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THE CIA FILE ON LUIS POSADA CARRILES, National Security Archive, George Washington University, 1/11

, National Security Archive, George Washington University, 5/05

Solidarity Group In Panama Denounces Escape Plans of Posada and His Gang, 8/2/01

Luis Posada's arrest in Panama: CANF supported terrorism, 11/00

Links to sources on Posada

The CANF, drugs, and the October 1997 plot to kill Castro

Luis Posada Carriles

Cuban exile terrorist with a very long pedigree.

Fabian Escalante: “Los que protegen hoy a Posada son los mismos que conspiraron contra Kennedy”  1/12/2011 Cuba Debate

Articles in the Press on Posada Cariles

Terrorists’ accomplices run the CANF,. Granma, 5/25/01

Luis Posada Carriles and the Cuban American National Foundation: Coca Contra lives on, 3/00

Links to Posada's CIA boss, Felix Rodriguez, and the Ilopango drug trafficking

Cong. Rangel calls for an investigation into the CANF - 7/13/98

Class Action Suit against the CIA

Letter to Janet Reno

Links to resources on Coca Contra


Posada Carriles in the Newstop

¿La última fiesta para el terrorista Posada Carriles en Miami?  7/9/2015 Contrainjerencia: "El texto aborda en detalle los vínculos de la CIA con “individuos supuestamente involucrados” con el sabotaje al avión—y citan directamente a Hernán Ricardo Lozano, Freddy Lugo, Luis Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch, Frank Castro, Orlando García, Ricardo Morales Navarrete y Félix Martínez Suárez—aunque concluyen que la CIA solo había establecido contacto en el pasado con Posada Carriles, Bosch y Martínez Suárez, en distintas circunstancias y roles."

Cuba-USA Try to Skirt Dead Ends  2/12/2015 OnCuba: "Some politicians from the Cuban émigré community demand that Havana hand over fugitives from US justice like Joanne Chesimard, aka Assata Shakur, an African-American woman who was a Black Panther leader and is sought by US authorities for the murder of a police officer in the 1970s. They seem to be unaware of the fact that an extradition agreement is reciprocal and would force the United States to deport many Cuban exiles accused of crimes, including Luis Posada Carriles, sought for the bombing of a Cuban commercial airliner that killed 73 people."

Senador socio de terrorista CIA amenaza a “cualquier” país que otorga asilo a Snowden  7/8/2013 Kaos en la Red: "Menéndez es este miembro del Senado quién se reunió el 17 de mayo de 2011 con Luis Posada Carriles, en un restaurante de West New York, para felicitar el viejo asesino para su indulto por un tribunal tejano, una operación dirigida por nada menos que Roger Noriega, el ex alto funcionario del Departamento de Estado. El senador famoso por sus lazos con la mafia, tanto italiana que cubanoamericana, es un aliado fiel de la Representante por Miami Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, la también Presidente del “Fondo de defensa” de Posada."

Cuban-American lawmakers press White House to keep Cuba on terror list  4/28/2013 The Hill: [Where is the mention of the known killers being protected by Ileana Ros - Posada, Bosch, and the rest?]

Cómplice de Posada Carriles reitera apoyo a candidato opositor venezolano  9/14/2012 CubaDebate: de Jean Guy Allard - "Ricardo Koesling, el directivo del partido político Piedra que declaró a “los chavistas los vamos a sacar a plomo, a golpes, a patadas o a lo que sea” al proclamar que sigue apoyando al candidato derechista Henrique Capriles Radonski, a pesar de los titulares, es el capo de la mafia cubanoamericana de Miami en Caracas, y el representante en Venezuela de la red terrorista de Luis Posada Carriles."

Muere investigador norteamericano que vinculó a Posada Carriles con asesinato de JFK  9/3/2012 CubaDebate: "Pero algo más que ese complot interesaba al investigador del asesinato de Kennedy: “No era el plan principal, pero un subcomplot que Veciana identificó como urdido por el cerebro de Posada”. “Al igual que Oswald fue utilizado para ser el chivo expiatorio en la conspiración para asesinar a Kennedy, Posada concibió un plan donde un insospechado co- conspirador era creado para ser el ‘chivo’ del complot a fin de asesinar a Fidel Castro. “El experto de contrainteligencia, David Phillips, aseguraría luego, por supuesto, que esas fotos tendrían una distribución mundial después del asesinato de Castro. El plan completo se derrumbó cuando los pistoleros se congelaron en el último momento.”

Nominan como Jefe de la Policía en Puerto Rico a persecutor de los Cinco  3/29/2012 CubaDebate: "Otro detalle de su biografía asociada al criminal internacional que organizó el estallido del avión: su hijo, Ed Pesquera, hizo desaparecer el expediente de Posada Carriles mientras se acercaba el juicio del terrorista internacional, de acuerdo con revelaciones del diario Washington Post."

Narcoterrorista Matamoros, cómplice de Posada: ¡Welcome in the United States!  1/31/2012 TeleSur: Por: Jean-Guy Allard - "Durante el acto celebrado en el Teatro “Manuel Artime” de Miami, convocado por Unidad Cubana, federación de grupos extremistas tolerada sino auspiciada por el FBI, Matamoros -ya con más de 75 años de edad- se apareció entre los “héroes” de la conspiración mafiosa de Panamá, impulsada y promovida por la llamada Fundación Nacional Cubano Americana (FNCA). Condenado por la justicia Panameña a siete años de cárcel, una sentencia complaciente cuando se considera que el atentado hubiera provocado cientos de muertos, Matamoros recuperó su libertad por el indulto de la presidenta Mireya Moscoso, cuya ilegalidad acaba de ser pronunciada."

Vividores y terroristas. La "familia" se reúne en Miami  1/23/2012 Cambios en Cuba: "Reina LuisaTamayo vuelve a posar con Posada. En la foto ( de izquierda a derecha Luis Conte Agüero, el terrorista Posada Carriles y la Dama de Blanco Reina Luisa Tamayo."

El amor de Reina Luisa Tamayo por Posada Carriles  1/23/2012 Yohandry: "El papel del gobierno en todo esto, si bien durante décadas se mantuvo encubierto, ahora se hace cada vez más cínico. En las fotos de la reunión de la ortodoxia terrorista de Miami, junto a Posada y Reina Luisa Tamayo, aparece el congresista David Rivera, otro de los defensores reconocidos del Ben Laden de América."

¿Y si Posada Carriles no fuera cubano?  1/15/2012 Isla Desconocida: "Pero no ha pasado de ahí; vuelvo a repetirlo, porque Cuba no secuestra, porque Cuba no ejecuta a personas fuera de la ley, aunque tenga el derecho moral de hacerlo. Así es Cuba. Así es la Revolución. Así es Fidel y así es Raúl."

Lo que los medios ocultan La madre de Orlando Zapata aparece con el terrorista Posada Carriles  12/22/2011 Rebellion: "Recordemos cómo Reyna Luisa Tamayo hacía su entrada a EEUU, en junio de 2010: "Ya aquí, en (Estados Unidos), el país de la libertad, descansarán en paz las cenizas (de mi hijo Orlando Zapata)" (5). Curiosa “paz” la que preconiza esta ciudadana, que enterró a su hijo en el mausoleo de la Brigada 2506, junto a los mercenarios que trataron de invadir Cuba en 1961 por Bahía de Cochinos; que pide en cada entrevista más sanciones y más bloqueo económico a su propio pueblo: y que, ahora, da su apoyo público a uno de los mayores fanáticos y criminales de la historia reciente del continente."

El ADN del mercenarismo cubano: Reyna Luisa Tamayo con Posada Carriles  12/17/2011 Isla Mia: "La foto aparece en un post del blog de Emilio Eichikawa sobre lo activo que anda por estos días Conte Agüero. Un enlace, remite a una colección de fotos del diario La Voz de la Calle donde figuran parte de lo mejor de la flor y nata de los intocables terroristas de Miami, durante la última reunión anual del Partido del Pueblo Cubano Ortodoxo, encabezado por Conte Agüero, donde se hizo un homenaje a los opositores cubanos."

Luis Posada Carriles' U.S. Asylum Application Re-Opens JFK Unsolved Assassination  11/12/2011 John-F-Kennedy.Neet 

Sticky fingers at “Ladies in White” in Cuba  10/28/2011 Machetera: "One of the “Ladies” sponsors, with financing from Washington expressly for this purpose, is a U.S. Army veteran, Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat, who runs the Cuban Democratic Directorate [Directorio Democrático Cubano], an NGO that receives substantial USAID funding to carry out subversive activities in Cuba. Gutiérrez Boronat is also a former member of the terrorist Organzation for the Liberation of Cuba [Organización para la Liberación de Cuba.] Like the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, Gutiérrez Boronat is connected with the right-wing extremists from the ARENA party in El Salvador. The money earmarked for the “Ladies” and other members of the opposition network fabricated by the USIS was “frozen” for a number of months in Washington in reaction to the various fraud scandals uncovered by the General Accounting Office (GAO), in which very well-known individuals from the Cuban-American mafia were involved."

BROTHER OF POSADA VICTIM TO ROS-LEHTINEN: "You don’t even see the terrorist within!"  2/10/2011 Granma: "The names of Posada Carriles and his associates are always appearing in available declassified documents, he notes. "I learned that in the U.S., members of Congress are among those who have lobbied on behalf of these terrorist criminals. In fact, your name, Ms. Lehtinen, appears time and time again." "In this open letter, I wish to express the extreme indignation and revulsion that I feel knowing that there are people like you in the U.S. Congress who are so blinded by hatred for the legitimate leaders of Cuba that your twisted minds consider Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch as heroic patriots."

El Paso Diary: Day 14 in the Trial of Posada Carriles - The Battle for the Passport  2/8/2011 CounterPunch 

El Paso Diary: Day 14 in the Trial of Luis Posada Carriles - Posada Carriles Sleeps Like a Baby  2/7/2011 CounterPunch 

El Paso: Day 13 in the Posada Carriles Trial - The Soap Opera Matters More Than the Truth  2/4/2011 CounterPunch 

El Paso Diary: Day 12 of the Posada Carriles Trial - Questions Are Not Evidence, But They Sway  2/3/2011 CounterPunch 

El Paso Diary: Day 11 at the Posada Carriles Trial - Judge Cardone at the Center of the Drama  2/2/2011 CounterPunch 

Former CIA Asset Luis Posada Goes to Trial  1/24/2011 The Nation: by Peter Kornbluh, head of National Security Archive

Posada: A Voice From the Past  1/20/2011 CounterPunch: "Looking at Posada, I realized something very curious. The section for the audience is located in the back of the courtroom, behind the desks and seats where the trial lawyers are seated. Observing from the back, Posada and his three attorneys are on the left-hand side, while the attorneys for the prosecution and the FBI agents supporting them are seated on the right. The back of the courtroom where the audience sits has three rows on each side. The section behind Posada was empty except for one seat that was occupied by a solitary woman, while the three rows behind the prosecutors were filled to capacity. It was as though no one wanted to approach the man the world recognizes as a terrorist, while the United States accuses him of only of lying."

The Trial of Luis Posada Carriles  1/19/2011 CounterPunch: "Hernández affirmed that the government of Cuba has a longtime prejudice against Posada Carriles. He spoke of "50 years of dictatorship and tyranny against the Cuban people" and threatened to present historical examples of "Castro's tyranny." Reardon responded forcefully, "This is not the History Channel." He stated that the prosecution is thinking of bringing two Cuban police officers and a doctor to the court. At that very moment, Reardon turned to face Posada Carriles. He fixed his gaze on him and told him: ". . . so that they might testify about the death of that poor Italian. Remember?" he told him with his voice raised. Posada Carriles didn't look back. He didn't even blink, his blue eyes cold as ice."

Fabian Escalante: “Los que protegen hoy a Posada son los mismos que conspiraron contra Kennedy”  1/12/2011 Cuba Debate: de Jean Guy Allard - "Para Fabián, que investiga desde años cada aspecto del asesinato del mandatario estadounidense, varios de los personajes que hoy siguen vinculados al mecanismo terrorista que da apoyo a Posada, se encontraban ya entre los miembros de la Operación 40, montada por la CIA paralelamente a la fracasada invasión de Playa Giron para liquidar a los dirigentes de la Revolución cubana y reprimir a sus partidarios. Y es entre estos agentes y colaboradores criminales de la CIA que aparecieron varios individuos vinculados al asesinato, en Dallas, de John Fitzerald Kennedy. “Esto es la mata de todos los terroristas,” señala Escalante acerca de esta organización fundada por la CIA que sigue activa, con locales en el centro de Miami, beneficiándose de la complacencia e incluso la protección del FBI y de los Fiscales federales… Además de Posada, siguen exhibiéndose hoy en Miami, Félix Rodríguez Mendigutía, el asesino del Che; Antonio Veciana, fundador de Alpha 66; Orlando Bosch, cómplice de Posada en la destrucción de un avión civil cubano; Guillermo Novo Sampoll, asociado al asesinato del ex ministro chileno Letelier; Virgilio Paz Romero y Jose Dionisio Suarez, los ejecutores del crimen; Gaspar ‘Gasparito’ Jimenez Escobedo, asesino de Artagnan Díaz Díaz; Pedro Remón Rodriguez, asesino de Felix García Rodriguez y Eulalio Negrín, en Nueva York; Jose Basulto y otros más."

Congresista Connie Mack tiene historial de vinculos con red de Posada Carriles  1/11/2011 Vos el Soberano, Honduras: "En 1989, el propio padre del representante para el distrito 14 de la Florida, el Senador Connie Mack III (McGillicuddy), y la entonces candidata al congreso Ileana Ros-Lehtinen fueron los políticos que llevaron la campaña para la liberación en EE.UU. del terrorista Orlando Bosch, el jefe de la organización terrorista internacional CORU. Bosch y Posada Carriles fueron quienes ordenaron, organizaron y financiaron en Caracas, en 1976 la destrucción en pleno vuelo de un avión civil cubano, provocando la muerte de sus 73 ocupantes."

THE CIA FILE ON LUIS POSADA CARRILES  1/11/2011 National Security Archive: "As the unprecedented trial of Cuban exile Luis Posada Carriles begins this week in El Paso, Texas, the National Security Archive today posted a series of CIA records covering his association with the agency in the 1960s and 1970s."

Former CIA Asset Luis Posada Goes to Trial  1/8/2011 Global Research: "In the annals of modern justice, the Posada trial stands out as one of the most bizarre and disreputable of legal proceedings. The man identified by US intelligence reports as a mastermind of the midair destruction of a Cuban airliner—all seventy-three people on board were killed when the plane plunged into the sea off the coast of Barbados on October 6, 1976—and who publicly bragged about being behind a series of hotel bombings in Havana that killed an Italian businessman, Fabio Di Celmo, is being prosecuted for perjury and fraud, not murder and mayhem. The handling of his case during the Bush years became an international embarrassment and reflected poorly on the willingness and/or abilities of the Justice Department to prosecute crimes of terror when that terrorist was once an agent and ally of America. For the Obama administration, the verdict will carry significant implications for US credibility in the fight against terrorism, as well as for the future of US-Cuban relations."

En la Televisión Cubana nuevas revelaciones sobre Luis Posada Carriles  1/7/2011 Cuba Debate: "En el proceso judicial de dos días que tuvo lugar en la Sala de los Delitos contra la Seguridad del Estado del Tribunal Provincial Popular de Ciudad de La Habana, Chávez Abarca reconoció plenamente su culpabilidad al describir las circunstancias de su reclutamiento y de las operaciones que Posada le encargó. En un momento del interrogatorio de más de 200 preguntas que le hizo la Fiscalía, el acusado cuenta como viajó a Cuba con explosivos escondidos “debajo de la plantilla” de sus zapatos."

Assange Accuser Worked with US-Funded, CIA-Tied Anti-Castro Group  12/4/2010 Fire Dog Lake: "In Cuba she interacted with the feminist anti-Castro group Las damas de blanco (the Ladies in White). This group receives US government funds and the convicted anti-communist terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is a friend and supporter. Wikipedia quotes Hebe de Bonafini, president of the Argentine Madres de Plaza de Mayo as saying that “the so-called Ladies in White defend the terrorism of the United States.”

