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New Restrictions on Traveling from Cuba to the US

Joint Chief of Staff's Operation Northwoods , a 1962 plan to kill US citizens as a pretext for invading Cuba

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Cuba in the News
Archive: 11/03

Florida is of special interest to Bush for '04  11/29/03 Boston Globe 

Federal judge rules in favor of Cuban band promoter  11/27/03 AP: "A federal judge ruled in favor of a Cuban band promoter who said she was illegally forced to pay more than $36,000 in security fees for a concert that drew thousands of angry protesters. "This is fantastic news," Debbie Ohanian said Thursday. "I'm still in shock." "

Killing of Kennedy may have derailed Cuba pact  11/27/03 Sydney Morning Herald 

Revealed: how Kennedy's assassination thwarted hopes of Cuba reconciliation  11/26/03 Guardian, UK: "A few days before his assassination, President Kennedy was planning a meeting with Cuban officials to negotiate the normalisation of relations with Fidel Castro, according to a newly declassified tape and White House documents. The rapprochement was cut off in Dallas 40 years ago this week by Lee Harvey Oswald, who appears to have believed he was assassinating the president in the interests of the Cuban revolution. But the new evidence suggests that Castro saw Kennedy's killing as a setback. He tried to restart a dialogue with the next administration, but Lyndon Johnson was at first too concerned about appearing soft on communism and later too distracted by Vietnam to respond."

'Informaticos' in Cuba route around tyranny via Web  11/26/03 Tallahassee Democrat: "Basic Internet service costs $260 a month in Cuba. That's prohibitive, considering the average Cuban makes the equivalent of about $192 per month. In other words, Castro has fixed it so that it's impossible for the average Cuban to afford legal access to the Internet." The Internet is indeed a scarce resource as there is only enough state resources for a small pipe into the island, but it is available for free for a number of people at their work or in education.

'Kennedy & Castro' spins preposterous and inaccurate yarn  11/25/03 CubaNet: CubaNet is the Miami Mafia house organ.

Behind the Scenes with Kennedy and Castro: An Interview With Peter Kornbluh  11/24/03 Discovery Times: "That research was the genesis of the Discovery Times documentary Kennedy & Castro: The Secret History. Kornbluh talked with Discovery Times contributor Patrick J. Kiger about his work — which has taken him on occasion to Cuba, where he has talked numerous times with Castro himself. "Mostly, you just listen to him, " Kornbluh explains. "Like most people his age, he spends a lot of time these days reminiscing." "

Kennedy and Castro  11/24/03 Discovery Times 

The saga of Rolando Cubela  11/24/03 Keys News: the weapon Johnson used to cudgel the Warren Commission: "After President Lyndon B. Johnson reviewed the report, he told a reporter, in confidence at the time: "Kennedy was trying to kill Castro. Castro got him first." "

Kennedy Sought Dialogue with Cuba - INITIATIVE WITH CASTRO ABORTED BY ASSASSINATION, DECLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS SHOW  11/24/03 National Security Archive: contains extensive documentation: "On the 40th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and the eve of the broadcast of a new documentary film on Kennedy and Castro, the National Security Archive today posted an audio tape of the President and his national security advisor, McGeorge Bundy, discussing the possibility of a secret meeting in Havana with Castro. The tape, dated only seventeen days before Kennedy was shot in Dallas, records a briefing from Bundy on Castro's invitation to a U.S. official at the United Nations, William Attwood, to come to Havana for secret talks on improving relations with Washington. The tape captures President Kennedy's approval if official U.S. involvement could be plausibly denied."

Pastor returns to see Cuban Evangelical church thriving  11/23/03 AP: "Among them are a few churches served by Carlos Rumbaut, of Ciego de Avila. He said he was a priest in the African-based Palo Mayumbe spiritualist religion before following his father to Christianity. "I felt something strange" one day and went out walking aimlessly, he said. When he wandered across a church, Rumbaut said, he went in and found his father there, praying for him."

