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Joint Chief of Staff's Operation Northwoods , a 1962 plan to kill US citizens as a pretext for invading Cuba

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Cuba in the News
Archive: 1/04

Bush, exiles plotting to kill me, Castro says  1/31/04 Miami Herald 

Denuncia el Presidente Fidel Castro recrudecimiento de las acciones hostiles de Estados Unidos contra Cuba  1/31/04 Radio Havana 

Candidates on the Issues: Cuba  1/30/04 AP 

Castro accuses Bush of plotting with Cuban American exiles to kill him  1/30/04 AP 

Castro 'prepared for US invasion'  1/30/04 BBC: "We knew that Mr Bush had made a commitment with the mafia [Cuban exiles] of the Cuban-American Foundation to kill me. I accuse him of this," he said. "This dead man can still talk. This dead man can make plans. This dead man ... is not dead yet. "With a gun in my hand, I don't care how I die, but I'm confident that if they invade us, I will go down fighting," Mr Castro said to tumultuous applause from the audience, which included Andean Indians, landless Brazilians, and Canadian postal workers."

Castro vows to die fighting if US invades Cuba  1/30/04 Reuters: "Western diplomats said Cuban authorities were preparing the population for a possible invasion with training drills. Castro said Washington "should explain to the world what its position is on its powers to order assassinations." A U.S. presidential directive from the 1970s banned the assassination of foreign leaders, but the Bush Administration appeared to waive the ban when it made clear that Iraq's Saddam Hussein was to be considered a target before last year's invasion."

A revolutionary education: an interview with Cuban medical student KulwaA revolutionary education: an interview with Cuban medical student Kulwa  1/28/04 SF Bay View 

Survey to measure differences in ideology between longtime Cuban immigrants, new arrivals  1/28/04 Sun Sentinel, FL: "A preliminary survey of 208 newly arrived Cubans recently found that the new arrivals distrust the established Cuban exile community in the United States and institutions in Cuba… About 53 percent of those surveyed said they were against the U.S. embargo on Cuba; 33 percent were in favor. The rest did not answer."

Cuba postpones internet controls  1/27/04 AFP 

Defienden a médico cubano de conducta agresiva de televisoras  1/27/04 Aporrea: "El pueblo de El Pensil les respondió porque estamos agradecidos de este médico cubano, y le salimos al paso a esta gente. Este médico ha hecho una obra muy buena, y no vamos a permitir que nadie, absolutamente nadie, nos saque a este médico cubano que ha hecho maravillas con la salud de nosotros. El atiende muy bien; en mi caso yo no podía caminar, y gracias a este médico hasta tacones me puedo poner y tenía años que no lo hacía”.

Travel companies seek alternative to U.S.-Cuba exchange  1/26/04 AP: "But the cultural exchange program offered the only option for many Americans to visit Cuba, said Merri Ansara, director of Common Ground Education & Travel of Cambridge. "It was the only way ordinary people could go who simply wanted to learn more about Cuba, about the embargo, about the situation," she said."

Cuba's Entrepreneurs Come Creeping Back  1/26/04 Business Week 

Redford shows Che Guevara film in Cuba  1/26/04 Reuters 

Cuba To Host Sixth Annual Caribbean Conference On Sustainable Tourism Development  1/26/04 Travel Video 

Internet use in Cuba and the lies of Amnesty International  1/25/04 Cuba Debate 

Mensaje a los Miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas de Venezuela  1/25/04 WAQI - Radio Mambi: the author is a retired black cuban National Guard general who failed in Viet Nam and Cuba and is now giving advice to the Venezuelan military to overthrow Chavez.

U.S. clamping down on Americans' visits to Havana  1/25/04 Washington Times: "If U.S. citizens visit Cuba and fail to put it on the post-trip declaration form, they can be charged with perjury and their name entered into the Homeland Security Department database. If they admit to traveling to Cuba, they are subject to a fine of as much as $10,000."

