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Amilca Ortiz GoFundMe Appeal and Work Samples

Amilcar Ortiz was accepted in 2019 at the prestigious NYU Gallatin school. He was funded for a large percent of his tuition and is working on campus. He still needs additional funds for tuition this year and next. See GoFundMe by Debbie Billings: NYU Graduate Studies, Amilcar Ortiz Cardenas

De eso no se habla - We don't talk about this

De eso no se habla - We don't talk about this - Trailer

These individuals are the protagonists of this story, which addresses, in depth, the racial problem in Cuba: a topic that has been barely touched upon in documentary production on the island. They openly name and condemn racism while suggesting constructive ways forward. They expose the challenges in the present fight against racial discrimination and place this debate within the context of a radical revolution; where, at its beginning, black people found a significant space - of historical recognition and social legitimization - both nationally and internationally.

De eso no se habla endeavors to show the virtually unknown work of these activists, community leaders, teachers, professionals, writers and artists in the fight to combat discrimination and racism. These groups and individuals are creating their own spaces, with their own alternative initiatives, contrary to persisting institutional resistance.

From this eclectic perspective, this documentary seeks to help us understand the magnitude and complexities of the racial problem in contemporary Cuban society. In a period of clear national transition, which will certainly determine the future of the island, De eso no se habla will hopefully provoke new debate, bringing to public attention the particular case of Cuba and the groups and individuals who are tirelessly working to transform their society. Amilcar has already shot a number of scenes for De eso no se habla, and Roberto Zurbano is an advisor.


INVISIBLES, con/with Red Barrial Afrodescendiente

Aquí les comparto uno de los proyectos en los cuales trabajo por estos días. Dando siempre un granito de arena en aras de transformar, para mejor, la sociedad en la que vivo.


Here I share one of the projects which I’m working on these days. Always giving a grain of sand in order to transform, for the better, the society in which I live.

INVISIBLES (en curso)
La idea de este documental nació del deseo de visibilizar el extraordinario trabajo de base que la Red Barrial afrodescendiente ha estado llevando a cabo para combatir la discriminación racial y de género, entre otras. El propósito básico de esta película es mostrar el magnífico trabajo que estas mujeres llevan a cabo, sin el reconocimiento social o institucional y, a menudo contra la resistencia de este último. Invisibles busca reconocer y alabar el papel de la mujer cubana en la lucha contra el racismo. Vease tambien la propuesta INVISIBLES.

INVISIBLES (in progress)
The idea for this documentary was born of the desire to visibilize the extraordinary grassroots work that the Red Barrial Afrodescendiente (Afrodescendant Neighborhood Network) has been carrying out to combat gender and racial discrimination. The basic purpose of this film is to show the magnificent work that these women carry out without social or institutional recognition and often against the latter’s resistance. Invisibles seeks to recognize and praise the role of Cuban women in the battle against racism. top


Against the ropes - Contra las cuerdas

Against the ropes - Sample  /   Contra las cuerdas - Muestra

Contra las Cuerdas (On the Ropes) tells the story of a racial debate initiated in Cuba in 1959 with the triumph of the revolution; this debate soon disappeared in 1962 from the national public sphere.

What prevented this debate and discussion of the issue from taking place? What fate has befallen the racial theme on the island in the last 55 years? What happens today? These are the questions through which passes the story of a  debate still unknown to the vast majority of Cuban society.

See our page on Against the ropes - Contra las cuerdas








Red Barrial afrodescendiente


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