Visions of Dollars Dance Before Cuban Artists' Eyes  11/23/03 NYT 

Cuba Produces Key Synthetic Vaccine for Children  11/23/03 Reuters: "Cuban researchers have developed the first synthetic vaccine against a bacteria that causes pneumonia and meningitis, a breakthrough aimed at lowering the cost of immunizing children in poorer countries."

Poverty and Police State Clash in Cuba  11/22/03 Ledger, FL 

Cuba sells its medical expertise  11/21/03 BBC: "Cuba's struggling economy has been boosted by the successful export of its medical technology abroad, and by health tourism within the country."

Port Manatee signs Cuba trade pact  11/20/03 Bradenton Herald, FL 

Reporters Sans Frontières along with, the U.S. army, Bacardí and CANF  11/20/03 Granma: "THE most dishonest anti-Cuba publicity campaigns by Reporters sans frontières, the organization that has been feverishly attacking Cuba in recent years in Europe and other parts of the world, have been conceived and established by Publicis, the global advertising giant. Amongst its most important clients, Publicis has contracts with the U.S. Army, Bacardí and other Miami mafia representatives, including some who are financing notorious terrorists such as Luis Posada Carriles. The general secretary of Reporters sans frontières, CIA operative Robert Ménard – who devoted himself in the 1960s to infiltrating left-wing groups including Trotskyite organizations – has acknowledged on several occasions that Saatchi & Saatchi, the famous New York advertising agency, is behind his attacks on Cuba, confirming that the huge commercial propaganda firm provides its services "free of charge" to him."

UA'S CONFERENCE ON CUBA  11/20/03 Mobile Register: "Events Wednesday had a strong Mobile flavor, including presentations by Mayor Mike Dow, other members of the Mobile-Havana sister-cities group and an Alabama State Docks official. The university's efforts are also being partly funded by Mobilians. Brothers Angus Cooper II and David Cooper, leaders of the Mobile stevedoring firm CoopeT. Smith, gave the university $50,000 to finance exchanges with Cuba."

John F. Kennedy: A dual-purpose assassination - Sowing the clues (Part One) - An interview with retired Division Gen. Fabián Escalante Font  11/20/03 Radio Progresso, Miami: "They told Robert Kennedy that his brother had been the victim of a plot by Cuban intelligence and then identified the signers of the “Cuban” letters as the people responsible for the plot and the Cuban Embassy in Mexico as the center where the plot was planned. The entire operation was directed by one person, who in my judgment was David Phillips."

NOAM CHOMSKY - Cuba’s contribution to the self-liberation of Africa is fantastic  11/19/03 Granma: "So, for example, let’s take Cuba’s role in the liberation of Africa. It’s an astonishing achievement that has almost been totally suppressed. Now you can read about it in scholarship, but the contribution that Cuba made to the self-liberation of Africa is fantastic. And that was against the entire concentrated power of the world. All the imperialist powers were trying to block it. It finally worked and Cuba’s contribution was unique. That’s another reason why Cuba is hated. Just the plain fact that black soldiers from Cuba were able to beat back a South African invasion of Angola sent shock waves throughout the continent. The black movements were inspired by it. The white South Africans were psychologically crushed by the fact that South African forces could be defeated by a black army. The United States was infuriated. If you look at the next couple of years, the terrorist attacks on Cuba got much worse."

U.S. Policy on Cuba Deprives Black Americans  11/18/03 Black America Web: "On Pennsylvania Avenue, it's all about the 2004 election. And that means that traveling to Cuba - a majority-black nation - must remain a no-no for most of us, otherwise Miami's Cuban exiles, who are more than 90 percent white, will put a chokehold on the Bush administration's re-election bid. But the larger issue regarding the travel ban to Cuba isn't the White House's political schemes. It's that you - Mr. and Ms. - are being deprived of an affirming and even life-changing experience. Cuba, just 90 miles to the south of Miami, is defined and dominated by African culture and heritage. And all Cubans, even the white ones, seem to know this."

