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Cuba in the News
Archive 2/04

Daña boicot a Cuba a la ciencia mexicana  2/29/04 Mural: "Al menos seis decenas de investigadores mexicanos que mantienen colaboración con científicos cubanos corren el riesgo de que sus trabajos de investigación no sean publicados por algunas revistas científicas estadounidenses, como las pertenecientes a la Asociación Americana de Química."

Canadian accused of trading with Cuba given fine, probation for 'smuggling'  2/28/04 CP: "The original 76 charges - 32 of which were for sales made while Sabzali was living and working in Canada - brought a wave of objections about U.S. "extraterritorial measures" from Canadian editorialists and demonstrators, as well as two diplomatic protest notes from Ottawa. Friday's settlement has the Canadian salesman admitting guilt for a 1994 transaction that occurred while he lived in Hamilton and was a self-employed Canadian businessman. Sabzali, a native of Trinidad, grew up in St. Catharines, Ont."

Cuban Rhythms  2/27/04 Atlanta Journal-Constitution: travel report

'Cold warrior' at heart of Cuba crackdown  2/27/04 Cuba Central: "U.S. policy toward Cuba is dominated by one man, a scandal-plagued Cold War relic who has no business being President Bush's chief adviser on Latin America. That's what U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts, the Kansas Republican who heads the Senate Intelligence Committee, has to say about Otto Reich."

Kenya, Cuba Sign Sugar Pact  2/27/04 East African Standard: "The assistance entails transfer of Cuban cane development and factory operations technology as well as use of irrigation systems to grow sugarcane."

Bush Plan Would Halt Cuba-Bound U.S. Boaters  2/27/04 LA Times 

Bush further tightens Cuba travel ban  2/26/04 AP: "He's signed an order giving the Coast Guard the authority to prevent unauthorized American ships from leaving U-S ports bound for the island. The president's order cites alleged steps by Fidel Castro's government to "destabilize" relations with the United States. They include threats to close a U-S diplomatic outpost in Havana -- and break an accord designed to prevent a flood of refugees."

Bush Orders Expansion of Policing of Ships Bound for Cuba  2/26/04 Bloomberg: "Over the last year, the Cuban government, which is a designated state-sponsor of terrorism, has take a series of steps to destabilize relations with the United States,'' Bush said in a message to Congress today. ``This conduct has caused a sudden and worsening disturbance of U.S. international relations.'' Bush said his order clears the way for U.S. authorities to search and take over any vessel in its waters, and gives Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge the power to make rules and regulations for any ships traveling from U.S. waters to Cuba."

Publishers Face Prison For Editing Articles from Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Libya or Cuba  2/26/04 Democracy Now: "Robert Bovenschulte, president of the publications division of the American Chemical Society, which decided this week decided to challenge the government and risk criminal prosecution by editing articles submitted from the five embargoed nations."

Cuba's transition cannot be negotiated with tyranny  2/26/04 Miami Herald: signed by FELIX I. RODRIGUEZ, the CIA man who was in on the execution of Che and later managed the narcotics/contra resupply operation out of Ilopango, El Salvador, according to DEA files. The consumate Miami narcoterrorist.

EE.UU. retiene dinero recogido en Francia en solidaridad con prisioneros cubanos  2/24/04 Aporrea, Venezuela: "La Oficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros (OFAC) del Departamento del Tesoro, encargada de aplicar el inhumano e injusto bloqueo contra el pueblo de Cuba, decidió retener la cantidad de 1.200 dólares norteamericanos recolectados en Francia por diversas organizaciones e individuos que eran enviados a la organización estadounidense “Peace for Cuba” en San Francisco, California, con el objetivo de pagar una página en el periódico The New York Times en apoyo a los cinco cubanos inocentes… La OFAC solicitó al Banco francés CREDIT MUTUEL DE PERPIGNAN desde donde se realizó la transferencia responder un cuestionario y añadió que de no ser contestadas no se efectuaría dicho giro."