Inside the Ring  1/23/04 Washington Times: from the Rev Moon's paper - "A senior Defense Department official tells us one of the alarming after-action intelligence reports that reached the Pentagon is that the communist government of Cuba shared intelligence on the United States with Saddam Hussein's regime. The reports stated that Cuban intelligence, which is known to have extensive "coverage" of U.S. military bases, supplied information to Saddam's intelligence service on the movement of troops and other military activities. The intelligence ties are believed to be an offshoot of Cuba's covert oil-purchasing arrangement with Iraq under Saddam. Those deals have been under way since the late 1990s and involve oil tankers that were sent to Mexico. The oil then was pumped from the tankers to smaller boats for delivery to Cuba. The intelligence sharing also comes amid reports from Cuban exiles that Cuba became a safe haven for fleeing Iraqi government officials following the U.S.-led invasion. Asked about the Cuba-Iraq intelligence-sharing, a second U.S. official said the CIA had no information about it."


Denounced Cuba maneuvers to interfere in the trial to terrorists in Panama  1/22/04 Radio Angulo 

Cuba high on neo-con hit list  1/22/04 Radio Progresso: " “Before Bush,” a former National Security staffer confided, “we understood that the post Vietnam War rule was in place: we don’t fight anyone who can fight back. Then the neo-cons and their soldier of God partners seemed to infest the policy community. These characters, few if any have military experience, appear unconcerned with the consequences of starting a conflagration process with Cuba.” In their new book, Richard Perle and David Frum, leading chicken hawk neo-cons, discuss leaders like Fidel Castro and state that “when it is in our power and in our interest, we should toss dictators aside with no more compunction than a police sharpshooter feels when he takes down a hostage taker.” Another of the mouth warriors, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security John Bolton, has repeatedly accused Cuba of providing “dual-use biotechnology to other rogue states.” In early January Bolton called Cuba a “rogue state” and voiced his concern that Cuba would share “such technology with other despised nations." "

The other summit: Monterrey, Havana, Chávez and Fidel  1/22/04 Radio Progresso: "Previously, the Venezuelan president had been granted the floor at the first work session of the Summit with the attendance of 33 other heads of state of the hemisphere to say that in Cuba there were extraordinary social advances, and that thanks to that country’s backing in the past year Venezuela had outperformed their goals in the fields of health and education. George W. Bush flinched in his seat, adopted his usual expression, but had no further reactions."

III Conference The Nation and Emigration  1/21/04 AfroCubaWeb: El exilio gathers in Cuba.

Chávez's brother gets post in Cuba  1/21/04 AP: "Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has appointed his brother as ambassador to Cuba, an ally that has joined Venezuela in standing up to Washington, Venezuela's foreign minister said Tuesday."

Digitization and Internet access in Cuba will continue to increase  1/21/04 Cuba Debate 

ROBERT “CIA” MENARD: SENSATIONAL DISCOVERY - Reporters Sans Frontières along with, the U.S. army, Bacardí and CANF  1/21/04 Granma: "THE most dishonest anti-Cuba publicity campaigns by Reporters sans frontières, the organization that has been feverishly attacking Cuba in recent years in Europe and other parts of the world, have been conceived and established by Publicis, the global advertising giant. Amongst its most important clients, Publicis has contracts with the U.S. Army, Bacardí and other Miami mafia representatives, including some who are financing notorious terrorists such as Luis Posada Carriles."

Cell service hard to come by in Cuba  1/21/04 Knight Ridder 

Castro assassination plot trial postponed  1/21/04 Miami Herald 

Planning on Cuba urgently needed, U.S. told  1/21/04 Miami Herald: "''There is growing urgency for this kind of planning,'' Assistant Secretary of State Roger Noriega said. Otto Reich, special White House envoy, said the swift delivery of aid ``would help the Cuban people see that the future is better than the past.'' " Yes, the famed Herr Otto, a card carrying member of the Miami Mafia.

Acceso a Internet: ¿Qué pasa con Cuba?  1/21/04 Rebelion 

A revolutionary education: an interview with Cuban medical student Kulwa  1/21/04 SF Bay View: "Kulwa and her twin sister Kehinde are two young Black women who were raised in the Black Liberation Movement, in Oakland, by an active mother who kept their eyes and minds on their people’s psychological and material freedom. After graduating from high school, Kulwa took advantage of an offer by President Fidel Castro to train Black and other doctors of color in Cuba, a country that has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, so that is what this interview is about."

