nuevo Herald: The Cubans say this is to free the narcoterrorist, as he has many friends in El Salvador.

PARANOIA AND COINCIDENCE: MANIPULATIONS AND MANIPULATED ONES  3/9/02 Radio Progresso, Miami: "The violent and illegal intrusion in the Mexican embassy in Havana by 21 individuals was denounced by the Cuban government as a provocation orchestrated abroad. The facts and Mexican authorities proved Cuba was right."

Cuban-American Lawmakers Say Mexican Ambassador Snubbed Them  3/8/02 CNS News: pobrecitos!

U.S. policy on Cuba to receive full review  3/8/02 Miami Herald: the author is an anticastro hack.

Justice Department opens preliminary inquiry into police misconduct in Miami-Dade County  3/8/02 San Francisco Chronicle 

Source Says Castro Under Terrorism Microscope  3/8/02 Yahoo 

IN CUBA, ARRESTS IN FAMILY'S KILLING  3/7/02 Miami Herald: old fashion police work…

Bush Administration Considering Indictment Against Castro  3/7/02 MSNBC: Is anyone going to indict Cheney for ordering the shootdown of flight 93 in Pennsylvania on 9-11?

New Brainbench Report Reveals Significant Changes In Global IT Skills Landscape  3/7/02 PRN Newswire: "South America: Brazil leads the continent in the number of certified IT professionals, however, despite economic woes, Argentina is a strong number two. Venezuela and Colombia are in a virtual tie for third place. Cuba, an economic and political outcast, comes fourth."

U.S. Pressure on Cuba May Increase  3/6/02 AP: "One reason a more assertive policy may be in the offing was the installation in January of Cuban-born Otto J. Reich as the State Department's top official for Latin America."

Mexican official fired over Havana embassy incident  3/6/02 "Miami businessman Armando ''Manny'' Suarez, an executive with The Alison Group sales promotion company, had earlier sent an e-mail to various Mexican government web sites complaining about Mexico's approval of the arrest by Cuban security forces of the 21 Cubans who had stormed into the Mexican embassy in Havana last week." As if they respect human rights in Miami…

Post-Attack Cuban Intelligence Said Useless  3/6/02 Reuters 

Retired U.S. general says Cuba no threat, urges links  3/4/02 Miami Herald 

EMBASSY CRASHERS FIT PROFILE OF THOSE USED BY MIAMI MAFIA, US GOVT  3/1/02 Radio Havana: "According to reports, those who responded to the invitation to attack the Mexican embassy -- repeatedly broadcast on Radio Marti, an official radio station of the U.S. government -- were criminal and anti-social elements who had been convicted of serious crimes. Among the long list of convictions: armed robbery, carrying a concealed weapon, drug trafficking and possession, assault and battery."

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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