U.S. silences Cuban beat  2/23/04 MSNBC: "Over the past few months, the State Department has cracked down on Cuban visitors -- specifically artists -- seeking to enter the United States. Since November, every Cuban musician who applied for a visa — 151 in all — has been turned down, including the five Grammy nominees invited to the recent awards' ceremony. The State Department denies a specific policy against musicians, although officials appear to have raised the bar for performers who want to tour the United States… "We wanted to showcase music from a new CD. I guess we’ll still ask for visas," Formel said, although he’s not optimistic. "It’s too bad because the American public is the best we have." ..."The president is trying to please Miami voters who are stuck in the past," argued Gerardo Piloto director of Klimax, the island’s top Timba band. D’Marcos however thinks like a businessman and not a politician. "Cuban musicians make the best music in the tropical world. We were the top sellers before 1959. If the doors re-open we’ll own the American market. Some people who represent Latin artists in the U.S. are terrified of the competition. They’re the reason why Bush slammed the door in our face." "

U.S. Has No Plans To Attack Cuba  2/21/04 AP 

U.S. Embargos Extended to Editing Articles  2/21/04 LA Times: "For U.S. publishers, changing so much as a comma in an author's work can be more than a delicate process. It can be criminal — punishable by fines of up to a half-million dollars or jail terms as long as 10 years. In a move that pits national security concerns against academic freedom and the international flow of information, the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control recently declared that American publishers cannot edit works authored in nations under trade embargoes. Although publishing the articles is legal, editing is a "service" and it is illegal to perform services for embargoed nations, the agency has ruled." This includes Cuba, of course.

Exiles offer post-Castro Cuba plan  2/21/04 Miami Herald 

Cuba Getting a Record Number of Tourists  2/21/04 TravelVideo 

Conservative exile leaders unveil plan for post-Castro Cuba  2/20/04 Miami Herald: "The plan calls for the privatization of ''joint ventures'' between the government and foreign investors, endorses the right of urban property dwellers in Cuba to remain in their homes, as long as old private owners are properly compensated, and suggests that social classes be officially reintroduced with defined roles and rights." Indeed.

Natural Products Expo West Seminar- Global Supply Expo- Cuba  2/20/04 Natural Products: "ALIMPORT, the Cuban agency responsible for the purchase and importation of these products will be conducting its next round of buying in Havana, Cuba April 12-15, 2004. Cuba is expecting to spend another $100 Million dollars in purchases. Preference is being given to U.S. companies. The formula to sell your food and health products to Cuba is based on a straightforward equation; high quality and competitively priced products. Attendees can learn how to participate, legally travel to Cuba for this purpose, and get in on this growing trade area and the next round of sales. The session provides an overview of the history and development of trade with Cuba in the food area. It will discuss how to legally do business with Cuba and the requirements and restrictions that must be followed as set forth by the U.S. Treasury Department and the U.S. Department of Commerce. Examination of a prospective transaction related to dietary supplements and functional foods will also be discussed as well as how to plan and prepare your company to attend the next round of purchases taking place April 12-15, 2004 in Havana, Cuba. Presented by Antonio C. Martinez II, Martinez Bass & Associates, Washington DC"

U.S. Says Cuba Fabricating Invasion Threat  2/20/04 Reuters: "Havana residents said they have not felt such a climate of emergency since defense preparations in 1983, after the United States invaded Grenada during the Reagan administration."