Zacarias dirigió el asesinato de tres diputados ARENA que viajaban con $5 millones  11/17/2010 Contrainjerencia: "Jean-Guy Allard.- El venezolano Victor Rivera Aguaje, alias “Zacarias”, viejo colaborador de la CIA y socio de Luis Posada Carriles , fue parte de la estructura criminal que mató a los tres diputados salvadoreños asesinados en Guatemala en febrero de 2007, revela la investigación que también descubrió que los representantes del partido ARENA llevaban consigo cinco millones de dólares."

Enlace entre Posada Carriles y Chávez Abarca es asesor del Partido ARENA de El Salvador  9/30/2010 Cuba Debate: de Jean Guy Allard - "José Ramón Sanfeliú Rivera, el gerente de Talleres Moldtrok, de San Salvador, que reclutó a Francisco Chávez Abarca como ayudante de Luis Posada Carriles, se desempeña en la actualidad como asesor del partido de extrema derecha ARENA, principal grupo de oposición salvadoreño."

The devil wore white: Luis Posada Carriles and Ladies in White go out on a limb in Miami with Gloria Estefan  3/26/2010 Machetera 

Posada Carriles y las Damas de Blanco, “amigos para siempre”  3/26/2010 CubaDebate 

La corrupción en la campaña mediática del imperio contra América Latina  12/14/2009 Cuba periodistas: por Jean-Guy Allard - "Para alcanzar sus objetivos, la VOA usará las instalaciones de producción de Radio y TV Martí lo que, según el rotativo mafioso de Miami, ha alimentado "especulaciones de que las estaciones Martí acabarán pasando a formar parte de la VOA". Radio y TV Martí han sido sacudidos por varios escándalos de corrupción, en los últimos años. Lo más divertido es que Alberto Mascaró, quien anunció la nueva orientación de la VOA, es nada menos que el sobrino de la esposa de Pedro Roig, director general de Radio y TV Martí, corporación famosa por dedicarse a contratar a las amistades de sus "capos". Ex director de la Interamerican Military Academy de Miami, Roig fue formado por la CIA en Fort Benning al lado del terrorista internacional Luis Posada Carriles, como sicario de la Operación 40, con vistas a la fracasada invasión de Playa Girón."

Entregan a bloguera medalla hecha “con plata de la dictadura de Batista”  12/9/2009 Aporrea: por Jean-Guy Allard - "Según los organizadores del “acto”, la condecoración es compuesta “por un peso de plata de los que circulaban” en los tiempos de la dictadura sanguinaria de Fulgencio Batista. Los fundadores del Comité paramilitar de la FNCA y que hoy dirigen el CLC, entre los cuales Diego Suarez, Alberto Hernández Alberto Hernández y Ninoska Pérez-Castellón (esposa del terrorista Roberto Martin Pérez, encabezaron las ágapes entrecortadas de discursos caracterizados por su fanatismo de extrema derecha. El comité paramilitar de la FNCA sufragó a Posada Carriles durante sus campañas de terror, en 1997, en territorio cubano y orientaron la compra de un millonario arsenal de armas por Antonio “Toñin” Llama, destinado a acciones terroristas de gran envergadura."

Italia: jefe de los 23 agentes CIA condenados “traficó” en Honduras, con la red de Posada  11/7/2009 Habla Honduras: "“Bob” Seldon Lady, el ex jefe de la estación de la CIA en Milán, quien dirigía a los 23 agentes de la CIA condenados en Italia por secuestrar, torturar y luego ‘desaparecer’ al clérigo musulmán Abu Omar en la ciudad italiana de Milán en el 2003 era un elemento clave de la red que desde Honduras y El Salvador, con John Negroponte, Félix Rodríguez Mendigutía y Luis Posada Carriles traficó armas contra cocaina a favor de la Contra nicaraguense, cuando se encontraba en América Central en los años 80."

Honduras: el proveedor de gases israelíes, un viejo socio de la conexión Bush-Posada  9/26/2009 Cuba Debate: "Yehuda Leitner radicado en Honduras, denunciado como proveedor de armas y gases tóxicos a la dictadura hondureña de Roberto Micheletti, es un ex oficial del ejercito israelí quién perteneció en los años 80 a la red de contrabando del multimillonario Gerard Latchinian, que abastecía en armas a los cubanoamericanos Felix Rodriguez y Luis Posada Carriles en sus operaciones luego conocidas cómo escandalo Iran-Contra. Rodriguez y Posada manejaban entonces la escandalosa operación de venta de droga contra armas, encubierta por Bush George padre, vicepresidente de la administración ultraderechista de Ronald Reagan. La Canciller del gobierno constitucional de Honduras Patricia Rodas, denunció este viernes 25 de septiembre en Wastington como “fuentes de la inteligencia militar leales a Zelaya” informaron que “los químicos y armas del asedio (de Brasil en Tegucigalpa) han sido proporcionadas por las empresas Alfacom e Intercom”, propiedad del ciudadano israelí Yehuda Leitner, que “sirvió de intermediario con Israel”."

Meet Pepe Hernández, CANF’s terrorist president  9/18/2009 Machetera: "For Francisco José “Pepe” Hernández, the head of the Cuban American National Foundation, Luis Posada Carriles is not a terrorist. The terrorist Hernández, who strives to advise President Obama, made this statement in an extremely long interview distributed from Miami by the Associated Press, in which he also admitted to having worked in different parts of the world on behalf of the CIA. Pepe Hernández directly arranged the plans to assassinate Cuba’s president in Panama, in the year 2000. It’s the second time this year that Hernández has acknowledged his links with the torturer, murderer and drug trafficker who, along with Orlando Bosch, planned and ordered the mid-flight destruction of a Cuban airliner in 1976, causing the death of 73 people."

Un nuevo jefe del FBI para Miami  9/7/2009 Cuba Debate: por Jean Guy Allard -- "En Miami, Gillies retoma la herencia pestilente de Jonathan I. Solomon y de Héctor Pesquera, ambos cómplices de la mafia terrorista cubanoamericana del lugar, el primero por su complacencia ciega y el segundo por su colaboración tan alegre como escandalosa. Solomon es quién tuvo el poco envidiable privilegio de acoger en Miami a Luis Posada Carriles. Dejo a los servicios de inmigración la tarea de manipular la papa caliente, sin nunca considerar el estatuto de terrorista del septuagenario ex agente de la CIA, responsable de 73 homicidios por haber organizado la destrucción en pleno vuelo de un avión civil cubano. El 22 de junio del 2006, cuando el terrorista José Antonio Llama, ex directivo de la Fundación Nacional Cubano Americana (FNCA) reveló al Miami Herald como entrego 1,4 millones de dólares para la compra, entre otras cosas, de aviones teleguiados para bombardear a grandes concentraciones de personas en Cuba, Solomon, no valoró importante inculparlo e investigar la trayectoria terrorista de la FNCA."

HONDURAS’ Cuban Connection: Coup AND Assassination Attempts?  8/23/2009 Honduras Oye: "In an article he wrote (translated by Machetera) in early July, Dr. Nestor Garcia Iturbe, identified a network of Cuban terrorists that was involved in the coup against President Zelaya. Among them was Ralph Nodarse, owner of Channel 6 TV in San Pedro Sula and good buddy of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles. The following article written by Miguel Angel Ferrer suggests that not only was Nodarse involved in the coup, but was an active participant in assassination attempts against President Zelaya. And. as if this is not enough, let’s remember that the next stop for Cuban terrorist, Armando Valladares, the darling of the Reganites, is supposed to be Honduras."

Durante los atentados de La Habana, Posada recibió protección de Embajada USA  8/7/2009 Granma: "Mientras dirigía desde El Salvador los atentados de La Habana, el terrorista internacional Luis Posada Carriles realizó un viaje a Europa y Africa, en una operación de tráfico de armas. Estuvo entonces asilado en la Embajada de Estados Unidos en la República de Sierra Leona, con pasaporte salvadoreño falso, durante el golpe de estado que lo sorprendió en ese país, el 25 de mayo de 1997."

Aseguran que brazo derecho de Posada se refugió en Honduras  7/31/2009 Aporrea: "A finales de septiembre del 2005, Chávez y 21 miembros de su banda fueron arrestados bajo cargos de robo de automóviles y estafa. Las autoridades aseguraron entonces que se trataba de "una de las principales estructuras del crimen organizado dedicadas al robo y hurto de vehículos a nivel nacional y centroamericano". Según la prensa salvadoreña, la investigación reveló que el brazo derecho de Posada había desarrollado “conexiones” con empleados de aduanas, agencias de trámites de documentos de tránsito e instituciones públicas y privadas. La operación realizada por la policía salvadoreña, denominada Tormenta, incluía una serie de allanamientos en San Salvador, Soyapango, Ciudad Delgado, Santa Tecla y hasta… Ilopango, el refugio de Posada durante años."

Ricardo Maduro, “héroe” de la ultra derecha, y protector de Posada Carriles  7/28/2009 CubaDebate: "Ricardo Maduro, el ex presidente de Honduras que participó en el criminal golpe de Estado contra el presidente constitucional, Manuel Zelaya, y que acaba de ser acogido en Washington por los congresistas de la ultra derecha cubanoamericana, fue quien presidía el país centroamericano cuando Luis Posada Carriles se refugió ahí en el 2004 para quedarse durante más de seis meses, con la tolerancia evidente de su gobierno. Maduro está realizando una gira en Estados Unidos, adonde lo invitaron los miembros de la pandilla cubanoamericana del Congreso. El ex candidato presidencial John McCain, viejo socio de la mafia miamense, y la representante republicana, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen le organizaron una reunión en el Capitolio con una decena de sus colegas."

Detrás de la “democracia” de Micheletti, el esbirro CIA Billy Joya y sus “Cobras”  7/23/2009 Aporrea: "El siniestro "Doctor Arrazola" – versión hondureña de Luis Posada Carriles y de Klaus Barbie – está limpiando la policía nacional de sus altos oficiales“blandos” para situar en cada puesto estratégico a elementos fascistas Para evitar el derrumbe de su régimen golpista, Micheletti y sus cómplices están ahora jugando su última carta: los escuadrones del “ministro-consejero” Billy Joya, creador con sus asesores yanquis de “Los Cobras”, comandos de élite entrenados para matar, y veterano miembro del siniestro batallón 316 creado por la CIA que persiguió, torturó y desapareció a cientos de hondureños en la guerra sucia de los años 80. Nombrado ministro del gobierno ilegitimo por Micheletti, Billy Fernando Joya Améndola, puro producto de la “preparación” de oficiales de cuerpos de represión hondureños prodigada por la inteligencia fascista argentina bajo orientación de la CIA, está recomponiendo su maquinaria de terror para acabar con la rebelión popular."

Honduras Coup Chooses Path of Rogue Narco-State  7/4/2009 NarcoNews: "One of the big backers of the coup d’etat has been an international terrorist network of ex-Cubans, who have financed the dirty work of jet plane bomber Luis Posada Carriles over the years and have set up business interests in Honduras. These forces are desperate now that Washington is making the moves to ease and end the embargo of Cuba. Investigative journalist Guy Jean-Allard reports, via TeleSur, that Ralph Nodarse – ex-Cuban owner of Channel 6 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras – and arms-and-drug trafficker Rafael Hernández Nodarse are knee deep behind he coup-plotters in Honduras. The latter aided and abetted Posada Carriles to hide out in Panama in 2004. There was likewise a strong nexus between the Honduras government and military and the 1980s Iran-Contra drugs-for-arms-for-Nicaraguan-paramilitaries scandal, where much of the illegal covert US cocaine smuggling operation was headquartered during the Reagan and Bush Senior presidencies. The government of Venezuela has accused that former State Department official and anti-Castro ex-Cuban Otto Reich is involved with the current coup regime in Honduras. Reich, at State during the 2002 coup in Venezuela, was the US official that called ambassadors from throughout Latin America into his office when the coup was taking place to instruct them that the US supported the coup and expected the same from them (that move backfired when Latin American nations delivered the first-ever rebuke to the US via the OAS). He was also at State in the mid-1980s heading up Latin American operations and has been strongly linked to the cocaine-smuggling activities then. Those who think that when the US cuts off funds, as it will surely do in the coming days, that the sanctions will starve the Honduran coup regime into surrender, are forgetting that in this asymmetrical world there are non-government entities – which is to say, organized crime, terrorist, and narco-trafficking organizations – that seek a safe haven in Central America, so important in the route between the South American coca plant and the noses of North America."

Presidente Chávez: Inteligencia estadounidense y Luis Posada Carriles planearon magnicidio con cohetes en San Salvador  6/2/2009 Aporrea: “Y este atentado que se estaba preparando (…) fue por la gente de Posada Carriles. Le exijo al presidente Obama que cumpla con la ley. Mándenos a Posada; debe estar en prisión”, pidió a su par de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama. También especificó que los servicios de inteligencia de EE UU están “detrás de todo esto, no estoy acusando a Obama. Más allá de Obama hay un imperio, eso está vivito, sus tentáculos, sus asesinos y sus paramilitares”.

Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch and the Downing of Cubana Flight 455 - A Glimpse into the Mind of a Terrorist  5/2/2009 CounterPunch: published 4/06

Bush wants to impose Posada Carriles on Honduras  8/29/2008 Granma: [History of the Bin Laden of the Americas]

Sudden order for Posada to stand trial  8/15/2008 Granma: "BARELY three days after the vice president of Panama confirmed that his country is to apply for the extradition of Luis Posada Carriles, the Court of Appeals in New Orleans, which has broken records in its slowness in considering the case, has suddenly ordered that the terrorist be tried in El Paso on charges of immigration fraud."

Posada may face extradition to Panama  7/2/2008 Sun Sentinel 

Cuba: US carried funds to opposition  5/19/2008 USA Today: "Cuba said the funds came from the Miami-based Fundacion Rescate Juridica, headed by Santiago Alvarez, a Cuban-American businessman once convicted in the U.S. of conspiring to collect military-style weapons to overthrow Cuba's government. Alvarez is currently serving a 10-month prison term for refusing to testify against Luis Posada Carriles, the alleged mastermind of bombings of a Cuban jetliner and hotels, and of assassination attempts on former President Fidel Castro… Rescate Juridica also arranged US$2,400 (euro1,540) for the "Ladies in White," an opposition group whose members include dissident Laura Pollan, officials said."

Posada, the Exiles and the CIA Failed - Cuba Will Live  5/19/2008 CounterPunch 

Luis Posada Carriles, a terror suspect abroad, enjoys a 'coming-out' in Miami  5/7/2008 LA Times: "No, the man being honored by 500 fellow Cuban Americans at a sold-out gala was Luis Posada Carriles, the former CIA operative wanted in Venezuela on terrorism charges and under a deportation order for illegally entering the United States three years ago. Posada, 80, has mostly kept a low profile since his release from a Texas prison a year ago and a federal judge's dismissal of the only U.S. charges against him -- making false statements to immigration officials. But recent events like the Friday dinner and an exhibition and sale of his paintings last fall show that the man who spent his life trying to topple the communist government of Fidel Castro has returned to the social forefront of this city's exile community."

Cuba, Venezuela Rap US in Terrorism Case  3/19/2008 AP: "Cuban Ambassador Rodrigo Malmierca Diaz called the 80-year-old Posada, a militant opponent of Fidel Castro's communist regime, "the most notorious terrorist of the Western hemisphere." He said there is sufficient evidence linking Posada to "some of the most infamous crimes of the 20th century" including the bombing of the Cubana de Aviacion jet over Barbados that killed 73 people, the Iran-Contra scandal and the bombings of Havana hotels in 1997. Deputy Venezuelan Ambassador Aura Rodriguez de Ortiz accused the United States of ignoring a request made nearly three years ago for Posada's extradition, calling him "a known international criminal and terrorist and fugitive of Venezuelan justice." The United States, she said, is bound not only by the 1922 U.S.-Venezuelan extradition treaty but by international treaties on terrorist bombings and the safety of civil aviation "to extradite or submit his case for prosecution without any exception."

