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Island Learning Video on Demand - Home viewing
Download Gloria Rolando's films

Prices are for home viewing. After you pay, you will be able to download a file you can view on your laptop or mobile device. The charge will appear on your credit card statement under "GUM.CO.To buy more than one film, just click on additional Buy buttons after clicking on a film's Buy This button in its popup.

Institutions, festivals, and cultural centers can obtain the films for streaming or group showings through our Institution ordering page

Use your Visa, Master Card, Discovery, or American Express card. You can also use PayPal. Any questions, email, replacing _AT_ with @.  Please  note that you should contact us if you are not satisfied with your purchase. If you issue a chargeback via your credit card company, Gumroad will then block you from further purchases on any Gumroad site as they consider it a fraud risk.
DVD Title Individuals - Home Viewing Worldwide
1912, Breaking the Silence - Chapter 1, 2, & 3/1912, Voces para un Silencio, Capitulo 1, 2, y 3, documentary: has English subtitles.  First documentary on the massacre of the Independents of Color in 1912. 150 min. Worldwide. [See below for individual chapters]
Buy 1912: Ch 1,2,3
Breaking the Silence, 1, 2, & 3
Voces para un Silencio, Capitulo 1, 2, y 3
Raices de mi Corazon - Roots of My Heart: has English subtitles. The feature film that opened up discussions on the 1912 Massacre. 51 min. Worldwide.
Buy Roots
Raíces de mi corazón
Cherished Island Memories - A History of Cubans and Cayman Islanders: in English and Spanish, with subtitles, English speaking Cayman community on the Isle of Youth, 38 minutes. Pasajes del Corazón y la Memoria. Worldwide. Buy Cayman Islands
Pasajes del Corazón y la Memoria
Oggun: with English subtitles. Starring singer Lazaro Ros. 52 min. US only. Buy Oggun
Scorpion - El Alacrán, with English subtitles. About carnaval in Havana and one comparsa especially, which was founded in 1908 and dedicated to Yemaya.   This legendary comparsa "El Alacrán" hails from the Cerro barrio in Havana. Buy Scorpion
Los Marqueses de Atarés, in Spanish. So many great carnival scenes, it's worth viewing even if you know no Spanish Buy Los Marqueses
"My Footsteps in Baraguá," 1996, on the history in Cuba of an extensive West Indian community (consisting of people from Jamaica, Barbados, & many others): 53 mn, in English/Spanish.  We find many immigrants in Baraguá, province of Ciego de Avila. Buy Baraguá
1912, Breaking the Silence - Chapter 1/1912, Voces para un Silencio, Capitulo 1, documentary: has English subtitles.- First documentary on the massacre of the Independents of Color in 1912. 50 min. Worldwide. Buy 1912: Chap 1
Voces para un Silencio, Capitulo 1
US, Canada, Europe: $12.99
1912, Breaking the Silence - Chapter 2/1912, Voces para un Silencio, Capitulo 2, documentary: has English
subtitles. 50 min. Worldwide.
Buy 1912: Chap 2
Voces para un Silencio, Capitulo 2
US, Canada, Europe: $12.99
1912, Breaking the Silence - Chapter 3/1912, Voces para un Silencio, Capitulo 3, documentary: has English
subtitles. 50 min. Worldwide.
Buy 1912: Chap 3
Voces para un Silencio, Capitulo 3
US, Canada, Europe: $12.99

My Footsteps in Baraguá, El Alacrán/The Scorpion and Los Marqueses de Atarés are only available as DVD.

Nosotros y el Jazz has not been commercially released, no copies are available.

Eyes of the Rainbow is no longer commercially available.

US law (Berman Amendment) allows for the import of music, films, books, paintings, and sculptures from Cuba, virtually the only legal avenue for financial transactions concerning culture and for expressing our support.

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