Condecoran a Fidel  1/20/04 La Nacion: "La ceremonia de entrega aún no tiene fecha, pero será antes del martes, momento de partida de Yang. "Hemos luchado por 500 años, tenemos la sangre de los guerreros; así como los cubanos tienen la sangre de los revolucionarios", manifestó Yang de 19 años de edad. Yang es ahijado de Leonard Peltier, en prisión convicto de atacar a un agente federal. Peltier hizo un cuadro que dedicó a Castro y que será entregado junto con la Pluma, destacó el joven."

Cuba enters wireless world  1/20/04 Miami Herald 

La fauna anticubana en Miami - Primo de torturador y narco-banquero  1/20/04 Rebelion: "CUANDO se sentó en la mesa que le había reservado su amigo Alex Penelas, alcalde de Miami-Dade, en el gran banquete convocado para honrar a los Reyes de España, el banquero Eduardo Masferrer sintió un inmenso orgullo de encontrarse así, sentado a unos metros de Sus Altezas. Es cierto que era demasiado para un primo del pandillero cubano Rolando Masferrer, amigo de narcotraficantes famosos, cómplice de Jorge Más Canosa, especialista en lavado de dinero... cuyo banco, el Hamilton Bank, ya bajo investigación, iba a "explotar" poco después."

Travellers to Cuba get fleeced of $20,000  1/20/04 Toronto Star 

Cuba Calls U.S. Charges Against Envoy A 'Gross Lie'  1/20/04 Washington Post: "The Cuban foreign minister has strongly denied allegations by U.S. officials that a Cuban envoy in Washington associated with criminal elements and was involved in narcotics trafficking. The foreign ministry in Havana called the allegations against Roberto Socorro Garcia, who was expelled by the United States, a "gross lie" and a "manipulation of reality." " - an interesting choice of areas to lie about, given how deep into narcotraficking the Miami Mafia is…

U.S. Actions Toward Cuba Worries Envoy  1/19/04 AP: "To Rodriguez, the most inexplicable and troubling development has been the recent U.S. allegation of Cuban meddling in Latin America, sometimes in collaboration with the country's main South American ally, Venezuela. ``That issue could legitimately have been raised 20 years ago, but not now,'' Rodriguez said, pointing out that Cuba has normal relations with all hemispheric countries except El Salvador."

Castro diplomat worries if Cuban 'regime change' on Bush agenda  1/19/04 USA Today: "Dabogerto Rodriguez, Cuba's top diplomat in Washington, spends his days looking for hints about what the Bush administration has in mind for his country. He doesn't like what he sees. Is "regime change" in the cards in this election year, he wonders. That possibility can't be ruled out, he says, because the administration "has proved a tendency in the past to solve problems through violent means." "

A War For No Good Reasons  1/18/04 AfroCubaWeb 

Jailed Cubans will be heard  1/17/04 Miami Herald: the 'excludables' - "The Supreme Court agreed Friday to decide whether authorities can indefinitely imprison hundreds of Cuban immigrant criminals and other illegal foreigners with no country to accept them."

U.S. Officials See Aid for Post-Castro Cuba  1/16/04 Reuters: Buy 'em or kill 'em.

Denuncia a un ataque artero de la CIA  1/16/04 Tribuna de la Habana: "El libro La CIA y la Guerra Fría Cultural, de la escritora Francés Stonor Saunders, publicado, en segunda edición por la Colección Política de la Editorial de Ciencias Sociales del Instituto Cubano del Libro, fue presentado en el Palacio del Segundo Cabo a un costado de la Plaza de Armas en el Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de La Habana. ”Es un libro fascinante, no es ninguna descarga contra la CIA, no es un texto de propaganda fácil, sino que es realmente un texto muy exitoso de penetrar en la verdad histórica”, alegó en el acto Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada, Presidente del Parlamento Cubano y autor del prólogo La inocencia perdida."

State security's penetration of Cuban society all-pervasive, says ex-agent  1/15/04 CubaNet: from the Miami Mafia: "Groups practicing religions of African origin are given priority, said the ex-agent, adding that these groups are infiltrated to a greater extent than even dissident groups, because typically dissidents operate openly, whereas African religious groups tend to operate as secret societies. This is a practice that goes back to colonial times, when African cults were banned by the authorities and secret societies were organized by their practitioners to evade persecution."