Serious legal questions loom for Posada  2/25/2008 Miami Herald: "Luis Posada Carriles, the anti-Castro Cuban militant, celebrated his 80th birthday this month at an undisclosed location in Miami, but many serious legal and political questions about his alleged crimes as a younger man still loom as large as ever. In New Jersey, Posada is the ''target'' of a federal grand jury investigation into the series of 1997 tourist-site bombings in Havana, his attorney Arturo Hernandez confirmed to The Miami Herald. Posada has long denied any involvement in the bombings. In Washington, Posada's alleged role in the bombing of a 1976 Cuban airliner that killed 73 people is being revisited by a Democratic lawmaker from Massachusetts who plans to hold congressional hearings on the matter in the spring. And Posada's immigration status remains an issue with the Justice Deparment, which is pressing its appeal of a Texas judge's decision to dismiss an indictment that charged the Cuban with lying about his 2005 entry into the United States."

CIA continues to manage Miami terrorist groups  2/8/2008 Granma: ""The terrorist organizations in Miami intensified their operations against Cuba in the 1990's with attacks from the sea and hotel bombings, one of which killed an Italian tourist in 1997. These terrorist activities were violations of U.S. law, but U.S. law enforcement authorities, including the FBI, did not stop them," Agee said. "Why?" he asked, and then went on to explain, "In my opinion it's because the CIA has never ended its involvement with these terrorist groups. In Miami the Agency has close liaison with the FBI and local police, and all they have to do is ask for hands off these organizations and nothing will be done. For me there is no other explanation for the impunity with which these terrorists have broken U.S. law over so many years and continue to do so," Agee continued, citing the cases of Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles."

Miami: terrorists provoke aggression against pacifists demanding Posada’s arrest  1/14/2008 Granma 

Bamby C4, New Film about International Terrorist Luis Posada Carriles  12/28/2007 Cuba Now: "A new film exposing some of the criminal actions, the personality and life of international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is in its final production stage in Cuba. Bamby C-4 is the title of the movie, which was shot in Cuban and Venezuelan localities. It reveals aspects of the youth and old age of the renowned criminal, author of among other violent actions of the 1976 bombing in mid air of a Cubana airliner, off the coast of Barbados and which claimed 73 innocent lives."

Nicolás Maduro: Detrás del caso de Antonini Wilson está el poder que protege a Posada Carriles en EEUU  12/14/2007 Aporrea 

‘Posada knows too much’ - Fabían Escalante, former chief of Cuban intelligence, speaks  7/19/2007 Progresso Weekly: ""Then [Posada] disappeared in El Salvador, showed up in Yucatán and entered the United States at the direction of his bosses. Posada would have never done that without express orders. His handlers told him: 'Come here and we'll do the same with you that we did with Orlando Bosch.' "But they hadn't counted on the actions of supportive people, of independent journalism. Then came the denunciations and the evidence. The pressure from Cuba has been very decisive, so decisive that [the people in Washington] probably wouldn't have done what they had to do. Consider the Cuban denunciations, the combative marches, the round tables, the open forums, the international solidarity; all these are pressure mechanisms that have forced the U.S. to do, which is to try him as an illegal immigrant." "

The secrets that Posada Carriles knows will come to light sooner or later  5/11/2007 Granma: "In fact, Judge Cardone, in her May 8 ruling, said that "the realm of this case is not, as some have suggested, terrorism. It is immigration fraud. Terrorism, and the determination of whether or not to classify an individual as a terrorist, lies within the sound discretion of the executive branch," adding that she was not disposed to provide a solution for what she called a "hot potato" for the U.S. government."

Cuba anger at US exile decision  5/10/2007 BBC: "Posada Carriles is free and without legal charges against him, it is of the entire responsibility of the White House," Dagoberto Rodriguez Barrera of the Cuban Interests Section in Washington said in a statement. He said that the White House had done everything it could to protect "the Bin Laden of the hemisphere" from revealing US government links with terror activities."

Fighting Terror Selectively: Washington and Posada  5/10/2007 Global Research: "There had been intense pressure to try Posada for his terrorist crimes, as required by Security Council resolution 1373 and three international treaties. Resolution 1373, passed in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks, mandates that all countries deny safe haven to those who commit terrorist acts, and ensure that they are brought to justice. These provisions of resolution 1373 are mandatory, as they were adopted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. The treaties require the United States to extradite Posada to Venezuela for trial or try him in U.S. courts for offenses committed abroad. The Department of Justice elected instead to charge him with perjury for lying about how he entered the United States in 2005. But the government could not take the risk that Posada might sing like a canary. On Tuesday, U.S. District Court Judge Kathleen Cardone dismissed all charges against Posada. In her ruling, Cardone wrote that "the Government engaged in fraud, deceit, and trickery" by using a "routine" immigration interview to investigate possible criminal charges against Posada. But questions about Posada's prior criminal conduct were relevant to the moral character determination at the immigration interview. Posada is not a "routine" guy and his lawyer was present throughout the interview to protect him against self-incrimination. Cardone found the government's tactics "grossly shocking and so outrageous as to violate the universal sense of justice." She then disingenuously claimed, "This Court's concern is not politics; it is the preservation of justice." It is shocking and outrageous that Luis Posada Carriles, whose crimes rival those of al Qaeda, is now walking free in Miami . And Cardone's decision is deeply political. Rep. William Delahunt has called for a congressional hearing to examine the U.S. government's role in promoting impunity in the Posada case. Delahunt sent a letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales requesting an explanation as to why the Justice Department did not invoke the USA Patriot Act to declare Posada a terrorist and detain him, stating, "The release of Mr. Posada puts into question our commitment to fight terrorism.""

U.S. charges against anti-Castro exile dismissed  5/9/2007 Reuters: "Cardone dismissed the immigration charges on grounds that the U.S. government case was based on statements it got from Posada Carriles, 79, under false pretenses. He thought he was in an immigration interview that was actually a criminal interrogation, his lawyers said, and the judge agreed. "The government's tactics in this case are so grossly shocking and so outrageous as to violate the universal sense of justice," Cardone wrote."

Diaz Balarts & Ros-Lehtinen condemn FBI for seeking evidence in Posada case  5/9/2007 Havana Journal: "South Florida’s three Cuban-American members of Congress condemned the Justice Department Thursday for sending Miami FBI agents to Cuba to collect evidence against Luis Posada Carriles in a hotel bombing that killed an Italian in Havana a decade ago. ‘By asking a state sponsor of terrorism for `evidence’ regarding terrorism, the Bush administration Justice Department demonstrates a shockingly profound ignorance of the nature of terrorism, of its origins and its state sponsors,’’ U.S. Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and brothers Lincoln and Mario D?az-Balart said in a statement."

Bush Sat on Evidence of Cuban Terror  5/7/2007 Consortium News: "Earlier this year, as accused right-wing terrorist Luis Posada Carilles successfully sought to be freed on bond, the Bush administration possessed secret evidence implicating the 79-year-old Cuban exile in terrorist bombings in Havana a decade ago."

US government moves to gag terrorist on CIA ties  5/6/2007 Global Research: "With his trial on immigration charges set for May 11, the US government has filed a motion in federal court seeking to bar the international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles from testifying on his role as an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency."

FBI, Cuba cooperating on Posada  5/4/2007 Miami Herald: "Three federal law enforcement officers familiar with the case described the trip as ''pretty amazing'' and ''unheard of'' because Cuba had for years blocked FBI access to witnesses, crime scenes, forensic evidence and more information in the bombing. The Miami Herald agreed not to name the officers because of the ongoing grand jury investigation. The sources said the trip was very productive because agents were able to interview witnesses, review Cuba's forensic evidence -- including bombing materials -- and visit crime scenes, though they declined to say exactly what information was gathered."

Luis Posada Carriles has boasted of bombing Havana hotels, yet American justice lets him go free - A Terrorist Walks  4/23/2007 Venezuela Analysis 

Militant's release angers Cuba  4/19/2007 AP: [note the use of 'Militant' to characterize Posada, one of the foremost narcoterrorists in history.]

Cuban militant posts bond, remains in jail  4/19/2007 AP: "Anti-Castro Cuban militant Luis Posada Carriles remained in jail early today and his chances of being released from federal custody were uncertain. Posada was set to be freed Wednesday after his attorneys posted $250,000 bond, but he still faced the prospect of being held by immigration authorities."

Judge rejects government bid to delay bond order for Posada  4/11/2007 AP: "Posada will be under house arrest in Miami and will have to wear a monitoring bracelet, Hernandez said. Posada will likely be released Thursday, but could be out as soon as Wednesday afternoon."

Cuban exiles differ on Posada  4/8/2007 Sun Sentinel 

Judge Sets Trial for Castro Foe With U.S. Ties  2/16/2007 NYT: "The judge, Kathleen Cardone of Federal District Court here, set May 11 for jury selection in the case against Luis Posada Carriles, who is also wanted in Venezuela on charges that he planned a deadly jet bombing."

Officials: Bomb Found on Witness' Truck  1/17/2007 AP: "The pickup truck on which a pipe bomb was found and later detonated by authorities over the weekend belonged to a key witness in the federal case against jailed Cuban militant Luis Posada Carriles, law enforcement officials said Wednesday. The FBI had publicly identified the owner of the truck only as a witness in a federal criminal case. But two federal law enforcement officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because the case is under investigation, said Wednesday the witness was Gilberto Abascal, whose testimony is key to the U.S. case charging Posada with lying during immigration naturalization proceedings… The pipe bomb was found Sunday after Abascal apparently noticed the device and drove his truck to Hialeah police headquarters. The bomb was detonated by the Miami-Dade bomb squad, with the investigation led by the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force."

Posada: A Double Standard in the War on Terror  10/6/2006 Harper's: "On October 6, 1976 seventy-three people were killed when terrorists blew up Cubana Flight 455, which was on its way from Barbados to Cuba. Thirty years later, on September 11, 2006, Luis Posada Carriles, one of the men who allegedly carried out the attack, was sitting in a Texas prison when a federal judge in El Paso, Texas, ordered him released from detention. If a U.S. district court upholds the ruling, Posada could be on the street within a few weeks."

Bombing of Cuban Jetliner 30 Years Later  10/5/2006 National Security Archives: New Documents on Luis Posada Posted as Texas Court Weighs Release from Custody - Colgate Toothpaste Disguised Plastic Explosives in 1976 Terrorist Attack - Confessions, Kissinger Reports, and Overview of Posada Career Posted

Bacardi: from C-4 to flamethrowers  9/28/2006 Granma: "IT is pretty ironic that the Bacardi company, which for 50 years has financed the Cuban-American National Foundation (CANF) and the C-4 of Posada Carriles, would be victims of a consumer demand, victims of a bottle of the controversial rum converted into a flamethrower. Three women in South Florida suffered burns in 2002, when a client of the adult Secrets club converted a bottle of Bacardi into a flamethrower during a drinks promotion. Drunk, the client set fire to a menu in order to light the rum that he was drinking in a cup. The flames spread to a bottle of 75.5-proof Bacardi rum, which then exploded."

CANF responsible for attack on Por Esto  9/4/2006 Granma: "This Sunday, Mario Menéndez, proprietor of the opposition daily Por Esto, charged the Cuban-American National Foundation (CANF) of Miami and Mexican state officials with responsibility for the grenade attacks on the newspaper offices in the last few days. Por Esto exposed Luis Posada Carriles’ transit via Mexican waters and territory, as well as the person and drug smuggling operations in which the CANF is involved. In an editorial titled “Two grenades that say a lot,” Menéndez noted that the brother of the governor of the state of Yucatan and a commander of the national police special forces were involved in planning the attacks, PL reports."''

Santrina owner arrested  7/17/2006 Granma: "The 43-year-old man, son of notorious terrorist Ernestino Abreu, and an accomplice of Posada since his days in Panama, appears in the official register as president of the Caribbean Marine Ecological Protection Foundation (FPEMC), the phony owner of the Santrina shrimper in which Posada made his clandestine crossing."

Bush's Hypocrisy: Cuban Terrorists  4/26/2006 Consortium News: "This double standard was underscored again in early April when a Spanish-language Miami television station interviewed notorious Cuban terrorist Orlando Bosch, who offered a detailed justification for the 1976 mid-air bombing of a Cubana Airlines flight that killed 73 people, including the young members of the Cuban national fencing team. As usual, Bosch refused to admit guilt, but his chilling defense of the bombing – and the strong evidence that has swirled around his role – leave little doubt of his complicity, even as he lives in Miami as a free man. Another Cuban exile, Luis Posada Carriles, also has been tied to the bombing, but the Bush administration has so far rebuffed Venezuela’s extradition request for him, since he sneaked into the United States in 2005. But there’s really nothing new about these two terrorists – and other violent right-wing extremists – getting protection from the Bush family. For three decades, both Bosch and Posada have been under the Bush family’s wing, starting with former President George H.W. Bush (who was CIA director when the airline bombing occurred in 1976) and including Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and President George W. Bush. The evidence points to one conclusion: the Bushes regard terrorism – defined as killing civilians for a political reason – as justified in cases when their interests match those of the terrorists. Moral clarity against terrorism only applies when the Bush side disagrees with the terrorists."

Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch and the Downing of Cubana Flight 455 A Glimpse into the Mind of a Terrorist  4/11/2006 CounterPunch: "Orlando Bosch: If I tell you that I was involved, I will be inculpating myself . . . . and if I tell you that did not participate in that action, you would say that I am lying. I am therefore not going to answer one thing or the other."

Venezuela Refuses to Extradite Man Wanted in the US for Drug Trafficking  3/29/2006 Venezuela Analysis: "In a move likely further increase friction in the already tense relations between Venezuela and the US, Venezuela released Mateo Holguin Ovalle, a Dominican wanted by the US for drug trafficking. The decision was based on a Venezuelan law which requires extradition for those wanted for organized crime, except in cases where the receiving country does not guarantee not to apply the death penalty, life imprisonment, or a sentence that exceeds 30 years, according to a release by Supreme Court Judge Héctor Coronado Flores. The move comes exactly a week after Venezuela’s embassy in the US put out a strongly worded statement asking the US to either extradite or prosecute Posada Carriles, an anti-Castro terrorism suspect. Previously, a US judge had ruled that Carriles could not be extradited to Venezuela, on the grounds that he may be tortured here."

Venezuela demands US hand over Cuban "terrorist"  3/23/2006 Reuters: "The U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement Agency ruled on Wednesday that Luis Posada Carriles, who was detained by U.S. authorities last May after illegally slipping into the country from Mexico, would stay in custody. Caracas, which has strained relations with Washington under leftist President Hugo Chavez, rejected this an attempt by the United States to avoid its request for extradition of Posada, a naturalized Venezuelan and former CIA operative."

Cuba raises protest flags outside U.S. mission - Banners obscure view of sign with news, human rights messages  2/7/2006 CNN: "A large group of young people in the crowd carried huge signs made from the black and white photographs of some of the 3,000 Cubans the communist government says have been killed in acts of sabotage since shortly after the revolution that propelled Castro to power 47 years ago. Those carrying the signs were to hold a 24-hour vigil outside the mission in honor of "our beloved dead," said Carlos Cremata, whose father was among 73 people killed in a 1976 explosion of a Cuban jetliner blamed on terrorism by the island's enemies." [Actually CIA has confirmed that jetliner was bombed by Posada Carrilles, who may shortly be freed from a US jail where he is held on inconsequential charges]

Posada Carriles May Soon Hit the Streets  1/6/2006 NarcoNews: "It’s now clear why the United States refused to charge Posada Carriles with terrorism. Not until now do we see exactly why the government charged him only with the single and timid charge of entering the country without proper papers. Instead of pursuing justice, the United States government simply scolded the terrorist. According to an article published this Wednesday in the Miami Herald’s Spanish language newspaper, the Office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement recently informed Posada’s lawyers that his “status as a detainee would be reviewed on the 24th of January.” This means that within a few weeks Posada Carriles, the man responsible for the blowing up of a passenger plane with 73 people on board in 1976, could soon be freed by the U.S. government under regulations that prohibit the indefinite detention of undocumented aliens whose deportation from the country cannot be carried out within a ninety-day period."