Noam Chomsky and Cuba  11/16/03 Cuba Now: "“There are extraordinary achievements because no other country has been submitted to such a criminal attack by a superpower for such a long period," he added. Chomsky said to was amazed by the system of community participation carried out in Cuba -mainly in the field of education and health care- but in general "of the capacity of the country to guarantee a decent and respectable life to its citizens." According to Chomsky, all he has seen made him understand what some friends who had visited Cuba and loved it had told him: “It is really easy to fall in love with Cuba." "

Full Disclosure by Gerald Posner  11/16/03 Newsweek: "The CIA has never released files about Oswald's visit to the Soviet embassy in Mexico City weeks before the assassination of JFK." Includes interesting discussion of the exile group, Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil, which helped trigger the Cuba/Soviet theory used so effectively by Johnson to throttle the Warren Commission. For more, see AfroCubaWeb's Kennedy Assassination page.

Anger at Cuba travel ban decision  11/14/03 BBC: "Business lobbies have also said they are angry, as they had hoped to export food to Cuba under an exception passed in 2000." And they need to get down there to make the deals.

Travel to Cuba plan disappears; Baucus, Enzi unhappy  11/14/03 Billings Gazette, MT 

Trinidads Debut in London  11/14/03 Cigar Aficionados: a new Cuban cigar unveiled.

Pandering to Anti-Castro Hardliners - Democracy or Oligarchy?  11/14/03 Counterpunch: "Once again a very few powerful men have overruled the clearly expressed will of our Congress. Why do our so-called representatives allow this to happen? How can we accuse Cuba of being undemocratic? Are we a democracy or an oligarchy? Only if we face reality can we change it."

Empresarios españoles en Cuba  11/14/03 Encuentro: Encuentro is the proud recipient of NED/CIA money.

40 YEARS ON - The secret transparency of the Kennedy assassination  11/14/03 Granma 

MINREX STATEMENT - A lesson in “democracy” from the United States  11/14/03 Granma: "IN the evening of November 12 it was announced that the House-Senate conference committee studying the Treasury-Transportation Appropriations bill had decided to eliminate from that legal draft the amendment advocating a relaxation of the existing ban on U.S. citizens visiting Cuba, despite the fact that both the U.S. House and Senate had approved the amendment by a substantial majority. Once again, the Republican leadership in Congress and the anti-Cuban mafia have had recourse to anti-democratic mechanisms in order to eliminate the aforementioned amendment by violating norms and regulations established by the U.S. Congress itself."

Conference Committee Strips Travel Amendment  11/14/03 LAWG: "Pressure from a White House—eying Florida’s electoral votes—was cited by congressional leaders as the reason for the change. “It’s clear that the White House isn’t listening to the will of the majority of Americans, who support ending these senseless restrictions,” said Philip Schmidt from the Latin America Working Group. “The administration believes that gaining a few votes in Florida is worth angering a broad section of the rest of the nation. This thinking could backfire on them.”"

Travel Amendments Stripped: Take Action  11/14/03 LAWG: "ACTION 1: Call your two senators and your representative to loudly protest this subversion of democracy."

Cuba critical of US bid to block bilateral relations normalisation  11/14/03 Viet Nam News Agency 

Cuba Friendship, Solidarity And Culture Days Activities Introduced  11/13/03 Anadolu, Turkey 

Congress Upholds Ban on Cuba Travel  11/13/03 AP: "House-Senate bargainers bowed to a White House veto threat on Wednesday and upheld the four-decade old ban on most travel to Cuba. Though the Republican-run House and Senate had separately approved provisions earlier this year lifting the ban, negotiators dropped the language from a compromise bill." Compromise is supposed to be between House & Senate, not between the US Government and a group of homicidal narcotraffickers godfathered by the Bush family.

Cuba's new oil industry  11/13/03 BBC: "Cuba's fast-improving energy sector - with domestic oil production now at 4.1m tons a year and accounting for 80% of the country's energy needs - is expected to eventually ease the country's current economic woes... Nutec, a UK company based in Aberdeen, has signed a contract with the Cuban government to train 100 Cuban engineers in operational skills and safety in the management of offshore oil-rigs, in preparation for the day when light crude oil starts to flow for the first time in the Cuban zone of the Gulf of Mexico."