Guatemala willing to intensify cooperation with Cuba  1/15/04 Granma 

Down with elections!  1/15/04 Progresso Weekly: "No one on the continent has won more elections than Hugo Chávez. Additionally, thanks to popular support he survived a coup d’etat, which the United States backed, and the sabotage of its most important industry, also carried out with U.S. complicity, although it put in danger one of the main oil supplies of the United States. Chávez presides over the country with an array of news media that conspire against him, judges that protect his enemies, military personnel and businessmen that undermine the economy; but he is not democratic because he is a friend of Fidel Castro. It’s as simple as that."

Bogota mayor says Castro's health appears to be deteriorating  1/14/04 Sun Sentinel, FL: "He seemed very sick to me,'' Luis Eduardo Garzon, a former communist union organizer, told Caracol Radio. ``You could tell he had physical limitations, especially in his speech.'' "

Cuba controls web use  1/13/04 News 24, South Africa: "Cuba charges that since it only has limited internet access as a nation it can maintain only low volumes of customers. Social organisations should thus have priority to access the internet while paying in Cuban pesos."

Bush administration alliance with Colombian AUC paramilitaries to undertake assassination missions in Venezuela?  1/11/04 Vheadlines: "Cuba's official newspaper "Granma" has raised concern about the physical integrity of doctors and sport coaches sent to Venezuela to serve in the government's successful "Barrio Adentro" health scheme. The newspaper accuses Bush administration Latin American affairs chief, Roger Noriega of striking an alliance with the supposedly defunct Colombian paramilitaries known as the Self-Defense Units of Colombia (AUC) to undertake assassination missions against the Cuban doctors, especially those in countryside areas."

Cuba bars Web access via government phone service  1/10/04 AP 

Texas firms jump into Cuba business  1/10/04 San Antonio Express News: "After hanging back, Lone Star State companies have taken the plunge, with Dallas-based Dean Foods signing a $162,000 contract for coffee creamer in November. Corpus Christi's dry-food packaging firm WestStar Food signed a $1.5 million pinto bean contract with Alimport as well. Two private Texas firms that declined to be named have contracts to deliver nonfat powdered milk and cotton. Cynthia Thomas, president of the Texas Cuba Trade Alliance, said those numbers are sure to grow."

Pesquera had to “persuade” Janet Reno to arrest the Five  1/9/04 Granma: "In July 1996, The Washington Times (property of the Moon sect) revealed how an FBI team “led by agent Héctor Pesquera” had arrested an “well-known drug trafficker” holding 323 kilograms of cocaine with a street value of $4.2 million. He arrived in Puerto Rico in 1992 and in 1995 occupied the leading post on the island, “specializing” in the drug trafficking gangs active in the region. Pesquera’s expert narcotics investigations and his friendships with Miami mafia leaders are, of course, not at all suspicious. Just as it is pure chance that the majority of Miami terrorists of Cuban origin have a history of links with drug trafficking. Having recently celebrated his 57th birthday and 27 years of service, Pesquera announced his retirement. News of the decision was followed by a farewell dinner attended by more than 200 people, according to the Miami press. They did not, however, publish a list of those particular friends. To the journalists who revealed his suspicious relationship with controversial businessman and convicted drug trafficker Camilo Padreda, Pesquera flatly denied that he had committed any errors during his time with the FBI."

Duvall and Spielberg clash over Cuba visit  1/9/04 Guardian, UK 

Cuba Sees Politics Behind Expulsion  1/9/04 LA Times: "A Foreign Ministry statement Monday accused the State Department of employing "imperial language" to convey that further negotiations are possible only if Cuba is "willing to make all necessary unilateral concessions and accept all demands and whims from the U.S. authorities.""

Claims of drug ties in envoy's expulsion rejected  1/9/04 Miami Herald: "The State Department officially would only repeat the standard language whenever a diplomat is expelled: ''activities incompatible with his status as a diplomat.'' But knowledgeable officials said the drug allegation was untrue. Socorro was known to be one of several Cuban diplomats who regularly visited five convicted Cuban spies jailed around the United States, under international agreements that guarantee diplomats access to their citizens jailed abroad."

Maceo un combatiente de las ideas  1/9/04 Tribuna de la Habana: "En un cálido elogio, publicado en Patria el 6 de octubre de 1893, Martí subrayó la valía intelectual de Antonio Maceo afirmando que este serviría a la Revolución " con el pensamiento más aún que con el valor". Con semejante frase el Maestro quiso significar la impresionante cultura del bravo general en las cuestiones de la política y la guerra."