Indictment ties Posada ally to Broward arms stash  12/3/2005 Miami Herald: "A task force of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms and FBI agents recovered nine firearms from the cooler transported from Alvarez's 280-unit Lauderhill apartment complex and from a gun safe in the storage facility. Among the seized firepower: one Maddi Company AK-47 machine gun; one M-14 machine gun; one RPB Industries M-11A-1 machine gun; two Colt AR-15 semiautomatic rifles; two Essential Arms Co. J-15 machines guns; one Heckler and Koch grenade launcher; and one silencer. ''In an attempt to evade detection by law enforcement, [Alvarez] would remove machine guns with obliterated serial numbers, a silencer without a serial number, and a [grenade launcher] from the storage facility . . . in order to transfer [the] items to Osvaldo Mitat,'' according to the indictment. During last month's bond hearing, Kainen told the federal magistrate: ``I would suggest, your honor, there is no evidence that these [weapons] were going to be used in the United States."

Miamigate?  12/1/2005 Progresso Weekly: "If you pull Álvarez's string, you can follow it all the way to the White House. We might then assume that this is not a "strategy" of the government but of its opponents, as happened in the other "gates." Evidently, the Bush administration is facing an opposition that's sitting on the heart of the system, and the reason for this is the failure of the war in Iraq. ...There is nothing more compromising for the credibility of the "war on terrorism" than the connection between the administration and the Miami terrorists, and that's something the administration's foes know well. Until recently, the government had managed to sweep the Posada affair under a rug, but its inefficiency and disrespect for public opinion have been so blatant that it seems the federal prosecutors were left to their own devices, to sink or swim. Only that can explain the lack of criticism that met Posada's illegal entry to the United States, his "clandestine" presence in Miami, the manipulation of a hearing where the prosecutor accepted the defense's arguments without a peep, and where the judge was a government employee. These things can happen with a strong government that enjoys the complicity of powerful groups but not with a lame-duck president like George W. Bush, so I smell a trap in the impunity. I have no idea who ordered the detention of Santiago Álvarez, but I tend to think it was not the government. Maybe they found out too late, or couldn't prevent the arrest without digging themselves into a deeper hole. They might even be able to control the damage. But if they cannot, Bush's "gate" will be memorable. Cuban Americans in Miami are his best stronghold; the day he does not rule them in Miami is the day he does not rule anywhere else."

LUIS POSADA CARRILES CASE - Backer's arrest clouds case  11/29/2005 Miami Herald: "With his biggest benefactor, Santiago Alvarez, behind bars, Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles' chances of walking out of federal custody before year's end have sustained a serious blow."

Operation 40  11/26/2005 Spartacus: "Over the next few years Operation 40 worked closely with several anti-Castro Cuban organizations including Alpha 66. CIA officials and freelance agents such as William Harvey, Porter Goss, Gerry Hemming, E. Howard Hunt and David Morales, Bernard L. Barker, Frank Sturgis, Tosh Plumlee, and William C. Bishop also joined the project. Cuban figures used by the Operation 40 included Antonio Veciana, Luis Posada, Orlando Bosch, Roland Masferrer, Eladio del Valle, Guillermo Novo, Carlos Bringuier, Eugenio Martinez, Antonio Cuesta, Hermino Diaz Garcia, Barry Seal, Felix Ismael Rodriguez, Juan Manuel Salvat, Ricardo Morales Navarrete, Isidro Borjas, Virgilio Paz, Jose Dionisio Suarez, Felipe Rivero, Gaspar Jimenez Escobedo, Nazario Sargent, Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz, Rafael Quintero, Jose Basulto, and Paulino Sierra."

Detienen a Santiago Alvarez en Estados Unidos cómplice del terrorista Posada Carriles  11/23/2005 Red Voltaire 

Agents target Posada ally  11/19/2005 Miami Herald: "Federal authorities searched the Hialeah office of Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles' biggest benefactor Friday, the same day that a Cuban group ran a full-page advertisement in The New York Times denouncing Posada."

Celerino Castillo on Luis Posada Carriles  11/11/2005 From the Wilderness: published 5/17/05, by Celerino "Cele" Castillo, 3rd, the ex-DEA Agent who exposed Felix Rodriguez, the man who killed Che, as a major narcoterrorist.

Venezuelans tortured by Posada Carriles present their cases  10/3/2005 Granma: "Venezuelans tortured by terrorist of Cuban origin are today preparing the files of their cases and those of disappeared comrades in order to support the demand for the criminal’s extradition. Jesús Marrero, coordinator of the group of victims affected by Posada during the years in which he had a high position in the Venezuelan political police (DISIP), explained to Prensa Latina that the initiative is an attempt to bring about justice. Marrero, who was tortured at the orders of Posada, considers the decision of the U.S. judge not to hand the criminal over to Venezuelan authorities under the pretext that he may be tortured, an insult to Posada’s victims."

Venezuela Denounces Bush Family Ties with Terrorists  10/1/2005 Prensa Latina: " Vice President of Venezuela José Vicente Rangel has accused the Bush family of ties with terrorists, especially criminal Luis Posada Carriles."

Venezuela’s Ambassador: “Posada Carriles is the Osama Bin Laden of Latin America”  9/30/2005 Venezuela Analysis: “The United States presents itself as a leader against terrorism, invades countries, restricts the civil rights of Americans in order to fight terrorism, but when it is about its own terrorists, it denies that they be tried,” said Alvarez.

El Salvador Arrests Criminal with Ties to Posada Carriles  9/30/2005 Prensa Latina 

Judge prevents deportation of Cuban militant Luis Posada Carriles  9/28/2005 Sun Sentinel 

U.S. Government Charade Will Result in Denial of Posada Extradition  9/26/2005 NarcoNews: "The real struggle in the case seems to be over Posada’s potential release from prison. Garrett-Jackson wanted as much evidence as possible of Posada’s past deeds in the record in order to apparently establish him as a threat to the national security of the United States and as a terrorist. But since Archambeault waived the issue with respect to withholding, the judge may require that the U.S. Government’s evidence be ignored. In that case, the way may be clear for Posada’s release. Without a finding that Posada is a terrorist or a threat to national security, it will make it much easier for him to win his freedom."

US Lawyer Accused Luis Posada Carriles at Miami Rally  9/21/2005 AIN: "The lawyer said that most of the so-called Miami exiles prefer to protect Posada instead of condemn him for his actions."

Lawyer: Posada faces torture in Venezuela  8/31/2005 UPI: extraordinary rendition!

Jim DeFede: A victim of the Miami mafia?  8/5/2005 Granma: "In his article titled “Terror is terror, whether it’s in London or Cuba,” DeFede criticized comments by Cuban-born Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, about what she called the “barbaric” terrorist attack in London. DeFede wrote: “Strong words. What But where was the congresswoman's outrage when she came to the defense of Luis Posada Carriles, a man who bragged about masterminding a series of hotel bombings in Havana that killed an Italian tourist? A man suspected of blowing up a Cuban airliner?"

Judge denies bond for Cuban, seeks Bay of Pigs info  7/26/2005 Reuters: "A U.S. immigration judge denied bail on Monday for an asylum-seeking former CIA operative from Cuba and asked for legal briefs on whether his role in the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion was a terrorist act. Lawyers for Luis Posada Carriles called the request "surprising" because they said if Posada is found to have engaged in terrorism, it would imply the CIA did also."

Luis Posada Carriles Denied Bond  7/26/2005 NarcoNews: "But as the hearing wound down, the judge dropped a bombshell in the courtroom. He informed both the attorneys for Posada and for the U.S. Government that he would issue a pretrial order in late July or early August requiring counsel to brief the court as to whether or not Posada’s actions in support of the Bay of Pigs invasion could be construed as terrorist actions under U.S. statutes governing detention and deportability of aliens. Abbot then pointedly noted that he looked especially forward to the government’s brief on that matter. The court was silent. An immigration judge had just ordered a brief as to whether or not an action 43 years ago supported and funded by the U.S. government in accordance with policy taken at the highest levels, including presidential decisions, could be construed as a terrorist act under current U.S. law. As Javier Montaño, Posada’s second-chair counsel, translated the judge’s statement to Posada, a hint of a smile came over the old man’s face."

Posada Carriles deportation case turns into Bay of Pigs sparnfarkel  7/25/2005 NarcoNews: "Of even greater interest, however, is the fact that the Associated Press reports that the federal immigration judge hearing Posada’s case “asked lawyers involved in the deportation case … to provide briefs on whether the Bay of Pigs invasion could be considered an act of terrorism.” That’s right, U.S. prosecutors and Posada’s attorneys will now have to duke it out over whether the U.S. government engaged in an act of terrorism against the Cuban government in the early 1960s. And the irony is that it will be to the benefit of U.S. prosecutors to argue that it was terrorism, since it would seem to bolster the government’s case against granting Posada asylum."

The Posada case is the strongest evidence of the five Cubans’ innocence  7/21/2005 Granma 

Where is Luis Posada?  7/19/2005 NarcoNews: "Bush senior was also Vice President of the United States when Posada “escaped” from a Venezuelan prison while being tried for the Cubana bombing. Posada resurfaced soon after his 1985 escape from Venezuela, as Ramon Medina, a chief player in the Iran-Contra affair,a grotesquerie hatched by the CIA and the Reagan-Bush Administration that helped fund itself by facilitating drug sales in the United States. In 1986, Bush family friend and lapdog, Elliot Abrams, lied stone-faced to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence about U.S. involvement in the "contra" affair, making sure to protect Bush senior: "Mr. Stokes asked whether denial of U.S. involvement included the Vice President. Mr. Abram’s said Mr. Gregg of the Vice President’s staff had introduced Mr. [Felix] Rodriguez to Salvadoran Air Force officials in 1984 to serve as an adviser on air/ground operations. Mr. Rodriguez’ actions since that time were on his own." Abrams has resurfaced as a chief adviser in the Bush junior administration. And Bush senior, as President, released Posada’s comrade-in-arms, Orlando Bosch, from federal detention in 1990. Now with the weight of all this history on him, and no doubt tremendous familial pressure, Bush junior must decide what to do with a 77-year-old terrorist who is really the living embodiment of a failed United States policy of decades past. The federal government transported Posada to El Paso, Texas, where he is to have a bond hearing on July 25. We are unable to go into any further detail, but credible information has it that Posada is no longer in El Paso. Additionally, two separate calls to the detention facility supposedly holding Posada yielded differing information concerning his upcoming bond hearing. During a call this morning, employees said that the bond hearing set for the 25th will be accomplished electronically, with neither Posada nor his attorney to be present. Later in the day, however, a second call to the detention center yielded the information that Posada was “most definitely” at that facility and that he would be present for the bond hearing next Monday. Bill Conroy, well known to regular readers of Narco News and the Narcosphere, said that he checked with sources on the inside and could not confirm that Posada had been moved. But one of his sources said that “it would not be a big surprise if Posada were moved. They could move him on a whim, claiming he was under threat or for some national security pretense. [The government] want[s] to control [Posada] as much as [it] can without killing him.” "

Diaz Balart and Ros-Lehtinen sought freedom for terrorist Luis Posada Carriles  7/3/2005 Havana Journal: "Two years ago, when anti-Castro militant Luis Posada Carriles was imprisoned here for his role in an alleged plot to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro, South Florida’s three Cuban-American members of Congress lobbied the Panamanian government to pardon him. But today, with Posada in the United States seeking political asylum after sneaking into the country illegally, the same lawmakers—Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen—have remained quietly on the sidelines."

Hypocrisy Rules in Posada Case  6/25/2005 NarcoNews 

Posada Carriles may well choke on Bush's pickle  6/24/2005 NarcoNews: "Source 1: A former high-ranking DEA official “If he was a CIA operative, and he was, I don’t think the CIA wanted him in custody,” the source says. “But he had the audacity to grant an interview with the Miami Herald, and he was arrested the day after that interview. … He did a stupid thing and rubbed it in the government’s face by coming into the U.S. illegally and then having the balls to grant an interview to the press in the middle of Miami.” The source adds that if the immigration judge in El Paso was really under political pressure to grant Posada Carriles asylum, then he would have granted his motion to have the case moved to Miami, “but he didn’t.” “They’re going to keep him in custody where the government can keep an eye on him,” the former DEA official says. “How many Cubans are incarcerated already (in the United States)? They can hold him indefinitely, until he dies, maybe due to bad prison food.” "

How Authentic Journalists Caught an International Terrorist in Mexicon - The Daily Por Esto! Found Posada Carriles on Isla Mujeres but George W. Bush Is Trying to Set Him Free in Miami  6/21/2005 NarcoNews 

Luis Posada Carriles  6/20/2005 Latin American Studies: clearing house on this topic

Cuban militant's case will remain in El Paso  6/20/2005 Houston Chronicle: "Posada's attorney wanted the trial moved because he said holding it in El Paso would cause hardships for Posada and that his client wants to be closer to his family in Miami. Prosecutors said holding Posada in South Florida would present security risks."

US Congress members support Posada Carriles’ extradition  6/17/2005 Granma 

Posada Carriles: The double acquittal myth  6/16/2005 Progreso Weekly: "On the eve of the pronouncement of his sentence on August 8, 1985, he fled from the San Juan de los Morros penitentiary, located in the State of Guárico, where he had been confined after two previous failed escape attempts. No verdict was entered against Posada Carriles because according to the Venezuelan Penal Code judicial proceedings cannot continue without the presence of the accused. The court issued an arrest warrant against him."

Posada sought to stand trial  6/16/2005 Miami Herald: "Venezuela presented a new challenge to the Bush administration on the Posada Carriles case by formally submitting an extradition request."

The CIA and the Bombing of Cubana Flight 455 - Why Bush Wants to Harbor Posada Carriles  6/16/2005 CounterPunch 

Posada renews asylum bid at a hearing held in Texas  6/14/2005 Miami Herald: "Cuban militant Luis Posada Carriles refiled a formal request for political asylum, and a judge said he is considering moving him to a facility closer to Miami." [Judging by previous proceedings against anti-Castro paramilitaries, this is a sure sign in Posada's favor.]

The New CIA Revelations About Posada Extradition US-Style By RICARDO ALARCÓN  6/14/2005 CounterPunch 

The Asshole in El Paso - Posada Carriles: Why He Matters  6/9/2005 CounterPunch 

The Charmed Life of a Mass Murderer - Posada Carriles and Bush's Anti-Terror Hoax  6/9/2005 CounterPunch 

The Posada File: Part II  6/9/2005 National Security Archives: Posada Boasted of Plans to "Hit" Cuban Plane, CIA Document States - Served as Instructor, Informant for Agency for more than a Decade - Other Documents Highlight Creation of Exile Terrorist Umbrella Group; Subsequent Acts of Terrorism and Violence attributed to Orlando Bosch

Posada Carriles nunca fue absuelto en Venezuela  6/6/2005 La Jornada, Mexico: exposes US government lies about Posada's legal history in Venezuela, where he was actually never found innocent of the airplane bombing.

Cuban militant worked for US in Contra supply network  5/30/2005 Tallahassee Democrat: "Using the "Ramon Medina" alias, Posada worked closely with another militant Cuban exile known as "Max Gomez" at the major Contra staging area at Ilopango Air Base in El Salvador. "Max Gomez" was actually Felix Rodriguez, a longtime CIA operative who took part in a 1967 operation in Bolivia that led to the capture and execution of Castro's revolutionary ally Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Posada needed a job, and Rodriguez had a destination," said Thomas Blanton, director of the National Security Archive, a nonprofit organization at George Washington University that collects and publicizes government documents. "If Rodriguez is the CEO of the operation, Posada is the chief operating officer." [Predictably, this US paper neglects to mention the large scale narcotics trafficking Posada and Rodriguez organized out of Ilopango.]

Chavez slams 'negative' U.S. move over Cuban exile  5/30/2005 Reuters: "Left-winger Chavez, a fierce critic of President Bush, expressed disappointment at the U.S. decision on Friday to reject Venezuela's request that Posada be arrested for extradition. "They've given a sign, a negative one," Chavez said. "It's a worrying sign," he said during a cabinet meeting broadcast live on state television. Venezuela plans to deliver a formal extradition request for Posada to U.S. authorities on Tuesday. Chavez accused Bush, whom he mockingly referred to as "Mr Danger," of "sheltering a terrorist." The U.S. government told Venezuela on Friday its request that Posada be arrested for extradition was "clearly inadequate," because it lacked supporting evidence. Chavez scoffed at this. "And what about those CIA and FBI documents that you have over there, Mr Danger? ... You know the truth much more than we do," he said. He was referring to declassified U.S. intelligence documents which cite informants as saying that Posada, who once worked with Venezuela's security services, had plotted to bomb a Cuban airliner with other Cuban exiles."

