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  Mala Lengua
6th Festival in 2000

Location, '99

Artist Line Up, '99

Contacting the Festival Organizers

Video online from the 1998 festival

Film on Hip Hop in Cuba

Black August in NY supports Rap Cubano

Associacion Hermanos Saiz - Grupo Uno
Festival Nacional de Rap Cubano ~ 1999: 5th edition "Swing"

The Associacion Hermanos Saiz has a project called Grupo Uno which puts on the Cuban National Rap Festival every summer.  In '98 this was in August and this year it will be August 27th to 29th, the fifth year it is presented.  The name this year is "Swing".

Note: most of these groups play the Alamar Amphitheatre in the Alamar suburb east of Havana every Thursday evening in what is quite a growing rap scene.  Check out Location and the festival contact points for details.

The festival organizers appeal for donations, especially any kind of sound equipment: samplers, keyboards, amps, mikes, speakers, multi-track recorders, etc.   See Black August for a response to this appeal which folks in New York are organizing, with a benefit concert Aug 8 and other activities.

See an article on Pablo Herrera for the flavor of the rap scene in Havana.  Pablo tells us that there is talk of an International Theoretical Rap Event in mid-2000 to take place in Havana.


Alamar Amphitheatre - Amfiteatro Alamar in Alamar, a suburb east of Havana

Artist Line-Up

Instinto - 3 women, top rated group Anonimo Consejo
Cuarta Imagen Hermanos de Causa
Cien Por Ciento Original Religion Callejera
No Limit Explosión Suprema
Nuevo Proyecto Aituyi - 3 women


Contacting the Festival Organizers

Associacion Hermanos Saiz
Ask for Rodolfo Rensoli, Balexis, or Manin

Grupo Uno, the Associacion's project on rap, has an art gallery at 65.32.53 where they may also be reached.

In the US, check out the Black August page for info on US based festival activities.

Video from the 1998 Rap Festival

Go to's outstanding site for video clips from the 1998 festival:

Contacting AfroCubaWeb

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