South Carolina trade delegation in Cuba  1/8/04 AP 

Argentina and US row over Cuba  1/8/04 Guardian, UK: "Some US officials have said there is a growing alliance emerging between Cuba and Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina, countries which have swung to the left in recent years amid a backlash against free market policies advocated by Washington."

US McCarthyism irritates Argentine government  1/8/04 Pravda 

No hassle Cuba travel: don’t forget the affidavit  1/8/04 Radio Progresso: "But it was not me I thought about when this attempt at intimidation was being employed. It was the thousands of innocent persons who simply want the opportunity to visit a mother, a father, a brother, sister or cousin. It demonstrates once again, that the Bush people care of only one thing: reelection in 2004. Even if it means harassing a little old lady in a wheelchair traveling to Cuba to visit a family member – maybe for the last time. In my case, after 20 minutes of arguing with the pain in the ass agent – who had the audacity to ask who I was going to interview in Havana – sleepyhead came to the conclusion I was a losing proposition. Finally giving in, he waved me through saying: “Go ahead. But next time... bring an affidavit.” "

The Cuban and Venezuelan ‘subversion’  1/8/04 Radio Progresso: "Meanwhile, Cuba and Venezuela signed and put into practice a significantly different type of exchange, in which each country supplies the other with what it has: Venezuela gives Cuba its oil and in exchange receives medical products, experts in literacy campaigning, in social health care, and in sports. This is what is usually referred to as “fair trade,” where each country gives what it has and receives what it needs, independent of prices in the international markets. Beyond that “bad example,” both countries prioritize social issues and dedicate most of its resources to the universalization of the right to education, health, housing, basic health, information, and culture, while other governments in the continent keep on applying the guidelines of the International Monetary Fund and fiscal adjustments. For Washington, the example set by Cuba and Venezuela is intolerable. When it accuses Bolivian leader Evo Morales of being supplied by Cuba and Venezuela, its mercantile vision only sees the supply of money, when in truth the supply is of non-commercial models for the construction of societies of exchange among countries. The Bush administration’s concerns are just. It should be wary, because these are not years propitious for its warring ideology and its commercial conception of economic relations. Cuba and Venezuela are only the tip of the iceberg surging as Latin American resists the imperial and neoliberal hegemony of the United States."

The Hitler mirage  1/8/04 Radio Progresso: "Our point is not only that The Herald made a mountain out of a molehill, but also that it did so at the expense of many legitimate news stories that are coming out of Cuba – stories that more richly deserve the space given to this frivolous bit of trivia. Every day, the major news agencies report from Havana on developments in science, trade, tourism, the arts, entertainment, and other topics of general interest. Little, if any, of that appears in neither The Herald nor El Nuevo Herald. Instead, the Miami papers publish reports of Fidel Castro sporting a Hitler mustache, or rumors that Raúl Castro is dying of cancer or that Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez gave Fidel a jet plane as a Christmas present. How can we take these newspapers seriously if they don't take themselves seriously? And we're not the only ones to feel this way. Other newspapers utterly (and justifiably) ignored The Herald's story. Our search of data bases showed that no other major U.S. newspaper picked it up."

Argentina and U.S. in Diplomatic Spat Over Cuba  1/7/04 Reuters 

Cuba Says U.S. Trying to Scuttle Migration Accords  1/7/04 Reuters: "The Cuban Foreign Ministry said the Bush Administration has become more aggressive with Cuba in recent months to please a small group of Cuban exiles who want to "wreck" the migration accords and step up hostility against Cuba. Earlier on Tuesday, the top U.S. official for Latin American affairs accused Castro of aiding attempts to destabilize democratic governments in the region and warned that he was being closely monitored… On Monday, a State Department spokesman expressed concern over reports that Castro and Venezuela's leftist President Hugo Chavez were working together to promote and finance anti-government groups in the region." The new axis of evil.

HIGHTOWER: Banned in Cuba  1/6/04 Alternet 

HIGHTOWER: Banned in Cuba  1/6/04 Alternet: "Bush's crackdown on free travel has been building for months, as federal agents have harassed legitimate travelers to Cuba by among these things, ransacking their luggage. But 45,000 baggage searches turned up only 600 violations – most of them for bringing cigars and rum back to the U.S. Harassment hasn't stopped intrepid Americans – so now Bush simply dictates that we can't go there. Doesn't he have any real terrorists to fight? To battle Bush's ban, call Global Exchange: 415-575-5543."

