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  Mala Lengua
Benefit Screening, 6/17/99

Cuban Rap Festival, 8/99

Muhammida El Muhajir
Film Director

Muhammida has made what everyone says is a very cool film on Hip Hop culture, one of whose segments, Part 2, is all on Cuba.


Benefit Screening, 6/17/99

A benefit Screening & Reception will be held for the documentary film-in-progress,

Footage shot in Cuba will be previewed from this innovative film produced/directed/self-financed by Muhammida El Muhajir, chronicling the global impact of Hip Hop culture. Definitely a must see!
There will be Cuban food served along with complimentary Alize!

Thursday, June 17, 1999
Exit Art
548 Broadway (between Prince & spring)

*Check out the latest issue of honey magazine to find out more about the film's director Muhammida El Muhajir!!
The screening/reception was very very successful. Roughly 300 people attended. Everyone is so intersted in learning about Cuba, so they were curious to see the footage. It was held at Exit Art, this beautiful art gallery/space located in Soho. There were 4 TV/VCR monitors placed around the room, each showing different footage which included performances and/or
interviews with the following: 4th Imagen, Projecto F, Instinto, Pablo Herrera, Junior Clan, RCA, Explosion Suprema, Lobo Marginal, Anonimo Consejo, Hermanos de Causa. Cuban food was served and there was a breakdancer who performed. The event was sponsored by Alize and honey magazine (which features an article about the director and mentions her trip to Cuba in their current issue)

People were definitely enlightened about the presence and passion of hip hop in cuba. Press that was in attendance- vibe, blaze, mia, mtv news , essence, notorious, trace.. Editors at george and elle mag were very interested but did not attend.

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