Mexico Supports Venezuelan Extradition Request  5/29/2005 Venezuela Analysis: "Despite the fact that Cuban terrorist Luis Posada Carriles illegally entered the US via the Mexican border in March, Mexico is not interested in prosecuting him for what Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Ernesto Derbez referred to as a relatively minor offense in a statement last week. In the event that the US would deport Posada to Mexico, Mexico would turn the former CIA agent over to the Venezuelan authorities. "We would be practically obliged to do this," stated Derbez, explaining that, "[w]e have an extradition treaty with Venezuela." Derbez went on to clarify that "[P]osada would have to go to Venezuela because the Venezuelan case is very clear, there is a crime, which is compounded by his escape from prison.""

US denies Venezuela extradition of anti-Castro militant  5/27/2005 AFP: "Venezuela, meanwhile, said Friday that US officials had rejected only its request to arrest Posada Carriles, but not the request to extradite. The embassy in Washington released a statement saying it would "submit any documentation necessary to seek the extradition.""

Cuba says US must try exile if he's not extradited  5/25/2005 Reuters: "The United States would be obliged under international law to try Cuban exile Luis Posada Carriles on terrorism charges if it fails to extradite him to Venezuela to face trial for a bomb attack 30 years ago, a senior Cuban official said on Wednesday."

Venezuelans demand US turn over Cuban for bombing trial  5/24/2005 AP: "Venezuelan troops stood guard outside the embassy, while some protesters held a towel printed with the American flag upside down, then let it fall to the ground, trampling on it. "Cuba yes, yankees no!" the crowd chanted. One woman shouted, "Yankees, go home!" Protester Noel Marquez had strong words for McFarland, telling him, "You should apologise to the Venezuelan people for having a terrorist like the criminal Posada Carriles on US soil.""

Chávez threatens ties with U.S. over Posada  5/23/2005 Miami Herald: "Venezuela's president said he'll reconsider diplomatic ties with the United States if Cuban exile Luis Posada Carriles is not extradited."

Send Posada Carriles to Venezuela - Beating Around the Bush  5/22/2005 CounterPunch: "There's no valid reason why Posada should not be extradited to Venezuela now. There's no necessity to wait while lawyers mess around with Homeland's insignificant illegal entry claim or any asylum claim. The case should be promptly submitted to the extradition judge. It seems like the Administration is using these immigration cases, with Posada's cooperation, to try to delay decision on the extradition request in hope of avoiding evidence of CIA's involvement in the bombing from becoming public in a Venezuelan proceeding. Part of its plan seems to be to make reporters and the public think the US can't extradite until the immigration proceedings are ended and they have some policy preventing extradition. Neither of which is so."

The crimes of Bosch and Posada - Washington knew beforehand of the plot to sabotage the Cubana airliner  5/20/2005 Granma 

Former rebel: Posada ordered torture  5/20/2005 Miami Herald: "A former Venezuelan leftist guerrilla fighter has accused Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles of ordering his torture."

Posada charged with illegal entry  5/20/2005 Miami Herald: "Immigration authorities have charged Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles with entering the United States illegally and have ordered that he be held without bond."

Cuba slams US extradition 'farce'  5/19/2005 BBC: "Cuban President Fidel Castro has condemned the US handling of an old foe, bombing suspect Luis Posada Carriles, as "a big farce, a big lie". "

Exiles reluctant to publicly back militant Posada  5/19/2005 Miami Herald: "Eager to avoid the blistering that Miami's Cuban community took in 2000 as a result of the Elián case, exile leaders are preaching restraint when it comes to Posada, 77, a militant accused in the 1976 bombing of a Cuban jetliner and other acts of terrorism. A group that had sponsored street demonstrations in 2000 was asked to back off, for example, and Spanish-language radio stations on Wednesday appeared intent on building interest in Friday's scheduled assembly of civil societies in Cuba -- rather than fueling outrage over Posada's fate."

Venezuela Wants Cuban Exile Extradited  5/18/2005 AP: "But Castro has repeatedly ruled out trying to extradite Posada, saying he should be tried in Venezuela or by an international court. Rangel called the idea that Posada could be sent to Cuba "an excuse, a subterfuge, that they are using precisely in order to not approve the extradition." "

Assata and Posada: Two different colors, two different stories  5/18/2005 SF Bay View: "The generally unacknowledged factor of Posada and Bosch’s blowing up of the Cubana airliner, however, is this. If tourists to Cuba take the time to visit Havana’s Sport’s Palace, guides will inevitably take them to the memorial wall. From there, visitors will be greeted by row after row of young, mostly Black faces staring back at them – photographs of Cuba’s Olympic athletes who were returning from the Pan American Games in Venezuela and were on board the airliner Posada and Bosch likely bombed. Therefore, by putting a $1 million bounty on Sister Shakur, who, they say, is linked to the killing of one white person, while allowing Posada and Bosch remain free in the U.S. after killing at least 73 mostly Black people, the U.S. has once again exposed itself as a government that continues to capitulate to and accommodate itself to racism."

Cuban exile whisked away after his arrest  5/18/2005 Miami Herald: "Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles, accused of terrorism, briefly came out of hiding Tuesday before he was arrested by federal immigration authorities and whisked away in a Homeland Security helicopter. Posada, who has been linked to the 1976 bombing of a Cuban jetliner and to a 1997 series of bombings at tourist hotels in Havana, was arrested in Miami-Dade on the same day Cuban President Fidel Castro mounted a massive march in Havana to accuse U.S. leaders of hypocrisy for sheltering the accused bomber. And his arrest came just hours after Posada, who has been hiding in the Miami area since he entered the United States illegally in late March, held an invitation-only news conference under tight security at a warehouse near Hialeah."

What the CIA Could Learn from Venezuela: The Luis Posada Carriles Case  5/13/2005 Venezuela Analysis: "Luis Posada Carriles is a fugitive from justice in Venezuela and an international terrorist, so defined by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), and therefore cannot be granted political asylum under U.S. law."

Time for U.S. to live up to its anti-terror rhetoric  5/12/2005 News Press, FL: "President Bush has said that any government that harbors terrorists is complicit in murder and equally guilty of terrorist crimes. Yet thousands of Cuban people have died by violent attacks perpetrated on the island by anti-Cuban paramilitary groups that operate freely in Miami. Following Bush's reasoning, allowing Posada into the United States and entertaining an asylum request from a confessed terrorist is an open acknowledgement of complicity in terrorist acts. (And Cuban exiles would do well not to start calling Posada Carriles a "freedom fighter.") The United States must deny Posada's political asylum request, and should arrest and deport him to Venezuela, honoring that country's extradition treaty with the United States. Or, as Cuba has suggested, Posada should be tried by a competent international tribunal."

Cuba 'plane bomber' was CIA agent  5/11/2005 BBC: "The documents, released by George Washington University's National Security Archive, show that Mr Posada, now in his 70s, was on the CIA payroll from the 1960s until mid-1976. One FBI report quoted a confidential source as saying that Mr Posada was one of several people who met at least twice at a hotel in Caracas, allegedly to discuss bombing a Cubana airlines plane."

LUIS POSADA CARRILES - THE DECLASSIFIED RECORD  5/10/2005 National Security Archives: "The National Security Archive today posted additional documents that show that the CIA had concrete advance intelligence, as early as June 1976, on plans by Cuban exile terrorist groups to bomb a Cubana airliner. The Archive also posted another document that shows that the FBI's attache in Caracas had multiple contacts with one of the Venezuelans who placed the bomb on the plane, and provided him with a visa to the U.S. five days before the bombing, despite suspicions that he was engaged in terrorist activities at the direction of Luis Posada Carriles. Both documents were featured last night on ABC Nightline's program on Luis Posada Carriles, who was detained in Miami yesterday by Homeland Security. In addition, the Archive posted the first report to Secretary of State Kissinger from the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research on the bombing of Cubana flight 455. The report noted that a CIA source had overheard Posada prior to the bombing in late September 1976 stating that, "We are going to hit a Cuban airliner." "

Bush, Posada & Terrorism Hypocrisy  5/10/2005 Consortium News: "The New York Times has finally put the case of fugitive terrorist Luis Posada Carriles on Page One, observing that the violent anti-Castro Cuban’s presence in Florida “could test” George W. Bush’s universal condemnation of terrorism. But that principle already appears to have been tested and failed. Without doubt, Posada – who reportedly has been hiding in South Florida for six weeks – is getting the benefit of a conscious U.S. policy of benign neglect, a Bush version of the “I know nothing” approach made popular by Sgt. Schultz, the German prison guard in the TV comedy “Hogan’s Heroes.” If Posada were a suspected Islamic terrorist – not a CIA-trained right-wing Cuban exile – there’s no question that the Bush administration would be showing zero tolerance for his presence inside the United States. Certainly, the U.S. government wouldn’t be waiting around patiently for the terrorist to check in with immigration authorities."

Cuban leader denounces U.S. hunt for convicted cop killer  5/10/2005 Newsday: "Castro suggested that the action was meant to divert attention from Cuba's demand that U.S. officials arrest Luis Posada Carriles, who is wanted in Venezuela on charges of involvement in blowing up a civilian Cuban jetliner in 1976, killing 73 people."

U.S. promotes double standard in how it deals with 'terrorist' cases  5/9/2005 USA Today: "What bothers me is that while these men, whose suspected crimes fit the State Department's definition of terrorism, haven't set off Justice Department alarm bells, Shakur is being treated like a disciple of Osama bin Laden. If she killed Foerster (her attorney argues the evidence suggests otherwise), Shakur should be returned to New Jersey to spend her life in prison. By not proclaiming that it will arrest Posada on sight and deport him, the Bush administration caters to those in the Cuban exile community who view him as a freedom fighter — and undermines its leadership of the fight against terrorism."

Terrorist Cuban Exile Luis Posada Carriles Seeking Political Asylum in U.S.  5/9/2005 Democracy Now: "ANN LOUISE BARDACH: I think I saw the June 1976 document about him being in Santa Domingo, from memory, back in 1998. Actually it ties -- the one I think I recall that we got at The New York Times back then had to do with the Cubana shoot-down, where there was that big meeting in Santa Domingo, the DR, and that that was discussed. I'm not sure it’s a new document. I think it has been declassified for some time. But yes, I am aware of what they're referring to. I can only say that the information -- Posada denied blowing up the airliner, but I have never found an intelligence official whether in the F.B.I., the C.I.A., certainly the Cuban intelligence, Venezuelan intelligence, who did not believe that Posada and Bosch were involved. They're basically two guys who worked for their detective agency after he sort of got in trouble with the Venezuelan government, he started a private eye detective agency, and the two guys who planted the bombs on the plane, who were Venezuelan, worked for Posada and Bosch. And I have never – and I even did an interview, which is cited in my book, with the former head of Latin American intelligence for us, and he just said to me, he said, look, there were no other suspects. But Posada and his lawyers will properly point out that eventually over time, over ten years, he won an acquittal here, an acquittal there. Venezuelan justice is very peculiar. Same thing with Orlando Bosch. I mean, there are people who will tell you that you can get an acquittal in Caracas back then, you know, for around $45. I'm not exactly sure, but Venezuelan justice is very peculiar, labyrinthan, and it was very susceptible to what is called mordidas, and there was a tremendous crusade in Miami to free these guys. But again, he and his lawyers say they did not do it. I have never heard anyone else in the intelligence world who did not think, au contraire, that he did do it. What is interesting in the memos I saw back in 1998 was, I remember one where he's informing and sending tips to the C.I.A. throughout 1976, and I just remember one where he said that Orlando Bosch may be involved in blowing up a civilian airliner, I think he identified the country, leaving from Panama."

Cuban Exile Could Test U.S. Definition of Terrorist  5/9/2005 NYT: "On Sept. 21, 1976, in the heart of Washington, a car bomb killed a former foreign minister of Chile, Orlando Letelier, and an American aide, Ronni Moffitt; at the time, it was one of the worst acts of foreign terrorism on American soil. Fifteen days later, a Cubana Airlines flight with 73 people on board was blown out of the sky off the coast of Barbados in the worst terrorist attack in Cuban history. Mr. Cornick, the F.B.I. counterterrorism specialist who worked on the Letelier case, said in an interview that both bombings were planned at a June 1976 meeting in Santo Domingo attended by, among others, Mr. Posada. "The Cubana bomb went off, the people were killed, and there were tracks leading right back to Disip," said Mr. Cornick, who is now retired. "The information was so strong that they locked up Posada as a preventative measure - to prevent him from talking or being killed. They knew that he had been involved," said Mr. Cornick, referring to the Venezuelan authorities. "There was no doubt in anyone's mind, including mine, that he was up to his eyeballs" in the Cubana bombing. A November 1976 F.B.I. report, based on the word of a trusted Cuban-American informer, Ricardo Morales, places Mr. Posada at two meetings where the Cubana bombing was plotted. It quotes the informer directly: "If Posada Carriles talks," it says, "the Venezuelan government will 'go down the tube.' " The document was obtained from government files by the National Security Archive, a private research group in Washington."

Posada has something on Bush, says expert on Kennedy case  4/29/2005 Granma: "Dankbaar, also a Dutch businessman, who has made a documentary on the assassination of Kennedy titled Second Look, has shown how one of the three individuals arrested by Dallas police shortly after the crime placed Luis Posada Carriles in Dealey Square in that same city at the moment of the assassination."

Ex-Venezuelan Soldier Says CIA Tried to Bribe Guards for Cuban Terrorist's Escape  4/27/2005 Venezuela Analysis: "According to retired Venezuelan National Guard member Nelson Díaz, the CIA financed the escape of Cuban terrorist Luis Posada Carriles from a Venezuelan penitentiary in 1985. During a telephone interview yesterday with the daily morning program En Confianza, on Venezuela’s state television channel, Nelson, who worked in the prison where Posada was in prison for the bombing of a Cuban airliner, spoke of $20,000 dollar bribes that he and several of his co-workers were offered in 1983 to facilitate Posada's escape."

Hijo de cubano asesinado por Posada Carriles exige justicia  4/22/2005 Jiribilla 

An Exclusive CounterPunch Interview with Ricardo Alarcon About One of the World's Most Wanted Terrorists - "Is Posada Still Working for the White House?"  4/19/2005 CounterPunch: "The explosion took place probably more rapidly than they had expected because they eared and saw the explosion when they were in the taxi going from the airport to town. That perhaps has provoked their extremely instable attitude. They were very, very nervous. That is what the driver reported. And at some moment they asked the driver not to go to the hotel but to go to the American Embassy and, at a particular moment, something struck the mind of the driver. He listened when one of the individuals signalled a building, when approaching downtown Bridgetown, and referred to the American Embassy. In Bridgetown, at this moment, there were very few embassies. The US and very few countries had a representation there. We didn't at the time. This was noted by the driver because it is rather strange that somebody who is entering the country should know this, unless he had been there before. Then they went to the Embassy, according to this driver."

El Departamento de Estado instruyó a los medios de prensa para que difundieran que la presencia de Posada Carriles en Estados Unidos era una operación de la inteligencia cubana  4/15/2005 Tricontinental 

Cuban Terror Suspect Sets Off Propaganda Battle  4/14/2005 Washington Post: "Posada has been living in unspecified Central American countries since 2000, his lawyer told Prensa Grafica (Spanish) in El Salvador. He recently entered the United States via Mexico, the lawyer said. In a three-hour appearance on Cuban television on Monday, Castro charged that the Bush administration knew Posada had entered the United States. "It is as if Bin Laden were in the United States and the US president did not know," Castro said according to the BBC. In Venezuela, the government of President Hugo Chavez says it will formally demand that the U.S. extradite Posada, according to two leading dailies, El Observador (Spanish) and El Nacional (Spanish). Venezuela is Cuba's closest ally in the hemisphere. One target of Castro's rhetorical offensive is Europe. Both Unavision (Spanish), the mainstream Mexican broadcast network, and the leftist daily La Jornada (Spanish) noted that Castro is seeking European help in getting Posada extradited."