The Grammy's Most Revealing Moment  2/20/04 SF Chronicle: "Really, the conspicuous absences at this year's awards have more to do with discrete changes in this country's policy toward Cuba during the Bush administration, and an awareness in Washington, D.C., of the significant role Florida's anti-Castro Cuban community will play in the 2004 presidential election. As Bill Martinez, a San Francisco-based attorney who worked on this year's Grammy-related visa applications puts it, "This was an affirmative act, clearly meant to send a message. It was not just a matter of the typical delays that often sink a visa application. It was an out-and-out denial, stemming not from the Treasury Department but from other agencies and individuals in the executive branch." He's referring to the invocation of Section 212F of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Law, which states that the president can deny entry to any foreigners deemed "detrimental to the interests of the United States." According to a U.S. State Department spokesman, "The proceeds from the work of these artists are considered enrichment for a Communist dictatorship." "

Bush Call for Regime Change in Cuba Violates OAS Charter  2/20/04 Wayne Smith, CIP 

Cuba in Eighth Place Among Tourist Preferences in the Americas  2/19/04 Adelante 

Cuba trying to head off mass exodus from Haiti  2/19/04 Miami Herald 

Cuba trying to head off mass exodus from Haiti  2/19/04 Miami Herald 

Miami: A city on the edge  2/19/04 Progreso Weekly: "But that wasn’t the end of it. As further proof that the Miami Herald, a stalwart defender of freedom of the press in Latin America and of dissenters in Cuba, could not handle dissent in its own ranks, when I filed what should have been my next-to-last column to appear on December 16, I received this terse message from a Herald editor: “After reading this column, we have decided not to publish it.” The reader can judge why. Here is the column the Miami Herald suppressed: Princeton University sociologist Alejandro Portes and Florida International University anthropologist Alex Stepick subtitled their 1993 book about Miami race relations and ethnic politics “City on the Edge.” "

New limits to Cuba remittances By Francisco Aruca  2/19/04 Progreso Weekly: "What was published in both Heralds with great fanfare – and probably other Spanish speaking media, both radio and television will pick it up – is not that the Administration is considering limiting remittances. What they are considering are the details. In real terms – what they are doing is not to present the facts more or less – what was done last week by the Secretary of the Treasury was to measure reaction. If there is none...then there is no doubt that they will take steps. In other words, they are gauging the community’s reaction to the news. They have made a clear presentation of the facts. It’s as if they said: “Look, we are going to limit remittances. What we have to define now are the details. We are saying it loud and clear. Now we’d like to know your reaction.” "

Cuba and U.S. maintain ties, Cuba expert says  2/19/04 Sun Sentinel, FL 

'Mr Ferrer can't be with us tonight'  2/18/04 Guardian: "Artists from Muslim countries and Cuba seem to have the most difficulty - since the 1980s, Iranians travelling to the US have been fingerprinted - but the trouble extends across the continents. Pena said that Polish film-makers have refused to come to his festival because of the way they were treated on previous visits. And according to Marc Scorca, president of Opera America, opera directors from countries as uncontroversial as Italy and Spain have begun avoiding US engagements. "They don't want to put up with the hassle," he says, "which then means that American opera singers are not getting the work abroad they used to." "

Alice Walker debuts Spanish version of book in Cuba  2/17/04 Black America Web 

SA Students Doing Well in Cuba  2/17/04 BuaNews, SA 

Cuba's tourism chief replaced by army colonel  2/12/04 Miami Herald 

Havanatur wary of U.S. Cuba travel crackdown  2/12/04 Nassau Guardian 

2 Republican Lawmakers Believe US Will Drop Cuba Travel Ban  2/11/04 VOA 

U.S. blocks visit by minister from Cuba  2/10/04 AP: "U.S. officials have blocked a Cuban minister from coming to America to speak at several Alabama churches for Black History Month, denying the pastor a visa. The Rev. Raul Suarez of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Havana canceled his trip this month… Mr. Suarez was invited by the Society Mobile-La Havana, a Mobile-based sister-cities group. The visit was to have included speeches to local civic groups and sermons at area churches."