U.S. Decries Venezuela's Ties to Cuba  1/5/04 AP: "Privately, however, administration officials say Cuba and Venezuela are working together to oppose pro-American, democratic governments in the region with money, political indoctrination and training. Ereli criticized any action that ``might impede free and fair democratic processes'' in the hemisphere and said Cuba has a long history of attempting to undermine elected governments in the region." Unlike, say, the US!

6.3 INFANT MORTALITY IN 2003 - Cuba has the lowest rate in Latin America  1/5/04 Granma 

US Concerned by Reported Cuban, Venezuela Attempts to Stir Anti-American Sentiment  1/5/04 VOA: "The Associated Press reported Monday that U.S. officials believe that oil-rich Venezuela has been supporting Cuban political activity in the region, and that Venezuelan money may have been decisive in the ouster of Bolivia's elected pro-American president, Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada last October. It also said U.S. officials believe that despite denials, Mr. Chavez has supported left-wing Colombian FARC and ELN guerrillas, and allowed them to use Venezuelan territory as a springboard for attacks inside Colombia. On the latter issue, Mr. Ereli said the United States has expressed concern with Venezuelan authorities about what he said were reports of "terrorist elements operating along Venezuela's border with Colombia," and continues to monitor the situation."

President's Interpreter in Fight on Cuba Ban  1/4/04 LA Times 

Cuba Envoy Deported For Criminal Activity  1/4/04 Washington Post: "The United States has deported a Cuban diplomat for criminal activity related to narco-trafficking, State Department officials said yesterday. The action was taken last month without public announcement." No word yet on all the narcotrafickers in the Miami Mafia…

Ignoring Realities And Compromising The Future  1/3/04 AfroCubaWeb 

U.S. expels Cuban diplomat, accusing him of associating with criminal elements  1/3/04 AP 

Revolution Guided by Feelings of Great Love - Learning from Che Guevara  1/3/04 Counterpunch 

Eduardo Galeano elogia libertades en Venezuela y critica el "poder vertical" de Cuba  1/2/04 Rebelion 

List of Cuban provincial papers and other sites

Guerrillero» «Pinar del Río
El Habanero» «La Habana
Tribuna de La Habana» «Ciudad de La Habana
Girón» «Matanzas
Vanguardia» «Villa Clara
5 de Septiembre» «Cienfuegos
Escambray» «Sancti Spíritus
Invasor» «Ciego de Ávila
Adelante» «Camagüey
26» «Las Tunas
La Demajagua» «Granma
Ahora» «Holguín
Sierra Maestra» «Santiago de Cuba
Venceremos» «Guantánamo
Victoria» «Isla de la Juventud

Emisoras de Radio Nacionales

Radio Reloj Radio Rebelde
Radio Habana Cuba  

Emisoras de Radio Provinciales

Radio Ciudad de La Habana Radio Metropolitana
Tiempo 21 Radio Cadena Habana
Radio Sancti Spíritus CMHW Villa Clara
Radio Victoria Radio Ciudad del Mar


Cubavisión Internacional CHTV

Revistas y otras publicaciones

Bohemia Habanera
Giga Temas
Prisma Negocios en Cuba
Alma Mater Caimán Barbudo
Mujeres La Jiribilla
La Gaceta de Cuba Zunzún
Avances Médicos de Cuba Travel Trade Cuba
Somos Jóvenes Opus Habana
Tricontinental Cine Cubano
Revolución y Cultura Cuba Internacional
Ciencias de la Información Salsa Cubana
Juventud Técnica Pionero
Opciones El economista
Notinet El Fénix
Orbe Senderos

Otros sitios

Ceniai IslaGrande
Infocom Cubaweb
Infomed Citmatel
Archivo Nacional Cubaciencia
Cubanic Cubarte
Cienfuegos UPEC
Redsolar Gobierno cubano
Sitio de Elián Cuba demanda
Cuba contra el bloqueo CubAhora
Sitio del Ajedrez en Cuba Marinas Puertosol
Directorio Turístico de Cuba Ballet Nacional de Cuba
Casa de las Américas


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