Venezuela Issues Extradition Request for Terrorist in U.S.  4/13/2005 Venezuela Analysis: "Venezuela formally asked U.S. authorities to extradite an escaped prisoner who was responsible for the bombing of a Cuban airliner in 1976, in which 73 persons were killed. The former prisoner, Luis Posada Carriles, is a Cuban exile who had escaped a Venezuelan prison in 1985. For a while he lived in Panama, where he was also captured for planning an assassination of Cuba’s President Fidel Castro in 2000. He was then pardoned in Panama, though, and entered the U.S. about a month ago. Venezuela’s Vice-President, José Vicente Rangel, said, “We going to step up our demands for extradition.” “I hope Mr. Bush will take note of his own anti-terrorism policies and hand over Posada Carriles,” added Rangel."

Cuba pide a EU entregar a Luis Posada Carriles  4/12/2005 La Jornada, Mexico 

Moscoso obtained $4 million for pardoning Posada and his accomplices  4/7/2005 Granma: "The pardon of international terrorists Luis Posada Carriles, Pedro Crispín Remon Hernández, Gaspar Jimenez Escobedo and Guillermo Novo Sampol was negotiated in Miami by Ruby Moscoso, sister of the then Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso, for the sum of $4 million, according to documents published on the internet."

Activist emerged from shadows  3/31/2005 Miami Herald: A half a dozen terror bombings in Havana returned longtime anti-Castro activist Luís Posada Carriles to the limelight in 1997.

Posada Carriles: a Hot Potato  3/31/2005 Radio Miami: "The news arrived to the media just a few hours ago, but the rumor has been going around Miami for a few days. Luis Posada Carriles, the most infamous terrorist of Cuban origin is already in the U.S., and he is ready to request political asylum over there. He had remained clandestinely in Central America, possibly Honduras and El Salvador, after having been pardoned in Panama by the then Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso, who released him from prison. He was serving a sentence for terrorist acts in that country."

A Cuban Perspective on Gary Webb - The Journalist Who Exposed the Crimes of Luis Posada Carriles  1/5/2005 CounterPunch 

When will the French press reveal the RSF leader’s friendships with terrorists?  9/24/2004 Granma: "In Miami, Ménard got friendly with several of those who led the campaigns to release Orlando Bosch and prevent Elián from returning to Cuba, and who purchased a pardon for Luis Posada Carriles. Bosch and Posada have a long-standing career of terrorism behind them going back some 45 years and that includes the mid-flight explosion of a Cubana Aviation aircraft with 73 passengers on board."

Amid Cheers, Terrorists Have Landed in the U.S.  9/12/2004 LA Times: "I think you can create conditions so that those who use terror as a tool are less acceptable in parts of the world," Bush recently said in an interview. But the decision to allow members of the Posada gang into this country, and the televised spectacle of Miamians applauding their return, sends a different and dangerous message: In a swing state, some terrorists are not only acceptable but welcome."

Posada Carriles said to be in Honduras  8/31/2004 Granma 

Panama-Cuba 'pardon' row worsens  8/23/2004 BBC: "The Cuban government also recently alleged the convicted men were planning to flee from their Panamanian prison and said it would hold the Moscoso government responsible if this happened. Earlier this year, it criticised as too lenient the four-to-eight year sentences imposed on the men. Cuba had tried to extradite four of the Cuban exiles, including the alleged ringleader, Luis Posada Carriles, who has been wanted by Havana for many years. He is accused of a string of offences, including an attack on a Cuban passenger plane which crashed off the coast of Barbados in 1976."

ROBERT “CIA” MENARD: SENSATIONAL DISCOVERY - Reporters Sans Frontières along with, the U.S. army, Bacardí and CANF  1/21/2004 Granma: "THE most dishonest anti-Cuba publicity campaigns by Reporters sans frontières, the organization that has been feverishly attacking Cuba in recent years in Europe and other parts of the world, have been conceived and established by Publicis, the global advertising giant. Amongst its most important clients, Publicis has contracts with the U.S. Army, Bacardí and other Miami mafia representatives, including some who are financing notorious terrorists such as Luis Posada Carriles."

Reporters Sans Frontières along with, the U.S. army, Bacardí and CANF  11/20/2003 Granma: "THE most dishonest anti-Cuba publicity campaigns by Reporters sans frontières, the organization that has been feverishly attacking Cuba in recent years in Europe and other parts of the world, have been conceived and established by Publicis, the global advertising giant. Amongst its most important clients, Publicis has contracts with the U.S. Army, Bacardí and other Miami mafia representatives, including some who are financing notorious terrorists such as Luis Posada Carriles. The general secretary of Reporters sans frontières, CIA operative Robert Ménard – who devoted himself in the 1960s to infiltrating left-wing groups including Trotskyite organizations – has acknowledged on several occasions that Saatchi & Saatchi, the famous New York advertising agency, is behind his attacks on Cuba, confirming that the huge commercial propaganda firm provides its services "free of charge" to him."

John F. Kennedy: A dual-purpose assassination - An interview with Division Gen. (r) Fabián Escalante Font ‘They were in Dallas’ (Second and final part)  11/11/2003 Radio Progresso: "Tony Cuesta and I talked several times. Talking with him was difficult, because he always spoke as if he were telling a secret. Several times I told him: “Tony, it's me you're talking to. I'm the only person who can turn on the microphones here and I haven't turned them on, so talk a bit louder because I can't hear what you're saying.” It was like a big mystery, as if we both were conspiring. One time, in the late 1970s, he asks me to go see him. Probably it was a way to say thanks, because it was difficult for us to save his life and the process of rehabilitation was very long. We had a long conversation. We started talking about the exiles, about the principal characters, Orlando Bosch, Antonio Veciana, Luis Posada Carriles, Jorge Mas Canosa. But all of a sudden, I don't know how, we started talking about Kennedy's assassination and the man paled and said more or less this: Herminio Díaz and Eladio del Valle were in Dallas on that day, Nov. 22. I ask him why he's telling me this. And he answers that he doesn't know anything else, but that he does want us to know that Herminio Díaz and Eladio del Valle were there."

Bush Passes on Cuban Exiles' Right  10/26/2003 LA Times: By Ann Louise Bardach - "Bush's speech was carefully calibrated to appeal to a narrow — and extremely reactionary — section of the exile community. He spoke about Cuban dissidents jailed by Fidel Castro, but he failed to mention Cuba's most prominent dissidents, including Nobel Peace Prize nominee Oswaldo Paya, leader of the respected Varela Project; and human rights activist Elizardo Sanchez. Dissidents like Paya are ignored because, although they would like to see the end of Castro's reign, they also argue that the U.S. embargo is counterproductive. Moreover, such charismatic and popular figures represent a threat to the ambitions of White House favorite Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, the Miami congressman who has made no secret of his desire to succeed his uncle by marriage, Castro — the sooner the better. Perhaps the clearest signal of just how extreme the Bush policy is can be gleaned from the list of those invited to the Rose Garden. Amply represented were members of the Cuban Liberty Council, a group that broke away from the conservative Cuban American National Foundation on the grounds that it was too moderate. Also present was Alberto Hernandez, an exile known for his militancy who is profusely thanked for his support and friendship in the memoirs of Luis Posada Carriles, currently in prison in Panama on charges that he attempted to assassinate Castro… More stunning was the omission of representatives from the Cuban American National Foundation, a prominent exile group. The slight was viewed by insiders as part of ongoing punishment for the group's not having endorsed Bush (or any other candidate) in the 2000 presidential campaign. "These guys have no equal when it comes to revenge," says one foundation board member… The current U.S. stance toward Cuba has little to do with effective foreign policy and everything to do with Miami-Dade politics. All of which may explain why Fidel Castro seems so amused by George W. Bush, the 10th American president to face off against him. With enemies like this, Castro hardly needs friends." You go, girl!

Panamanian justice rules that Posada and his accomplices should stand trial  9/8/2003 Granma 

Five-star cell with a terrace facing the Canal  6/10/2003 Granma: "The detention of international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and his three accomplices is the subject of an international disinformation campaign, with the complicity of certain figures from the Panamanian judicial system, whilst his narco-lawyer and the Miami mafia are noisily planning his release."

Posada and his accomplices, active collaborators of Pinochet’s fascist police  3/26/2003 Granma: "DINA’s objective was to physically eliminate opposition both inside and outside the country. This was how Luis Posada Carriles, Guillermo Novo Sampoll and Gaspar Jiménez Escobedo – all of them founders of the Coordination of United Revolutionary Organizations (CORU), along with pediatrician and killer Orlando Bosch – actively participated in a significant number of support tasks for Pinochet’s junta, as advisors or providers of mercenaries, explosive materials and logistical support. A declassified FBI report, dated April 29 1986, confirms a meeting between exiled Cubans and Pinochet on March 17, 1975. Pinochet offered them financial assistance on the condition that they unified the various counterrevolutionary groups. He also promised to mediate in their favor before heads of state in Paraguay and Uruguay, both countries living under cruel dictatorships."

Posada reaffirms his determination to continue with his terrorist acts  3/7/2003 Granma: "Posada recently reiterated his intentions in an interview with Miami’s Canal 23, in which he defended terror with impunity, which comes as no surprise to anybody in the city where the FBI protects terrorists and arrests those who infiltrate terrorists’ ranks to put a stop to their criminal plans."

Discount for terrorists - Florida Justice  2/14/2003 Granma: "Miami-Dade County Judge José Rodríguez abruptly and suspiciously reduced Calatayud’s bond from the $200,000 originally set at the time of his arrest to $50,000 USD, thanks to the pharmacy owner’s lawyer arguing that his client had insufficient resources… A felony charge of this magnitude is extremely serious and could earn him 30 years in jail plus a $100,000 USD fine. Calatayud is simultaneously accused of defrauding Medicaid, which could cost him various years in prison and a fine of tens of thousands of dollars. The pharmacy owner, not the pharmacist as the Miami press would have it, also owns La Primera Farmacia Latina, on 300 SW 107th Avenue in Miami. He lives in a luxurious residence on 14232 SW 21 Terrace. It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out that he has considerable financial resources and could take on board any important financial need." Details follow on Calatayud's career as terrorist, his associations with Posada Carilles and numerous other terrorists.

MIAMI IN SHOCK - Leader of anti-Chávez march arrested on fraud charges  2/3/2003 Granma: nice bio - "El Nuevo Herald failed to mention Calatayud’s previous record in illicitly approving funds. As far back as 1978, in cahoots with Miami terrorists Rafael, Raúl Villaverde Lamadrid, Pedro Lucas Roig and Antonio de la Cova, he was investigated for embezzling Medicaid. As a member of the terrorist organization RECE, founded and funded by the Bacardí Company and the CIA, Calatayud, a veteran of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961, participated in various terrorist conspiracies alongside then-CIA operative Jorge Mas Canosa. From the outset he actively participated in terrorist activities with characters like Luis Posada Carriles, currently in prison in Panama, and Orlando Bosch, who presently resides in Miami. In 1973, Calatayud organized a plan to sabotage the Cuban Embassy in Paris, France. The plot failed in light of the explosive device killing terrorist Juan Felipe de la Cruz as he was activating it. The Miami swindler also actively participated in a conspiracy to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro during a visit to Mexico. He personally hired Mexican resident and "veteran" mercenary Manuel Camargo to check out the airport and other places of interest in the Mexican capital for the express purpose of planning the failed attempt. Calatayud later directed the Cuban Independence Party, a hard-line terrorist group out of South Florida. During the 1990s he was information chief of WQBA La Cubanisima radio station. He ultimately headed "Project Cuba," appointing himself general director of the organization. Various sources confirm that Calatayud ordered and directed the bombing of the Cuban Commercial Office in Montreal, Canada on April 4, 1972, causing the death of a young Cuban diplomat, Sergio Pérez Castillo."

Posada conspires in prison  12/19/2002 Granma: "During a visit to El Renacer prison to record a television report on a cultural event for Mothers Day (a December festivity in Panama), a Panamanian TVN television camera team was witness to an unexpected meeting between Luis Posada Carriles, the hemisphere’s most dangerous terrorist, and known Miami terrorist Ignacio Castro Matos."

The lost illusions of Posada and his accomplices  12/10/2002 Granma: "Traumatized. There aren’t many other words to describe Posada Carriles and his three henchmen on leaving the court on Thursday, December 5 after discovering the extent of the deceit practiced on them over the months by their defense attorney drugs lawyer Rogelio Cruz… Cruz, a former state attorney and millionaire who lost his position some years ago due to his links with Colombian drug cartels and a series of financial maneuvers that could have sent him to jail, is confronting a team of top-level lawyers in this country, doctors and university professors who are exercising their skills on behalf of various popular groups. And without charge, out of solidarity with trade union, student and indigenous organizations and the Cuban Revolution."

The lost illusions of Posada and his accomplices  12/10/2002 Granma: "Traumatized. There aren’t many other words to describe Posada Carriles and his three henchmen on leaving the court on Thursday, December 5 after discovering the extent of the deceit practiced on them over the months by their defense attorney drugs lawyer Rogelio Cruz… Cruz, a former state attorney and millionaire who lost his position some years ago due to his links with Colombian drug cartels and a series of financial maneuvers that could have sent him to jail, is confronting a team of top-level lawyers in this country, doctors and university professors who are exercising their skills on behalf of various popular groups. And without charge, out of solidarity with trade union, student and indigenous organizations and the Cuban Revolution."

Trial of exiles in anti-Castro plot halted in Panama after 4 ½ hours  12/6/2002 Miami Herald: "The trial of the man that Cuba calls its ''most wanted terrorist'' and three Cuban Americans started and halted Thursday after a lawyer insisted they be charged with trying to kill Fidel Castro in 2000. Luis Posada Carriles, Gaspar Jiménez and Pedro Remón of Miami and Guillermo Novo of New Jersey, who have been jailed for two years, groaned when the judge suspended the long-awaited trial after only 4 ½ hours."

Behind Posada: Drug Trafficking  12/4/2002 Granma: Coca Contra, again - "Panamanian sources confirm links between José Valladares Acosta, accomplice of terrorist gang leader Luis Posada Carriles and Orestes Cosío, recently deported from the United States for drug trafficking and involvement in three murders • The extremely dangerous terrorist has always maintained links with drug trafficking circles in Miami - the U.S. drugs capital."

Behind Posada: Drug Trafficking  12/4/2002 Granma: Coca Contra, again - "Panamanian sources confirm links between José Valladares Acosta, accomplice of terrorist gang leader Luis Posada Carriles and Orestes Cosío, recently deported from the United States for drug trafficking and involvement in three murders • The extremely dangerous terrorist has always maintained links with drug trafficking circles in Miami - the U.S. drugs capital."

The Miami mafia’s September 11  9/11/2002 Granma: "On that same date in 1980, Miami mafia capos were celebrating the success of their latest feat of terrorism: the murder of Félix García Rodríguez, a Cuban diplomatic at the United Nations, carried out in a New York street by Pedro Remón, the deadliest killer at their disposal. It was the one and only assassination of a UN diplomat and the news immediately made world headlines. Pedro Remón, who was never punished for his crime and continued his life as a terrorist, is currently detained in Panama with gang leader Luis Posada Carriles; he could soon be returning, unpunished, to his Florida residence."

Posada in El Renacer, 60 meters from the Panama Canal  8/7/2002 Granma: "For many observers, Posada Carriles’ arrival at El Renacer Rehabilitation Center and reunion with the rest of his terrorist gang, looks like another attempt to illegally spirit him out of the country. The move adds to the Panamanian authorities’ unjustifiable rejection of an extradition request by the Cuban government, a lack of response to the Venezuelan government’s extradition request, the many legal irregularities and constant visits to Panama by big-time Miami mafia members."

Cuban warns of Posada Carriles’ possible escape  6/24/2002 Granma: Posada was Felix Rodriguez #2 at Ilo Pango air force base in El Salvador, the source of much Coca Contra trafficking in the 80's. Felix is a long time CIA employee close to George Bush senior and the CIA rep in on the Che take down.

Nota del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores: Luis Posada Carriles  6/23/2002 AIN, Cuba: narcoterrorist Posada about to flee - "El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores ha conocido que en días pasados, el señor Rogelio Cruz, abogado defensor del connotado terrorista Luis Posada Carriles, anunció que su defendido ha sido trasladado a una clínica privada en Panamá alegando su deteriorado estado de salud."