What is doing Cuba in Internet?  2/10/04 CubaDebate: "It would be important to reiterate that before talking about access to Internet, AI should be concerned why there are more than 854 million people who cannot read and write. None of them are from Cuba, where since 1960 we have eradicated illiteracy, and in fact it is continuously awarded by UNESCO, not only for its effort to increase the educational level of its population, but for its contribution to other countries, with no material interests involved, of which also New Zealand is a witness for the Cuban contribution to the illiteracy eradication campaign of its Maori population through the “Greenlight” program… A special mention should be made of the University of Computer Science, which began to operate in the course 2002-2003 and now is attended by 4 000 students from all over the country. This university will play an important role in the development of the Cuban Software Industry and in the materialization of the projects associated to the Cuban program of computerization. The public health sector has also been benefited with the application of the ICT. The Public Health Teleinformatics Network is being developed in order to interconnect polyclinics, hospitals, teaching centers, libraries and other institutions in all the provinces of the country through a system with more than 6 thousand computers."

Idaho Looks to Boost Trade with Cuba  2/10/04 KIDK, Idaho 

U.S. lists Montreal-based Caribe Sol in its Cuba-linked ban  2/10/04 Montreal Gazette 

Tuner strikes sour note with U.S. over Cuba  2/10/04 NBC: "It finally sent off the donation without the U.S. administration’s seal of approval. “To have waited any longer,” Treuhaft said, “would have insulted the memory of Newton Hunt.” Hunt was a partially sighted piano tuner from New Jersey who died last year and left his entire workshop to his Cuban counterparts. Of particular value were his specially fitted tools for blind tuners. Cuba has many and they operate using techniques the Russians showed them 32 years ago."

U.S. Tightens Grip on Groups Offering Ways to Visit Cuba  2/10/04 NYT 

Cuba expects to welcome 2 million foreign tourists  2/10/04 VNA, Viet Nam 

Treasury Secretary John W. Snow Remarks to Cuban American Leaders Miami, FL  2/9/04 AfroCubaWeb 

U.S. red-flags firms with links to Cuba  2/9/04 AP 

La cubanización de Venezuela  2/9/04 Rebelion: "En total hay más de 2.500 páginas ... impresas en gaceta, pero comprar el contenido de estos libros en una librería costaría unos cientos dólares. Ahora están en manos de miles de hogares de barrios venezolanos. Me pregunto cuántos ciudadanos de Estados Unidos habrán leído alguna vez cualquiera de los libros incluidos en la biblioteca. Habiendo ahora publicado esta información, me preocupa que algunos comités de bibliotecas del ala derecha en los Estados Unidos corran hasta sus bibliotecas y escuelas públicas con una nueva lista de libros que poner en la lista prohibida. Debe haber algo de comunista en "Cenicienta" y "La Bella Durmiente"."

Republicans in Senate Race Eying Cuba Card  2/9/04 The Ledger 

U.S. denies visa to peace activist from Cuba  2/7/04 Providence Journal: "Despite appeals by Sen. Lincoln Chafee and other members of Congress, the Rev. Raul Suarez will not be allowed to speak at the University of Rhode Island on multiculturalism."

Convenio Cuba-Venezuela duplicará cifra de pacientes en 2004  2/6/04 Aporrea: "Hasta los momentos, el Convenio de Salud Cuba-Venezuela ha permitido la atención de 5 mil 610 pacientes venezolanos. De acuerdo con el coordinador de estos viajes, Jhonny Ramos Amaya, este año se duplicará la cifra, pues, "se espera realizar, a partir de marzo, un vuelo semanal, es decir, cuatro vuelos al mes y no tres, como se ha venido haciendo. Además queremos aumentar los centros de atención en Cuba, pues actualmente contamos con 25 entre hoteles y hospitales". "

DENYING CUBAN MUSICIANS' VISAS IS "BUREAUCRATIC NONSENSE"  2/6/04 Congressman Sam Farr: "Today Congressman Sam Farr (CA-17), co-chair of the House Travel and Tourism Caucus and a member of the Cuba Working Group, spoke out against the decision by the Bush Administration to deny Cuban musicians visas necessary to attend this weekend's Grammy Awards ceremony. "With this latest action the Administration is taking their Cuba policy, which was already ridiculous, to the extreme of stupidity," said Farr. "To say that allowing these musicians to attend an awards ceremony could be 'detrimental to the interests of the United States' is just bureaucratic nonsense." "

Noam Chomsky Criticizes Bush and His Policies Toward Cuba  2/6/04 Radio Havana 

Who Speaks for Liberty in Cuba?  2/6/04 Village Voice 

Current U.S. Policy Re: Entry Of Cubans Into The U.S.  2/5/04 AfroCubaWeb: "Since most cuban artists are compensated by the cuban government, they are rightly considered to be its employees."