Plan to ease Cuba sanctions foiled GOP kills measure to avoid Bush veto  11/13/03 NYT: "The fact that it could be undermined is mind-blowing," said Steven Schwadron, the chief of staff of Rep. Bill Delahunt, D-Mass. "It suggests that a handful of people can vaporize the will of the majority." Some conservatives were troubled as well. Steven Johnson, an analyst at the Heritage Foundation, said the administration was missing an opportunity to fine-tune tough sanctions that have failed to bring change in Cuba. "The administration takes a hard line meant to please a certain crowd in Miami," he said."

Cuba Expected to Send More Doctors  11/13/03 The Herald, Zimbabwe 

Cuba Releases Piramide Sampler  11/12/03 Cigar Aficionados 

PROTECTION OF TRADE MARKS - Greater U.S. interests in Cuba win support in Congress and among the business community  11/12/03 Granma 

Who’s Afraid of “Uncle Fidel”? Abe Foxman, evidently  11/12/03 National Review: "In his new book Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League condemns anti-Semitism in countries ranging from Argentina and Mexico to France and Iran. But there is a conspicuous omission: Cuba." Could it just be that Cuba is not anti-semitic? Many Israelis are against the genocide of Palestinians, but as is the case in the US, the hoodlums are in power.

Cuba exposes manipulation of U.S. émigré list  11/11/03 Granma 

John F. Kennedy: A dual-purpose assassination - An interview with Division Gen. (r) Fabián Escalante Font ‘They were in Dallas’ (Second and final part)  11/11/03 Radio Progresso: "Tony Cuesta and I talked several times. Talking with him was difficult, because he always spoke as if he were telling a secret. Several times I told him: “Tony, it's me you're talking to. I'm the only person who can turn on the microphones here and I haven't turned them on, so talk a bit louder because I can't hear what you're saying.” It was like a big mystery, as if we both were conspiring. One time, in the late 1970s, he asks me to go see him. Probably it was a way to say thanks, because it was difficult for us to save his life and the process of rehabilitation was very long. We had a long conversation. We started talking about the exiles, about the principal characters, Orlando Bosch, Antonio Veciana, Luis Posada Carriles, Jorge Mas Canosa. But all of a sudden, I don't know how, we started talking about Kennedy's assassination and the man paled and said more or less this: Herminio Díaz and Eladio del Valle were in Dallas on that day, Nov. 22. I ask him why he's telling me this. And he answers that he doesn't know anything else, but that he does want us to know that Herminio Díaz and Eladio del Valle were there."

'Black Cuban Forum'  11/10/03 CubaNet: published in 2/00, discusses an organization which got $40,000 from NED/CIA last year. CubaNet got $64,000.

Organizaciones financiadas por la NED contra Cuba  11/10/03 Jiribilla: published in April, relevant today! Note the "Black Cuban Forum"

W. BUSH CON LOS FINANCISTAS DE ENCUENTRO  11/9/03 Jiribillas: "Además de financiar a la terrorista Fundación Nacional Cubana Americana, la NED ha sido la principal fuente de dinero de las publicaciones fabricadas para la campaña de subversión contra Cuba, privilegiando entre ellas a la revista Encuentro, a la cual la «cuasi gubernamental agencia» beneficia con 83 000 dólares anuales, según consta en su página web."