REICH-POSADA-BOSCH - The Axis of Deceit  4/5/2002 Granma 

Posada and his Gang in Panama-12 Mar 2002  3/12/2002 Radio Havana 

El Salvador pedirá la extradición de Posada Carriles  3/9/2002 El Nuevo Herald: The Cubans say this is to free the narcoterrorist, as he has many friends in El Salvador.

POSADA CARRILES - Four bloody decades  2/28/2002 Granma: "...a professor at Tufts University, also an investigative reporter, who exposed himself to the worst reprisals by revealing previously unpublished information about the "private lives" of the CIA and the Miami mafia. In two alternative Internet publications, Professor Jerry Meldon released a "biography" of the best known Cuban exile drug traffickers, especially the central figure: arch-terrorist Luis Posada Carriles. Basing himself on a series of declassified secret documents, Meldon bravely describes Posada Carriles’ relationship with the late Jorge Mas Canosa, founder and leader of the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) and frequent guest at the White House under Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton."

Uncle Sam's Favorite Terrorists  2/28/2002 Antifa: by Jerry Meldon, 1998 - extensive review of narcoterrorist Posada and the CANF

POSADA CARRILES - Four bloody decades  2/28/2002 Granma: "...a professor at Tufts University, also an investigative reporter, who exposed himself to the worst reprisals by revealing previously unpublished information about the "private lives" of the CIA and the Miami mafia. In two alternative Internet publications, Professor Jerry Meldon released a "biography" of the best known Cuban exile drug traffickers, especially the central figure: arch-terrorist Luis Posada Carriles. Basing himself on a series of declassified secret documents, Meldon bravely describes Posada Carriles’ relationship with the late Jorge Mas Canosa, founder and leader of the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) and frequent guest at the White House under Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton."

PANAMA PAVES THE WAY FOR RELEASE OF TERRORIST LUIS POSADA CARRILES  2/22/2002 Radio Havana: the endless power of the Miami narcoterrorists - "The government of Panama appears to be preparing the way for the release of international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and three of his accomplices. During the nightly roundtable discussion -- broadcast live on Cuban radio and television Thursday evening -- it was revealed that the four terrorists will face reduced charges and could be released awaiting trial."

Castro foe won't face murder plot charge  2/20/2002 Miami Herald: Posada Carriles was Felix Rodriguez' #2 at Ilo Pango, the center of the Coca Contra trade. He could have blown that wide open…

Destacan en Cuba decisión venezolana de tramitar extradición Posada Carriles  12/26/2001 AIN, Cuba: Posada, narcotraficante extraordinario, apoyado por Miami

Venezuela initiates extradition procedures for terrorist Posada Carriles  12/26/2001 Granma: ""Luis Posada Carriles fled the San Carlos Garrison [in Venezuela] on September 8, 1982, where he was being held. On that occasion he was captured and brought before the courts once again, but he managed to escape [again] on August 18, 1985," Dávila said." Word is he was aided by Jorge Menos Canosa, mas o menos.

U.S. authorities must act against the Miami mafia and extreme right  12/20/2001 Granma: What, there are terrorists in Miami, and the FBI does nothing? "He cited the cases of Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch, both of whom have an extensive history of links to the CIA, and who masterminded the sabotage of a Cuban commercial airliner in mid-flight on October 6, 1976, causing the deaths of 73 innocent persons. Orlando Bosch, Fernando pointed out, is living freely in Miami, thanks to the parole granted by former president George Bush, in spite of being considered a dangerous and a notorious terrorist by authorities in the U.S. Justice Department. He charged that the influence and pressure exerted by Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Republican congresswoman from Florida and protector of terrorists, was behind the presidential parole granted to Bosch. The evidence presented by Fernando’s defense confirms that Orlando Bosch continues conspiring in Miami to commit acts of terrorism against Cuba. The FBI is aware of documents concerned and nobody has arrested him."

Denuncia Cuba estratagemas para no enjuiciar a Posada Carriles  11/22/2001 Agencia Cubana de Noticias: Details the stratagems of the Miami Mafia, including the CANF, to get Luis Posada Carilles, one of the most horrendous terrorists in the Americas, off the hook from having attempted the assassination of Fidel and 2,000 Panamanians with a large bomb.

Cuban Missive Crisis  2/1/2001 Miami New Times: "But each, through his court-appointed lawyer, has admitted to spying for a good reason: to protect the lives of people in Cuba from extremist elements of the exile movement. From people who might be crazy enough to bomb hotels in Havana, assassinate Fidel Castro, or even invade the island -- it has been known to happen. In fact three of the men about which the Wasp Network was worried -- Luis Posada Carriles, Guillermo Novo Sampoll, and Gaspar Jimenez Escobedo-- currently are under arrest in Panama for a plot to kill Castro during last November's Ibero-American Summit."

THE RETURN OF THE CONDOR  1/5/2001 Prensa Latina: "Cuban-American terrorist Luis Posada Carriles' recent detention in Panama, for leading a commando group that brought explosive devices into that country to attempt to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro during the 10th Ibero-American Summit is daily acquiring greater importance. In the many recent trials against dictatorships of the South, these same people appear to be accomplices in the so-called Operation Condor."

CONNECTIONS OF CANF'S TREASURER  12/15/2000 Zmag: "The Cuban American National Foundation is well-represented on the GOP's list of presidential electors from Florida by CANF's treasurer, Feliciano M. Foyo, who happens to be a good friend of Florida Governor Jeb Bush. Foyo has another friend named Luis Posada Carriles, one of the most notorious terrorists among Cuban expatriots. In an autobiography published in Honduras in 1994, Posada names Feliciano Foyo as one of his financial backers."

Miami-Dade Reversal -- A Cuban Terrorist Payback To Bush Family?  12/7/2000 Pacific News: "At the core of the CANF terrorist connection was Mas Canosa's personal friendship with two other Cubans who had worked for the CIA, Luis Posada and Felix Rodriguez. In 1985 Rodriguez was reporting personally to Vice President Bush's office about his logistical support for the Contras from a base in El Salvador. That same year, Mas Canosa helped Posada escape from a Venezuelan prison and relocate in El Salvador as part of the Rodriguez Contra supply operation. (Seven years later, at a $1,000-a-plate fund-raising dinner, President Bush said, "I salute Jorge Mas.") "

New York Times interview with terrorist Luís Posada Carriles  7/12/1998 Free the Five: "Over the years, Posada estimated, Mas sent him more than $200,000. "He never said, 'This is from the foundation,' " Posada recalled. Rather, he said with a chuckle, the money arrived with the message, "This is for the church."

Solidarity Group In Panama Denounces Escape Plans of Posada and His Gang, 8/2/01

Panama, August 2 (RHC)--Social and student organizations working with Panama's Solidarity with Cuba Association have denounced escape plans by a group of terrorists that plotted an attempt against the life of Cuban President Fidel Castro during the last Ibero-American Summit.

Well-known international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and three accomplices, Guillermo Novo Sampol, Gaspar Gimenez Escobedo and Pedro Remon Crispin, are being held in Panama, accused of plotting to assassinate the Cuban leader during an activity at the University of Panama in Panama City. Had it succeeded, the plot would have claimed not just the life of Fidel Castro, but also more than 2,000 Panamanian students and solidarity activists who had gathered there to hear the Cuban leader speak.

Solidarity groups in Panama have denounced a propaganda campaign launched by right wing anti-Cuba extremists in Miami to make Posada Carriles and his accomplices appear as the "innocent victims" of a trap laid for them in Panama.

The solidarity activists also pointed to false allegations regarding Posada Carriles' presumed poor health conditions, charging that they are tactics aimed at confusing public opinion and favoring requests for the defendants to be placed under house arrest, rather than being held in jail, in order to facilitate their escape.

A press release issued by the solidarity groups warns that it should come as no surprise if the terrorists manage to escape if they are finally removed from jail and placed under house arrest. Evidence of that, says the statement, is their long criminal records, which include escapes from prisons in Venezuela and Mexico and the use of false passports to travel from one country to another.

The document also charges that the four terrorists have continued with activities against Cuba from inside the Panamanian prison, where they have been visited by Santiago Alvarez, the organizer of a recent plan to infiltrate a terrorist group to plant bombs in Havana's world famous Tropicana night club.

Carriles is known to be responsible for numerous terrorist actions against Cuba and several other nations, including the 1976 bomb explosion on a Cuban airliner in mid-air that claimed the lives of all 73 people on board.

Terrorists’ accomplices run the CANF, 5/01

Granma, 5/25/01

That mafia organization is led and financed by unconditional supporters of killers Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles • In order to improve their image, they are Americanizing their message, now that U.S. public opinion has discovered their true face.

NOW that it is politically liquidated, the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) will have to invent a new name for its organization, since it is led and financed by people born in the United States and is intimately linked to terrorists such as Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles.

The case of Elián González has revealed to U.S. public opinion who are the figures who have controlled and supported the most reactionary and dirty-dealing sector of the Cuban exile community in the United States, having dared to challenge the U.S. government and inciting disdain for the patriotic symbols of the country that took them like spoiled children.

The Cuban press has commented that Joe García will be named CANF executive director. This man, as a journalist revealed in Havana, directed the Exodus program to take Cubans living in third countries to the United States.

Alberto Hernández, an accomplice of terrorists, will continue to be president of the CANF. This individual raised $200,000 USD to bribe judges in the trials of Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles.

The CANF hoped to establish an operations center on the Nicaragua-Honduras border to act against Cuban civilians, by attacking innocent people.

García, whom Cuban reporter Reynaldo Taladrid called a brother-to-the-death of Orlando Bosch, has been accused of sexual assault.

When the Exodus program became the center of a scandal, in which Joe García’s shady maneuvers related to the medical insurance of Cubans using his clinic in Miami came to light, he lost the Miami-Dade elections to candidate Miguel Díaz de la Portilla. The latter’s campaign was centered around attacks on Mas Canosa.

Joe García then moved on to Jeb Bush’s team, as part of a commission monitoring large corporations. Now that Al gore has lost ground in the campaign, according to recent surveys, the CANF is trying to get on the good side George Bush, who could very well be the next president, stating that it is going to Americanize its message.

The CANF has raised $3 million USD for elections. As Taladrid pointed out, this money is invested so that the organization can then achieve what it wants.

Luis Posada Carriles and the Cuban American National Foundation: Coca Contra lives on, 3/00

Luis Posada Carriles is a career narcoterrorist who spent time in a Venezuelan jail for the 1976 bombing a Cubana airliner, killing all 73 on board. He escaped after 8 years in 1985 thanks to a bribe from Jorge Mas Canosa, the now deceased head of the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF)[1]. He has been tied to the importation of large quantities of cocaine into the US in support of the Contras in Nicaragua in the 80's ("Coca Contra") and to a series of bombings in Cuba.  Posada was interviewed by reporters from the New York Times in 1998 and told them of his ties to the CANF, a tax exempt right wing group created under Reagan and a beneficiary of substantial federal funds for running Radio and TV Marti, which beam their propaganda to Cuba.  The Times ran two articles, on July 12 and 13, 1999.  They have caused a sensation and led to Posada's retraction of his interview.  The Times has him on tape and stands by their story.  In addition, elements of his interview had already appeared in autobiographical writings done with a publicist.

Posada has been tied to large scale cocaine trafficking in support of the Contras in Peter Dale Scott's book, Cocaine Politics. Posada was second in charge of a major Contra resupply operation at Ilopango Air Force Base in El Salvador.  He was recruited there by his old friend Felix Rodriguez, a long-time CIA operative who was the CIA liaison with the Bolivian forces that captured and executed Che Guevera.   Rodriguez was in charge of the Contra resupply operation and its cocaine trafficking component at Ilopango, a nerve center for the Contra resupply operation, and Posada became his second in command.

For some updates on the later course of these trends, check out: Miami FBI Office: terrorism, drugs, and politics, updated 3/25/00: Miami FBI head, said to be brother of CANF attorney, personally entrapped INS officer Faget.  Nice touch: Miami FBI spokesman had a felony drug trafficking warrant out on him from Canada in '98!

NarcoNews does a great job of covering the drug war in South America, but does not cover much of the Cuban American angle. It does however provide good overall context.

[1] See in Spanish: "Gusanos de Miami e intelectuales mexicanos: Confunden derechos humanos y contrarrevolución" by Salvador del Rio at


Links to sources on Posada

La Alborada - Cuban American Alliance
Volume 1, Number 9, CAAEF Newsletter, January 1999
Lots of documentation on this issue

Contra Resuppliers Who Did Not Testify, Part II, The Guardian, 9/30/87
Eugene Hasenfus' testimony on Posada's coordinating role at Ilopango

The Miami Herald on Posada's Cuba bomb campaign, 11/19/97
The article that broke the story

Granma, Cuba's daily, recounts the New York Times articles of July 12&13, 1998, 7/17/98, (Español)

TO THE UNITED STATES (96-0143-IG): Volume II: The Contra Story
On the CIA site, the CIA's forthright answer to all these scurrilous allegations! Actually contains many damning admissions...

Accused Cuban bomber calmly confesses on TV, September 16, 1997

Extract from The Guardian on Posada at Ilopango air base

Contra Resuppliers Who Did Not Testify
Part II

by Peter Shinkle and Dennis Bernstein
The Guardian, September 30, 1987


How About Hasenfus?

Eugene Hasenfus, the American mercenary who survived when his supply plane was shot down over Nicaragua, could have told the committees about the U.S. officials and Cuban-American operatives running the resupply operation.

Days after the Oct. 5 downing of the aircraft, Hasenfus told Nicaraguan authorities "there were two Cuban nationalized Americans that worked for the CIA that did most of the coordination of the flights and overseeing all operation projects, transportation... also refueling and...flight plans." Hasenfus identified the two as Felix Rodriguez and Ramon Medina.

Rodriguez testified before the select committees that he was hired by the Salvadoran air force to work as liaison to the private aid network. Rodriguez also identified Medina as Luis Posada Cariles, who in 1985 escaped from a prison in Venezuela where he was being held in connection with the mid-air bombing of a Cuban airline in 1976. Rodriguez told a senator during his Iran-contra testimony, "I helped him. I am the only one responsible for him to be there, nobody else, and I don't regret what I did, sir."

The Miami Herald on Posada's Cuba bomb campaign

Miami Herald, November 17, 1997

Exiles directed blasts that rocked island's
tourism, investigation reveals

Herald Staff Writer

SAN SALVADOR—A spate of bombings in Cuba this summer was the work of a ring of Salvadoran car thieves and armed robbers directed and financed by Cuban exiles in El Salvador and Miami, a two-month investigation by The Herald shows.

The ring's leader is Francisco Chavez, son of an arms dealer with close ties to Cuban exiles and a pistol-packing ruffian who apparently was in Havana just hours before the first bomb exploded at the luxury Melia Cohiba Hotel.

But the Salvadorans were only delivery boys for the bombs, paid and taught to assemble the explosives by a Cuban exile—a tight-lipped, superbly disciplined man in his 30s who has participated in several other anti-Castro operations in Central and South America.

And it was Luis Posada Carriles, a veteran of the Cuban exiles' secret war against President Fidel Castro and explosives expert in his 60s, who was the key link between El Salvador and the South Florida exiles who raised $15,000 for the operation.

For the rest of this scoop, which stunned Miami when it came out, see

Granma on Posada revelations in the New York Times, 7/17/98

Conmoción en Estados Unidos por
artículos del New York Times sobre
actividades terroristas contra Cuba

El periódico The New York Times publicó los pasados días 12 y 13 de julio extensos artículos basados en una entrevista realizada al terrorista de origen cubano Luis Posada Carriles, que han causado una gran conmoción en los medios de prensa y la opinión pública norteamericanas, así como reacciones en muchos otros países.

En sus declaraciones al diario norteamericano, Posada Carriles -cuya extensa hoja de servicios contra el pueblo cubano, además de su participación en sabotajes, planes de atentados y otras acciones similares en la guerra sucia contra Cuba, incluye la organización del sabotaje al avión de Cubana en Barbados en 1976 que costó la vida de 73 personas inocentes, entre ellas los adolescentes que integraban el equipo juvenil de
esgrima de nuestro país- reconoce explícitamente, con absoluto cinismo, su participación en estas acciones terroristas y el financiamiento y apoyo recibido de la Fundación Nacional Cubano Americana, y explica la
evidente apatía de las autoridades norteamericanas en investigar su actividad terrorista contra Cuba por el hecho de lo que llamó "su vieja relación con las agencias norteamericanas de inteligencia y los órganos
encargados de hacer cumplir la ley".