Feds: Fraud victims promised millions in stolen Castro cash  2/5/04 AP: "Two men posed as a Secret Service agent and CIA operative to swindle people by claiming they were involved in a "secret operation" to retrieve millions stolen from Cuban leader Fidel Castro, prosecutors said Thursday. One victim was promised $50 million for his support once the money was recovered, the fraud and conspiracy indictment said. Two others were promised $3 million and $1 million each. If convicted, Roberto Martin could face 20 years in prison and Christopher Johnson five years. Martin told the victims that he was a former Cuban intelligence officer who defected from Cuba and was now working with the CIA to recover money that he had helped steal from Castro, the indictment said."

Cuba say Grammy nominees denied visas  2/5/04 Reuters: "All five nominees for this year's Grammy for best traditional tropical Latin album are Cuban musicians who live on the communist-run island. They include Ibrahim Ferrer of Buena Vista Social Club fame, lute player Barbarito Torres and "timbalero" percussionist Amadito Valdes. Officials in Cuban President Fidel Castro's government said the musicians were denied requested visas under U.S. immigration regulations barring entry to the United States of people considered a threat to its national security. The head of the Cuban Music Institute, Abel Acosta, accused the Bush Administration of blocking the visas for political reasons to please Cuban-American voters in Miami."

Overview of USAID Cuba Program Aims to promote peaceful transition to democracy in Cuba  2/4/04 US Department of State 

USAID Cuba Page  2/4/04 USAID: the state sponsor for the Miami narcoterrorists.

America: The accidental empire?  2/3/04 BBC: "In 1898, he says, Americans were given a sense of confidence which they never really lost, a sense of vocation about being a power that stood for something in the world."

The cynical campaigns of the U.S. government  2/3/04 Granma: "As can be appreciated, this article inserts statements by notorious terrorist Otto Reich, whose felonies led to his rejection by the U.S. Congress when that country’s government proposed him as deputy secretary of state for Western Hemisphere Affairs. Today he is desperately trying to provoke an armed conflict between the U.S. and Cuba. Although this surely was not the intention of that newspaper, there is a certain coincidence between the article and the perfidious and reiterated statements of Otto Reich and Mr. Noriega – one of the drafters and promoters of the extraterritorial Helms-Burton Act – aimed at creating an artificial climate of hysteria that, combined with vile pretexts, would justify a military adventure against our country, including the physical elimination of compañero Fidel and other Cuban leaders in the eyes of U.S. public opinion. One of these pretexts is the cynical accusation that Cuba and Venezuela are engaged in actions aimed at destabilizing Latin America. Another objective of Otto Reich and Roger Noriega is to escalate the campaign of calumnies against the Bolivarian process, given the growing popular support for President Chávez that is generating such disquiet among the extreme right in U.S. government circles."

Bio-weapons in Cuba?  2/2/04 CubaNet: "Republican U.S. Senate candidate Larry Klayman, running in Florida, says he wants to see Fidel Castro overthrown because the Cuban dictator has biological weapons and shelters international terrorists. Klayman called Castro "a master terrorist" and a primary threat to U.S. security. Klayman is seeking the seat of retiring three-term U.S. Sen. Bob Graham, a Democrat. "It's time to remove Castro once and for all, by force if necessary," said Klayman, a former Justice Department attorney. "He's had free reign for too long." " Teaming up with the Miami Mafia, narcoterrorism in the wings.

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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