Visitors to Cuba face U.S. discipline  11/9/03 Knight Ridder 

Latin America in Crisis - Cuba's Self-Reliance in the Storm By NELSON P. VALDES  11/7/03 Counterpunch 

The Cuba issue in the upcoming Miami election  11/7/03 Radio Progresso 

UN Rejects U.S. blockade against Cuba, Academics meet in Havana, Scientific project a victim of the blockade  11/7/03 Radio Progresso: "According to Dr. Damodar Peña, Cuban Minister of Public Health, the project for the study of Rotavirus with several U.S. research centers would have allowed a faster development of a vaccine. My comment: For those who still believe the U.S. claim that there is no such thing as a blockade, but a trade embargo, this should be evidence of the true intentions of ten U.S. administrations, from 1959 to the date, in relation to Cuba. The war can be veiled as one against Castro, against Communism, against a country that is stubborn enough as to disobey the superpower, but it really is against human beings, even children, who are often considered “collateral damage.” "

Senate committee passes Enzi/Baucus bill lifting Cuba travel ban  11/6/03 AP: [Contrary to AP's posture, this is far from decided and can be swayed by citizens contacting their representatives:] "The transportation bill includes language that would prohibit the federal government from spending any money to enforce the travel ban. But President Bush has threatened to veto the bill if that provision is included, and Republican leaders are expected to strip the provision from the bill so Bush won’t have to make good on that threat."

Unidad contra el bloqueo y aislamiento yanki  11/6/03 Bohemia 

US Senate panel approves lifting Cuba travel ban  11/6/03 Reuters: "The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 13-5 on Thursday to lift the travel ban to Cuba, as the fight to eliminate the 42-year-old prohibition gathered steam in Congress. ...Sen. George Allen, a Virginia Republican, said Cuba practiced a ''tourism apartheid,'' where visitors were herded into beach resorts where they had little interaction with local Cubans, failing to make Cuba more democratic." [Other islands in the Caribbean also practice a similar "tourism apartheid" as in Jamaica.]

GOP leaders to keep Cuba travel ban  11/5/03 AP: this report is flat out propaganda, reminiscent of the material put out right after the Kennedy assassination.

Argentina determined to have Cuba in Mercosur  11/5/03 MercoPress 

Two More suggestions for action re Cuba travel bills  11/4/03 AfroCubaWeb: "An AP story late last week suggested that this issue was already a done deal -- that the Republicans might already have cut the Cuba amendment from the appropriations bill. BUT THIS IS NOT YET TRUE: the conference committee is just starting to meet, and, as far as we can tell, the issue is still very much alive."

The vote marks the 12th consecutive year that the assembly has called for an end to the blockade. Only three nations voted against the motion - the US, Israel and the Marshall Islands. Two others abstained.  11/4/03 BBC: "The vote marks the 12th consecutive year that the assembly has called for an end to the blockade. Only three nations voted against the motion - the US, Israel and the Marshall Islands. Two others abstained."

Cuba signs string of United States contracts  11/4/03 Diario Digital, Juarez, MX 

Execs, U.N. show support for Cuba  11/4/03 MSNBC: "SOME 70 U.S. companies gathered this week at Havana’s annual trade fair, pushing aside European wine and food vendors to sell Carolina turkeys, Mississippi peanut butter, Tampa onions and Minnesota cattle feed. The American presence was down from last year, when 288 exhibitors from 33 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico took part in the food and agricultural exhibitions. But deals were to be made by companies that ventured to Havana. Alimport, Cuba’s state food importer, promised to reward “those brave enough to show up.” Pedro Alvarez, Alimport CEO, told NBC News he intended to sign contracts with just about every U.S. company here. The deals are expected to total over $50 million, half of all the contracts Alimport expects to sign during the week-long event."

U.N. in record vote against Cuba embargo  11/4/03 Swiss Info 

Cuba's 50 Years of Defiance - An Interview with Noam Chomsky  11/3/03 Counterpunch: "So, for example, let's take Cuba's role in the liberation of Africa. It's an astonishing achievement that has almost been totally suppressed. Now you can read about it in scholarship, but the contribution that Cuba made to the self-liberation of Africa is fantastic. And that was against the entire concentrated power of the world. All the imperialist powers were trying to block it. It finally worked and Cuba's contribution was unique. That's another reason why Cuba is hated. Just the plain fact that black soldiers from Cuba were able to beat back a South African invasion of Angola sent shock waves throughout the continent. The black movements were inspired by it. The white South Africans were psychologically crushed by the fact that South African forces could be defeated by a black army. The United States were infuriated. If you look at the next couple of years, the terrorist attacks on Cuba got much worse."