En el primero de los artículos, el diario señala:

"Un exiliado cubano que ha llevado a cabo una campaña de estallidos de bombas e intentos de asesinato dirigidos contra Fidel Castro, dice que sus esfuerzos fueron respaldados financieramente durante más de un decenio por los líderes cubano-estadounidenses de uno de los grupos de cabildeo más influyentes de los Estados Unidos.

"El exiliado, Luis Posada Carriles, dijo haber organizado una ola de estallidos de bombas el año pasado en hoteles, restaurantes y discotecas de Cuba que ocasionaron la muerte de un turista italiano y la alarma del gobierno cubano. El señor Posada fue entrenado por la Agencia Central de Inteligencia en demolición y guerra de guerrillas en el decenio de 1960.

"En una serie de entrevistas grabadas en un complejo amurallado del Caribe, Posada expresó que la colocación de bombas en los hoteles y otras operaciones habían sido apoyadas por líderes de la Fundación
Nacional Cubano Americana. Su fundador y jefe, Jorge Mas Canosa, quien murió el año pasado, fue acogido en la Casa Blanca por los Presidentes Reagan, Bush y Clinton."

Sigue diciendo el New York Times:

"Aunque la Fundación, que no paga impuestos, ha declarado que trata de derrocar al gobierno comunista de Cuba únicamente por medios pacíficos, Posada manifestó que los líderes de la Fundación discretamente financiaban sus operaciones. Mas Canosa supervisaba personalmente el flujo de dinero y el apoyo logístico, dijo.

"`Jorge lo controlaba todo', expresó Posada. `Cuando yo necesitaba dinero, yo decía: Dame 5 mil dólares, dame 10 mil, dame 15 mil, y ellos me los mandaban.'

"A través de los años, Posada calculó que Mas Canosa le había enviado más de 200 mil dólares. `El nunca dijo: Esto es de la Fundación', recordó Posada. Por el contrario, recordó con una risita sarcástica, el dinero llegaba con el mensaje: `Esto es para la iglesia.'"3

Según los autores de los artículos, "por primera vez, Posada describió también el papel que había desempeñado en algunos de los más importantes hechos de la Guerra Fría en los que los exiliados cubanos fueron participantes clave. Fue entrenado para la invasión por Playa Girón en un campamento en Guatemala, pero no llegó a desembarcar en las playas cubanas [...]. Fueron exiliados cubanos como Posada los reclutados por la CIA para los subsiguientes atentados contra la vida de Castro.

"Encarcelado por uno de los más vergonzosos ataques anticubanos -la colocación de una bomba en un avión civil de Cubana en 1976-, escapó más tarde de una cárcel venezolana para formar parte del eslabón
principal de la cruzada anticomunista de la Casa Blanca en el hemisferio occidental iniciada por Reagan: las actividades clandestinas del teniente coronel Oliver North para suministrar armas a los contras

Seguidamente el diario comenta:

"Parte de lo que dijo sobre su pasado puede verificarse mediante documentos del gobierno recientemente desclasificados, así como mediante entrevistas con ex miembros de la Fundación y funcionarios de los Estados Unidos."

Una de las afirmaciones de Posada Carriles que el periódico resalta es la que se refiere al hecho de que "las autoridades estadounidenses encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley mantuvieron una actitud de benévolo abandono con relación a él durante la mayor parte de su carrera, permitiéndole que siguiera libre y en actividad".

El New York Times apunta: "La Fundación de los exiliados, creada en 1981, ha tratado de presentarse como la voz responsable de la comunidad de exiliados cubanos, dedicada a debilitar al régimen de Castro mediante la política y no la fuerza. Gracias a ese enfoque y a millones en donaciones para las campañas, la Fundación se convirtió en una de las organizaciones de cabildeo más efectivas de Washington y en el principal arquitecto de la política estadounidense hacia Cuba.

"Cualquier prueba de que la Fundación o sus líderes repartían dinero a los republicanos y los demócratas y al mismo tiempo apoyaban sabotajes con bombas, pudiera debilitar las afirmaciones de legalidad que hace el grupo."

Luego señala el periódico: "Los comentarios de Posada sugieren que la promoción que la Fundación hace en público de que lleva a cabo una oposición estrictamente no violenta contra Castro, fue una ficción
cuidadosamente elaborada. [...]"

"En las entrevistas y en su autobiografía, titulada Los caminos del guerrero, Posada dijo que había recibido apoyo financiero de Mas Canosa y de Feliciano Foyo, tesorero del grupo, así como de Alberto Hernández, sucesor de Mas como presidente.

"[...] En su autobiografía, Posada dijo que los líderes de la Fundación ayudaron a pagar sus gastos médicos y de subsistencia y su traslado de Venezuela a América Central después de su fuga de la cárcel en 1985.

"En ocasiones, dijo Posada, el efectivo era entregado desde Miami por otros exiliados, incluido Gaspar Jiménez, que estuvo encarcelado en México en relación con el asesinato en 1976 de un diplomático cubano en ese país. Jiménez es ahora empleado de la clínica médica que el doctor Hernández tiene en Miami, según empleados de la oficina de la clínica.
A continuación los autores de los artículos recuerdan:

"Cuando las bombas comenzaron a estallar en los hoteles cubanos, el Gobierno de ese país aseguró que los ataques habían sido organizados y pagados por exiliados que operaban desde Miami, afirmación que
reforzaron con la grabación en video de un agente que confesó haber realizado algunas de esas acciones.

"Hace poco, informaciones aparecidas en el Miami Herald y la prensa estatal cubana vincularon la operación con Posada. Sin embargo, él declaró al New York Times que las autoridades estadounidenses no habían hecho ningún esfuerzo por interrogarlo sobre el caso. Atribuyó en parte la falta de acción a su vieja relación con las agencias norteamericanas de inteligencia y los órganos encargados de hacer cumplir la ley.

"`Como pueden ver', dijo, `el FBI y la CIA no me molestan, y yo soy neutral con ellos. Siempre que puedo ayudarlos, lo hago.'"

El periódico señala que "Posada hizo declaraciones contradictorias respecto a sus contactos con las autoridades estadounidenses. Primero habló de sus sólidos lazos con las agencias de inteligencia de los Estados Unidos y de una íntima amistad con al menos dos oficiales activos del FBI, incluido, dijo, un importante oficial de la oficina en Washington. `Conozco a una persona de posición muy alta allí', declaró.

"Después pidió que esos comentarios fueran omitidos del artículo y dijo que hacía años que había tenido esas relaciones cercanas.

Un funcionario del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos declaró que la CIA no ha tenido relación con Posada `en décadas', y el FBI también negó sus aseveraciones. `El FBI no tiene ahora ni nunca hemos tenido una relación prolongada con Posada.' [...]

"Documentos desclasificados publicados en Washington por los Archivos de Seguridad Nacional apoyan la insinuación de Posada de que el FBI y la CIA tuvieron conocimiento detallado de sus operaciones contra Cuba desde principios de los sesenta hasta mediados de los setenta.

"G. Robert Blakey, asesor principal del Comité Especial sobre Asesinatos creado en 1978 por la Cámara de Representantes, manifestó que había revisado muchos de los expedientes secretos del FBI sobre los cubanos anticastristas a partir de 1978, y había observado muchos ejemplos en los que el Buró se había hecho de la vista gorda con relación a posibles violaciones de la ley. Como él mismo expresó: `Cuando leí algunas de aquellas cosas, y yo soy un viejo fiscal federal, pensé: ¿Por qué no se acusa a nadie por esto?'

"En cuanto a un punto Posada fue directo y no tuvo arrepentimientos: todavía insiste en tratar de matar a Castro y cree que la violencia es el mejor método para poner fin al comunismo en Cuba."

Al respecto el diario neoyorquino señala que "Posada admitió con orgullo haber sido el autor de los ataques con bombas a los hoteles realizados el pasado año", a los que calificó de "actos de guerra" destinados a privar a Cuba del turismo y las inversiones extranjeras. Y agregó que las bombas estaban dirigidas también "a sembrar la duda en el extranjero acerca de la estabilidad del régimen, a hacer que Cuba pensara que él tenía agentes en las fuerzas armadas y a estimular la oposición interna".

En cuanto a la muerte del turista italiano, Posada la calificó de "accidente fortuito". Dijo: "Ese italiano estaba sentado en el lugar equivocado en el momento equivocado." Añadió que "tenía la conciencia tranquila". El diario cita sus palabras textuales: "Duermo como un bebé."

Posada describió a Raúl Ernesto Cruz León, el ciudadano salvadoreño detenido por las autoridades cubanas como autor de varias de estas explosiones, como "un mercenario", y afirmó que Cruz León
"estaba trabajando para él, pero dijo que `tal vez otra docena' que respondía a él permanecía en libertad".

Posada declaró al periódico que "los atentados a los hoteles fueron organizados desde El Salvador y Guatemala. Los explosivos se obtuvieron mediante sus contactos en esos países, y subordinados suyos reclutaron a su vez a correos como Cruz León para que llevaran los explosivos a Cuba y los hicieran detonar en objetivos cuidadosamente seleccionados."

Más adelante el New York Times recoge lo siguiente: "Posada dijo que Mas Canosa sabía muy bien que él estaba detrás de los sabotajes con bombas efectuados en los hoteles el año pasado."

Posada reconoció que tiene no menos de cuatro pasaportes de varias nacionalidades y con diferentes nombres. Admitió también que tiene un pasaporte norteamericano, pero no habló de cómo lo había obtenido ni reveló el nombre que usaba en ese pasaporte, diciendo solo que lo usa ocasionalmente para visitar los Estados Unidos "extraoficialmente".

En un segundo artículo publicado en esa misma edición del 12 de julio, el New York Times recoge las declaraciones de un hombre de negocios de origen cubano llamado Antonio Jorge Alvarez, residente en Guatemala, quien aseguró que había visto con creciente preocupación cómo dos de sus socios, actuando en coordinación con un individuo que resultó ser Luis Posada Carriles, compraban explosivos y detonadores y se felicitaban cada vez que una bomba estallaba en Cuba. Incluso llegó a escuchar a estas personas hablar del asesinato de Fidel Castro durante la conferencia cumbre iberoamericana de la isla Margarita.

Alvarez contó al periódico que alarmado, acudió a los oficiales de seguridad guatemaltecos. Cuando no respondieron, escribió una carta que a la larga llegó a las manos de oficiales del FBI de los Estados Unidos. Pero allí la carta despertó lo que Alvarez calificó de "una respuesta sorprendentemente indiferente".

Sobre este asunto, señala el diario, Posada expresó confianza en que el FBI no estuviera analizando sus operaciones en Guatemala, porque "la primera persona con la que querrían hablar sería conmigo".

En el artículo se refiere que Alvarez está disgustado. "`Yo creo que están todos confabulados, Posada y el FBI', dijo. `Arriesgué mi vida y mi negocio y ellos no hicieron nada.'"

Finalmente, en un artículo publicado el 13 de julio, el New York Times detalla la trayectoria anticubana de Luis Posada Carriles: integrante de una segunda ola de desembarcos durante la invasión por Playa Girón que no pudo entrar en acción, formación en técnicas de demolición, propaganda e inteligencia en una escuela de instrucción de la CIA en Fort Benning, participación en planes y acciones encubiertas contra Cuba en las décadas del 60 y 70 organizados por la CIA desde territorio de los Estados Unidos y de otros países del hemisferio, el ya mencionado sabotaje del avión cubano en Barbados, el trabajo junto a otro connotado agente de la CIA de origen cubano, Félix Rodríguez, en la operación secreta de abastecimiento de la contra nicaragüense, la organización desde territorio centroamericano de nuevas operaciones anticubanas a finales de los años 80, entre otras de sus contribuciones a la guerra sucia contra nuestro país.

El periódico cita a Posada:

"La CIA nos enseñó de todo, de todo. Nos enseñó sobre explosivos, asesinatos, bombas, sabotajes. Cuando los cubanos trabajaban para la CIA, se les llamaba patriotas."

Numerosos medios de prensa norteamericanos y de otros países se han hecho eco de estos artículos del New York Times y han comentado la significación de las revelaciones contenidas en ellos. La Fundación Nacional Cubano Americana ha negado las acusaciones, y el propio Posada Carriles ha intentado retractarse. Sin embargo, el New York Times sostiene la veracidad de sus artículos. Como ha llamado la atención un portavoz del periódico, las conversaciones grabadas con Posada existen y están en su poder.



Model letter to Janet Reno supporting an investigation

Please forward all responses to CAAEF at: or see P/F info at end of letter.

I hope many of you will agree to have your name or organization on the letter. Many of us are working hard at keeping this issue alive inside Washington. This is one step - please stay posted for more to come.

Please pass this to others you think will sign on. Note the deadline to have your information in is 11 p.m. on Monday, 20th. The letter will be hand-delivered on Tuesday, 21st July.

You are also encouraged to send your own letter, however we would like to get a good showing of solidarity from our communities.

Thank you all for your support!



Send a message: "YES add my name __________ and organization ____________ to the Janet Reno letter." Call 202-543-6780 or fax your OK to 202-543-6434 or simply respond by e-mail to NO LATER THAN MONDAY JUNE 20 at 11 PM!!

July **, 1998

The Honorable Janet Reno
Attorney General of the United States
U.S. Department of Justice
Constitution Avenue and 10th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530

Dear Attorney General Reno:

We are writing as members of the Cuban American Community to express our deep concern about recent news reports of financial links between people living in the U.S. and Luis Posada Carriles, the alleged mastermind of a series of bombings targeting Cuban hotels, restaurants and night clubs last year. In total, 12 bombings occurred in Cuba between April and September 1997. On September 4, 1997, a bomb exploded at the Copacabana Hotel, claiming the life of Fabio di Celmo, an Italian citizen. We request a full investigation of these reports, and if warranted, the prosecution of those involved in violations of U.S. law.

According to the New York Times, Posada Carriles admitted to receiving financial support for acts of international terrorism over the course of several years from the late Jorge Mas Canosa, founder and long-time Chairman of the Cuban American National Foundation(CANF).  Additionally, the New York Times claims to be in possession of independent evidence that indicates that financial support for the specific purpose of planting bombs in Cuba last summer came from a number of other individuals within the United States.

We are particularly disturbed by reports that the FBI responded indifferently to credible evidence of the involvement of American citizens when it was presented to them by a Cuban American businessman based in Guatemala at the time of the bombings. We believe that had such evidence come to your attention, it may have helped avert the injuries and loss of life caused by the bombings. 

These revelations follow on the heels of an apparent foiled assassination attempt against Fidel Castro by several Cuban Americans who were arrested by the U.S. Coast Guard off the coast of Puerto Rico in October of last year. Recent media stories have reported that one of the rifles found aboard the cabin cruiser La Esperanza, which was owned by a member of the Executive Board of CANF, was registered to the President of CANF.  As Cuban Americans, we share a great concern for the situation of our loved ones on the island. However, we strongly oppose the use of violence as a means of demonstrating political opposition. Regardless of the nature of the Cuban government, we can not condone actions that violate international and U.S. law, and most importantly, place our loved ones in danger.

We have committed ourselves to the humanitarian cause of reconciliation between Cubans in exile and our brothers and sisters on the island. We disapprove of any person who from U.S. soil conducts or finances acts of violence against Cubans or Cuban Americans.

We call on you to do all in your power to investigate and prosecute any person under U.S. jurisdiction that is found to be involved in acts of violence against the Cuban state and people. Further, we call on you to condemn in the strongest terms the use of terror to achieve political goals.

We look forward to further contact with you on this issue.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* CAAEF (East Coast) CAAEF (West Coast)
* 614 Maryland Ave., NE, #2 3161 Bridle Dr.
* Washington, DC 20002 Hayward, CA 94541
* Tel(202)543-6780 e-mail: Tel(510)538-9694
* Fax(202)543-6434 WebPage: Fax(510)538-9614
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Links to resources on Coca Contra

Powderburns; Cocaine, Contras and the Drug War
by Celerino III Castillo. To purchase ==>

Very readable account of the Contra resupply effort and the role of Cuban Americans among others.


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