CUBA: Chomsky condemns US attacks  11/2/03 Green Left, Australia: "Noam Chomsky, the distinguished US political scientist and Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor, has attended the 25th Assembly of the Latin American Social Science Council. Addressing the conference on October 29, also attended by Cuba's President Fidel Castro, Chomsky condemned the US government's invasion and occupation of Iraq and Washington's vendetta against the Cuban Revolution… Chomsky condemned the jailing in the US of five Cubans who had attempted to gather information on anti-Cuba terrorists being harboured there. “It is a scandal”, Chomsky told Radio Havana on October 29. “Cuba was providing the FBI with information about the terrorist actions taking place in the United States, by terrorists based in the United States ... Instead of arresting the terrorists, they arrested the people that provided the information.” Chomsky praised Cuba's defiance of the almost 45-year-long US economic embargo, but repeated his criticism of the Cuba's jailing of opponents of the revolution who are in the pay of the US government. “I think it was a mistake”, he told Radio Havana."

Hoosier faces fine for trip to Cuba  11/2/03 Indianapolis Star: "Joni Scott flew to Cuba to hand out Bibles four years ago. Now, the federal government wants her to pay a fine of up to $10,000 for her unlicensed trip to the communist country."

New U.S. Treasury Department Rules Cast Chill Over Scientific Publishing  11/1/03 Canadian Association of University Teachers: "The Bush administration says the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, with more than 350,000 members worldwide, must stop editing scholarly papers submitted by researchers living in countries under a U.S. trade embargo, or apply for a special license to do so. On Oct. 1 the Treasury Department informed the Institute that editing a research paper is equivalent to providing a service to authors and therefore violates U.S. trade restrictions that prevent U.S.-based organizations from doing business with countries such as Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya and Sudan."

Cui Bono? The Cuba Embargo as Rip Off By SAUL LANDAU  11/1/03 Counterpunch 

Sixty us and Cuban professors meet in havana  11/1/03 Cuba Now: "She explained how this meeting was actually supposed to be held in Chicago last April, but the Cuban delegation was denied the necessary visas. She said everybody suffers with this policy: “we suffer because, in a way, our right to freedom of information and access to Cuban colleagues is being violated.” “I think this is probably the worst moment in a decade of meetings we have had, because US policy is trying to tighten the (travelling) restrictions,” she told the local press."

Pablo Milanés critica a Cuba  11/1/03 El Universal, Venezuela: "El cantautor cubano Pablo Milanés criticó ayer la falta de libertad de expresión en su país y afirmó que el gobierno del presidente Fidel Castro tiene "errores que tenemos derecho a criticar. En Cuba hay errores que tenemos derecho a criticar (...) pero cuando uno lo hace se siente solitario. Hay miedo y tensión y es absurdo porque no se puede seguir siendo revolucionario y teniendo ideas estalinistas de presiones sobre el pensamiento y la libertad", dijo Milanés en una entrevista con Radio Caracol de Colombia. "A Fidel le critico la falta de libertad de expresión porque hay tantas cosas bonitas aseguradas por la revolución que, cuando ves que es capaz de encarcelar a un agente durante 20 años porque habló dos o tres mierdas, no lo concibes", manifestó el cantante y compositor afín al régimen castrista. No obstante, el artista dijo que "todavía en 44 años, los vecinos de Cuba no nos dan ejemplo de que ellos hagan mejor las cosas que nosotros" y Castro "todavía está demostrando que hace dos o tres cosas mejores que ellos", reseñó Efe."

UN AMERICANO EN LA HABANA  11/1/03 Jiribilla: "Aunque en muchos de sus textos Noam Chomsky se había referido una y otra vez a Cuba, nunca había visitado la Isla. Según el americano «imprescindible» o «imprudente», como algunos lo han llamado, por la agudeza y constancia de sus críticas al establishment norteamericano, aunque su relación con la Isla se remonta a los inicios de la Revolución, esa relación había sido hasta ahora abstracta."

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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